Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto AVR400 del fabbricante Arcam
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A VR400 HANDBOOK A VR surround amplier.
A VR400 HANDBOOK A VR surround amplier English.
E-2 CA UTIONS ON INST ALLA TION Fo r pr oper hea t disper sal, do n ot ins tall this uni t in a co nned s pace, su ch as a boo kcase o r similar enclo sure. • Mo re th an 0.3 m (12 in.) is reco mmended . • Do no t place a ny o ther eq uipm ent o n this uni t.
E-3 English FCC INF ORMA TION FOR US CUSTO MERS 1. PRODUCT is p roduct comp lies wi th Pa rt 15 of the FCC R ules. Operati on is s ubject t o the fo llowin g two co nditio ns: (1) i s dev.
E-5 English w elc ome an k you an d congr atu lati ons on pu rch asing y our A rc am FMJ A VR400 Rec eiver . A rca m has been pr oduci ng speci alist a udio pr oducts o f rema rka ble qua lity f or over t hre e decad es and t he new A VR400 Rec eiver is the la tes t in a lon g line o f awa rd win nin g H i-Fi.
E-6 e A VR400 receiver is designed t o pr oduce a level o f perfo rmance t hat will truly b ring m usic and movies to l ife. e A VR400 is a high-quali ty and high-perfo rmance hom e-cinema proces sor an d am plier b uilt t o Arca m ’ s quali ty design a nd ma nufact uring sta ndar ds.
E-7 English Placing the unit < Place the uni t on a level, rm surfac e, av oidin g direct sunligh t and so urces of hea t or da mp . < Do not pla ce the A VR400 on t op o f a pow er am plier o r othe r sour ce of h eat.
E-8 Dolby V olu me Man ufactur ed under li cense fro m Dolby Labora tories. Do lby a nd the dou ble-D sym bol are trademarks of Dolb y Labora tories. Dolby T rueHD, Digital , Digital P lus, PL IIx Man ufactur ed under li cense fro m Dolby Labora tories.
E-9 English NO TE Ple ase r ead the ‘P lacin g th e u nit ’ , ‘ P ow er’ an d ‘I n ter con nect cab les ’ sectio ns on pag e E- 7 bef or e co nnect ing up you r A VR400 in teg rat ed a mp .
E-10 a udi o /vid eo c onn ec ti on s Befor e conn ecting yo ur A VR400 to yo ur sour ce com ponen ts an d speakers , please r ead thro ugh the next f ew pages which will e xplain all the in put and ou tput connecti vity tha t is a vaila ble.
E-11 English Zone2 connectors e Z2 out a nalogue a udio c onnecto r can be used to co nnect the stereo audio out put o f the A VR400 to a n am plier loca ted in a second room. Connect the a nalogue vid eo out put to yo ur Zone2 displa y equi pmen t.
E-12 Analogue audio inputs A V , S A T , BD, V CR, PVR, C D Connect th e le an d right inpu ts to the le a nd right ou tput s of y our sou rce eq uipme nt. MCH input i s m ul ti -c ha nne l an alo gu e a udi o in pu t ca n be c on nec ted to a so ur ce dev ic e w hic h ou t pu ts s urr ou nd so un d o n it s an al ogu e o u tp ut s.
E-13 English.
E-14 BD/SA T C on nectio n gu ide Blu-r ay Dis c (BD ) / DVD play er e dia gram sh ows ho w to m ake a udio an d video conn ections fr om a ty pical BD /DVD p layer .
E-15 English Co nnecting an iPod using the Arcam irDock e co mbin atio n of the A VR400 an d Arca m ’ s optio nal irDock o r rLead acces sory pro vides a gr eat p latfo rm fo r you r iP od. Connect th e i rDock as shown , power on the irDock , slot in yo ur iP od and se lect iP od as the source .
E-16 FM Connecti ng an aeria l A sui table F M aerial mu st be con nected to the A VR400 befo re FM radio c an be rec eived. I n str ong s ignal a reas , the wir e FM aerial sup plied ca n be used wi th reaso nable resul ts.
E-17 English ot her c onn ec to rs Data connectors rLea d/irDock Fo r use wi th an Ar cam rLead o r irDock ac cessory . See page E-15 and the acces sory documenta tion for d etails. RS232 serial c onnector U se wi th con trol d evices ha ving a n RS232 serial port (f or exa mple , Cres tron and AMX touch screen con trolle rs).
E-18 spe ak ers e A VR400 allo ws you to con nect up t o seven speak ers and an activ e sub woofer in the ma in syst em. e o utp ut cha nnels co rrespo nd to s peakers in stalled in the fron t le, ce ntre , fron t righ t, surr ound le , surr ound righ t, surr ound bac k le, s urroun d back righ t and an activ e sub woofe r .
E-19 English Connecting speakers T o co nnect each o f the s peakers, un screw the corr espondi ng termi nals on the back o f the A VR400, insert th e speaker wi res thr ough the hole in each post and screw the t erminals ba ck up .
E-20 Operating y our A VR400 Fo r info rmatio n disp lay w e reco mmend y ou use th e OSD (On-Screen D ispla y) on your d ispla y device wheneve r possib le. Switching on Pr ess the fr ont panel po wer b utt on in. e powe r LED will glow gr een, the fr ont displa y sho ws the w ord ‘ ARCAM ’ .
E-21 English Using Z one2 Zone2 pro vides the optio n fo r the occupa nts o f the mast er bedroo m, con ser vat ory , ki tchen, etc. to view or list en to a d iere nt sou rce a t a di eren t vol ume leve l from the mai n zone (Zone1).
E-22 4 Remo te co ntrol receiver . is is position ed behind the dis play window , abo ve the MENU but ton o n the fron t pan el. En sure th e recei ver is in a clea r line o f sigh t from the rem ote co ntr ol fo r opera tion. I f this is not possible , use a sepa rate sensor c onnected to the Z1 I R inp ut o n the r ear pane l.
E-23 English Inser ting batteries int o the remote c ontrol The CR102 univ ersal remote contr oller e CR1 02 is a so phistic ated ‘ uni versal ’ backli t rem ote con trol that ca n con trol up to eight d evices.
E-24 e CR1 02 rema ins in the last selected Device Mode so it is not necessary to pres s a Device M ode key befor e every comm and k ey if all yo u ar e doin g is pla ying o r skip ping tracks o n a CD , f or exa mple . Navi gation key s e N avig ation keys st eer the cur sor in Set up men us or on-scr een men us.
E-25 English Con trolling other devices Method 1 (Direct c ode setu p) is sectio n describes th e sim plest (p ref erred) wa y to pr ogram the CR102’ s Device Mode k eys to c ontr ol the non- Arcam devices in your sy stem.
E-26 AMP Device Mode e A Devic e Mode but ton co ngure s the CR10 2 to con trol the A VR400. Pres sing this but ton d oes not a ect the curr ently selected in put on the A VR400.
E-27 English DVD/BD Devic e Mode e d Devic e Mode but ton co ngure s the CR10 2 to co ntr ol the fun ctions o f Ar cam Bl u-ray Disc and DVD play ers, al though thi s can be c hang ed (see page E-25). Pres sing thi s but ton also selects BD as th e A VR400 sour ce.
E-28 SA T Device Mode e z Devic e Mode but ton co ngure s the CR10 2 to co ntr ol the fun ctions o f a sa telli te rece iver . Y ou will need to congu re this Device Mod e to wo rk with your equi pmen t. Pr essing this bu tto n also selects SA T as the A VR400 so urce .
E-29 English VCR De vice Mode e w Devic e Mode but ton co ngure s the CR10 2 to co ntr ol the fun ctions o f a video recor der o r similar device. Y ou will need to congur e this Devi ce Mode to wor k with y our eq uipm ent. P ressi ng this b utt on also selects VCR as the A VR400 sour ce.
E-30 CD Device Mode e c Devic e Mode but ton co ngure s the CR10 2 to co ntr ol the CD function s of Ar cam CD play ers, altho ugh this can be chang ed (see page E-25). Pr essing this bu tton also selects CD as the A VR400 sou rce. P T oggles po wer betw een stand by a nd on.
E-31 English.
E-32 Befor e you use yo ur A VR400 i t is es sential th at yo u ent er some inform atio n int o the Setu p men us abou t you r speaker c ongura tion. is allo ws the A VR400 to pr ocess an y surr ound sound di gital sour ce to e xactly ma tch yo ur syst em and give y ou the ul tima te surr ound sound experience .
E-33 English a ut o spe ak er set up er e is a p rop rietary au toma tic lo udspeaker se tup functio n built into your A VR400. e Arcam A uto Speake r Setup fu nction a ttem pts to set all th e essen tial speaker settings for all the speaker s in yo ur syst em.
E-34 set up me nu s e Setu p men us allo w you to con gure all aspects of y our A VR400. e next few pages will go thro ugh the me nu i tems a nd expla in their function.
E-35 English Input Config . e a udio a nd video set tings o n this pa ge of the Setup men u can be ta ilor ed speci call y an d indepen dentl y to the c urren tly se lected i npu t . When a dier ent inp ut is se lected on the In put line, all the in put -specic set tings f or tha t in put a re dis play ed below it.
E-36 Contr ast – Sets the video co ntra st fo r this in put . is settin g can be u sed to co mpensa te fo r too m uch o r too lit tle con trast i n the sour ce pi cture on this i npu t when com pared with o ther video so urces. Colou r – Sets the v ideo colo ur sat urati on fo r this in pu t.
E-37 English micr opho ne at the list ening pos ition befor e running A uto Setup . Run A uto Setup – Pres s OK (or O on the remo te) to start A uto Speak er Setup . e proce ss will ge nerat e test ton es fro m the speake rs and will typicall y take le ss than two mi nut es.
E-38 V ideo Inputs Setting s to op tionall y assign a video so urce to each o f the no rmally a udio-o nly in puts . ese set tings a re st ored i n memo r y and recalled eac h time th e unit i s powe red up .
E-39 English Zone Settings Lists the vol ume an d con trol settings for Zo ne2 . e se settin gs ar e ap plied to all audi o inp uts a nd ar e sto red in memo r y and recalled eac h time th e unit i s powe red up . Z2 Inpu t – Selects the analogu e audi o and co mposi te video so urce t o be ro uted t o Zone2.
E-40 Introduction Y our A VR40 0 recei ver pr ovide s all the k ey decoding and proces sing mode s for analogue and digi tal signals , incl uding th e lat est high d enitio n audi o form ats o ver HDMI . Modes f or digi tal sour ces Digital recor dings are u sually enc oded to inc lude info rmatio n abou t their forma t type.
E-41 English High r esolut ion audio sources Dolb y T rueHD Pr ovides u p to 7 .1 full cha nnel a t 96kH z, 24bi t reso lutio n, with poten tially no losses in the co mpr essio n pr ocess. Da ta rat es can be up to 1 8Mbps. Dolb y Digital Plus Pr ovides u p to 7 .
E-42 Dol b y v olu me Dolb y V olu me is a sophisti cated new techn ology that resol ves the p rob lem of dier ent volu me level s between p rogra mme con ten t (e.g. a TV show a nd adv ert br eaks) and between so urces (e.g. a rock r adio sta tion a nd DV D, or betwee n two TV statio ns).
E-43 English.
E-44 tu ner ope rat io n e A VR400 is tted wi th an i nternal AM/FM t uner and a D AB (digital radio) t uner . DAB broad casts a re no t ava ilable in all loca tions. is sectio n deals wi th tune r opera tion, f or inf orma tion on setting up the tuner and installing aerials, see page E-16.
E-45 English netw ork / us b ope rat io n e A VR400 is tted wi th a netw ork a udio c lient which is ca pable of pla ying i nterne t radio s tation s as w ell as sto red m usic o n a netw ork st orag e device su ch as a PC, or fr om a U SB ash drive.
E-46 Zone2 con trol connections e A VR400 also allo ws re mote c ontr ol fro m Zone 2. Z2 IR is allo ws the A VR400 to be con trolled remo tely fr om Zon e2 via I nfra-red r emot e con trol . Connect a remo te IR r eceiver in Zone 2 to allo w con tro l of the A VR400 fro m this lis tening / viewing area.
E-47 English Zone1 Mu lt i-room c o nnecti on gu id e Zone2.
E-48 Code L earning e CR1 02 come s with a comp lete li brary of pr eprogr ammed code s. Aer you ha ve set up the CR102 for your device, y ou ma y nd tha t ther e ar e one or mo re functio ns on your o riginal r emote which do not ha ve a place on the C R102 keypad .
E-49 English Exampl e: T o deassi gn the Ma cro asso ciated with t he h ke y 1. Pres s and hold S un til the power L ED blinks twice: * * . 2. Pres s 9 9 5 .
E-50 Mode Mover If y our h ome en tertain ment se tup co nta ins devices of the sam e type (e. g. two TVs, perh aps fr om di eren t man ufactur ers) y ou ca n still co ntro l both tho se devices with th e CR102. Y ou sim ply n eed to rea ssign a n unused Device M ode key .
E-51 English De vic e c ode s e tab les tha t begin o n page 5 6 (in the nal section of this H and book) list the fo ur-g ure codes for d ieren t man ufactur ers ’ devic es. U se these when settin g you r CR102 u p to co ntr ol yo ur devices, as described i n Meth od 1 (see pag e E-25).
E-52 tr oub le- sh oot ing Pro blem Check that. .. ere are no lights o n the un it < th e powe r cor d is pl ugged in to the A VR400 an d the ma ins sock et it i s plu gged in to is swi tched on. < th e powe r but ton i s pre ssed in. If a red LED is pr esent, the A VR400 is in sta ndby mode.
E-53 English Pro blem Check that. .. Sound o nly com es from some of th e speakers < you have an a ppr opria te su rround source selected a nd pla ying. < the BD/ DVD di sc is encoded in the a ppr opria te f orma t, and the corr ect form at ha s been selected in the di sc start me nu o f the BD play er (if ap plicab le).
E-54 Contin uous powe r out put, per channel , 8 2 cha nnels driven, 20Hz - 2 0kHz, <0 .02% THD 100W 2 cha nnels driven, 1kHz, 0. 2% THD 125W 7 cha nnels driven, 1kHz, 0.
E-55 English pro duct gu ar an tee W orldwide Guaran tee is en titles you t o hav e the uni t repa ired fr ee of c harg e, duri ng the r st two years aer pur chase, pro vided tha t it w as origin ally pur chased from a n au thorised A rcam d ealer .
56 T V 888 0294 A.R. Sys tems 0067 0382 0586 0404 048 5 Acce nt 0039 006 7 0586 Accu sound 0890 Aco ustic Resear ch 1299 Aco ustic Solu tions1179 1067 Acura 0039 Adco m 0655 Addi son 0683 0138 ADL 124.
57 Fer guson 0067 0139 065 5 0365 037 3 0590 0586 006 5 0683 0138 057 8 0473 1067 Fideli ty 0193 0246 0542 0067 058 6 0294 Filsai 0 247 Finlandi a 0238 0376 05 78 0193 037 3 Finlux 0067 01 35 0100 058.
58 T V (c ont .) Philex 0193 Philharm onic 0247 Philip s 0067 0586 0802 0208 013 8 0404 0373 003 9 0230 Phocus 1319 0744 Phoenix 0067 0586 040 0 0516 019 3 0246 Phon ola 0067 058 6 0246 Pilot 0586 00 .
59 U niversu m 0838 1067 0067 0104 119 3 0294 0376 040 0 0698 0135 051 0 0225 0503 117 9 0542 0522 023 0 0448 0100 019 3 0586 0357 153 5 0247 0139 066 1 0039 0200 064 8 U nivox 0067 0586 0193 U tax 01.
60 Thom son 0350 0097 0 308 Thorn 0134 0067 Thorn-F erguso n 0350 T okai 010 2 0067 0134 T okiwa 0102 T opline 0378 T oshiba 0075 0073 011 1 0772 038 2 T owada 0102 T radex 0111 T red ex 0308 T riad 0.
61 DVD 3 Plu s 0520 3D LAB 0569 4K us 1188 Aco ustic Solu tions 076 0 0743 1258 AEG 0818 0800 0 820 1263 070 5 AFK 1258 1182 1081 AG Electronics 1258 Aim 0808 119 5 0702 0820 Airis 1254 1351 07 02 103.
62 Sony 0563 080 2 0894 1100 201 1 1663 1463 Sound Colo r 1263 Soundma ster 0798 1182 Soundmax 079 8 1182 Soundwa ve 1560 Spectra 0902 Stand ard 0681 118 2 0798 0818 086 1 0928 Star Clusters 0798 1257.
63 Hirsc hmann 1141 1143 0203 0329 126 2 0399 0155 144 2 Hita chi 1314 HNE 1262 01 62 Ho mecast 1244 H umax 1206 1 262 1457 1705 177 3 1255 H uth 0162 104 7 1105 Hy undai 1189 110 5 1446 i-CAN 1397 ID.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Arcam AVR400 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Arcam AVR400 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Arcam AVR400 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Arcam AVR400 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Arcam AVR400, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Arcam AVR400.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Arcam AVR400. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Arcam AVR400 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.