Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto fre700 del fabbricante Mitsubishi Electronics
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FR-E700 INSTRUCTION MANUAL (BASIC) FR-E720-0.1KNC to 15KNC FR-E740-0.4KNC to 15KNC FR-E720S-0.1KNC to 2.2KNC INVERTER CC-Link communication function 700 PRODUC T CHEC KING A ND PA RTS ID ENTIFI CATION.......... ..... 1 INSTALL ATION AND WIRING ...... .
A-1 This Instru ction Manua l (Bas ic) p rovid es ha ndlin g info rmati on and preca ution s for use of t he equipm ent. Pleas e forwa rd this I nstruction M anual (Basic) to the e n d us er . 1. Electric Shock Prevention 2. Fire Prevention 3.Injury Prevention 4.
A-2 (2) Wiring (3) T rial run (4) Usage (5) Emergency stop (6) Maintenance, inspection and p art s replacement (7) Disposal z Do not i nstall a powe r factor cor rection capacito r or surg e suppressor/cap acitor type filter on the inverter outpu t side.
1 1 PR ODUCT C HECKING A ND P ARTS IDENTIFICA TION Unpac k the inverte r an d check the capac ity p late on the front co ver a nd the rating plat e on th e inv erter si de face to ensure th at the prod uct agrees wit h your orde r and the inver ter is inta ct.
2 Instal latio n of th e invert er and in stru ctions 2 INST ALLA TION AND WIRING NO TE y Up to 42 inver ters can be conne cted when using CC-Link comm unication . y The life of th e inverter is influence d by surrounding ai r temperat ure. The surroun ding air tempera ture should be as low as possible within th e permiss ible range.
3 Periph eral de vices 2.1 Peripheral devices Check the invert er mod el of the inv erter you purchas ed. Appropr iate perip heral device s must be selec ted acc ordin g to the capaci ty . Refer to the followin g list and prepare appropriat e peri pheral devices : ∗1 y Select an MCCB according to the pow er supply capacity .
4 Instal latio n of th e invert er and in stru ctions 2.2 Installation of the inv er ter and instr uction s (1) Inst allation of the inverter Enclo sure s urfac e mount ing Remove the front cov e r and wiring c over to fix th e invert er to the surf ace.
5 Wir ing 2.3 W irin g 2.3.1 Term inal connect ion diagr am NO TE y T o p revent a malfu nction caus ed by noise, separate the sig nal cables more than 10c m from the power cabl es. Also separate the m ain circu it wire of th e input s ide and the output sid e.
6 Wiri ng 2.3.2 Ter minal specificat ions Ty p e Te r m i n a l Symbol T erminal Name Description Main circuit R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 * AC power input Connect t o the comm ercial power supply . * When using single-phase power input, terminals are R/L1 and S/L2.
7 Wir ing 2.3 .3 Termina l ar rangemen t of the main ci rcui t t ermi nal, power suppl y and the mot or wir ing Three-phase 200V class Three-phase 400V class Single-phase 200V cla ss FR-E720- 0.1KNC to 0 .75KNC FR-E720- 1.5KNC to 3.7KN C FR-E720- 5.5KNC, 7.
8 Wiri ng 2.3.4 Cables and w iring length (1) Cable size and other specifications of the main circuit terminals and the earthing terminal Sele ct the reco mmen ded cab le si ze to en sure t hat a vo ltage d rop wi ll be 2 % or les s.
9 Wir ing The l ine vol tage d rop can be ca lculated by the foll owing f ormula: Line vol tage drop [V]= Use a la rger dia meter cab le whe n the wir ing dist ance is long or when it is desi red to decr ease the volt age drop (torq ue reductio n) in the low s peed range.
10 Wiri ng 2.3.5 Wiring of co ntrol circui t (1) T erm inal layout of control circuit terminal (2) Wiring method z Wiring For t he c ontro l circ uit wi ring , str ip off t he sh eath o f wire s, an d use them w ith a bla de ter minal . For a sing le wi re, st rip o ff the sheat h of the w ire a nd appl y dir ectly .
11 Wir ing 3) Insert the w ire int o a sock et. (3) Control circuit common terminals (SD, SE) T ermin als SD and S E are c ommo n term ina ls for I /O si gnals . (Bot h comm on t ermina ls ar e isol ated from e ach ot her.) Do no t eart h them. T erminal S D is a co mmon te rminal fo r the 2 4V exter nal po wer supp ly ter minal (+ 24).
12 Wiri ng 2.3.6 Connectin g the 24V external po wer supply CC-Link communicat ion betw een the ma ster mo dule and the inverter c an be contin ued wh ile the mai n pow er ci rcuit i s OFF if the 24V ext ernal po wer supp ly is conn ected acr o ss ter minal s +24 and SD.
13 Wir ing 2.3.7 Safety stop fu nction (1) Description of the function The term inals related to the safety st op function are show n bel ow . ∗1 In the initial stat us, terminals S1 and S2 are shorted with terminal PC by shortening wire. Remove the shortening wire and conn ect the safety relay modul e when using the safety stop function.
14 Wiri ng (3) Safety stop function operation For more de tail s, refer to the Safe ty stop fu nction in struction manual ( B CN-A2 1 1508-004) . (Refer t o the front cove r for how to obtain the manua l.
15 Conne ctio n of a dedica ted ex ternal br ake resistor (M RS type , MYS type , FR-AB R) 2.4 Connection of a de dicated e xter nal brake r esistor (MRS type, MY S type, F R-ABR) Inst all a dedi cate.
16 Wiring f or CC- Link c ommunica tion 2.5 W iring for CC-Link com munication 2.5.1 System conf iguratio n example (1) Programmable controller side Mount the "Q J61BT1 1N", " LJ61BT1 1.
17 Wiri ng for CC -Link comm unica tion 2.5.2 Connection of sever al inverter s An inv erter can j oin th e link sys t em a s a CC-Link re mote de vice station , and s uch devi ce sta tions can be co ntrolled and m onitor ed wit h a us er pr ogram of a pro gramma ble co ntr olle r .
18 Wiring f or CC- Link c ommunica tion 2.5.3 Connectio n cable and plug In the CC -Link system , use CC-Link dedicated cab les. If the cable us ed is other than the CC-Li nk dedic ated cable, the performance of the CC -Link system is no t guar anteed.
19 Wiri ng for CC -Link comm unica tion (4) Crimping the plug cover Push the pl ug cover onto the pl ug with a tool suc h as plier s. After c rimping, check th at the plug cover i s securel y snap ped in to the pl ug as shown i n the right f igure. 2.
20 Wiring f or CC- Link c ommunica tion 2.5.5 Unit replacement while online Connect an online co m muni catio n connec tor to the CC-L ink communica tion c onnector . The onli ne communica tion co nnector enabl es a unit rep lacement witho ut interruptin g the commu nication.
21 CC-L ink func tion set ting 2.6 CC-Link function setting 2.6.1 Stati on numbe r setting (P r . 542) y Use Pr . 542 Co mmunica tion station n umber (CC -Link ) to set s tation numb er of th e inv erter. Set thi s para meter with in the range of 1 to 64 .
22 PRECAUTION S FOR USE OF THE I NVERTER 3 PRECA U TIONS FOR USE OF THE INVER TER The FR-E70 0 seri es is a h ighly reliab le pro duct, but in corre ct per iphera l circ uit ma king or opera tion/h and ling me thod ma y shorten the product l ife or damage the prod uct.
23 PRECAU TIONS FOR USE OF TH E INVERTER (1 1) Do no t use th e inverte r input side magneti c con tact or to st art/stop the inverter . Since rep eated inrush currents a t power ON will s horten the lif e of the converte r circuit (s witching life is about 1,00 0,000 times.
24 F AILSAF E OF T HE SYSTE M WHICH US ES TH E INVER TER 4 F AILSAFE OF THE SY STEM WHICH USES THE I NVERTER When a fa ult occur s, the inverte r trips to output a fault s ignal . Howe ver , a fault outp ut signal may no t be outp ut at an invert er fault occu rrence when th e detecti on circuit or outpu t circui t fails, etc.
25 P ARAME TER LIS T 5 P ARAMETER LIST For sim ple variabl e-speed operati on of the i nverter , the in itial setti ng of th e par ameters may be used. Set the neces sary param eter s to mee t the load and ope rational spe cifica tions. Para meter s e tting, change and check can be made from th e oper ation pan el.
26 P ARAME TER LIS T 58 Resta rt cushi o n tim e 0 to 60s 1s 59 Rem ote functi on selection 0, 1, 2, 3 0 60 Energy s aving control sele ction 0, 9 0 61 Ref erence cur rent 0 to 500A, 9999 9999 62 Refe.
27 P ARAME TER LIS T 190 RX2 ( terminal Y0) function selec tion 0, 1, 3, 4 , 7, 8, 1 1 to 16, 20, 25 , 26, 46, 47 , 64, 68, 80 , 81, 90, 91 , 93, 95, 96 , 98, 99, 100, 10 1, 103, 104 , 107, 1 08, 11 1.
28 P ARAME TER LIS T 313 RX9 fu nction sele ction 0, 1, 3, 4, 7 , 8, 1 1 to 1 6, 20, 25, 26, 4 6, 47, 64, 68, 8 0, 81, 90, 91, 9 3, 95, 96, 98 , 99, 100, 1 01, 103, 104, 1 07, 108, 111 t o 11 6 , .
29 Rese t meth od of prot ective func tion 6 TROUBLESHOO TING Whe n a faul t occu rs in th e inve rte r , t he inv erter trips an d the displa y on the oper ation pa nel aut oma tical ly ch anges t o one o f the fault or alarm in dicati ons on p age 3 0 .
30 List o f fau lt or a larm i ndica tions 6.2 List of fault or alar m indications When a fault occurs, the inve rter trips and the PU display automatically changes to one of the following fault or alarm indi cat ions.
31 List of fault or al arm indi cation s Faul t ∗5 Overcurrent trip durin g constant speed Appears when an overcurrent occurred during constant speed operation. y Keep load st able. y Check the wiring to make sure t hat output short cir c uit/ ground fault does not occur .
32 List o f fau lt or a larm i ndica tions ∗1 Resetting the i nverter initializes t he internal c umulative heat value of the electronic therm al relay function. ∗2 The error message s hows an operational error . The inverter output is not shut off.
33 Check fi rst when y ou have a tr ouble 6.3 Check fir st when you hav e a tr ouble If the fol lowing malfun ctions occur , refer to the troublesho oting in the Ins truction M anual (App lied).
34 Insp ection items 7 PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENAN CE AND INSPEC TION The inv erter is a st atic unit main ly consi sting of semicond uctor devices . Daily ins pecti on must be per formed to prevent any.
35 Repl acement o f parts When u sing the s afety sto p functio n , per iodic inspectio n is requ ired to confirm that safe ty functi on of t he safety system operates correctly . For more de tail s, re fer to the Sa fety stop funct ion instruct ion manu al (BCN -A21 1508-0 04) .
36 Rating 8 SPECI FICA TIONS 8.1 R at ing z Three-phase 200V power supply z Three-phase 400V power supply ∗1 The applicable motor capacity indicated is the maximum capacity applicable for use of the M itsubishi 4-pole standard motor.
37 Rati ng z Single-phase 200V power supply ∗1 The applicable motor capacity indicated is the maximum capacity applicable for use of t he Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor . ∗2 The rated output capacity indicated assumes that the output v oltage is 230V .
38 Common sp ecifi cation s 8.2 Common spec if ica tions Control specifications Control method Soft-PWM control/high carrier frequency PWM control (V/F control, Advanced magnetic flux vector control, General-purpose magnetic flux vector control, Optimum excitation control are available) Output frequency range 0.
39 Outlin e dimensio n drawing s 8.3 Outline dimension dr awings • Three- phase 2 00V c lass • Three- phase 4 00V c lass • Sing le-ph ase 200V cl ass (Unit: mm ) Invert er model W W1 H H1 D FR-E720 -0.1KNC 68 56 128 1 18 108 FR-E720 -0.2KNC FR-E720 -0.
40 The EU Directi ves are issued to standard ize diff erent national r egulations o f the EU Member S tates and to f acilitat e free movement of the equipme nt, whos e safety is en sured, in the E U terr itory . Since 1996, co m plia nce with the EM C Di rectiv e that i s one of t he EU Direc tives has been legally requ ired.
41 (2) Low V oltage Directive We hav e self-con firmed our inverte rs as product s complia nt to the Low V oltage Dire ctive (Conformin g sta ndard EN 61800- 5-1) and pl ace the CE mar k on th e inve rters .
42 ∗ Select a UL and cUL certif ied fuse with Class T fuse equiva lent cut-of f speed or fas ter wi th the ap prop riate r ating for branc h circ uit pr otec tion, or a UL4 89 mo lded ca se cir cuit br eaker (MCCB ) in ac corda nce w ith the ta ble be low.
43 (S tandard to comply wit h: UL 508C, CSA C22.2 No. 14) 1. Gen eral Precauti on The bus capacitor discharge time is 10 min utes. Before starting wiri ng or inspection, switch power of f, wait for mor e than 10 m inutes, and check for residual voltage between terminal P/+ and N/- with a meter etc.
44 MEMO.
45 MEM O.
46 IB-060 0401ENG-A REVI SION S *The ma nual num ber i s given o n the bottom le ft of the b ack cov er . For Maximum Safety • Mitsubish i inverters are not designed or manufac tured to be used in equipment or systems in situations that can affec t or endanger human life.
1/2 BCN-C22005- 659 FR- E700-NC Series Instruction Manual Supplement 1 For the terminating re sistor selection switch Connection of sev eral inverters Instruction Manual (Basic) : page 17 .
2/2 BCN-C22005- 659 2 Additional notes for instructions for UL and cUL Instruction Manual (Basic) : page 43 General precaution CAUTION - Risk of Electric Shock - The bus capaci tor discharge ti me is 10 minutes. Before s tarting wiring or inspection, switch power of f, wait for more than 10 minut es.
47 International F A Center Korean FA Center Beijing FA Center European FA Center UK FA Center Central and Eastern Europe FA Center Tianjin FA Center Shanghai FA Center Guangzhou FA Center Taiwan FA C.
HEAD OFFICE: TOKYO B UILDING 2-7-3, MARUNOUCHI, CHIY ODA-KU, TOKYO 10 0-8310, JAPAN IB-060 0401ENG-A (1 1 05)MEE Prin ted in Ja pan Specifications s ubject to ch ange witho ut notice.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Mitsubishi Electronics fre700 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Mitsubishi Electronics fre700 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Mitsubishi Electronics fre700 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Mitsubishi Electronics fre700 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Mitsubishi Electronics fre700, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Mitsubishi Electronics fre700.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Mitsubishi Electronics fre700. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Mitsubishi Electronics fre700 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.