Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto LT-3780 del fabbricante Mitsubishi Electronics
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O w n e r ’ s G u i d e Owner ’ s Guid e L L T - 3 2 8 0 / L T - 3 7 8 0 T- 3 2 8 0 / LT- 3 7 8 0 L C D F l a t P a n e l L CD F lat P anel H D T V HD T V v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t : vis it our websi te at : w w w. m i t s u b i s h i - t v.
F or Y our Record s Use this space t o record the serial number s, purchase dat e, and dealer inf ormation of t he two companion de vices — the displa y and me dia cen ter .
i Content s Impor tan t Inform at ion Gene ral W ar nings and Cautions ....................................................... 1 Decla ration of Conformity ............................................................. 2 Impor tant Safeguards .........
ii Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand ® Set up and Editin g NetCommand ® Introduction ......................................................... 36 NetCommand ® Initial Setup ......................................................... 37 Edit NetCommand® .....
iii Chap ter 6 : Conn ecting an d Using a PC Connecting a PC to the Display ....................................................... 82 Setting PC Resoluiton ............................................................... 83 PC Display Formats ........
1 The lightnin g flash wi th arrowhead symbo l within an equilater al trian gle is intended to ale r t the user of the pre sence of un insulated “dange rous voltag e” witUUhin the produc t’ s enc losure that m ay be suf ficie nt magni tude to consti tute a risk of el ectr ic shoc k.
3 IMPORT ANT SAFEGU A RDS Please read t he follo wing safeguards for y our LC D Flat Panel HD T V and retain f or future reference. Alwa ys follo w all warnings and instruct ions marked on th e LCD F lat Panel HD T V .
4 IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS, continued 1 2 . Power Li nes An out side antenna system s hould not be lo cated in the vicinit y of ov er head power lines or othe r elec tric light or power circuits , or where it ca n fall into such power lines or ci rcuits.
5 4BGFUZ5 BC 4UBOE 4UBOE4DSFXT %JTQMBZ Stand Removal Instructions 1 . Before pe r forming work, ma k e sure to disco nnect the AC power cord from the di splay . 2. Before pe r forming work, sp read the protec tive she et that was wrapp ed aro und the display on a flat, even su r face ( such as a t able ).
Chapter 1 Pro d uc t Ove r v iew Pac kag e Co nt ent s ....................................... 8 Spec ial Fe atu res ........................................ 9 Dis play T op Cont rol Pane l ................................. 10 Medi a Center F ront Cont rol Panel .
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 8 The d is play a nd me dia c ente r mus t be con nec ted toget her w ith t hes e two c able s. Package Contents Please tak e a moment to re view t he follo wing list of it ems to ensure that y ou hav e re ceiv ed ev e r y thing including: 1 "(& 3.
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 9 Y our new L T -3 28 0 / L T - 378 0 LCD Flat Pa nel H DT V (display + media center) has many specia l feat ures, which include : T wo-Piec e Desig n for Ma ximu m Inst alla tion Fl e xi bili t y The L T -3280 /L T -37 80 di splay and me dia center a re desi gned to work exclusively together a s an integr ated HDTV .
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 10 Dis play T op Cont rol Panel The bu ttons on the top co ntrol panel of the di splay are a lso found o n the remote control an d media ce nter front pa nel. See Re mote Control Over view in thi s chapter for info rmation a bout how to use the se but tons.
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 11 Med ia Center F ront Cont rol Panel Except fo r S YSTEM RESET a nd the memo r y card re ader Ejec t but tons, the but tons on the me dia center Front Contr ol Panel are a lso found o n the remote control a nd display top contr ol panel.
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 12 Remot e Control Over vie w Figu re 1 , foll owing pa ge T o sen d si gna ls to t he T V , po int t he r emo te co ntr ol at the d isplay . 1 . S lid e Sw itc h : Selec ts the A / V produc t to be controll ed by the remote control.
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 13 Bat ter y Installation Figur e 2 In st all in g th e Bat te ri es : 1 . Rem ov e the remote control’s rear cover by gently pre ssing the ri bbed ta b in the directio n of the arrow and sli ding of f the cov er . Remote Contro l Ope ration Sl eep Time r Se t tin g th e Sl ee p Tim er : 1.
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 14 # " Dis play Rea r Panel 1 . PC V ideo I npu t Use this RGB vid eo termina l to connect to the Vid eo Out termina l on a PC. This termina l suppor ts VGA , SV G A, X G A. a nd SX GA re solution s.
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 15 Med ia Center Rear Pan el T o p rovid e comp lete HDT V fu nti onal it y , th e di spl ay and m edi a cen ter mu st be connected us ing bot h Mon itorLi nk ™ ter min als [A] a nd [ B ] .
Chap ter 1: Product Over view 16 Med ia Center Rear Pane l, continu ed 6. Antenn a (AN T - 1 MAIN, ANT -2 A UX) ANT - 1 MA IN and ANT -2 AUX can eac h receive both digital a nd analo g ov er -the- air chan nels from a VH F /U HF ant enna or non-scrambled digital/analog cable channels .
Chapter 2 Conn ect ing Essent ial MonitorLink ™ Conn ections ......................... 18 A C Po wer Cords ........................................ 19 Ex ternal De vices and NetC ommand ® Over vie w .................. 20 W all Out let Cab le ......
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 18 -EDIA#ENTER -ONITOR,INK 4- 23# #ON TRO L -ONITOR,INK 4- 23# #ONTROL ,EFT2EAR0 ANEL OF$ISPLAY " B.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 19 .FEJB$FOUFS "$8 BMM 0VUMFU "$8 BMM 0VUMFU %JTQMBZ A C Po wer Cord s Af te r you have c on nec ted a ll A / V dev ice s to th e med ia center , conn ect the dis play to a nearby A C wall outl et, then con nect the me dia center to a AC wall outlet.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 20 NetCo mmand is a ble to control ma ny cur rent audi o and video d evices by sending re mote co ntrol signal s from the media c enter to each device thr ough IR emit ter s.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 21 W all Ou tlet Ca ble ( ca n be u sed w it h a Cab leCARD ™ ) Figur e 4 It i s ver y im po r ta nt to co nne ct t he i nco min g cab le fo r your p ri mar y view ing s our ce to AN T - 1 , es pe cia ll y for Cabl eCARD ™ use.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 22 PIN 5 XJO'MBU -FBET PIN $PBYJBM $BCMF .FEJB$FOUFS .BUDIJOH5 SBOTGPSNFS 1VSDIBTFE4FQBSBUFMZPINUPPIN PS Separat e UHF and VH F Anten nas Figur e 7 A UHF/ VHF c ombi ner i s re qui red .
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 23 Usi ng a Cab leCARD ™ T o s tar t the Cabl eCARD initializ ation pro ces s, inser t a Cable CARD into the Cable CARD slot loc ated on the media c enter rear pa nel, then pre ss Pow er o n the remote control.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 24 An tenna or Wall Out let Cab le to a VC R Figur e 8 A t wo-way RF s plit te r , 3 co a xia l ca ble s, rig ht an d lef t au dio c abl es an d a S-Vid eo or ( Co mpo site ) Vid eo c abl es ar e re qui re d. T hese ar e not inc lud ed with th e me dia c enter.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 25 */ 065 */ 065 065 580 8 " : 41-*55&3 *GZPVS7$3IBTBWJEFPDIBOOFM PS3'0/0''TXJUDITFUJUUP 0'' 7*%&0 7*%&0 "6%*0 3 -.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 26 A/V Re cei v er o r Stere o System Figur e 1 0 A dig ita l aud io ca ble a nd ster eo a udi o cab les a re r eq uir ed. Th e dig ital a udi o cab le is p rovid ed. Th e ster eo a udio c abl es a re not inc lud ed with th e med ia ce nter .
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 27 DV D Player or O th er Compone nt Vid eo Device Figur e 1 2 Com pon ent vid eo ca ble s and a udi o cab les a re r equ ir ed.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 28 Figur e 1 3. C onne cting the me dia ce nter’s HDMI D evice Inp ut HDMI Out put Device ( Cab le Box , Sa tel lite R ece iver , DVD Pl ayer , Etc. ) Figur e 1 3 An H DMI to HD MI ca ble i s re qui red. T his c ab le is not i nclu ded wi th the m edi a cente r .
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 29 DV I Out put De vice Figur e 1 4 A DVI-to -H DMI c abl e or DVI /HD MI ad aptor a nd HD MI ca ble a nd a udio c abl es a re r equ ire d. Th ese a re n ot incl ude d with th e med ia ce nter . Th ey may be ava il abl e at your l oca l ele ctro nic s ret ail er .
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 30 "73FDFJWFS "7EFWJDF .FEJB$FOUFS "7EFWJDF % * ( * 5 " - % * ( * 5 " - 4 6 3 3 0 6 / % 4 6 3 3 0 6 / % 4 $) $) Figur e 1 5.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 32 • Do not plac e an IEEE 1 39 4 device bet ween the media c enter and the dis play . • Do not make a loop with the l ast device in the chain. W hen the device ch ain is loo ped, the media c enter may not be ab le to w ork wi th the other devic es.
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 33 4 -Pin St yle vs. 6 - Pin St y le Conn ector s The re are t wo diffe rent t ypes of c onne ctors u sed for IEEE 1 39 4 terminal s and cab les, a 4 -pin an d a 6- pin st yle. The 4 -pin conne ctor send s digital audi o signals , digital video s ignals a nd digital c ontrol sign als bac k and for th b etwe en devices .
Chap ter 2 : Conn ecting 34 Helpf ul Hints Q My VCR ( or ot he r devic e ) doe s not have t wo se ts of s ter eo au dio o utp ut s. How c an I co nne ct t his dev ice’s audi o to bot h the m ed ia ce nter a nd t he A / V Rec eiver ? A . There a re two solutions : 1 .
Chapter NetC ommand ® Setup a nd Edit ing NetCommand ® Introduction ............................... 36 NetCommand ® Init ial S etup ............................... 37 Edit NetComma nd® ..................................... 39 Add a n A / V Receiver .
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 36 Ne tCo mma nd m akes you r T V t he he ar t o f your H ome T he ate r NetCo mmand® i s an intelligent co ntrol system that makes your Mits ubishi T V the hear t of your ho me theater .
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 37 NetCommand ® Initi al Setu p Set ting up NetCo mmand gives you centr alized contr ol of all A / V devices co nnec ted to the media center a nd allows you to record T V sh ows using T V Guid e On Scre en® .
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 38 NetCommand ® Initi al Setup, continued Figu re 3. D evice S etup sc re en Note: If you sel ected “O ther ” for any of the device name s, the media c enter can “ Learn” the con nected device by following the Edit NetComm and instr uctions .
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 39 until you see A / V Rece iver as the device t ype. Highlight Next a nd pres s ENTER to open the A / V Receiver s creen. IMPOR T ANT T o make c han ges to t he A / V re cei ver se tup, fi rs t en sur e t hat t he c ur ren t au dio s our ce i s T V Audio.
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 40 A/V R e ce i v e r Learn Screen Figur e 1 0 1 . Pres s A DJUST or on the T V re mote t o sele ct the che ck box for each f unctio n to be lear ned. 2. Pres s ENTER and the fu nction na me will begin to flas h to confirm the re ady-t o -lear n status.
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 41 Audi o Line Ou t to A VR S cre en Figur e 1 2 If you conne cted the medi a center Audio L ine Out to an A / V Receiver (AVR) , use this scre en to selec t the name of the anal og input you’ re us ing on the A / V receiver .
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 42 Figu re 1 5. N ew Devic e scr ee n Edit Ne tCommand Screen Figur e 1 4 If you selec ted Edit when you were at the Finish sc reen, the Edit NetCom mand scre en disp lays. The choi ces are : Figu re 1 4 .
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 43 Add Devices, cont inue d [D e vi ce ] Sc re en Figur e 1 6 If you sele cted “No ne” for a device ty pe during ini tial setup, you can later ad d a device with this sc reen. T his scre en also op ens when you se lect the Cha nge option in the Edit NetCommand screen.
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 44 Connect ion for [ Device ] Scre en Figur e 20 This s creen a llows the media ce nt e r t o lea rn the conne ction b etween d evice ( s) and inp ut( s ). Inputs 1 & 2 , HDMI Inpu t 1 & 2 , Compo nent 1 & 2, and /or the inputs fo r the A / V Re ceiver all ne ed to be checked, if conne cted.
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 45 RF Connect ion for Ca ble Sc ree n Figur e 23 The RF C onnecti on scree n displays only whe n adding or chan ging a Cable B o x. If your Cab le Box is conne cted to a media c enter antenna inp ut, chec k the RF chec k box.
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 46 Edit NetComma nd ® : Delete De vices Delete Device Screen Figur e 25 Sele cting De lete from the Setup me nu, displays the Dele te screen. Y ou ca n choos e t o de lete a single device by selec ting the device you would lik e to delete, or you can d elete the entire Net Comma nd confi guratio n.
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 47 Usi ng th e Remote Control wit h NetCommand ® Below is a li st of severa l manufac turer s device s tested a nd shown to be com patible wi th NetCom mand. T hese devic es ca n be cont rolled with out cha nging the s ettin g of the remote contr ol from the m edia ce nter to another devic e.
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 48 On your rem ot e contr ol, the ADJUST and buttons allow you to navigate left a nd right to dif ferent s elec tions on the scre en.
Chap ter 3 : Ne tCommand® Set up and Editing 49 Remote Contr ol But tons The following b uttons on your re mote control help you navigate within the system : 1. A D J U S T or to sele ct the menu item you want to change. 2. A D J U ST or to chang e the setting s.
Chapter IEE E 1 3 9 4 De vices a nd NetCommand ® Cont roll ed Recor di ngs Usin g the “ Learn” Featu re to Contr ol IEEE 1 3 94 Device s ........... 52 Addi ng IEEE 1 39 4 Devices Au tomatica lly ...................... 53 Device Sel ection M enu .
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 52 Usi ng th e “Lear n” F e ature to Cont rol IEE E 1 3 9 4 Devices NOTE: Se e pages 32– 3 3 for infor mation r ega rding co mpatibl e IEEE 1 394 d evices a nd conn ectio n st yles.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 53 New 1 3 94 D evice Scr een Figur e 1 When your m edia ce nter discovers a new IEEE 1 394 device, the New 1 39 4 Device scre en will appe ar . Sele cting “ Add” will inclu de the device in the Device Sele ction me nu.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 54 Connect ion Scre en Figu re 5 Sele ct the media c enter input that you us ed when you conne cted the vide o or S - Vid eo cab les. Y ou may als o sele ct the media c enter or A / V receiver inpu t you used when you conne cted the stere o audio cab les.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 55 Po wer On / Of f Devic es Device s that hav e sep arate On an d Of f remote control but tons will power On automatic ally when you sel ect the device an d will pow e r Of f when you turn of f the media c enter .
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 56 Figu re 1 0. Pos sib le De vice Me nu for C abl eCARD Press HOME key to exit Moving Throug h Oth er Cabl eC ARD Screens In additio n to Cab leCARD me nus, other Ca bleCARD appli cation scre ens may disp lay and require you to make additio nal sel ection s.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 57 Record ing a Cur rent Prog ram T o re cord a cu rrent p rogra m, pres s REC (re cord ) when your prog ram cho ice is highlig hted on the prog ram list in Channe lView . A red “R” will b e added af ter the input name.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 58 NetCommand ® Controll ed Recor dings Setting up Recordings Figur e 1 3 Thro ugh NetC ommand, you ca n automatica lly star t a nd stop reco rdings and s end sign als from o ne playback device to a recording d evice.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 59 Record Li st Figur e 1 4 Press GUID E while viewing the Rec ord T o sc reen to see a list of all c urrentl y progr ammed re cordin gs. A ma ximum of 32 reco rdings can b e schedule d.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 60 Usi ng A/V Discs An A / V Dis c is an exter nal har d drive that stores mus ic, pictu re and /or vide o files, and is u sually c onnec ted using an IEEE 1 394 ca ble.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 61 Ins er ti ng a Memor y Card 1 . Inser t a memory card into a mat ching card slot on card reade r on the media c enter . Be sure to use the c orrec t car d slot. Card 1 will ac cept MultiMe diaCard™ and SD Mem or y Card.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 62 JPEG im age s ca nno t be ed ite d th rou gh t he T V . T o avoid f il e inc omp ati bi lit y p ro ble ms , tem po ra ril y move th e JPEG i mag es to you r PC, an d ch ang e th e na me fi le n ame s.
Chap ter 4 : I EEE 1 3 9 4 Devices and Ne tCommand® Con trolled Record in gs 63 Cop y-Protected M ateria l When at tempting to record c opy -p rotected materia l, the Record functions of the NetCommand and IEE E 1 394 systems may be p revented or stopp ed.
Chapter 5 T V Menu Operat ions Main Menu Choices ..................................... 66 Setup Menu ........................................... 67 NetCommand Menu ..................................... 68 Ante nna Me nu ...............................
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 66 Main Menu Choices Setup Me nu Figur e 1 Use the Setup m enu to selec t English or S panis h as the lang uage for the me nus and o n-scr een dis plays. Adjust Color Balance Automat ically or manually ( Per fect Color ™ ) .
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 67 Figu re 9. Pe r fect Colo r Men u, Man ual Co lor Co rr ectio n Reset Sele ct to reset the Colo r Balance s etting s. Each active input ca n be individuall y reset, if Auto is not che cked. Sid e Bar Color For some T V formats si debar s are vi sible ( see T V Displ ay Formats, G ) .
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 68 Note: T ra nspor t b ut tons (rewin d, play for ward, stop, pause a nd reco rd) on the re mote control are lo cated in the bot tom sectio n of the remote control.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 69 An tenna M enu Figur e 1 4 Figu re 1 4. A nten na Me nu T he Anten na Menu optio ns are availab le for use wi th analo g and digit al channe ls on Antenna- 1 an d Antenna-2. Y ou can me morize cha nnels, add o r delete chan nels, nam e chan nels and ad d channe ls to an SQ V ( Supe r Quick View ™ ) bank .
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 70 SQV ( Supe rQ uickView ™ ) Using Th e Remote Contro l Vi ewi ng an d ch ang in g SQV ba nks us in g th e rem ote control : 1 . Pre ss the SQV button. 2. T o ch ange mem or y banks, pr ess a numbe r but ton within 5 sec onds of pr essi ng the SQV button.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 71 Time Menu Set ti ng the Clock Y o u may choose to manua lly or automatic ally set the clock th at your media ce nter will use for re cording o r timer fu nctions. Y ou ca nnot sche dule record ings if the cloc k is not prop erly se t.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 72 Capt ion s Me nu Figur e 1 8 For analo g channel s broadca sters ca n send eithe r Stan dard or T ex t close d captioning. St anda rd Close d Caption s follows the dialogu e of the char acter s on- scre en and dis plays in a small se ction of the s creen.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 73 Capt ions Menu , continu ed : Customizing Digital S et tings Fo nt s Y o u can cus tomize the t ext of di gital ca ptions by sele cting the font of your c hoice.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 74 V- Chip R ating Guidelines V -Ch ip Sig nal Info rmatio n Whe n provid ed by the b road caste r , V-C hip rati ngs c an be u sed to co ntrol w hich p rogr ams c an be vi ewed or wi ll be blo cked.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 75 V- Chip Lock Menu V -Ch ip Lock Menu Over vi ew Figur e 20 The V-Chip Loc k menu gives you acces s to V– Chip options a nd to non-V - Chip T V-locki ng options a s well. Y o u must use a pa ss cod e to open this menu to en able / disa ble the lock o ptions.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 76 Setting V -Chip Options 1 . Highlight the V-Chip ic on on the V - Chip Lock menu a nd pres s ENTER to open the V-Chip me nu. 2. Pres s ADJUST or to selec t On or O ff. 3. If you sele cted On, pr ess A DJUST to mov e to the TV Ra t i n g bo x .
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 77 Aud io / Video Me nu Figur e 23 Figu re 23. A udio /V ide o Men u, Set tin gs A/V M e m o ry R e s e t A / V Memor y Res et allows you to select the devic e which will have the A / V Set tings returne d to the original fac tory set tings.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 78 • SAP ( Sec ond Audio Pro gram ): Additi onal monau ral soun d track that you can not hear during n ormal T V vi ewing.
Chap ter 5 : Using th e T V Menu 79 Vi deo Settings ◊ Cont ras t Provides a s lider to adjus t the white-to-b lack level. Low contras t shows a variet y of shade s in darker image s, while high contra st shows darker imag es more unifo rmly bla ck and makes c olor s appea r more vibr ant.
Chapter 6 Conn ect ing an d Using a PC Connec ting a PC to t he Di spl ay ............................. 82 Set ti ng PC Resoluiton .................................... 83 PC Dis play Format s ..................................... 84 PC Vi deo Set t ings .
Chap ter 6 : Conn ecting and U sing a PC 82 Figur e 1 . Con necting a P C to the Dis play Connec ti ng a PC to the D isp lay Figu re 1 . A 1 5 pin P C mon itor ca ble a nd a n audi o vide o cab le is r equ ir ed. Th ese a re n ot incl ude d with the T V .
Chap ter 6 : Conn ecting and U sing a PC 83 Set t ing PC Resolu iton Figur e 1 6 For the corre ct scre en res olution ( pixels), while the PC i s displayed on sc reen, use the PC’s Control Panel set tings, a s shown below (fo r most PC’ s ). Y our displ ay can display VGA , SV GA , XGA , and SX G A refresh r ates.
Chap ter 6 : Conn ecting and U sing a PC 84 VGA (640 x 480) XGA (1024 x 768) WXGA (1280 x 768) SXGA (1280 x 1024) PC720P (1280 x 720) (1360 x 768) 1366 x 768 1366 x 768 1366 x 768 1366 x 768 1366 x 76.
Chap ter 6 : Conn ecting and U sing a PC 85 Su ppor te d PC Timings Resolution Horizontal V ertical L T -3280 L T -3780 1 640 X 480 (VGA) 31.47kHz 60Hz Expanded Expanded 2 37.86kHz 72Hz Expanded Expanded 3 37.50kHz 75Hz Expanded Expanded 4 800 X 600 (SVGA) 37.
Chapter 7 T roubles hoo t ing and S uppor t T rou bleshooting ....................................... 88 Usin g the S ystem Reset B ut ton ............................. 92 Usin g the Res et Menu .................................... 92 Suppor t .......
Chap ter 7: T r ou bleshoot ing and Support 88 1 . Whe n the HDT V is tu rne d on fo r th e fi rs t ti me , the Ne tCom man d WELCOME sc ree n doe s not app ear ( se e fig ure 1 , pag e 36 ). • Che ck to make su re the me dia c enter a nd the di spl ay are co nne cted usi ng both M onito rLink™ cabl es (A / V and C ontr ol) .
Chap ter 7: T r ou bleshoot ing and Support 89 1 4. V-C hip is not wo rkin g. • Make su re that V- Chip i s On. • If V-Ch ip Hour s ar e cur rentl y set to dis abl e the V-Ch ip loc k, the V-Ch ip will not b lock p rog ramm ing. 1 5 . The m edia c ente r will not tur n on af ter b eing plugged in.
Chap ter 7: T r ou bleshoot ing and Support 90 2 4. T he T V Audi o ico n or A / V Rece iver ic on is gr ayed out a nd not s ele cta ble. • Sel ec t the Cha nge s ett ing fr om the Edi t NetC omma nd me nu, an d the n sele ct the d evice ( for examp le VCR ).
Chap ter 7: T r ou bleshoot ing and Support 91 Prob lem Pos si bl e Sol ut ion 36. Al l IEEE 1 3 94 devic es di sap pear . • The c onne cted d evice s must n ot be in a lo op tha t retur ns to the me dia ce nter . M ake sure a d evice i s conn ecte d at the e nd.
Chap ter 7: T r ou bleshoot ing and Support 92 Usi ng th e S ystem Reset Bu t ton If the media c enter doe sn ’t re spond to eithe r the remote control o r the front pane l controls or will n ot pow.
Append ice s Appendix A : Specifications ................................ 94 Ap pend ix B : On -Sc reen I nformat ion Disp lays ................... 96 Ap pendi x C : Bypas sing t he V - Chip Lock : ...................... 97 Ap pend ix D : Inp ut Connec tion Comp atibi lit y .
94 Ap pen dix A : S pecifications Ch an ne l Freq ue nc y Rec ep ti on Over-the -Air : VHF 2 - 1 3, UH F 1 4 - 69 An alog Ca ble: 1 - 12 5 Dig ital Ca ble : 1 - 1 35 Channel T ype O ve r t h e A i r :.
95 Out put s (c onti nued ) Vi deo an d Audi o Mo ni tor Lin k ™ A / V ( d ig it al au di o /vi de o) , Qt y 1 NOTE: Must c onne ct to Mon itorL ink ™ A / V Input te rmin al on di spl ay .
96 Ap pen dix B : On-Screen Informati on Display s When you turn on the HDTV ( media center and disp la y), chan ge Devices, change Channels or when you pres s the INF O but ton on the remot e control the cur rent status will display .
97 Bypass ing th e V - Chip Lock After you set the lock, y ou need your passcode t o view a V-Chip locked p rogra m, view the locked T V , ca ncel the lock, o r enter the V-Chip Lock me nus. If you forget your p assc ode, you can vi ew the locked media cent er without en tering y our passcode.
98 This page i ntentiona lly bl ank.
99 Ap pend ix D : In put Conn ection Com patib ilit y Compone nt - 1 an d Component 2 I nput s Thes e inputs are compatible with c omponent video signa ls from standa rd DVD play er s and other equipme nt sending a standa rd NTSC component video signa l (480i ).
10 0 Sca n Rates for VCR or Non-HD Mon itor OUTPUT source I n p u t S i g n a l Source Copy Protec tion HDCP LT- 3 2 8 0 / LT- 3 7 8 0 Display ANALO G 480 i sig nal s from Ant- 1 , An t -2, Inpu t - 1.
10 1 Pres s P IP/POP to activate the PIP / POP option. With each p ress of the PIP/POP bu tton on the rem ot e co ntrol (within se conds of e ach other), the PIP/POP will cycle throug h the following .
10 2 DVD F orm ats An amo rp hic ( or E nh anc ed for W id esc ree n T V’s ) : The se DVDs are re corde d in a spe cial way t o pr operl y show wides creen im ages on 1 6: 9 T V set s in the Standa rd format mode.
10 3 ORIGINAL SIGNAL Non-anamor phic or SD 4:3 ORIGINAL SIGNAL Anamor phic DVD TV Display Standard (not recomm ended, distort ed) Stretch not available f or H D ,S D1 6 : 9o r analog 720p, 1080i (reco.
10 4 Ap pen dix H : Remote Cont rol Pr ogra mming Co des IMPOR T ANT Th e rem ote co ntr ol m ay ret ur n to its in it ial s et ti ng w hen t he b at te rie s ar e ch ang ed . Y o u may n eed to r ep rog ra m. Cabl e Bo xes Progr ammi ng the Remote to Cont rol O the r Br ands of Au dio an d Vid eo Produc ts 1 .
10 5 Ap pen dix H : Remote Control Pr ogrammi ng Codes, cont inu ed D V D Players Sate llite Recei v er s ( SA T )/ DT V VC R s Cabl e Bo xes, continu ed VCR B ra nd Cod e MITS UBISH I 001 , 06 0, 067.
10 6 Ap pen dix H : Remote Control Pr ogrammi ng Codes, cont inu ed IMPOR T ANT So me ma nu fac tu rer s ma y cha ng e th eir pr od uct s, o r th ey may u se mo re t han o ne re mote c ont ro l syst em.
10 7 NetComma nd Compat ible T radi tional D evices (A nalog ) Wh en Devic e Se lec tion M enu i s Dis pl ayed an d the D evice i s Hig hlig hted ( Y el low Out lin e ) Dev ic e Remote Co nt rol B ut .
10 8 Ap pend ix I : Device Contr ol with Net Comman d ® , conti nued Wh en an I EEE 139 4 Devi ce is V iewed o r Played Dev ic e Remote Co nt rol B ut to n CABLE/SA T A / V DISC DV CR AMPLIFIER CH up.
10 9 A / V RECEIVER CAB LE or SA T VCR DV D LE ARN ING SC REE N CHECKB O X NAME FUNCTION NAME ON REMO TE CONTROL X X X X Powe r* Powe r O n or Powe r O n /O f f POW ER* * X X X X Power (O f f ) * Powe.
11 0 Ap pend ix K: Changi ng the Color T emp eratu re of t he Dis play Changing t he Color T em pera ture T o c hange the co lor temper tu re of the display , do the foll owing : 1 . If the T V is on, power it of f by pres sing Power on the remote control.
111 Ap pen dix L : Clean ing Cleaning Norm ally , light du sting with a dr y , non -scratching duster will keep your LCD Flat Panel HDT V cle an. If clea ning beyond this is nee ded, plea se use the following guidelines: Fir s t, p re ss t he Powe r but to n on t he r emot e con tr ol to tu rn of f t he t he d is pl ay an d th e med ia c ente r .
11 2 Do no t at tem pt to u pda te t he sof t wa re of t hi s me dia c en ter w ith s of t war e or ca rd s th at a re no t pr ovid ed by o r aut ho rize d by Mi tsu bi sh i Dig it al E lec tr oni cs A me ric a, In c. No n-a ut hor ize d sof t war e may d am age t he m edi a ce nte r and w il l not be c overe d by th e war ra nt y.
11 3 MI TS UB IS HI L T -3280/L T - 3 7 80 L CD F LA T P ANE L HD TV SOFTWARE END-USER LI CENSE A GREEMENT F OR EMBEDDED SOFT W ARE IMPORT ANT – RE AD CAREFULL Y: Th is Li cen se Ag ree me nt is a le ga l agr eem ent b et wee n you (e ith er an i ndi vidu al or a n en tit y) an d Mits ubi shi Di git al Ele ct roni cs A me ric a, In c.
11 4 MITSUBISHI L T - 32 8 0 /L T - 3780 LCD F L A T P ANE L HD T V LIMITED WA R R A N T Y MIT SUBI SHI D IGITAL ELECT RONI CS AM ERICA , I NC. ( “MD E A ” ) wa rra nts to t he or igi nal p urc ha.
Inde x 11 5 A A / V Disc s 60 A / V Memor y Rese t. See Reset A/V R e c ei v e r Adding 39 Connecting 26 Inputs 39 Input Lea rn Scre en 40 Lear n Screen 40 A / V Setting D esicr iptions Audio 78 Vide .
Inde x 11 6 Pe er-to -Pe e r Co nn e ct io ns 5 9 PIP (Pic ture in Picture ) PIP Device Sele ction Me nu 55 Using PIP and POP 1 01 Playlist Menu, MP3 o r WMA7 6 1 R Rating Defi nitions, T V Pr ogra m.
© 200 5 Mits ubi shi Di gita l Elec tron ics A mer ica , Inc. Writ ten a nd Pri nted in U.S. A 853B540A80 T o ord er repl acement or add itional r emote contro ls, or Owne r’ s Gu ides, ca ll 8 00 - 5 53 - 727 8 . F or q uesti ons, contac t Consume r Relation s at : Te l e p h o n e : 8 0 0 - 3 3 2 - 2 11 9 .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Mitsubishi Electronics LT-3780 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.