Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto A51 del fabbricante Moxa Technologies
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A50/A51/ A60 Feb. 1997 ( 1st Ed ition ) All Right s Reser ved.
Part I - A50/A51 RS-232 to RS-422/RS-485 Converte r A50/A51 RS-232 t o RS-422/ RS-485 Bidirecti onal Co nverter.
Part II - A60 RS-232 Surge Prote ction A60 RS-23 2 Surge P rot ection Conve rt er.
C opyr igh t N ot ic e This doc umentation is c opyri ghte d by Mo xa T ech n olo gies Co ., Lt d. All rig hts a re re ser ved . M oxa Tech n olo gies r eser ves t he right to m ake improvements to the p rod u cts de scri bed i n t his manual at any time without notice.
M o x a I n t e r n e t S e r v i c e s Customer’ s satisfactio n is al ways ou r number o ne c once rn . To ens ure c ust omers get the full bene fit o f ou r ser vices, M oxa In ter net Ser vices (M IS) ha ve bee n built f or tech nical su p po rt, pr o duct i nq uiry, new d rive r up gr ade , etc.
Table o f Conte nt s Part I - A50/A51 RS-232 t o RS-42 2/RS-485 Converter Chapter 1. Introduction ………………………………………. 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Features and Specifications 2 1.3 Package Check List 5 Chapter 2. Instal lation ………………………………… …….
Table o f Conte nt s Part II - A60 RS-23 2 Surge Protection Chapter 1. Introduction…………………………………… ……… 29 1.1 Overview 30 1.2 Features and Specifications 30 1.3 Package Check List 31 Chapter 2. Instal lation…………………………… ………………… 33 2.
1 Ch ap te r 1 I nt ro du ction 1. 1 O ve rv ie w The MOXA RS-232 to RS-422/RS-48 5 bidirectional con verters, A50 and A51, are designed to con vert unbalanced (single-ended) RS-232 signals to balanced (differential) RS-422/RS-485 signals, and vice versa.
Introduction Chapter 1 2 Outlook of A51 1. 2 Fe atur es an d Spe ci fi c at i ons Features Both A50 and A51 are RS-232 t o RS-42 2/RS-485 bidirectional converters except that A51 has one more f eature: isolation protection, which pr ovides hi gh v oltage protection up to 20 00V.
Chapter 1 Introduction 3 150mA power adapter or the pin 6 and pin 7 of t he Term inal Block. LED indicators are provided to show the status of data trans mitting/receiving, RTS signal and Power. To avoid over-current from the remot e ground t o con verter's groun d, an pro tect resistor has been added inside the A50/A51.
Introduction Chapter 1 4 v Isolation Protection - for A51 o nl y, up t o 2 000V. v Ter minal R esistor - RT1 space r eserv ed for RS-422/RS-485 receiver signal. v Mountin g Kit - Plastic Plates and scre ws for mounting A50/A51 o n the wall or any surface.
Chapter 1 Introduction 5 1.3 Package Check List Upon un packing y our A5 0 or A5 1 package, yo u shou ld fin d the following items: v A50 (or A51) RS-2 32 t o RS-42 2/RS-485 bidirectional converter (w.
Introduction Chapter 1 6.
7 Ch ap te r 2 In st al l atio n 2.1 Installation Proced u re As RS-232 or RS-42 2/RS-485 port are labeled clearly on the surface of the A50/A51 converter, please prepare the RS-232 cable (ref er to Appendix A, RS-23 2 Cable Wiring) an d decide the operation mode as w ell as 2/4-wire c able (refer to Chapter 3, Operation) in advance.
Chapter 2 l l Installation 8 Switch settings table of SW1 and SW2 is as foll ows: SW1 *F ull-d u plex mode Of f Half- du plex mode On SW2 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 *T xD always en able d On Of f X X TxD alw.
Installat ion l l Chapter 2 9 RxD indicator stands for data trans mitting from RS-422/RS-485 to RS-232. It shows red when connected and no data received. It shows orange when connected and receiving data (In half- duplex mode, it shows red when line is not co nnected due to t he charact eristics of IC s for RS-485).
Chapter 2 l l Installation 10 A50/A51 A50/A51 RJ-45 Jack Terminal Block Connector Pinouts Signals Connector Pinouts Signals 1 nc 1 TxD B 2 nc 2 TxD A 3 GND 3 RxD B 4 TxD B 4 RxD A 5 TxD A 5 GND 6 RxD .
~ 11 ~ Ch ap te r 3 O pe r at ion The A50 (or A51) su pports 5 ki nds of operations. The y are: v Point-to-p oint/ 4-wire Full Duplex v Point-to-p oint/ 2-wire Half Duplex v Multidrop/ 4-wire Full Duplex v Multidrop/ 2-wire Half Duplex v Si mplex/Trans mit, Re ceive Only All the operations are to be described below.
Chapter 3 l l Operation 12 3.1 Point-to-point Point-to-p oint co nfiguration me ans two devices which locat e at two different places c an be linked to gether to com municat e throug h a couple of A50 (or A5 1) converters. 4-wire Full Duplex In the graph, TA, TB, RA and RB could be either from RJ-45 or Ter minal Block.
Operation l l Chapter 3 13 2-wire Ha lf Duplex In the graph, TA, TB, RA and RB could be either from RJ-45 or Ter minal Block. The settings of the switches for ea ch A50 (or A51) are as follows: SW1 SW.
Chapter 3 l l Operation 14 3.2 Multid rop Multidrop config uration means that mor e than two devices (Max. 10 for RS-422; Max. 32 for RS-485 ) can be lin ked all together to com muni cate one another through many A50 (or A51) devices.
Operation l l Chapter 3 15 In the graph, TA, TB, RA and RB could be either from RJ-45 or Ter minal Blocks. The settings of the switche s for each A50 (or A51) are as follows: SW1 Full-duplex mode Off .
Chapter 3 l l Operation 16 A 5 0 /A 51 RA RB R S -2 32 TB TA GN D A 5 0 /A 51 RS - 23 2 RA TB RB TA GN D M ast er DT E / DC E A 5 0 /A 51 RA RB R S -2 32 TB TA GN D R S - 48 5 R S- 48 5 RS -4 85 Sla v.
Operation l l Chapter 3 17 In the graph, TA, TB, RA and RB could be either from RJ-45 or Ter minal Block. The settings of the switches for ea ch A50 (or A51) are as follows: SW1 SW2 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Half- d uple x mode On Tx D e nable d by RTS Of f On X X RxD ena bled by / RT S X X Of f On 3.
Chapter 3 l l Operation 18 In the graph, TA, TB, RA and RB could be either from RJ-45 or Ter minal Block. The settings of the switches for ea ch A50 (or A51) are as follows: SW1 SW2 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin.
Operation l l Chapter 3 19 3.4 Self Test This configuration is for A50/A5 1 self test. Run ter minal e mulation program to se e if what yo u received is what yo u ty ped.
Chapter 3 l l Operation 20.
~ 21 ~ Ap pe nd ix A RS -23 2 Pi n out s & C ab le Wi r in g RS-232 interface with RJ-45 connector is depicted as follows. RJ - 45 C on nect or A50/A51 RJ-45 Connector Pinouts RS-232 Signals 1 DCD.
Appendix A l l RS-232 Pinou ts and Cable Wiring 22 Note : Each group of (RTS, CTS) and (DTR, DSR) pins have been shorted on A50/A51, which release the users fro m the hardware flow control cable wiring problem. Thus, there are two types of RS-23 2 cable wiring which are listed below.
RS-23 2 Pinout s and Cable Wiring l l Appendix A 23 A50/ A51 DCE RJ-45 Connector DB-25 Femal e 1 DCD 8 DCD 2 DSR 6 DTR 3 RTS 4 CTS 5 TxD 2 RxD 6 RxD 3 TxD 7 GND 7 GND 8 CTS 5 RTS 9 DTR 20 DSR Type 2: To connect RS-232 side of A50/A5 1 to a DTE, e.g. ter minal or PC COM1/2, with 3-pin wiring if d on't care H ardware flow control.
Appendix A l l RS-232 Pinou ts and Cable Wiring 24 A50/ A51 DCE RJ-45 Connector DB-25 Femal e 5 TxD 2 RxD 6 RxD 3 TxD 7 GND 7 GND 3 RTS 4 CTS 8 CTS 5 RTS 2 DSR 6 DTR 9 DTR 20 DSR 1 DCD 8 DCD.
~ 25 ~ A p p e n d i x B I m p e d a n c e Ma t c h i n g a n d Te r mi n a ti o n R es is t or s When an electrical signal travel s through two different resistanc e junctions in a transmi ssion line, the mism atch will so metimes c ause signal refle ction.
Appe ndi x B l l Impe d ance M atching a nd Termi natio n Resistors 26 Note: 1. stan ds for termination resistor near the re ceiving side. RT1 is the space res erved inside A50/A51 for this purp ose. 2. The suggested ter mination resistor for AWG #26 cable is 100 ohm.
~ 27 ~ Ap pendi x C Troubleshooting Q1. Failure of dat a trans mission. Solutions: 1. Check that the right p ower adapter is applied. 2. Check that the RS-232 lin k is pro per. 3. Check that the RS-422/RS-48 5 lin k is proper. 4. Check that the SW1 and SW2 are set properly .
Appendix C l l Trouble shooting ~ 28 ~.
~ 29 ~ Cha pter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview The MOXA RS-232 Surge Protection con verter, A60, is designed to pr otect the RS-232 com munication line from TOV (Transient Over Voltages) whi ch co mes fro m lightning, electrostati c discharge and other form s.
Chapter 1 • • Introduction ~ 30 ~ 1.2 Features and Spe cifications Features A60's m ain feature is surge protection up to 2 000V. No switch is needed. No power is needed. LED indicators are provided to show the status of data trans mitting/receiving, modem control signals and DCD.
Introduction • • Chapter 1 ~ 31 ~ A6 0 wit h Mo untin g Kit 1.3 Package Check List Upon un packing y our A6 0 package, yo u sho uld fin d the following items: v A60 RS-232 surge protection co nver.
Chapter 1 • • Introduction ~ 32 ~.
~ 33 ~ hapte r 2 Installati on 2.1 Installation Procedu re Even thou gh t he local and remote ports of A60's ar e labeled on the surface of the A60 converter, please take c are when connecting the cables to the A60 and the hosts. Note that t he surge from both the local and the remote s ite is blocked b y the A60.
Chapter 2 • • Introduction ~ 34 ~ Please prepare the RS-232 cables, referring to Appendix A, RS- 232 Cable Wiring. 2.2 LED Indicators There are LED indicators for TxD, RxD, DTR, DSR, RTS, CTS, and DCD on top of A60. The indicators are not lig hted on when not connected with signals.
Installat ion • • Chapter 2 ~ 35 ~ Rx D indicator ( signal from re mote port ) Gree n : whe n c o nnecte d c or rectly and no data receivin g. Ora n ge : whe n receivin g data fr om remote to local site. DTR/RTS indic ator s (signal from local port) Red : whe n c o nnecte d a nd D TR ( or RTS ) sig nal tu r ned o n.
Chapter 2 • • Introduction ~ 36 ~ 2.3 Self Test This configuration is for A60 self-test. Run terminal emu lation program to see if what yo u received is what yo u t y ped. In the above grap h, all the signal li nes could be either from re mote sit e RJ-45 or Terminal Block and shorted as shown.
~ 37 ~ ppendix A RS-232 Pinout s and Cable Wirin g Below is RS-232 pino uts for RJ-45 co nnector or Terminal Block. A60 RJ-45 A60 Terminal Block Connector Pinouts Signals Connector Pinouts Signals 1 D.
Appendix A • • RS -232 Pinout s and Cable Wiring ~ 38 ~ There are two types of RS-23 2 cable wiring which are listed below. Note: 1. Ter minal Block supports no DCD signal. 2. DTE: Data Te rm inal Equipm ent like te rmi nal or PC COM1/2 ; DCE: Data Co mm unication Equipment like modem .
RS-232 Pinout s and Cable Wiring • • Appendix A ~ 39 ~ DCE A60 DB-25 Femal e DCD 8 DCD DSR 6 DTR RTS 4 CTS TxD 2 RxD RxD 3 TxD GND 7 GND CTS 5 RTS DTR 20 DSR Type 2: To connect RS-232 local/rem ote port of A60 to a DTE with 3-pin wirin g if d on't care hardwar e flow control.
Appendix A • • RS -232 Pinout s and Cable Wiring ~ 40 ~ DCE A60 DB-25 Femal e TxD 2 RxD RxD 3 TxD GND 7 GND RTS 4 CTS CTS 5 RTS DSR 6 DTR DTR 20 DSR DCD 8 DCD.
ppendix B Troubleshooting Q1. Failure of dat a trans mission. Solutions: Check that the RS-232 lin k is pro per. Q2. Dat a los s or e rror. Solution: 1. Check that the data rate, data for mat are the same for both devices. 2. Surge occurs d uring t he data transferring.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Moxa Technologies A51 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Moxa Technologies A51 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Moxa Technologies A51 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Moxa Technologies A51 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Moxa Technologies A51, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Moxa Technologies A51.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Moxa Technologies A51. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Moxa Technologies A51 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.