Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game del fabbricante Midway
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Midway Amusement Games, L LC 340 1 North Calif ornia Av enue, Chicago, Ill inois 606 18–5899 US A MARCH 2000 16-10009- 101 Operation Manual for 4-PLAYER, 25 ” DEDICATED VIDEO GAME Dual Pro duct wi.
Midway Amusement Games, L LC 340 1 North Calif ornia Av enue, Chicago, Ill inois 606 18 – 58 99 USA.
Setup 1-1 1%$6 +2:7,0( * 2/' ( ',7,21 1)/% /,7= * 2/' ( ',7,21 C H A P T E R O N E SETUP NOTICE: This manual is subject to change without notice.
Setup 1-2 SA FETY INSTRUCTIONS The following safety instructions apply to operators and service per sonnel. Read these instru ctions befor e preparing your game f or play. Other safety instructions appear throughout this m anual. DEFINITIONS OF SA FETY TERMS DA NGER indicates an im minent hazard.
Setup 1-3 WA RNING: HA NDLE FLUORESCENT TUBE A ND CRT WIT H CA RE. If y ou drop a fluores cent tube or CRT and it breaks , it will implode! Shattered glas s can f ly eight feet or m ore fr om the im plosion. CA UTION: CHECK POWER SELECTOR, LA MP. Set the 110/220VAC selector on the power supply for the correc t line voltage.
Setup 1-4 INSTA LLA TION & INSPECTION INSTA LL THE CONTROL PA NEL WA RNING: The c abinet is top heavy. Use the two handles when moving the cabinet. [ ] 1. Remove all items from the s hipping containers. Inspect the exter ior of the c abinet, and control panel for dam age.
Setup 1-5 [ ] 6. Refer to the Cabinet W iring Diagram (Chapter 5). Chec k to s ee that c able connec tors are correctl y secure d. Don ’ t for ce connectors. They ’ r e keyed to fit in only one location. Bent pins and reversed c onnections m ay damage your game and void the warranty.
Setup 1-6 CA UTION: CHECK POWER SUPPLY LINE VOLTA GE SELECTOR SWIT CH. Set the 110/220 VAC selector on the power s upply f or the correc t local line voltage. Check the selector s etting before s witching on the gam e. [ ] 10. Reinstall the rear door and close it.
Operation 2-1 1%$6 +2:7,0( * 2/' ( ',7,21 1)/% /,7= * 2/' ( ',7,21 C H A P T E R T W O OPERATION NOTICE: The term VG M refer s to the video gam e m achine.
Operation 2-2 VIDEO GA ME M ACHINE (VGM) OPERA TION STA RTING UP W henever you turn on the machine or r estore power, the s y stem ex ecutes boot ROM code. T he boot ROM contains self- diagnostic tes ts. T hese tests autom atic ally verify and report the condition of the disk drive and other hardware.
Operation 2-3 CUSTOM PLA YS Play ers m ay choose to create their own of fensive plays rather than depend on the standar d play s in the game. Players can des ign and name their plays using the CREATE PLAY feature, then store these play s for f uture use.
Operation 2-4 GA ME RULES FOR NBA SHOWTIME GOLD EDITION INSTRUCTIONS Play instruc tions appear on the inf orm ation panel over and under the video m onitor. ONE T O FO UR PLAYERS The player or play ers ins ert curr ency to start the game. Eac h play er chooses a joystick and pr esses the nearest START button.
Operation 2-5 The red team com pris es play ers 1 and 2. Play ers 3 and 4 m ake up the c hallenging, blue team . The red and blue teams s quare of f f or the jum p and the ac tion begins .
Operation 2-6 • The T EST MODE Button c auses the VG M to enter the servic e Menu Sy stem . Press the TEST MODE button briefly to run automatic tests . T o m ak e gam e adjus tm ents, pr es s and hold T EST MO DE until the Main Menu appears. W ithin the Menu Sy stem , T EST MODE as sum es another f unction.
Operation 2-7 CA UTION: Circ uit board edge connector s are f ragile. Tak e care when separating boards in the board s et. Never jam the board connectors together. Never plug them together on an extrem e angle. If necess ary, carefully straighten bent pins with a sm all, grounded flat blade sc rewdriver.
Operation 2-8 Coin Mechanism Switch off power to the VGM. Unlock the coin door and s wing it open. To clean or r eplace a coin me chanism , unlatch and remove it. After reinstallation, ens ure that the m echanism s eats fully its brack et. Close and lock the release latch, and then close the door.
Operation 2-9 • Memory CA UTION: Static electric ity builds up on your body . T his s tatic can dam age or destroy sensitive VGM circuits. BEFORE touc hing or handling electronic assem blies, dis charge s tatic electr icity by touc hing the electronics m ounting plate.
Operation 2-10 VGM ELECT RONIC S, INTERN A L COM PON ENTS • Monitor CA UTION: T he video monitor is heavy, w ith mos t of the weight toward the fr ont of the assem bly. Support the monitor as y ou remove it fr om the c abinet. Switch off power to the VGM.
Operation 2-11 • Monitor Bezel Switch off power to the game. O pen the control panel. Rem ove the viewing glass. Lift the bezel up and off the m onitor. Set the bezel aside. Clean the labels. O rient the labels right s ide up, so that play ers can r ead them .
Operation 2-12 NOTES.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-1 1%$6 +2:7,0( * 2/' ( ',7,21 1)/% /,7= * 2/' ( ',7,21 C H A P T E R T H R E .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-2 MENU SYSTEM WHA T IS THE MENU SYSTEM? The gam e’s Menu S yst em is a s eries of aud iti ng, gam e adjus tm ent and d ia gnos t ic s c reens . W e call th ese screens menus, bec aus e the y present optio ns in m enu-lik e l ists.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-3 DUAL G AME ADJUSTMENT MENU The Dual Gam e Adjustment Me nu is another inform ational , read-onl y m enu. It appear s unti l you choose to exit. T his m enu rem inds you th at som e NFL setting s also affect NBA gam e pla y.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-4 coin door serv e as back up menu navigat ion controls . Press VO LUME UP or VO LUME DOW N buttons to highlight a m enu item . Pres s TEST MODE to s elect a hi ghlight ed item . EXIT OPTIONS To exit the NFL menus and s imultaneo usl y enter the NB A m enus, cho ose NBA MAIN MENU.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-5 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Monitor Setup Menu MONITOR SETUP Select MONIT OR S ET UP at the D iagnos tics Menu. T he Monit or P atterns ro utine pr ovides tes t scr eens to verif y monitor perform ance or m ak e adjustm ents.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-6 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) System Inf ormation M enu SYST EM INFO RM A TION Select SYST EM INFO at the Diagn ostics Me nu. T he System Inform ation M enu provi des th e current versio n num bers of this gam e ’ s hard ware and sof tware.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-7 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Sound Subsystem Menu SOUND SUBSYSTEM TEST Select SO UND SU BSYST EM at th e Diag nostics Me nu. Sound Subs ystem T ests verif y that audio components are c onnected and op erate prop erl y.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-8 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Disk Tests M enu DISK T ESTS Select DISK T ESTS at the Diag nostics Menu. Disk T ests allow you t o verif y proper o peration of the hard disk drive as sem bly.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-9 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Swit ch Test s Menu SWIT CH T ESTS Select SW IT CH TEST S at the Diag nostics Menu. S witch T ests ver if y proper op eration of the g ame ’s switches, i ncludin g butto ns and j oystic k s witches.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-10 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) DIP Swit ch T ests Men u DIP-SW ITCH TEST S Select DI P- SW ITCH T EST S at th e Di agn os tic s Me nu. T wo 8-pos it ion DIP s witch ba nk s res ide o n th e S IO Board.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-11 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Speaker T est M enu SPE AKER T EST Select S PEAKER TEST at the Di agnos tics Me nu. The S peak er Test provides a udio s ignals to t est the loudspeak ers .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-12 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu AU D I T S Select A UDIT S at t he Mai n M enu .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-13 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Coin Audits Menu COIN AUDITS Select COIN AUDITS a t the A udits Me nu. The C oin Audi ts m enu perm its y ou to as sess the curr enc y collect ion.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-14 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Credits A udits Menu CREDITS AUDITS Select CR EDITS AU DITS at t he Aud its Menu . The Cr edits A udits m enu perm its you to ass ess the currenc y collecti on.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-15 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Game A udits Menu GA ME A UD ITS Select G AME AUDITS a t the Audits Me nu. The Gam e Audits m enus permit y ou to re view the game pla y statistic s.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-16 GA ME AUD I TS - PA GE : 2 A VG H VS H LOSS SCORE (FG) BIGGEST CP U WIN M ARGIN (FG) BIGGEST CPU LOSS M ARGIN (FG) TLF ’ S SBLF ’S.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-17 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Team Stat s M enu T E AM S T AT S Select T EAM ST AT S at the Aud its Me nu. Team Stats deta ils the num ber of gam es pla yed b y each team in the league.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-18 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Offensiv e Plays M enu OFFEN SI VE PL AYS Select O FFENSI VE PL AYS at the Aud its Menu. O ff ensive P la y s ac counts f or each p la y type as a percenta ge of all of fensive p la ys.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-19 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Defensive P lays M enu DEFENSIVE PLAYS Select D EFENSI VE PL AYS at th e Aud its Menu. Defensi ve Pla ys accou nts for each pla y type as a percenta ge of all defens ive pl ays.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-20 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Exception Dump Menu EXCEPTION DUM P Select EX CEPT ION DUMP a t the A udits Me nu. Gam e program mer s use the Exc eptio n Dum p Menu to view reg ister cont ents d uring pr ogram deve lopment.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-21 Mai n Men u (continue d) Adjustment s Men u AD J U S T M E N T S Select ADJ USTMENT S at the Main Menu. T he Adjus tments menus per m it you to change gam e character istics. Us e these m enus to opt imize gam e per form ance and ear nings .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-22 ST ANDARD PRICING T ABLE NAME START CONTINUE CREDITS/COIN COIN 1 COIN 2 COIN 3 COIN4 BILL ANTILLE S 2 2 1/25¢, 4/1G .25¢ 1G AUST RA LIA 1 2 2 1/3X20¢ , 2/$1 .00 .20¢ $1.00 AUST RA LIA 2 1 1 1/5X20¢ , 1/$1 .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-23 ST ANDARD PRICING T ABLE, continued NAME START CONTINUE CREDITS/COIN COIN 1 COIN 2 COIN 3 COIN4 BILL UK ECA 1 1 1 1/50p, 3/ £1.00 £1.00 50p 20p 10p £2.00 UK ECA 2 1 1 1/50p, 2/ £1.00 £1.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-24 The f ollowing t able c larif ies Pr icing Menu t erm s … MENU TERM DISCUSSION Slot Units; Bill Validator (DBV) Units Cyber-curren cy. This a djustment assig ns a number of “ units ” to each coin me chanism or bill acce ptor.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-25 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) Pricing Menu (continued) Custom Pricing Menu (continued) Creating Pricing Scheme Menu Creating Pr icing Scheme After you nam e your custom pr icing schem e, you encount er the Creating Pr icing Sc hem e Menu.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-26 The Cus tom Pr icing Menu em ploys the s am e terms that appear on the C urrent Prici ng Tabl e. See the table belo w for definitio ns of these ter m s. PRICING MENU TERM S MENU TERM DISCUSSION Slot Units; Bill Validator (DBV) Units Cyber-curren cy.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-27 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) Pricing Menu (continued) Custom Pricing Menu (continued) Current P ricing Prompt Pricing Prompt After you exit the Selec t Curr ency Me nu, you encount er the Cur rent Pr icing Prom pt Menu.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-28 After you com plete your mes sage, you ma y edit it b y reenterin g the Scr een M essage E ntr y Menu.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-29 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) Free Pl ay Menu Free Play Select FRE E PLAY at the Adjust ments Menu. Free play is a us eful feature f or prom otions and lon g-term testing un der p lay con ditio ns.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-30 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) A dditional Adjustments Menu AD D I T IO N AL AD J U S T M E N T S Select A DDITIO NAL ADJU STMENT S at th e Adj ustm ents Menu. Ad dition al Adjus tm ents m enu item s allow you to set the gam e to match pla y er requirem ents.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-31 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) Full Factory Restore Menu FULL FACTORY RESTORE Select FU LL FACTO RY REST ORE at th e Adjustm ents Menu. T he Full F actory Res tore menu a llows you to clear al l m emor y counters at onc e.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-32 Mai n Men u (continue d) Set Volume Lev el Menu SET VO LUM E LEV EL Select VO LUME LEVEL at the Main Menu. The Se t Volum e Le vel M enu appear s, an d mus ic pla ys continuous ly. Raise or lower th e gam e ’ s sound level wit h any pla yer panel jo ystick .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-33 Mai n Men u (continue d) Set Attract V olume Level Menu SE T A TTR A CT V OL UME LE V E L Select ATT RACT VOLUME LEVEL at the Main Menu. Yo u m ust enabl e Attrac t Mode so und bef ore setting th e Attr act Mode volum e le vel.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Adjus tm ent Men u Sys tem for NFL 3-34 Mai n Men u (continue d) Utilities M enu UTILITIES Select UT ILITIES at the Main Menu. Ut ilities M enu it ems allow you to c lear bookk eeping tot als. F rom the Utilities Menu, you can also r estore g am e adjustm ents to f actor y settings.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-1 1%$6 +2:7,0( * 2/' ( ',7,21 1)/% /,7= * 2/' ( ',7,21 C H A P T E R F O U R DIAGNOSTIC, AUDI T & ADJUSTMENT MENU SYSTEM FOR NBA SHOWTIME GAMES NOTICE: Information in this manual is subje ct to chang e without notice.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-2 MENU SYSTEM WHA T IS THE MENU SYSTEM? The gam e’s Menu S yst em is a s eries of aud iti ng, gam e adjus tm ent and d ia gnos t ic s c reens . W e call th ese screens menus, bec aus e the y present optio ns in m enu-lik e l ists.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-3 DUAL G AME ADJUSTMENT MENU The Dual Gam e Adjustment Me nu is another inform ational , read-onl y m enu. It appear s unti l you choose to exit. T his m enu rem inds you th at som e NBA s ettings a lso af fect NFL game pla y.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-4 coin door serv e as back up menu navigat ion controls . Press VO LUME UP or VO LUME DOW N buttons to highlight a m enu item . Pres s TEST MODE to s elect a hi ghlight ed item . EXIT OPTIONS To exit the NBA menus and simultaneo usl y enter th e NFL m enus, cho ose NFL MAIN M ENU.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-5 MONITOR SETUP Select MONIT OR S ET UP at the D iagnos tics Menu. T he Monit or P atterns ro utine pr ovides tes t scr eens to verif y monitor perform ance or m ak e adjustm ents. Highlight an opt ion with an y player pa nel jo ystick .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-6 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) System Inf ormation M enu SYST EM INFO RM A TION Select SYST EM INFO at the Diagn ostics Me nu. T he System Inform ation M enu provi des the current versio n num bers of this gam e ’ s hard ware and sof tware.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-7 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Sound Subsystem Menu SOUND SUBSYSTEM TEST Select SO UND SU BSYST EM at th e Diag nostics Me nu. Sound Subs ystem T ests verif y that audio components are c onnected and op erate prop erl y.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-8 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Disk Tests M enu DISK T ESTS Select DISK T ESTS at the Diag nostics Menu. Disk T ests allow y ou to verify proper o peration of the hard disk drive as sem bly.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-9 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Swit ch Test s Menu SWIT CH T ESTS Select SW IT CH TEST S at the Diag nostics Menu. S witch T ests ver if y proper op eration of the g ame ’s switches, i ncludin g butto ns and j oystic k s witches.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-10 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) DIP Swit ch T ests Men u DIP-SW ITCH TEST S Select DI P- SW ITCH T EST S at th e Di agn os tic s Me nu. T wo 8-pos it ion DIP s witch ba nk s res ide o n th e S IO Board.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-11 Mai n Men u (continue d) Diagnostics Menu (continued) Speaker T est M enu SPE AKER T EST Select S PEAKER TEST at the Di agnos tics Me nu. The S peak er Test provides a udio s ignals to t est the loudspeak ers .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-12 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu AU D I T S Select A UDIT S at t he Mai n M enu .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-13 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Coin Audits Menu COIN AUDITS Select COIN AUDITS a t the A udits Me nu. The C oin Audi ts m enu perm its y ou to as sess the curr enc y collect ion.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-14 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Credits A udits Menu CREDITS AUDITS Select CR EDITS AU DITS at t he Aud its Menu . The Cr edits A udits m enu perm its you to ass ess the currenc y collecti on.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-15 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Game A udits Menu GA ME A UD ITS Select G AME AUDITS a t the Audits Me nu. The Gam e Audits m enus permit y ou to re view the game pla y statistic s.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-16 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Team Stat s M enu T E AM S T AT S Select T EAM ST AT S at the Aud its Me nu. The T eam Stats Menu d etails the n umber of gam es pla yed b y each team in the leagu e.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-17 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Game Featur es M enu GA ME FEA TURE S Select GA ME FEAT URES a t the A udits Me nu. Gam e Features track s pla y statistics that rel ate char acters in the g ame and g am e play.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-18 Avg Pts T eam Fire. Averag e num ber of points that t he team s cored while i t was on fire. Number Of Alley Oops . Tota l num ber of alle y oops perfo rm ed. Number Of Double Dunks. Total num ber of double dunk s perf ormed.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-20 Mai n Men u (continue d) A udits Menu (continued) Exception Dump Menu EXCEPTION DUM P Select EX CEPT ION DUMP a t the A udits Me nu. Gam e program mer s use the Exc eptio n Dum p Menu to view reg ister cont ents d uring pr ogram deve lopment.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-21 Mai n Men u (continue d) Adjustment s Men u AD J U S T M E N T S Select ADJ USTMENT S at the Main Menu. T he Adjus tments menus per m it you to change gam e character istics. Us e these m enus to opt imize gam e per form ance and ear nings .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-22 ST ANDARD PRICING T ABLE NAME START CONTINUE CREDITS/COIN COIN 1 COIN 2 COIN 3 COIN4 BILL ANTILLE S 2 2 1/25¢, 4/1G .25¢ 1G AUST RA LIA 1 2 2 1/3X20¢ , 2/$1 .00 .20¢ $1.00 AUST RA LIA 2 1 1 1/5X20¢ , 1/$1 .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-23 ST ANDARD PRICING T ABLE, continued NAME START CONTINUE CREDITS/COIN COIN 1 COIN 2 COIN 3 COIN4 BILL UK ECA 1 1 1 1/50p, 3/ £1.00 £1.00 50p 20p 10p £2.00 UK ECA 2 1 1 1/50p, 2/ £1.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-24 The f ollowing t able c larif ies Pr icing Menu t erm s … MENU TERM DISCUSSION Slot Units; Bill Validator (DBV) Units Cyber-curren cy. This a djustment assig ns a number of “ units ” to each coin me chanism or bill acce ptor.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-25 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) Pricing Menu (continued) Custom Pricing Menu (continued) Creating Pricing Scheme Menu Creating Pr icing Scheme After you nam e your custom pr icing schem e, you encount er the Creating Pr icing Sc hem e Menu.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-26 The Cus tom Pr icing Menu em ploys the s am e terms that appear on the C urrent Prici ng Tabl e. See the table belo w for definitio ns of these ter m s. PRICING MENU TERM S MENU TERM DISCUSSION Slot Units; Bill Validator (DBV) Units Cyber-curren cy.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-27 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) Pricing Menu (continued) Custom Pricing Menu (continued) Current P ricing Prompt Pricing Prompt After you exit the Selec t Curr ency Me nu, you encount er the Cur rent Pr icing Prom pt Menu.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-28 After you com plete your mes sage, you ma y edit it b y reenterin g the Sc reen M essage Entr y Menu.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-29 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) Free Pl ay Menu Free Play Select FR EE PLAY at t he Adjustm ents Menu. Fr ee Play is a useful feature f or prom otions and long- term testing under play condit ions .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-30 Mai n Men u (continue d) A djustments Menu (continued) A dditional Adjustments Menu AD D I T IO N AL AD J U S T M E N T S Select A DDITIO NAL ADJU STMENT S at th e Adj ustm ents Menu. Add ition al Adjus tm ents m enu item s allow you to set the gam e to match pla y er requirem ents.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-31 Computer Assistanc e, when enabled, perm its the gam e com puter to ai d pla yers in p lay act ion. A ttract M ovie Sound, when e nable d, all ows At tract Mo de m ovie s ound with Attrac t Mod e sou nd of f.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-32 Mai n Men u (continue d) Set Volume Lev el Menu SET VO LUM E LEV EL Select VO LUME LEVEL at the Main Menu. The Se t Volum e Le vel M enu appear s, an d mus ic pla ys continuous ly. Raise or lower th e gam e ’ s sound level wit h any pla yer panel jo ystick .
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-33 Mai n Men u (continue d) Set Attract V olume Level Menu SE T A TTR A CT V OL UME LE V E L Select ATT RACT VOLUME LEVEL at the Main Menu. Yo u m ust enabl e Attrac t Mode so und bef ore setting th e Attr act Mode volum e le vel.
Diagnostic , Au dit & Ad justm ent Menu Sy s tem for NB A 4-34 Mai n Men u (continue d) Utilities M enu UTILITIES Select UT ILITIES at the Main Menu. Ut ilities M enu it ems allow you to c lear bookk eeping tot als. F rom the Utilities Menu, you can also r estore g am e adjustm ents to f actor y settings.
Wir i n g 5-1 1%$6 +2:7,0( * 2/' ( ',7,21 1)/% /,7= * 2/' ( ',7,21 C H A P T E R F I V E WIRING WA RNING: F ailure to reconnect gr ound wires or r eplace metal shields may result in r adio frequency inter ference.
Wir i n g 5-2 JA MM A Chart Function Wire Color Pin Function Wire Color Pin Ground Black A Ground Black 1 Ground Black B Ground Black 2 +5VDC Red C +5VDC Red 3 +5VDC Red D +5VDC Red 4 -5VDC Yellow E -.
Wir i n g 5-3 Wires T hat Aren ’ t Part of Main JAMM A Harness Function Wire* A ux A dptr, P1- Function Wir e* SIO Bd, P23- Digital Ground Blk 1 Digital Ground Blk 1 Output Bit 0 Or n-Gry 2 Coin 3 B.
Wir i n g 5-8 CPU BOA RD INDICA TOR AND SWITCH LOCA TIONS CPU BOA RD SWITCH Switch Location Function Posi tions S tate Meaning 2 Off Norm al Operation S1* Edge Near U10 and U12 Resets and Restarts G ame On Forced Res et *Notes This s witch resets the CPU Board without shutting off power at the power supply .
Wir i n g 5-9 CPU BOA RD JUMPER LOCA TION TA BLE Jumper J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 Located Near … U28 & Connector P5 U22 & U27 CPU BOA RD JUMPER POSITION TA BLE ROM T ype Default Options* J1 J2 J3 J4.
Wir i n g 5-10 CPU BOA RD LED INDICA TOR STATUS TA BLE Device Location Function Color State M eaning Off Insufficient Power On Power OK LED1 Near U6, U7 & U16 3.
Wir i n g 5-11 SOUND I/O BOA RD A SSEMBLY.
Wir i n g 5-12 SOUND I/O BOA RD JUMPER POSITION TA BLE * Jumper Location Function Meaning Position State Input Mode Pins 1 & 2 ■ J1 (Note 1) Near U9 & Crystal Y 3 I/O Connector P2 Output Mod.
Wir i n g 5-13 SOUND I/O BOA RD LED INDICA TOR STATUS TA BLE LED Location Function Color State M eaning Off -- On -- LED1 (Note 1) Near U11 Not Used (Rem ains Of f) Green Blink ing -- Off N ot in Use .
Wir i n g 5-14 VIDEO BOA RD INDICA TOR AND JUMPER LOCA TIONS Note This video board has no jum per s or LEDs.
Troubleshooting 6- 1 1% $ 6 +2:7,0 ( * 2/ ' ( ',7,2 1 1) / % /,7 = * 2/ ' ( ',7,21 C H A P T E R S I X TROUBLESHOOTING NOTICE: The term VG M refer s to the video gam e m achine. CA UTION: This VGM uses com plex electr onic com ponents that ar e very sensitiv e to static elec tricity .
Troubleshooting 6- 2 Coin Mechanism and Pricing Troubleshooting Table SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Improper settings at Pricing Menu From Coin Options M enu, choose PRICIN G OPTIO NS M ENU. Verify that units and credits are set correctly. Incorrect pulse width on bill validators 1.
Troubleshooting 6- 3 VGM Startup Troubleshooting Table SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Power problem 1. Check that VGM pow er switch is on. 2. Inspect electronics to see if fans are turning . If not: Is power supply connected to its power cable? Is power supply turned on? 3.
Troubleshooting 6- 4 VGM Startup Troubleshooting Table, continued SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Power problem 1. Inspect circuit boards under low-light conditions. LEDs glow if processor circuits receive v oltage. Fan should be turning. T hese indications prove presence of DC from pow er supply.
Troubleshooting 6- 5 VGM Startup Troubleshooting Table, continued SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Faulty coin mechanism 1. U nlock and open coin door. Check each currency acceptor to assure proper mounting. Verify that each release latch is closed and locked.
Troubleshooting 6- 6 A udio Troubleshooting Table SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Improper volume setting 1. From Main M enu, choose VOLUM E LEVEL. Check that Attract M usic is on (enabled). Verify that all volume levels are set w ell above z ero. 2.
Troubleshooting 6- 7 Joystick Troubleshooting Table SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Faulty sw itch Enter game Menu System by pressing and holding TEST MO DE switch inside coin door. From Diagnostics Menu, choose SWITCH TEST. Operate joystick in question.
Troubleshooting 6- 8 Video Troubleshooting Table SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Power problem Verify connection of AC Pow er to video monitor. Inspect CRT neck in dim light. G lowing filament near CRT base prov es that some monitor circuits receive pow er.
Troubleshooting 6- 9 Video Troubleshooting Table, continued SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Improper components 1. Verify that hard disk drive is correct for this VG M (video game machine) . Label on driv e records manufacturer name, assembly number and program version.
Troubleshooting 6- 10 Video Troubleshooting Table, continued SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION • W hite areas at screen edges appear tinged with color • Dots at screen edges appear oval or cylindrical Picture tube dynamic convergence is out of alignment Have service bureau dynamically reconverge monitor.
Troubleshooting 6- 11 Video Troubleshooting Table, continued • Picture is too narrow M aladjusted W IDTH pot Enter M onitor T ests Menu. W atch Crosshatch Screen while adjusting W IDTH pot for best picture. You ’ ll find this pot on M onitor Remote Control Board, behind coin door.
Troubleshooting 6- 12 Miscellaneous Problem Troubleshooting Table SYM PT OM CAUSE R EQUIRED ACTION Faulty fluorescent tube 1. Remove fluorescent tube from its sockets. If you find cracks or darkened ends, install new lamp. Clean tube. 2. Check continuity of both fluorescent tube filaments.
Parts 7-1 1%$6 +2:7,0( * 2/' ( ',7,21 1)/% /,7= * 2/' ( ',7,21 C H A P T E R SEVEN PARTS WA RNING: Use of non-Midway parts or circuit modifications m ay cause serious injury or equipment damage! Use only M idway authorized parts.
Parts 7-2 CA BINET FRONT VIEW 09-96020 4308-0112 3-20 B 4108-0119 3-10 B 01-11262 4506-0110 6-24 B 4406-0112 8-00 5555-1509 8-00 03-9373-1 08-7456-4 03-9373-1 03-8252-2 31-3586 5642-1463 2-00 4408-011.
Parts 7-3 MO NI TOR A ND LA MP FI XTURE M O UNTI NG 4008-011 13-06 01-10819 4420-011 41-00 5675-156 39-03 24-8 809 08-7456- 10 4420-011 41-00 03 -8497 A-22506.
Parts 7-4 CA BINET REA R VIEW 4008-0100 3-16 01-10714 A-20281 4108-0121 9-11 03-8326.
Parts 7-5 REA R DOOR A SSEM BLY A -20281 01-72 64 20-1 0350 4420- 0114 1-00 01-1 1291 03-76 02 4108- 0121 9-11 01-89 89 4320- 0112 3-20B 4320- 0112 3-20B 4420- 0114 1-00 01-1 1285 04-1 0149 .
Parts 7-6 CA STERS 01-9359 02-4404 20-9627 20-8712-37 4108-01219 -11 LEG LEVELERS.
Parts 7-7 CA BINET DECA LS 31-3491 -1 31-1768 31-3483 31-3484 31-3586 31-3587 31-3587 31-3492 -1.
Parts 7-8 MARQUEE HEA DER M OUNTING DETAIL 31-3482.1 PLA YER PA NEL AND HOUSING DECA LS 31-3479-1 31-3479-3 31-3478.1 31-3479-1.
Parts 7-9 PLA YER PA NEL HOUSING INSTALLA TION 4320-01 124 -32 4700-00 075 -00.
Parts 7-10 PLA YER PA NEL & HOUSING ASSEMBLY A -23467 4408-01 120-00 04-12850 20-9347 4408-01 128-00 4320-01 164-20B 4420-01 141-00 04-11089 4106-01 115-12 20-9841.
Parts 7-11 PLA YER PA NEL ASSEMBLY A -23469 A-21939-1 20-10209-3 20-10209-2 20-10209-7 20-10209-1 01-11996 31-3478.1 04-12403.1 20-9841.1.
Parts 7-12 PLA YER PA NEL EXPLODED VIEW A-21 939- 1 4108- 01193 -1 0B 04-1 2403. 1 04-1 2402. 1 31-3 478.1 03-9 796.1 31-176 8 RM-4 1-02.
Parts 7-13 49-WA Y JOYSTICK A SSEM BLY A -21939-1 A ND BUTTON A SSEM BLY 20-10209-X.
Parts 7-14 COIN DOOR EXPLODED VIEW #259 OR #55 5 24-8768 COIN VA ULT PA RTS 01-11334 4320- 01123-20B 01-11379 01-12324 04-10150 4420- 01141-00 4004- 01041-06 4110- 01088-12 01-11298 -1 5580- 13476-00 .
Parts 7-15 ELECTRONICS A SSEMBLY A -23781 5795-109 37- 09 A-2370 4 5795-153 44- 07 04-1 2652 A-2370 3 20-1 0493 01-1 4923 A-2291 5 20-1 0516 A-2291 5 A-2370 2 11-1 298.
Parts 7-16 LA MP A SSEMBLY A-22506 20-10444 04-11241.1 24-8809 20-10481.1 POWER SUPPLY 20-10167 *Note:.
Parts 7-17 SOUND I/O CA RD A -23704 Field Replaceable Parts Description Locat ion Part Number Capacitor, 2200 µ F, 16V C310 5040-15904-00 Capacitor, 2200 µ F, 25V C254 5040-14630-00 Crystal, 4 MHz ,.
Parts 7-18 CPU BOA RD A SSEM BLY A -23702 Field Replaceable Parts Description Location Part Number Capacitor, 2200 µ F, 16V, Radial C24, C115, C209, C229, C294 5040-15904-00 Heatsink, T O- 220, Small.
Parts 7-19 BA NSHEE VIDEO CA RD 20-10516 No Field-Replaceable Parts.
Parts 7-20 A UXILIA RY A DA PTER CA RD ASSEMBLY 04-12652 No Field-Replaceable Parts I-40 BOA RD A SSEM BLY 04-11089 No Field-Replaceable Parts.
Parts 7-21 OTHER PA RTS Bulbs, Filters and Fuses Ballast, 15W ................................................................................................................... ............... 20-10481.1 Bulb, #555 6.3V, 0.25A, W edge-Based Light ...
Parts 7-22 LINE CORD A PPLICA TION T A BLE Part Number Country 5850-13275-00 5850-13271-00 5850-13272-00 5850-13273-00 5850-13276-00 5850-13277-00 5850-13278-00 Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmar k Finland France Germ any Holland Hungary Italy Japan New Zealand Norway Spain Switzerland UK USA TYPICAL I.
Parts 7-23 COIN DOOR AP PLICA TIO N TABLE Part Number Country 09-96017-15 09-96017-17 09-96017-33 09-96000.1 Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmar k Finland France Germ any Holland Hungary Italy Jap.
Parts 7-24 NOTES.
WA RNINGS & NOTICES WARNING • Use of non-Midw ay parts or circuit modifications may cause serious injury or equipment damage! • Use only M i dway authorized components and parts. Failure to do so w ill void your w arranty and may result in incorrect or unsafe operation.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Midway 4-Player 25" Dedicated Video Game insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.