Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto QD75P del fabbricante Mitsubishi Electronics
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Type QD75P/QD75D Positioning Module User's Manual U User's Manual User's Manual Mitsubishi Programmable Logic Controller When exported from Japan, this manual does not require application to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry for service transaction permission.
A - 1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (Always read these instruct ions before using this equipment. ) Before using this product, please read t his manual and the relevant manuals introduced in this ma nual carefully and pay full attention t o safety to handle the product correct ly.
A - 2 [Design Instructions ] ! CAUTION Do not bundle or adjacently lay the control wire or communication cable w ith the main circuit or power wire. Separate these by 100mm (3.94in.) or more. Failur e to obser ve th is cou ld lead to m alfunc tion ing caus ed b y noise.
A - 3 [Startup/Maint enance Instructions] ! CAUTION Never disassemble or modify the module. Failure to observe t his could lead to trouble, malfunctioni ng, injuries or fires. Completely turn off the externally supplied pow er used in the sy stem before installing or removing the module.
A - 4 REVI SION S The manual number is giv en on the bottom left of the ba ck cov er . Print Date Manual N um ber Revis ion Dec. , 19 99 SH (NA ) -080 05 8 -A First edi ti on Oct., 2000 SH (NA) -08 0058- B Ad dition of f uncti on vers ion B (Ove rall revision s based on t he Japa nese M anual V ersio n SH-0 80047- E) Jun.
A - 5 REVI SION S The manual number is giv en on the bottom left of the ba ck cov er . Print Date Manual N um ber Revis ion Feb., 20 04 SH (NA) -08 0058-F Partia l cor rect ions and ad ditions CONTENT S, Sec tion 3.4. 1, Sect ion 3.4 .3, Sect ion 3. 4.
A - 6 INTRODUCT ION Thank you f or pur chas ing t he M itsub ishi g ener al-p urpos e pr ogram m able lo gic c ontro ller MELS EC-Q S eri es. Alwa ys rea d thro ugh th is m anual , and full y com prehe nd the f unc tions and per form ance of th e Q S eries PLC before star ting us e t o ensure corr ect usage of th is pr oduct .
A - 7 3. Spec if icati ons an d Func tio ns 3- 1 t o 3- 2 4 3.1 Perf orm ance sp ecific at ions ................................................................................................. ..................... 3- 2 3.2 List of f unctio ns ......
A - 8 5.2 List of p aram eters ......................................................................................................... .......................... 5- 2 0 5.2.1 B asic par am eters 1 ....................................................
A - 9 Secti on 2 Contro l Detai ls and Se ttin g 8. OP R Contro l 8- 1 t o 8- 2 2 8.1 Out line of OPR contro l ............................................................................................................................. 8- 2 8.1.1 T wo t ypes of OPR co ntrol .
A - 10 9.2.20 NO P i nstruct ion ......................................................................................................... .................... 9- 110 9.2.21 J UMP instr uction ..........................................................
A - 11 11.4. 4 Crea ting a progr am to ena ble/dis able the m anua l pu lse ge nerat or oper atio n .......................... 11- 33 12. C ontro l Su b Func tions 12- 1 to 1 2- 98 12.1 O utline of su b func tions .....................................
A - 12 14.4 P STRT 1, PST RT2, PST RT 3, PSTRT 4 ............................................................................................ ... 14- 8 14.5 T EACH1, TEA CH2, TEACH 3, T EACH4 ...........................................................
A - 13 About Ma nuals The f ollowi ng m anua ls are als o rel ated to this pro duct. In nec essar y, ord er them b y quoting the detai ls in the tab les b elow.
A - 14 Gener ic Ter m s and A bbrev iat ions Unless spec iall y note d, th e fo llow ing ge neric ter ms and ab brev iations ar e used in t his manual . Generic term/abbreviation Details of generic term/abbreviation PLC CPU Generic term for PLC CPU on which Q D75 can be mounted.
A - 15 Compon ent L ist The ta ble be lo w shows the c om ponent i nclud ed in r espec tive posi tion ing m odules : Module name Description Q uantity QD75P1 QD75P1 Positioning M odule(1-ax is open co.
A - 16 MEM O.
Section 1 Section 1 Product Specifications and Handling Sectio n 1 is c onfigur ed for th e foll owing pu rposes ( 1) to ( 5). (1) To unders tand th e outline of posi tioni ng contr ol, and t he QD 75.
1 - 1 1 Chapter 1 Product Outline The pu rpose and o utline of positio ning control using QD75 a re explai ned in this ch apter. Readin g this chapter will h elp you understan d what can be do ne us ing the p ositioni ng syst em and wh ich pr ocedur e to us e for a sp ecific purpos e.
1 - 2 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.1 Positioning contr ol 1.1.1 Features of QD75 The f eatures of the QD 75 are sho wn be low. (1) Av ailability of one, two, and four ax is modules (a) O ne, t wo an .
1 - 3 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE (c) Con tinuous p ositi oning c ontr ol us ing m ult ipl e pos itio ning d ata c an be execu ted in acc orda nce with th e operat ion patt erns th e user ass igned to the pos ition ing data. (Ref er to Sect ion 5. 3 an d 9.
1 - 4 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE (6) Support of intelligent function module dedicated instructions Dedica ted ins truc tio ns suc h as th e abs olut e pos itio n restor ation instr ucti on, posit ioni ng star t ins truc tion, and t eac hing i nstr uction are pr ovi ded.
1 - 5 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.1.2 Purpose and ap pl ic ations of posi ti oning contr ol "Pos itio ning" r efe rs t o movi ng a m oving b od y, such as a wo rk piec e or t ool ( herei naft er, gener icall y called "work piece" ) at a des ignated spee d, and acc urate ly stop ping it at th e target posit ion.
1 - 6 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE Li ft e r (St o rage o f Br au n t ube s on to agi ng ra ck) PLC MEL SEC -Q Servo amplifier Servomotor B co nv eyor Unloader Loader/u nloader Aging rack Lifter C conv.
1 - 7 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.1.3 Mechanism of positi oni ng contr ol Posit ionin g contr ol us ing the QD 75 is car rie d out wit h "puls e signa ls ". (The QD7 5 is a module that gen erates pu lses). In t he pos itio ning s ystem usi ng t he QD7 5, var ious softwar e a nd dev ices are use d f or the f oll owi ng roles .
1 - 8 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE The pr inc iple of "p osit ion c ontro l" a nd "s peed con trol " oper atio n is s ho wn be low. Position control The to tal N o. of puls es re quir ed to m ove the des ignated dis tance is o btai ned in the foll owin g mann er.
1 - 9 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.1.4 Outline desig n of positi oni ng sy stem The ou tline of th e pos itio ning s y stem op erat ion a nd des ign, us ing the QD 75, is sho wn below.
1 - 10 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE (b) Pulse tr ai n output from the QD 75 1) As sh own in Fi g. 1.3, the pu lse fre quenc y incr eas es as the m otor acceler ates. The pulses ar e spar se wh en th e motor star ts a nd mor e freque nt wh en the m otor speed com es clos e to the t arget s peed .
1 - 11 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE (a) In t he s ystem sho wn in Fig. 1.4, the m ovem ent am ount p er p ulse, comm and pu lse f req uenc y, and the de viat ion c oun ter dro op pu lser am ount are de.
1 - 12 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.1.5 Communicating si g nals betw een QD75 and each mo dule The ou tline of th e sig nal c omm unicat ion be twee n the QD75 and PL C C PU, perip heral device an d driv e unit, etc .
1 - 13 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE QD75 PLC CPU The QD7 5 and PL C CPU comm unic ate the fo llo wing da ta via the bas e unit. Directio n Communication Q D 75 PL C CPU PLC CPU QD75 Control signal Signal indicating QD75 state, su ch as QD75 READY signal, BU SY signal.
1 - 14 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE QD75 Ex te rn al sign a l The QD 75 an d ex terna l sig nal c omm unicat e the follo wing d ata via th e ex terna l device c on nectio n con nector .
1 - 15 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.2 Flow of sy stem oper ation 1.2.1 Flow of all pr ocesses The pos itio nin g contr ol pr oces ses, usin g the QD75, ar e sho wn be low.
1 - 16 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE The f ollowi ng work is c arri ed out with the pr ocess es sh own o n the pr e vious pa ge. Details Refere nce 1) Understand the product function s and u sage meth ods, the configurati on devices and specification s required for position ing control, and design the sy stem.
1 - 18 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.2.2 Outline of starti ng The ou tline f or s tarti ng e ach c ontro l is s hown with t he f ollow ing f lowchar t. It is as sum ed th at eac h m odule is i nstal led, and th e re quir ed s ystem conf igurat ion, etc.
1 - 19 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE Setti ng m ethod : Indi cates th e sequence program tha t must be created. QD75 <GX C onfig urator -QP> Set w it h GX C onfigu rato r-QP Set the par ameter an d data f or executi ng main fu nction, a nd th e su b func tions t hat need t o be set beforehan d.
1 - 20 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.2.3 Outline of stoppi ng Each con t rol i s stop pe d in th e foll owing ca se s. (1) W hen each c ontro l is com plete d norm al ly. (2) W hen the drive unit READ Y signa l is turne d OFF. (3) When a PLC CPU err or occurs (4) W hen the PLC READ Y signa l is tur ned OFF .
1 - 21 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.2.4 Outline for r estarti ng W hen a sto p caus e has occur red duri ng o perat ion with pos it ion co ntrol caus ing th e axis to sto p, pos itio ning to the end poin t of th e pos itio ning data can be res tarte d from the st op pe d po siti on by us ing th e " Cd.
1 - 22 MELSEC-Q 1 PRODUCT OUT LINE 1.3 Restrictions with a system using a stepping motor Note t he fol lowing restr ict ions a pplica ble to a s ystem that uses a ste pping m otor: (1) The S- pattern acc elerati on/decel eration is dis abled bec ause it r equir es a servom otor f or the contro lled ax is.
2 - 1 2 Chapter 2 System Configuration In this chapter , the general image of the system config urati on of the po sitioni ng c ontrol using QD7 5, the con figur ation de vices, appli cable CPU an d the p recauti ons of co nfigu ring the syst em are exp la ine d.
2 - 2 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2.1 General imag e o f system The ge nera l im age of the s ystem , incl udin g the Q D75 , PL C CPU a nd p eriph eral device s is show n bel ow. (The Nos . i n the illus trat ion ref er t o the "No ." in Secti on 2.
2 - 3 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Drive uni t Motor Manual pu lse ge nerator Machin e syst em inpu ts (switches) Cable Near point dog Limit swit ch Externa l comm and signal Stop sign al Peripher al dev ice Personal computer 6 8 7 (For details, refer to GX Configurato r -QP Operatin g Manual.
2 - 4 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2.2 Component l is t The pos itio nin g s ystem using the Q D75 is co nfig ured of th e fol lowin g de vices . No.
2 - 5 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2.3 Applicable sy stem The QD 75 ca n be us ed in the fol lowing system . (1) Appli cabl e modul es and the num ber o f instal labl e modul es The f ollowi ng tab.
2 - 6 MELSEC-Q 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2.4 How to check the function v er si on and SER IAL No. The f unctio n vers io n and SERI AL N o. of th e QD 75 ca n be c heck ed in the f ollo wing methods .
3 - 1 3 Chapter 3 Specifications and Functions The vario us spec ificati ons of the QD75 are explain ed in t his cha pter. The "Gener al spe cificat ions", " Performanc e speci fication.
3 - 2 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.1 Performance sp ecificati ons Model Item QD75P1 1 QD75D1 QD75P2 1 QD75D2 QD75P4 1 QD75D4 No. of c ontrol axes 1 axis 2 axes 4 axes Interpolat ion funct.
3 - 3 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Model Item QD75P1 1 QD75D1 QD75P2 1 QD75D2 QD75P4 1 QD75D4 1-axis linea r control 6 1-axis speed c ontrol 6 2-axis linea r interpol ation c ontrol (Com po.
3 - 4 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.2 List of functions 3.2.1 QD75 control functions The QD 75 has sev eral f uncti ons. I n th is m anual , the Q D75 f uncti ons ar e ca tegor ized and ex pla ined as foll ows.
3 - 5 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Position control Main fu nctio ns S ub functions OPR co ntro l Contro l registered in QD75 [Positioning start No.
3 - 6 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.2.2 QD75 main functions The ou tline of th e mai n funct ions for posit ion ing co ntrol with t he QD 75 is desc ribe d below.
3 - 7 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Main functions Details Reference section Block start (Normal star t) With one start, ex ecutes the posit ioning dat a in a random block with the set order.
3 - 8 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.2.3 QD75 sub functions and co mmon functions Sub functions The f unctions that assist position ing co ntrol usi ng the Q D75 are describ ed bel ow.
3 - 9 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Sub function Details Reference section Step function This function temporarily stop s the operati on to confirm the positioning operation during debug ging, etc. The operation can be stopp ed at each "autom atic de celeration" or "positioning data".
3 - 10 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Common funct ions The outl ine of the f unctions execut ed as nec essar y are des cribed be low. (Refer to Section 2 for det ails on each f unction.
3 - 12 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.2.4 Combination o f QD75 mai n functions an d sub functions W ith positi oning c ontr ol us ing the QD 75, t he m ain f unctio ns a nd s ub func tions can be com bined and us ed as nec essar y. A l ist of the m ain funct ion and su b fu nction com binati ons is gi ven be low.
3 - 13 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Functions that compensate control Functions that limit control Functions that change control details Other functions Backlash compensation function Elect.
3 - 14 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.3 Specifications o f input/out put si g nals w i th PLC C PU 3.3.1 List of input/output si g nal s wi th PLC C PU The QD7 5 uses 32 inp ut poin ts and 32 ou tput po ints for exc hang ing data with the P LC CPU.
3 - 15 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.3.2 Details of input si g nal s (QD75 P LC CPU) The ON /OFF tim ing an d cond itions of the in put si gna ls are s ho wn belo w.
3 - 16 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Important 1 : The BU SY s ignal turns O N e ven wh en p osition c on trol of m ovem ent amou nt 0 is execu ted. Ho wever , sinc e th e ON t ime is shor t, the ON stat us m ay no t be detect ed in t he sequenc e pro gram .
3 - 17 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.4 Specifications of i nput/out put i nter faces with exter nal devi ces 3.4.1 Electrical speci fications of input /output si g nal s Input specificat i.
3 - 18 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Output specif ications Signal nam e Rated load voltage W orking load voltage ra nge Max. l oa d current/ rush current Max.
3 - 19 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.4.2 Signal l ay out for external dev ice connecti on connector The s pecif icat ions of the c on nector sect ion, whic h is t he inp ut/ outp ut inter fac e for the QD75 an d e xte rna l dev ice, are sh ow n be low .
3 - 20 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.4.3 List of input/output si g nal detail s The de tails of eac h QD 75 ext erna l devic e co nnecti on con nector ar e sho wn be low: Pin No.
3 - 21 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS Pin No. Signal nam e AX1 AX2 AX 3 AX4 Signal detai ls (Negati ve logic is selected by e xternal I /O signal logic selec tion) Stop si gnal 1A4 1B 4 2A4 2B4 • I nput this signal to s top positioning. • W hen this signal turns ON, the QD75 will stop the pos itioning being executed.
3 - 22 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS 3.4.4 Input/output i nter face i nternal ci r cui t The ou tline diagram s of the i ntern al circ uits for t he QD7 5P1/Q D75D 1 exter nal device conne c ti on int e rfa ce a r e sho wn bel ow . (1) Input (C ommon to QD 7 5P1 an d QD 75D 1) External wiring Pin No.
3 - 23 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS (a) Input sig nal ON /OFF status The in pu t sign al ON/ O FF sta tus is de fie d by th e e xte r nal wi ri ng and lo gi c setting. This is ex plai ned be low with th e exam pl e of ne ar-p oint do g s ignal ( DOG ).
3 - 24 MELSEC-Q 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND FUNCTIONS (2) Output (F or QD 75P1) External wiring Pin No. Internal circuit Signal name Need for w iring 1 1A13 Deviation counter clear CLEAR 1A14 Common CLEAR COM 1A15 PULSE F 1A16 CW A phase PULSE PULSE COM 1A17 PULSE R 1A18 CCW B phase SIGN PULSE COM (3) Output (F or QD 75D 1) External wiring Pin No.
4 - 1 4 Chapter 4 Installation, Wiring and Maintenance of the Product The installation, wiring and mainte nance of the QD75 are explained in this chapter. Important information such as precautions to prevent malfunctioning of the QD75, accidents and injuries as well as the proper work methods are described.
4 - 2 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT 4.1 Outline of install ati on, w iring and maintenance 4.1.1 Installation, w iring and mai ntenance procedur es The ou tline and proced ures f or Q D75 insta llatio n, wir ing an d m aintena nce are sh own below.
4 - 3 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT 4.1.2 Names of each par t (1) T he par t nam es of the Q D75 are s hown belo w: QD75P4 RUN ERR AX1 AX1 AX2 AX3 AX4 AX2 AX3 AX4 For QD 75P4 (1) (2) (3) QD75D4 RUN ERR AX1 AX1 AX2 AX3 AX4 AX2 AX3 AX4 For QD 75D4 (1) (2) (3) (4) No.
4 - 4 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT (2) T he L ED dis pla y ind icates the f ollo wing operat ion s tatus es of the Q D7 5 and ax es. QD75P4 RUN ERR AX1 AX2 AX3 AX4 Display A ttention point Description Display Attention point Description RUN ERR AX1 AX2 AX3 AX4 RUN is OFF.
4 - 5 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT 4.1.3 Handling pr ecauti ons Handle th e QD75 and cable wh ile obser vin g the foll owing pr ecaut ions. [1] Handling pr ecautions ! CAUTION Use the PLC within t he general specifications env ironment given in t his manual.
4 - 6 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT [2] Other precautions (1) Mai n body • The m ain bo dy cas e is m ade of plast ic. Tak e car e not to dro p or appl y stron g im pacts o nto t he cas e. • Do not r em ove the QD75 PCB from the c ase.
4 - 7 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT 4.2 Installation 4.2.1 Precautions for i nstall ation The prec au tions f or i nstal ling t he Q D75 are g iven b elow. R efer to t his s ectio n as well as "4. 1.3 H andli ng prec auti ons" when c arr ying o ut the work .
4 - 8 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT 4.3 W iring The prec au tions f or wiring the QD 75 ar e gi ven b elow. Refer to t his s ectio n as well as "4.1 .3 Han dli ng p rec auti ons" when ca r ryi ng out t he wo rk.
4 - 9 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT [ Wiring ex ample of shiel ded cable] The f ollowi ng sho ws a wiri ng ex am ple for nois e re duction in t he c ase where the connec tor A6CO N1 is use d.
4 - 10 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT Assembling of connector ( A6CON 1) Wrap the c oated pa rts with a heat contr act ile tube.
4 - 11 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT (10) T o m ake this pro duct c onfor m to the E MC an d Low Voltag e Dir ecti ve, be sure t o use of a AD75C K t ype cab le cl amp ( m anufactur ed b y Mits ubish i Electr ic) f or gr ound ing to the c ontr ol box .
4 - 12 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT [ Wiring exampl es usi ng duct (incorr ect ex ample and corrected ex ample)] Relay Drive unit Drive unit Noise source Relay Relay.
4 - 13 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT 4.3.2 Wiring o f the di fferential dr i v er common ter minal W hen the d iffer entia l dri ver out put s y stem ( QD75D1 , QD7 5.
4 - 14 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT 4.4 Confirmi ng the i nstal lati on and w iri ng 4.4.1 Items to confir m w hen installati on and w iring are completed Check the fo llo wing points whe n com pleted with the Q D75 instal latio n an d wir ing.
4 - 15 MELSEC-Q 4 INSTALLATION, WIRING AND MAINTENANCE OF T HE PRODUCT 4.5 Maintenance 4.5.1 Precautions for maint enance The prec au tions f or s ervic ing t he QD 75 ar e gi ven below. Refer to th is s ecti on as well as "4. 1.3 H andli ng prec auti ons" when c arr ying o ut the work .
5 - 1 5 Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control The paramete rs and data used to c arry out positi oning control with the QD75 ar e explained in this ch apter. With the posit ioning sys tem using the QD7 5, the various parameters and dat a explai ned in this ch apter are use d for control .
5 - 2 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.1 Types of data 5.1.1 Parameters and dat a r eq ui red for contr ol The par am eters a nd dat a req uired to c arr y out con tro l with the QD 75 i nclud e th e "setti ng dat a", "m onitor data" an d "co ntrol da ta" sho wn bel ow.
5 - 3 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL The o nly va lid data as sign ed to these param eters are the da ta r ead at the m om ent when a pos itio ning or JOG oper atio n is starte d. Once the operat ion h as star ted, an y modi fi c a ti on to the da ta is ig no re d .
5 - 4 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.1.2 Setting it ems for positi oni ng par ameter s The tabl e belo w lists item s set to th e positio ning param eters. S etting of posit ionin g param eters is s imilar l y done f or i ndivi dua l axes for all c ontro ls ac hie ved b y the Q D75.
5 - 5 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Contr ol Major positi oni ng cont rol Ma nual c ontrol Positio n contro l Other co ntrol Pos ition in g pa ra meter OPR cont rol 1-ax is lin ear con.
5 - 6 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.1.3 Setting it ems for OPR par ameter s W hen carr ying o ut "O PR con tro l", th e "OP R par am eters" m ust b e set. The s ett ing item s f or the "O PR par am eters" are s ho wn belo w.
5 - 7 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.1.4 Setting items f or positioning data Posit ionin g dat a m ust be s et f or carr yin g out an y "m ajor pos itio ning c ontro l". T he t able below lists the item s to b e se t for produc in g the p osit ionin g da ta.
5 - 8 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Checking the posit ioning data The item s Da.1 to Da.10 are chec ked at t he fol lowing tim ings: (1) Star tup of a p ositi oning opera tion (2) Err.
5 - 10 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.1.5 Setting items for block start data The "blo ck sta rt da ta" must be set when carry ing out "high- l evel posi tioni ng con t rol" . The s etting item s f or the " block star t data " are sh own bel ow.
5 - 11 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.1.6 Setting items f or condition data W hen carr ying o ut "hi gh-leve l p ositi oning c ontr ol" or us ing the JUM P ins truct ion i n the "maj or pos itio ning c ontr ol", the "c ond ition data " m ust be s et as requ ir ed.
5 - 12 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.1.7 Types and r oles of monitor data The m onit or dat a area in th e buf fer m em ory stor es dat a rel ating t o th e oper atin g state of th e posi tioni ng s ystem , whic h are monit ore d as r equir ed wh ile t he pos ition ing system is operat ing.
5 - 13 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [2] Monitori ng the axi s oper ati on state Monitoring t he position Monitor details Corresponding item Monitor the current machine feed v alue Md.21 Machine feed value Monitor the current "current feed value" Md.
5 - 14 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Monitoring the stat e Monitor details Corresponding item Monitor the axis operation state Md.26 Ax is operation status Monitor the latest error code that occurred w ith the axis Md.23 Axis error No.
5 - 16 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.1.8 Types and r oles of control dat a Opera tion of the posi tion ing s ystem is ac hie ved thr ough the exec utio n of nec ess ary contr ols.
5 - 17 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [2] Controlling the operation Controlli ng the operat ion Control details Corresponding item Set which positioning to ex ecute (start No.) Cd.3 Positioning start No. Clear (reset) the axis error ( Md.
5 - 18 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Making setting s related to operation Control details Corresponding item Turn M code ON signal O FF Cd.7 M code OFF request Set new value when changing current v alue Cd.9 New current value Validate speed-position sw itching signal from external source Cd.
5 - 20 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.2 List of parameter s 5.2.1 Basic paramet ers 1 Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce V alue set with s equence program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 0 : mm 0 1 : inch 1 2 : degree 2 Pr.
5 - 21 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.2 to Pr.4 Movement amount per pulse Thes e param eters def ine the am ount of m ovem ent achie ved by eac h sing le puls e within a pulse tra in out put by the QD75. The f ollowing paragra phs exp lain ho w to set t he indi vidua l param eters Pr.
5 - 22 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL However, t he m axim um value th at can be s et f or this "movem ent am ount per rotation (A l)" par am eter is 6553.
5 - 23 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.5 Pulse output mode Set the pulse out put m ode to m atch the ser vo am plifier being us ed. IMPORTANT The onl y valid va lue of the " Pr.
5 - 24 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (3) A phase/B phase mode Forward r un and r everse r un are contr olled with th e phase d iffer ence of the A phase ( A ) and B phase (B ). • W hen the B phas e is 90 ° behind the A p hase, t he mo tor will f orward ru n.
5 - 25 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL POINT W hen Pr.6 has been c han ged f rom "0" to "1", ch eck if th e upper an d lower lim it switc hes oper ate pro per ly by JOG operat ion. If an y malf uncti on is ide ntif ied, c heck and corr ect t he wiring .
5 - 26 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce V alue set with s equence program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Pr.7 Bias s peed at start The setti ng range differs depending on the " Pr.
5 - 27 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [Table 1] Pr.1 setting value Value set with peripheral device (unit) Value set with sequence program (unit) 0 : mm 0 to 20000000.00 (mm/min) 0 to 2000000000 (×10 -2 mm/min) 1 : inch 0 to 2000000.000 (inch/min) 0 to 2000000000 (×1 0 -3 inch/min) 2 : degree 0 to 2000000.
5 - 28 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.2.3 Detailed par ameter s 1 Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce Value set w ith sequence prog ram Default val ue Axi s 1 A xis 2 A xis 3 Axi s 4 Pr.
5 - 29 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 1) The back lash com pensation is va lid after mac hine OPR. T hus, if the back lash compens ation am ount is s et or chang ed, al ways carr y out mac hine OPR once.
5 - 30 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 1) Generall y, the OP is s et at th e lower lim it or upper lim it of the st roke limit. 2) By setting the u pper limit v alue or lower l imit val ue of the soft ware strok e lim it, overru n can be pr evente d in the s oftwar e.
5 - 31 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.17 Torq ue limit set ting value Set the m axim um value of the torq ue gener ated b y the serv om otor as a percenta ge bet ween 1 and 500%. The torque lim it function lim its the torqu e genera ted b y the servom otor within the set range .
5 - 32 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL An M c ode is a n um ber betwe en 0 and 6553 5 tha t can be ass igned to e ach p osit ioning data ( Da.10 ). The seq uenc e pro gram can b e code d to r ead an M c ode f rom the buf fer m emor y addres s sp ecifi ed b y " Md.
5 - 33 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.19 Speed switching mode Set whet her to sw itch the s peed s witching m ode with the st andar d switch ing or front- loading s witching m ode. 0 : Standard s witchi ng............... Switch the spee d when executin g the nex t position ing dat a.
5 - 34 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.21 Current f eed value during speed cont rol Specif y whether you wish to ena ble or d isable t he updat e of " Md.20 Current fee d value" while oper atio ns are p erform ed under t he speed c ontro l (inc luding th e speed-p os ition and pos it io n- s pee d switch ing contro l).
5 - 36 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.2.4 Detailed par ameter s 2 Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce V alue set with s equence program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Pr.
5 - 37 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [Table 1] Pr.1 setting value Value set w i th peripheral device (unit) Value set with sequence progra m (unit) 0 : mm 0.01 to 20000000.00 (mm/min) 1 to 2000000000 ( × 10 -2 mm/min) 1 : inch 0.001 to 2000000.
5 - 38 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce Value s et with sequenc e program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 0 : Autom atic trapezoi d accelerat ion/decel eration proc ess 0 Pr.
5 - 39 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.35 S-patte rn ra ti o Set the S- pattern r atio (1 to 100%) f or car rying out the S -pattern accelerat ion/dec elerat ion proc ess. The S-patter n rati o indic ates where t o dra w the acc eleration/ deceler ation cur ve using the Sin cur ve as shown bel ow.
5 - 40 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.36 Sudden stop decelerati on time Set the t ime to reac h speed 0 from " Pr.8 Speed lim it val ue" dur ing the sudden stop. The ill ustration b elo w shows the r elatio nships with ot her par ameter s.
5 - 41 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.37 Stop gr oup 1 sudden stop selection to Pr.39 Stop group 3 sudden stop selection Set the m ethod to s top when the sto p causes in the f ollo wing stop groups oc cur. • Stop group 1 .........
5 - 42 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce V alue set with s equence program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Pr.
5 - 43 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [Table 1] Pr.1 setting value Value set with peripheral device (unit) Value set with sequence progra m (unit) 0 : mm 0 to 10000.0 ( µ m) 0 to 100000 ( × 10 -1 µ m) 1 : inch 0 to 1.00000 (inch) 0 to 100000 ( × 10 -5 inch) 2 : degree 0 to 1.
5 - 44 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.42 External comm and function selection Select a c omm and with which the ex ternal comm and s ignal should be as sociated. 0: Exter nal pos itioning st art The ex ternal comm and s ignal in put is used to st art a p osition ing operatio n.
5 - 46 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.2.5 OPR basic par amet er s Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce V alue s.
5 - 47 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 1 : Stopper method 1) (1) Start machine OPR. (Start movement at the " Pr.46 OPR speed" in the " Pr.44 OPR direction".) (2) Detect the near-point dog O N, and start de celeration.
5 - 48 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 4 : Count method 1) (1) Start machine OPR. (Start movement at the " Pr.46 OPR speed" in the " Pr.44 OPR direction".) (2) Detect the near-point dog O N, and start de celeration. (3) Decelerate to " Pr.
5 - 49 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.44 OPR direction Set the direction to start m ovem ent when start ing mac hine OPR. 0: Positi ve dir ection ( addres s incr ement dir ect ion) Moves in the dir ection th at the a ddress inc rem ents.
5 - 50 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.45 OP address Set the address us ed as the refer ence poi nt for pos itioni ng contr ol (AB S system ). (W hen the ma chine OPR is com pleted, th e stop position addr ess is c hange d to the address s et in " Pr.
5 - 51 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.47 Creep speed Set the cr eep spe ed after ne ar-po int dog O N (the lo w speed j ust bef ore stopp ing after dec elerating f rom the OPR spee d). The c reep speed is set withi n the follo wing ran ge.
5 - 52 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Pr.48 OPR re try Set whether to carr y out OPR retry. W hen the OPR retr y funct ion is validated and the m ac hine OPR is s tarted, f irst the axis will move in the O PR dir ection (1) ).
5 - 54 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.2.6 OPR detailed par a meters Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce Value set with sequence program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Pr.
5 - 55 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [Table 1] Pr.1 setting value Value set with peripheral device (unit) Value set with sequence progra m (unit) 0 : mm 0 to 214748364.7 ( µ m) 0 to 2147483647 ( × 10 -1 µ m) 1 : inch 0 to 21474.83647 (inch) 0 to 2147483647 ( × 10 -5 inch) 2 : degree 0 to 21474.
5 - 56 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral device Val ue set with sequenc e program Default value A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Pr.53 OP shift amount The setti ng value range dif fers dependin g on the " Pr.
5 - 57 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [Table 1] Pr.1 setting value Value set with peripheral device (unit) Value set with sequence progra m (unit) 0 : mm -214748364.8 to 214748364.7 ( µ m) -2147483648 to 21 47483647 ( × 10 -1 µ m) 1 : inch -21474.
5 - 58 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.3 List of positioni ng data Befor e expl ainin g th e posi tioni ng data set ting i tems Da.1 to Da.10 , the co nfig urati on of the p ositi oning data will be sh own bel ow. The pos itio nin g dat a stor ed in the Q D7 5 buf fer m em ory has the f ollo wing t ype of config ura tion.
5 - 59 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL ˆ Ê’ u Œ ˆ‚ ß ¯• Ê q Da.1 @ ` @D a . 4 ²‚ P ˆ Ê’ u Œ ˆ‚ ß ƒ Aƒ hƒ Œƒ X Da.5 ‰ ~Œ ʃ Aƒ hƒ Œƒ X Da.6 w— ß‘ ¬ “ x Da.7 ƒ hƒ Eƒ Fƒ ‹ƒ ^ƒ Cƒ € Da.
5 - 60 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Set ting va lu e Set ting va lu e bu ff er memory addres s Item Val u e set with periphe ral de vice Val ue set with sequenc e progr am Default value Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 00: Posi tioni ng c ompl ete 00 01: Conti nuou s positi onin g contro l 01 Da.
5 - 61 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Da.1 Operation pat tern The operat ion patt ern des ignates whether p osition ing of a c ertain d ata No. is to be ended with j ust that data, or whether the pos itioning f or the nex t data No. is to be carrie d out in su ccessio n.
5 - 62 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Da.4 Decelerati on time No. Set which of "dec elera tion tim e 0 to 3 " to use f or the decelerat ion tim e durin g position ing. 0 : Use the value set in " Pr.10 Deceleration tim e 0".
5 - 63 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (2) Incremental ( IN C) sy stem, fix ed- feed 1, fix ed- feed 2, fix ed- feed 3, fixed-feed 4 • The s etting valu e (m ovem ent am ount) f or t he INC system is set as a movem ent am oun t with s ign.
5 - 64 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (3) Speed-posi tion sw i tchi ng control • INC mode : Set t he am ount of m ovement after the s wi tchin g from s peed co ntrol to p ositi on contr ol. • ABS m ode: Set t he abs olut e ad dress which wil l be th e tar get valu e aft er sp eed c ontrol is switc hed t o pos itio n co ntrol .
5 - 65 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL W hen " Pr.1 U nit Sett ing" is "pu lse" The table belo w lists the c ontrol system s that r equire t he sett ing of the posit ioning address or movem ent am ount and the ass ociated sett ing r anges.
5 - 66 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL W hen " Pr.1 Uni t Sett ing" is " inch" The table belo w lists the c ontrol system s that r equire t he sett ing of the posit ioning address or movem ent am ount and the ass ociated sett ing r anges.
5 - 68 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce V alue set with s equence program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Da.7 Arc address The setti ng value range dif fers ac cording to t he " Da.
5 - 69 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [Table 1] W hen " Pr.1 U nit Se ttin g" is "mm " The table belo w lists the c ontrol system s that requ ire the s ettin g of the arc addres s and sho ws the setti ng range .
5 - 70 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setti ng value, set ting range Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devi ce V alue set with s equence program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 The setti ng value range dif fers dependin g on the " Pr.
5 - 71 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Da.10 M code (or condition dat a No./No. of LOOP to LEND repet itions) Set an "M c ode ", a "con dition da ta No. ", or the "num ber of LO OP to LE ND repetitio ns" dep endin g on ho w the " Da.
5 - 72 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Da.9 Dwell time/ JUMP designat ion positioning dat a No. Set the "dwell t ime" or "positi oning dat a No." c orresp onding to the " Da.2 Control sy ste m". • W hen a m ethod ot her than "JUMP i nstruc tion " is set f or " Da.
5 - 74 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.4 List of block start data The i llustr ations belo w sho w the or gan izat ion of the block start data st ore d in th e QD 75 buff er m emor y. The bloc k s tart da ta set ting i tem s Da.11 to Da.
5 - 75 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item B uffer memory addre ss 28049 28099 œˆ Ê’ u Œ ˆ‚ ß n“ ®ƒ f [ƒ ^ 28001 28051 b15 b0 b7 b8 Da.11 S hape Da.12 Start data N o. 28000 b15 b0 b7 b8 Da.13 Specia l start ins truc tion Da.
5 - 76 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL REMARK To perf orm an hi gh-le vel posit ionin g contr ol us in g bloc k s tart dat a, s et a num ber betw ee n 70 00 an d 70 04 to the " Cd.3 Positio ning s tart N o." and us e the " Cd.
5 - 77 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting v a lue Setting value buff er mem ory address Item Value set with periph eral device Val ue set with sequenc e program Default value A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 Axi s 4 0 : End 0 Da.11 Shape 1 : Continue 1 Da.
5 - 78 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Da.11 Shape Set whether to car ry out only the l ocal "b lock start data " and then end contr ol, or to execute t he "bloc k s tart data" s et in the n ext point.
5 - 79 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Da.14 Parame ter Se t the valu e as re quir ed for " Da.13 Speci al start ins tr uc t ion ". Da.13 Special start instruction Setting value Setting details Block start (Normal start) – Not used.
5 - 80 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.5 List of condition data The i llustr ations belo w sho w the or gan izatio n of the co nditi on d ata stored i n the Q D75 buff er m emor y. The c ond ition data s etti ng it em s Da.15 to Da.19 are expl ained in the pages th at foll ow.
5 - 81 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL No.10 Se t t ing it e m No.2 28190 28191 28192 28193 28194 28195 28196 28197 28198 28199 28110 28111 28112 28113 28114 28115 28116 28117 28118 28119 Se t t ing it e m No.1 Se t t ing it e m 28100 Da.
5 - 82 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL REMARK To perf orm an hi gh-le vel posit ionin g contr ol us in g bloc k s tart dat a, s et a num ber betw ee n 70 00 an d 70 04 to the " Cd.3 Positio ning s tart N o." and us e the " Cd.
5 - 83 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting v a lue Setti ng value buffer m emory address Item Value set with periph eral devic e Value s et with sequenc e program Default value A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 01 : Device X 01 H 02 : Device Y 02 H 03 : Buffer mem ory (1-word ) 03 H 04 : Buffer mem ory (2-word ) 04 H Da.
5 - 84 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Da.15 Condition t arget Set the co ndition t arget as requir ed for eac h contr ol. Setting value Setting details 01 H : Device X 02 H : Device Y Set the input/output signal ON/O FF as the condit ions.
5 - 85 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Da.18 Parame te r 1 Set the param eters as r equired f or the " Da.16 Cond iti on oper a tor".
5 - 86 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.6 List of moni tor data 5.6.1 System monitor dat a Storage item Storage details Md.1 In test mode flag W hether the mode is the test mode from t he peripheral device or not is stored.
5 - 87 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Reading the monitor v alue Default value Storage buff er memory addres s ( comm on for axis 1 to ax i s 4 ) Monitoring is carried out w ith a deci mal.
5 - 88 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Reading the monitor v alue Md.3 Start information [Storage details] This area stores the start information (rest art flag, start origi n, and start ax is) : • Restart flag: Indicate s w hether the operation has or ha s not bee n halted and restarted.
5 - 89 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Default value Storage buffer memory address ( comm on to ax es 1 to 4) 0000 H 0000 H 0000 0000 1287 15 1288 1289 1290 1291 14 1282 1283 1284 1285 1.
5 - 90 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Reading the monitor v alue Md.7 Error judgment [Storage details] This area stores the following results of the error judgm ent performed upon starting: • BUSY start warning flag • Error flag • Error No.
5 - 91 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Default value Storage buffer memory address ( comm on to ax es 1 to 4) 0000 H 1287 15 1288 1289 1290 1291 14 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 13 1277 1278 .
5 - 92 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Reading the monitor v alue Md.9 Axis in w hich the error occurred Stores a number (Axis No.) that indicates the ax is that encountered an error. Monitoring is carried out w ith a decimal display.
5 - 93 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Default value Storage buffer memory address ( comm on to ax es 1 to 4) 0 0 0000 0000 15 1353 1354 1355 1356 14 1349 1350 1351 1352 13 1345 1346 134.
5 - 94 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Reading the monitor v alue Md.14 Axis in w hich the warning occurred Stores a number (Axis No.) that indicates the ax is that encountered a warning. Monitoring is carried out w ith a decimal display.
5 - 95 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Default value Storage buffer memory address ( comm on to ax es 1 to 4) 0 0 0000 0000 15 1418 1419 1420 1421 14 1414 1415 1416 1417 13 1410 1411 141.
5 - 96 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.6.2 Axis monitor data Storage item Storage details Md.20 Current feed value The currently commanded addre ss is stored. (Different from the actual motor posit ion during o peration) The current position address is s tored.
5 - 97 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Reading the monitor v alue Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 0000 H 800 801 900 901 1000 1001 1100 1101 0000 H 802 803 902 903 1002 1003 1102 1103 Monitoring is carried out w ith a hex adecimal.
5 - 98 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Md.24 Axis w arning No. Whenever an ax is w arning is reported, a related w arning code is stored. • This area stores the latest w arning code always. (Whenever an axis w arning is reported, a new warning code replaces th e stored w arning code.
5 - 99 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Reading the monitor v alue Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Monitoring is carried out w ith a deci mal display . Monitor value Warn in g No . For details of wa rning Nos.
5 - 10 0 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Md.28 Axis feedrate • The speed w hich is actually output as a comm and at that ti me in ea ch ax is is stored. (May be different from the actual motor spee d) "0" is stored w hen the ax is is at a stop.
5 - 10 1 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Reading the monitor v alue Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 0000 H 812 813 912 913 1012 1013 1112 1113 Monitoring is carried out w ith a hex adecimal.
5 - 10 2 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Md.31 Status This area st ores the st ates (ON/OFF) of various fl ags.
5 - 10 3 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Reading the monitor v alue Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Monitoring is carried out w ith a hex adecimal display.
5 - 10 4 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Md.33 Target speed • During operation with positioning d ata : The actual target speed, consideri ng the override and speed limit v alue, etc., is stored. "0" is stored w hen positioning is co mpleted.
5 - 10 5 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Reading the monitor v alue Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 0000 H 820 821 920 921 1020 1021 1120 1121 Monitoring is carried out w ith a hex adecimal display.
5 - 10 6 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Md.36 Special start data instruct ion code setting value • The " instruction code" used with specia l start and i ndicated by the start data pointer currently being ex ecuted is stored.
5 - 10 7 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Reading the monitor v alue Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Monitoring is carried out w ith a deci mal display .
5 - 10 8 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage item Storage details Md.41 Special start repetition counter • This area stores the remaining nu mber of repetitions during "repetition s " specific to special starting. • The count is decremented by one (-1) at the loop en d.
5 - 10 9 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Reading the monitor v alue Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Monitoring is carried out w ith a deci mal display . Monitor value Storage value 0 to 255 0 832 932 1032 1132 Monitoring is carried out w ith a hex adecimal display.
5 - 11 0 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.7 List of control data 5.7.1 System control data Setting item Setting details Cd.1 Flash ROM w rite request • Requests w r iting of data (parameters, po sition ing data, and bloc k start data) from the buffer memory to the flash ROM .
5 - 11 1 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting value Default value Storage buffer memory address (common to axes 1 to 4) Set with a decimal. Setting value K 1 Flash ROM write request 1: Requests write access to flash ROM. The QD75 resets the v alue to "0" au tomatically when the write access completes.
5 - 11 2 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 5.7.2 Axis control data Setting item Setting details Cd.3 Positioning start No. • Set the positioning start No. (Only 1 to 600 for the Pre-reading start function. For det ails, refer to Se ction 12.
5 - 11 3 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Set with a decimal. Setting v alue Positioning data No. 1 to 600 7000 to7004 9001 9002 9003 9004 K : Positioning data No.
5 - 11 4 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details Cd.8 External command valid • Validates or in validates ex ternal command s ignals. • When changing the "current f eed value" usi ng the start No. "9003", use t his data item to specify a new feed value.
5 - 11 5 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Set with a decimal. Setting value External comma nd valid 0: Invalidate s an exte rnal comm and. 1: Vali dates an external comm and.
5 - 11 6 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details • When changing the acceleration t ime during a speed change, u se this data item to specify a new acceleration tim e. Cd.10 setting range (unit) 0 to 8388608 (ms) Cd.
5 - 11 7 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 0 1508 1509 1608 1609 1708 1709 1808 1809 Set with a decimal. Cd.10 New accelerat ion time value Cd.11 Ne w deceleration time value Settin g value Examp le: When the " Cd.
5 - 11 8 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details Cd.13 Positioning operation speed override • To use the positioning operation speed override function, use this data item to specify an "override" v alue. For details of the override function, refer to Secti on 12.
5 - 11 9 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Set with a decimal. Setting val ue Overr ide valu e (%) 1 to 300 K 100 1513 1613 1713 1813 Set with a decimal.
5 - 12 0 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details • Use this data item to set the amount of movement by inchin g. • The machine performs a JOG operation if "0" i s set. • Set a value w ithin the follow ing range: Pr.
5 - 12 1 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Set with a decimal. Actua l value Conversion into a n integer value Cd.16 Inching movement amount 10 n Unit conv ersion table ( Cd.
5 - 12 2 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details Cd.19 OPR request flag OFF request • The sequence program can use th is data it em to forcibly turn the OPR request flag from ON to OFF.
5 - 12 3 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Set with a decimal. Setting value K OPR request flag OFF request 1: Turns the " OPR request flag " fr om ON to OFF .
5 - 12 4 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details • During the speed control stage o f the spee d-positi on sw itching control (INC mode), it is possible to chan ge the specification of the mov ement amo unt during the position control st age.
5 - 12 5 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Set with a decimal. 10 n A ctual value n -1 m -5 inch -5 degree 0 pulse Unit R Settin g va l ue (Decimal) Conver sion i nto an integ er value Unit conver sion table ( C d.
5 - 12 6 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details Cd.26 Position-speed switching control enable flag • Set whether the external control signal (ex t ernal command si gnal [CH G]: "speed- position, position-speed sw itching request" is selected) is enab led or not.
5 - 12 7 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Set with a decimal. S ettin g value K Positio n-sp eed switching enable flag 0: P osition cont rol will not b e tak en ov er by speed control even whe n the ex ternal command signal comes ON.
5 - 12 8 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details Cd.30 Simultaneous starting ax is start data No. (ax is 1 start data No.) Cd.31 Simultaneous starting ax is start data No. (ax is 2 start data No.) Cd.32 Simultaneous starting ax is start data No.
5 - 12 9 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 0 1540 1640 1740 1840 0 1541 1641 1741 1841 0 1542 1642 1742 1842 Set with a decimal. Setting value K Cd.
5 - 13 0 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Setting item Setting details Cd.36 Step start information • During a step operation, this data item deter mines w hether the operation is continued or restarted. Cd.37 Skip command • To skip the current positioning operation, set "1" in th is data item .
5 - 13 1 MELSEC-Q 5 DATA USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Storage buffer memory address Setting value Default valu e A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Set with a decimal.
6 - 1 6 Chapter 6 Sequence Program Used for Positioning Control The progra ms required t o carry out posit ioning contro l with the QD7 5 are explained in this chapter.
6 - 2 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.1 Precautions for creating program The c omm on prec autions to be tak en when wr iting data from the PLC CPU to t he QD75 bu ffe r me mory are described bel ow.
6 - 3 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (4) System configur ati on Unless part icul arl y desig nate d, the s eq uence pro gram for th e fo llow ing s ystem is shown in th is c hapter and subs eque nt. Refer t o Sec tion 6.2 for the a ppl ication of t he dev ices to be us ed.
6 - 4 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (b) When the c ircu it uses the "inte llige nt fu nction devic e" o n the so urce(s ) side and the des tinati on (D) sid e of a MOV c omm and, c hange the com mand to a FROM c omm and a nd a T O comm and.
6 - 5 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.2 List of devi ces used In th e sequ ence pr ogr ams shown in th is ch apter and sub se quent, the applic ation of th e devices used ar e as follo ws. The I/O num bers f or Q D75 indic ate t hose when QD 75 is mou nted in the 0-sl ot of the mai n b a se.
6 - 6 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Devic e Devic e name A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Application Details when O N X2C M code OFF command Commanding M code OFF X2D JOG.
6 - 7 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Devic e Devic e name A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Application Details when O N M0 OPR request OFF command Commanding OPR request OF.
6 - 8 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Devic e Devic e name A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Application Details when ON M34 TEACH 1 instruction compl ete dev ice TEACH1 inst.
6 - 9 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Devic e Devic e name A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Application Details of storage D15 Acceleration time setting (low-order 16 bits) D16 Acceleration time setting (high-order 16 bits) ( Cd.
6 - 10 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Devic e Devic e name A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Application Details of storage D52 Movement amount per rotation ( Pr.3 Movement amount per rotation) D53 Unit magnification ( Pr.4 Unit magnification) D54 Pulse output mode ( Pr.
6 - 11 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.3 Creating a pr ogr am The " posit ioni ng co ntrol oper ation progr am " actu all y used is expla ined i n th is ch apter.
6 - 12 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.3.2 Positioning contr ol oper ati on pr og r am The v arious progr am s that c onfi gure t he " posit ion ing co ntrol opera tion pr ogr am " are shown belo w. W hen c reating the progr am , refer to the expla nati on of e ach pr ogram and Sec tio n 6.
6 - 13 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Cont i nued f rom pr e viou s page No.7 Positioni ng start No. setti ng pr ogra m No.10 JOG operation pro gr am No.13 M anual puls e ge nera tor opera t ion pr o gram No.8 Positioni ng start pro gr am No.
6 - 14 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL No.14 No.28 Stop program Speed change program No.15 No.16 No.17 No.18 No.19 No.20 No.21 No.
6 - 15 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.4 Positioning pr ogr am ex amples An exam pl e of the "Ax is 1" p ositi oning pro gram is gi ven in t his s ectio n.
6 - 16 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (For positi oning data No . 1 <axis 1> ) No. 2 Positi oning data set ting program <Positioning identifier> Operation pa ttern: Positio ning complete Control system: 1-axis linear contr ol (ABS) Acceleration time No.
6 - 17 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [Setting o f special start instr uction to normal sta rt] <Setti ng of normal start > <Setting of normal start > <Settin.
6 - 18 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (5) Po sition-speed sw itching operat ion positioni ng data No. 3 (4) Sp eed-position swi tching oper ation (positi oning data No. 2 ) (In the A BS mode, n ew moveme nt amount writ e is not nee ded.
6 - 19 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL <Pos iti on ing s tar t co mman d pul se> (2) Whe n positio ning start signa l ( Y10) is us ed (When fast OPR is not ma de, contacts of M3 and M4 are not needed.) (When M code is not used , contact of X04 is not neede d.
6 - 20 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 526 533 551 555 565 572 576 596 603 613 620 639 No. 13 M anual pulse gen erator operation program No.
6 - 21 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL <Tor que ch an ge com man d p ul se> <Write of t orque limit value in Q62DA> <Step ope ration comman d pulse> <St e p op era tio n run se lect io n> <Data No.
6 - 22 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL <Status reset> <Error cod e transmission t o D49> <ABS da ta bit 0 ON/OFF> <ABS da ta bit 1 ON/OFF> <Transmi.
6 - 23 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL <Flash ROM write command pulse> <Flash ROM write command hold> <PLC READY output t o QD75 standby> <Flash ROM writ.
6 - 24 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.5 Progr am detai ls 6.5.1 Initiali z ation program [1] OPR request OFF program This progr am forc ibl y turns O FF the "OPR re quest f lag " ( Md.31 Status : b 3) whic h is ON.
6 - 25 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.5.2 Start detai ls setting program This progr am s ets wh ich c ontr ol, ou t of "OPR ", "m aj or pos ition ing c ontr ol" or "hi gh-lev el posit ioni ng con tro l" to execut e.
6 - 26 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (4) For "pos ition-s peed s witching c ontrol ", set the c ontrol data sho wn belo w. (As requir ed, set the " Cd.25 Posit ion-s peed switch ing contr ol spe ed cha nge resiste r".
6 - 27 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.5.3 Start prog ram This program is used to st art t he co ntrol with s tart c omm ands.
6 - 28 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Starting conditions To s tart the contro l, the f ollowing conditi ons m ust be s atisfied. The nec essar y start condit ions mus t be incorpor ated in t he s equence pr ogram so that the co ntrol is not star ted when the co nditio ns are not s atisf ied.
6 - 29 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [1] Starting by inputting posit ioni ng start sig nal Operation when start ing (1) W hen the position ing star t signal tur ns ON, the start c om plete signal a nd BUSY si gnal tur n ON, and th e pos itio ning oper ation starts.
6 - 30 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Starting time chart The tim e char t for s tarting each contro l is sh own belo w. (1) T ime c hart for starting "m achine O PR&qu.
6 - 31 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (2) Tim e chart f or starting "f ast OPR " OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF 9002 V t ON OFF Positioning start signal PLC READY signal QD75 R EADY signa l Start complete s ignal BUSY signal Error detection signal Cd.
6 - 32 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (3) Tim e chart f or starting "m aj or position ing co ntrol" 1 V t Posi tioning data No . Dwell time 2(00) Operati on patte rn 1(11) Positioni ng start signal PLC READY signal QD75 READY signal Start complete signal BUSY signal Erro r detec tion signal Cd .
6 - 33 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (5) Tim e chart f or star ting "posit ion-sp eed switc hing co ntro l" Pos i tion ing st art s ignal PLC READY signal QD75 RE.
6 - 34 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Machine OPR operation timi ng and process t ime BUSY s ignal Waiting In OPR Waitin g Outp ut pulse to externa l sour ce (PULSE) Posi tioni ng op erati on t1 t4 t2 t3 Md. 26 A xis op eratio n status OPR requ est flag [ Md .
6 - 35 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL Position control operat ion timing and pr ocess time t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t2 t6 Cd. 7 M code OFF reque st Wait ing Con trolling posit ion Waiting BU SY signal Output pulse to ex ter n al source (PULSE) Pos itio nin g oper at io n Md.
6 - 36 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [2] Starting by inputting exter nal command sig nal W hen starti ng pos ition ing c ontr ol b y inputt ing the ex terna l com m and sign al, the start c omm and c an be direc tl y input into t he Q D75.
6 - 37 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.5.4 Continuous oper ati on i nterr upt pr og r am During posi tioni ng con trol, the c ontr ol ca n be in terr upted duri ng co ntin uous p ositi oning contr ol and c onti nuous path contro l (c onti nuous opera tion i nterr upt fu nction) .
6 - 38 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (3) If the operati on cannot be dec elerated t o a sto p becaus e the rem aining distance is ins uff icient when "cont inuous o pe.
6 - 39 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.5.5 Restart prog r am W hen a sto p fact or occ urs duri ng pos ition c ont rol and t he oper atio n st ops, th e posit ioni ng can be r estart ed f rom the st oppe d pos itio n to the pos itio n co ntrol end point by us ing t he "r est art com m and" ( Cd.
6 - 40 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL REMARK Restar ting af ter stopp ing is pos sib le e ven for th e fo llowing c ontro l.
6 - 41 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL (5) Tim e chart for rest arting 0 V t 1 Dwell t im e 8 1 8 0 0 0 Posit ioning s tart sign al Axis stop signal QD75 READY signal Start complete signal BUSY sig nal Error detecti on signa l Cd.
6 - 42 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL 6.5.6 Stop prog r am The ax is s top s igna l [Y4, Y5, Y6 , Y7] or a sto p sig nal f rom an ext erna l sourc e is used to stop the c ontr ol. Create a pro gram to tur n ON the ax is s top si gnal [ Y4, Y5, Y6 , Y7] a s th e stop progr am .
6 - 43 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [2] Types of stop processes The op erati on ca n be st oppe d with dec eler ation s top, sudd en sto p or im m ediat e stop. (1) Deceler ation sto p 1 The op erati on sto ps with " decel erati on tim e 0 t o 3" ( Pr.
6 - 44 MELSEC-Q 6 SEQUENCE PROGRAM USED FOR POSITIONING CONT ROL [3] Order of pri ori ty for stop pr ocess The ord er of pri orit y for the QD 75 sto p proc ess is as follows .
7 - 1 7 Chapter 7 Memory Configuration and Data Process The Q D75 me mor y con figura tion and da ta tr ansm ission are explain ed in this c hap ter. The Q D75 is co nfigur ed o f two me mori es.
7 - 2 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS 7.1 Configur ati on and r oles of QD75 mem or y 7.1.1 Config ur ation and r ol es of QD75 me mor y The Q D75 is conf igur ed of the f oll owing t wo m em ories. Area configuration Memo ry configuration Role Parameter area Monitor data area Control data area Positioning data area (No.
7 - 3 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS Details of areas • Param eter ar ea Area where param eters , suc h as p ositi onin g par ameter s and OPR param eters , requir ed for p osition ing c ontr ol ar e set and s tored . (Set t he item s ind icate d wi th Pr.
7 - 4 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS Pa ra m e t e r ar ea Positioning data area (No.1 to 600) Block start data area (No. 7000 to 7004) PLC CPU memo are a Monitor data area Control data area QD75 Flash ROM Data is ba cked up here. Buffer m emory User acce sses here.
7 - 5 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS 7.1.2 Buffer mem or y ar ea config ur ati on The Q D75 buffer m emor y is co nfig ured of the follo wing type s of areas .
7 - 6 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS 7.2 Data transmission pr ocess The da ta is trans mitted bet ween the QD 75 m emor ies with s te ps (1) to (8) s how n below. The da ta tra nsm ission patter ns num ber ed (1) to ( 8) on the rig ht page corr espo nd to the nu mbe r s (1 ) to (8 ) on th e le ft pag e .
7 - 7 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS (1) Transmitti ng data w hen po wer i s turned ON or PLC CPU i s reset ( ) W hen the po wer is tur ned ON or th e PL C CPU is r eset, the ".
7 - 8 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS Parameter area (a) Parame ter a rea ( a) Parameter area (b) Positioning data area (No.1 to 600) Block start data area (No.
7 - 9 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS (5) Flash ROM write ( ) The f ollow ing tr ansm iss ion pr ocess is c arr ied out b y settin g "1 " in " Cd.1 Flash ROM wri te req uest" (buf fer m emor y [1900]). 1) T he "par am eters", "p ositi oning data ( No.
7 - 10 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS Paramet er a rea ( a) Parameter area (a) Parameter area (b ) Positioning data area (No.1 to 600) Blo ck st art da ta ar ea (No.7000 to 7004) PLC CPU memo ar e a Monitor data area Co n trol da ta area Bu ffe r me mor y (8) QD75 write (7) QD75 read, monitor QD75 Pr.
7 - 11 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS (7) Readi ng data from bu ffer mem ory to peripheral device ( ) The f ollowi ng tra nsm ission pr ocess es ar e carr ied o ut with the [Read f rom module ] fr om the per ipher al d evic e. 1) T he "par am eters", "p ositi oning data ( No.
7 - 12 MELSEC-Q 7 MEMORY CONFIGURATION AND DAT A PROCESS The da ta tra nsm ission is c arried out as sh own in the previ ous pages , but the m ain method of us ing t his data pr oces s is sho wn be low. (Ex.) Setti ng the posit ioni ng data The f ollowi ng m ethods can b e use d to se t the posi tioning da ta.
Section 2 Section 2 Control Details and Setting Sectio n 2 is c onfigu red for the f ollowing purp oses s hown in (1) to ( 3). (1) Underst anding of the op eration and res trictio ns of ea ch con trol.
8 - 1 8 Chapter 8 OPR Control The de tails a nd usage of "O PR con trol" a re explai ned in thi s chap ter. OPR c ontrol includ es "mac hine OP R" th at estab lish a machin e OP wi.
8 - 2 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.1 Outline of OPR contr ol 8.1.1 Two ty pes of OPR control In "O PR con tro l" a p ositi on is esta blis hed as the s tart ing p oint ( or "OP") when carr ying out posit ioni ng con tro l, a nd pos itio ning is c arrie d out to ward t hat st art ing po int.
8 - 3 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL OPR sub functions Refer to S ection 3. 2.4 "Com bina tion of Q D75 m ain functi ons and s ub f unctions " for details o n "sub f uncti ons" that c an be c om bined with O PR contr ol. Als o refer to Chapter 12 "Contr ol sub f unctio ns" for details on each s ub f unction.
8 - 4 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.2 Machine OPR 8.2.1 Outline of th e machine OPR oper ati on Important Use th e OPR ret ry fu n ctio n w hen the OP po siti on is not alw ay s i n the sa me direc tion fr om the work piec e operat ion are a (when th e OP is not set near th e upper or lo wer lim it of the m ac hine) .
8 - 5 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.2.2 Machine OPR met hod The meth o d by whi ch t he mach in e OP is e s ta bli she d (met ho d for ju dgi ng th e OP po si ti o n and ma chine OP R com plet ion) is d esign ated in the m achine O PR accor ding to t he conf igurat ion and ap plic ation of th e pos itio ning metho d.
8 - 6 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.2.3 OPR method ( 1) : N ear- poi nt dog method The f ollowi ng sho ws a n oper ation out line of the "near -poi nt dog m eth od" O PR m ethod . Operation char t 1) The mac hine OPR is started. (The mac hine begins the ac celerati on designated i n " Pr.
8 - 7 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL Restrictions A pulse gene rator with a zero signa l is requ ired. W hen using a pu lse gen erator without a zero si gnal, g enerate a zero s ignal us ing an external s ignal.
8 - 8 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.2.4 OPR method ( 2) : Stopp er metho d 1) The fo ll ow ing sh ow s an ope rat io n ou tl in e of th e "s topp e r meth od 1 )" OPR meth od . Operation char t 1) The m achin e OPR is st arte d. (The ma chin e begi ns the ac celerat ion des ign ated in " Pr.
8 - 9 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL Restrictions (1) Alwa ys lim it the ser vomotor tor que af ter the " Pr.47 Creep s peed" is reach ed. If th e torque is not lim ited, the s ervom otor m ay fail when the m achine pres ses ag ainst the stopper. (R efer to Sectio n 12.
8 - 10 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL (3) If the " Pr.49 OPR dwell tim e" elaps es bef ore the s top at the s topp er, the wor kpiec e will stop at that positio n, and t hat posit ion will be r egarded as the O P. At this time, an error will not occur.
8 - 11 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.2.5 OPR method ( 3) : Stopp er metho d 2) The fo ll ow ing sh ow s an ope rat io n ou tl in e of th e "s topp e r meth od 2 )" OPR meth od . Operation char t 1) The m achin e OPR is st arte d. (The ma chin e begi ns the accel erat ion des ign ated in " Pr.
8 - 12 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL Restrictions (1) Alwa ys lim it the ser vomotor torque af ter the " Pr.47 Cr eep spee d" is r eached. If the torque is not lim ited, the s ervom otor m ay fail when the m achine pres ses ag ainst the stopper. (R efer to Sectio n 12.
8 - 13 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL (3) If the zero signal is inp ut befor e the work piece s tops at th e stopper , the work piece will stop at that positio n, and t hat posit ion will be r egarded as the O P. t ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON V ON Zero signal 0 Torque limit Valid torque li mit range Pr.
8 - 14 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.2.6 OPR method ( 4) : Stopp er metho d 3) The fo ll ow ing sh ow s an ope rat io n ou tl in e of th e "s topp e r meth od 3 )" OPR meth od . The " sto pp e r meth od 3 )" met ho d i s effe ctiv e when a nea r -p oint dog ha s no t be en in st alled.
8 - 15 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL Restrictions (1) Al ways lim it the ser vom otor torqu e after th e " Pr.47 Creep s peed" is reach ed. If the torque is not lim ited, the s ervom otor m ay fail when the m achine pres ses ag ainst the stopper. (R efer to Sectio n 12.
8 - 16 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.2.7 OPR method ( 5) : C ount method1) The f ollowi ng sho ws a n oper ation out line of the "cou nt m ethod 1)" O PR m ethod.
8 - 17 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL Restrictions A pulse gene rator with a zero signa l is requ ired. W hen using a pu lse gen erator without a zero si gnal, gen erate a zero sig nal usi ng an extern al sign al.
8 - 18 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.2.8 OPR method ( 6) : C ount method 2) The fo ll owin g sh ow s an oper at ion ou tl in e o f th e "metho d 2 )" OPR metho d. The "c ount m eth od 2) " m ethod is ef fec tive wh en a "zero s igna l" c annot be r ecei ved.
8 - 19 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL Restrictions W hen this m ethod is us ed, a dev iation will oc cur in t he stop p osition ( OP) compared to other OPR m ethods becaus e an error of about 1 m s occ urs in tak ing in the n ear-point dog ON.
8 - 20 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL 8.3 Fast OPR 8.3.1 Outline of the fast OPR operation Fast OPR operat ion In a fast O PR, posi tioning is carr ied out b y a m achine OPR to the " Md.21 Machine f eed valu e" st ored in t he QD 75. The f ollowing sh ows the operati on during a fas t OPR start.
8 - 21 MELSEC-Q 8 OPR CONTROL Operation t iming and processing t ime of fast OPR The f ollowing sh ows det ails ab out the oper ation t im ing and tim e during f ast OPR. t1 t3 t2 In position control Standing by Stan ding by Positioning start signal BUSY signal Start complete signal Output pulse to external source (PULSE) Positioning operation Md.
9 - 1 9 Chapter 9 Major Positioning Control The de tails a nd usage of the major p ositioni ng con trols (co ntrol functions using the "posi tioning data") are explai ned in this ch apter.
9 - 2 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.1 Outline of maj or posi ti oning controls "Major pos itio ning contr ols " are c arr ied o ut us ing th e "pos it ioning dat a" st ored in the QD75.
9 - 3 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Major positioning control Da .2 Control system Details Speed-position switching control Forward run speed/position Reverse run speed/position The control is .
9 - 4 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.1.1 Data requi r ed for major posi tioni ng contr ol The f ollowi ng ta ble s hows an out lin e of th e "p ositi oning data " conf igur atio n an d sett ing detai l s requi re d to ca rry out th e " majo r po sit ion in g co nt ro ls".
9 - 5 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.1.2 Operation patter ns o f major posit ioni ng contr ols In "m ajor posit ion ing co ntr ol" ( hig h-le vel pos it ioni ng co ntrol) , " D a.
9 - 6 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [1] Independent posi ti oni ng contr ol ( Posi tioning compl ete) This contro l is set whe n execu ting onl y one des igna ted data it em of positio ning . If a dwe ll tim e is des ignate d, th e posi tio ning will c omplet e aft er the des ignat ed tim e elaps es.
9 - 7 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [2] Continuous positi oning contr ol (1) The mach i ne alw ay s au to mat i cally decele ra tes ea ch ti me t h e po si tio ni ng is com pleted. Acc elera tion is then carri ed o ut after th e QD75 comm and s peed reach es 0 t o carr y ou t the next pos itioni ng d ata o perat ion.
9 - 8 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [3] Continuous pat h control (1) Conti nuous path control (a) The speed is c hanged wit hout decel erati on sto p bet ween t he comm and sp eed of the posit ion ing dat a c urrent ly b eing r un and the speed of th e pos itio ning d ata t hat will b e run next.
9 - 9 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON Time Positioning continue (11) Dwell time Positioning continue (11) Star t comp lete s ignal BUSY si gna l Positioning comp lete .
9 - 10 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (b) When the opera tion p attern of t he pos iti oning data c urr entl y being execu ted is "c ontinu ous p ath c ontro l: 1 1", an d the m ovement am ount of the ne xt po siti oning data is " 0" .
9 - 11 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (3) Speed handli ng (a) Continuous path contr ol c omm and sp eeds ar e se t wit h eac h posit ioni ng da ta. The QD 75 the n c arries out the pos it ioning at t he spe ed de sign ated with eac h p osition ing data.
9 - 12 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (4) Speed sw i tching (Refer to " Pr.19 Speed switching mode".) (a) Standard s pee d switc hing m ode 1) If the res pect ive c omm and sp eeds dif.
9 - 13 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [W hen the s peed c ann ot cha nge over in P2] W hen the rel ati on of th e s peeds is P1 = P4, P 2 = P3 , P1 < P2.
9 - 14 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 3) Sp eed s witc hing co nditio n If the movem ent am ount is s mal l in regar d to t he tar get s pee d, the curren t spee d m ay not r each the target spee d even if accel eration /dec eler ation is carr ied out.
9 - 15 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.1.3 Designati ng the posi tioni ng addr ess The f ollow ing s hows t he t wo m ethods for c omm andi ng the pos itio n in c ontro l us ing posit ioni ng da ta. Absolute system Position ing is c arried o ut to a designat ed pos ition ( absolute addres s) havin g the OP as a ref erence.
9 - 16 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.1.4 Confirmi ng the cur r ent v alue Values showing the current value The f ollowing t wo t ypes of addr esses ar e used as valu es to s how the p osition in the QD75.
9 - 17 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions (1) A 1.8m s err or will occur i n the cur rent va lue up date tim ing when the stor ed "current f eed va lue" is use d in th e contro l. A 56.8m s err or will oc cur in t he curren t value u pdate t iming when the s tored "m achine feed value " is us ed in the c ontrol .
9 - 18 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.1.5 Control uni t "deg r ee" han dl i ng W hen the c ontro l un it is s et to "de gree" , the follo wing i tem s diff er f rom when ot her contr ol units are s et. [1] Current feed v alue and machine feed value addr esses The ad dress of “ Md.
9 - 19 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [3] Positioning contr ol method w hen the control unit is set to "degr ee" 1) Absolute system (a) W hen the sof tware stroke limit is in valid Posit ionin g is carr ied o ut in th e n eares t dir ect ion t o the de sign ated addres s, us ing t he c urrent val ue as a ref erenc e.
9 - 20 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (b) W hen th e sof tware stroke limit i s valid The pos it ionin g is carr ied out i n a c lock wise /cou nter cloc kwis e dir ect ion depend ing on th e soft ware strok e lim it r ange setti ng m etho d. Becaus e of t his , pos itioni ng with "shor tcut con trol " ma y not be possib le.
9 - 21 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.1.6 Interpolation co ntr ol Meaning of interpolation cont rol In "2-axis linear i nterpola tion contr ol", "3-axis l inear inter polati on .
9 - 22 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Setting the positioning data dur ing inter polation control W hen carr ying out interpo lation contro l, the sam e posit ionin g data N os. are set f or the "ref erence ax is" an d the "interpo latio n axis ".
9 - 23 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Starting the interpolation cont rol The pos itioning data Nos. of the ref erence axis ( axis in wh ich inter polati on contr ol was set in " Da.2 Control s ystem ") are st arted when starting th e inter polati on control.
9 - 24 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL POINT • W hen the "r efer ence axis s pe ed" is set durin g int erpo latio n con tro l, set s o t he maj or axis side becom es the ref erence ax is. If the m inor a xis side is s et as t he refer ence ax is, the m ajor axis side spee d m ay excee d the " Pr.
9 - 25 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2 Setting the posit ioni ng data 9.2.1 Relation betw een each control and positioning data The s etting r equ irem ents and det ails for the se ttin g it em s of the posit ioni ng d ata t o be set di ffe r a cc o rd in g to th e " Da.
9 - 26 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL REMARK • It is r ecom mended that the "pos itio ning d ata" b e se t whene ver p ossi ble wi th GX Conf igurator -QP. Execu tion b y seq uenc e pr ogram uses m an y seq uence progr ams and d evices .
9 - 27 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.2 1-axi s linear contr ol In "1- axis linear contr ol" ( " Da.2 Contr ol s ystem" = A BS linear 1, INC lin ear 1), on e mo tor is us ed t o carr y ou t posi tion c ontro l in a set ax is dir ecti on.
9 - 28 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [2] 1-axi s li near contr ol (INC linear 1) Operation char t In increm ental s ystem 1-axis linear co ntrol, addres ses estab lish ed by a m achine OPR are us ed.
9 - 29 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.3 2-axi s linear i nter pol ation contr ol In "2- axis linear int erpol atio n contr o l" (" Da.
9 - 30 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions An error will occ ur and t he posit ioning will no t start in the foll owing c ases . The machine will im m ediatel y stop if the error is detecte d dur ing a pos ition ing contro l.
9 - 31 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [2] 2-axi s li near i nter pol ation contr ol (INC linear 2) Operation char t In increm ental s ystem 2-axis linear int erpolati on co ntrol, ad dresse s estab lished by a mac hine OPR on a 2-axis coordi nate plane are used.
9 - 32 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions An error will occur and t he posit ioning will not s tart in t he fol lowing cas es. T he machine will im m ediatel y stop if the error is detecte d dur ing a pos ition ing operatio n.
9 - 33 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.4 3-axi s linear i nter pol ation contr ol In "3- axis linear int erpol atio n contr o l" (" Da.
9 - 34 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions An error will occur and t he posit ioning will not s tart in t he fol lowing cas es. T he machine will im m ediatel y stop if the error is detecte d dur ing a pos ition ing contro l.
9 - 35 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL POINTS • W hen the "r efer ence axis s pe ed" is set durin g 3-a xis linear intr pola tion c ontr ol, set so the m aj or ax is s ide bec omes the r efer ence axis. If th e m inor ax is s ide is set as the ref erenc e ax is, t he m ajor axis s ide s peed m ay exceed the " Pr.
9 - 36 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [2] 3-axi s li near i nter pol ation contr ol (INC linear 3) Operation char t In the inc rem ental system 3-ax is linear interpol ation con trol, us ing an .
9 - 37 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions An error will occur and t he posit ioning will not s tart in t he fol lowing cas es. T he machine will im m ediatel y stop if the error is detecte d dur ing a pos ition ing operatio n.
9 - 38 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL POINTS (1) W hen the "r efer ence axis s pe ed" is set durin g 3-a xis linear intr pola tion c ontr ol, set so the m ajor ax is s ide be com es th e ref erenc e ax is. If the m inor axis sid e is set as the r efere nce ax is, t he m ajor ax is s ide s peed m a y exce ed the " Pr.
9 - 39 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.5 4-axi s linear i nter pol ation contr ol In "4- axis linear int erpol atio n contr o l" (" Da.
9 - 40 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting example [Referenc e axis is designa ted as axis 1. ] The f ollowing t able sho ws setti ng ex amples when "4-ax is li near int erpolat ion control ( ABS lin ear 4) " is set in posi tioning d ata No.
9 - 41 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [2] 4-axi s li near i nter pol ation contr ol (INC linear 4) Operation char t In the inc rem ental system 4-ax is linear interpol ation con trol, us ing an .
9 - 42 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting example [Referenc e axis is designa ted as axis 1. ] The f ollowing t able sho ws setti ng ex amples when "4-ax is li near int erpolat ion control (IN C line ar 4)" is set in posit ionin g data N o.
9 - 43 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.6 1-axi s fix ed-f eed control In "1 -a x i s fi xe d -feed cont r ol" (" Da.2 Contro l s ystem " = f ixed-f eed 1) , one m otor is used t o carr y ou t fixe d-f eed co ntrol in a set ax is direc tio n.
9 - 44 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting example The f ollowing t able sho ws setti ng exam ples when "1-ax is fixed- feed control ( fixed- feed 1)" is set i n positi oning dat a No. 1 of axis 1. Setting item Setting example Setting details Da.
9 - 45 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.7 2-axi s fix ed- feed control ( i nterpol ati on) In "2 -a x i s fi xe d -feed cont r ol" (" Da.
9 - 46 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting example [Referenc e axis and inter polation axis ar e desi gnated as axis 1 and axis 2, respectivel y.] The f ollowing t able sho ws setti ng exam ples when "2-axis fixed- dimens ion feed control (f ixed-f eed 2) " is s et in pos itioning data No.
9 - 47 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.8 3-axi s fix ed- feed control ( i nterpol ati on) In "3 -a x i s fi xe d -feed cont r ol" (" Da.
9 - 48 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Operation char t In increm ental s ystem 3-axis f ixed-f eed control, th e addr esses ( Md.20 Current feed va lue) of the curren t stop positio n (star t addres ses) of ever y axes are set to "0".
9 - 49 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions (1) An axis error "C ontinu ous path c ontrol not pos sible ( error c ode: 516) " wil l occur and t he oper atio n cannot s tart if "cont inuous p ath contr ol" is set in " Da.
9 - 50 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Ax is Setting item Ax i s 1 (reference axis) setting example Ax i s 2 (interpolation axis) setting example Ax i s 3 (interpolation axis) setting example Setting details Da.
9 - 51 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.9 4-axi s fix ed- feed control ( i nterpol ati on) In "4 -a x i s fi xe d -feed cont r ol" (" Da.
9 - 52 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting example [Referenc e axis is designa ted as axis 1. ] The f ollowing t able sho ws setti ng exam ples when "4-ax is fixed- feed control ( fixed- feed 4)" is set i n positi oning dat a No.
9 - 53 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.10 2-axi s cir c ular interpol ati on control w ith sub poi nt desi g nati on In "2- axis circu lar i nterp olat ion c ontr ol" ( " Da.
9 - 54 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions (1) 2-axis c ircular inter polation c ontro l cann ot be set in the f ollowin g cases . • W hen "degre e" is se t in " Pr.1 Unit set ting" • W hen the un its s et in " Pr.
9 - 55 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting example [Referenc e axis and int erpolat ion axis are desi gnated as axis 1 and ax is 2, respectivel y.
9 - 56 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [2] 2-axi s cir cular i nter polati on contr ol with sub point desi g nati on ( INC circular sub) Oper ation c hart In the inc rem ental system , 2-ax is ci.
9 - 57 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions (1) 2-axis c ircular inter polation c ontro l cann ot be set in the f ollowin g cases . • W hen "degre e" is se t in " Pr.1 Unit set ting" • W hen the un its s et in " Pr.
9 - 58 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting example [Referenc e axis and int erpolat ion axis are desi gnated as axis 1 and ax is 2, respectivel y.
9 - 59 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.11 2-axi s cir c ular interpol ati on control w ith center poi nt desi g nation In "2- axis circu lar i nterp olat ion c ontr ol" ( " Da.
9 - 60 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Circular inter polation err or compensat ion In circular inter polation contro l with ce nter poi nt des ignation, the arc path calcula ted from the st art point addres s and arc address ma y deviate fr om the position of the end point addr ess set in " Da.
9 - 61 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [1] 2-axi s cir cular i nter polati on contr ol with center point desi g nati on (ABS circul ar right, ABS ci rcular l eft) Operation char t In the abso lut.
9 - 62 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL In circular inter polation contro l with c enter p oint des ignation, an ang ular v elocit y is calcula ted on t he ass umption tha t oper ation is carr ied.
9 - 63 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting examples [Referenc e axis and int erpolat ion axis are desi gnated as axis 1 and ax is 2, respectivel y.
9 - 64 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [2] 2-axi s cir cular i nter polati on contr ol with center point desi g nati on (INC circu lar right, IN C circular left) Operation char t In the inc rem e.
9 - 65 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL In circular inter polation contro l with c enter p oint des ignation, an ang ular v elocit y is calcula ted on t he ass umption tha t oper ation is carr ied.
9 - 66 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting examples [Referenc e axis and int erpolat ion axis are desi gnated as axis 1 and ax is 2, respectivel y.
9 - 67 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.12 1-axi s speed contr ol In "1 -axi s spee d cont rol" (" Da.2 Contr ol s y stem " = F orwar d run: spee d 1, Revers e run: s peed .
9 - 68 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Current f eed value during 1-axis speed cont rol The f ollowing t able sho ws the " Md.20 Current feed valu e" durin g 1- ax is spee d control cor resp onding to the " Pr.21 Current feed valu e during s pee d contro l" sett ings.
9 - 69 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting examples The f ollowing t able sho ws the se tting ex am ples when "1-ax is s peed contro l (for ward run: spee d 1)" is set in t he pos itio ning data N o. 1 of axis 1. Setting item Setting ex ample Setting details Da.
9 - 70 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.13 2-axi s speed contr ol In "2 -axi s spee d cont rol" (" Da.2 Contr ol s y stem " = For ward r un : spe ed 2, Re verse run: s peed.
9 - 71 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Current f eed value during 2-axis speed cont rol The f ollowing t able sho ws the " Md.20 Current feed valu e" durin g 2- ax is spee d control cor resp onding to the " Pr.21 Current feed valu e during s pee d contro l" settings .
9 - 72 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (5) An err or "No c omm and spee d" (error c ode: 503) occ urs if a current s peed (- 1) is set i n " Da.8 Comm and speed ". (6) T he sof tware strok e lim it check is not c arried out when th e contro l unit is set t o "d egree" .
9 - 73 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.14 3-axi s speed contr ol In "3 -axi s spee d cont rol" (" Da.2 Contr ol s y stem " = F orwar d run: spee d 3, Revers e run: s peed .
9 - 74 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Current f eed value during 3-axis speed cont rol The f ollowing t able sho ws the " Md.20 Current feed valu e" durin g 3- ax is spee d control cor resp onding to the " Pr.21 Current feed valu e during s pee d contro l" settings .
9 - 75 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (4) W hen either of three axes ex ceeds t he speed lim it, that axis is c ontroll ed with the speed lim it value. T he spe eds of the other axes are lim ited at t he ratios of " Da.8 Comm and speed".
9 - 76 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting examples The f ollowing t able sho ws the se tting ex am ples when "3-ax is s peed contro l (for ward run: spee d 3)" is set in t he pos itionin g data N o. 1 of axis 1 ( refer ence axis) .
9 - 77 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.15 4-axi s speed contr ol In "4 -axi s spee d cont rol" (" Da.2 Contr ol s y stem " = F orwar d run: spee d 4, Revers e run: s peed .
9 - 78 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Operation char t The f ollowing ch art sho ws the o peratio n tim ing for 4- axis s peed co ntrol with axis 1 as the ref erence axis. The "in s peed c ontrol" f lag ( Md.31 Status: b0) is tur ned ON d uring s peed contr ol.
9 - 79 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Current f eed value during 4-axis speed cont rol The f ollowing t able sho ws the " Md.20 Current feed valu e" durin g 4- ax is spee d control cor resp onding to the " Pr.21 Current feed valu e during s pee d contro l" settings .
9 - 80 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (4) W hen either of f our axes ex ceeds th e speed l imit, that a xis is c ontrol led with the speed lim it value. T he spe eds of the other ax es are lim ited at the r atios of " Da.8 Comm and speed".
9 - 81 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting examples The f ollowing t able sho ws the se tting ex am ples when "4-ax is s peed control (for ward run: spee d 4)" is set in t he pos itionin g data N o. 1 of axis 1 ( refer ence axis) .
9 - 82 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.16 Speed-posi tion sw itching control (INC mode) In "sp eed- posi tion switc hin g contr ol ( INC m ode) " ( " Da.2 Contro l s ystem " = F orwar d run : spee d/ po sit io n, Rev erse run: spee d/ po sit io n ), th e pul ses o f the sp ee d se t in " Da.
9 - 83 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Operation char t The f ollowing ch art (F ig.9.13) s hows th e operat ion tim ing f or speed-po sition switchin g contr ol (INC mode) . The "in speed c ontrol f lag" ( Md.31 Status : b0) is turned ON during s peed c ontrol of spee d-posit ion s witchin g contro l (INC m ode).
9 - 84 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [Oper ation ex am ple] The f ollowi ng o perat ion as sum es that the s pe ed-pos itio n switc hing si gnal is inp ut at the posit ion of the curren t feed va lue of 90.00000 [degr ee] dur ing exec uti on of " Da.
9 - 85 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Operation t iming and processing t ime during speed-posit ion switching control (I NC mode) Positio nin g st ar t sign al [Y 10,Y 11, Y1 2,Y13 ] BUSY sig na.
9 - 86 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Current f eed value during speed-posit ion s witching contr ol (INC m ode) The f ollowing t able sho ws the " Md.20 Current feed v alue" dur ing sp eed-pos ition switchin g contr ol (INC m ode) c orrespondi ng to th e " Pr.
9 - 87 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Speed-positio n switching signal sett ing The f ollowing t able sho ws the item s that m us t be set to us e the ext ernal c omm and signals (CHG) as speed- positio n s witching s ignals. Buffe r memory address Setting ite m Setting value Sett ing details A xi s 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Pr.
9 - 88 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL POINT • The m achin e rec ognize s the pres ence of a m ovem ent am oun t chan ge re quest when t he data is wri tt en to " Cd.23 Sp eed-p ositi on sw itch ing c ontro l m ovem ent am ount c hange re gister " wit h th e sequenc e pro gram .
9 - 89 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting examples The f ollowing t able sho ws setti ng exam ples when "spee d-pos ition s witching control (IN C m ode) b y forward ru n" is s et in pos ition ing data N o. 1 of axis 1.
9 - 90 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.17 Speed-posit ion sw itching control (ABS mode) In case of " spe ed- pos itio n sw itchin g cont rol (ABS mode )" ( " Da.2 C on trol sy ste m" = Forwar d run: spee d/pos itio n, Rever se ru n: s peed/p ositi on), t he p ulses of the spe ed se t in " Da.
9 - 91 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Operation char t The f ollowing ch art (F ig.9.16) s hows th e operat ion tim ing f or speed-po sition switchin g contr ol ( ABS m ode). T he "in spee d contr ol flag " ( Md.31 Status: b0) is turned ON during s peed c ontrol of spee d-posit ion s witchin g contro l (AB S mode) .
9 - 92 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [Oper ation ex am ple] The f ollow ing o perat ion as sum es t hat the s pe ed-pos itio n swit chi ng si gna l is i nput at the pos ition of th e curren t feed va lue of 90.00000 [degr ee] dur ing exec uti on of " Da.
9 - 93 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Operation t iming and processing t ime during speed-posit ion switching control (ABS m ode) Positio nin g st ar t sign al [Y 10,Y 11, Y1 2,Y13 ] BUSY sig na.
9 - 94 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Current f eed value during speed-posit ion s witching contr ol (ABS mode) The f ollowing t able sho ws the " Md.20 Current feed v alue" dur ing sp eed-pos ition switchin g contr ol (AB S mode) corres ponding to the " Pr.
9 - 95 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Speed-positio n switching signal sett ing The f ollowing t able sho ws the item s that m us t be set to us e the ext ernal c omm and signals (CHG) as speed- positio n s witching s ignals. Buffe r memory address Setting ite m Setting value Sett ing details A xi s 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Pr.
9 - 96 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Restrictions (1) An ax is err or (err or code: 516) will occ ur and the operati on cannot start if "continu ous p ositioning c ontro l" or "conti nuous pat h contro l" is se t in " Da.
9 - 97 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting examples The f ollowing t able sho ws setti ng exam ples when "spee d-pos ition s witching control ( ABS m ode) b y forward r un" is s et in pos itio ning data No. 1 of axis 1.
9 - 98 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.18 Position-speed sw itchin g control In "pos ition- spe ed s witch ing c ontr ol" ( " Da.
9 - 99 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Operation char t The f ollowing c hart sh ows the o perat ion tim ing for pos itio n-spee d switch ing control. The "in s peed c ontrol" f lag ( Md.31 Status: b0) is tur ned ON d uring spee d contr ol of positi on-spee d switch ing c ontrol.
9 - 10 0 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Operation t iming and processing t ime during position- speed switching control Pos iti oning s tart s i gn al [Y10, Y11,Y 12,Y13] BUSY signal [XC,XD , XE.
9 - 10 1 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Current f eed value during position- speed s witching contr ol The f ollowing t able sho ws the " Md.20 Current feed v alue" dur ing positio n-speed switchin g contr ol corres pond ing to the " Pr.
9 - 10 2 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Position-speed s witching sig nal setting The f ollowing t able sho ws the item s that m us t be set to us e the ext ernal c omm and signals (CHG) as position- speed s witch ing sig nals. Buffe r memory address Setting ite m Setting value Sett ing details A xi s 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xi s 4 Pr.
9 - 10 3 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL POINTS • The m achin e rec ognize s t he pr esenc e of a c om mand s peed chan ge req uest when t he d ata is wri tt en to " Cd.25 Pos itio n-spe ed swi tchi ng con tro l spee d cha nge re gist er" with th e sequ enc e program .
9 - 10 4 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Positioning data setting examples The f ollowing t able sho ws se tting ex amples when "p osition- speed s witch ing control (f orward r un: pos ition/sp eed)" is set in positio ning da ta No. 1 of axis 1.
9 - 10 5 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.19 Current v alue changing W hen the c urrent value is ch ang ed t o a ne w val ue, co ntrol is c arried out in wh ich t he " Md.20 Curre nt feed va lue" of the stopp ed ax is is ch ange d to a r and om addr ess set by the user.
9 - 10 6 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (4) If the va lue s et in " Da.6 Position ing a ddress/m ovem ent am ount" is ou tside the soft ware strok e lim it ( Pr.
9 - 10 7 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL [2] Changing to a new cu rrent value usi ng the start No. (N o. 9003) for a current v al ue changing Operation char t The c urrent va lue is c hange d by sett ing th e new cur rent va lue i n the cur rent va lue changing buf f er mem or y " Cd.
9 - 10 8 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL Setting met hod for the current value changing function The f ollowing sh ows an exam ple of a sequ ence program and data s etting t o change the current value to a ne w value with the pos itioni ng start s ignal.
9 - 10 9 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (3) Add the fol lowin g sequenc e program to the contro l progr am, and write i t to the PLC CPU. — á Exampl e Cur r en t val u e c ha ngin g Store new.
9 - 11 0 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.20 NOP instruction The NO P ins truc tion is us ed for the n onex ecut able contr ol s ystem . Operation The pos itioning data No. to wh ich the NOP instructi on is s et transf ers, without an y process ing, to the o peration for the next pos ition ing data No.
9 - 11 1 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.21 JUMP instruction The J UMP ins truc tio n is used to co ntrol the opera tion so it jum ps to a pos itio ning d ata No. set in the posi tionin g data d uring "c onti nuous pos it ionin g contr ol" or "c ont inuous path c ontrol ".
9 - 11 2 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL (2) The oper ation patt ern, if set, is ignor ed in the J UMP instruct ion. (3) Position ing c ontrol s uch as loops c annot be exec uted by c ondit ional JU MP instruc tions a lone un til the c ondit ions ha ve been establ ished.
9 - 11 3 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.22 LOOP The LOO P is used for loop c ontr ol b y the r epetit ion of LOOP to L END. Operation The LOO P to LEND loop is repeate d b y set repeat c ycles. Positioning data setting examples The f ollowing t able sho ws the se tting exam ples when "LO OP" is set in pos itioning data No.
9 - 11 4 MELSEC-Q 9 MAJOR POSITIONING CONTROL 9.2.23 LEND The L END is used to ret urn th e op erati on to th e to p of t he re peat ( LOO P to LE ND) loop . Operation W hen the repeat c ycle designat ed b y the LOOP becom es 0, the loop is term inated, and t he next p osition ing data No .
10 - 1 10 Chapter 10 High-level Positioning Control The de tails a nd us age of hi gh-lev el posi tioning contro l (cont rol func tions us ing th e "bloc k start da ta") ar e expla ined in this chapter . High- level position ing co ntrol is u sed to carry ou t appl ied con trol us ing the "p osit ioning data ".
10 - 2 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.1 Outline of hig h- lev e l positioning contr ol In "hi gh-le vel posit ionin g c ontro l" the execu tio n order and exec utio n co nditi ons of the "posi tioni ng da ta" ar e set to c arr y out m ore a pplie d pos ition ing.
10 - 3 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.1.1 Data requi r ed for hig h- l evel positi oni ng contr ol "Hi gh- lev el po siti oni ng con t rol" is ex ec uted by se ttin g th e requi r e d ite ms in t he "blo ck start da ta" and "c ond ition dat a", then starti ng that "block start data ".
10 - 4 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.1.2 "Block start data" and "condition data" con figuration The "b lock st ar t data" and "con di ti on da ta" co rre spo nd ing t o "bl o ck No . 70 00" can be store d in th e buf fer m em ory.
10 - 5 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL Set i n QD 75 th e " bloc k sta rt da ta " an d " cond it io n data " co rr esp on di ng to the fol l owi n g "block Nos. 700 1 to 7004" usin g GX C onfi gurat or-Q P or t he se quenc e pr ogram .
10 - 6 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.2 High- l evel positi oni ng control executi on pr ocedure High- level posit ion ing co ntrol is c arrie d out us ing the fol lowing pr ocedure . STEP 1 Preparation Starti ng the contr ol Monitoring the control Refer to Cha pter 9 Carry out the "major positioning control" setting.
10 - 7 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.3 Setting the block star t data 10.3.1 Relation betw een v arious controls and block start data The " block start data " m ust be s et to c arr y out "high-l evel posi tioni ng con tro l".
10 - 8 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.3.2 Block start (nor mal star t) In a "b lock start (n orm al start) ", t he p ositi onin g data gro ups of a b lock ar e con tinu ously exe cut ed in a set sequ en ce sta rti ng fro m th e po si tio ni ng dat a set in " Da.
10 - 9 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL [2] Control ex amples The fo ll owin g sh ow s th e cont r ol exe cut ed wh en the " bl o ck sta rt da ta " of th e 1st point of ax is 1 is se t as s hown in sec tion [1] an d st arted. <1> The posit ion ing dat a is exec ute d in the fo llow ing orde r befor e sto pping.
10 - 1 0 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.3.3 Condition star t In a "cond itio n start ", the "con ditio n data " condi tion al judgm ent des igna ted in " Da.14 Param eter" is c arried out f or th e pos it ioning dat a set in " Da.
10 - 1 1 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.3.4 W ait start In a "wait st art", th e "cond itio n data" co ndit ional judgm ent des ignate d in " Da.14 Param eter" is c arried out f or th e pos it ioning dat a set in " Da.
10 - 1 2 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.3.5 Simulta neous start In a "sim ultan eous start ", the pos itio ning dat a set in th e " Da.12 Start data No ." and posit ioni ng data of o ther axes set in th e "co ndit ion da ta" a re s imult aneo usl y exec uted (pulses are outp ut with the sam e timing) .
10 - 1 3 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.3.6 Repeated start ( F OR l oop) In a "repe ated s tart (FO R loop) ", the d ata bet ween th e " block start dat a" in wh ich "4: FOR loo p" is se t in " Da.
10 - 1 4 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.3.7 Repeated start ( F OR condi ti on) In a "r epe ated s tart (FOR c ondi tion) ", t he da ta bet ween th e " bl ock start d ata" i n wh ich "5: FO R c ondit ion" is set i n " Da.
10 - 1 5 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.3.8 Restrictions w hen usi ng the NEX T start The " NEXT start " is a ins truc tio n indic at ing t he e nd of t he r epet itions wh en exec ut ing Sectio n 10. 3.6 "Rep eated start (FOR l oop)" a nd Sect ion 10 .
10 - 1 6 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.4 Setting the conditi on da ta 10.4.1 Relation betw een various controls and the condi ti on data "Con dition dat a" is s et i n the f ollo wing cases . (1) W hen setting cond itio ns dur ing ex ecut ion of S ectio n 9.
10 - 1 7 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL The sett ing req uirem ents and deta ils of the follo wing "c ond ition da ta" Da.16 to Da.19 s etti ng item s differ accord ing to the " Da.15 Cond itio n targ et" s ett ing. The fo ll owin g sh ow s the Da.
10 - 1 8 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL REMARK The " PLC CP U m emor y area" c an b e des igna ted as the b uffer mem or y address to be desig nate d in Da.17 . (Ref er t o Sec tion 7 .1.1 "Conf igur atio n and r oles of QD 75 me mory ".
10 - 1 9 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.4.2 Condition dat a setti ng ex amples The f ollow ing s hows s ett ing ex am ples for "co ndit ion d ata". (1) Setting the devic e ON/OFF as a condi ti on [Con di ti on ] D evi ce " X0" ( = QD75 REA DY) is OF F Da.
10 - 2 0 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.5 Multiple ax es s imultaneous start contr ol The "m ult iple axes s im ultane ous s tart c ontr ol" st arts and c ontr ols th e m ultip le ax es sim ultaneous l y by outp utti ng puls es t o the ax is to be star ted at the s am e tim ing as the start ax is.
10 - 2 1 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL [4] Multiple ax es s imultaneous start control function setti ng method The f ollowi ng sho ws t he set ting of the data used to exec ut e the multi ple ax es sim ultane ous s tart c ontro l wi th pos itio ning s tart s igna ls (T he ax is c ontro l da ta on the star t ax is is se t).
10 - 2 2 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL POINTS (1) T he "m ult iple ax es s imult aneo us st art c ontro l" car ries out a n op erati on e quiva lent t o th e "sim ultan eous start " using the "b lock start data ".
10 - 2 3 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.6 Start prog r am for hi g h- l evel positi oni ng contr ol 10.6.1 Starting hig h-level positi oni ng control To exe cu te high -le vel po si ti on ing co nt rol , a sequ en ce prog ra m must b e cr ea te d to st a rt the co ntrol in t he sam e m ethod as for m ajor p osition ing co ntr ol.
10 - 2 4 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL 10.6.2 Example o f a start pr og r am for hi g h- lev el posi tioning contro l The f ollowi ng s hows a n ex ample of a star t progr am for high-le vel posit ionin g co ntrol in which the 1s t po int " bloc k s tart dat a" of ax is 1 is star ted.
10 - 2 5 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL Start ti me ch a rt The f ollowing ch art sho ws a tim e char t in whic h the posi tion ing data No. 1, 2, 1 0, 11, and 12 of axis 1 are con tinuo usly exec uted as an exam ple. (1) Bloc k s tart data sett ing exam ple Axis 1 block start data Da.
10 - 2 6 MELSEC-Q 10 HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONING C ONTROL Creating the program <Pulse t he positioni ng start command. > M10 4 PLS Y10 M10 4 <Turn ON the positi oning star t sig nal.> Y10 SET K1 K1 K1501 H0 TO < Write t he p ositi oning star t poi nt N o.
11 - 1 11 Chapter 11 Manual Control The de tails a nd us age of ma nual c ontrol are ex plained in this chap ter. In ma nual co ntrol, pulse output co mman ds are i ssu ed duri ng a JOG o perat ion and a n inching oper ation ex ecuted b y the tur ning O N of the JOG ST ART s ignal, or from a manual pulse genera tor co nnect ed to the Q D75.
11 - 2 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.1 Outline of manual contr ol 11.1.1 Three manual control methods "Man ual c ontro l" ref ers to c ontro l in which pos ition ing data is no t used , an d a posit ioni ng oper at ion is carr ied out i n res ponse to s igna l input fr om an ex tern al so urce.
11 - 3 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL [3] Manual pulse g ener ator oper ation "Man ual puls e gen erator opera tion " is a contr ol m ethod in which posi tioni ng is carrie d out in r espons e to t he N o. of pulses inp ut from a m anu al puls e ge ner ator (the No.
11 - 4 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.2 JOG operation 11.2.1 Outline of JOG oper ati on Important Use the hard ware s trok e lim it fu nctio n whe n carr ying out JO G oper atio n ne ar the upper or lo wer lim its.
11 - 5 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Precautions during operation The f ollowing details m ust be u ndersto od bef ore car rying out J OG op eration. (1) For s afety, first set " Cd.17 JO G speed" to a sm aller va lue a nd check the mo vement. T hen gradua ll y increase t he value.
11 - 6 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL JOG operation t iming and processing t ime The f ollowing drawing s hows det ails of the JOG operat ion tim ing and pr oces sing tim e.
11 - 7 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.2.2 JOG operati on ex ecuti on pr ocedure The J OG o perat ion is carr ied o ut b y th e foll owin g proce dur e. STEP 1 Preparation Re fer t o Chap te r 5 and Section 11.2.3. End of control Set the parameters STEP 2 Refe r to Sec tio n 11.
11 - 8 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.2.3 Setting the req uired parameter s for JOG operati on The " Param eters" m ust be set to c arr y out JO G oper ation . The f ollowi ng ta ble s hows t he sett ing item s of the req uire d param eters for carr ying ou t JOG op erat ion.
11 - 9 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Setting item Setting requirement Factory-set initial v alue (setting details) Pr.25 Acceleration time 1 (Unit: pul se) 1000 Pr.26 Acceleration time 2 (Unit: pul se) 1000 Pr.27 Acceleration time 3 (Unit: pul se) 1000 Pr.
11 - 1 0 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.2.4 Creating star t pr ograms for JOG oper ation A sequ ence pro gram mus t be cre ated to exec ute a JOG oper atio n. Cons ider the "requ ired c ontr ol dat a se tting ", "s tart c ondit ions " an d "s tart t im e chart " when cre ating the pr ogram .
11 - 1 1 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Start ti me ch a rt t Forwar d run JOG star t sign al Forwa rd JOG run BUSY sign al Erro r detec tion signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON [X8] [XC ] PLC READ Y signa l QD75 RE ADY si gnal Revers e run JOG sta rt signal Reverse JOG r un [Y8 ] [Y9 ] [X0] [Y 0] OFF ON Fig.
11 - 1 2 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Creating the program — á Examp le No. 10 JOG o peration sett ing program <Set JOG operation speed (100.00m m/m in) > <Set a "0" for inching movement amou nt> No.
11 - 1 3 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.2.5 JOG operati on ex ampl e When the "stop sig nal" is tur ned ON during JOG operation W hen the "stop si gnal" is turned O N dur ing JOG operati on, th e JOG oper atio n will stop b y the "dece leratio n stop" m ethod.
11 - 1 4 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL W hen both the "forward run JOG start sig nal" and "r everse run JOG start signal" ar e turned ON sim ultaneously for one axis W hen both the &q.
11 - 1 5 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL W hen the "JOG start signal" is turned ON again dur ing deceleration caused by the ON OFF of the " JOG start sig nal" W hen the "JOG s tart.
11 - 1 6 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL W hen the "JOG start signal" is turned ON immediat ely after the stop signal OFF (within 100ms) W hen the "JOG s tart signa l" is tur ned ON imm ediate ly after t he stop s ignal O FF (within 1 00ms ), it will be i gnored a nd the JO G oper ation wil l not be c arried o ut.
11 - 1 7 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.3 Inching operati on 11.3.1 Outline of inchi ng operati on Important W hen the i nchin g oper atio n is c arrie d ou t ne ar the upp er or lower lim it, use the hardwar e str ok e lim it funct ion (R efer t o Sec tion 12.
11 - 1 8 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Precautions during operation The f ollowing details m us t be unders tood b efore inc hing op erat ion is c arried out.
11 - 1 9 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Inching oper ation timing and pr ocessing times The f ollowing drawing s hows the detai ls of the inch ing oper ation tim ing and process ing tim e.
11 - 2 0 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.3.2 Inching operati on ex ecution procedure The inch ing op erati on is car ried ou t by the fol lowing proced ure . STEP 1 Preparation Re fer t o Chap te r 5 and Section 11.3.3. End of control Set the parameters.
11 - 2 1 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.3.3 Setting the r eq uir ed par ameter s for inchi ng oper ation The " Param eters" m ust be s et to c arr y out i nchin g op erati on. The f ollowi ng ta ble s hows t he sett ing item s of the req uire d param eters for carr ying ou t inchi ng o perat ion.
11 - 2 2 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.3.4 Creating a pr og r am to enabl e/di sable the i nchi ng oper ati on A sequ ence pro gram m ust be cre ated to exec ut e an inchi ng oper at ion.
11 - 2 3 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Start tim e char t For ward run JO G st art si gnal [Y8 ] PLC READY signal [Y0] QD75 REA DY signa l [X0] t Reverse run JOG st art signal [Y 9] Reverse run inch ing .
11 - 2 4 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Creat ing the progr am — á Example No.11 In ching operation setting pr ogram <Set inchi ng mov emen t amou nt> <JOG / inch ing oper atio n flag ON > .
11 - 2 5 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.3.5 Inching oper ation ex ample When "stop signal" is t urned ON during inching operation: If "stop signal " is turn ed ON durin g inc hi ng oper a tio n, the inc hi ng opera t ion wil l be stopped.
11 - 2 6 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL When "JOG star t signal" is t urned ON when peripheral devices ar e in the test mode: If "JO G star s ignal" is turned O N when peripher al de vices are in the test m ode, the "JOG s tart sign al" wil l be ignor ed and i nching o perat ion wil l not be c arried out.
11 - 2 7 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.4 Manual pulse g ener ator oper ation 11.4.1 Outline of man ual pulse g enerator operati on Important Create the se quenc e pro gram so that " Cd.21 Manual pul se ge ne r ato r ena ble flag" is alwa ys set to "0 " (dis abled) when a man ual pu lse ge nerat or oper ation is not carried o ut.
11 - 2 8 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Restricted it ems A manual pulse generat or is r equire d to carr y out m anual pulse ge nerator operatio n. Precautions during operation The f ollowing details m ust be underst ood bef ore car rying o ut manual pulse generator o perat ion.
11 - 2 9 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Manual pulse gener ator operation t iming and processing t ime The f ollowing drawing s hows det ails of the m anual p ulse generator o perat ion timing an d proces sing t ime.
11 - 3 0 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Position control b y manual pulse g enerator oper ation In manual p ulse generat or op eration, t he posit ion is moved by a "manual p ulse generator 1 puls e m ovement am ount" per puls e.
11 - 3 1 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.4.2 Manual pulse g ener ator oper ation ex ecution procedure The m anual pu lse gen erator operat ion is c arried ou t by the fo llowi ng proc edure . Writ e the sequence progr am crea ted in ST EP 1 and STE P 2 to the P LC CPU us ing GX De veloper.
11 - 3 2 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.4.3 Setting the r eq uir ed par ameter s for manu al pulse g enerator operation The " Param eters" m ust be s et to carr y out m anua l pu lse g enera tor op erat ion.
11 - 3 3 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL 11.4.4 Creating a pr og r am to enabl e/di sabl e the manual p ul se g ener ator oper ation A sequ ence pro gram m ust be cre ated to exec ut e a m anual puls e gen erator op erati on.
11 - 3 4 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Start ti me ch a rt Pulse input A phase OFF ON OFF OFF 1 t OFF 00 1 Forward run Rev erse ru n ON Pulse input B phase BUSY signal QD75 READY signal PLC READY signal Start complete signal Error detection signal [Y0] [X0] [X10] [XC] [X8] Cd.
11 - 3 5 MELSEC-Q 11 MANUAL CONTROL Creating the program — á Example No.13 M anual pulse generator o peration pr ogram <Pulsate manual pulse ge nerator operation co mmand> <Set manu al pul.
12 - 1 12 Chapter 12 Control Sub Functions The d etails and u sage of th e "sub fu nction s" ad ded and u sed i n combi natio n with the main fu ncti on s are ex pla in ed in this chap ter .
12 - 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.1 Outline of sub functi ons "Sub f unct ions " are f uncti ons th at c ompens ate , lim it, a dd fu nctio ns, etc.
12 - 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS Sub function Details Absolute position restoration function 3 This function restores the absolu te posit ion of the de signated ax is. Step function This function temporarily stop s the operati on to confirm the positioning operation during debugging, etc.
12 - 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.2 Sub functions specifical l y for machine OPR The s ub f unctio ns sp ecif ical ly f or m achine O PR inc lude the "O PR r etr y func tio n" and "OP s hift f unct ion". Eac h func tio n is ex ecut ed b y par ameter sett ing.
12 - 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (2) OPR retr y opera tion when th e work piec e is outsi de the r an ge bet ween t he upper an d lower l imits . 1) W hen the dir ectio n from the work piece to the O P is th e sam e as th e " Pr.44 OPR dir ectio n" , a norm al m achine OPR is c arrie d out .
12 - 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (3) Set ti ng th e dw el l ti me d u ri ng an OPR r etry The OP R retr y func tion c an per form suc h func tion as th e dwe ll tim e usi ng " Pr.
12 - 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precaution duri ng control (1) The follow ing ta ble s hows whether the O PR r etr y funct ion m ay be ex ecut ed by the " Pr.
12 - 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.2.2 OP shift function W hen a machin e OPR is car ried o ut, the OP is norm ally est ablis hed usi ng the ne ar- poi nt do g, sto pp e r, an d ze r o signal .
12 - 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Setting rang e for the OP shift amount Set the OP s hif t amoun t with in th e rang e fr om the detec ted zero s igna l to th e upper/ lower lim it switc hes.
12 - 1 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (2) OP shift op erati on at the " Pr.47 Cr eep sp eed" (W hen " Pr.56 Spe ed des ignat ion d urin g O P shif t" is 1) When the " Pr. 53 OP shift amount" is negative When the " Pr.
12 - 1 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.3 Functions for compensati ng the contr ol The s ub func tions for c om pensat ing the co ntrol incl ude the "b ack lash com pens ation functi on", "elec tron ic ge ar func ti on", an d " near p ass f unctio n".
12 - 1 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control (1) The feed p uls es of t he b ack lash c ompens ation am ount ar e not add ed to t he " Md.
12 - 1 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.3.2 Electronic g ear function The " electro nic g ear f unct ion" a djusts the puls es c alcul ated a nd ou tput ac cor ding to the param eters s et in t he Q D75 wi th th e actu al m achine m ovem ent amount.
12 - 1 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [1] Error compensati on m ethod W hen position contro l is carr ied ou t by the "m ovem ent am ount per pulse " set in the QD 75 par am eters, an err or som etim es oc curs betwee n t he com m and movem ent am oun t (L) a nd th e actu al m ovem ent am ount ( L').
12 - 1 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS Calculation ex ample (Conditions) Movement amount per pulse No. of pulses per rotation Unit magnification : 500 ( µ m/rev) : 12000 (pulse/rev) : 1 (Position.
12 - 1 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Relation betw een the movement amount per puls e an d speed The f ollowi ng sho ws t he re lati on of t he "m ovem ent am oun t per pulse (A) " to th e comm and spe ed a nd act ual s peed.
12 - 1 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [3] Precautions duri ng control It is r ecom m ended that the "m ovem ent am ount per pu lse ( A)" be set to a valu e close to "1" fo r th e foll owin g reas ons . The "m ovem ent am ount per p uls e" of "1" means the m inim um value in eac h " Pr.
12 - 1 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.3.3 Near pass function W hen cont inuous pass co ntrol is c arried out using int erpol ation c ontr ol, t he n ear pas s functi on is c arri ed o ut.
12 - 1 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control (1) If the m ovem ent am ount d esign ated by the pos ition ing da ta is s m all whe n the co ntin uous p ath co ntr ol is ex ecute d, th e ou tput s peed ma y not reac h the desig nated spee d.
12 - 2 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (3) W hen continuous p ath c ontrol of a circul ar inter polatio n is being carr ied out in the near p ass, an address in whic h the ex tra m ovement am ount.
12 - 2 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.4 Functions to limit the contr ol Funct ions to l imit the c ontro l inclu de the "s peed lim it fu nct ion", "t orque l im it functio n", "soft ware s trok e lim it", a nd "hard ware strok e lim it ".
12 - 2 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control If an y axis exce eds " Pr.8 Speed li mit val ue" du rin g 2 - to 4 -axi s spee d co ntr ol , the a xis in exce ss of the spe ed li mit value i s cont roll ed at th e spe ed li mit value.
12 - 2 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.4.2 Torque l i mit function The "t orque lim it func tion " lim its th e ge nerate d tor que t o a value with in t he "tor que lim it value " sett ing r ange when the tor que g ener ated in th e ser vom otor ex ceeds the " torque lim it value ".
12 - 2 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Control detail s The f ollowi ng dra win g sho ws the o perat ion of th e torq ue lim it f uncti on. 50% 0% 100% 0% 100% 50% Torqu e lim ited at th e parameter torque limit setting value (100%) Various op eration s PLC READY sig na l [Y0] Pr.
12 - 2 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [4] Setting the torq ue limit function (1) To use the "tor que lim it funct ion" , set t he " torqu e lim it v alue " in t he param eters s hown in t he fol lowing tab le, and wr ite t hem to the Q D75 .
12 - 2 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.4.3 Software str oke li mit function In th e "sof twar e str oke l imit f unct ion" t he a ddress est ablis hed b y a m achi ne OPR is used t o set t he u pper a nd lowe r lim its of th e m oveabl e rang e of the work piec e.
12 - 2 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS The f ollowi ng dra win g sho ws the d iff erenc es in the oper atio n wh en " Md.20 Current f eed valu e" a nd " Md.21 Mach ine f eed v alue " are used i n t he m ove able range l imit check .
12 - 2 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Software stroke limit check details Check details Processing when an error occurs 1) An error shall occur if the current value 1 is outside the software stroke limit range 2. (Check " Md.20 Current feed value" or " Md.
12 - 2 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [4] Precautions duri ng softw are str oke limi t check (1) A m achine OPR m ust b e exec uted befor eha nd for the "s oft ware s trok e lim it functi on" to fu nctio n proper ly.
12 - 3 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (5) Duri ng sim ult ane ous st art, a s trok e limit c heck is carr ied o ut f or the c urr ent values of ever y axis to b e star ted. Ever y axis will not s tart if a n error occ urs, even if it on l y occurs in one axis .
12 - 3 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [7] Setting w hen the control unit is "degree" Current value address The " Md.20 Current f eed value " address is a r ing addr ess between 0 and 359.999 99 ° . 0° 0° 0° 359. 99999° 359.
12 - 3 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.4.4 Hardw ar e str oke limi t function ! DANGER W hen the hardw are strok e lim it is requir ed to be wir ed, ens ure to wir e it in the ne gati ve logic us ing b-con tac t. If it is se t in p osit ive logic using a-c ontac t, a serio us acc ident m ay occ ur.
12 - 3 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Wiring the har dw are stroke limit W hen usin g the h ard ware s trok e lim it fu nct ion, wir e t he term in als of the Q D75 upper/ lower lim it strok e limit as sh own in th e fo llowi ng dra wing . (W hen " Pr.
12 - 3 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.5 Functions to chang e the control detail s Funct ions t o cha nge t he con trol deta ils inc lude the "speed ch ange f unct ion", "overr ide functi on", "acce ler ation/ dece lerat ion tim e ch ange funct ion" and " torqu e ch ange functi on".
12 - 3 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control (1) Cont rol is car ried out a s foll ow s at th e sp ee d cha ng e du rin g co nt inuo u s pat h contr ol. a) W hen no spee d des igna tion (curr ent s peed) is provid ed in th e next posit ioni ng da ta: The n ext posit ion in g da t a i s cont roll ed at th e " Cd.
12 - 3 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (4) W hen the s peed is cha nged b y setting " Cd.14 New spee d value" to " 0", the o perat ion is carr ied out as fo llows . • A dece lerat ion s top is car ried out , and t he s peed c han ge 0 f lag ( Md.
12 - 3 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [3] Setting the speed ch ang e functi on from the PLC C PU The f ollowi ng sho ws t he data set tings and s equenc e pr ogram exam ple f or chang ing t he con trol s pe ed of ax is 1 fr om the PLC C PU. ( In th is ex am ple, th e contr ol spe ed is chan ged t o "20.
12 - 3 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (3) Add t he f ollowi ng se quenc e pr ogram to t he con trol pro gram , and write it to the PL C CP U. — á Example No.14 Speed cha nge program <Pul sate spee d change c ommand > <Hold s peed ch ange co mmand> <Set sp eed cha nge value (20.
12 - 3 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [4] Setting the speed ch ang e functi on using an external command signal The s peed c an a lso b e chan ged using an "exter nal c omm and s ignal ".
12 - 4 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (3) Add t he f ollowi ng se quenc e pr ogram to t he con trol pro gram , and write it to the PL C CP U. External command valid signal (QD75 star t s speed ch ange processi ng.) [Speed change processin g] <Write the new speed.
12 - 4 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.5.2 Overr i de function The o verrid e fu nction chan ges th e comm and s peed b y a des ignat ed per centa ge (1 to 300%) f or al l con tro l to be exec uted. The s peed c an b e cha nged b y se ttin g the p erce ntage (%) b y which t he sp eed is change d in " Cd.
12 - 4 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precaution duri ng control (1) W hen chan ging th e spe ed dur ing c onti nuous path c ontrol , t he spe ed cha nge will b e ig nored if t here is not eno ugh dis tanc e rem aini ng to c arr y out t he change .
12 - 4 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (3) Add t he f ollowi ng se quenc e pr ogram to t he con trol pro gram , and write it to the PL C CP U. — á Exampl e No.
12 - 4 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.5.3 Acceleration/deceler ati on time ch ange function The " acce lerat ion/dec eler atio n tim e ch ange f unct ion" is use d to c hang e the accel eration /dec eler ation t im e duri ng a s peed chang e to a ran dom value when carr ying out the s peed cha nge i ndicat ed i n Sec tion 1 2.
12 - 4 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control (1) W hen "0" is set in " Cd.10 Ne w accel erati on tim e va lue" an d " Cd.11 New decel erati on tim e value ", the acc elera tion/d ece lerat ion tim e will not be change d e ven if the s peed is ch ange d.
12 - 4 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (4) If the "ne w acc elera tion/d ece lerat ion t ime" is se t to "0" an d th e spe ed is change d after t he "ne w acce lerat ion/d.
12 - 4 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS Exam ple No.16 Accelerat ion/deceleration time ch ange program <Pulsate acceler ation/decelerat ion time chang e command> <Set 2000ms for accelerat .
12 - 4 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.5.4 Torque chang e fu nction The "t orque ch ange f unct ion" is us ed to chang e th e tor que l im it valu e dur ing t orque lim itin g. The torque limit value during torq ue limit ing i s nor mally the valu e set in the " Pr.
12 - 4 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control (1) If a value bes ides "0" is se t in the " Cd.22 Ne w torq ue v alue" , the tor que genera ted b y the servom otor wi ll be lim ited b y that value. T o lim it the torq ue with th e valu e set in " Pr.
12 - 5 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.6 Absolute position r estorati on functi on ! CAUTION W hen the abs olut e pos itio n res torat ion is car rie d out , the s er vo ON s igna l ma y be t urned OFF (ser vo OFF ) for ab out 2 0 m s, and t he m otor m a y operat e.
12 - 5 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (2) Preparation Prepar e the abs olu te pos ition de tectio n s ystem tak ing car e of the f ollo wing. Component Details 1) Servo amplifier • Install the battery to the servo amplifi er. • Validate the absolute positi on detecti on functi on of the servo amplifier.
12 - 5 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [3] Absolute position sig nal tr ansmi ssion pr ocedur e (1) Fi gure 12.34 s ho ws the o utl ine of the a bsolu te p ositi on sign al tra nsm ission proce dure between the s ervo am plifier and t he P LC s ystem (P LC C PU, QD75, I /O m odule) .
12 - 5 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (3) C onnect ion exam ple The f ollowi ng d iagram sho ws the exam ple of co nnect ion bet ween the PLC system and t he M itsub ish i Elec tric s ervo am plifi er (M R-H-A) .
12 - 5 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [4] Contro lling instru ctions (1) W hen an abso lute posit ion detec tion s ystem is c ons tructed, abs olute pos ition restor atio n m ust be m ade at leas t onc e af ter po wer s uppl y on or rese tting.
12 - 5 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [Calculation of positioni ng addr ess and concept o f absolute p ositi on detection system] Use th e fo ll ow in g e xpre ssio n to cal cula t e the po si ti oni ng addr e ss. (Pos itioni ng a ddres s) = ( m ovement am ount p er pu lse) (num ber of outpu t pu lses) + (OP addres s) .
12 - 5 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS Example 2. (1) Us ing Expres sio n 1, c alcu late t he p ositi onin g addr ess which can b e sp ecifi ed in th e s ystem where the O P addr ess in Exam ple 1 is 214 7400 00. 0 ( µ m). • Lowe r li mit valu e o f posit ion i ng ad d ress (Pos itioni ng a ddres s) = 0.
12 - 5 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (3) Sinc e the up per and lo wer lim it valu es of the positi oning addr ess c alcul ated are ou tside of th e ran ge of C ondi tion 2 , us e the p ositi onin g addr ess within the posit ioni ng ra nge of Con ditio n 2 (- 21474 8364 8 ( µ m) t o 21 474836 47 ( µ m) ).
12 - 5 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7 Other functions Other funct ions inc lude th e "st ep fu nct ion", "sk ip func tion", "M c ode o utpu t func tion ", ".
12 - 5 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Step mode In step oper atio ns, t he tim ing f or s toppin g th e contr ol c an b e set. T his is c alled the "s tep m ode ". (The "s tep m ode" is se t in the c ontro l dat a " Cd.
12 - 6 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [4] Using the step operati on The f ollowi ng sho ws t he pr oced ure f or ch eck ing pos itio ning d ata using the st ep operat ion. (1) Turn ON the step v al i d flag before star ting the positioning data. (W rite "1" ( carr y out step opera tion) in " Cd.
12 - 6 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [5] Control detai ls (1) The f ollo wing dr awi ng sh ows a step oper atio n dur ing a "dec elera tio n unit step". Positio ning Cd. 35 Step val id flag Positioning data No. Da. 1 Operation pa ttern No.
12 - 6 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [6] Precautions duri ng control (1) W hen step opera tion is c arried out using int erpolat ion c ontr ol pos ition ing data, the st ep f unctio n sett ings are c arri ed out f or th e ref erenc e ax is.
12 - 6 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.2 Skip function The "s kip f unct ion" is us ed to s to p (dec eler atio n stop) the contr ol of the pos ition ing data being execu ted at the t im e of th e skip s igna l inp ut, a nd exec ut e the n ext posit ioni ng da ta.
12 - 6 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [3] Setting the skip functi on from the PLC CPU The fo ll owin g sh ow s th e se ttin g s and sequ en ce prog ra m exa mpl e fo r ski p pi ng the co ntrol bei ng exec uted in ax is 1 with a com mand f rom the P LC C PU.
12 - 6 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [4] Setting the skip functi on usi ng an ex ter nal command sig nal The s kip f unctio n can als o be ex ecut ed us ing a n "ex ter nal com m and sig nal".
12 - 6 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.3 M code output functi on The " M code out put func tion" is us ed to com m and sub work (clam ping, dri ll rotat ion, tool r eplac ement, etc.) rela ted t o the p ositi oning data bein g ex ecuted .
12 - 6 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (2) AFT ER mo de The M c ode O N si gnal ( X4, X 5, X6, X 7) is tur ned O N at the pos ition ing com pletio n, and th e M code is st ored in " Md.
12 - 6 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS Da. 1 Operation pat tern Md. 2 5 Vali d M co de Cd. 7 M code OFF request 11 00 11 Warning occurs at this timing. t m1 m3 m2 V 1 OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON 0 1 0 0 Positioning s tart signal BUSY signal M code ON signal Positioning m1 and m3 indi cate set M codes.
12 - 6 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [4] Setting the M code outp ut function The f ollowi ng sho ws t he set tings to us e the "M co de o utpu t funct ion ". (1) Set the M c ode No. in th e pos itioni ng d ata " Da.10 M code".
12 - 7 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.4 Teaching function The "t eac hing f unct ion" is used t o se t addr esses ali gned u sin g the m anual c ontro l (JOG operat ion, inch ing opera tion m anua l pu lse g enerato r opera tion) in t he pos ition ing data ad dresses (" Da.
12 - 7 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control (1) Befor e teac hing , a "m ach ine O PR" m ust b e carr ied out to esta blis h the OP. (W hen a cur rent value chang ing, e tc., is c arried out, " Md.20 Cu r re nt fe ed valu e" may not show ab sol u te add re sses hav in g t he OP as a r e fere n ce.
12 - 7 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [4] Teaching pr ocedur e The fo ll ow ing sh ow s th e p roc edu r e fo r a t ea chi ng ope rat i on. (1) W hen teac hing to the " Da.
12 - 7 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (2) W hen ent ering teach ing da ta i nto " Da.7 Arc addres s" an d then in to " Da.6 Posit ioning addr ess/ movem ent am ount" (Teac hing ex ample f or 2- axis c ircu lar i nterpo latio n con trol with s ub p oint d esign ation on axes 1 and 2) Start Carry out a m achine OPR.
12 - 7 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS End teac hi ng? Turn OFF th e PLC READY signal [Y0]. Carry out a w riting reques t to the flash ROM . End Confirm completion of writing. Te ac hing arc e nd poi nt address on axis 2. Entering t eaching data to buf fer mem ory ad dress [1648 ] and [16 49], in the same f ashion as for axis 1.
12 - 7 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [5] Teaching pr ogr am ex ample The f ollowi ng sho ws a seque nce progr am exam ple for s ett ing ( writi ng) th e posit ioni ng data obt ained with the t eachi ng func ti on to the QD 75.
12 - 7 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 2) Carr y out the teac hing o perat ion with th e fo llow ing pr ogram . Exam ple No.20 Teaching progra m Position to t he target positi on with manual operati on. <Pulsate teaching c ommand> <Hold teaching command> <Set teaching data> <Set positioning data No.
12 - 7 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.5 Target posi ti on chang e function The "t arget posit ion chang e fu nction " is a f unc tion t o ch ange a targe t pos ition to a newl y designa ted tar get posi tion at an y tim ing dur ing the pos itio n contro l (1-ax is line ar contr ol).
12 - 7 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng oper ation (1) If the pos it ionin g m ovement dire cti on from the stop posit ion to a ne w targ et posit ion is revers ed, stop the oper ation onc e an d then pos itio n to the ne w target posit ion.
12 - 7 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [3] Method of setting tar g et posi ti on chang e function fro m PLC C PU The f ollowi ng ta ble an d char t sh ow th e exam ple of a da ta s etting and s eque nce program us ed to c han ge the t arget pos ition of th e axis 1 b y the c omm and fr om the PLC CPU, resp ect ivel y.
12 - 8 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (3) Th e fol low i ng sequ en ce prog r a m is ad ded to th e con t ro l pr ogr a m, a nd wr it ten to the PL C CP U. Exam ple No.22 Target position c hange program <Pulsate t arget position ch ange command > <Hold targe t position ch ange comman d> <Set target position change v alue 300.
12 - 8 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.6 Command i n-posi ti on function The "c omm and i n-pos ition func tion " chec ks the rem ain ing distanc e t o the s top posit ion durin g the aut om atic dec eler atio n of posit ion ing co ntr ol, and ra ises a flag .
12 - 8 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control (1) A com m and in-p ositi on width c heck wi ll n ot be c arrie d out in the fol lowin g cases.
12 - 8 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [3] Setting the command i n-posi ti on function To us e the "com m and in- posit ion f unct ion ", set the r equir ed valu e in the param eter s hown i n th e foll owing t able, and write it to the Q D75.
12 - 8 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.7 Acceleration/deceler ati on processi ng function The " acce lerat ion/dec eler atio n proc essin g fu nction " adj usts t he accel eration /dec eler ation wh en eac h contr ol is exec uted.
12 - 8 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] "Acceleration/deceler ati on met hod setti ng " contr ol detail s and setting In th e "acc eler ation/ dec elerat ion m etho d sett ing", t he ac cel erati on/dec elera tion process ing m etho d is s elec ted and se t.
12 - 8 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS W hen a spe ed ch ange r eques t is gi ven dur in g S-p attern accel eration /dec eler ation pr ocess ing, S- patt ern acc elerat ion/d ece lerat ion process ing begins at a speed chan ge re ques t start .
12 - 8 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.8 Pre-readi ng star t function The " pre-re ading start func tion " does not output puls es wh ile t he exec ut ion pr ohibi tion flag is ON i.
12 - 8 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS The pre- rea ding s tart f uncti on is eff ective for th e s ystem as sho wn belo w. Cutter Cutter sha ft Feed sha ft Stoc k Fig.
12 - 8 9 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS V t Ts Tw t Ts Ts 1 Feed s ha ft Cutter shaft Feed s ha ft start request Cutter shaft start request Start time Start time Start time Stop time 2 Fig.
12 - 9 0 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Contro lling in structio ns (1) T he tim e req uire d to anal yze t he p ositi onin g dat a is up to 7ms . (2) Af ter p ositi oning data anal ysis, the s ystem is put in an ex ecu tion proh ibitio n flag OFF wai ting status .
12 - 9 1 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS Pre-reading start function (when dedicated instruction PSTRT1 is u sed) <Turn s ON exe cution p rohibiti on flag > <Set s 1 to posi tionin g sta rt No .
12 - 9 2 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.9 Deceleration star t flag function The " decel eration start fla g func tion " tur ns ON the fl ag when t he cons tant s pee d statu s or acc.
12 - 9 3 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (2) Block start At a bl ock start, this f unc tion is va lid f or on ly the posi tion c ontro l wh ose operat ion pa ttern is "Pos ition ing com ple te" at the po int whos e shap e has been s et to "End ".
12 - 9 4 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [2] Precautions duri ng control (1) T he dece lerat ion s tart flag f unc tion is val id for the contro l s ystem of "1-ax is linear contr ol", &qu.
12 - 9 5 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [3] Deceleration star t flag function setting met hod To us e the "dec eler atio n st art fl ag fu nctio n", se t "1 " to the f ollo wing c on trol d ata using a seq uenc e program . The s et data is m ade valid on t he ris ing edg e (OF F t o ON) of the PLC READY sign al [Y 0] .
12 - 9 6 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS 12.7.10 Stop comman d processi ng for deceler ati on stop function The "s top c omm and pr ocess ing f or dec eler ati on sto p func tion " is prov ided to set the decel erati on cur ve if a s top ca use oc curs dur ing dec el erati on sto p proc ess ing (inc luding aut om atic dec elera tio n).
12 - 9 7 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS (2) Decel erati on curv e continuation The c urrent dec elerat ion c urve is con tinu ed af ter a s top c ause has occurred.
12 - 9 8 MELSEC-Q 12 CONTROL SUB FUNCTIONS [3] Setting method To us e the "sto p com m and proces sing f or d ece lerat ion st op fu nctio n", se t the fol lowi ng control da ta in a sequ ence pr og ra m. The set data are m ade valid as soo n as t he y are written to t he buf fer mem ory.
13 - 1 13 Chapter 13 Common Functions The de tails an d usage of the "commo n funct ions" e xecuted accor ding to the user's requi rements are expl aine d in this chapter . Common functio ns inc lude fu nctions requir ed when u sing the QD75 , such as param eter initi alization and exe cution data bac kup.
13 - 2 MELSEC-Q 13 COMMON FUNCT IONS 13.1 Outline of common functions "Com mon f unctions " are exec ut ed acc ordi ng to t he us er's r equir ements , reg ardl ess of the co ntrol s ystem, etc . Th ese c omm on func tions are ex ecut ed b y per ipher al de vices or us ing se que nce pr ogram s .
13 - 3 MELSEC-Q 13 COMMON FUNCT IONS 13.2 Parameter i niti al iz ation function "The param eter i nit iali zatio n fu nction " is used t o r eturn the s ettin g dat a s et in t he Q D75 buffe r me mory and flas h R OM to the i r fac to ry -se t in it ial v alu e s.
13 - 4 MELSEC-Q 13 COMMON FUNCT IONS [4] Param eter initializat ion meth od (1) P aram eter i niti aliza tio n is c arr ied out us ing t he d edica ted ins truc tio n " PINIT ". (Ref er to C hapt er 14 "D edica ted inst ruct ions" for det ails.
13 - 5 MELSEC-Q 13 COMMON FUNCT IONS 13.3 Execution data backup functi on W hen the QD 75 buf fer mem ory dat a is r ewrit ten f rom the PLC CPU, "the d ata back ed up in t he QD 75 fl ash RO M" m ay dif fer f rom "the da ta (buf fer m em or y data) f or wh ich contr ol is being exec uted ".
13 - 6 MELSEC-Q 13 COMMON FUNCT IONS [4] Execution data backup metho d (1) Ex ecut ion d ata bac kup ( writ ing t o the f lash RO M) is car ried out us ing th e dedic ated ins truct ion " PFW RT". (Ref er to Chap ter 14 "Ded icat ed instruc ti ons" for det ails .
13 - 7 MELSEC-Q 13 COMMON FUNCT IONS 13.4 External I/O signal logic switching function This fu n cti on swi t che s the si gnal l ogi c accordin g t o th e ex ter na l eq ui p ment co nn e cte d to the Q D75 .
13 - 8 MELSEC-Q 13 COMMON FUNCT IONS 13.5 External I/O sig nal monitor function The " Extern al I/O sign al m onitor funct ion " m onitors t he m odule 's i nform ation and exter nal I/O sig nal m onitor inf orm ation in th e modu le's detai led inf orm ation whic h can be disp la yed on t he s ystem monit or of GX Devel oper .
14 - 1 14 Chapter 14 Dedicated instructions The QD75 dedicated in struction s are expl ained in thi s chapter . These instr uctio ns are used to fac ilitate the programmi ng for the use of the functions of the inte lligent func tion modu le.
14 - 2 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 14.1 List of dedicated i nstructi ons The de dicat ed ins truc tions expl ained in th is Ch apter are listed in T able 14.
14 - 3 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 14.3 ABRST1, ABRST2, ABRS T3, ABRST4 Thes e dedic ated instr uct ions r estor e t he abs olute pos ition of th e des ignat ed ax is.
14 - 4 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Control data] Devic e Item Setting data Setting range Setting side ( 1) (S)+0 System area –– – (S)+1 Complete status The state at the time of co mpletio n is store d.
14 - 5 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS (2) An I/O m odule is us ed f or com munic ati on (d ata rea d/ write) wit h the s ervo am plifier capab le of pr oces sing the abs olut e pos itio ns.
14 - 6 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS (4) Using the ABRST inst ruction , th e abs olut e posi tion r estor ation is c arried out in the f ollowing pr ocedur e. End Output th e ((S)+3) data. Is ((S)+ 4) "0"? Other than " 0" 0 Set the ABS dat a bit 0/bit 1 and t ransmission data READY flag using the sequence program.
14 - 7 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS (6) If the ABRST instruc tion is exec uted i n either of the fo llowin g cas es, a n er ror "Ded icate d instr uction error " (error code: 804) wil l occur an d abso lute pos ition restor atio n ca nnot be carr ied out.
14 - 8 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 14.4 P S TRT1, PS TR T2, PS TR T 3, PS TRT4 Thes e dedic ated instr uct ions ar e us ed to s tart the p ositi oning of th e des igna ted ax is.
14 - 9 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Control data] Device Item Setting data Setting range Setting side ( 1) (S)+0 Sy stem area – – – (S)+1 Complete status The state at the time of completion is store d. • 0 : Normal complet ion • Other than 0: Abnormal completion (error code)( 2) –S y s t e m (S)+2 Start No.
14 - 1 0 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS END processing END processing END processing END processing OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON When completed abnorma lly When compl et e d nor m a ll y 1 scan PSTRT in.
14 - 1 1 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS (6) If the PSTRT instr uct ion is exec uted in ei ther of the foll owing c ases , an error "Ded icate d instr ucti on err or" (erro r co de: 804) will occ ur and pos it ioning cannot be starte d.
14 - 1 2 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 14.5 TEA CH1, TEA CH2, TEACH3, T EACH4 Thes e dedic ated instr uct ions ar e us ed t o teac h the desi gnat ed axis .
14 - 1 3 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Control data] Device Item Setting data Setting range Setting side ( 1) (S)+0 Sy stem area – – – (S)+1 Complete status The state at the time of completion is store d.
14 - 1 4 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS END processing END processing END processing END processing OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON When completed abnorma ll y When compl et e d nor m a ll y 1 scan TEACH i.
14 - 1 5 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Progr am ex ample] Program to execu te the teach ing of the p ositi oning data No. 3 of the axis 1 when X39 is turn ed O N. <Teaching comm and pulse> <Teaching comm and hold> <Teaching data settin g> <Positioning dat a No.
14 - 1 6 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 14.6 PF WRT Thes e dedic ated instr uct ions ar e us ed t o writ e the QD 75 par am eters, posit ioni ng data and bl ock start d ata to t he f lash RO M.
14 - 1 7 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Functions] (1) T he PFW RT instr uction com pleti on c an be c onf irm ed usin g th e com plet e de vices ((D)+0) and ((D)+1).
14 - 1 8 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Precautions] (1 ) Do not tu r n ON th e pow e r a nd r ese t the PLC CP U whil e pa ra met e r s, po sitio ni ng data and bl ock start data are wr itten to the flash RO M usin g the PFW RT inst ruction.
14 - 1 9 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Progr am ex ample] Pro gram used to write t he pa ram eters and posit ioni ng dat a stor ed i n th e buf fer mem ory to th e flas h ROM when X3D is tur ned O N.
14 - 2 0 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS 14.7 PINIT This d edi ca te d in str u ctio n i s used to initia liz e th e set ti ng data o f th e QD75.
14 - 2 1 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Functions] (1) T his de dicat ed i nstruc tion is us ed to ret urn th e se tting data s et in the Q D7 5 buf fer mem or y and fl ash RO M to th eir f act ory-s et data ( init ial valu es). Initialized setting data Parameters ( Pr.
14 - 2 2 MELSEC-Q 14 DEDICAT ED INSTRUCT IONS [Progr am ex ample] T he fol lowing program i nitiali zes the param eters in buf fer m em ory an d flas h ROM when X3C t urns ON.
15 - 1 15 Chapter 15 Troubleshooting The "errors" and "warn ings" detected by the QD75 are explained in this chapter. Errors c an be confirmed with t he QD75 LED display and pe ripheral devices. When an error or warning is detected, confirm the detection details and carry out the required measures.
15 - 2 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING 15.1 Error and w arning details [1] Errors Types of error s Errors detected b y the QD75 include param eter settin g range errors and err ors at the operat ion st art or dur ing o peratio n.
15 - 3 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Error s to ra ge W hen an error occ urs, the er ror detec tion inp ut turns ON, and th e error c ode corres ponding to th e error deta ils is stored in t he fol lowin g buff er mem ory address ( Md.23 Axis err or No.
15 - 4 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING W arning storag e (1) W hen an axis warni ng occurs , the warning c ode cor respondi ng to th e warnin g details is stor ed in t he followi ng buf fer m emor y ( Md.24 Ax is warn ing No.) for axis warn ing No. stora ge.
15 - 6 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING 15.2 List of error s The fo ll ow in g tabl e shows the err or de t ail s an d re medi e s to be ta ken wh en an er ro r occurs.
15 - 7 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy ———— — — ———— — • Check that there is no influence from noise. • Check hardw are for possibility of fault.
15 - 8 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 203 Dog detection timing fault The near-point dog signal is turned OFF during the deceleration from an OPR speed to a creep speed by the near-point dog machine OPR .
15 - 9 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy 74 75 224 225 374 375 524 525 • Lower the OPR speed. • Increase the dog signal in put time. (Refer to Section 8.
15 - 1 0 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence <When blocks are started simultaneously> • The partner ax is for simultaneous start is BUSY.
15 - 1 1 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy Refer to Section 5.
15 - 1 2 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 504 Outside linear movement amount range • When the parameter "int.
15 - 1 3 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy Review the positioning addre ss.
15 - 1 4 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 507 Software stroke limit+ • Positioning is carried out at a position beyond the softw are stroke limit upper limit. • The positioning address a nd new current value ex ceed the softw are stroke limit upper limit.
15 - 1 5 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy New current value 1506 1507 1606 1607 1706 1707 18.
15 - 1 6 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 518 Outside operation pattern range • The operation pattern set value is 2. • A target pos ition chan ge is requested on t h ose control systems o ther than ABS1 an d INC1.
15 - 1 7 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy Correct the operation pattern. (Refer to Section 5.3 Da.1 ) Same as error codes 515 to 516 Correct the control system.
15 - 1 8 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 524 Control system setting error • The control sy stem setting v alue is outside the specified lim it.
15 - 1 9 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy Same as error codes 515 to 516 • Correct the control system or param eter. (Refer to Section 9.1.6, 9.
15 - 2 0 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 533 Condition data error • The condition setting v alues are not set or outside the setting range. • The condition operator setting values are not set or outside the setting range.
15 - 2 1 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy — Normaliz e the block start data. Refer to Section 5.4 "Block start data" <Special start instruction> 00 H to 06 H Correct the instruction code of th e spec ial start dat a.
15 - 2 2 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence Positioning operation 546 Illegal setting of ABS direction in unit of degree The setting value of ABS direction in the unit of degree is as follow s.
15 - 2 3 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy ABS setting direction in the unit of degree 1550 1650 1750 1850 0: Shortcut 1: Clockwise 2: Counterclockwise • Set the ABS setting direction in the unit of degree within the setting range.
15 - 2 4 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 900 Outside unit setting range The set range of the basic parameter 1 "Unit setting" is outside the sett ing range.
15 - 2 5 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy 0 150 300 450 0, 1, 2, 3 1 151 301 451 1 to 65535 .
15 - 2 6 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 922 Software stroke limit lower limit • In the unit of degree, the set range of the detailed parameter 1 "Software stroke limit low er limit v alue" is out side the setting range.
15 - 2 7 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy 20 21 170 171 320 321 470 471 • [mm] [inch] [pulse] –2147483648 to 2147483647 • [degree] 0 to 35999999 • Bring the setting into the setting rang e.
15 - 2 8 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 954 Deceleration time 2 setting error The set range of the detailed parameter 2 "Deceleration tim e 2" is outside the setting range.
15 - 2 9 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy 44 45 194 195 344 345 494 495 1 to 8388608 46 47 196 197 346 347 496 497 1 to 8388608 With the setting brought into the setting ran ge, turn the PLC READY signal [Y0] from OFF to ON .
15 - 3 0 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of errors Error code Error name Error Operation status at error occurrence 981 OPR direction error The set range of the OPR basic parameter "OPR direction" is outsid e the setting range.
15 - 3 1 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy 71 221 371 521 0, 1 72 73 222 223 372 373 522 523 .
15 - 3 2 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING 15.3 List of war ni ngs The fo ll ow ing t abl e sh ow s the wa rnin g de ta il s and re medi e s to be ta ken wh en a warning occurs.
15 - 3 3 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy ———— — — — — — — — Normalize the start request O N timing. ———— — Do not carry out the deviation counter clear w hile the axis is running.
15 - 3 4 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of warnings War ni n g code Warning name Warning O peration status at w arning occurrence Manual pulse generator 401 Outside manual pulse generator input magnification range The manual pulse generator 1 puls e input magnification is set at 0 or 101 or higher.
15 - 3 5 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy 1522 1523 1622 1623 1722 1723 1822 1823 <Manual pulse generator 1 pulse input magnification> 1 to 100 Set the manual pulse generat or 1 pulse input magnification to w ithin the setting ran ge.
15 - 3 6 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Classification of warnings War ni n g code Warning name Warning O peration status at w arning occurrence 514 Outside command speed range The command speed ex ceeds the speed limit. • The command speed i s control led at the "speed limit value".
15 - 3 7 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING Related buffer memory address A xis 1 A xi s 2 A xi s 3 A xis 4 Set range (Setting with sequence program) Remedy For command speed, refer to Section 5.
15 - 3 8 MELSEC-Q 15 TROUBLESHOOTING 15.4 LED display functions The s tates of QD 75 and each ax is co ntrol c an b e conf irm ed b y the LEDs loc ate d on the fr o nt pa ne l o f th e QD75 mai n un it. QD75P4 RUN ERR AX1 AX2 AX3 AX4 Each ax is c an be m onitore d b y the s tates of th e LE Ds.
Appe ndix - 1 Appen - di ces Appendices Append ix 1 Vers ion up of the functi ons ................................................................................. Append ix - 2 Append ix 1.1 C ompar ison of f unctions accor ding to f unctio n ver sions .
Appe ndix - 2 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 1 Ver si on up o f the functions Appendix 1.1 C ompar is on o f functions accordi ng to functi on v er si ons The f ollowi ng tab les l ist the QD75 P1/QD 75.
Appe ndix - 4 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 2 For mat sheets Appendix 2.1 Posi ti oning Module operati on char t Axis add ress mm , inch , de g ree , p ulse Axis ad dress mm , inch, degr ee, puls e.
Appe ndix - 5 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Axi s address mm , inch , de g ree , p ulse Axis ad dress mm , inch, degr ee, puls e.
Appe ndix - 6 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 2.2 Par ameter setti ng v alue entry tabl e Setting range Item mm inch degree pulse Pr.1 Unit setting 0 1 2 3 Pr.2 No. of pulses per rotation (Ap) 1 to 65535 pulse Pr.3 Movement amount per rotation (Al) 1 to 65535 × 10 -1 µ m 1 to 65535 × 10 -5 inch 1 to 65535 × 10 -5 degree 1 to 65535 pulse Pr.
Appe ndix - 7 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Initial value Axis 1 Axis 2 Ax is 3 Ax is 4 Remarks 3 20000 20000 1 1 0 0 20000 1000 1000 0 2147483647 –2147483648 0 0 100 300 0 0 0 0.
Appe ndix - 8 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Setting range Item mm inch degree pulse b0 Lower limit b3 Stop signal b6 Near-point signal b1 Upper limit b4 External command b7, b9 to b 15 Unused Pr.22 Input signal logic selection b2 Drive unit READY b5 Zero signal b8 Manual pulse generator input b0 Command pulse signal b2 Unused b4 Devi atio n counter clear Pr.
Appe ndix - 9 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Initial value Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 Remarks 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 20000 0 0 0 100 1000 0 0 0 300 100 0.
Appe ndix - 10 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Setting range Item mm inch degree pulse Pr.43 OPR method 0: Near-point dog method 1: Stopper method 1) (By dw ell time elapse) 2: Stopper method 2) (By OP signal w h.
Appe ndix - 11 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Initial value Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 Remarks 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 11 0 0.
Appe ndix - 12 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 2.3 Posi ti oning data setti ng v alue entry table [data No. to ] Ax is Data Da.1 Ope rati on pattern Da.2 Control system Da.3 Accelera- tion time No. Da.4 Decelera - tion time No. Da.5 Axis to be interpola- ted Da.
Appe ndix - 13 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 3 Positioni ng data ( No. 1 to 600) List of buffer me mor y addr esses (1) For a xis 1 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No.
Appe ndix - 14 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (1) For a xis 1 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 15 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (1) For a xis 1 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 16 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (1) For a xis 1 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 17 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (1) For a xis 1 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 18 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (1) For a xis 1 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 19 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (2) For a xis 2 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 20 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (2) For a xis 2 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 21 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (2) For a xis 2 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 22 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (2) For a xis 2 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 23 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (2) For a xis 2 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 24 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (2) For a xis 2 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 25 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (3) For a xis 3 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 26 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (3) For a xis 3 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 27 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (3) For a xis 3 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 28 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (3) For a xis 3 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 29 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (3) For a xis 3 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 30 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (3) For a xis 3 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 31 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (4) For a xis 4 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 32 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (4) For a xis 4 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 33 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (4) For a xis 4 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 34 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (4) For a xis 4 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 35 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (4) For a xis 4 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 36 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (4) For a xis 4 Comman d speed Positioning addres s Arc data Co mmand speed Positioning addres s Arc data Data No. Posi- tioning identi- fier M code Dwe ll time Low- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Lo w- order Hig h- order Data No.
Appe ndix - 37 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 4 C onnecti on ex amples with serv o amplifiers manufactured by MI TSUBISH I Electric C orporation Appendix 4.
Appe ndix - 38 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 4.2 Connection example o f QD75D and MR-J 2/J2S- A (Dif f erent ial driver) 5 PULSE F + 15 PULSE F - 16 PULSE R+ 17 PULSE R- 18 CLEAR 13 CLEAR COM 14 READY .
Appe ndix - 39 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 4.3 Connection example o f QD75D and MR- C A (Diffe rential d river) 5 PULSE F+ 15 PULSE F- 16 PULSE R+ 17 PULSE R- 18 CLEAR 13 CLEAR COM 14 PG024 8 PG0 COM.
Appe ndix - 40 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 5 C onnecti on ex ampl es w i th stepping motors manufactured by ORIENTALMOTOR Co., Ltd. Appendix 5.1 Connection example o f QD75P and VEXTA UPD (Open colle.
Appe ndix - 41 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 6 C onnecti on ex ampl es w it h serv o ampl i fiers manu f actured by Matsushi ta El ectr ic Industrial Co.
Appe ndix - 42 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 7 C onnecti on ex ampl es w i th serv o amplifiers manu factured by SANYO DENKI Co., Ltd. Appendix 7.1 C onnecti on ex ampl e o f QD75D and PYO series (Diff.
Appe ndix - 43 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 8 C onnecti on ex ampl es w i th serv o ampl i fiers manu factured by Y ASKAWA Electric Corporati on Appendix 8.
Appe ndix - 44 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 9 C ompar i sons w it h conv enti onal posi tioni ng modul es Appendix 9.1 C ompar i sons w ith A1SD71S2 model The f ollowi ng sho ws c ompar isons with the c onv ention al p ositi oning m odu le A1SD 71S2, c ent ered on th e QD7 5 sp ecif icat ions.
Appe ndix - 45 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 9.2 C ompar i sons w ith A1SD75P1-S3/ A1SD75P2-S3/ A1SD75P3- S3 model s The fo ll owin g sh ow s th e co mpar i son s betw ee n th e QD7 5 and th e co nve nt io nal posit ioni ng m odules A1SD 75P 1-S 3/A1S D75P 2-S3/ A1SD 75 P3-S3.
Appe ndix - 46 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Model Item QD75P1 QD75D1 QD75P2 QD75D2 QD75P4 QD75D4 A1SD75 P1 -S3 A1SD75P2 -S3 A1SD75P3 -S3 Speed comm and range 2 0.01 to 2000000 0.00 (mm /min) 0.001 to 200000 0.000 (inch/ min) 0.001 to 200000 0.000 (degr ee/m in) 1 to 1000000 (puls e/s) 0.
Appe ndix - 47 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Model Item QD75P1 QD75D1 QD75P2 QD75D2 QD75P4 QD75D4 A1SD75 P1 -S3 A1SD75P2 -S3 A1SD75P3 -S3 STRT signal (int egrated into " CHG") (External st art signal .
Appe ndix - 48 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Funct ions dele ted f rom those of A1 SD75 P1-S 3/A1 SD75P 2-S3 /A1S D75P 3-S3 Deleted func tions Remark s Stepping m otor mode – OPR operation er ror (Error c ode.
Appe ndix - 49 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Changed func tions Descriptions Stop proces s and rest art aft er stop Posit ioning operation s top 1. "Peri pheral side (em ergency) st op" is del eted from the stop causes of Stop group 2 sudden s top selec tion.
Appe ndix - 50 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Changed func tions Desc riptions Posit ioning st art No. No. 9004 (Multiple a xes sim ultaneous start cont rol) is added. Nos. 7004 to 7010 (bl ock s tart desi gnation) and 8000 to 80 49 (indi rect designati on) are deleted.
Appe ndix - 51 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES W arning co de c om pariso ns Warning type Added Deleted Fatal warning – 51, 52 Common 110 101, 105 to 108, 115 OPR, Absolute position restorati on – – JOG ope.
Appe ndix - 52 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (4) Buffer memor y address comparisons The f ollowi ng tab le sho ws t he buf fer m em or y address es of the Q D75 ( Axes 1 to 3) corr espo nding to th e it ems of the A1SD7 5. The sha ded are a shows th e diff erences betwe en the A1SD 75 and QD75.
Appe ndix - 53 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffe r memory address A1SD75 Q D75 Items o f A1 SD 7 5 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xis 3 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 Pr.28 Accelera tio n ti m e 3 40 41 190 191 340 341 40 41 190 191 340 341 Pr.29 Decele r a tio n time 1 42 43 192 193 342 343 42 43 192 193 342 343 Pr.
Appe ndix - 54 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffe r memory address A1SD75 Q D75 Items o f A1 SD 7 5 Com mon f or axis 1, 2, 3 Comm on for axis 1, 2, 3, 4 Md.1 In test m ode flag 450 1200 Md.2 Module nam e 451 – Md.3 OS typ e 452 453 454 455 – Md.4 OS version 456 457 – Md.
Appe ndix - 55 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffe r memory address A1SD75 Q D75 Items o f A1 SD 7 5 Com mon f or axis 1, 2, 3 Comm on for axis 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pointer num ber) (0) to (15) Md.24 Axis in w h ich th e w a r n ing occur r ed 689 to 749 1358 t o 1418 Md.
Appe ndix - 56 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffe r memory address A1SD75 Q D75 Items o f A1 SD 7 5 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xis 3 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 Md.29 Current f eed value 800 801 900 901 1000 1001 800 801 900 901 1000 1001 Md.30 Machine feed val ue 802 803 902 903 1002 1003 802 803 902 903 1002 1003 Md.
Appe ndix - 57 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffe r memory address A1SD75 Q D75 Items o f A1 SD 7 5 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xis 3 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 Cd.1 Clock dat a setting (hour) 1100 – Cd.2 Clock dat a setting (m inute, s econd) 1101 – Cd.3 Clock dat a writing 1102 – Cd.
Appe ndix - 58 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffe r memory address A1SD75 Q D75 Items o f A1 SD 7 5 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xis 3 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 Cd.34 New deceler ation tim e value 1186 1187 1236 1237 1286 1287 1510 1511 1610 1611 1710 1711 Cd.
Appe ndix - 59 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffe r memory address A1SD75 Q D75 Items o f A1 SD 7 5 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xis 3 A xis 1 A xis 2 A xi s 3 Da.10 Shape Da.
Appe ndix - 60 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (5) Data i ndicati on N o. compari sons The f ollowi ng ta ble s hows t he c ompar isons of number s for each symb ols ( Pr., Md., C d., a nd D a.) in dicat ing param eters or p ositi oning data item s. The s haded s ecti ons i ndica te the adde d or c hange d it em s with th e QD75 .
Appe ndix - 61 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Item A1SD75 QD75 Acceleration time 3 Pr.28 Pr.27 Deceleration time 1 Pr.29 Pr.28 Deceleration time 2 Pr.30 Pr.29 Deceleration time 3 Pr.31 Pr.30 JOG speed limit v alue Pr.32 Pr.31 JOG operation acceleratio n time selecti on Pr.
Appe ndix - 62 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Monitor data Item A1SD75 QD75 In test mode flag Md.1 Module name Md.2 – OS type Md.3 – OS versio n Md.4 – Clock data (hour: minute) Md.5 – Clock data (second: 100 ms) Md.6 – Start axis (QD75: Md. 3 Start information) Md.
Appe ndix - 63 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Item A1SD75 QD75 No. of write accesse s to flas h ROM – Md.19 Current feed value Md.29 Md.20 Machine feed value Md.30 Md.21 Feedrate Md.31 Md.22 Valid M code Md.32 Md.25 Axis error No. Md.33 Md.23 Axis w arning No.
Appe ndix - 64 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Contro l data Item A1SD75 QD75 Clock data setting (hour) Cd.1 – Clock data setting (minut e, seco nd) Cd.2 – Clock data wr iting Cd.3 – Target axis Cd.4 – Positioning data No. Cd.5 – Write pattern Cd.6 – Read/wr ite request Cd.
Appe ndix - 65 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Item A1SD75 QD75 Step valid flag Cd.26 Cd.35 Step mode Cd.27 Cd.34 Step start information Cd.28 Cd.36 Skip command Cd.29 Cd.37 New torque value Cd.30 Cd.22 Positioning starting point No. Cd.31 Cd.4 Interrupt request during continuous operatio n Cd.
Appe ndix - 66 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Posit ionin g dat a, b lock s tart da ta, c ond ition data Item A1SD75 QD75 Operation pattern Da.1 Control system Da.2 Acceleration time No. Da.3 Deceleration time No. Da.4 Axis to be interpolated – Da.5 Positioning address/ mov ement amou nt Da.
Appe ndix - 67 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES (6) Input/output sig nal compar is ons Input sign al com paris ons A1SD75 Q D75 Name Logic (initial stat us) Logic switch with paramet ers Logic (init ial st atus) L.
Appe ndix - 68 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 10 M ELSEC Ex planation of positioning terms 1-2 PHASE EXCITATION SYSTEM This is one s ystem for exc iting each st epping mo tor coil in a d eterm ined ord er. In th is system , one phas e and tw o phases are alternate ly excite d.
Appe ndix - 69 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES ABSOLUTE ENCODER This is a detec tor that e nables th e ang le data within 1 m otor r otation to be output to an external des tinatio n.
Appe ndix - 70 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES AUTO T UNING ( Automatic Tuning) Propert ies such as respons ivenes s and stabilit y of m achines dr iven wi th a servom otor are aff ected by ch anges in th e inerti a mom ent and rigidit y due to changes in the m achine load, etc.
Appe ndix - 71 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) 1) T his is the a bbrevi ation for "binar y coded decim al", m ore acc uratel y called a BCD code. C om puters, P LCs, e tc., us e bin ar y number s made up of 1 (ON) an d 0 (OFF ).
Appe ndix - 72 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES BIPOLAR DRI VE CONST ANT-CURRENT SYSTEM This is one s ystem for drivin g a s tepping motor . In this m ethod, the or ientat ion of the excitation c urrent f lowing t o the stat or coi l is reversed, and th e excita tion cur rent dir ectio n is in both the positi ve and nega ti ve dir ectio n.
Appe ndix - 73 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES CP CONTRO L (Continuous Pat h Control) Continu ous path is a con trol m ethod in which a path is f ollo wed witho ut interr uptin g such as in uniform speed c ontrol. CREEP SPEED A speed at whic h the m achine m oves ver y slow ly.
Appe ndix - 74 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES DECELERATIO N TIME The param eter decelerat ion tim e is the s am e value as the acc elerati on tim e. Deceler ation time r efers to the tim e from the speed lim it value to a stopp ed state, s o it becom es proport ionally sh orter as t he set ting spe ed decreases .
Appe ndix - 75 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES DROOP PULS E Because of inert ia (GD 2 ) in the m achine, it wil l lag behin d and n ot be a ble to trac k if the position ing m odule spe ed comm ands are issued in their norm al state.
Appe ndix - 76 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES ERROR CORRECTI ON If a dim ension err or occur s in th e m achine, and that error is ac tuall y smaller or lar ger th an 1m ( 3.28feet) in s pite of a 1m (3.28feet) comm and being is sued fr om the QD75, that error am ount will b e com pensated.
Appe ndix - 77 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES FIXED-FEED This is the feed ing of a set dim ension f or cutting s heet and b ar workpieces into t he designate d dim ensions. Inc rem ental s ystem position ing is of ten us ed. T he current v alue is not incr emented, e ven wh en the feed operatio n is rep eated.
Appe ndix - 78 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES INCREMENTAL ENCO DER A device th at sim ply outputs ON/OFF pulses by the rot ation of the axis . 1-phas e t ypes output onl y A puls es, and do not ind icate the axis rotat ion direc tion . 2-phas e t ypes output both A and B puls e trai ns, and c an judge t he rotation d irection.
Appe ndix - 79 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES INPU T TER MIN AL This is a pin con nector wired b y the user for inputting data to t he QD75 f rom an external source. It is connec ted t o the m otor drive unit or m achine side. This terminal is used to outp ut the foll owing.
Appe ndix - 80 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES LINE AR IN TERPOLA TION This automatic operatio n sim ultaneous ly operates two m otors f or the latit udina l (X) f eed and longit udina l (Y) f eed to m ove a tar get in a diagonal line f or posi tioning. T hree or four motor s can als o be opera ted sim ultaneo usl y.
Appe ndix - 81 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES MOVEMENT AMOUNT PER PULSE W hen using mm , inch, or de gree un its, th e mo vement am ount is calc ulat ed and out put from the machine s ide showin g ho w much the motor shaft m oves per puls e. Pos itioning accura cy in sm all er unit s is not po ssible.
Appe ndix - 82 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES OP This is the refer ence pos ition for pos ition ing. Position ing can not start without a r eferenc e point. The O P is norm all y set to the up per or lo wer strok e lim it.
Appe ndix - 83 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES OPR REQUEST This signal turns ON when there is an err or with the QD 75. It will turn ON in the f ollowing situations . 1) W hen the po wer is turne d ON. 2) W hen the PLC R EAD Y signal tur ns fr om OFF to ON. 3) W hen the m achine OPR s tarts.
Appe ndix - 84 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES POSITION CONT ROL This is mainl y the contr ol of position and dimens ion, such as in f ixed-f eed, pos itioning, numer ical contr ol, etc. T his is alwa ys controlled with feed puls es . Ther e is also speed co ntrol.
Appe ndix - 85 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES POSI TIONING CONTINU ED Refer to the sectio n of term "oper ation pattern". POSIT IO NI NG DATA This is data for th e user to carr y out position ing. T he No. of points to which position ing is c arried o ut (the No.
Appe ndix - 86 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES READY This means that pr eparat ion is c om plete. REAL-TIME AUTO T UNING ( Real- t ime Automa tic Tunin g) Refer to "AUTO T UNING". REFERENCE AXIS SPEED This is the spe ed of the r eferenc e axis during interpol ati on opera tio ns .
Appe ndix - 87 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES SERVO LOCK In positi oning us ing a ser vom otor, stepp ing motor, etc ., working po wer is require d to hold the mac hine at th e stop pos ition. (T he position will be l ost if the mac hine is move d by exte rnal power .
Appe ndix - 88 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES SPEED CONTROL Speed co ntrol is m ainly carr ied out with the servom otor. It is a n applic ation for grindsto ne rotation, welding spe ed, feedr ate, etc . Speed control diff ers from position c ontrol i n that t he current pos itio n (addre ss) is not contr olled.
Appe ndix - 89 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES STEP OUT Stepping m otor s rotate in propor t io n to the No. of pulses (fr equency), but the m otor's rotation will dev iate if the load is too l arge for the motor. T his is call ed ste p out. If s tep out occurs , the motor must be r eplaced by one with a lar ger torque .
Appe ndix - 90 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES STROKE LIMIT This is the ran ge in whic h a p osition ing operatio n is pos sible, or the ra nge in which th e machine c an be m oved without d amage occurr ing. (Movem ent outsid e this r ange is possib le in the manual oper ation.
Appe ndix - 91 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES TURNT ABLE A rotatin g table, which is turne d using power. The table is use d divid ed fr om one 360 ° rotation into the required locatio ns for work .
Appe ndix - 92 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 11 Posi ti oning contr ol troubleshooti ng Trouble ty pe Questions/T rouble Remedy N o. Display reads "FFFF H " when a parameter is read with GX Configurator-QP. The PLC CPU power was turned O FF or the PLC CPU was reset, etc.
Appe ndix - 93 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Trouble ty pe Questions/T rouble Remedy N o. How can the deceleration stop time during stopping be shortened using the hardware stroke li mit? Set "1: Sudden stop" in the " Pr.37 Stop group 1 sudden stop selection", an d reduce the setting value of " Pr.
Appe ndix - 94 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Trouble ty pe Questions/T rouble Remedy N o. Error compensation The machine only mov es to "10081230", although position ing with a command v alue of "10081234" carried out. How can the error be compensated? The following v alues are currently set.
Appe ndix - 95 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Trouble ty pe Questions/T rouble Remedy N o. The positioning start signal [Y 10] is kept ON until the BUSY signal is OFF, but is there any problem w ith turning it OFF before the BUSY signal turns OFF? After the BUSY signal turns ON, there is no problem w ith turning [Y10] OFF before the BU SY signal turns O FF.
Appe ndix - 96 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Trouble ty pe Questions/T rouble Remedy N o. When a JOG operation is attempted, an error results and the machine does not mov e. The " Pr.31 JOG speed limit value" may be larger than the " Pr. 8 Speed limit value".
Appe ndix - 97 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Trouble ty pe Questions/T rouble Remedy N o. Backlash compensation value 0 ≤ Movement amount per pulse 255 Error 920 (backlash compensation amount error) occurs even w hen the backlash compensat ion value is set to "1".
Appe ndix - 98 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 12 Li st of bu ffer me mor y addresses The f ollowi ng s hows t he r elati on b etwee n the b uff er m emor y address es a nd t he v arious item s. (Do not use ar y addr ess ot her th an list ed b elow. If us ed, the syst em m ay not oper ate cor rectl y.
Appe ndix - 99 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffer memory address Ax i s 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Ax i s 4 Item Memory area 40 41 190 191 340 341 490 491 Pr.27 Acceleration time 3 42 43 192 193 342 343 492 493 Pr.28 Deceleration time 1 44 45 194 195 344 345 494 495 Pr.
Appe ndix - 100 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffer memory address Common to ax es 1, 2, 3, and 4 Item Memo ry area 1200 Md.1 In test mode flag 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 Not used (0) (1) (2 ) (3) (4 ) (5) (6) (7 ) (8) (9 ) (1 0) (11) (12) (13) (14) (1 5) (Pointer No.
Appe ndix - 101 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffer memory address Ax i s 1 Ax is 2 Axi s 3 Ax is 4 Item Memory area 800 801 900 901 1000 1001 1100 1101 Md.20 Current feed value 802 803 902 903 1002 1003 1102 1103 Md.21 Machine feed value 804 805 904 905 1004 1005 1104 1105 Md.
Appe ndix - 102 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffer memory address Ax i s 1 Ax is 2 Axi s 3 Ax is 4 Item Memory area 1500 1600 1700 1800 Cd.3 Positioning start No. 1501 1601 1701 1801 Cd.4 Positioning starting point No. 1502 1602 1702 1802 Cd.5 Axis error reset 1503 1603 1703 1803 Cd.
Appe ndix - 103 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffer memory address Ax i s 1 Ax is 2 Axi s 3 Ax is 4 Item Memory area 1541 1641 1741 1841 Cd.31 Simultaneou s starting ax is start data No. (axis 2 start data No.) 1542 1642 1742 1842 Cd.32 Simultaneou s starting ax is start data No.
Appe ndix - 104 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffer memory address Ax i s 1 Axi s 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 Item Memory area 2000 8000 14000 20000 Da.1 Operation pattern Da.2 Control system Da.3 Acceleration time No. Da.4 Deceleration time No. Da.5 Axis to be interpolated 2001 8001 14001 20001 Da.
Appe ndix - 105 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffer memory address Ax i s 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 Item Memory area 26000 26 050 2700 0 2705 0 28000 28 050 29 000 29 050 Da.
Appe ndix - 106 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Buffer memory address Ax i s 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Ax i s 4 Item Memory area 30000 to 30099 Condition judgement target data of t he cond ition data PLC CPU memory area Po.
Appe ndix - 107 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES Appendix 13 Ex ternal dimension drawi ng [1] QD75P1/QD75P2/QD75P4 QD75P1 RUN ERR AX1 AX1 QD75P2 RUN ERR AX1 AX1 QD75P4 RUN ERR AX1 AX1 AX2 AX2 AX2 AX3 AX4 AX2 AX3 AX4 98 90 136 46 (Unit : mm) 27.
Appe ndix - 108 MELSEC-Q APPENDICES [2] QD75D1/QD75D 2/QD75D4 QD75D 1 RUN ERR AX1 AX1 QD75D 2 RUN ERR AX1 AX1 QD75D 4 RUN ERR AX1 AX1 AX2 AX2 AX2 AX3 AX4 AX2 AX3 AX4 98 90 136 46 (Unit: mm) 27.
Index - 1 INDEX [Number] 1-2 phas e excita tion s ystem (Explanat ion of posit ioning term s) ............................. Append ix-6 8 1-axis fixed-f eed contr ol ................................ 9-43 1-axis line ar co ntrol ( AB S line ar 1) .....
Index - 2 AFTER m ode ............................................... 12-63 AFTER m ode (Ex planat ion of pos ition ing t erm s) .......................................................... Ap pendix -69 Allo wable c ircu lar int erp olatio n err or wi dth ( Pr.
Index - 3 Comm unicat ing s ignals betwe en Q D75 and e ach module ........................................................... 1-12 Compos ite s peed .......................................... 5-32 Compos ite s peed ( Exp lan ation of pos it ioning term s) .
Index - 4 DOS/V p erson al comput er ............................ A-13 Drive u nit ( Expla nation of p ositi oning term s) .......................................................... Ap pendix -74 Drive u nit ( Servo am pl ifier) ......................
Index - 5 For star ting "s peed- posit ion s witc hing co ntrol " ....................................................................... 6-32 For star ting wit h exter nal com m and si gnal ... 6-36 For usin g st eppin g motor .............
Index - 6 [K] kPPS ( Exp lan atio n of pos it ioni ng te rm s) .......................................................... Ap pendix -79 [L] Last exec uted pos it ionin g data No. ( Md.46 ) ..............................................................
Index - 7 Multip le PLC .................................................... 2-5 Mult ipl ying ra te sett ing ( Exp lan ation of pos it ionin g term s) ................................................ Append ix-8 1 [N] Names of eac h part ............
Index - 8 OPR spee d ( Pr.46 ) ................................... 5-48 OPR tor que lim it v alue ( Pr.54 ) ....................................................................... 5-56 Order of pri orit y for st op pr ocess .................. 6-44 Outline des ign of posit ionin g s ystem .
Index - 9 Posit ionin g star t (Exp lana tion of pos ition ing ter ms ) .......................................................... Ap pendix -85 Posit ionin g star t No. ( Cd.3 ) ..................... 5-112 Posit ionin g star t No. s etting progr am .
Index - 10 [R] READ Y (Exp lan ation of pos it ioning term s) .......................................................... Ap pendix -86 Real - ti me AUTO t u ni ng (E xpl ana ti on o f po siti on in g term s) ...........................................
Index - 11 S-patt ern ac cel eratio n/dec eler ation pr ocessi ng method ......................................................... 12- 81 S-patt ern pr opor tion ( Pr.35 )...................... 5- 38 Special st a rt inst ruction ( Da.13 ) ............
Index - 12 Stop c omm and pr ocess ing f or d eceler atio n stop functi on ........................................................ 12-9 7 Stop c omm and pr ocess ing f or d eceler atio n stop select ion ( Cd.42 ) .....................................
Index - 13 Track ing f uncti on (Ex plan ation of p ositi onin g term s) ................................................ Append ix-9 0 Turntab le ( Exp lanati on of posi tionin g ter ms ) .......................................................... Ap pendix -91 T y pes and r oles of co ntrol data .
Index - 14 MEM O.
WARRANT Y Please confirm the follow ing product w arranty details before using this product. 1. Gratis W arranty Term and Gr ati s W arranty Range If any faults or defects (hereinafter "Fail ure&.
Micr osoft W indo ws, W indo ws NT are reg ister ed tr adem ark s of Mic rosof t Cor porat ion in the Unit ed Sta tes and oth er co untri es. Other compan y and pro duct nam es here in ma y be either trad emar ks or register ed tradem ark s of their resp e ctiv e ow ner s.
Type QD75P/QD75D Positioning Module User's Manual U User's Manual User's Manual Mitsubishi Programmable Logic Controller MODEL MODEL CODE QD75-U-S-E 13JR09 SH(NA)-080058-H(0506)MEE Type.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Mitsubishi Electronics QD75P è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Mitsubishi Electronics QD75P - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Mitsubishi Electronics QD75P imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Mitsubishi Electronics QD75P ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Mitsubishi Electronics QD75P, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Mitsubishi Electronics QD75P.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Mitsubishi Electronics QD75P. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Mitsubishi Electronics QD75P insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.