Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto JUPITER-8V 2 del fabbricante Arturia
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ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 2 PROGRAMMI NG: Nicolas Bronne c Fabrice Bourge ois Gavin Burke Vincent Travaglini Jean–Mich el Blanchet Philippe Wi cker Cristi an Kreindler Damien Va nd.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 3 T T h h a a n n k k y y o o u u f f o o r r p p u u r r c c h h a a s s i i n n g g t t h h e e A A R R T T U U R R I I A A J J u u p p i i t t e e r r - .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 4 N N e e w w f f e e a a t t u u r r e e s s i i n n J J u u p p i i t t e e r r - - 8 8 V V 2 2 . . 0 0 If you already own Jupi ter-8V, versi on 2 inclu d.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 5 T T a a b b l l e e o o f f c c o o n n t t e e n n t t s s 1 INTRODUCT ION 8 1.1 Roland/ Jupiter-8 Story 8 1.2 TAE ® 12 1.2.1 Aliasin g-free oscillat ors 12 1.2.2 A better repr oduction of analog oscill ator waveforms 12 1.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 6 6.3.5 Modulati on button 54 6.3.6 Virtual keyboard 54 6.3.7 LCD Screen 54 6.3.8 MIDI Contr ol 55 6.3.9 The prefer ence screen 55 6.4 The Sound Ma p 56 6.4.1 The MAP mai n interface 57 6.4.2 The Sound Ma p overvi ew 58 6.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 7 9.2 Arpeggiated s ounds 103 9.3 A sequence wi th the Jup iter-8V 107 10 MODES OF OPERATION 111 10.1 Stand-al one 111 10.1.1 Launchi ng the Stand -alone appli cation 111 10.1.2 Preference C onfigurati on 111 10.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 8 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 R OLAND /J UPITER -8 S TORY The history of R oland is i ntimately tied to th e personal story of i ts founder, M r Ikutaro Kakehashi . When he was just 16 year s old , the y oung Mr K akehashi n oticed ther e was no wat ch or clock i ndustry in post-war Japan .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 9 In 1954 Mr Kakehashi o pened an e lectri cal goods and repair shop by the na me of “Kakehashi Musen”.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 10 By the end of the 1970s, R oland establish ed itself as a maj or manu facturer, and in 1981 Mr. Ikutar o Kakehashi open ed four ne w comp anies in th ree m onths. Rol and UK , Roland GmbH and Mu sitroni c AG in Switzerland .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 11 Costello, Tears for Fea rs, Huey Lewis an d the News, Journey, M oog Cookboo k, Yes, D evo, Freddy Fresh, Simple Min ds, Jan Hamme r, and BT. In th e earl y 80’s Rol and and Sequenti al Circuits combi ned for ces t o create the M IDI protocol .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 12 It was the introduction of COSM and th e “V” products in 1995 that set the future direction for Rol and. M r. Kakehash i an d hi s teams had r ecognized that digital signal processin g and physical modeli ng were th e futu re of th e electr onic au dio in dustry.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 13 Roland Jupiter 8 waveform, an d that of the Jupi ter-8V. They are both equall y deformed by the low-pass and hi gh-pass filt ering.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 14 What’s more, th e h ardwar e an alog oscill ators were unstabl e. In fact, thei r wa veform varies sli ghtly from one peri od to anothe r.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 15 2 INSTALLATION 2.1 N OTES ABOUT SOFTWARE P ROTECTION AND THE INSTALLATION Jupiter-8V2 inclu des the Soft-eLi censer protec tion system. C ompatibili ty with v1.0 USB- eLicenser d ongles i s carried on to v2.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 16 Choose the installation folder Next, select the applicati on or plug-ins that you wish t o install .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 17 Select installation folder for plug-ins Set up the p rogram’s sh ortcut in th e Start menu , or use the defau lt setting. Check or n ot to install an icon on your des ktop (di sabled by default).
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 18 2.3 M AC OS X I NSTALLATION If you purcha sed the B oxed version of the Jup iter-8V2, in sert t he CD-R OM into the drive. Explore th e cont ents o f the CD-R OM a nd doubl e cli ck on the i con call ed Jupiter-8V2.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 19 3 AUTHORIZATI ON Now that you r Jupiter-8V 2 has been in stalled, you need to a uthorize th e synthesi zer. This d oesn’t apply to owners of the Jupiter-8V previous version, who may use the software right away usin g their USB-eLicenser hardware dongle.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 20 If you already have an account, sim ply log i n: Once you are logg ed i nto your account, you can regi ster you r Ju piter-8V2 and request your activati on cod e.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 21 In th e form that appears, sel ect “Jup iter-8V” fr om the drop do wn menu, and type in your synthesi zer s erial number an d u nlock code (as wr.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 22 interface differs, and possibly also th e langua ge used. These little deta ils should n ot prevent you from understanding the full process. In the eL icense r Con trol Center mai n wi ndow you should see a “SeL” vi rtual dongle i nstalled onto yo ur compute r.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 23 Enter the activation code The eLicenser Con trol Cente r is now ready to down load the software licens e that will allow you to use J upiter-8V2. C lick on Start, t he prog ress bar shoul d anime until down load completi on.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 24 It’s now ti me to launch Ju piter-8V2..
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 25 4 QUICK START This chapter wi ll allow you to famili arize yours elf wi th the general functi oning of the Jupiter-8V.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 26 • “Whole”: al lows you to pl ay the “Upper” Program over the full range of the keyboard. These three m ethods allow y ou to create very rich soni c combinati ons. 4.2 U SING THE PRESETS 4.2.1 Selecting the presets The Jupit er-8V has two ki nds of presets: 4.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 27 To famili arize yourself wi th the different i ncluded sounds of Th e J upiter-8V, we wi ll select the preset “Ful l_Pad ” situated in the bank “JMB / Pads/ JMB _Full _Pad”. First, click on th e button, on the toolbar, to open the expan sion i nterface.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 28 Choose a preset patch from the toolbar The Jupit er-8V is deli vered with 400 facto ry presets tha t will allow you t o become familia rized with th e tones of the synth esizer. It is also possible to show all the presets when choosing th e option “All” in the bank.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 29 While chan ging these first setti ngs, you have modi fied the preset “Full_ Pad”. Now you will be abl e to save the soun d that you have just created. To choose anothe r d estinati on for th is sound, cli ck on t he i con “Save As” , then choose you r l ocation.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 30 4.4 O VERVIEW OF THE J UPITER -8V USER INTE RFACE The interface of the Jupi ter-8V h as 54 synthesis parameter s an d a programmer that allows you to navi gate qui ckly through th e 44 factory presets of th e original m achine.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 31 Signal path of the Jupiter-8V Start lowering t he cutoff frequency of the low pass fi lter “VCF”. A so und with less bright ness will result.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 32 Increase the length of the attack In the sam e manner, change the v alue of th e D ecay; the f ilter frequ ency wi ll decrease mo re or less qu ickly whil e you will play the keyb oard. The filter envelope “Decay” parameter.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 33 4.5.1 Creati ng a melodic s equence wit h the SEQUEN CER The sequenc er is a ccessible by cli cking on the “MODULATI ONS” tab, situ ated on t he expansion pan el. Click on the “SEQUENC ER” icon. The s equencer is a 32-step “st ep s equencer”.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 34 Connect the fr equency of VCF to t he s econd m odula tion output and set th e amoun t knob to l et it blend in to your liki ng.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 35 If it is synchronized with an exter nal sequencer like Cubase or Logic Audio for ex ample, use the “ Quantization ” (“Q”) pa rameter , situated next to the “sync” button in the same section. Choos e one of the tempo divisions t o set the speed t o your likings.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 36 Click on the “GALAXY” tab Choose a paramete r (for example, th e HP V CF Cu toff) for the X axis , then adjust the speed param eter of the LFO to y our liki ng. Choose a destination for the modulation of the X axis.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 37 Choose the triangle waveform for the α (alpha) angle 4.5.3 Control parameters with the Key board unit The Keyboard u nit enabl es you to contr ol paramete rs via velocity an d aftertouch. Click on t he “MODULAT IONS” tab then on the ta b called “KEYB OARD” to sh ow the interface.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 38 Customize the velocity curve You can do th e same for the aftertouch. Customize the aftertouch curve 4.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 39 In order to enrich the sound, th e effect “Distorti on” has been inserted between the VCO and VCF (Filter). Chang e this effect to “No E ffect” and back to “Distorti on” to observe the di fferences of sound.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 40 Apply a modul ation on the frequ ency of band “3” with the LFO. To do that click on the but ton “M ods” sit uated on th e rig ht of t he EQ in terface. Thi s will show you the possibl e modulation conn ections avail able.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 41 Activate the button «ON/OFF» of the Chorus Adjust the “Dry/W et” k nob o f the Chorus in a man ner that is bal anced between th e origin al sound and th e treated sound. Next, turn the “Rate” knob of th e Chorus to s et the speed of th e o scillations affectin g pitch.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 42 The settings of the delay 4.8 R EALTIME CONTROLL ERS AND MIDI ASSIGN As it s brilliant sounding ancestor , The Jup iter-8V is pa rticularly ad apted for playi ng in real time.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 43 In addi tion to the “L earn” bu tton, mi di assignments can be set by clicking on the midi channel labels and “Use NRPN” checkbox . To sav e the settin g tha t we h ave ju st carried out durin g this chapter, cli ck on the butt on «Save» sit uated on tool b ar.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 44 5 A UNIQUE SYNTHES IZER, WH Y ? 5.1 T HE R OLAND J UPITER -8 The Jupi ter-8 is capabl e of creating very versatil e soun ds. The Jupi ter-8 sounds the wa y it looks, ‘sleek an d pol ished’. It offers oscill ator s ync, cross modul ation, a switch able 12dB/24dB filter and p olyphoni c portamento.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 45 modules are a vailabl e on the end of the synthesi s chain . Th e two modul es a re pl aced on top of t he output of th e VCA, an d cannot re ceive external modulations. Am ongst these «PATCH» ef fects are a del ay, reverb, fl anger and a phas er.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 46 6 THE INTERFACE 6.1 T OOL BAR The t ool bar consi sts of a n en semble of essen tial i cons for the Jupi ter-8V organi zed from left to righ t allowing y.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 47 6.2 U SING THE PRESETS The pres ets allow saving an d recallin g the soun ds of the Jupiter-8V. A preset contains all the new s ettings of t he vari ous cont rollers to r eproduce a s ound.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 48 You have tw o options to select a pre set: Select f rom the toolba r The fa stest way to select a pr eset is to cl ick on the “preset” buttons on the toolb ar.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 49 The Preset page Once the fil ters criteria are set, you can select Patch p resets in the resul ting list on the right of the pag e. Cli ck on “PA TCH”, then sel ect criterion (for insta nce, P roject: JMB, Type: Pad) an d finall y choose a preset i n the li st.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 50 The choice of filters is t he same as wi th “PATCH” preset s. In the unfoldi ng menu, the choi ce “No fi lter” is particul arly useful to qui ckly p ass through presets of the same type. If a preset i s modifi ed, this symbol “*” will ap pear next to the name of the preset.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 51 When you work from a factory preset, it cannot be overwritten. Clicking on the “Save” b utton w ill not replace the factory p reset, but will automaticall y open the “Save As” dialog to save it as a user pres et.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 52 Export a preset “project” bank 6.3 U SING THE CONTRO LLERS 6.3.1 Knobs Generall y DAWs offer se veral knob cont rol modes. The defau lt cont rol mod e for kn obs wi th th e mouse i s the ci rcular m ode: cli ck on th e knob and tu rn aroun d it in order to cha nge the value of the controller.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 53 A rotary knob Slid ers These controls ar e vertical and linear. They set a continuous setti ng (cutoff frequency of the VCF fil ters, or setti ngs of the two AD SR envel opes, for exampl e) A vertical slider 6.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 54 the mouse h orizontall y to modify the pitch. The wheel comes ba ck t o i ts i nitial position at the releas e of the mous e. The Pitch Bend Wheel 6.3.5 Modulat ion button The m odula tion b utton ap plies the modu lation created by the LF O, accordin g to th e modula tion rate set by t he LFO.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 55 LCD screen 6.3.8 MIDI Co ntrol Most of the knobs, slider s and swi tches on the J upiter-8V can be manip ulated with external MIDI controllers.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 56 6.4 T HE S OUND M AP The sound map i s an in novative pres et explorer which offe rs an ea sy and r evolution ary way t o locate and choo se a pr eset on a ma p a rea, thus si mpli fying preset ma nagement and maki ng it much quicker t o find an ap propriate sound .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 57 6.4.1 The M AP main interf ace The Sound Map main interface shows a map where al l the presets o f th e Jupi ter-8V2 are spread out , organi zed by their different types of sound and th eir own audio characteristi cs.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 58 Select a preset You can creat e new presets thanks to an exclu sive real time morph ing featur e: o Click between several preset s an d drag the mo use. Fou r red arrow s dr awing a cross appear l inking the group of four pr esets.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 59 The map overview interface o To navi gate i nto the m ap, click inside of t he red square and drag it on the map area to view othe r sections o f the Sound ma p.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 60 o First click on the All button , on the b ottom of th e type fil ter win dow: this will hi de all the instrument typ es from the sound map. o Then, sel ect the type(s) you want to see by clicking on th e correspond ing squ are box(es).
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 61 6.4.3 The L IST preset ma nager The li st preset manag er off ers a mor e t raditional way to exp lore presets u sin g a list interface in whi ch the presets a re classi fied and filtered in order to si mplify preset management.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 62 Inverse the order of the instrument types 6.4.4 The COMP ASS morph ing interf ace The M orphing page is an in dependent module all owing you to qu ickly cr eate s ome ne w sounds thanks to a real tim e morphi ng featu re between the four selected presets sa ved on the snapsh ot memori es.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 63 Create a new sound o If you wish, y ou can sa ve it on a Us er bank of th e Jupiter-8V2 mem ory..
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 64 7 THE DIFFEREN T MODULES The interface of the Jupi ter-8V consists of four mai n parts: • The interface of the ori ginal Jupiter-8V • The “PRESET M.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 65 • 1 LFO (l ow frequency oscil lator) • 1 modulati on section (WH EEL MOD) dedi cated to the LFO 7.1.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 66 FINE TUNE Knob to fin e tune pitch wi th the range of pl us or minu s one half tone. SHAPE • Switch for the four wavef orms: • Sine • Saw Tooth • Variable Pul se • White noi se The white noise waveform bri ngs an interesting complem ent to the sonic possibiliti es.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 67 Triangle Sine 7.1.2 The m ixer (“VCO1 / VCO2”) The mixer al lows regulat ing the volum e of the mi x between oscil lators 1 and 2.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 68 A non -resonant 6 d B/octave high- pass filter The h igh- pass fil ter el imin ates th e frequen cies whil e l etting high frequencies go through . The soun d will become t hinner. It is ve ry usefu l to remove bass freq uencies of a pad sound for exa mple.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 69 Resonant low-pass filter CUTOFF FREQ Knob to set of the cut off f requency of th e filter, From 10 Hz to 25 KHz. RES Knob to set th e resonan ce of the fil ter. SLOPE Switch the filtering slope 12 or 24 dB/ octave.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 70 The amplifier (VCA) This modul e is very simp le, it consi sts of: VOLUME Knob to set th e volum e of the synth esizer LFO MOD Slider to set th e intensi ty level of the m odulati on by the LFO. The ampli fier’s volume i s directly affect ed by envelope 2 (ADSR2).
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 71 POLARITY Switch to set the polarit y for envel ope1: • If the s witch i s on the t op, the envelope polarit y is posi tive (th is is the more comm on way to use an env elope). • If the switch i s on the botto m, the pol arity is negati ve.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 72 LFO M ENV1 Selector to choos e ei ther a manu al setting (vi a th e fader), LFO or envelope 1 a s a source fo r the pulse wi dth modu lation.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 73 Destination connections 7.1.9 The pitc h bend whee l and LFO MOD button The pit ch bend wh eel an d the push button for th e amount of mod ulation by the LFO (« MOD ») a re situated to the left si de of the vi rtual keyboard.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 74 7.1.11 The arp eggiator (“AR PEGGIO”) This section show s the connecti ons that are ne cessary t o make the ar peggiat or work. It allows performanc e of patt erns of n otes i n a parti cular order, evolvin g accordi ng t o the notes pl ayed.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 75 SOLO Button for sel ecting th e monophonic mod e. UNISON Button for s electing the Uni son mode. When “ UNISO N” i s activated, all the voices a re regroup ed to be p layed by one note of the keyb oard.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 76 7.2 S TEP S EQUENCER The sequence r is a 32-s tep sequence r. It allows the creati on of several mel odic lines (when on e of the three avai lable modula.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 77 Mode Playing modes of the seq uencer: • FORWARD: Pl aying th e sequence forward • BACKWARD: Pl aying the sequence backwa rd • FORWD/ BACK WD: Play .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 78 GLIDE Pl ace an effect o f porta mento b etween the sel ected step and the f ollowin g step. ACCENT Place an accent effect on the selected step .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 79 The connection section 7.3 G ALAXY The galaxy m odule crea tes very compl ex modulat ions with the i nteraction of 3 LFO s. The first 2 LFOs can each modula te a different p arameter on th e X/Y ax es, repres ented i n the framew ork of the i nterface.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 80 The Galaxy module 7.4 V OICE E FFECTS The Jupi ter-8V o ffers t wo connections of “V oice” effects. Thes e conn ections can be made inside the synth esis chai n, between t he VCO an d t he VCF an d between the VCF and the VCA.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 81 • KEY FOLLOW • VELOCITY • AFTERTOUCH • ENVELOPE 1 • ENVELOPE 2 • GALAXY Y • GALAXY X • LFO • SEQUENCER The “BYPASS” button dea ctivates the Ch orus / Fl anger effect. The Chorus/Flanger 7.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 82 • ENVELOPE 1 • ENVELOPE 2 • GALAXY Y • GALAXY X • LFO • SEQUENCER The “BYPASS” button dea ctivates the di stortion effect. Distortion 7.4.3 Param etric EQ This equali zer uni t adjusts th e h armoni c cont ent of the sound wit h four ban ds of frequency c ontrol.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 83 BAND 4 (Hi gh frequenci es) FREQUENCY (F) Knob to set th e band of t he high frequencies GAIN (G) Knob to set th e gain for th e band of the h igh frequencies DRY/WET Knob to set th e b alance betw een the orig inal signal and the output of the effect OUTPUT Knob for the PA RAM EQ‘s outp ut vol ume.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 84 OUTPUT Knob for the v olume of the output o f the phaser. The “MOD” di splay all ows accessing th e modulation connecti ons for each of the parameter.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 85 • ENVELOPE 2 • GALAXY Y • GALAXY X • LFO • SEQUENCER The “BYPASS” button allows deactivati ng the RING MOD e ffect. Ring Mod 7.5 P ATCH E FFECTS Two “PATCH” effect mo dules are avai lable on th e en d of the synt hesis chain .
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 86 The “BYPASS” button allows deactivati ng the “CHORUS/ F LANGER” effe ct. Chorus / Flanger 7.5.2 Stereo Analog Delay The del ay effect allows cr eating echo effects o r doubli ng in the sound. This effect is used on all types of sounds t o add stereo space.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 87 7.5.3 Reverb The reve rb effect create s a v ery dense series of decayi ng echoes in t he sound, si mul ating the sound's p erformance wi thin a th ree-dimensional space.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 89 8 THE BASICS OF SUBTRACTIVE SYNTHESIS Subtracti ve synth esis a ppeared at the end of t he 1960’s, giving birth to the first analog synthesizers: M oog, ARP, EMS , Ob erheim, R oland (SH, Juno or Jupi ter series), Yamah a (CS series) and Korg (MS an d PS seri es).
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 90 • The tu ning param eter ( “COARSE” or “FREQU ENCY”) all ows you t o tun e the os cillator by semi- tones on a ran ge of 5 octave s. • The fine tun ing parame ter (“FINE”) fi nely tu nes the oscillat or u pwards or downwards by a se mi-tone.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 91 The PWM (top) and the Square (botto m) waveforms and their respective harmonic spectrums • The PWM ( Pulse Wi dth Modul ation) is a setti ng that all ows you to modi fy the waveform cycle (or w ave length ).
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 92 The Sinusoid waveform and its harmonic spectrum • The synchronizat ion o f an oscillator with an other creates more compl ex wa veforms.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 93 • The noi se gener ator : th e noise signa l produces acousti c energy across a b road spectrum of fr equencies wi th no discernibl e “fundamental” or harmoni c sign ature.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 94 decibels per octave (o r dB/oct). Most filt ers used in cl assic analog synthesizers have 24 dB/oct or 12 dB /oct slop es.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 95 Resonant low-pass filter The resonance A second setti ng to compli ment t he cut-off frequency i s th e res onance ( you wi ll also find it called “emph asis” or “ Q” (for Quali ty of filt ering) elsewhere).
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 96 The filter settings of the Jupiter-8V 8.1.4 The amp lifier or VC A The ampl ifier (V oltage Cont rolled A mplifier) receives th e audi o signal coming from the filter ( or di rectly from t he osci llator if i t is not bei ng filtered) t o be ad justed bef ore th e volume i s sent to the sp eakers.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 97 Secondaril y, the keyboard's pi tch i s al so used t o modul ate other sources, such as fil ter cutoff.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 98 The envelope generator of the Jupiter-8V 8.2.3 The low frequency os cillator The LFO ( Low F requency Oscillat or – or LFO on the J upiter-8V) poss esses more or l ess the same ch aracteri stics of the classic oscill ator but it only produces frequenci es l ower than 20 Hz.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 99 The LFO module of the Jupiter-8V The J upiter-8V allows you to use VCO2, placed at a low f requency (position «LOFREQ»), to modulate the frequency of VCO 1.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 100 9 SOME ELEMENTS O F SOUND DESIGN Here are five e xamples that can guide you when programmin g di fferent tones on the Jupiter-8V.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 101 Click on the “Range” selector of VCO1 Choose the m odulated s quare wavef orm on VCO2 Choose the modulated square waveform on V CO2 Set VCO 2 sligh tly out of tune by tu rning the “F ine Tune” knob a li ttle bit.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 102 200 ms) and, fi nall y, l ower the Sustai n toward «0 .0.600.000». The m aximu m l evel of the cut off frequency is thu s reduced. Increase the attack time Increase the positi on of the «PWM» sel ector (f or «Pul se Wi dth Modulati on») t o the center of it s range.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 103 You also can ad just the n umber of repeti tions («feedback») to your con venience. The Delay settings Save the sound as « Violi n 1», you wil l then be able to use it later. Open th e p reset interface and cli ck on t he « Save as» button.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 104 • An ADSR env elope conn ected to the ampl ifier • The Galaxy modu le • The Arpeggi ator • Voice effect » Chorus / Fl anger » • Patch effect.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 105 We wi ll use the Galaxy u nit to modu late t he widt h of the square wave form of th e s econd VCO, the cut off freque ncy of the hi gh pass filter and th e low pass fil ter (VCF) Open th e «Modul ations» page situ ated in the up per panel of the J upiter-8V.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 106 Setting of the Chorus In the first «Pa tch» effects slot ( underneath th e «Voice» effects on t he connecti on diagram for t he effects) , choose «St FX Reverb» Set t he «Siz e» knob towa rd the right to lengt hen the ti me of reve rberati on.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 107 9.3 A SEQUENCE WITH THE J UPITER -8V In th is exampl e, you wi ll discover t he basics of programmi ng a s equence on the Jupi ter- 8V.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 108 Place the sequenc er i n M IDI SYNC mod e b y clicking on the b utton «Syn c.» Th e synchroni zation to the MID I temp o all ows regulating th e speed o f the sequence r, Galaxy and St Delay pr ecisely.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 109 The interface of the Jupiter-8V sequencer Open the Galaxy modu le to complete the rh ythm. Thi s will modu late the volume of the VCA to c reate «gate » effects that a re often used in electroni c music.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 110 • Patch effect » St Delay » These soun d examp les p resent d ifferent l evels of diffi culty. We hope t hat th ey hav e allowed you to di scover a part of the p ossibilities that the Jupiter-8V offers.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 111 10 MODES OF OPERATION 10.1 S TAND - ALONE The S tand-Al one ap plication all ows t he use of th e Jupi ter-8V outsi de of any h ost appli cation. You can open one or several i nstruments, an d p lay directly wi th the hel p of a master MID I keyboard or external sequencer on a s eparate computer.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 112 The preferences window on Windows • Audio protoco l (Windows only): select the audi o protocol that you wish to u se. The ASIO dri ver offers some increased perfor mance in relati on to the Direct X drivers.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 113 Using Audio Unit and VST Instrument in Live If necessary, you can p erform a rescan of the plug-in directory in Preferences, “File Folder” tab, button ”Scan” or button “Scan ” and hold “Alt” for a full res can.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 114 Opening the Jupiter-8V in Pro Tools Jupiter-8V must be loaded on an au dio stereo t rack. We can now ma ke Jupi ter-8V sounds by playin g with the mou se on the vi rtual keyboard.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 115 Connecting a MIDI track to Jupiter-8V 10.3.3 Saving the presets When the sessi on is saved, the status of J upiter-8V i s saved a s i t is, even if i ts programmi ng does not correspond to the p reset.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 116 10.4 C UBASE VST 10.4.1 Instrum ent use in VS T mode The op ening of V ST Jupi ter-8V plug-in is the same as openin g all other VST plu g-ins. Please c onsult the instructi on man ual of your host sequencer fo r more specifi c informati on.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 117 10.4.3 Connectio n to a M IDI track In order for the Jupit er-8V to pl ay in formation comi ng from a MIDI track, y ou have to choose a M IDI track an d select Jupi ter-8V as M IDI output of thi s track.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 118 Jupiter-8 V opening in Logic Since version 7, th ere has been an Aud io Unit plug-in man ager i n Logic.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 119 10.6 S ONAR VST (W INDOWS ONLY ) Jupiter-8V is compat ibl e with t he VST prot ocol, a nd thus can be u sed w ith Sona r and al so with all other sequencer s that accept th e VST i nstruments.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 120 10.6.3 Save th e presets When the session is saved, th e status of Ju piter-8V is saved as it is, even if th e programmi ng corresp onds t o none o f the presets.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 121 Connection from a MIDI track to Jupit er-8V.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 122 A A R R T T U U R R I I A A J J U U P P I I T T E E R R - - 8 8 V V 2 2 - - L L I I C C E E N N S S E E A A G G R R E E E E M M E E N N T T In consi der.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 123 • In such a case th e pr oduct i ncluding the softwar e may only be retu rned wit hin 30 days following acquisition of the produ ct.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 124 a h andling fee. The li censes will only b e repl aced pr ovided that they are li censes issued by A rturia. Further claims ag ainst Arturia are excl uded. • Arturia assumes no l iabilit y or oblig ation if the eLicenser dongl e i s mislaid as a result of loss, theft or other wise.
ARTURIA – JUP ITER-8V – USER’S MANUAL 125 modifi cation, or mi sapplication . Any replace ment software will be warrant ed for the remainder of the origi nal warranty p eriod or thirty (30) days, which ever is l onger.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Arturia JUPITER-8V 2 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Arturia JUPITER-8V 2 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Arturia JUPITER-8V 2 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Arturia JUPITER-8V 2 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Arturia JUPITER-8V 2, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Arturia JUPITER-8V 2.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Arturia JUPITER-8V 2. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Arturia JUPITER-8V 2 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.