Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Prophet V del fabbricante Arturia
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ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 2 PROGRAM MING : Fabrice Bou rgeoi s Jean–Mi chel Bla nchet Nicol as Bronnec Gavin Bu rke Xavier Oudi n Vin cent Travagli ni MANUAL : Jean–Mi chel Bla nchet (French.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 3 T T h h a a n n k k y y o o u u f f o o r r p p u u r r c c h h a a s s i i n n g g t t h h e e A A R R T T U U R R I I A A ’ ’ s s P P R R O O P P H H E E T T V .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 4 1 Introduction 7 1.1 Prophet His tory ... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... .. 7 1.2 TAE® ... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 5 5.1.7 WHEEL- MOD ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ....... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ... 5 2 5.1.8 POLY MOD .......... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... ......
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 6 8.2 VST ....... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... .... 110 8.2.1 Installation .. ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 7 1 Introduction 1.1 Prophet Hi story Prophet 5: "In 1978 Sequential Circuits co nsisted of Dave Smith, former Mo og clinician J ohn Bowen, and businesswoma n Ba rb Fair hurst.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 8 If there wa s a singl e feat ure tha t d efined the Prop het s ound, i t w as t he po ly-mod section , whi ch enabled yo u to us e the f ilter envelope an d osc 2 to mo dulate t he freq uency of osc 1, the pulse- width of osc 1 and/o r the filter cuto ff frequency.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 9 1.2.1 A liasing-free os cillators Standard digital sy nthesizers produce aliasing i n high frequencies , and a lso whe n using Pulse Width Mod ulation or FM . TAE ® a llows the pro duction o f totally aliasi ng-free osci llators in all contex ts (PWM, FM…) , an d at no extra CPU cost.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 10 Temporal representation of a “saw t ooth” waveform of th e original Prophet 5.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 11 Temporal representation of a P rophet V “saw tooth” w aveform reproduced by T AE What’s more, t he original analog oscillators were unstable. In fact, th eir waveform varied slightly f rom one period to a nother.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 12 Comparison of Harmonics gen erated by th e filter circuits of the Prophet V and Prophet 5 when in self oscillation.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 13 2 Inst allation 2.1 Notes about USB key p rotectio n and the inst allatio n: The Prophet V a pplicatio n is delivered w ith a USB k ey, also cal led <<dongl e>>. This key conta ins your PROPH ET V license and a uthorizes t he sof tware to f unction .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 14 Choose the Installation Folder Next, select the proto col(s) that yo u wish to instal l. The ava ilable optio ns are: • The VST pl ug-in • The DXi plug -in • The RTAS p lug-in Choose your protocol For more info rmation on thos e protocols, pl ease se e to chapte r 8 of this manual.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 15 Select installation fold er for plug-ins A di alogue box will ask you if yo u wish to have a s hortcut on your desktop . This wi ll g ive you access to the standa lone applicat ion. Shortcut to your desktop The installati on program w ill then ask to inst all the S yncrosoft drive rs.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 16 Next, the installati on program proc eeds with insta llatio n of the Syncrosoft USB key drive r and Licens e Control C enter. I n order to do this, it will execute th e available Syncroso ft installer of t he CD-Rom .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 17 Choice of installation disc Prophet V will a utomatica lly ins tall as a st andalon e application (functi oning indepen dently and apart from a ny sequ encer host). In the same way , a ll t he ava ilable protocols (VST, Au dio Unit and RTAS/H TDM) will be inst alled.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 18 3 Quick St art This chapter will familiariz e yo u with the g eneral principles of the Prophet V and how it wo rks. In this chap ter yo u will fin d ba sic examples of the di fferent i nterfac es of the synthesize r meant for fi rst time users.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 19 In the Prop het V, a preset contains all the paramet er s ettings of the synth esizer and various real-time co ntrollers (ex: v elocity, af tertouch, pitc h-bend) as we ll as t he effect s (delay, chor us) necessary to reproduc e the s ound.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 20 Change the b rightness of the sound In the same way, you ca n increase the range o f the oscillato r A by a n octav e by turning “Frequency” knob to t he right.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 21 3.2 Three Int erfaces in the Proph et V The Prophet V offers th ree princi pal interfa ces: In the firs t interface , the Prophet 5, you can find al l t he features of the orig inal Prophet 5 .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 22 In order to unde rstand t he princi pal prog ramming o f the Prophet V, we wi ll sta rt with a very simple so und.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 23 Increase the resonance value Change the attack tim e of this envelope s o that the bright ness o f the sound w ill increa se as you press ea ch not e. Decrease the attack width In the sa me w ay, change the deca y time value.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 24 Don’t forget to sav e your work. 3.3.1 Prop het VS and t he conce pt of Vecto r Synthes is (VS) With the « Prophet VS » section, you have ac cess to a wave-table synt hesizer whic h offers several diverse functions extending the playing and synthesi s po ssibiliti es.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 25 The Prophet VS osci llators and the mixing joystic k 3.3.2 Qui ckly create ev olving p ad sounds wi th the Pr ophe t VS: Click on t he « ProVS » icon to load the P rophet VS i nterface Click on the P ro.VS icon Begin by c hoosi ng a different wav e-form for each of the 4 oscillators.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 26 move the joyst ick Let’s see how t o apply an enve lope to auto mate the mov ements of th e joystick . Start by clicking o n t he “Env elopes” opti on in t he LC D screen fou nd on t he right -hand side of the Prophet VS.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 27 Place the joystic k at point “A” In the same way, place the joystick to the “ 1” posi tion. To do this, m ove it to point “B” corresponding to the B oscillator . Point “B” s hould be at the 100 value, an d the oth er points (A, C, a nd D) sho uld be at the 0 va lue.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 28 Place the joystic k at its position“3” Finally, place t he joystick in i ts po sition “4” . Move it, for example , to the central point corresponding t o the mix of t he 4 oscillat ors.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 29 Turn the “1” knob Turn th e “ 2” knob to contro l the time between the “1 ” and the “2” points. Choos e, for example, a va lue aroun d 15 00 ms. Turn the “2” knob Turn the “3” knob of the envelo pe to co ntrol the time between the “ 2” po int and th e “3” point.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 30 When you play a not e, you can hear t he effec t that the auto mation has on t he mi xing of t he four oscillators. It i s a lso pos sible to a dd a loop between the “0” p oint and the “3” point and to choose the number of repetitions b etween the differ ent points.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 31 Click on the “Env elopes” button Leave the “0 ” point at its initia l position (it co rrespo nds to the initi al level of the volum e). Move the “1” poi nt to the right corresponding to th e attack tim e.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 32 To end, add a modulatio n of the fi lter cut fr equency by one of t he two LFO s of t he Prophet VS . Click on the “Mo dulatio ns” butto n o n t he right -hand s creen of the Prophet VS to make the modulation matrix app ear.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 33 Choose the preset “Pro phet 5 /Pad/Full_ Pad” in t he list o f presets. Now, to enrich the sound, add a fourth oscillator. Ope n the a udio connect ion matrix by clicking on t he o ption “ Audio” s ituated on th e s cree n yo u find at t he right- hand section of the Prophet VS i nterfa ce.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 34 Change the w ave-form of this oscillator Careful! On ly four oscillator sources are available in the “Hybrid” interface. This means that it will not be possible to activate the four oscillat ors of the Prophet V S if one of the oscillators of the P rophet 5 is active.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 35 To open it, push on the “Ef fects” butto n found o n th e too l bar, in th e upper ri ght-hand co rner of the Prophet VS i nterfa ce. Push the « open Effect s » button 3.5.1 Chorus The Chorus permit s you to doub le and d etune yo ur soun d in ord er to ma ke it d eeper a nd live lier.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 36 Finally, set t he depth of the chorus by turning t he « D epth » k nob. Set the depth of t he chorus You have the choi ce between th ree types of cho rus : Cho rus 1, 2, and 3.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 37 It is also possible to set the n umber of repetitions f or each s ide (“Feedb. Ri ght” and “Feedb. L eft”) 3.6 Real time Co ntrollers and assign ing them to M IDI As in the great sounds that yo u know and love, the Prop het V is particularly a dapted to playing in real ti me.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 38 4 Princip al Element s of the Interface 4.1 Too l Bar The tool bar consists of an ensemble of essential icons fo r t he Prophet V organi zed f rom left to right allowi ng you to: • Save your presets • Access drop m enus o ffering cho ices of banks /sub-ba nks a nd presets .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 39 4.2.1 Choi ce of a b ank, sub-ban k, prese t The ba nk, su b-bank a nd preset in use by the Prophet V are perma nently displayed in the synthesizer too l bar.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 40 Choice of a preset in another main bank In the « BANK» drop- down menu, the «All» opti on a llo ws yo u to o pen a sub-list with all of the sub-banks ava ilable in a ll of the banks.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 41 4.2.2 Creati on of a b ank, sub- bank, prese t To create a new bank, click on t he button . The drop-down menu displays th e names of all of the existi ng banks of sounds, and a line called «New bank ...». Click on « New ban k.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 42 When you click on this b utton, a wi ndow wi ll a ppear allowing yo u to choo se the pr eset bank fil e for the Prophet V (.minibank extensi on). Choose the file that you want to import, and click on «Open». T he new bank o f prese ts will auto matically a ppear among the avai lable banks .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 43 4.3.2 Switc hes There are several types of switches on the Prophet V. C ertain o nes activate/deacti vate a parameter (activatio n of a wavefo rm on t he Pro phet 5 f or exampl e). A red led indica tor on the switch show s that the pa ramete r is active.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 44 4.3.4 Vi rtual keybo ard The keyboard lets you listen to the sy nthesizer so un ds without the n eed for an exter nal master MIDI keyboard, and wit hout programmi ng a melody in the sequenc er. Just click on a virtual key to hear the correspondi ng s ound.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 45 Interrupter Panel of the mixer envelope 4.3.6 LC D Screen The LCD screen, fou nd to the rig ht of th e Proph et V S interfac e, gives access to g raphic editi on of t he three envelop es, the modulati on mat rix, pla ying mode (Proph et VS only), and t he ef fects.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 46 Midi configu ration window of a knob 4.3.8 The Preferen ces Screen On this scree n you can : • Read the vers ion of th e softwa re • Read the cr edits • Activa.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 47 5 The Modules The Prop het V is composed o f three pa rts: the Prophet 5 interface, the Prophet VS, an d a combinatio n of the two called Hy brid. The Pro phet 5 uses a classic subtract ive synthesis structure while the Prop het VS employs a less used synthes is technique called wave-tab le or vecto r synthesi s.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 48 • 1 LFO (low fr equency os cilla tor) • 1 polyphonic modulatio n section (Poly MOD) dedica ted to high frequency modulation (FM) • 1 monophonic modulat ion secti on (WHEEL M OD) de dicat ed to the LFO 5.1.1 OSCIL LATORS There are two oscillat ors.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 49 • Triangle • Square PW : knob setting t he pulse width si gnals for the sa w, square , and triangle wave- forms KBD : connectio n buttons a ctivating t he keyboar d Notice: by turning on the “LO FREQ” button, the oscillator B will ask less CPU power of your computer.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 50 5.1.2 MIXER The mixer allows you to set and mix the volume of oscillators A and B as well as the volume of the white noise modu le.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 51 Low pass filter 24dB/o ctave slope The Prophet 5 em ploys a low pass 2 4dB filter. It elimi nates the f requencies found abo ve the cut-off freq uency. The reso nance amplif ies the f requencies close to t he cut -off frequency .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 52 key on t he keyboa rd) the e nvelope begi ns the s equen ce begin ning with “Attack”, the n “Decay” , and stays in the “ Sustain” as lo ng a s the note is a ctiv e. W hen the no te i s releas ed t he envelop e finishes wi th the “Rel ease” paramet er.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 53 • Frequency of oscillator B (« F REQ B ») • Squared widt h of osci llator A (« PW A ») • Squared widt h of osci llator B (« PW B ») • Frequency of cut-off f ilter (« F ILTER ») Destination Connect ion 5.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 54 • To deactivat e the note release (“R ELEASE”) . When a k ey on the keyboard is released, t he s ound is immedia tely in terrupted and does not follow the r eleas e phase that i s programm ed. • To rel ease the hold continuing the no te (“HOLD”).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 55 Notice! The detuning knob for p olyphonic voices i s very usefu l for detun ing the notes in “Unison” mode. T his spreads the effect of the sound (a bit li ke the chorus does).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 56 Prophet VS Le PROPH ET VS is mad e up o f: • 4 oscillato rs (« OSCILLA TORS A, B, C et D») using wav e tabl e synthesis • 1 mi xer and s ound envelop e fo r au.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 57 SHAPE : selection sc reen for wa ve-forms Oscillators Choice of Wave-forms 5.2.2 MIXER The mi xer l ets yo u m ix t he four os cillators in orde r to enrich and develop the soun d.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 58 5.2.3 MIXER The mi x can also be dy namica lly auto mated by a n e nvelo pe d efining four perio ds, each o f which corresponds to a posi tion to which the joystick can be prog rammed .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 59 Filter Module Low Pass Filter 24dB /o ctav e slope (LP F ilter) The low pass filter 24 dB na tive to the Prophet VS .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 60 Band Pass Fi lter (BP Filt er) The band pass filter is the co mbination of a 12 dB/octave low pa ss filter and a high pass filter: it eliminates the fre quencie s f ound on either s ide o f the cut-of f freq uency. Use it to make a certain band of frequencie s that you wish to emphasi ze a ppear.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 61 The graphic editing a ppears on the LCD s creen foun d to the right of the PROP HET VS. The filter e nvelope is compos ed of 5 po ints ranging f rom 0 (initial level) t o 4 (e nd of t he release). A single pa ramete r is offered for po int 0 (Level).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 62 Amplifier 5.2.7 ENVEL OPE AMPLI FIER The a mplit ude envelope c an be edited by the “ Edit” button found in the E nvelope zone fou nd under the Am plifier mo dule. The editing g raphics ap pear on th e LCD sc reen found to the rig ht of the Prophet VS.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 63 RATE : knob sett ing the LFO rate WAVE : scr een for choos ing the 5 wave f orms: • Triangle • Square • Saw Toot h • Inversed Saw to oth • Random The LFOs 5.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 65 5.2.10 C horus and De lay Effe cts The Prophet V offers tw o additional effects : a choru s and stereo delay that pe rmit you to add color and spa ce to yo ur soun d. The effects can be a ccessed by clicking on the “EFF ECTS” tab found in the ri ght ha nd section o f the Pro phet VS .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 66 DRY/WET : Balance betw een the s ound with and wit hout effect s SYNC : selection button to s ynchroni ze MIDI tempo The delay 5.2.11 P laying cont rols This pag e giv es access to g lobal setting s of the Pr ophet VS (gen eral vol ume, gen eral t uning, glide, unison…).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 67 Playing Modes 5.2.12 Whe els PITCH : control w heel for the pitch of the four os cillato rs MOD : cont rol wheel fo r modu lation Remember, no modula tion wi ll be audible wi th a m odulation wheel if this is not connected to a destination in the modulation matrix.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 68 Hybrid interface 5.3.1 A udio Conne ction Matrix The a udio con nection mat rix, as its name indicat es, routes the sound si gnal between diff erent modules of the two s ynthesi zers (oscillato rs to the filters, fil ters to t he audio o utput).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 69 Connection t o the Oscillator to source A Connection o f the two ty pes o f filters: The o utput sourc es o f o scillators A, B, C, and D ca n be connect ed to th e tw o ava ilable fi lters.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 70 5.3.2 Modul ation Matrix Contrary to the mo dulatio n ma trix of the Prop het VS that we ha ve p reviously seen, here all t he individual connections of the Prophet 5 will b e equ ally availabl e and conn ectable to t he parameters o f the Pro phet V S.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 72 6 The basics of subtractive sy nt hesis Subtractiv e s ynthesis appeare d a t the end of the 19 60’s, giving birth to the f irst analog synthesizers : M oog, Seq uential Circ uits (th e P rophet Series), ARP, EM S, Ober heim, Rolan d (SH or Jupiter series), Yamaha (C S s eries) and Korg (MS an d PS s eries) .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 73 Oscillator Sect ion on the Prophet VS The main os cillator s ettings a re: The pitc h deter mined by the o scillatio n freque ncy.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 74 oscillator is often s et an octave be low that of the saw tooth), wood sounds (clarinet, if t he square si gnal is a little filte red), et c.… • The triangl e can b e consid ered like a very filtered (and soft) square sig nal.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 75 PWM ( P ulse W i dth M o dulati on) is a setting that al lows yo u to mo dify t he wavefo rm cycle (or wave lengt h). This can be done man ually with the he lp of a knob « PW » or by m odulation (wit h an en velope or LF O).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 76 In the above image, oscillator2 is synchronized with th e first and tuned to with doub le the tonality. The resulting waveform is uniq ue in that it cannot be c reated by standard synthesis tec hniques such as layering or filtering.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 77 In the Prophet 5 section, you will find the noise generator among the volume sett i ngs of the “mixer”. The Prophet 5 noise generator 6.1.2 The Mixer The audio sig nal generate d by an os cillator (the wa vef orm) is genera lly directe d towards a f ilter module ( Vo ltage Contr olled Fi lter ).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 78 The Mixer of the P rophet VS and its envelope 6.1.3 The filter or VC F The a udio signal generated by an osci llator (the wa ve form) is next genera lly di rected to a fi lter module or VCF ( Vo ltage Co ntrolled Fi lter ).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 79 Depending on the setting we wi ll h ear th e sound b eco ming mo re or less «brilliant», mo re or l ess «dampened» . This is the type of filtering that y ou will find mor e o ften than no t on synthesi zers that us e subtractive sy nthesis .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 80 Band Pass Filter Notch The “ Notch” is opposite to that of the pass band fi lter. It elimina tes the fre quencies insid e a band of fr equencies. The resona nce allows yo u to accentuate t he sag o f a b and of frequ encies.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 81 The resonance amplifies frequenc ies close to the cut- off frequency With a high resonanc e lev el, the f ilter wil l begin to prod uce a so und clos e to a sine wa veform.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 82 6.2 Other mod ules 6.2.1 The keyboard If w e st op here, the sound that you will obtain wi ll be uniform, witho ut life and w ithout an end!! The oscillator delivers a sound s ignal (the a udi o output of a w aveform) of a fixed pitch i n a continuous ma nner.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 83 The ADSR Envelope Both enve lopes of the Prophet VS conta in 5 points n umbered 0 to 4 . The 0 co rrespo nds to t he initial l evel of the pa rameter as sociat ed to the env elope. The Release co rrespo nds to point 4 .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 84 For exampl e: • If the sine w aveform of an LFO modulates the volum e of a n amplif ier, the sound will increase in volum e then disappear in a varying manner following the speed (the frequency ) of this LFO . This w ill produce a t remolo effect.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 85 6.3 Complement s to Wav etable S ynthesis Wave ta ble sy nthesis functions on the sa me p rinciple s as subtractive synthesis.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 86 7 A Few Element s of Sound Design Here ar e 5 examples meant to guid e you with yo ur s ound design in the PR OPHET V. T hese sounds are clas sed fro m the simpl est to the m ost co mplex, an d are org anized in three pa rts: • The F irst section will help you unders tand the s ynth esis of the P ROPEHT 5.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 87 Click on t he button o f oscillator A. Thi s represents the s aw tooth wave-form of o scillator A. When yo u hold a no te, the so und appears strong and bright . Click the “saw t ooth button” of oscillator A Do the same t hing wit h the (Ins ert Saw button ima ge) butto n of oscil lator B.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 88 This preset co nsists of: • 2 oscillato rs (the seco nd being i n low fre quencies) • Le mixer • The low pass resonati ng filter • The ADSR env elope co nnec.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 89 Increase t he reso nance of the same filt er (c hoose a value arou nd 3 .50). This will cause the filter to resonate a lmos t to the point of auto- oscillation .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 90 Set the s peed of the modula tion with the “RATE” kno b of the LFO. Choos e a value arou nd 3.00Hz. LFO Settings If y ou w ish to gi ve s pace to your sound, a dd a chor us eff ect. To do thi s, c lick on t he butto n “Chorus” then “Effect Edit” both fo und in the utility bar.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 91 Chorus Setting s You can now s ave you r preset s o that you ca n use it later. 7.3 Basic Pres et wit h the Prophet VS (Sweet Pad) In this example yo u will discover the basi cs o f sound programming on the Prophet V S.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 92 oscillator D. You can briefly review the different wa ve f orms to g ive yourself an idea of the differe nces betw een the soun ds they pro duce.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 93 The filter sett ings Let’s look at the settings o f the enve lopes. These s ettings w ill bring th e s ound o f your preset to life by modi fying the c utoff f requency of th e filter a nd the vo lume of th e amplifi er.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 94 Increase the LEVEL of p oint “0” Adjust the setti ngs ass ociated to poi nt “1”: Incre ase th e LEVEL to abo ut 70 and se t the RATE to about 140 0ms. T he cutof f freque ncy wi ll sof tly evolve c reating a bri ghter sou nd after thr ee seco nds.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 95 Set point “3” by i ncreas ing the LEV EL to 70 and t he RATE to abo ut 3 000ms . Poi nts 2 and 3 correspond to the level of stabilizati on o f t he cutoff f requency during the tim e a note is held. This is called t he SUSTAIN of the ADS R envelo p.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 96 Set the point “0” Set po int “ 1” at the maxi mum l evel and a RATE at 0. The a ttack of t he note w ill b e very short. Set point “1” Define the va lues asso ciated to points 2 and 3: l evel = 99 and rat e = 1000 ms.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 97 Adjust the settin g of point 4 To giv e more stereo space to yo ur sound, it i s possible to s et a panora mic value to each of the notes played . Click on t he “VOICE” panel ( found to th e right the “AMPLIFI ER” title) to select the polyphonic voic e 1.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 98 7.4 Preset using t he mod ulation matrix and the dynam ic mixing The followi ng exa mple wil l permit y ou to fami liarize yourself with usi ng the m odulatio n matri x and mixing the 4 oscillators. You will create a powerful monop honic lead preset wi th a kind of 80’s spiri t.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 99 • Point 3 (Osc A= 12%, Os c B= 1 6%, Osc C= 39%, Osc D= 30 %) • Point 4 (Osc A= 23%, Os c B= 2 8%, Osc C= 25%, Osc D= 22 %) Positioning of t he four points of the mixer 7.4.2 Mi xer envelope This env elope is completely n ew si nce it onl y shows the d uration s etting of each phase of th e mix.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 100 Final setting of the mix er’s envelope In order to hear the effect that the envelope has o n the m ix when you play a note, click on the ON button found in the envelope. Now, we wi ll define th e LOOP mod e of the mix envelo pe.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 101 Open the Modulati on Matrix Choose the so urce of the LFO1 on t he A , B, C and D oscillator freq uencies by clicking on the po ints fo rming t he i ntersectio n betw een t he so urce (“LFO1 ”) and th e four des tinations (“FREQ A, FREQ B FREQ C and FREQ D”).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 102 7.4.4 Playi ng mode i n Unison To give more intensity to your sound, we will apply the monophoni c playing mo de “UNISON”.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 103 Take 1.2 fo r exa mple (Pa d sound wit h FM o n the Prophet 5 ). You w ill us e thi s a s a base for t he following pr eset. Open the “Hy brid” int erface to have both s ynthesize rs o ne on top of the other.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 104 Activate oscillators C and D of the Prophet VS in the mixer Notice! It is not possible to co nnect more than 4 oscillators si multaneously. For example, you ca n only use 2 oscillator s of the Prophet VS if the 2 osc illators of the Prophet 5 are al ready active.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 105 Wave forms of oscillator C an d D Editing the FIL TER an d the AMPLIF IER: To edit the fi lter envelo p, click o n the “EDI T” butto n fo und in the g raphic rep resentatio n of the envelope.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 106 Finally, set point “ 4”: the LEVEL will remain at 0 and you will set the RATE to a bout 1500 ms. The sound vo lume wil l fall progr essively at the re lease of the no te.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 107 Delay Effect These diverse sonic examples , as yo u m ay ha ve noti ced, p resent very diff erent lev els of difficulty. We hop e t hat they p ermit you to dis cover a portion of t he pos sibilities that the Prophet V of fer.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 108 8 Modes of Operation 8.1 Stand-alone The Sta nd-Alone applica tion allows the use of the Prop het V o utside o f any hos t a pplication. You can op en one or sev eral instr uments, a nd play dire ctly with t he help of a master MIDI keyboard o r externa l sequencer o n a separat e comput er.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 109 • Audio p rotoco l (PC only) : Select the a udio protoco l t hat yo u wi sh to use. The ASIO driver offers some increased performan ces in relation to the Direct X drivers. • Audio d river: Here, se lect the driv er corr espondin g t o the s ound menu that you wish to use.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 110 To activate this function, select t he <<Split>> opt ion in the utility bar. Aft erwards , you can limit the keybo ard zo ne b y configuring the lo west note and the highest note correspo nding to the instrum ent.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 111 Under Mac OS X The VS T p lug-in is a utomatically install ed in the fold er of the system corres ponding t o th e V ST instruments : /L ibrary/Audi o/Plug-Ins/ VST/. The VS T plug-in wi ll be usabl e by all you r VST host applications.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 112 Connection of a MI DI track to Prophet V The ev ents play ed o n a MIDI k eyboard are recorded by y our host seq uencer, and no w you can use the MID I editing pos sibilities of the sequ encer to co ntrol any param eter wit h Prophet V .
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 113 8.3.2 Use in Logic Au dio Select an instrument t rack . On t he s lice of the mix er corr esponding to t he sel ected t rack, click on the b utton <<I/O>&g.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 114 8.3.3 Use in Digita l Performe r To add an instrument , cho ose the menu<< Project -> A dd Track -> Instrume nt Track -> Prophet V” Opening of Prophet V i n the Di gital Perfo rmer Once you hav e a dded this i nstrument , i t’s poss ible to as sign a MIDI track to i t.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 115 Connection to a MIDI c hannel So that Prophet V can play t he info rmation comi ng fro m a MIDI track, you have to associate it to a MIDI channel via the ap propriate menu . (See t he Pro Tools menu for mo re infor matio n on plug- in connection ).
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 116 installation. Onc e the i nstallation is finishe d, Pro phet V can b e used like a ny other D Xi instrument . 8.5.2 Opening the ins trument (Sonar) In the <<Inse rt>> men u, open t he sub-me nu <<DXi Sy nt h>> and cho ose Proph et V.
ARTURIA – PROPHET V - MANU AL 117 Save the pr esets When the sessi on is saved, the sta tus of Prophet V is sav ed as it is, even if the programmi ng corresponds to none of the presets.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Arturia Prophet V è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Arturia Prophet V - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Arturia Prophet V imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Arturia Prophet V ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Arturia Prophet V, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Arturia Prophet V.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Arturia Prophet V. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Arturia Prophet V insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.