Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto RZT Series del fabbricante MTD
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MTD LL C, P .O. BO X 36 1 1 3 1 CLEVEL AND, OHIO 44 1 3 6 - 001 9 Print ed In US A Safe Ope ration Practices • Set- Up • Operation • M aintenance • Ser vice • T roubl eshooting • Warranty W ARNING READ AND FOL LO W AL L SAF ET Y RULES A ND INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANU AL BEFORE A T TEMPTING TO OP ER A TE THIS MA CHINE .
Customer Support Please do NOT return the machi ne to the retailer or de aler without f irst contac ting our Customer Su ppor t Dep artme nt. If y ou ha ve diff icu lty as semb ling th is p rodu ct or hav e an y qu estio ns rega rdin g t he c on trol s, o perat ion, or m ain ten anc e o f th is m ach ine , y ou ca n see k hel p fr om t he experts.
Im por tan t Safe Op era tio n Pra c tic es 2 3 General Operation Read , unders tand, a nd follow al l instruc tions on t he machine a nd in the manua l(s ) before at temptin g to assemb le and op erate. Keep this m anual in a saf e place for future a nd regula r referen ce and for orde ring rep lacement par ts .
4 s ecti On 2 — i MpO rt ant s afe O per a tiOn p ract ices A missing or d amaged d ischarge cover can c ause blad e contac t or thrown o bjec t injuries . Stop the blad e(s ) when crossin g gravel drives , walk s, or roads an d while not cut ting g rass.
5 s ecti On 2 — i MpO rt ant s afe O per a tiOn p ract ices Children T ragic accide nts can o ccur if the ope rator is not ale rt to th e prese nce of children . Children are o fte n attra cted to th e machine a nd the mowing a cti vit y . They do n ot under stand the dang ers.
6 s ecti On 2 — i MpO rt ant s afe O per a tiOn p ract ices Check the b lade(s) and engine m ounting bo lts at fre quent inter vals for p roper ti ghtness. Als o, visually insp ec t blade (s ) for dama ge (e.g., excessive wear, bent, cra cked). Repla ce the bla de(s ) with the o riginal e quipment ma nufac turer ’ s (O .
7 s ecti On 2 — s afe O peratiOn p racti ces Sight and hold this level with a vertical tree... or a corner of a building... or a fence post Fold along dotted line (represents a 15° slope) 15° Use this page as a guide to determine slopes where you may n ot operate safely .
Assem bly & Set -Up 3 8 TRACTO R PRE P A RA TIO N Remove the upper crating material from the shipping pallet, and cut any bands or tie straps s ecuring the trac tor to the pallet.
9 s ecti On 2 — a sseMb l y & s et -u p Slide the f lat washer onto the hex screw . F rom the outside, inser t the hex screw w/washer through the control lev er slot and the hol e of the pivot bracket. Secure with the f lange lock nut. Se e Figure 3-3 .
C ont rols a nd F ea ture s 4 1 0 Figure 4 - 1 Deck Height Inde x Deck Lif t Handle RH and LH Drive Control Lev ers Ignition Switch PTO S witch T r ansmis sion By pass Rod (Not Shown ) Cup Holder A.
1 1 s ecti On 4 — c OntrOls an d f eatures Each lever controls the re spe ctive RH or LH transmission. Consequently , these levers control all of the mov ements of the trac tor . Driving and steering utilizing these control levers is quite dif ferent from con ventional trac tors, and will take some prac tice to master .
1 2 s ectiOn 4 — c Ontr Ols and f ea tur es M. Th rott le C ontrol The throttle control is located on the LH console to the lef t of the ope rator’ s seat. When set in a gi ven position, a uniform engine sp eed will be maintain ed. Refer to Figure 4 -5.
Opera ti on 5 1 3 General Safety RECEIVE INSTRUC TION - Entirely read this operator ’ s manual. Learn to operate this machine SAF EL Y . Do not risk INJURY or DEA TH. Allow only those who have become competent in its us age to operate this tractor .
1 4 s ectiOn 5 — O pe ra tiO n The safet y interlock sys tem will shut of f the engine if the operator leaves the seat with the PTO engaged, regardless of whether the park ing brake is engaged . NOTE: The PTO switch m ust be moved to t he “OFF” position t o restart the engine.
1 5 s ecti On 5 — O per a tiOn Start the disab led trac tor following the normal star ting instruc tions previously provided; then disconnec t the jumper cab les in the exac t rev erse o rder of their connec tion. Have the tractor’s elec trical system checked and repaired as soon as p ossible to eliminate t he nee d for jump star ting.
1 6 s ectiO n 5— O peratiOn IMP ORT ANT : Alway s maintain your gr asp on the driv e contr ol levers. Do not release the levers to s low the tractor or to return t o neutral . T urning the T rac tor While D riving For ward W ARN ING !: When reversing the direc tion of travel, we rec ommen d per forming gradual ‘ U’ turns where possible.
1 7 s ectiOn 5 — O peratiOn T o tur n to the right while tra veling in reverse, move the right drive contr ol lever for ward of the lef t lever . See Figure 5- 8. Figure 5 -8 The greater the fore -to-af t distan ce between the t wo levers, the sharper the tr actor will turn.
1 8 s ectiO n 5— O peratiOn Operating The PT O Oper at e the PTO clutch as follows : Move the thro t tle control lev er to approximately the mid throttle p osition. Pull the PTO switch upwar d to the “ENGAGED” position. Advance the throttle lever to the operating spee d ( full engine spe ed).
1 9 s ecti On 5 — O per a tiOn Installing Mulchi ng Plug ( I F EQU IP PE D ) W ARN ING !: Before inst alling the mulching plug, place the PTO switch in the “OFF ” position, engag e the parking brake, turn the ignition key to the “OF F” position and remove the key from the switch to a void accidental star ting and injur y .
Ma in te na nce & A d justm ents 6 20 Maintenance W ARN ING ! Before per formin g an y maintenance or repairs, disengage the P T O, move the drive c ontrol levers fully out ward in the neutral position, engage the par king brake, stop the engine and remove the key t o prevent unintended star ting.
2 1 s ecti On 6 — M ainten ance & a djustMent s Batter y Main tenance The bat tery is f illed w ith batter y acid and then sealed at the fac tory. How ever , even a “ maintenanc e free ” batter y requires som e maint enance to ensure its proper li fe cycle.
22 s ectiO n 6 — M aintenan ce & a djustMents Figure 6 -3 Repeat the above procedure to engage the other bypass rod on the other side of the trac tor . Af ter moving the tractor , disengage b oth bypass rods. Lif t the rod and guide the f lange of the rod back through the larger circular opening of the keyhole, then release the rod.
23 s ecti On 6 — M ainten ance & a djustMent s Remo ving The T ractor F rom Stora ge Check the engine oil. Fully ch arge the bat tery and i nflate the tires to the recommended p ress ure. If drained b efore storing, f ill the fuel t ank with clean, fresh gasoline.
24 s ectiO n 6 — M aintenan ce & a djustMent s Lev eling the Mow er Deck When correc tly adjusted the mower deck should be level side to side, and the front of the deck should be approximately 1 /4 inch low er than the rear of deck . NOTE : Check the tractor’s tir e pressur e before per forming any deck leveling adjustmen ts.
25 s ectiO n 6 — M aintenan ce & a djustMents Inser t the shoulder screw into the one of four index holes in the front gauge whe el bracket that will give the gauge wheel a 1 / 4 to 1 /2 inch clearance with the ground.
Ser vic e 7 26 Voltme ter Read ing State of Char ge Char gin g Tim e 1 2.7 1 00% Ful l Charge 1 2.4 7 5% 90 Min. 1 2. 2 50% 1 80 Min. 1 2.0 25 % 280 Min. Ser vicing Elec trical System A fuse is installe d to prot ec t the trac tor’ s elec trical sys tem from damage cause d by exc essive amperage.
27 s ecti On 7 — s ervice Working from the middle of the trac tor , pivot the idler bracket and movable idle r pulley rearward away from the back side of the ‘ V” b elt just far enough to lif t the belt up and over the idler pulley. See Figure 7 - 3.
28 s ecti On 7 — s ervice Using the idle r pulley to tension the be lt. Using the deck lif t handle, raise the deck to the position that provides the most horizontal run o f the belt b etwee n the deck idler pulleys and the PTO pulley on the bot tom of the engine.
29 s ec tiOn 7 — s e rvice Mow er Blade Care W ARN ING !: Before p er forming any maintenance , place the PTO switch in the “OFF ” position, eng age the parking br ake lev er , turn the ignition key to the “OF F” position and remove the ke y from the sw itc h.
30 s ecti On 7 — s ervice T ra c tor Creeping Creeping is the slight for ward or back ward movement of the trac tor when the engine is running at high idle and the drive control lev ers are op ened out in the neutral p osition.
Pr oblem Ca use Remedy Engin e fails to start PTO /Blade Engage knob eng aged. Parking brake not engaged. Drive con trol le vers not ful ly outward in neutral posit ion. Spark plug w ire( s ) disc onnected. Throttle cont rol le ver not in corr ect starting positi on.
C omponen t Pa r t Num ber and Desc ript ion 7 5 9 -3 33 6 Spark Plug ( Champion RC1 2Y C) BS- 698083 Brig gs & S trat ton Air F ilter Element BS- 697 0 1 5 Precleaner BS- 49 29 32S Briggs & S.
Phone (80 0) 800 -7 3 1 0 to order re placement p ar ts or a comp lete Par ts Manu al (have your full mo del numb er and se rial numb er ready). Par ts Manua l downloa ds are also avail able fre e of charge at w w w.
The fo llowing at tach ments and a ccessories are com patible wi th your MTD R ZT t rac tor . an author ized MTD S er vice Deal er or pho ne (800) 80 0 - 73 1 0 for inform ation regard ing price an d availabili ty.
CALI FORN IA EM I SSI ON C ONT ROL WARRA NT Y ST A TEM ENT YOUR W ARR AN T Y RI GHT S AND O BLI GA TI ONS The Ca liforn ia Air Res ource s Board a nd MTD Co nsumer G roup In c are plea sed to expl ain the evap orati ve emiss ion co ntrol syste m warrant y on your 20 07 lawn mower.
MANUF A CTURER’S LIMITED W ARRANTY FOR GDO C - 100 015 RE V . B Th e limi te d war r ant y se t for th b elo w is gi ven b y MT D LLC w i th re spe c t to new m erc ha ndis e pur cha se d and u sed .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il MTD RZT Series è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del MTD RZT Series - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso MTD RZT Series imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul MTD RZT Series ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il MTD RZT Series, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del MTD RZT Series.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il MTD RZT Series. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo MTD RZT Series insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.