Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CP-168U del fabbricante Moxa Technologies
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Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual Smartio 8-Port RS-232 Serial Board for PCI Bus First Edition, February 2003 Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd. Tel: +866-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231 www.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual The product described in this m anual is furnished under a li cense agreement and ma y be used only in accordance with the terms of that agreem ent. Copyright Notice Copyright 2003 M oxa Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
MOXA Internet Services Customer satisfaction is our number one concern. To en sure that customers receive the full benefit of our products, Moxa Internet Services has been set up to provide technical support, driver updat es, product information, and user’s m anual updates.
Table of Contents 1 Introductio n .......................................................................... 1-1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
1 1 Introduction Overview Smartio—The Smart Multiport Async Solution The term Smartio stands for smart multiport serial I/O solution. Th e Smartio CP-168U board is designed for the 32-bit PC I bus with Plug and Play feature.
PCI Solution The CP-168U board complie s with PCI Spec. 2.1, and does not use either switches or jumpers. The hardware configuration for t he IRQ and memory addresses is automatically assigned by the PCI BIOS. Hence, the board MUST be plugged in before installing the driver software.
Introduction Features The Smartio CP-168U board has 8 RS-232 ports, em bedded ESD 16 KV surge protection, and uses a Moxa or 16C550C com patible UART, and has the following im portant features: Supports uni versal PCI, plug and play (no switc hes or jumpers) Fits both 3.
Package Checklist You should find the followi ng items i n the Smartio CP-168U board package: Sm artio CP-168U 8-port serial board Software CD t hat contains drivers for Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98, and Linux.
Introduction Installation Guide This section gives a brief summa ry of how to install the Smartio CP-168U board under each supported operating system . The installation i s simple and invol ves the following stages: Check the PCI BIOS settings. Install the Smartio CP-168U board.
2 Hardware Installation 2 The installation of the Smartio CP-168U board involves bot h hardware and software. Software installation is discussed in th e next chapter. In this chapter, we d iscuss hardware installation. The no-switch-no-jumper Smartio CP -168U board’s IRQ number and I/O addresses are assigned automati cally by the PCI BIOS.
Note! Each board must occupy one unique IRQ and four 8-byte I/O addresses, which are assigned automatically by the PCI BIOS. However, you can select a free IRQ num ber manually via t he PC’s BIOS setup for the PCI slot , but normally this met hod is not available for the I/O address.
3 Software Installation 3 In this chapter, the driver software i nstallation, configurati on, and driver update/removal procedures are described for various operating system s, including Windows NT, Windows 95/98, and Windows 2000/XP.
Installing the Driver First Time Driver Installation The following procedure shows how to install the Smartio CP-168U driver for the first tim e. First make sure t he board or boards are already plugged into the system ’s PCI slot(s). 1. Log into NT as Admini strator.
Software Installation 7. The Moxa Smarti o/Industio Configuration Panel dial og box appears. Click the [ Add ] button to open the Property dialog box to change port se ttings and advanced FIFO configuration done autom atically by the syst em.
9. Select a COM number for the specific port from Port Number pull-down list. 10. Check the Auto Enumerating COM Number check-box to have subsequent ports mapped to conti nuous COM numbers. For exam ple, if COM3 is assigned to Port 1, then COM4 will be automatically assigned to Port 2.
Software Installation will now appear in the MOXA Smartio/Industio Configuration Pa nel dialog box, as shown below. 14. Click [ OK ] in the MOXA Smartio/Industio Configuration Panel to return to the Network dialog box, and then cli ck [ OK ] to exit the Network dialog box.
to develop applications wit h the PComm library (see “ Serial Programming Tools ”) or the Microsoft Win32 API. You can also use applicati ons such as Terminal Emul ator (see “ Serial Programming.
Software Installation 4. Next, refer to the instructions gi ven in the previous section, “ First Time Driver Installation ” from the “ Windows NT ” section. Configuring Another CP-168U Board In this section, we explain how t o configure another MOXA CP-168U board that is already installed.
refer to the instructions fro m the previous section, “Installing the Driver.” 1. Open the [ Control Panel ], click on the [ Network ] icon, and select the [ Adapters ] tab. 2. Click on MOXA Smartio/Industio Family Adapter from the Network Adapters list.
Software Installation Panel dialog box. Updating the Driver Take the following steps to update t he Smartio CP-168U board driver. 1. Open [ Control Panel ], click on the [ Network ] icon, and select the [ Adapters ] tab. 2. Click on MOXA Sm artio/Industio Fam ily Adapter from the Network Adapter list.
Windows 95/98 The Windows 95/98 driver supports up to 128 serial port s, from COM1 to C OM128. To fully utilize the advanced mu lti-process and multi-thread features of Windows 95/98, pure 32-bit Wind.
Software Installation Install the Smartio PCI board in the system Start Windows 95/98 to detect the board Driver installed before? Yes No Install the driver from the driver CD. See the section, “ First Time Driver Installation ” Configure the port.
for Windows 95 or the right colum n for Windows 98. If one MOXA CP-168U board was previously instal led and another MOXA CP-168U board is plugged in, the system will prom pt you to skip this stage, and take care of Port Configuration, which i s discussed in the next section.
Software Installation 3. Type E:SoftwareWin9xV5.7 Windows.95 in the Location input box, and then click [ OK ] from the Select Other Location window. The system will start reading the files from the CD. 3. Select Other Devices and then click on [ Next ].
6. Click on [ Next ]. 7. Click on [ Next ]. Port Configuration After the driver is installed, the MOXA CP- 168U Installation dialog box will be displayed, and the system will map the ports automatically.
Software Installation 2. Select a COM num ber for the port from the Port Number pull-down list. 3. Check the Auto Enumerating COM Number check-box to have subsequent ports mapped to conti nuous COM numbers. For exam ple, if COM 3 is assigned t o Port 1, then COM 4 will be automatically assigned to Port 2.
Board and Port Ready Board and Port Ready for Windows 95 and Windows 98 are slight ly different. In finishi ng this stage, the driver in stallation will be complete. Windows 95 Windows 98 After the port configuration, y ou can imm ediately use the COM ports of the Smartio CP-168U board without restarti ng Windows 95.
Software Installation Configuring the Board and Ports Follow the procedures given below to re-configure t he COM number for the ports of installed boards and drivers under Windows 95/98.
4. Check the Auto Enumerating COM Name check-box to assign continuous COM numbers for subsequent ports. For exam ple, if COM3 is assi gned to Port 1, then COM4 will be automatically assigned to Port 2 . 5. Re-assign the Rx FIFO Trigger by sel ecting a number from the pull-down list.
Software Installation 1. Open [ Control Panel ], click on the [ System ] i con, and select the [ Device Manager ] tab. 2. Click on the MOXA CP-168U board and then click on [ Properties ]. 3. Select the [ Driver ] tab. 4. Click on [ Update Driver... ].
Removing the Driver This section explains how to rem ove the Smartio CP-168U board driver. 1. Open the [ Control Panel ], double click the [ Add/Remove Programs ] icon, and then select the [ Install/Uninstall ] tab. 2. Click on t he MOXA Smartio/Industio Driver option and then click on [ Add/Remove ] to start the driver removal process.
Software Installation Installing the Driver The following procedure shows how to install the Smartio CP-168U Series driver for the first tim e under Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Firs t make sure the board or boards have already been plugged into the system ’s PCI slot(s).
4. Select Specify a location and then click on Next to continue. 5. Insert the Moxa Driver CD into the CD-ROM drive, and then specify the location of the file as E:/Software/W in2K/V1.5 as shown below (change the dr ive letter if needed). Click OK to continue.
Software Installation 6. Click Next to copy the driver files to your system. 7. The next window shows the model number of the board, and indicates that W indows has completed the driver installatio n. Click on Finish to continue with th e rest of the installation procedure.
8. The next W elcome to the Found New Hardware W izard window to open start s the port installation stage. Click on Next to continue. 8. W ait while the wizard installs th e software.
Software Installation 9. Select Search for a suitable driver for my device [recommended] , and then cl ick on Next to continue. 10. Select Specify a location and then clic k on Next to continue.
11. Insert the Mox a Driver CD into the CD-ROM drive, and then specify the location of the file as E:/Software/W in2K/V1.5 as shown below (change the dr ive letter , if needed). Click OK to continue. 12. Click on Next to continue with the installation.
Software Installation 13. After all files have been copied to the system, the Completing the Found New Hardware Wiz ar d window will open to indicate that it has finished installi ng “Port 0.” Click on Finish to install the board’ s second port.
How to Check the Installation There are three ways to check the installat ion of the CP-168U Series board. Device Manager 1. You can check the installati on of the board by selecting Start Settings Control Panel System , select the Hardware tab, and then cli ck on the Device Manager button.
Software Installation If the driver installation was su ccessful, you will be able to see the model nu mber of the CP-168U board liste d under Multi-port serial adapters . You may also expand t he Ports (COM & LPT) item to check the status of the COM ports.
Removing the Driver You can uninstall the board by first selecting Start Settings Control Panel System . Window s 2000 Window s XP Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-30.
Software Installation Select the Hardware tab, and then clic k on Device Manager . Use the mouse to place the cursor over the CP-168U Series board under Mu ltiport serial adapters, and then click the right mouse butt on. Select the Uninstall… option.
The Device Manager window will automatically refresh to show that the driver and ports for the CP-168U Series board have been removed. Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 3-32.
4 Serial Programming Tools 4 Moxa supports a class of easy to use, ye t powerful serial programm ing libraries and communication troubleshooti ng utilities under Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98. Use these MOXA Serial Programm ing Tools to decrease your software development tim e.
This serial com munication li brary provides a complete funct ion library and sample programs for Visual C++, Vi sual Basic, and Delphi. To view det ailed function descriptions and sample program s, c.
Serial Programming Tools Diagnostic (for MOXA boards only) A convenient diagnostic program , ONLY for MOXA boards and ports, provides int ernal and external testing of IRQ, TxD/RxD, UAR T, CTS/RTS, DTR/DSR, DTR/DCD, etc. It allows the user to check the func tion of both software and hardware.
Monitor (for MOXA boards under Windows NT/2000/XP) A useful port status m onitoring program al lows you to monit or data transmission of selected MOXA COM ports. It monitors data transm ission/r eceiving throughput, and comm unication line status, wit h data updated and displayed on the screen at regul ar time intervals.
Serial Programming Tools Terminal Emulator Terminal Em ulator can be used to connect to various ports to see i f data transmission is functioning correctly.
Smartio CP-168U User’s Manual 4-6.
5 Connection Cables and Cable Wiring 5 In this chapter, we illustra te the possible connections a nd cable wiring for the CP-168U boards. In serial data com munications, DTE stands for Data Term inal Equipment, such as a PC’s COM1/2, serial printers, and t erminals, and DCE stands for Dat a Comm unication Equipment, such as m odems.
Individual Port Pinouts—DB9 and DB25 Male RS-232 DB9 DB25 Pin No. Signal Pin No. Signal 1 DCD 2 TxD 2 RxD 3 RxD 3 TxD 4 RTS 4 DTR 5 CTS 5 GND 6 DSR 6 DSR 7 GND 7 RTS 8 DCD 8 CTS 20 DTR Smartio CP-16.
6 Troubleshooting 6 Comm on Smartio CP-168U board errors and possible corresponding solut ions are given below. If the problem still cannot be solved af ter following these sugge stions, contact your .
A. Smartio CP-168U board will check the line status (CTS) before transm itting data if the RTS/CTS flow control featur e is set to Enable in the con figuration o r application program .
Troubleshooting and solutions, see the section, “General Troubleshoot ing.” 1. The system fails to find the Smartio CP-168U board! C. The board(s) is (are) not properly plugged i nto the PCI slot. D. The PCI slot is defective. Please try other slots until you find one that works.
A A A. Technical Reference Specifications • Bus interface: 32-bit PCI • Number of ports: 8 • I/O address: Assigned by PCI BIOS • IRQ: Assigned by PCI BIOS • Data bits: 5, 6, 7, 8 • Stop bits: 1, 1.5, 2 • Parity: None, even, odd, space, mark • UART: Moxa UART (16C 550C or compatible ) • Speed: 50 bps to 230.
Due to this slot-depend ency, it is necessary to re-configur e the software driver once th e board is plugged into a different PC I slot. Up to 4 Smartio CP-168U boards can be installed in one system. When installing more than one board, remem ber the order of boards to distinguish the instal led boards.
Return Procedure For product repair, exchange, or refund, you m ust: Provide evidence of original purchase. Fill out the Problem Report Form (PRF) as detailed as possible for shorter product repair time. Obtain a Return Merchandi se Authorization (RMA) num ber from the sales representative or dealer.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Moxa Technologies CP-168U è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Moxa Technologies CP-168U - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Moxa Technologies CP-168U imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Moxa Technologies CP-168U ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Moxa Technologies CP-168U, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Moxa Technologies CP-168U.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Moxa Technologies CP-168U. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Moxa Technologies CP-168U insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.