Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CIM-550 del fabbricante Mocomtech
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CiM-550 IP-Enabled Satellite Modem Installation and Operation Manual Part Number CD/CIM550.IOM Rev. 2 December 3, 2002.
Filename: T_ERRATA 1 Errata A Comtech EFData Documentation Update Subject: Changes to Chapter 5 Serial Remote Control Date: December 16, 2002 Document: CiM-550 Satellite Modem Installation and Operation Manual, Rev. 2, dated December 16, 2002 Part Number: CD/CiM550.
Filename: T_ERRATA 1 Errata B Comtech EF Data Documentation Update Subject: Addition to Chapter 4, Front Panel Menus Date: January 15, 2003 Document: CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Installation and Operation Manual, Rev. 2, dated December 16, 2002 Part Number: CD/CiM550.
Copyright © Comtech EF Data, 2002. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, (480) 333- 2200, FAX: (480) 333-2161 CiM-550 IP Satellite Enable Modem Installation and Operation Manual Part Number CD/CIM550.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOM ii C UST OMER S UPPORT Contact the Comtech EF Data Cu stomer Support Departm ent for: Product support or training Information on upgradi.
iii T able of Content s FIGURE S ..................................................................................................................... XV TABLES ..........................................................................................
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM iv 2.3 Configuration .............................................................................................................. .......... 14 2.4 Select Internal IF Loop .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM v 5.5.4 Instruction Code Qualifier ............................................................................................... 58 5.5.5 Message Arguments ................
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM vi CHAPTER 10. CONNECTOR PI NOUTS ................................................................. 111 10.1 Data Connector - 25 Pin ‘D’ Type Female......................
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM vii 13.1 SNMP Interface ............................................................................................................ ..... 211 13.2 MIB-II ...................
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM viii 13.7.23 cimDatagramCompressionOption.............................................................................. 278 13.7.24 cimNaptOption ............................
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM ix 13.7.68 cimSatelliteInterface .................................................................................................. 300 13.7.69 cimSatelliteIpAddress ........
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM x 13.7.113 cimArpTable ............................................................................................................ 323 13.7.114 cimArpEntry .................
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xi 13.7.158 cim............................................................................................................................ 346 13.7.159 IpOptionPacketsReceived .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xii 13.9.26 cim550RxFECType ................................................................................................... 372 13.9.27 cim550RxFECCodeRate ..............
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xiii 13.9.71 cim550NotificationsPrefix ......................................................................................... 394 13.9.72 cim550ModemUnitFaultsNotification .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xiv 13.9.116 oduRetrieveNext5Events ......................................................................................... 416 13.9.117 oduNotifications ..................
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xv Figures Figure 1-1. Typical Coarse AGC Voltage Characteristic ............................................................ 10 Figure 1-2. Cim-550 Dimensional Envelope ....
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xvi T ables Table 4-1. Front Pane l LED Indicators ........................................................................................ 2 3 Table 7-1. Viterbi Decoding Summary .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xvii Table 13-24. Ethernet Interface Subgroup OIDs ....................................................................... 235 Table 13-25. Satellite Ijnterface Subgroup OIDs .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xviii A BOUT THIS M ANUAL This manual provides installation and operati on information for the Comtech EF Data Cim-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xix R EPORTING C OMMENTS OR S UGGESTIO NS C ONCERNING THIS M ANUAL Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this m anual will be appreciated. To submit comments, please co n tact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xx L OW V OL T AGE D IRECTIVE (L VD) The following information is applica ble for the European Low Voltage Direc tive (EN60950): <HAR> Type of power cord required for use in the Europ ean Community.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xxi E XCLUSIVE R EMEDIES The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Preface CD/CIM550.IOMCD/CIM550.IOM xxii NOTES:.
1 Chapter 1. Introduction Introduction 1 Major Assemblies 2 Options 4 Specifications 6 Dimensional Envelope 11 CiM-550 IP-Enabled Satellite Modem 1.1 I NTRODUCTION The CiM-550 is a high-perform ance, low-cost , IP-enabled satellite modem designed for closed network Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC) links.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 2 1.2 M AJOR A SSEMBLIES Assembly Description PL/0391 Modem Card PL/9161-1 IP Module 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 3 1.3.2 S OFTW ARE The internal software is both powerful and f lexible, permitting storage and retrieval of up to 10 different modem configurations. Th e modem uses ‘flash memory’ technology internally, and new firmware can be uploade d to the unit from an external PC.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 4 1.4 O PTIONS Enhancing the CiM-550’s performance is eas y. Additional features can be added quickly on site, using the FAST access code purchased from Com tech EF Data. To enable these features, simply enter the code at the front panel.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 5 1.4.4 IP D A T AGRAM C OMPRES SION Optionally, the CiM-550 supports IP data gram compression to provide improved bandwidth. IP payload is compressed wh ile the IP Headers rem ain unaff ected.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 6 1.5 S PECIFICA TIONS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS (FULLY ENHANCED) Frequency Range 52 to 88 MHz, 104 to 176 MH z (option), stability ± 1.5 ppm, 0 to 50 0 C Input/Output Impedance 50 and 75 Ohms (Front pa nel selectable), 17 dB min.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 7 FEC FEC None: Uncoded BPSK/QPSK/OQPSK Viterbi: k=7, per IESS 308/309 BPSK: Rate 1/2 QPSK/OQPSK: Rate 1/2, Rate 3/4 and Rate 7/8 S.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 8 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HT TP) File transfer protocol (FTP) OPERATIONS & MAINTENANC E 1 Configuration & Management .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 9 Example: At 512 kbps, R1/2 QPSK, ± 30 kHz sweep, acquisition time = 0.25 secon ds, average Clock tracking rang e ± 100 ppm min. BER PERFORMANCE (Met with two adjacent carriers 7 dB higher) Guaranteed Eb/No, in dB (Typical values in parentheses) Viterbi ½ ¾ 7/8 10 -5 5.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 10 Figure 1-1. Typical Coarse AGC Voltage Characteri stic.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 11 1.6 D IMENSIONAL E NVELOPE Figure 1-2. Cim-550 Dimensional Envelope.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Introduction CD/CIM550.IOM 12 NOTES:.
13 Chapter 2. Installation Unpacking and Inspection 13 Mounting Kits 13 Configuration 14 Select Internal IF Loop 14 Connect External Cables 14 Connector Description 14 2.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Installation CD/CIM550.IOM 14 The CiM-550 is very light - under 7 lbs (3.2 kgs), and very short - 12 ins (305 mm). For this reason, it has not been de signed to have rack slides mounted to the side of the chassis.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Installation CD/CIM550.IOM 15 FOR CONTINUED OPERATOR SAFETY, ALWAYS REPLACE THE FUSES WITH THE CORRECT TYPE AND RAT ING. IF Ports - The IF port connectors are both a 50 ohm BNC fem ale type. 75 ohm cable connectors (male) will h ave no problem mating with this 50 ohm type.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Installation CD/CIM550.IOM 16 Auxiliary Serial Port - The Auxiliary Serial connector is an HE1402 3 pin header. A suitable mate for this connector is AMP part number 281838-3, with three crimp pins, AMP part number 182734-2, also required.
17 Chapter 3. Operation Methods of Operation 17 Front Panel Operation 18 Telnet Operations 18 Web Server Operation 18 Telnet Operations 18 SNMP Operations 19 Serial Remote Control Operations 18 Serial Command Line Interface (CLI) Operation s 18 3.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 18 LED Panel Key pad Display ENT CLR UNIT ST A TUS TR ANSM I T TR AF FIC RECEIV E TR AFFIC ON LINE STORE D E VENT REMOTE EDMA C MO DE TEST MODE Figure 3-1. Front Panel Console Por t 25 Watts, 25 0 mA max 115 Volt operati on - T1A fu ses 230 Volt oper a tio n - T 0 .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 19 3.1.5 W EB S ERVER O PERA TION The C i M-550 modem provides an embedded web serv er app lication that serves s tandard HTML web pages that can be used to monitor and control all CiM-550 modem and IP parameters.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 20 NOTES:.
21 Chapter 4. Front Panel Menus Front Panel Operation 21 Keypad 21 Menu Tree 23 Menu Screens 27 4.1 F RONT P ANEL O PERA TION The user can fully control and monitor the operation of the C i M-550 m odem from the front panel, using the keypad and display.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 22 Key Function RIGHT ARROW Moves the cursor to the right, when it is displayed. LEFT ARROW Moves the cursor to the left, when it is displayed. UP ARROW Used for editing the value at the current curso r po sition, if appropriate.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 23 4.1.3 L ED I NDICA T ORS There are 8 LED indicators. The functions of these indicators are shown in the tab le below.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 26 UTIL SET-RTC VFD ID MAN-1:1 CENTER- BUF F AST STORE/L D ODU STORE LO AD (S EE SE P AR A TE US ER' S GU ID E) COMTECH CIM-550 MODEM SN 700000007 VER 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 27 4.1.5 M ENU S CREENS O PENING S CREEN DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION COMTECH CiM-550 MODEM S/N 1209 S/W VER 1.22 This is an example of the Opening Screen. Refer to CDM-550 Manual for correct versi on informatio n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 28 SELECTCONFIG DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION CONFIG: ALL TX RX FRAME INTFC REMCONT MASK IMPED ALL TX RX The ALL menu sub-branch permit s the user to completely configure the unit, being prom pted, step by step, to make choices, or edit data.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 29 SELECTCONFIGTXDATA RATE DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION EDIT TX DATA RATE: 2048.000 kbps(PRESS ENT) Select the digit to be edited. Change the value of the digit using the UP/DOWN arrow keys, then press ENTER.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 30 SELECTCONFIGTXON-OFF DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION SELECT TX OUTPUT STATE: ON OFF RTI (ENTER) ON OFF RTI * * NEW FEATURE RTI means RECEIVE/TRANSMIT INHIBIT. When selected, it will prevent the TX carrier from being tr ansm itted, until the d emodulator is locked.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 32 ACTION WHEN REMOTE DEMOD UNLOCKS: NOM-PWR MAX-PWR DEMOD UNLOCK screen Select the action that will occur if the remote demod is unlocked.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 34 SELECTCONFIGRXDA T A DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION EDIT RX DATA RATE: 64.000 kbps (PRESS ENT) The range is 2.4 to 2048 kbps. Note: The minimum and maximum data rates are dependent on modulation t y pe and FEC decoder rate.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 35 SELECTCONFIGRXACQ DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION EDIT RX ACQ SWEEP RANGE: +/- 25 kHz (PRESS ENTER) The range is +/- 1 kHz to +/- 30 kHz.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 36 SELECTCONFIGRXBUF DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION EDIT RX BUFFER SIZE: +/-4096 BITS (PRESS ENT) Edit the size, in bits of the Plesiochronous/Doppl er Buffer. Values of +/- 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and 4 096 bits are possible.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 38 EDIT THIS UNIT'S ADDRESS 0245 (SEE HANDBOOK)(ENT) (FRAMED/ON) EDMAC SLAVE The valid range of addresses is from 1 to 9999, although ‘base 10' values will be automatically skipped.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 39 SELECTCONFIGREMCONT DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION SELECT REMOTE CONTROL: LOCAL REMOTE (PRESS ENT) LOCAL REMOTE If LOCAL is selected then remote control will be disabled.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 42 TX-1,0 (Transmit an alternating 1,0,1,0 pattern) This is a test mode which forces the modulator to transmit a carrier modulated with an alternating 1,0,1,0 pattern, at the currently selected symbol rate.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 43 Figure 4-4. Loopback Modes.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 45 SELECTINFORX DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION Rx: 70.0000 512.000 SEQ B R3/4 D BUFF +/-23k I The information display .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 46 SELECTINFOMASK DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION ALARMS MASKED: RX-AIS TX-AIS This shows, in the same format as the CONFIG, MASK sub menu, which alarms are currently masked.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 47 SELECTINFOMISC DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION MISC: NORMAL 50 OHMS 1:1 LINK=IDLE ONLINE This screen shows the follo.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 48 SELECTMON ITALARMSRECEIVE DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION RX TRAFFIC: AGC ALARM REDUCE COMPOSITE I/P LVL The screen will indicate if there are any Receive Traffic Faults.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 51 Examples: 08.0,13.5,2.5,1.8 means: Minimum Eb/No observed in the measurem ent interval = 8.0 dB Average Eb/No observed in the measurement interval = 13.5 dB Maximum TPLI observed in the measurem ent interval = 2.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 52 4.1.8 SELECTST ORELD DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION STORE/LOAD CONFIG: STORE LOAD (PRESS ENTER) STORE LOAD These sub-menus permit the user to store or lo ad up to 10 different modem configurations in the non- volatile memory of the modem 4.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Front Panel Menus CD/CIM550.IOM 54 SELECTUTILRECENTER-BUF DISPLAY SELECTIONS/DESCRIPTION PRESS ENTER TO RE-CENTER THE RECEIVE BUFFER Pressing ENTER will cause a forced re-centering of the Plesiochronous/Doppler buffer.
55 Chapter 5. Serial Remote Control EIA-485 55 EIA-232 56 Basic Protocol 56 Packet Structure 57 5.1 I NTRODUCTION This section describes the protocol and message command set for remote monitor and control of the CiM-550 Modem.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Serial Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 56 EIA 485 (full duplex) summary: Two differential pairs - one pair for cont roller to target, one pair for target to controller. Controller-to-target pair ha s one line driver (controlle r), and all targets have line- receivers.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Serial Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 57 5.5 P ACKET S TRUCTURE Controller-to-target: Start of Packet Target Address Address De-limiter Instructio n Code Code Q.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Serial Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 58 5.5.3 I NSTRUCTION C ODE This is a three-character alphabetic sequence which identifies the subject of the message. Wherever possible, the instruction codes have been chosen to have some significance.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Serial Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 59 2) From Target to Controller, the only permitted values are : = (ASCII code 61) ? (ASCII code 63) ! (ASCII code 33) * (.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Serial Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 60 5.5.5 M ESSAGE A RGUMENTS Arguments are not required for all message s. Arguments are ASCII codes for the characters 0 to 9 (ASCII 48 to 57), period (ASCII 46) and comma (ASCII 44).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 61 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 62 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 63 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 64 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 65 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 66 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 67 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 68 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 69 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 70 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 71 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 72 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 73 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 74 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 75 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 76 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 77 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 78 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 79 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Remote Control CD/CIM550.IOM 80 Parameter Type Command (Instruction Code and qualifier) Arguments for Command or Response to Query Description of arguments (n.
81 Chapter 6. Theory of Operation Functional Description 81 Offset QPSK Operation 82 EIA-232 Operation 83 AUPC (Automatic Uplink Powe r Co ntrol) 88 6.1 F UNCTIONAL D ESCRIPTION The CiM-550 has two fundamentally different ty pes of interf ace - IF and data.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Theory of Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 82 After decoding, the recovered clock and data pass to th e de-framer (if EDMAC is enabled) where the overhead information is rem oved. Following this, the data passes to the Plesiochronous/Doppler buffer, which ha s a programmable size, or may be bypassed.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Theory of Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 83 6.3 EIA-232 O PERA TION The CiM-550 supports asynchronous EIA- 232 in addition to synchronous EIA-232 formats. This is useful, for example, in connecting two com puter s together, via their serial ports, at opposite ends of a satellite link.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Theory of Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 84 A SYNC C HARACTER F ORMA TS U SING 1.5 S TOP B ITS For situations where an async character form at using 1.5 stop bits cannot be avoided, set the modem data r ate to exact ly twice the incoming baud rate.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Theory of Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 85 R ECEIVE C LOCKING There are three receive clocking modes in th e CiM-550.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Theory of Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 88 6.4 AUPC (A UTOMA TIC U PLINK P OWER C ONTROL ) Automatic Uplink Power Control (AUPC) is a feature whereby a local modem is permitted to adjust its own output po wer level in order to attempt to maintain the Eb/No at the remote modem.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Theory of Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 89 T ARGET E B /N O This is value of Eb/No that the user desires to keep constant at the remote modem. If the Eb/No exceeds this value, the AUPC control will reduce the TX output power, bu t will never drop below the nom inal value set.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Theory of Operation CD/CIM550.IOM 90 6.4.2 C OMPENSA TION R AT E As with any closed-loop control system, the l oop parameters must be chosen to ensure stability at all times. Several features have been incorporated to ensure that the AUPC system does overshoot, or oscillate.
91 Chapter 7. Forward Error Correction Options Viterbi 91 Sequential 92 TURBO Product Code c 93 Uncoded Operation 96 7.1 I NTRODUCTION As standard, the CiM-550 Modem is equi pped with two Forward Error Correction Decoders, Viterbi and Sequentia l.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 92 A choice of coding rates (Rate 1/2, 3/4 or 7/8) allows the user to trade off coding gain for bandwidth expansion.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 93 A fixed computational clock is used to process input symbol s, and to search backwards and forwards in time to determine th e correct decoding path.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 94 When Comtech EF Data first introduced the Turbo Coding option in the CiM-550, only Rate 3/4 QPSK was offered. This is an excel lent choice for applic ations where maximum bandwidth efficiency is desired, in combin ation with high coding gain.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 95 FEC Mode (64 kbps data rate) End-to-end delay , ms Viterbi, Rate 1/2 12 Sequential, Rate 1/2 74 Turbo Product Coding.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 97 In order to accomplish the task of carrier recovery, the demodulator m ust use a non-linear process. A second-order non-linear ity is used for BPSK, and a fourth-order non-linearity is used for QPSK.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 98 1E-9 1E-8 1E-7 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 Eb/N o in dB Speci fica ti on l imi t R a .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 99 1E- 9 1E- 8 1E- 7 1E- 6 1E- 5 1E- 4 1E- 3 1E- 2 1E- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 Eb/N o in dB Spe cifi cat ion l i .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 100 1E- 9 1E- 8 1E- 7 1E- 6 1E- 5 1E- 4 1E- 3 1E- 2 1E- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 Eb/N o in dB Spe cifi cat ion l i.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 101 1E- 9 1E- 8 1E- 7 1E- 6 1E- 5 1E- 4 1E- 3 1E- 2 1E- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 Eb/N o in dB Ty p i c a l pe rfor.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 102 1E- 9 1E- 8 1E- 7 1E- 6 1E- 5 1E- 4 1E- 3 1E- 2 1E- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 Eb/ No in dB Unc oded BP SK/QP S.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 103 1E-9 1E-8 1E-7 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 Eb/N o in dB Unc ode d BP SK/ QPS K Differential Enc oding - No F EC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 12 BE R Figure 7-6.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Forward Error Correction CD/CIM550.IOM 104 NOTES:.
105 Chapter 8. EDMAC CHANNEL Theory Of Operation 105 M&C Connection 107 Setup Summary 108 8.1 T HEOR Y O F O PERA TION As explained earlier, EDMAC is an acronym for Em bedded Distant-end Monitor And Control. This is a feature which permits th e user to access the M&C features of modem s which are at the distant-end of a satellite link.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 EDMAC CD/CIM550.IOM 106 Adding the extra 5% to the transmitted data rate, the effective Eb/No seen by the user will degrade by a factor of 10log(1.05), or 0.21 dB (0.07dB in the case of the two BPSK Turbo rates).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 EDMAC CD/CIM550.IOM 107 8.2 M&C C ONNECTION Data to be transmitted to the dis t ant-end is sent to a local unit via the rem ote control port.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 EDMAC CD/CIM550.IOM 108 8.3 S ETUP S UMMAR Y To access a distant-end unit: Designate a Master/Slave pair - Master at the local-e nd, Slave at the distant-end. On the local-end unit, enable framing, and EDMAC, define the unit as MASTER, then enter the bus address of the SLAVE.
109 Chapter 9. Eb/No Measurement 9.1 M EASURING E B /N O Although the CiM-550 calculates and displays the value of receive Eb/No on the front panel of the unit, it is someti mes useful to measure the v alue using a spectrum analyzer, if one is available.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Eb/No CD/CIM550.IOM 110 (C+N)/N Eb/No - Unco de d BPSK Eb/No - Rate 1/2 BPSK Eb/No - Uncoded QPSK Eb/No - Rat e 1/2 QPSK Eb/No - Rat e 3/4 QPSK Eb/No - Rat e 7/8 QPSK 3.0 0. 0 3.0 - 0.0 - - 3.5 0. 9 3.9 - 0.9 - - 4.
111 Chapter 10. Connector Pinouts Data Connector 111 Alarms Connector 112 Remote Control Connector 113 Auxiliary Serial Connector 113 Console Por t 25 Watts, 25 0 mA max 115 Volt operati on - T1A fu ses 230 Volt oper a tio n - T 0 .5A fuse s 100 - 24 0~ 50/ 6 0 H z Re ce iv e IF 2001 RS23 2 RS 422 (E I A 53 0) V.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Connector Pinouts CD/CIM550.IOM 112 Pin Generic Signal Description Direction EIA-422/ EIA 530 V.35 EIA-232 Circuit No 17 Receive Clock A Modem to DTE RT A SCR.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Connector Pinouts CD/CIM550.IOM 113 10.3 R EMOTE C ONTROL C ONNECTOR - 9 P IN ‘D’ T YPE M ALE Table 10-3.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Connector Pinouts CD/CIM550.IOM 114 10.5 A SYNC -S ERIAL C ONSOLE The Console Connector is a RJ11-6 modular ja ck located on the rear panel. The Async- Serial Console interfaces the IP Telnet C onfiguration Port.
115 Chapter 11. CLI and Telnet Interface Overview 115 Main Menu Page 116 Administration Page 118 SMTP 127 SNMP 128 Interface Configuration Page 130 Receiver HDLC Addresses Page 134 Route Table Configuration Page 135 Protocol Configuration Page 142 Modem Parameters Page 148 Redundancy Configuration Page 158 Operations and Maintenance Page 161 11.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 116 11.2 M AIN M ENU P AGE Menu pages are followed by a table listing th e Menu Options/Fields, required Entry, and Descriptions.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 117 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Save Parameters S This option allows a user to save the current configuration of the CiM to permanent storag e. This configuration will be restored on ea ch successive power cycle of the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 118 11.2.1 A DMINISTRA TION P AGE The Administration page is activated from the Main Menu page . Note: Access to the Administration page is restri cted to the Admin user when conn ecting via the telnet interface.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 119 Menu Options/Fields Entry Des cription Exit X This option allows a user to exit the current menu and return to its parent menu. N AME /P AS SWORD C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The Name/Password Configuration page is activated from the Administration page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 120 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Save Parameters S This option allows a user to save the current configuration of the CiM to permanent storag e. This configuration will be restored on ea ch successive power cycle of the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 121 A CCESS L ISTS P AGE The Access Lists page is activated from the Administration page . This pag e allows the operator to configure the CiM to limit m on itor and control access to the unit from a specified list of authorized clien t s.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 122 F EA TURE C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The Feature Configuration page is activated from the Administration page . The Feature Configuration menu communicates to the user th e curren t availability for each of the features.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 123 Menu Options/Fields Entry Des cription IGMP I Toggles [Enabled] and [Disabled] This feature must be purchased. The receive portion of a Ci M will utilize the CiM as an IGMP server.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 124 Menu Options/Fields Entry Des cription TCP Acceleration Read Only Unavailable Header Compressi on Read Only Unavailable Easy Conn ect Unavailable Save Parameters S This option allows a user to save the current configuration of the CiM to permanent storag e.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 125 DES E NCRYPT C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The DES Encrypt Configuration page is ac tivated from the Administration page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 126 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description The key is entered in HEX (16 digits ma x) Save Parameters S This option allows a user to save the current configuration of the CiM to permanent storag e.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 127 SMTP The SMTP Configuration page is activated from the Administration page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 128 SNMP The SNMP Configuration page is activated from the Administration page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 129 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description SNMP Stats N Displays statistics concerning the operati on of the SNMP agent .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 130 11.2.2 I NTERF ACE C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The Interface Configuration page is activated from the Main Menu page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 131 F AST E THERNET I NTERF ACE ( FEI 0) P AGE The Fast Ethernet Interface page is activated from the Inter face Configuration page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 132 S A TELLITE /HDLC I NTERF ACE ( HDL 1) P AGE The Satellite/HDLC Interface (hdl1) page is activated from the Interface Configuration page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 133 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Enabled tells the CiM to receive and proce ss packets from the Satellite Interface. Disabled tells the CiM to discard and not process packets from the Satellite Interface.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 134 R ECEIVER HDLC A DDRESSE S P AGE The Receiver HDLC Addresses page is activa ted from the Satellite/HDLC Interface page. This page allows the user to define up to four HDLC addresses that can carry user information on the Sa tellite Interface.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 135 11.2.3 R OUTE T ABLE C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The Route Table Configuration page is activated from the Main Menu page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 136 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Optionally : If the user enters a multica st addre s s (224.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 137 Q O S (Q UALITY OF S ER VICE )/DES (E NCRYPTION ) P AGE The QoS/DES page is activated from the Route Table Configuration page.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 138 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description packets for a route because of a lack in carrier bandwidth.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 139 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Modem Data Rate is given in true 1K blocks (56K is truly 56Kbps). DES Key # The DES Key field allows the user to specify which DES Key should be selected for a route.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 140 Example Implement ations using QoS and QoS Prioritization The combination of MIN and MAX Bandwidth QoS combined with QoS Prioity allo ws for multiple levels of QoS implementation.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 141 Exit..........................................................................X Route 1 (Vidconf) and Route 2 (VoIP) traffic require that the packets are forwarded with the least amount of latency, so they are desi gnated as Priority 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 142 11.2.4 P ROT OCOL C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The Protocol Configuration page is activated from the Main Menu page . The Protocol Configuration page contains the following options/fields: Menu Options/Fields Entry Description IGMP I Activates IGMP page.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 143 IGMP I NFORMA TION P AGE The page IGMP information page is activ ated from the Protocol Configuration page . The IGMP Information page allows a user to view the IGMP clients that are actively listening to content being provide d by the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 144 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description CiM as Server: Number of missed responses before leaving IGMP group M Defines the number of membership queries that go unanswered from LAN clients before the Ehternet Interface will no longer forward data for that IGMP group.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 145 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description CiM as Client: Force Cisco Router Alert Option sending V1 reports A Some Cisco Routers may require the definition of a Router Alert Option to recognize a repo rt from a Clie nt to join a Multicast group.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 146 ARP T ABLE U TILITIES P AGE The ARP Table Utilities page is activated from the Protocol page. The ARP Table Utilities page allows the user to view and edit the ARP table defined by the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 147 Menu Options/Fields Entry Des cription IP Address must be a valid Unicast address (Not Multicast, broadcast, etc.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 148 11.2.5 M ODEM P ARAMETERS P AGE The Modem Parameters page is activated by selecting Satellite Modem Configuration from the Main Menu page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 149 T RANSMIT M ODEM C ONFIGUR A TION P AG E The Transmit Modem Configuration page is activated from the Modem Parameters page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 150 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Carrier C 1 - OFF 2 - ON 3 - RTI Save Parameters S This option allows a user to save the current configuration of the CiM to permanent storag e.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 151 R ECEIVE M ODEM C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The Receive Modem Configuration page is activated from the Modem Parameters page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 152 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description configuration will be restored on ea ch successive power cycle of the CiM. Exit X This option allows a user to exit the current menu and return to its parent menu.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 153 AUPC M ODEM C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The AUPC Modem Configuration page is activated from the Modem Parameters page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 154 M ODEM M ISCELLANEOUS C ONFIGURA TION P AGE The Modem Miscellaneous Configuration page is activated from the Modem Parameters page.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 155 A LARM M ASKS M ODEM C ONFIGUR A TION P AGE The Alarm Masks Modem Configuration page is activated from the Modem Parameters page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 156 M ODEM U TILITIES P AGE The Modem Utilities page is activa t ed from the Modem Parameters page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 157 M ODEM E VENTS P AGE The Modem Events page is activated from the Modem Parameters page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 158 11.2.6 R EDUNDANCY C ONFIGURA TI ON P AGE The Redundancy Configuration page is activated from the Main Menu page. Note: This page is not accessible unless the modem is properly co nnected to a Comtech EF Data qualified Redundancy Switch.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 159 Redundancy implies the coordination of two Ci M’s to provide a redundant link. Each of the CiM’s will be defined as either a n Online or Offline. The Online is the unit that will process user traffic.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 160 The Redundancy Configuration page contains the following options/fields: Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Current State Read Only Defines the online/offline status of the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 161 11.2.7 O PERA TIONS AND M AINTENANCE P AGE The Operations and Maintenance page is activated from the Main Menu page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 162 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description in permanent storage 2. Image2 - boot the firmware loaded into the secon d slot in permanent storage Statistics T Activates Statistics Menu page.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 163 U NIT I NFORMA TION The Unit Information page is activated from the Operations and Maintenance page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 164 S T A TISTICS P AGE The Statistics Menu page is activated from the Operations and Maintenance page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 165 Satellite T ran smit S tatistics Page The Satellite Transmit Statistics page is activated from the Statistics Menu page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 166 IP Routing St atistics Page The IP Routing Statistics page is activated from the Statis tics Menu page The IP Routing Statistics page displays the statistics for the num ber of IP packets routed by the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 167 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Multicast IP Packets routed to Sat Read Only The Multicast Packets routed to Sat counter indicates the number of Multicast packets that we re ro uted to the Satellite Interface.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 168 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Dropped – Filtered Read Only Limits certain types of traffic that should not leak to Satellite.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 169 A DMINISTRA TIVE D A T ABASE O PERA TIONS P AGE The Administrative Database Operations Page is activated from the Operations and Maintenance Page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 170 D IAGNOSTICS P AGE The Diagnostics Page is activated from the Operations and Maintenance Page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 171 Menu Options/Fields Entry Description Command Line Debug Prompt D Enter the password to access the debug command line. Note: This is reserved for Customer Service and engineering use.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 172 R EMOTE P ORT B C ONFIGURA TION P AG E The Remote Port B Configuration page is activated from the Operations and Maintenance page .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 173 11.2.8 T ELNET - L OGOUT O PTION When connecting to the CiM through a teln et session, the menus present another option to logout of the telnet session.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CLI and Telnet Interface CD/CIM550.IOM 174 NOTES:.
175 Chapter 12. Web Server Pages Web Server Usage 175 Web Server Menu Tree 175 Web Server Pages 178 Administration 182 Configuration Summary 184 Monitoring and Reports 199 Maintenance 207 12.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 176 Table 12-1. CiM-550 Web Server Menu Tree Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 ADMINISTRATION System Access Info Administrator Name/PW Re.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 177 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 ODU Configuration ODU selection Up Converter Parameters Down Converter Parameters Unit Parameters L.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 178 12.3 W EB S ER VER P AGES The CiM web menu pages are show here in order of appearance in the menu. 12.3.1 H OME P AGE Welcome to the CiM-550 W eb Interface. Th e following sections will give you a brief introduction to each web page available.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 179 12.3.2 L OGOFF Currently the CiM only allows one connection to the CLI or th e Web Interface. Use this option to formally disconnect from the W e b Interface. Upon disconnection, you will be required to close the Web Browser so as to delete the security cookie to the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 180 12.3.3 C ONT ACT I NFOR MA TION This page provides basic contact information to reach ComTech EF Data Sales and Customer Service via phone or automated e-mail links.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 181 12.3.4 S UPPORT The CiM Support page allows you to send an email to a pre-specified location. The email will contain the modem’s serial num be r and configuration information, which is attached automatically.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 182 12.3.5 A DMINISTRA TION The Adminstration Page provides access to all C i M-550 IP adm i nistration features. This includes System Account Information, Host Acce ss Lists, Feature Enab le/Disable, etc.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 183 Field Description Optional Features This area allo ws you to enable or disable certain capabilities of the CiM system. SNMP Use this area to setup SNMP connectivity and security.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 184 12.3.6 C ONFIGURA TION S UMMAR Y This page provides a read only summary of the IP administration parameters.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 185 I NTERF ACE C ONFIGURA TION This page is used to configure both the Et hernet (LAN) and Satellite (WAN) interfaces.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 186 Field Description Satellite (WAN) IP Address and Mask The C i M modem has two network inte rfa c es: the Ethernet interface and the Satellite interface. Each of these network interfaces must be assigned an IP Address.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 187 Field Description Remote Port B Interface Type Allows the user to specify which communication standard the physical interface will com ply to: EIA-232 EIA-485-2W EIA-485-4W CLI Console Port Baud Rate Fixed at 38,4000 Baud CLI Console Port Charac ter Forma t Fixed at 8-N-1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 188 R OUTES C ONFIGURA TION Table 12-4. Routes Configuration Fields Field Description Name Enter the name of the route to add or delete. The ro ute name is case sensative however leading and trai ling white space is automatically removed.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 189 M UL TICAST R OUTES C ONFIGURA TION Table 12-5. Multicast Routes Configura t ion Fields Field Description Name Enter a valid route name to add or delete. This field is ca se sensative, however leading and tailing white spa c e is automatically removed.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 190 A DDRESS R ES OLUTION P ROTOCO L (ARP) C ACHE Table 12-6. ARP Table Fields Field Description IP Address Enter a valid ARP tabl e IP address to add or delete. Link Layer Address Enter a valid Link Layer Address which may be a device MAC address or HDLC address.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 191 QOS (Q UALITY O F S ER VICE ) C ONFIGURA TION Table 12-7. QoS Fields Field Description Name Enter a valid Route Table Name. This field is case sensitive. Minimum/Maximum Bandwidth Enter the desired minimum and maximu m bandwidth settings for the selected route.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 192 IGMP C ONFIGURA TION Table 12-8. IGMP Fields Field Description Recognize IGMP Queries Set to indicate whether to reco gni ze IGMP queries to the CiM device. IGMP Version Set to indicate whether to s end V1 or V2 IGMP reports.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 193 DES E NCRYPTION C ONFIGURA TION Table 12-9. DES Encryption Fields Field Description DES Status This global setting indicate s whether DES is an available option for the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 194 R EDUNDANCY C ONFIGURA TI ON Note: This page is not configurable unless the modem is properly connected to a Co mtech EF Data qualified Redundancy Switch. Refer to Sect ion 11.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 195 M ODEM C ONFI GURA TION.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 196 M ODEM U TILITIES The modem’s time and date field may be changed on this display as well as the m odem’s front panel display identificati on string (Circuit ID).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 197 ODU C ONFIGURA TION Refer to associated ODU/LNA manual for setting options.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 198 ODU U TILITIES Refer to associated ODU manual for setting options.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 199 12.3.7 M ONITORING AND R EPORTS Table 12-11. Monitoring and Re ports Fields Field Description HDLC Transmit/Receive The Latch and Clock settin gs re port the current alarms and conditions of the CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 200 IP T X S TAT I S T I C S This page displays the IP transm it statistics for each IP route. Note: Refer to Section CLI/Telnet Sa tellite Transmit Statistics for additional information.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 201 IP R OUTING S TAT I S T I C S This page displays the receive IP Routing Statistics for the CiM. Note: Refer to Section CLI/Telnet IP Rout ing Statistics for additional information.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 202 M ODEM S TAT U S This page provides a read-only summary of various modem status parameters.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 203 M ODEM L OGS Field Description Modem Events Log Any occurance of a CiM modem fault will will be time stamped and recorded as an event. Similarly, the time of the fault condition clearing is also logged as an event.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 204 Field Description Modem Statistics Log The user may scroll back wards or forwards through the entries in the statistics log, using t he UP/DOWN arrow keys. Pre ssing ENTER or CLEAR will take the us er back to the previous menu.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 205 The Modem Statistics logging interval can be configured from the CiM-550 front Panel.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 206 ODU S TAT U S This page provides a read-only summar y of various ODU status parameters.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 207 12.3.8 M AINTENANCE U NIT I NFORMA TION This screen displays the modems uptime, in seconds, serial number and software revision.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 208 F LASH S AV E When changes are made to the CiM protocol system, the Flash Save option must be selected in order for these set tings to be valid through a power cycle.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 209 R ESET The last item on the left-hand menu is “Rese t .” This options will force the internal CiM module to reboot.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Web Server Pages CD/CIM550.IOM 210 NOTES:.
211 Chapter 13. SNMP Interface SNMP Interface 211 MIB-II 211 Private MIB Implementations 227 CIM IP Controller Private MIB 227 CiM 550 Private MIB 247 CiM IP Controller MIB Tree: 262 CiM-550 MIB Tree 355 CiM-550 MIB 359 13.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 212 Table 13-1. MIB-II Support Group Commets System Group Mandatory for RFC1213 Interface Mandatory for RFC1213 IP Mandatory for .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 213 The system services provided by the cim550 in the OSI network m odel are: ∑ 2 L-1 where L is the network layer support by the cim550.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 214 13.2.2 I NTERF ACE G ROUP This group provides the number of interfaces on a m a naged device and a table describing all interfaces. The ifNumber OID is the number of network in terf aces present on this system .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 215 OID Description ifInUcastPkts Number of subnetwork-uni cast packe ts received on the interface. This statistic is counted for both the Ethe rnet and Satellite interfaces. ifInNUcastPkts Number of non-unicast (i.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 216 A T G ROUP This group contains a table that permits mappings from network addresses (i.e. IP addresses) to physical addresses (i.e. MA C addresses). This group is depreciated.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 217 OID Description ipForwDatagrams Number of in put datagrams for which the cim550 was not their final IP destination, because of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 218 T HE IP A D DRESS T ABLE The IP address table contains the cim550’s IP addressing information.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 219 T HE IP R OUTING T ABLE The IP routing table contains an entry for each route presently known to the cim550. Table 13-8. IP Routing Table OIDs OID Description ipRouteDest Destination IP address of this route.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 220 T HE A DDRESS T RANSLA TION T ABLE The ipNetToMediaTable is th e IP Address Tr anslation table used for mapping from IP addresses to physical addresses. Each entry contains one IP addre ss to physical address equivalence.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 221 13.2.3 ICMP G ROUP This group contains the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) input and output statistics. ICMP messages are used for out-of-band m essages related to network operation.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 222 13.2.4 TCP G ROUP This group contains statistics and control para meters for the TCP protocol.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 223 T HE TCP C ONNECTION T ABLE The tcpConnTable is a table containing TCP c onnection-specific information. Each row contains information about a particular curre nt TCP connection.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 224 T HE UDP L ISTENER T ABLE The UDP listener table contains information about this entity's UDP end-points on which a local application is currently accepting data gram s.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 225 13.2.6 EGP G ROUP This group is not implemented in the agent. 13.2.7 T RANSMISSION G ROUP This group is not implemented in the agent. 13.2.8 SNMP G ROUP This group provides statistical inform ation regarding the SNMP Protocol.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 226 OID Description snmpInTotalSetVars Total number of MIB objects which have been altered successfully by the SNMP agent as the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request PDUs.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 227 13.3 P RIV A TE MIB I MPLEMENT A TIONS The agent also implem ents two private MIBs for the CiM-550.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 228 C I M A CCESS L ISTS S UB GROUP The Access Client List allows an operator to define which re mote clients can connect to a CiM-550 when the Access List Enforcement is en abled.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 229 F EA TURES A V AILABILITY S UBGROUP This subgroup tells if a featur e is available or unavailable in the CiM-550. The currently supported FAST features are QOS, IGMP, a nd Encryption.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 230 F EA TURES S UBGROU P This subgroup allows an operator to enable/disable a feature. Standard features that are supported (telnet, ping response, and multicas t routing) can be enabled or disabled by sending a 1 (enable) or 0 (disable).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 231 E NCRYPTION S UBGROUP Note: This subgroup will only be access ible in the MIB tree if the Encryption FAST feature has been purchased and the license key has been ente re d throug h the modem’s front panel.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 232 C I M SNMP C OMMUNITY N AMES The CiM-550 uses community strings as a password scheme that provides authentication before gaining access to the CiM-550 agent’s MIBs. In SNMP v1/v2c, the community string is se nt unencrypted in the SNMP packets.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 233 C I M SNMP T RAP S The cim550 has the ability to send out SNMP traps when cer tain events occur in the modem. For example, when the cim550 boot s it sends out a coldst art trap and 3 linkup traps, one for each interface that is brought up.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 234 CiM550 Alarms and Faults SNMPv2 notifications: cim550ModemUnitFaultsT rap 1. cim550ModemTxTrafficFa u ltsTrap 47. cim550ModemRxTrafficFa ultsTrap 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 235 13.4.2 I NTERF ACE G ROUP This Group controls the parameters of th e m ode m’s Ethernet and HDLC interfaces. E THERNET I NTERF AC E S UBGROUP The subgroup defines the modem’s Ethernet interface.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 236 S A TELLITE I NTERF AC E S UBGROUP This subgroup defines the modem’s Satellite interface. Table 13-25. Satellite Ijnterface Subgroup OIDs OID Description cimSatelliteIpAddress Specifies the IP Addr ess assigned to the Satellite Interface.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 237 R OUTE T ABLE G ROUP Note: In order for th e CiM-550 to properly pass pac kets over the satellite interface, the user MUST provide the appropriate IP to HDLC addres s mappin g in the ARP table.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 238 OID Description cimIpRouteMaxQosBand w idth Establishes a hard maximum traffic rate that can be processed by the CiM-550. A value of 0 for this field implies that no maximum limit is assigned to a route.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 239 P ROTO COLS G ROUP IGMP Configuration Subgroup Note: This subg roup will only be accessible in the MIB tree if the IGMP FAST feature has been purchased and activated.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 240 ARP Conf iguration Subgroup Table 13-29. ARP Configuration Subgroup OIDs OID Description cimFlushArpTable Can be used to flush the non-static ARP table. The cimArpTable is used to configu r e the static ARP table.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 241 OID Description cimArpRowStatus Used for to create or delete an ARP entry. This OID returns 1 (active) to indicate that an AR P entry is available for use by the managed device.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 242 R EDUNDANCY G ROUP Table 13-31. Redundancy OIDs OID Description cimCurrentRedundantState Displays if the modem is Online and Offline. The Online modem is the one that will process traffic.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 243 Remote Port B Configuration Subgroup This subgroup defines the Remote Port B configuration. Table 13-33. Remote Port B Configuration Subgrou p OIDs OID Description cimRemotePortBDeviceAddress Defines the device ad dress.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 244 Satellite T ransm it S tatistics Subgroup This subgroup contains a table to show th e number of packets transm itted on each route destined for the satellite inte rface.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 245 IP Routin g St atistics Subgroup Table 13-35. IP Routing Statistics Subgroup OI Ds OID Description cimUnicastIpPacketsToSatellite Number of unicast packets that were routed to the Satellite Interface.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 246 OID Description cimDroppedPacketsNoRoute Number of packets that we re dropped because their destination address did no t match any of the configured routes in the CiM-550 Route table.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 247 13.5 C I M 550 P RIV A TE MIB 13.5.1 C I M 550 O BJECTS G ROUP S YSTEM I NFORMA TION : Table 13-36. ARP Configuration Subgroup OIDs OID Description cim550EquipmentID Unit’s equipment ID.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 248 OID Description cim550TxFECType Transmit forward error correction codi ng type. Valid values are: 0 None 1 Vit 2 Seq 3 Vit RS 4 Seq RS 5 Turbo Q 3/4 6 Turbo B 21/44 7 Turbo B 5/16 cim550TxFECCodeRate Transmit forward error correction cod e rate.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 249 R X P ARAMETE RS Table 13-38. Rx Parameters OIDs OID Description cim550RxFrequency Receive frequency in Hz. Can b e set from 52,000,000 Hz to 88,000,000 Hz and 104,000,000 Hz to 188,000,0 00 Hz.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 250 OID Description cim550RxClockMode Receive clock mode. Can be set to: 0 Disabled 1 Enabled cim550RxBufferSize Receive buffer s ize in bits.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 251 OID Description cim550EdmacAddress The EDMA C slave ad dress will set the range of addresses of distant- end units (modem s and transceivers) which this unit will forward messages for.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 252 T HE “”AUPC P ARAMETERS Table 13-41. AUPC Parameter OIDs OID Description cim550AupcEnable Enables or disabl es AUPC (Automatic Uplink Power Control).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 253 S TAT U S P ARAMETERS Table 13-42. Status Parameter OIDs OID Description cim550RxEbno Value of Ebi/No, can be between 0 and 160 in 0.1 dB where 0 = 0.0 dB to 160 = 16.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 254 OID Description cim550ModemTxTrafficFaults Returns the current fault and status codes for the Tx Traffic.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 255 L OGS Table 13-43. Logs OIDs OID Description cim550ClearEventsLog Instructs the unit to clear all Stored Events. A value of 1 (yes) is used to clear the event log. cim550NumberUnreadEv ents Returns the number of Stored Events which remain unread.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 256 OID Description cim550RetrieveNext5Statistics Unit return s the oldest 5 Stored Statistics which have not yet been read over the remote control. Reply format: {CR}Sub-body{CR}Sub-body{CR}Sub- body{CR}Subbody{CR}Sub-body, where Sub-body= AA.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 257 ODU U NIT P ARAMETERS Table 13-45. ODU Unit OIDs OID Description oduUnitMuteMode Unit mute. Can be set to: 0 Unmute 1 Mute oduUnitColdStart Unit cold start. Can be set to: 0 Disabled 1 Enabled oduUnitAutoFaultRecov er y Auto fault recovery.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 258 ODU T X P ARA METERS Table 13-46. ODU Tx Parameters OIDs OID Description OduTxFrequency Transmit frequency in KHz. Can be set between 5,845,000 KHz and 181,00,000 KHz.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 259 ODU R X P ARAMETERS Table 13-47. ODU Rx Parameters OIDs OID Description OduRxFequency Receive frequency in KHz. Can be between 3,625,000 KHz and 14,100,000 KHz. oduRxAttenuation Receive attenuation.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 260 ODU U NIT S TAT U S Table 13-48. ODU Unit Status OIDs OID Description OduOnlineState Online state. Can be set to: 0 Offline 1 Online oduMaintenanceParameters Used to Query the maintenance statu s o f the CSAT.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 261 OID Description OduUnitFaults Used to Query the Alarm status of the CSAT. A integer value will be returned between 0.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 262 13.6 C I M IP C ONTROLLER MIB T REE : MIB Tree: 1 --- iso 1.3 --- org 1.3.6 --- dod --- internet --- private --- enterprises --- comtech 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 263 --- cimDatagramCompressi onOption (Availability) --- cimNaptOption (Availability) --- cimQosOption (Availability) 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 264 --- cimSmt pDestinationName(DisplayString) 2.9 --- cimSnmp --- cimSnmpTrapDestinationIpAddress (IpAddress) 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 265 6 --- cimIpRouteMulticastOptions (INTEGER) 7 --- cimIpRouteMinQo sBandwidth (INTEGER) 8 --- cimIpRouteMaxQo sBandwidth (INTEGER) 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 266 --- cimArpPhysType (INTEGER) 2.1.5 --- cimArpRowStatus (INTEGER) --- cimRedundancy
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 267 --- cimIpRoutingStatistics --- cimUnicastIpPacketsToSatellite (Counter32) --- cimUnicastIpPacketsToEthernet (Counter32) 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 268 13.7 C I M IP C ONTROLLER MIB 13.7.1 CIM C ONTROLLER Name cimController OID 4.1.6247.4 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 269 13.7.4 CIM M IB V ERSION Name cimMibVersion OID 1.6247.4.2.1 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).cimAdministratio n(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 270 13.7.6 CIM A DMIN N AME Name cimAdminName OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).cimAdministratio n(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 271 13.7.8 CIM R EAD W RITE N AME Name cimReadWriteName OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 272 13.7.10 CIM R EAD O NL Y N AME Name cimReadOnlyName OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 273 13.7.12 CIM A CCESS L ISTS Name cimAccessLists OID 1.6247.4.2.4 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 274 13.7.14 CIM A CCESS S UBNET M ASK L EN 1 Name cimAccessSubnetMaskLen1 OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 275 13.7.16 CIM A CCESS S UBNET M ASK L EN 2 Name cimAccessSubnetMaskLen2 OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 276 13.7.18 CIM A CCESS S UBNET M ASK L EN 3 Name cimAccessSubnetMaskLen3 OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 277 13.7.20 CIM A CCESS S UBNET M ASK 4 Name cimAccessSubnetMask4 OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 278 13.7.22 CIM F EA TURES A V AILABILITY Name cimFeaturesAvailabilit y OID 1.6247.4.2.5 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 279 13.7.24 CIM N APT O PTION Name cimNaptOption OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 280 13.7.26 CIM T CP A CCELERA TION O PTION Name cimTcpAccelerationOption OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 281 13.7.28 CIM E NCR Y PTION O PTION Name cimEncryptionOption OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 282 13.7.30 CIM H EADER C OMPRESSION O PTION Name cimHeaderCompressionOption OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 283 13.7.33 CIM T ELNET F EA TURE Name cimTelnetFeature OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 284 13.7.35 CIM D OWNLINK M UL TICAST R OUTING F EA TURE Name cimDownlinkMulticastRoutingF eature OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 285 13.7.37 CIM N APT O PT Name cimNaptOpt OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).cimAdministra tion(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 286 13.7.39 CIM T CP A CCELERA TION O PT Name cimTcpAccelerationOpt OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 287 13.7.41 CIM T RANSMIT D ES E NCR YPTION O PT Name cimTransmitDesEncryptionO pt OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 288 13.7.43 CIM I GMP O PT Name cimIgmpOpt OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).cimAdministra tion(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 289 13.7.45 CIM D ES E NCRYPT C ONFIG Name cimDesEncryptConfig OID 1.6247.4.2.7 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 290 13.7.47 CIM R ECEIVE D ECR YPT E NABLED Name cimReceiveDecryptEnable d OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 291 13.7.49 CIM T RANSMIT K EY 2 Name cimTransmitKey2 OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 292 13.7.51 CIM R ECEIVE K EY 2 Name cimReceiveKey2 OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 293 13.7.53 CIM S MTP S ERVER I P A DDRESS Name cimSmtpServerIpAddress OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 294 13.7.55 CIM S MTP D ESTINA TION N AME Name cimSmtpDestination OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 295 13.7.57 CIM S NMP T RAP D ESTINA TION I P A DDRES S Name cimSnmpTrapDestinationIpA ddress OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 296 13.7.59 CIM S NMP T RAP V ERSION Name cimSnmpTrapVersion OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 297 13.7.61 CIM S NMP A UTHENTICA TION F AILURE A DDRESS Name cimSnmpAuthenticationFailur eAddr ess OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 298 13.7.64 CIM E THERNET M AC A DDRESS Name cimEthernetMacAddress OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 299 13.7.66 CIM E THERNET I P A DDRESS Name cimEthernetIpAddress OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 300 13.7.68 CIM S A TELLITE I NTERF ACE Name cimSatelliteInterface OID 1.6247.4.3.2 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 301 13.7.70 CIM S A TELLITE S UBNET P REFIX L EN Name cimSatelliteSubnetPrefixLen OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 302 13.7.72 CIM S A TELLITE T RANSMIT E NABLE Name cimSatelliteTransmitEnabl e OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 303 13.7.74 CIM S A TELLITE H DLC A DDRES S 2 Name cimSatelliteHdlcAddress2 OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 304 13.7.76 CIM S A TELLITE H DLC A DDRES S 4 Name cimSatelliteHdlcAddress4 OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 305 13.7.78 CIM G LOBAL Q OS E NABLE Name cimGlobalQosEnable OID 1.6247.4.4.1 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 306 13.7.80 CIM I P R OUTE E NTR Y Name cimIpRouteEntry OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 307 13.7.81 CIM I P R OUTE I NDEX Name cimIpRouteIndex OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 308 13.7.83 CIM I P R OUTE D EST A DDRESS Name cimIpRouteDestAddress OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 309 13.7.85 CIM I P R OUTE N EXT H OP A DDRESS Name cimIpRouteNextHopAddress OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 310 13.7.87 CIM I P R OUTE M IN Q OS B ANDWIDTH Name cimIpRouteMinQosBand width OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 311 13.7.89 CIM I P R OUTE D ES K EY Name cimIpRouteDesKey OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 312 13.7.90 CIM I P R OUTE R OW S TAT U S Name cimIpRouteRowStatus OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 313 13.7.91 CIM I P R OUTE P RIORITY Name cimIpRoutePriority OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(62 47).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 314 13.7.94 CIM I GMP T ABLE Name cimIgmpTable OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 315 13.7.96 CIM I GMP I NDEX Name cimIgmpIndex OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 316 13.7.98 CIM I GMP C LIENT S TAT E Name cimIgmpClientState OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 317 13.7.100 CIM I GMP G ROUP I P A DDRESS Name cimIgmpGroupIpAddress OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 318 13.7.102 CIM I GMP E NABLE Name cimIgmpEnable OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 319 13.7.104 CIM I GMP M AX R ESP T IME Name cimIgmpMaxRespTime OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 320 13.7.106 CIM I GMP T RANSMITER Name cimIgmpTransmiter OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 321 13.7.108 CIM I GMP V ERSION U NSOLICITED R EPORTS Name cimIgmpVersionUnsolicitedReports OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 322 13.7.110 CIM I GMP U NSOLICITED R EPORT I NTERV AL Name cimIgmpUnsolicitedReportInterval OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 323 13.7.112 CIM F LUSH A RP T ABLE Name cimFlushArpTable OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 324 13.7.114 CIM A RP E NTR Y Name cimArpEntry OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 325 13.7.116 CIM A RP I P A DDRESS Name cimArpIpAddress OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 326 13.7.118 CIM A RP P HYS T YPE Name cimArpPhysType OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 327 13.7.119 CIM A RP R OW S TAT U S Name cimArpRowStatus OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 328 13.7.120 CIM R EDUNDA NCY Name cimRedundancy OID 1.6247.4.6 Full path iso(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 329 13.7.122 CIM L OCAL U NIT M ANAGE MENT I P A DDRESS Name cimLocalUnitManagementIpAddress OID 1.6247.4.6.2 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 330 13.7.124 CIM R EDUNDA NT T RAFFIC I P A DDRESS Name cimRedundantT rafficIpAddress OID 1.6247.4.6.4 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 331 13.7.126 CIM F ORCE U NIT O FFLINE Name cimForceUnitOffline OID 1.6247.4.6.6 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 332 13.7.128 CIM A PP V ERSION Name cimAppVersion OID 1.6247.4.7.1 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 333 13.7.130 CIM R ESET Name cimReset OID 1.6247.4.7.3 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).cimOperMaint( 7).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 334 13.7.132 CIM R EMOTE P ORT BD EVICE A DDRESS Name cimRemotePortBDeviceAddr ess OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 335 13.7.134 CIM R EMOTE P ORT BF ORMA T Name cimRemotePortBFormat OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 336 13.7.136 CIM S TAT I S T I C S Name cimStatistics OID 1.6247.4.8 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cimController(4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 337 13.7.139 CIM S A TELLITE T RANSMIT E NTR Y Name cimSatelliteTransmitEntr y OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 338 13.7.140 CIM S A TELLITE T RANSMIT I NDEX Name cimSatelliteTransmitInde x OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 339 13.7.142 CIM S A TELLITE T RANSMIT T OT AL P ACKETS T RANSMITTED Name cimSatelliteTransmitT otalPacketsTransmitted OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 340 13.7.144 CIM S A TELLITE T RANSMIT M IN D ATA R AT E Name cimSatelliteTransmitMinData Rate OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 341 13.7.146 CIM S A TELLITE T RANSMIT A VG D ATA R AT E Name cimSatelliteTransmitAvgData Rate OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 342 13.7.148 CIM U NICAST I P P ACKETS T O S A TELLITE Name cimUnicastIpPa cketsToSatellite OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 343 13.7.150 CIM M UL TICAST I P P ACKETS T O S A TELLITE Name cimMulticastIpPacketsToSatellite OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 344 13.7.152 CIM B ROADCAST I P P ACKETS T O S A TELLITE Name cimBroadcastIpPacketsToSatellite OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 345 13.7.154 CIM P ACKETS F ROM S A TELLITE Name cimPacketsFromSatellite OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 346 13.7.156 CIM T OT AL I P P ACKET S T O E THERNET Name cimTotalIpPacketsToEthernet OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 347 13.7.159 I P O PTION P ACKETS R ECEIVED Name cimIpOptionPacketsReceived OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 348 13.7.161 CIM D ROPPED P ACKETS TTLE XPIRED Name cimDroppedPacketsTT LExpi red OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 349 13.7.163 CIM D ROPPED P ACKETS N O R OUTE Name cimDroppedPacketsNoRout e OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 350 13.7.165 CIM D ROPPED P ACKETS F IL TERED Name cimDroppedPacketsFiltered OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 351 13.7.167 CIM D ROPPED P ACKETS N O A RP E NTR Y Name cimDroppedPacketsNoArpE ntr y OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 352 13.7.169 CIM D ROPPED P ACKETS B AD I P V ERSION Name cimDroppedPacketsBadIpVersion OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 353 13.7.171 CIM D ROPPED P ACKETS Q OS Name cimDroppedPacketsQos OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 354 13.7.173 CIM D ROPPED P ACKETS D ROPPED B UFFERS Name cimDroppedPacketsDroppedB uffers OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 355 13.8 C I M-550 MIB T REE 1 --- iso 1.3 --- org 1.3.6 --- dod --- internet --- private --- enterprises --- comtech
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 356 --- cim550RxDemodType (INTEGER) --- cim550RxFECType (INTEGER) --- cim550RxFECCodeRate (INTEGER) 1.3.6.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 357 --- cim550RedundancyState (INTEGER) --- cim550ModemUnitFaults (INTEGER) --- cim550ModemTxTrafficFaults (INTEGER) 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 358 --- oduUnitLNAFaultLogic (INTEGER) --- oduUnitRedundancyMode (INTEGER) --- oduUnitRedForceSwitch (INTEGER) 1.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 359 13.9 C I M-550 MIB 13.9.1 CIM 550 Name cim550 OID 4.1.6247.5 Full path iso(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 360 13.9.4 CIM 550E QUIPMENT ID Name cim550EquipmentID OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 361 13.9.6 CIM 550S OFTW ARE R EVISION Name cim550SoftwareRevision OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 362 13.9.8 CIM 550D EVICE D AT E Name cim550DeviceDate OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 363 13.9.10 CIM 550L OCAL R EMOTE S TAT E Name cim550LocalRemoteState OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 364 13.9.12 CIM 550T X F REQUENCY Name cim550TxFrequency OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 365 13.9.14 CIM 550T X M OD T YPE Name cim550TxModType OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 366 13.9.15 CIM 550T X FECT YPE Name cim550TxFECType OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).cim550Ob jects(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 367 13.9.16 CIM 550T X FECC ODE R AT E Name cim550TxFECCodeRate OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 368 13.9.18 CIM 550T X S CRAMBLER Name cim550TxScrambler OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 369 13.9.20 CIM 550T X P OWER L EVEL Name cim550TxPowerLevel OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 370 13.9.22 CIM 550R X P ARA METERS Name cim550RxParameters OID 1.6247.5.1.3 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 371 13.9.24 CIM 550R X D ATA R AT E Name cim550RxDataRate OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 372 13.9.26 CIM 550R X FECT YPE Name cim550RxFECT ype OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 373 13.9.27 CIM 550R X FECC ODE R AT E Name cim550RxFECCodeRate OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 374 13.9.29 CIM 550R X D ESCRAMBLER Name cim550RxDescrambler OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 375 13.9.31 CIM 550R X B UFFER S IZE Name cim550RxBufferSize OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 376 13.9.33 CIM 550R X E BNO A LARM P OINT Name cim550RxEbnoAlarmPoint OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 377 13.9.35 CIM 550I F I MPEDANCE Name cim550IfImpedance OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 378 13.9.37 CIM 550U TILITY P ARAMETERS Name cim550UtilityParameters OID 1.6247.5.1.5 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 379 13.9.39 CIM 550E DMAC A DDRESS Name cim550EdmacAddress OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 380 13.9.41 CIM 550R ECENTER B UFFER Name cim550RecenterBuffer OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 381 13.9.43 CIM 550U NIT A LARM M ASK Name cim550UnitAlarmMask OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 382 13.9.45 CIM 550U NIT C ONFIG L OAD Name cim550UnitConfigLoad OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 383 13.9.47 CIM 550A UPC P ARAMETER S Name cim550AupcParameters OID 1.6247.5.1.6 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 384 13.9.49 CIM 550A UPC C ONTROL P ARAMETERS Name cim550AupcControlParameters OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 385 13.9.51 CIM 550T X P OWER L EVEL I NCRE ASE Name cim550TxPowerLevelIncreas e OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 386 13.9.53 CIM 550R X E BNO Name cim550RxEbno OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).cim550Ob jects(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 387 13.9.55 CIM 550R X F REQUENCY O FFSET Name cim550RxFrequencyOffset OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 388 13.9.57 CIM 550R X BER Name cim550RxBER OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).cim550Ob jects(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 389 13.9.59 CIM 550M ODEM U NIT F AU L TS Name cim550ModemUnitFaults OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 390 13.9.61 CIM 550M ODEM R X T RAFFIC F AUL TS Name cim550ModemRxTrafficFaults OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 391 13.9.63 CIM 550C LEAR E VENTS L OG Name cim550ClearEventsLog OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 392 13.9.65 CIM 550R ETRIEVE N EXT 5E VENTS Name cim550Retriev eNe xt5Events OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).priv ate(4).enterprises( 1).comtech(624 7).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 393 13.9.67 CIM 550C LEAR S TA T I S T I C S L OG Name cim550ClearStatisticsLog OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 394 13.9.69 CIM 550R ETRIEVE N EXT 5S TAT I S T I C S Name cim550RetrieveNext5Statistics OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 395 13.9.72 CIM 550M ODEM U NIT F AU L TS N OTIFICA TION Name cim550ModemUnitFaultsNotification OID Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 396 13.9.75 ODU O BJECTS Name oduObjects OID 1.6247.5.2 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2) Module CIM550 Parent cim550 Prev sibling cim550Objects Child oduSelect Type OBJECT-IDENTIFIER 13.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 397 13.9.78 ODU M ODEL N UMBER S OFTW ARE V ER Name oduModelNumberSoftwareVer OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 398 13.9.80 ODU D EVICE T IME Name oduDeviceTime OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org (3).dod(6).internet(1).pri vate(4).enterprises(1).co mtech(6247).cim550(5 ).oduObjects(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 399 13.9.82 ODU C IRCUIT ID Name oduCircuitID OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 400 13.9.84 ODU U NIT M UTE M ODE Name oduUnitMuteMode OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 401 13.9.86 ODU U NIT A UTO F AUL T R ECOVER Y Name oduUnitAutoFaultRecovery OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 402 13.9.88 ODU U NIT R EF O SC A DJUST Name oduUnitRefOscAdjust OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 403 13.9.90 ODU U NIT LNAC URRENT W INDOW Name oduUnitLNACurrentWindow OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 404 13.9.91 ODU U NIT LNAF AUL T L OGIC Name oduUnitLNAFaultLogic OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 405 13.9.93 ODU U NIT R ED F ORCE S WITCH Name oduUnitRedForceSwitch OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 406 13.9.95 ODU T X F REQUENCY Name oduTxFrequency OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 407 13.9.97 ODU T X A MPLIFIER Name oduTxAmplifier OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 408 13.9.99 ODU T X S LOPE M ODE Name oduTxSlopeMode OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 409 13.9.101 ODU T X G AIN O FFSET Name oduTxGainOffset OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 410 13.9.103 ODU R X F REQUENCY Name oduRxFrequency OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 411 13.9.105 ODU R X M UTE Name oduRxMute OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 412 13.9.107 ODU R X S LOPE V ALUE Name oduRxSlopeValue OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 413 13.9.109 ODU U NIT S TAT U S Name oduUnitStatus OID 1.6247.5.2.6 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 414 13.9.111 ODU M AINTENAN CE P ARAMETERS Name oduMaintenanceParameters OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 415 13.9.113 ODU L OGS Name oduLogs OID 1.6247.5.2.7 Full path iso(1).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 416 13.9.115 ODU N UMBER U NREAD E VENTS Name oduNumberUnreadEvents OID 6247. Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 417 13.9.117 ODU N OTIFICA TIONS Name oduNotifications OID 1.6247.5.2.8 Full path iso(1).org(3).dod(6).internet(1).pr ivate( 4).enterprises(1).comtech(6 247).cim550(5).oduObj ects(2 ).
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 SNMP interface CD/CIM550.IOM 418 NOTES:.
419 Chapter 14. CiM IP Module Checkout and Fault Isolation 14.1 I NTRODUCTION CAUTION This equipment contains parts and assemblies sensitive to damage by ESD.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CiM IP Module Checkout & F ault Isolation CD/CIM550.IOM 420 14.2.1 E QUIPMENT L IST Following equipment is required: Item Equipment Quantity Comments 1 Ci.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CiM IP Module Checkout & F ault Isolation CD/CIM550.IOM 421 14.2.3 T RANSMIT AND R ECEIVE IF C ONFIGURA TION Step Procedure 1 Configure the transmit and receive IF param eters on CiM 1 and CiM 2 via the front panel.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CiM IP Module Checkout & F ault Isolation CD/CIM550.IOM 422 14.2.5 M AIN M ENU Figure 14-1. Main Menu To use this onterface, select the appropr iate sub-m enu or the entry by pressing the character indicated at the righ t.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CiM IP Module Checkout & F ault Isolation CD/CIM550.IOM 423 At this point you should be able to ping CiM 1 from PC 1: 10 ping 172.16. 10.10 11 ping R OUTE T ABLE Step Procedure 1 From Main Menu , select Route Table sub-m enu.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CiM IP Module Checkout & F ault Isolation CD/CIM550.IOM 424 14.2.8 C I M 2 C ONFIGURA TION Disconnect RJ-11 end of the console cable from CiM 1 and connect it to CiM 2. S ETTING IP A DDRESS ( ES ) Step Procedure 1 From the Main Menu select Net w ork Configuration sub-menu.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CiM IP Module Checkout & F ault Isolation CD/CIM550.IOM 425 14.3 T ROUBLESHOOTING IP M ODULE Use the following troubleshooting steps if unable to succesfully complete “CiM IP Module Checkout”. Step Problem Action 1) Verify correct IP address/subnet on P C and CiM.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 CiM IP Module Checkout & F ault Isolation CD/CIM550.IOM 426 3) Continue sending const ant ping from the PC 1 to PC 2. In the CiM 2, go to Operations Maintenance/Diagnostics. Enable ‘Dum p Packets received from Satellite Interfac e”.
Copyright 2002 Comtech EFData Corp . –427– an/cim_550 _ rev_2 .doc 12/3 /02 Application Note - Flash Upgrading the CiM-550 Satellite Modems F F l l a a s s h h U U p p g g r r a a d d e e O O .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Flash Upgrading CD/CIM550.IOM Copyright 2002 Comtech EFData Corp . –428– an/cim_550 _ rev_2 .doc 12/3 /02 D D o o w w n n l l o o a a d d i i n n g g .
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Flash Upgrading CD/CIM550.IOM Copyright 2002 Comtech EFData Corp . –429– an/cim_550 _ rev_2 .doc 12/3 /02 CiM IP Module Firmware Perform the CiM IP Module upgrade by using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) utility program.
Copyright 2002 Comtech EFData Corp . –430– an/cim_550 _ rev_2 .doc 12/3 /02 How to Perform a Flash Upgr ade for the CiM IP Module Step Procedure 1 On the PC, double-click the . exe or . zip flash upgrade file to uncompress its contents. Ensure that the followi ng unzipped files are located in the directory: fw9781-1x.
431 Index A About this Manual...................................... ix Address ....................................................435 Administration Page.
CiM-550 IP Enabled Satellite Modem Rev. 2 Index CD/CIM550.IOM 432 Menu Tree ..................................................23 Message Arguments .................................438 Methods of Operation ................................17 METRIC CONVERSIONS .
433 METRIC CONVERSIONS Units of Length Unit Centimeter Inch Foot Yard Mile Meter Kilometer Millimeter 1 centimeter — 0.3937 0.03281 0.01094 6.214 x 10 -6 0.01 — — 1 inch 2.540 — 0.08333 0.2778 1.578 x 10 -5 0.254 — 25.4 1 foot 30.480 12.0 — 0.
2114 WEST 7 TH STREET TEMPE ARIZONA 85281 USA 480 • 333 • 2200 PHONE 480 • 333 • 2161 FAX.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Mocomtech CIM-550 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Mocomtech CIM-550 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Mocomtech CIM-550 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Mocomtech CIM-550 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Mocomtech CIM-550, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Mocomtech CIM-550.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Mocomtech CIM-550. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Mocomtech CIM-550 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.