Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PortMaster del fabbricante Lucent Technologies
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PortMaster Configuration Guide Lucent T echnologies Remote Access Business Uni t 4464 W illow Road Pleasanton, CA 94 588 925-73 7-2100 800-45 8-9966 May 1998 950-1182D ®.
Copyright and T rademarks © 1995, 1 997, 1998 L ucent T e chnologi es. All rights r e served. PortMaster , ComOS, and C hoiceNet are re gister ed trademarks of Lucent T echnologies. RADIUS ABM, PM V ision, PMconsol e, and IRX ar e trademarks of Lu cent T echnologies, Inc.
iii Contents Abo ut T his G uide Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii PortMaster Documentatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conte nts iv Configuration Guide for PortMaster Prod ucts On-Dem and Conn ections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 4 PortMaster Security Ma nagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s v PortMaster Modem T a ble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 0 Setting SNM P Monito ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conte nts vi Configuration Guide for PortMaster Prod ucts Configuring Eth ernet Subinterfac es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Setting OSPF on the Ethernet In terface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s vii Network Dial- Out-Only A ccess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 Network Dial- In-and-Out (T wo-W ay) Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18 Configur ing a Port fo r a Dedica ted Conne ction .
Conte nts viii Configuration Guide for PortMaster Prod ucts Setting the Idle T imer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 -4 Setting the Session Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s ix Setting RIP Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 -7 Setting the Dial Gr oup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conte nts x Configuration Guid e for PortMaster Products Input Filter for an Internet Connec tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10 Input and Output Filters for F TP Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s xi Setting the Inband Signaling Pr otocol for E 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1-4 Configuring ISDN PRI Setting s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conte nts xii Configuration Guid e for PortMaster Products Provisioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 3 Configuring ISD N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s xiii LMI T ypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13- 3 Frame Relay Configuration on the Por tMaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conte nts xiv Configuration Guid e for PortMaster Products Using ISDN for On-D emand Connection s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15- 15 16. Using In ternet Connections Overview o f Continuous Inter n et Co nnections .
Content s xv Configuring G lobal Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-4 Configuring Por t Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conte nts xvi Configuration Guid e for PortMaster Products.
xvii About This Guide The P ortMaster® Config uration Gui de pr ovid es g ene ral info rmation a bout ne tworkin g and network configuration as well as s pecific information needed to configure PortMast er products. R eview this guide thoroughly before co nfiguring your P ortMaster .
PortMast er Document ation xviii PortMast er Configurat ion Guide The manuals a re also pr ovided as PDF an d PostScrip t files on t he Por tMaster So ftware CD shipped with y our PortMaster . In addition, yo u can download PortMas ter information and documenta tion from http:// www .
About This Gu ide xix Additional Refe rences • PortMaster T roubleshooting Guide This guide ca n be used to ide ntify and so lve softw are and hard ware problems i n the PortMaste r family of products.
Additional Refe rences xx PortMast er Configurat ion Guide RFC 15 87, OS PF NSS A Optio ns RFC 15 97, Address Allocations for Private Inter nets RFC 16 27, Network 10 C onsidered Har mful (Some Pra ct.
About This Gu ide xxi Additional Refe rences ITU-T Recommendations The following documents are recommendations of the Inte r national T elecommunication Union T elecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), formerly known as CCITT : • Recommendation V .
Document Con ventions xxii PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Routing in the Inte rnet. Christian Huite ma. Prentice Ha ll P TR, 1995. (ISBN 0-1 3-132192- 7) TCP/IP Illustrated , V olume 1: The Protocol s . W . Richard Steven s. Addison-We sley P ublishing Company .
About This Gu ide xxi ii Document Advisories Document Advisories Note – means take note. Notes cont ain information of imp ortance or spe cial interes t. Caut ion – means be careful. Y ou might do something—or fail to do something—that results in equipment failure or loss of data.
PortMaster Trainin g Course s xxiv PortMast er Configurat ion Guide For the EMEA Region If you ar e an Internet service pr ovider (ISP) or other end user in Eur ope, the Middle East, Africa, India, or Pakistan, contac t your local Lucent Remote Access sales channel partner .
About This Gu ide xxv Subscribing to PortMaster Mailing Lists Subscribing to PortMaster M ailing Lists Lucent maintains the following Internet mailing lists for PortMaster users : • portmaster-users — a discussion of general and specific PortMaster issues, including configuration and troubleshooting suggestions .
Subscribin g to Po rtMaster Ma iling Lists xxvi PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
1-1 Introduction 1 This chapter dis cusses the fo llowing topics: • “PortMa ster Softwa re” on page 1-1 • “Preconfigur ation Planning” on pag e 1-2 • “Configura tion Tips” on page 1-.
Preconfigura tion Planning 1-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide • RADIUS—The RADIUS s erver , radius d , r uns as a d aemon on UNIX syst ems, providing centralize d authentication for dia l-in users. The radiusd daemon is provided to customers in binary a nd source form fo r SunOS, Solaris, Sola ris/X8.
Introduction 1-3 Configura tion Tips • Are you running IP , IPX, or both? • Do you want to enab l e SNMP for network monitoring? • Do you want dial-in only , dial-out only , or two-way communica.
Basic Configuration Steps 1-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Basic Configu ration Step s The exact PortMaster configuration steps you fo llow depend upon the hardware you are installing and your ne twork configura tion. However , the follo wing general configuration steps are th e same f o r all Port Master p roduct s : 1.
Introduction 1-5 Basic Configuration Steps ISDN PRI connection configuration is describe d in Chapter 11, “Configuring the PortMaster 3.” ISDN BRI connection conf iguration is covered in Chapter 12, “Using ISDN BRI.” 9. Configu re dial- in users in the u ser table, or conf igure RAD IUS.
Basic Configuration Steps 1-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide.
2-1 How the PortMaster W orks 2 This chapter summarizes PortMaster operation and capabilities so y ou can choose how to configure your system. Consult the glossary for definitions of unfamiliar terms.
Booting the Port Master 2-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide then attem pts to boot itse lf across the network using the T rivial File T ransfer Protocol (TF TP) to download a netboot able ComOS image fro m the host that replied to the R ARP . The TF TP proce ss begins by tran sferring t he /tf tpboot/ addr ess.
How the PortMaster Works 2-3 PortMaste r Initializati on PortMaster In itialization Once the PortM aster has successfully booted, it d oes the fol lowing: 1. Ether net interfaces are sta r ted . 2. Modem initialization strings are sent to as ynchronous ports that hav e modem table ent rie s define d.
On-Dema nd Connections 2-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide On-Demand Connection s The PortMaster establishes on-demand connections in the fo llowing way: • When th e PortMas ter rece ives pa ckets go ing to an on- deman d locatio n that is suspe nded (not current ly activ e), it dial s out to that l ocation if a line i s availa ble.
How the PortMaster Works 2-5 Port Sta tus and Con figuration Access can also be denied if the specified login service is unavailab le—for exa mple, if the PortMast er Login Se rvice has been selected fo r the user b ut the select ed host does n ot have the in.
Port Stat us and Conf igurat ion 2-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Ta b l e 2 - 2 PortMast er Port Stat us Status D escript ion IDLE The port is no t in use. USERNAM E The data carrier de tect (D CD) sign al has bee n assert ed and observe d on the po rt.
3-1 Configur ing Global Settings 3 This chapte r descri bes how to con figure se ttings that t he PortMa ster uses a cross all it s ports and i nterf aces.
Settin g the System Name 3-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide See th e PortMaster Command Line Reference for more detailed command descriptions and instructions . Setting the System Name The sys tem name is the name that ide ntifies the PortMast er for SNMP quer ies, I PX protocol routing, and C HAP authentication.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-3 Setting the Dynamic Ho st Control Protocol (DHCP) Server Use the following command to configure a P ortMaster product to forward a DHCP request f rom a cable mod em to.
Setting the Dy namic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) Ser ver 3-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Figure 3-1 Cabl e Modem T elep hone Ret urn I nterfac e Star tup Internet DHCP server WA N WA N Cable Headend Coaxial cable interface Dynamic configuration Cable modem router T elephone interface 172.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-5 Setting the Default Route Gateway 1. Usin g the telep hone interface , the cable modem dia ls the Po rtMaste r and establi shes a PPP connect ion. The Por tMaste r assigns IP addr ess 192.1 68.33.10 t o the tele phone interf ace of the cable modem.
Configuring De fault Routing 3-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Y ou can set a met ric between 1 and 15 for the IP and IPX ga teways to indicate the hop count as sociated with the gateway r oute. The PortMaster us es the hop count value f or comparisons if the PortMaster is se t to listen for de fault routes from ot her routers.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-7 Configur ing Name Resolution Using the Host T able Each host attached to an I P networ k is a ssigned a unique I P addr ess.
Configuring Name Resolution 3-8 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide T o set the name s e rvice, use t he following command: Command> set namesvc dns | nis Once the name s ervice is set, you must s et the address of your NIS or DNS name server and enter the doma in name of your networ k.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-9 Setting the Telnet Port Setting the T elnet Port The T elnet acce ss port can be set t o any number betwe en 0 and 65535. The T elnet port enables you to access a nd maintain the PortMaster using a T elnet connection to this TCP port.
Setting System Logging 3-10 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Setting the Loghost T o set the IP address o f the loghost—the host to which the Po rtMaster s ends syslog messages—use the following .
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-11 Setting System Logging Y ou ca n change the f acility , the pr iority , or both, of log messages. T o change the fa cility or priority of log me ssages, use the f ollowing command. Be sure to separa te the Fa cility and Priority ke ywords w ith a perio d (.
Setting Ad ministrative Logins to Seria l Ports 3-12 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T o determine current sy slog setti ngs, enter the following comm and: Command> show syslog Setting Administrative Logins to Serial Ports When you log in using !root , admini strati ve logins to the s erial ports are enabled by default.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-13 Setting the Reported IP Address The default number of addresses available for the a d dress pool is equal to the number of ports config ured for network dia l-in. The addres s pool size is determined d uring the boot process.
Configuring SNM P 3-14 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide The SNMP agent r eturns values for manageme nt infor mation base (M IB) variables that can be changed or queried by the SNMP ma nager . The age nt gathers info rmation from the MIB, whi ch resides on the t arget device.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-15 Configuring SNM P Figure 3-2 Manage ment Inf ormation Base (MI B) Hierar chy unnamed 0 CCITT 1 iso 3 org 6 dod 1 internet 2 mgmt 2 joint ISO/CCITT 1 mib 307 Livingsto.
Configuring SNM P 3-16 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Figure 3-3 shows the tree struct ure of the priv ate Livings ton portio n of the MIB. Figure 3-3 Part of MIB Structure showing Por tMaster Port S0. Reading from the top down, the object identifier ( OID) in Figure 3-3 (307.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-17 Configuring SNM P The SNM P mana ger queri e s th e agent s by means of OIDs . Each O ID unique ly identifies a single MIB varia ble. For ex ample, the OID 307. .0, return s the portname for port S0, and th e OID 307.
Configuring SNM P 3-18 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Direction Direction in which the active session w as initiated. PortStatus Status of the serial int erface. Started Amount of time this sessio n has been active. Idle Amount of tim e this session has been idle.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-19 Configuring SNM P PortMaster T1/E1 Interfaces T able 3-7 lists the obje cts in the T1/E1 interfaces fr om the Livingston Extensio ns section of the MIB .
Configuring SNM P 3-20 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide PortMaster Modem T able T able 3-8, lists the objects in the mo dem table from the L ivingston Extensions s ection of the MI B. Modem objects are supported onl y on the PortMaste r 3 Integ rated Access Server .
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-21 Configuring SNM P Setting SNM P Monitoring Simple network management pr otocol (SNMP) monitoring is used to set and collect informatio n on SNMP-capa ble devices. This feature is most oft en used to monitor network stat istics s uch as usag e and error rate.
Configuring SNM P 3-22 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide information can be set on the S NMP agent. The default write community string is priva te . Community strings mus t be set on S NMP age nts so that configuration information is not changed by unaut ho rized users.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-23 Disp laying the Rou ting Tab le V iewing SNMP Settings Settings for SNMP monitoring, read and write co mmunity strin gs, and read and write hosts are stored in the S NMP t able.
Setting Sta tic Routes 3-24 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T o display the IPX routing table entries, e nter the f ollowing command : Command> show ipxroutes The rou tes ap pear in the fo llowing order: 1. Default route 2. Ho st route s 3. Network ro utes 4.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-25 Setting Stat ic Routes • Gateway —The address of a loca lly at tached router w here pack ets a re sent f or forwarding to the dest i nation. • Metric —The number of r outers (or hops) a packet must cross to reach its destina tion.
Setting Sta tic Routes 3-26 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide • Ti c k s —The time requ ired t o send the packet to i ts des tinat ion. T icks are measured in 50ms increments.T he ticks metric is used in addition to the hops metric only on IPX ne two rks.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-27 Setting Stat ic Routes For exampl e, suppos e the add ress of Ether0 is 172.16.1 .1 with a 255.25 5.255.0 subn et mask (a cl ass B a ddress s ubnetted o n 24 bits) and the d estination o f ptp1 is 192.168 .9.65 with a 255 .
Setting Sta tic Routes 3-28 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Note – S tatic rout es us e the net mask tabl e entr ies t hat ar e in effec t whe n th e rou tes ar e added. If the netmask table is changed , the static r oute must be de leted fro m the route table and added again.
Configuring Glob al Settings 3-29 Enabling NetBIOS Broadc ast Packet Propagation If your gateway on the Etherne t is not a PortMaster product, the netmask table is not suppor ted. Howeve r , you can set a s tatic route on the gateway f or each of the th ree destinatio n networks for your assig ned pool s (192.
Setting C all-Check Authentica tion 3-30 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide If you set P AP to off , and CHAP to on , dial-in us ers are asked to authent i cate with CHAP . P AP authe ntication is neither reques ted nor accepted . If you set bo th P AP and CHAP to of f , dial-in users mus t authenticate with a username/password login.
4-1 Configuring the Ethernet Interface 4 This chapte r describe s how to config ure PortMa ster Ethern et interf aces and subinterfa ces, and includes th e follo wing topics : • “Setting Gener a l.
Settin g General Ethern et Paramete rs 4-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Note – ComOS r eleases prior to 3.5 use the keywor d routing inst ead of the rip keywo rd.
Configuri ng the Ethernet I nterface 4-3 Setting IP Para meters T o apply an input filter t o the Ether net interface, us e the following command: Command> set Ether0 ifilter Filtername T o remove the input filter , omit the filter name when ente ring the command.
Setting IP P arameters 4-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Setting the Subnet Mask The default subnet mask is 255.255. 255.0. If yo u have divided your network into subn ets, en ter the subn et mas k that ide ntif ies how your netwo rk ad dresses are di vided between t he network portion an d the host p ortion.
Configuri ng the Ethernet I nterface 4-5 Setting Ether net IPX Param eters T o enabl e or disable IP traffi c, use the fo llowing command: Command> set ether0 ip enable | disable Note – This command is currently available only on the Et her0 port.
Settin g Ethernet IPX Paramete rs 4-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide T o enabl e or disable IPX tr affic, use the foll owing command: Command> set ether0 ipx enable | disable Note – This command is available only on the Ether0 port.
Configuri ng the Ethernet I nterface 4-7 Configuring Eth ernet Sub interfaces Configuring Ethernet Subinterfaces W ith the subinterfa ce feature o f the ComOS, yo u can create up to 512 subinterf aces (the total number of inte r faces available on a PortM aster) on a s ingle primary Eth ernet interface.
Setting OSPF on th e Ethernet Inter face 4-8 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Y ou can view or modify a subinter face with the ifconfi g command (see the PortMa ster Command Line Re ference ). If you mo dify th e interface with the ifcon fig command, you must reb oot the Po r tMaste r for the changes to take effect.
5-1 Configuring an Asynchronous Port 5 Each asynchronous port can be configured for several different functions, giving the PortMaste r configuration more fle xibility .
Asy nchr onous Port Uses 5-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide office s dial into a central hub that routes among t hem, and a mesh wher e every office can speak t o any other office on demand. Interme diate config urations be tween star and mesh are also pos s ible .
Configuring an Asynchronous Port 5-3 General Asynchron ous Port Settings connection can b e establishe d to a specif ied port on the P ortMaster . Once the connection is established, the co nnected device s uch as a printer or modem can be accessed as if it were conne cted directly to the host.
General Asynchronous Port Se ttings 5-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide T o set the port speed, use the following co mmand—ente red on one line: Command> set S0| all speed [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] Speed Y ou can s et spe ed to any of the following standard modem spe ed setting s: Parity Checking Parity chec king is off by default.
Configuring an Asynchronous Port 5-5 General Asynchron ous Port Settings Setting the Di al Group Y ou can create modem poo ls for dial-o ut connections by associat ing ports and dia l-out locations wit h dial groups .
General Asynchronous Port Se ttings 5-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Setting the Login Message The Po rtMaste r allows you to s p ecif y a mess age for each po rt, up to 240 character s long, that is dis played to the user before lo gin. T o insert a ne w line, us e a caret (^ ).
Configuring an Asynchronous Port 5-7 General Asynchron ous Port Settings T o enable aut o matic l ogin fo r a parti cular user on a p a rticul ar port, use the following command: Command> set S0 us.
Configuring a Por tMaster for Login Users 5-8 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide T o enable the idle timer and set a timeout value, use the following command: Command> set S0 | all idletime Number [ minutes | seconds ] T o disable the idle timer , set it to 0.
Configuring an Asynchronous Port 5-9 Configurin g a PortMaster for Login Users T o configure a PortMaster fo r user l ogin, us e the fo llowing steps. These steps a r e described in mor e detail in l ater sections. 1. Set the port ty pe to lo gin. Command> set S0 login 2.
Configuring a Por tMaster for Login Users 5-10 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Setting the Login Service The login service spe cifies how login sess ions are establis hed.
Configuring an Asynchronous Por t 5-11 Configuring a Port for Acce ss to Shared Devices Setting the Login Host Y ou can specify how the login hos t is determined for the selected po rt. The three ways to det ermine th e login host are described in T able 5-2.
Configuring a Por t for Access to Shared Devices 5-12 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Y ou can provide access to host device ports by establishing a pseudo-tt y connection to the port fro m a UNIX host with the PortMaste r daemon softwa re installed.
Configuring an Asynchronous Por t 5-13 Configuring a Port for Acce ss to Shared Devices Figure 5-3 Network Device Configu ration Once the por t type is set to ac commodate a host device , the device service mus t be selected a nd the hostname e ntered.
Configuring a Por t for Access to Shared Devices 5-14 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Setting the Device Service The device service de fines the me thod used to conne ct a host t o a host dev ice port.
Configuring an Asynchronous Por t 5-15 Configuring a Por t for Network Access T elnet De vice Servi ce T elnet is a re mote terminal pr otocol support ed by most computers usi ng TCP/IP protocols. T elnet allows the user at one site to e stablish a TCP conne ction to a login server at anot her si te.
Configuring a Por t for Network Access 5-16 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide When you configure a port for network dial-in, dial-out, or two-way access, the port becomes avail able for connec tions to and fro m remote sites using mode ms and the Serial Line Int ernet Prot ocol (SLIP) or t he Point-t o-Point Pro tocol (PPP) .
Configuring an Asynchronous Por t 5-17 Configuring a Por t for Network Access Figure 5-4 Dial-In-Only Port Access Network Dial-Out-Only Access Network dial-out-only access can be set on ports de dicated to Internet connections or connections to another office.
Configuring a Por t for Network Access 5-18 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Figure 5-5 Dial-Out-Only Access Network Dial-In-and-Out (T wo-W ay) Access Dial-in-an d-out se rvice on a select ed port is als o called two- way access . T wo-way acces s is speci fied for ports wh ere bo th dial- in and d ial-ou t access are ne eded.
Configuring an Asynchronous Por t 5-19 Configuring a Por t for Network Access T o set a port for network two-way access, us e the following commands Command> set S0 network twoway Command> save all PPP and SLIP Connections The Serial Line Interne t Protocol ( SLIP) is a n older pr otocol than PP P and not as robus t.
Configuring a Por t for a Dedica ted Connection 5-20 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Configuring a Port for a Dedicated Connection Y ou can configur e an asynchro nous port for a pe rmanent network conn ection (als o known as a hardwired connection).
Configuring an Asynchronous Por t 5-21 Configuring a Port for a Dedicate d Connection T o configure a port for a hardwir ed connection, follow this procedure: 1. Set the port for network hardwired. Command> set S0 network hardwired 2. Set the protocol.
Configuring a Por t for a Dedica ted Connection 5-22 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Setting the Protocol The network proto col for the har dwired port can be set for PPP packet encapsulat ion or SLIP encap sulation as describ ed in “PPP and SLIP Connections” on page 5-19.
Configuring an Asynchronous Por t 5-23 Configuring a Port for a Dedicate d Connection Configuring RIP Routin g As descr ibed in t he PortMaster Routin g Guide , PortMaster products automatical ly send and accept route information as part of RIP messages if R IP routing is turned on.
Configuring a Por t for a Dedica ted Connection 5-24 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide The PortMast er support s Stac LZS data co mpression only for PPP connections with bidirectional compr ession. Stac LZ S data compressio n cannot be used for SLIP connections.
Configuring an Asynchronous Por t 5-25 Connecting without TCP/IP Support character s. The PPP asynchron ous map is a bitmap of char acters that shoul d be repl aced. The default PPP asynchronous ma p is 00000000 . If the remo te host requir es a PPP asynchro nous map , the Por tMaster accepts the request fo r the map .
Connecting without TCP/IP Support 5-26 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Note – The Por tMaster ig nores the Da ta Set Read y (DSR) signal. Some PCs might require DS R high, but they do not tie DSR to DT R.
6-1 Configuring a Synchronous W AN Port 6 This chapte r describe s the steps required t o configure a P ortMaste r synchron ous W id e Area Network (W AN) port.
Synchronous Port Uses 6-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide dozen field o ffices with 56K bps or fra ctional T1 Fra me Relay connecti ons can connect to a central office using a fractional T1 or T1 Frame R elay connection. The centr al office requires only one CSU/DS U and synchronous port on the router , instead of 12 .
Configuring a S ynchronous WAN Port 6-3 Synchronous Por t Uses Figure 6-1 Synchronous W AN Connection Once you have det e rmined the type o f synchronou s connection to use betwe en your remote locatio ns, the synchrono us port on each end of t he connection must be configured.
Configuring WAN P ort Settings 6-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Config uring W AN Port Se ttings The W AN port se ttings described in this section enable you to configure your synchronous port fo r you needs. “Gene ral Synchronous Settings” on page 6-4 includes settings tha t are available for all co nnection ty p es.
Configuring a S ynchronous WAN Port 6-5 Configuring WA N Port Settings T able 6-1 de scribes the fo ur connectio n types availa ble on sync hronous po rts. Setting the Port S peed Refere nce The po rt or line s p eed is set either by the e x ter nal cloc k sign al on the devi ce to whi ch the PortMaster is connected, or by the carr ier .
Configuring WAN P ort Settings 6-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Y ou can s ubstitute any o f the following for Speed : Setting Mo dem Control When modem control is on, the P ortMaster us es the condition of the carrier de tect (DCD) signal f rom an attache d mo dem to d etermine whet her the line is in us e.
Configuring a S ynchronous WAN Port 6-7 Configuring WA N Port Settings Assigning a Port to a Dial G roup Y ou can create modem poo ls for dial-o ut connections by associat ing ports and dia l-out locations wit h dial groups .
Configuring WAN P ort Settings 6-8 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Setting the T ransport Protocol The transpor t protocol for synchro nous connections must be set for a network hardwired s ynchronous port. Cho ose PPP for lea sed line, switched 56Kbps, and ISDN connections, or Frame Relay for a Frame Relay connection.
Configuring a S ynchronous WAN Port 6-9 Configuring WA N Port Settings T o set the des tination IP addre ss for a leased- line connection only , use the following command: Command> set W1 destination Ipaddress [ Ipmask ] Setting the Subnet Mask The default subnet mask is 255.
Configuring WAN P ort Settings 6-10 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T o configure RIP routing, use the follo wing command: Command> set W1 rip on | broadcast | listen | off Note – C omOS release s prior to 3.5 use d the keywo rd routing ins tead of the rip keywo rd.
Configuring a S ynchronous WAN Port 6-11 Configuring WA N Port Settings T o apply an input filter to a s ynchronous port, use the following command: Command> set W1 ifilter [ Filtername ] T o apply.
Configuring WAN P ort Settings 6-12 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide.
7-1 Configuring Dial-I n Users 7 This chapte r describe s how to config ure the Po rtMaster u ser table to support dia l-in connections. The use r table settings define ho w each dial-in user is authenticated an d how dial-in connections are ma de.
Configuring the User Table 7-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Displaying User Information Y ou can display the current users in the user ta ble or the complete configuration information for a specified user .
Configuring Dia l-In Users 7-3 User Types Note – T o add a network user , you must use the net user keyword . Thereafter , yo u can use ei ther t he netuse r or the user keyword to confi gure settings for the network user . Y ou must always use the user keyword when configuring login users.
Configuring Se ttings for Network a nd Login Users 7-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Config uring Setting s for Network an d Login User s The following settings can b e configured for either net w ork or login users.
Configuring Dia l-In Users 7-5 Configuring Netw ork Users Setting the Protocol Y ou can set the network protocol for the network use r to PPP or SLIP as descr ibed in Chapter 5, “C onfiguring an Asynchro nous Port.” Se lect a protoco l that is compatible with the re st of your network configur ation and the user’ s capabilities.
Configuring Networ k Users 7-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide T o set the user IP address for a normal netw o rk user , use the following command: Command> set user Username destination assigned.
Configuring Dia l-In Users 7-7 Configuring Netw ork Users T able 7-2 de scribes the re sults of using each keywor d. Setting the Asynchronous Character Map The PPP pr otocol suppor ts the replacement of nonprinting AS CII data in the PPP stream.
Configuring Networ k Users 7-8 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide The MTU size is typi cally set to the maximum allowed fo r the protocol bei ng used, either 150 0 bytes (for PPP) or 1006 bytes (fo r SLIP). Howe ver , smaller MTU v alues can improve pe rforman ce for inter active se ssions.
Configuring Dia l-In Users 7-9 Configuring Netw ork Users The PortMast er support s Stac LZS data co mpression only for PPP connections with bidirectional compr ession.
Configuring Login Use rs 7-10 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T o apply an output filter for a network user , use the following command : Command> set user Username ofilter [ Filtername ] Omitting the Filtername removes any filte r previously s et on the port.
Configuring Dia l-In Users 7-11 Configuring Login Users T o set the login host for a login us er , use the following command: Command> set user Username host default | prompt | Ipaddress Applying an Optional Access Filter An access filt er is an inp ut filter that restricts which hos ts users can l og in to.
Configuring Login Use rs 7-12 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Setting the Login Service T ype All lo gin us ers must have an associa ted login s ervice that deter mines the nature of t heir connection with the hos t . The login service spe cifies how login sess ions are establis hed.
Configuring Dia l-In Users 7-13 Configuring Login Users T o set the login service type for a lo gin user , use the following command: Command> set user Username service portmaster | rlogin | telnet.
Configuring Login Use rs 7-14 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide.
8-1 Configuring Dial-Out Connections 8 This chapter dis cusses how to create locations—se ttings for dial-o ut destinations— for dial-out connections.
Configuring the Lo cation Table 8-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Locations can also optionally hav e the following settings: • Connection type (dial-on-dema nd, continuous, or manual) • Routi.
Configuring Dia l-Out Connections 8-3 Configuring the Location Tabl e Creating a Location Y ou must create a unique dial-out location for each remote host or route r you want to access. L ocation ta ble entries ar e ident ified b y this uniq ue locat i on name, which can contain up to 12 characte rs.
Configuring the Lo cation Table 8-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide On-Demand Dial-on-demand connections to selected locations can save money b ecause the telephone line is used only when t raffic needs to be transm itted.
Configuring Dia l-Out Connections 8-5 Configuring the Location Tabl e T o configure a location to support a manua l connection, use the following command: Command> set location Locname manual Note – Dis connect dial-out connec tions by resetting the port befor e switching a connection type from ma nual to on de man d ,.
Configuring the Lo cation Table 8-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Setting the Destination IP Address The destination IP ad dress is the IP address expe cted on the system a t the remote end of the di al-out connectio n. For PPP connections, yo u can either specif y an IP address o r have it negotiate d .
Configuring Dia l-Out Connections 8-7 Configuring the Location Tabl e Setting RIP Routing Y ou ca n associat e RIP r outing with locations—f or exampl e, a d ial on-d emand connection where the remote router is defined as a location on t he local PortMa ster .
Configuring the Lo cation Table 8-8 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Setting the Di al Group Dial groups associate lo cations with sp ecific dial -out ports. B y default, al l ports and locations belong to dial group 0 (ze ro). Y ou can configure loca tions and ports int o dial groups numbered from 0 to 99.
Configuring Dia l-Out Connections 8-9 Configuring the Location Tabl e Compression ca nnot be used with multiline load-ba lancing, but can be used with Multilink PPP . Compression must be enabled on b oth ends of the connection if you ar e using SLIP .
Configuring the Lo cation Table 8-10 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Setting the Idle T imer Y ou can set t he idle timer for a locati on with manual or on-deman d connections. This timer defines the le ngth of time the line ca n be idle, with no network traffic in either direction, before the PortMaster disconnects the connection.
Configuring Dia l-Out Connections 8-11 Setting Multiline Load Balancing T o set CHAP authent i cation for a lo cation, use the following command: Command> set location Locname chap on | off Setting the Asynchronous Character Map The PPP pr otocol suppor ts the replacement of nonprinting AS CII data in the PPP stream.
Settin g Multiline Load Balancing 8-12 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide The fo llowing setting s are us ed to configure lo ad balancing and define wh en additional lines to this locati on are diale d.
Configuring Dia l-Out Connections 8-13 Setting Filte rs This value is used only when t he maximum number of ports is greater than one. The default high-water mark is zero .
Testing Your Location Co nfiguration 8-14 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T esting Y our Loca tio n Co nfig urat ion When you are configuring a location, you can s et a manu al connection for the location so that you can test t he configuration before r esetting the conne ction to on-demand or continuous.
9-1 Configur ing Filters 9 This chapter describes how to config ure input and output packet filter s. IP , IPX , and Servi ce Advertis ing Protoc ol (SAP) rule s are r eviewed, and filter exam ples are given. Y ou can also use the ChoiceNet appli cation to filter IP packets by lists of sites r ather than by individu al IP addres ses.
Over view of Por tMaster Filte ring 9-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Y ou use Etherne t fil ters t o constrain t he types of packets allowed to pass through the local Ethernet port, and you can set filters on asynch r onous ports configured for hardwired ope ration when secu rity with another network is an issue.
Configuring Filte rs 9-3 Over view of Por tMast er Filt ering Filter Organization Filters are stored in a filter table in the PortMaster nonvolatile configuration memory . Filter s can b e created or modi fied at a ny time, and th e changes a re not applied to an active use of the f ilter .
Over view of Por tMaster Filte ring 9-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide A maximum of 256 filter rules per filter is allowed for the PortMaster 3 and IRX. For other PortMaster products, the maximum n umber of fi lter rules allowe d is 100. The PortMaster generat es an error message when t he number of filter rules exceeds the limit.
Configuring Filte rs 9-5 Creatin g Filters Creating Filters Y ou construct a filter by creating the filter and then addi ng rules that permit or deny certain types of packets. A maximum of 256 filter rules per filter is allowed for the PortMaster 3 and IRX.
Creating Fil ters 9-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Creating IP Filters Y ou ca n create a rule that filt ers IP packets accord ing to t heir source and d estination IP addresses. For more information on the command sy ntax for creating filters, see the PortMast er Command Line Refere nce.
Configuring Filte rs 9-7 Creatin g Filters Filtering TCP and UDP Packets TCP Packets Y ou can filter TCP packets by source a nd destination IP address, or by TCP port number . Appendix B, “TCP and UDP Ports and Services,” lists port numbers commonly used for UDP and TCP por t servic es.
Displaying Filter s 9-8 PortMa ster Configur ation Gu ide Creating SAP Fil t ers The Service Advertis ing Proto col (SAP) is an IP X protocol used over routers a nd serve rs that informs network clie nts of availabl e network service s and resour ces.
Configuring Filte rs 9-9 Example Filte rs Example Filters Because filte rs are ver y flexible, y ou must car efully e valuate the typ es of t raffic t hat a specific filter permits or denies thro ugh an interface befor e attaching the filter .
Example Fi lters 9-10 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Input Filter for an Internet Connection The filter in this example is de signed as an input filter for a netw ork hardwi red port tha t connects to the Internet. Y ou can use this filter for a dial-on-demand connection by attachin g it to the location entry .
Configuring Filte rs 9-11 Example Filte rs Input and Output Filters for F TP P ackets Filters can be use d to either permit or deny File T rans fer Protocol (F TP) pa ckets. Y ou must under stand how t his protoco l work s befo re you de velop F TP f ilters.
Example Fi lters 9-12 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide The rules for the input filter are as fol lows: Command> set filter 1 permit tcp src eq 20 dst gt 1023 Command> set filter 2 permit 192.
Configuring Filte rs 9-13 Example Filte rs Rule to Allow Authentication Queries T o allow a uthentication queries used by some maile rs and F TP serv ers, add the fol lowing rule to your input filter: Command> set filter filtername RuleNumber permit tcp dst eq 113 For more infor mation ab out these types of queries , refer to RF C 1413.
Example Fi lters 9-14 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide If you use the following example, repla ce the name server with the IP a ddress or hostname of your Inte r net server: Command> set filter 1 deny log Command> set filter restrict.
Configuring Filte rs 9-15 Restricting User Access Restricting User Access Access filte rs enab le you to rest rict T elne t or rlogin co nnections to a specific hos t or network, or a list of hosts or netw orks. Y ou can cre ate an access fi lter that re stricts user access to particu lar hosts.
Restricting User Access 9-16 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide.
10-1 Using Modems 10 This chapter explains how to configur e external modems to wo rk with Por tMaster products. Fo r information on using the internal dig ital modems with the Po rtMaste r 3, see Chapt er 11, “Conf igu ring t he Por tMast er 3.
Modem Functions 10-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Dial-u p modem s that operate over normal telep hone li nes at speed s of 2 8,800b p s or highe r are now ava ilable .
Using Modems 10-3 Using Automatic Mod em Configurati on A modem table disp lay looks lik e the following: The modem type is either sy stem or user . System indicates that the configuration setting s are the factory defa ult settings. User indicates that the user has configured the modem table settings for that modem.
Using Automatic Modem Configuration 10-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T able 10-1 shows the current factory de fault settings fo r commonly used modems.
Using Modems 10-5 Using Automatic Mod em Configurati on mot-pwr -p M otorola P ower 14.4 PCMC IA 57600 A T&F&C1 &T5&C1& D2&W mot-life- p Motoro la Li festyle 14.4 PCMC IA 57600 A T&FS0=1 &C1&D2Q3& T5&W^OK multizdx M ultiT ech Z/DX fax/da ta v .
Using Automatic Modem Configuration 10-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Associating a Modem with a Port T o automatically configure a mo dem and ass ociate it in the mo dem table with the port it i.
Using Modems 10-7 Configuring Port s for Modem Use T o configure all ports for the same modem type, us e all instead of t he port number in the pre vious example. Af ter the modem is attached to the po rt, confi gure the other modem settings des cribed in “C onfiguring Po rts for Modem Us e” on page 10-7.
Configuring Ports for Modem Use 10-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Setting Modem Control Set modem co ntrol on if you want to use the DC D signal for modem connections. When modem control is on, the PortMaster us es the condition of the carr ier detect line to determine whether the line is in use.
Using Modems 10-9 Configuring Port s for Modem Use T o set software flow control for a modem, use the following command: Command> set S0 xon/xoff on | off Hardware flow control all ows the Po rtMaste r to receive data from the at tached device by raising t he Reques t to Send (RTS) signa l on pin 4 of the RS- 232 connector .
Configuring Ports for Modem Use 10-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
11-1 Configuring the PortMaster 3 11 This chapter describes ho w to use the co mmand line interf ace to configure the ISDN Primary R ate Interfa ce (PRI) L ine0 and Line1, a nd the digi tal modems on t he PortMaster 3. The PortMaster 3 can also use many of the commands common to all PortMast er models.
Configuring Ge neral Settings 11-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Command> show Line0 Configuring Line Use Y ou can use a line as a single E1 or T1 line, as PRI B channels, as fractional E1 or T1 lines divided into cha nnel groups, or for inb and signali ng for channelized T1.
Configuring the PortMaster 3 11-3 Setting the Inband Si gnaling Protocol for T1 Wa r n i n g – If you configure a line for fra ctional T1 a nd reboot the PortMast er 3 before configuring the group and cha nnels, you will no longer b e able to see and configure the line.
Setting the Inba nd Signaling Protocol for E1 11-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Setting the Inband Signaling Protocol for E1 Although PortMaster s do not require d ial digits (the calling number and caller ID) when establishing a connection, most T elcos transmit this information by default.
Configuring the PortMaster 3 11-5 Configuring IS DN PRI S ettings Config uring ISDN PRI Settin gs Use the follow ing settings to configure ISDN PRI on t he PortMaste r 3. Setting the ISDN PRI Switch The switch type infor mation is avail able from your IS DN PRI service provider .
Configuring ISDN PRI Settings 11-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T o set the framing format used for the E1 or T1 line, use the following command. T able 11-6 expla ins the fra ming forma t options. Command> set Line0 framing esf | d4 | crc4 | fas Setting the Encoding Method This command sets the encoding method used with T1 and E1 lines.
Configuring the PortMaster 3 11-7 Configuring IS DN PRI S ettings Setting the Pulse Code Modulation Y ou need to set the pu lse code modulation only if you are using digit al modems and your P RI service provider instru cts you to chan ge the setti ng to something o ther than the def ault.
Using True Digital Mod ems 11-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T abl e 11-9 Directory Numb er Options Using T rue Digital M odems Use the following settings to configure the built-in digital mod ems on the PortMaster 3. Setting Digital Modems The digital modems are numb ered from m0 to m59, fo r a maximum of 60 modems.
Configuring the PortMaster 3 11-9 Using True Digital Mod ems Hot-Swapping Digital Modem Cards W ith the last call feature, you can hot-swap a modem card witho ut dropping calls.
Using Channeli zed T1 11-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide • TEST—under test • DOWN—unavailable T o display the status for all modems, use the following command: Command> show modems Using Channelized T1 The Po rtMaste r 3 has an integrat ed channel servi ce unit/digita l service uni t (CSU/DS U).
Configuring the PortMaster 3 11-11 Using Channel ized T1 Configuring the PortMaster 3 for Channelized T1 Follow t hese steps to co nfigure th e PortMaster 3 to use channeli zed T1 se rvice: 1. Se t the lin e for inban d sign aling. Command> set Line0 inband 2.
Using the T1 Expansion Card 11-12 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide T o disp lay the line configuration for line 1, for example, enter the following command: Command> show line1 --------------------.
Configuring the PortMaster 3 11-13 Using the T1 Expansion Card When you sp ecify internal , t h e built-in 1.544M Hz crystal sets timing on the line. This is useful for dry wire configurations, or for back-to-back connections. When you specify external , the built-in DSU/ CSU extracts ti ming from t he line.
Using the T1 Expansion Card 11-14 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide T roubleshooting the T1 Expansion Card If the T1 expans ion card is not properly installed, the show line2 command displays the following status: line2 not available This mes s age indi cates tha t the card is either not present or instal led incorrectl y .
Configuring the PortMaster 3 11-15 Using Multichassis PPP Using Mu ltichas sis PP P Multichassis PPP a llows the use of Multilin k PPP across multiple PortMasters in a single telephone hunt group, and on the same Ethernet.
Troubleshootin g the PortMaster 3 11-16 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide T r oubleshooting the PortMaster 3 The debug command is useful for troubleshooting the digital modems and Multichassis PPP eve nts. Output is sent to t he system console set by the set console command.
12-1 Using ISDN BRI 12 This chapter describes ho w to configure th e PortMaster to connect two lo cal area networks (LANs) via ISDN using V .25bis d ialing on a Basic Rate Interface (BRI ) with an integr ated network termin ation devi ce (NT1) . Thi s chapt er also pr ovides an example to demonstrate this type o f configuration.
Overview of ISDN BRI Connections 12-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide For t he ISDN S/T int erface, a PortMast er requ ires an ex ternal termi nal adapter to connect from the Por tMaster synchrono us port to the ISDN link .
Using ISDN BRI 12-3 Overview of ISDN BRI Connections Figure 12-1 Example of an ISDN Connection Provisioning T o help you determine t he kind of prov isioning you re quire for your I SDN setup, re fer to the information in the hardw are installation g uide and on the Lucent Remote Access websit e at http:// www .
Configuring ISDN 12-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Config uring ISDN This sectio n describe s the comma nds that y ou need to config ure a PortMa ster fo r ISDN BRI servi ce. ISDN BRI Switch T ypes The North America n ISDN U interface and international S/ T interface re quire differe nt switch ty pe setti ngs on your PortMas ter .
Using ISDN BRI 12-5 Configuring ISD N Setting the Swi tch T ype T o set the ISDN switch type for an ISDN BRI U interface, use the following commands: Command> set isdn-switch ni-1 | dms-100 | 5ess .
Configuring ISDN 12-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T erminal Identifier (TID) fo r ISDN BRI The terminal identifier ( T ID) is a numer ic value used by some tele phone switches for additiona l identificat ion. Some telepho ne companies re quire the S PID, while ot hers require a TI D, as well.
Using ISDN BRI 12-7 Configuring ISD N Note – nu mberauto is off by de fault. Setting the Number T ype T o change the number ty pe from the default manufacturer setting (so that you can, for example,.
Configuring ISDN 12-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Multiple Subscriber Network for an S/T Interface For count ries that suppor t BRI via the S/ T bus interface, y ou can enable the multip le subscrib er network (M SN) feature.
Using ISDN BRI 12-9 ISDN Port Configu ration Tips ISDN Port Conf iguration T ip s Use the following tips t o help you configure your ISDN BRI port: • Modem co ntrol (carrier de tect), f low control, and speed a re not set on an ISDN port. The PortMas ter automa tically det ects the spe ed and sets th e port to 6400 0bps or 56000bps accordingly .
ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example 12-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide 2. Configu re the followin g settings for th e PortMaster in Denver: a. Configu re glo bal sett ings (page 12 - 11). b. Configure Ethernet interface settings (page 12-12).
Using ISDN BRI 12-11 ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example For comparison, Fig ure 12 -3 shows a simila r configuration using IS DN BRI with numbered interface s .
ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example 12-12 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Configuring Ethernet IP Interface Setti ngs Configu re the follow ing Ethernet in terfa ce settings to the values sh own in T able 12-4.
Using ISDN BRI 12-13 ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example T abl e 12-5 ISDN Port V alues All the other pa rameters should be left a t their defa ult values .
ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example 12-14 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide After you configure the user table as shown in T able 12-6, enter the following command to save th e configuration: Command> save all For more infor mation ab out configuring us er table pa rameters , refer to Chapt er 7, “Con figu ring Dial -In Users.
Using ISDN BRI 12-15 ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example Note – Configuring the maximum ports setting to a value higher than 0 causes the PortMaste r to dial out to a continuous locat ion, or become av ailable for dial-out to an on-demand location.
ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example 12-16 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Configuring Global Settings Configu re the global setti ngs to the values sho wn in T able 12-8.
Using ISDN BRI 12-17 ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example After you configure the Ethernet i nterface as shown in T able 12-9, ente r the follow ing command to save the configuration: Command> save all For more infor mation on Ether net settings, refer to Ch apter 4, “C onfiguring th e Ethernet Inte r face.
ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example 12-18 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Configuring a Dial -In User A user a ccount must be set up on the Po r tMaste r router in San Francisco so t hat PortMas ter in De nver can d ial in whe n traffic is que ued.
Using ISDN BRI 12-19 ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example Configuring a Dial -Out Location A location entry o n the PortMaster in San Francisc o must be cre ated for the location identif ied as denver . This allo ws the PortMaster router in San Franci sco to call the PortMaste r in Denver when network traffic is queue d.
ISDN BRI Unnumbered IP Configuration Example 12-20 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Note – Configuring the maximum por ts setting to a v a lue higher th an 0 causes the PortMaste r to dial out to a continuous locat ion, or become av ailable for dial-out to an on-demand location.
Using ISDN BRI 12-21 Troubleshooting an ISDN BRI Connection 4. If yo u noti ce a prob lem, d o the foll owing : a. Reset th e port on the Po rtMaster i n Denver . b. Change th e sett ings you think a re causing th e prob lem. c. Dial San Franci sco ag ain.
Troubleshooting an ISDN BRI Connection 12-22 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide • T o vi ew the PPP nego tiati o n, ente r the follo wing commands: Command> set console Command> set debug 0x51 For more infor mation about the inte rpreting the result s of the debug comma nd, refer to the PortMaster T roubleshooting G uide .
13-1 Using Frame Relay 13 Frame Re lay is a method of encapsulat ing network information th at allows fo r fast delivery and high line utilization. Por tMaster routers support Frame Rel ay over synchronous por ts. This chap ter uses an examp le to demonstr ate how to configur e the Po rtMaste r to connect to a synchronous line using Fr ame Relay .
Over view o f Frame Re lay 13-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide P V Cs and DLCIs PortMaster products s upport perma nent virtua l circuits (PVCs) . PVCs are use d to form a connecti on between any two devices a ttached to a Fr ame Rel ay cloud. Each PVC i s given a uni que number on each phys ical circuit along the path between th e two devices.
Using Frame Relay 13-3 Over view o f Frame Re lay Discarding Frames The PortMa ster pushe s as much dat a out of th e serial port as it can at po rt speed for any PVC th at has tr affic, regar dless of CI R. The Fr ame Re lay swi tch pass es as much of the data as pos sible on to the next link .
Frame Relay Con figuration on the PortMaster 13-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Frame Relay Con figuratio n on the Po rtMaster Y ou conf igure Frame Re lay by selecti ng the Frame Rela y protocol, s etting the IP addr ess of the port, and specifying the DLCIs during the synchronous port configuration.
Using Frame Relay 13-5 Frame Relay Conf iguration on the P ortMaster Figure 13-1 Fram e Rela y Conf igur ation Enabling LMI Y ou can sp ecify whe ther the Po rtMas ter accepts Local Man ageme nt Interf ace (LMI) frames from the attached Frame Relay switch.
Frame Relay Con figuration on the PortMaster 13-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Note – Contact your Frame Rel ay carrier to determine whi ch keepalive t hey are using, LMI or Annex -D. T o enab le LMI, u se the foll owing co mmand: Command> set W1 lmi Seconds Enabling Annex-D The PortMa ster also acce pts the Annex-D polling interv al.
Using Frame Relay 13-7 Configuration Steps for a Fram e Relay Conne ction Configuration Steps for a Frame Relay Connection The ex ample describe d in this chapte r connects a Po rtMaster ro uter lo cated i n a main office (Ba ngkok) with a PortM aster router located in a bra nch office (New Y ork) using Frame Rela y on a synchronous interface.
Configuration Steps for a Frame Relay Connection 13-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Configuring the PortMaster in Bangkok Configure the se ttings for the PortMaster in Bangk ok with the values in the following sections.
Using Frame Relay 13-9 Configuration Steps for a Fram e Relay Conne ction For more infor mation on Ether net paramet ers, refer to Cha pter 4, “Co nfiguring the Ethernet Inte r face.” Configuring Synchronous W AN Port Parameters Configu r e the synchrono us W AN port W1 to the values sh own in T abl e 13-3.
Configuration Steps for a Frame Relay Connection 13-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Configuring Ethernet Interface Set tings Configure the Ethernet interface settings to the values shown in T able 13-4.
Using Frame Relay 13-11 Troubleshootin g a Frame Rel ay Configuratio n After you configure the synchronous W AN port as shown in T able 13-5, enter the following commands to reset the port and save th.
Frame Relay Su binter faces 13-12 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide • V erify t hat you are using the correct cabl es and t hat they are atta ched securely to the corr ect por t. Not all W AN ports are ca pable o f the s ame spee ds. • V erif y that the DIP switch is set to V .
Using Frame Relay 13-13 Frame Relay Su binterfaces Adding a Location T o configure a Frame Relay subi nterface, you ad d a locat i on fo r each int erface, configure it wit h the frame pr otocol, and a ssociate it with a dial gr oup. T hen as sociat e a synchronous por t with the sa me dial gro up.
Frame Relay Su binter faces 13-14 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide T roubleshooting Subinterfaces Packet s received on a subinterf a ce can b e identi fied as belongi ng to that subinterface only if the D LCI is properly entered in the DLCI table for that lo cation.
Using Frame Relay 13-15 Frame Relay Su binterfaces Example: Configuring a Frame Relay Subinterface This se t of example comman ds configures a PortMas ter IRX-111 router with Fr ame Relay pack ets coming int o port S1 with DL CIs 16, 17, an d 18. Port S1 has a lready b een configured for Frame Relay , so that po rtion is not shown her e.
Frame Relay Su binter faces 13-16 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
14-1 Using Synchronous V .25bis Connections 14 This chap ter uses an examp le to demonstr ate how to configur e the Po rtMaste r to connect two local area networks (LANs) via synchronous V .25bis dialing applications such as ISDN , termi nal ada pters, or switch ed 56Kb ps.
Overview of Synchronous V.25bis Dial-Up Connections 14-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide requires only 8 bits. A 115.2Kb ps DTE r ate cannot properly support two 64Kbps B channels because t he terminal adapte r is una ble to buff er the ex cess da ta when the incoming data for an IS DN line is 128Kbps.
Using Synchronous V.25bis Connections 14-3 Configurati on Steps for a Synchronous V.25bi s Connection Configuration Steps for a Synchronous V .25bis C onnection This example co nnects a PortM aster lo.
Configuration Steps for a Synchronous V.25bis Conn ection 14-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Configuring Global Settings Configu re the global setti ngs to the values sho wn in T able 14-1.
Using Synchronous V.25bis Connections 14-5 Configurati on Steps for a Synchronous V.25bi s Connection For more infor mation on Ether net settings, refer to Ch apter 4, “C onfiguring th e Ethernet Inte r face.” Configuring Synchronous W AN Port Settings Configure the synchronous W AN po rt parameters wit h the values shown in T able 14- 3.
Configuration Steps for a Synchronous V.25bis Conn ection 14-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide After you configure user table settings as shown in T able 14-4 , enter th e following command to save the configuration: Command> save all No compression is used on synchronous lines.
Using Synchronous V.25bis Connections 14-7 Configurati on Steps for a Synchronous V.25bi s Connection Note – Configuring the maximum ports setting to a value higher than 0 causes the PortMaste r to dial out to a continuous locat ion, or become av ailable for dial-out to an on-demand location.
Configuration Steps for a Synchronous V.25bis Conn ection 14-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Configuring Global Settings Configu r e the follow ing globa l se ttings t o the val ues sho wn in T able 14-6.
Using Synchronous V.25bis Connections 14-9 Configurati on Steps for a Synchronous V.25bi s Connection After you configure the Ethernet i nterface as shown in T able 14-7, ente r the follow ing command.
Configuration Steps for a Synchronous V.25bis Conn ection 14-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Configuring a Dial -In User A user acc ount mu st be set up on the PortMa ster router in Miami so the Po rtMaster in Boston can di al in when traf fic is queued.
Using Synchronous V.25bis Connections 14-11 Configurati on Steps for a Synchronous V.25bi s Connection Configuring a Dial -Out Location A location entry on the PortMaster in Miami must be created for the location identified as bos ton .
Configuration Steps for a Synchronous V.25bis Conn ection 14-12 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide T esting the Configuration The configur ation shou ld be tested before the lo cation boston is set for continuous dialin g. T o test t he configuration, follow these s teps: 1.
Using Synchronous V.25bis Connections 14-13 Troubleshooting a Synchronous V.25bis Connection T r oubleshooting a Synchronous V .25bis Connection Most synchronous configurat ions come up with very little trouble if y o u have configured the PortMaster using informa tion from your carrier .
Troubleshooting a Synchronous V.25bis Connection 14-14 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
15-1 Using Office-to -Office Connections 15 This chap ter uses an examp le to demonstr ate how to configur e the Po rtMaste r to connect your office to another office using a dial-on-demand modem configuration.
Overview of Examp le Configuration 15-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide used as a console, or with an exte rnal modem and a straight-throu gh cable connected, as an additi onal dial on- demand p ort for multil ine load balancing during peak traffic periods.
Using Office-to-Office Con nections 15-3 Configurati on Steps for an O ffice-to-Office Con nection The ex amp le in th is ch apter use s the P CMCIA asyn chro nous m odem p ort o n the OR-M . T o use th e ISDN port on the OR-U, s ee “Using ISDN for On-Demand C onnections” on page 15- 15.
Configuration Steps for an Office-to-Office Connection 15-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Configuring the Of fice Router in London Config ure the fol lowin g settings on the Por tMast er PCMCIA Of fice Ro uter in the London office t o enable London of fice users to access the main office netw ork in Paris on demand.
Using Office-to-Office Con nections 15-5 Configurati on Steps for an O ffice-to-Office Con nection After you configure the Ethernet i nterface as shown in T able 15-2, ente r the follow ing command to.
Configuration Steps for an Office-to-Office Connection 15-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide After you configure the p ort as shown in T able 15-3, enter the following commands to reset th e port an .
Using Office-to-Office Con nections 15-7 Configurati on Steps for an O ffice-to-Office Con nection Dial-Out Locati on Settings for London Y ou must create a location entr y on the P ortMaster Of fice Route r in the Lond o n offi ce for the Paris o ffice.
Configuration Steps for an Office-to-Office Connection 15-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide After you configure the location table as s hown in T able 15-5, enter the followin g command to save the .
Using Office-to-Office Con nections 15-9 Configurati on Steps for an O ffice-to-Office Con nection Configuring Dial-Out Port Sett ings For all ports on the PortMas ter in Paris that yo u want enabled fo r dial-in and dial- out (two-w ay service) to the Office R o uter in the London of fice, enter the val ues shown in T able 15- 7.
Configuration Steps for an Office-to-Office Connection 15-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Configuring a Dial -In User A user account mus t be set up on the PortMaster in Paris so the Office Rout er in the London can d ial in when traffic is queued.
Using Office-to-Office Con nections 15-11 Configurati on Steps for an O ffice-to-Office Con nection Configuring Dial -Out Location Set tings Y ou must create a locat ion entry on the PortMa ster in Paris for the London office .
Configuration Steps for an Office-to-Office Connection 15-12 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Note – Configuring the maximum por ts setting to a v a lue higher th an 0 causes the PortMaste r to dial out to a continuous locat ion, or become av ailable for dial-out to an on-demand location.
Using Office-to-Office Con nections 15-13 Setting the Console Port for Multiline Load Balancing 4. If yo u noti ce a prob lem, d o the foll owing : a. Reset the por t on the Office Route r in the Paris office. b. Change th e sett ings you think a re causing th e prob lem.
Setting the Con sole Port for Mu ltiline Load Balancing 15-14 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Figure 15-2 Multiline Load Balancing T o enable multiline loa d balancing, you must configure the S0 port using the sa me settings sho wn for the PCMC IA port in T able 15-3.
Using Office-to-Office Con nections 15-15 Using ISDN for On-Dem and Connections The value o f the hi gh-water mark depe nds on the type of t raffic and how many by tes of traffic you want queued be fore the second line is used.
Using ISDN for On-De mand Connecti ons 15-16 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
16-1 Using Internet Connections 16 This chap ter uses an examp le to demonstr ate how to configur e the Po rtMaste r to establish a continuous connect ion to an Internet s ervice provider (ISP), shown in Figure 18-1.
16-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Figure 16-1 Continuous Internet Co nnection System Link Network PortMaster Office Router 11820010 11820010 PortMaster Internet Internet service provider office.
Using Internet Conn ections 16-3 Overview of Con tinuous Inter net Connections Overview of Continuous Internet Connections Y ou can configure two t y pes of continuous connections: • Dial-up A continuous dial-u p connection starts as soon as the PortMa ster boots a nd is redialed wh enever the tele phone connection is drop ped.
Configuration Steps for an Internet Connection 16-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide c. Serial port setting s (page 1 6-5 or page 16-6) . d. Dial-o ut location (p age 16-7). 2. T est t he config uration (p age 16-8 or pag e 16-9). 3. Set net work filterin g (page 16- 10).
Using Internet Conn ections 16-5 Configurat ion Steps for an Internet Conne ction After configuring the Et hernet interface, enter the following commands to reset it a nd save the configuration: Comma.
Configuration Steps for an Internet Connection 16-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Leave a ll other s ettings at thei r default val ues. After config uring th e serial po rt, ent er the fol lowing .
Using Internet Conn ections 16-7 Configurat ion Steps for an Internet Conne ction For more infor mation about asynchro nous ports, re fer to Chapter 5, “C onfiguring an Asynchronous Po rt.
Configuration Steps for an Internet Connection 16-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Note – Configuring the maximum por ts setting to a v a lue higher th an 0 causes the PortMaste r to dial out to a continuous locat ion, or become av ailable for dial-out to an on-demand location.
Using Internet Conn ections 16-9 Configurat ion Steps for an Internet Conne ction 4. If yo u noti ce a prob lem, d o the foll owing : a. Reset the p ort. b. Check your configuration. c. Dial the ISP a gain. d. Repeat this procedure until the co nnection is made correctly .
Providing Network Filter ing 16-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide Providing N etwor k Filtering Y our co nnection to the Inte rnet can be vulner able to attack from other Int ernet users. Theref ore, Lucent recommends that you ad d an inp ut filter t o the locati on isp1 for th e continuous dial-out connection.
Using Internet Conn ections 16-11 Using ISDN for Internet Connections If your domain name serve r is outside your local network, refer t o “Input and Output Fil ters for F TP Pac kets” on page 9-11.
Using ISDN for Int ernet Connecti ons 16-12 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
17-1 Providing User Dial-In Access 17 This chap ter uses an examp le to demons trate how to config ure a PortMaste r for remote dial-in access t o local hosts and netwo rks.
Overview of Dial-I n Configuration 17-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide The same application can be used by companies to allow remote us ers to access their own account s on the cor porate network . Once the P ortMaste r authenticates us ers, they can access network resources as if they w e re connected to the corporate n etwork directly .
Provi ding U ser Dial -In A cces s 17-3 Overview of Di al-In Configur ation Example Configuration The ex ample describe d in this chapte r uses the v alues s hown in T able 17-1.
Configuration Steps for Dial-In Access 17-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Y ou can s et the assigne d pool numbers a little closer together as long as they do not overla p; however , having the pools fall within bit boundar ies makes packe t filters easi er to write.
Provi ding U ser Dial -In A cces s 17-5 Configurati on Steps for Dia l-In Access Note – This exam ple desc ribes how to co nfigu re the fi rst Po rtMaste r , com . Use a simi lar configuratio n for the remain ing Po rtMaster d evices. Connecting Modems Use the f ollowing st eps to connect mod ems to the first P ortMaste r: 1.
Configuration Steps for Dial-In Access 17-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide For more infor mation about globa l settings, refer to Chapter 3, “Configuring Glo bal Settings.
Provi ding U ser Dial -In A cces s 17-7 Configurati on Steps for Dia l-In Access table describ ed in Chapter 10, “Us ing Modems, ” to configure t he attached mode ms, or set each port as a ho st de vice as described in C hapter 18, “Accessing Shared Devices,” and configure each modem individually .
Configuration Steps for Dial-In Access 17-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide After you configure the ports as shown in T able 17-4, enter the following commands to reset t he port s and save t he con.
Provi ding U ser Dial -In A cces s 17-9 Configurati on Steps for Dia l-In Access After configuring RADIUS s ettings as shown in T able 17-5, use the following command to save th e configuration: Comma.
Configuration Steps for Dial-In Access 17-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide A user a ccount must be set up on the Po r tMaste r for each auth orized network us er . Each new us er us era , userb , and so on should be configure d with the values shown in T able 17- 7.
Provi ding U ser Dial -In A cces s 17-11 Configurati on Steps for Dia l-In Access 3. If everyth ing connec ts as expected, t urn off debugging a nd save the conf igurati on. Command> set debug off Command> save a ll 4. If yo u noti ce a prob lem, d o the foll owing : a.
Configuration Steps for Dial-In Access 17-12 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
18-1 Accessing Shared Devices 18 This chap ter uses an examp le to demonstr ate how to configur e the Po rtMaste r to connect f rom networke d hosts to shared devices atta ched to the PortMas ter . This type of connection provides user access to modems, printers, and other RS-232 devices.
Overview of Shared Device Access Me thods 18-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Once a port is define d as a host device, you configure it wit h the PortMas ter device service, an d select a ps eudo-tt y terminal.
Accessing Shared De vices 18-3 Overview of Shared Device Access Methods PortMaster por t for configuration purpo ses. In this application, each por t is identified by a unique port numb er assigned during the conf iguration process. Y ou can also configure a pool of ports at a single TCP port number .
Configuration Steps for Shared Device Acc e ss 18-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Configuration Steps for Shared Device Access T o i nstall your PortMaster , follow the instructions in your hardware installation guid e. If you need add itional help, refer to the troubleshooting chapter of the installation guid e.
Accessing Shared De vices 18-5 Configuration Steps for Shared De vice Access After you configur e gl obal setti ngs as s hown in T able 18-1 , enter the fo llowing command to save the configuration: C.
Configuration Steps for Shared Device Acc e ss 18-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Leave a ll other s ettings at thei r default val ues. After you configure port S2 as shown in T able 18-3, enter t.
Accessing Shared De vices 18-7 Configuration Steps for Shared De vice Access Serial Printer Port (S9) Settings In the ex ample, a seria l printe r is conne cted to port S 9. Configure th e S9 port wit h the values shown in T able 18-4. If the printer is a DTE, use a null modem cable to connect to th e por t.
Configuration Steps for Shared Device Acc e ss 18-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Parallel Port (P0) Settings Y ou can also configure the parallel port P0 to access a printe r . T o configure the P0 port for a printer , use the va lues shown in T a ble 1 8-5.
Accessing Shared De vices 18-9 Configuration Steps for Shared De vice Access The value pm1 i s the hos tname of the Po rtMaste r you are a ccessing , and 6001 is the TC P port set for the port you are accessi ng. Y ou can also set seve ral ports to the same TC P port to crea te a pool of por ts availa ble for T e lnet access.
Configuration Steps for Shared Device Acc e ss 18-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
19-1 Using Synchronous Leased Lines 19 This chap ter uses an examp le to demonstr ate how to configur e the Po rtMaste r to connect to a sy nchronous leased line at speed s up to T1 (1 .544Mb ps) or E1 (2.048Mbps). This chapter also describes how to configure a dial backup connection for your syn chrono us line.
Overview of Leased Line Connections 19-2 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Figure 19-1 Leas ed Lin e Configur ation If you ar e connecting two netw o rks together f or the first time , you should make su re first that the two networks are not ov erlapping subn ets.
Using Synchronous Leas ed Lines 19-3 Configuration Steps for Leased Line C onnections signal, you do not need to set the sp eed on the sy nchronous por t. The port s p eed is whate ver the carr ier se nds. If you choose to se t a speed, it is used for ad minist rative notationonly and do es not affect the operat ion of th e port .
Configuration Steps for Leased Line C onnections 19-4 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Configuring the PortMaster Office Ro uter in Rome Configu r e the settings for the P ortMaste r Office Router in Rome with the v alues in the following s ections. Configuring Global Settings Configu re the global setti ngs to the values sho wn in T able 19-1.
Using Synchronous Leas ed Lines 19-5 Configuration Steps for Leased Line C onnections After you configure the Ethernet i nterface as shown in T able 19-2, ente r the follow ing command to save the configuration: Command> save all For more infor mation on Ether net settings, refer to Ch apter 4, “C onfiguring th e Ethernet Inte r face.
Configuration Steps for Leased Line C onnections 19-6 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide Configuring the PortMaster Office Ro uter in Florence Configu r e the settings for the P ortMaste r Office Router in Flor ence with the val ues in the following sections.
Using Synchronous Leas ed Lines 19-7 Configuration Steps for Leased Line C onnections After you configure the Ethernet i nterface as shown in T able 19-5, ente r the follow ing command to save the configuration: Command> save all For more infor mation on Ether net settings, refer to Ch apter 4, “C onfiguring th e Ethernet Inte r face.
Troubleshootin g a Leased Line Connection 19-8 Port Master C onfigurat ion Guide T r oubleshooting a Leased Line Connection Use the information in this se ction to debug your configuration.
Using Synchronous Leas ed Lines 19-9 Troubleshooting a Leased Line Conne ction • If you still have problems, e nter the following commands: Command> set debug 0x51 Command> set console s1 Then set the CSU/DSU for loca l loopback.
Troubleshootin g a Leased Line Connection 19-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide.
A-1 Networking Concepts A This chapter descri bes genera l network concepts th at you must underst and before you configure your PortMaster . This chapter dis cusses the fo llowing topics: • “Netw.
Network Addressing A-2 PortMa ster Configur ation Guid e IP Address Notation IP addresses ar e written in dotte d decimal notation consisting of four numbers separated by dots (periods).
Networking Conce pts A-3 Network Addressing Class A Addresses The class A IP address forma t allocates the highest 8 bits to the network field a nd sets the hig hest-priori ty bit to 0 (zero) .
Network Addressing A-4 PortMa ster Configur ation Guid e Class C Addresses The cla s s C IP ad dress format al locates the hig hest 24 bits to the network field and sets the t hree highest -order b its to 1, 1, and 0, prov idin g a r ange f rom 192 through 223, inclusive.
Networking Conce pts A-5 Network Addressing Reserved IP Addr esses Some I P addr esses are r eserved for sp ecial uses and c annot be used f or host addres ses. T abl e A-2 lists r anges o f IP a ddres ses and shows which a ddresse s are reser ved, w hich ar e availab l e to be assigned, and which ar e for bro adcast.
Network Addressing A-6 PortMa ster Configur ation Guid e IP Address Conventions If the bits in the host portion o f an address are all 0, that address refers to the network speci fied in the networ k port ion of t he address. F or example, the class C addr ess 192.
Networking Conce pts A-7 Network Addressing Netmasks A netmask is a four -octet number that identifies eithe r a supernetwor k (supernet) or a subnetwo rk (su bnet).
Using Naming Service s and the Host Table A-8 PortMa ster Configur ation Guid e Subnetti ng, Routing, and V LSMs Routers and hosts ca n use the su bnet field for routing . The rules for routing on subnets are iden tical to the rule s for routin g on netw orks.
Networking Conce pts A-9 Managing Network Security The Po rtMaste r enab les you to speci fy an in ternal host tabl e, which can be us ed in addition to DNS a nd NIS . The host t able allow s each uniq ue IP addres s to be a liased to a unique name. The host table is consulted when a port set for host access prompts for the name of th e host.
Managing Network Security A-10 Port Master C onfiguration Gu ide Each of these security methods is des cribed in more detail in this g uide. All or some of these secur ity methods can be co nfigured as you configure the system-w ide parameters and each in terface.
B-1 TCP and UDP Ports and Services B T able B-1 lists common po rt numbers— well-know n po rts —assigned to TC P and UDP services— well-known services — by th e Intern et Assig ned Ne twork Num bers Authority (IANA). A more complete list is available in RFC 1700, “Assigned Numbers.
B-2 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide kerberos 88 TCP Kerber os authent ication kerberos 88 UDP Kerber os authent ication pop3 110 TCP Post Office Pro tocol (POP) version 3 sunrpc 111 TCP SUN Remote Pr.
TCP and UD P Ports and Se rvices B-3 ntalk 518 TC P Newer ve rsion of T ermina l-to-terminal chat router 520 UDP Routing Inf ormation Protocol ( RIP) uucp 540 TCP UNIX- to-UNIX C opy Prot ocol (UUC P).
B-4 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide.
Glossary-1 Glossary A abort error An error indicating an atte mpted and failed connection. accept ance policy A set of rules tha t determine the p ath and route infor mation the PortMas ter accepts from a BGP pe er for fur ther process ing. See also policy .
Glossary Glossary-2 PortMaster C onfigurat ion Guide aggregation The proces s of combining multiple prefixes f rom one or s everal ro utes so that a s ingle prefix and route can be adverti sed. Route aggrega tion reduces t he amount of i nformation that a dev i ce runn ing BGP must store and exchange with its BGP pe ers.
Glossary Glossary-3 autonomous system borde r router In OSPF , a router that exchanges information with routers from other autonomous system s. Autonom ous syst em bord er rout ers are also us ed to im port rou ting inf ormation about RIP , direct, or sta tic routes from non-OSP F attached interface s.
Glossary Glossary-4 PortMaster C onfigurat ion Guide baud The number of discrete signal events per s econd occurring on a communications channel. Although not technically accurate, baud is commonly used to mean bit rate. B channel Bearer channel. A 64Kbps synchronous channel that is part of an ISDN Ba sic Rate Interfa ce (B RI).
Glossary Glossary-5 bps Bits per second. A unit for measuring the data rate. BRI Basic Rate Interf ace. An ISDN interface that consists of two 64Kbps B channels for voice or data and one 16Kbps D channel for signaling. Compare PRI . broadcast address A speci al addre ss reserv ed for s endin g a mess age to all sta tions.
Glossary Glossary-6 PortMaster C onfigurat ion Guide CHAP Challenge Ha ndshake Authe ntication Protoco l. A Point-to- Point Protocol (PPP) authentication method for i dentifying a dial-in use r . C HAP does not itself preve nt unauthorized acce ss, it merely identifies the re mote end.
Glossary Glossary-7 comm itte d inform atio n rate See CIR . comm unity A label that identifi es a group of BGP destinations for the purp ose of policy enforceme nt. Assembling destina tions into identifia ble “communities” lets BGP peers ba se policy decisions o n the identity of the gr oup rather than on individ ual destinations.
Glossary Glossary-8 PortMaster C onfigurat ion Guide confe deratio n membe r autono mous s ystem See CMAS . console port A serial port on a PortMaster at tached to a terminal or PC thr ough which you enter commands to communicate with ComOS. CRC erro r Cyclic redunda ncy check error .
Glossary Glossary-9 DCE Data communications equipment. Devices and connections of a communications network tha t make up the network end of th e interface b etween the networ k and the user .
Glossary Glossary-10 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide digita l servic e unit See DSU . direct memory access See DMA . DLCI Data link connection id entifier . A un i que number that r epresents a particular p ermanent virtual circuit (PVC) on a par ticular physical se gment of the Frame Relay network.
Glossary Glossary-1 1 DTE Data termi nal eq uipment. A device at t he user end of the interface betwe en the ne twork and the use r . The DTE connects to a data netwo rk through a data communication s equipment (DCE)—such a s a modem or an inter face car d.
Glossary Glossary-12 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide EBGP Exterior BGP . T he BGP use d between p eers in differe nt autonomous sy stems, or , when confeder ations ar e in use, between peers in dif ferent confederat ion member auto nomous system s (CMAS s).
Glossary Glossary-1 3 filter Generally , a process or d evice that screens networ k traffic for ce rtain characte ristics, such as source addres s, destinat ion addr ess, or proto col, and determines whether t o forward or discard that tra ffic based on the establishe d criteria.
Glossary Glossary-14 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide G gat eway A device that connects two or more networks that use d ifferent proto cols. Gatewa ys provide a d dress translati on services, bu t do not translate data.
Glossary Glossary-1 5 host A single , addre ssable de vice o n a netw ork. Com puter s, network ed pr inters , and rou ters are host s. hunt gr oup A group of multiple telephone circuits that allows te l ephone calls to find an idle circuit to establis h a link.
Glossary Glossary-16 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide Integrat ed Services Di gital Net work See ISDN . Inter ior BGP See IBGP . internal pee r A peer that resides in the same au tonomous system—o r , when confederation s are in use, in the s ame conf eder ation memb er au tonom ous sy stem (CMAS )—as t he cu rrent PortMas ter .
Glossary Glossary-1 7 IP Internet Protocol. T he protoco l defined i n RFC 79 1. IP addr ess A 32-bit number as si gned by t he system administrator , usua lly written in the form of four decimal fie lds separa ted by per iods—for exa mple, 192.9 .200.
Glossary Glossary-18 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide ISO International Org anization for Standards. The international orga nization that sets standards for network communication protoco ls. ITU-T International T e lecommunication Union T elecommunication Standardization Sector .
Glossary Glossary-1 9 LCP Link Contr ol Protocol. The protocol use d by the Po int-to-Point Pr otocol (PPP) f or establishing, configuring, and testing the data link connection. LED Light-emi tting d iode. line sp eed The speed of the physical wire at tached to the interface or interfa ce hardware.
Glossary Glossary-20 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide loca tion A dial-out de stination. location t a ble A database on the PortMaster where location se ttings are stored. See location . lock step A feature of BGP on the Por tMaster that ensures co nsistency of r outin g inform ation between the BGP and non-BGP routers within its autonomous system.
Glossary Glossary-2 1 maximum transmission un it See MTU . MB Megaby te(s). 1,048,5 76 bytes . Mbps Megabits per second. A unit for measuring data rates. MD5 Message d igest algorithm 5. Th e algori thm used for message a uthenticati on in Simp le Network Ma nagement Prot ocol (SNMP) v .
Glossary Glossary-22 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide Multichassis PPP Multilink PPP ov er two or more chassis. Multi link PPP A protocol defined in RFC 1990 that allo ws a Port Master to automatically b ring up additio nal ISDN B channels as bandwidth ne eds increas e.
Glossary Glossary-2 3 neig hbor (1) In OSP F , two routers that hav e interfaces to a co mmon network are neighb ors. On multiaccess networ ks, neighbors are dynamica lly discover ed by the OSPF Hello protocol. (2) In Multicha ssis PPP , PortMa sters in the same M ultichassis PPP domain.
Glossary Glossary-24 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide NIC Network interface card. A card that provides network communication capabilities to and from a computer system. A NIC is al so known as a n adap ter . NIS Network Infor mation Se rvice. A prot ocol develope d by Sun Micros ystems for t he administrat ion of network- wide databas es.
Glossary Glossary-2 5 NT1 Network termination 1 device. T he device that provides a n interface between the ISDN Basic Rate Interface ( BRI) li ne used by the t elepho ne company a nd a customer’ s terminal equipment. The NT1 als o provide s power f or the t erminal eq uipment, i f necessary .
Glossary Glossary-26 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide out- of-band c onnecti on A remote connection, or a connection outside connected networks, established over a modem. This type of connection is useful when network communications are not availa ble.
Glossary Glossary-2 7 (2) In Multicha ssis PPP , the rel ationship between a master and s lave. A pee r is distinct from a neighbor . perman ent v irtua l circu it See PV C . physic al circuit A physical connectio n between two devices. ping Packet Internet Gro p er .
Glossary Glossary-28 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide PRI Primary Rate Interface . The ISD N interface to primary rate acce ss. Primary rate access consists of a single 64 Kbps D channel p lus 23 (T1) or 30 (E1) 64Kbp s B channels for voice or data. C ompare BRI .
Glossary Glossary-2 9 RARP Reverse Address R esolution Protocol. A protocol use d in netw ork route rs that pr ovides a method for finding IP add resses bas ed on media ac cess control (M AC) addre sses. Compare ARP . Remot e Authen ticatio n Dial-I n User Servi ce See RAD IUS .
Glossary Glossary-30 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide route reflection In BGP , a method for ma intaining path and attribute information acro ss an autonomous system, whi le avoi ding th e overhead of having a l l peers within an autonomous system fully communicate to—be fully meshed with—each other .
Glossary Glossary-3 1 S SAP Service Adv ertisement P rotocol. An IPX protocol tha t provides a means of informi ng network clie nts, via routers an d server s, of ava ilable net work resou rces and service s. See also IPX . Serial L ine Internet Protocol See SLIP .
Glossary Glossary-32 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide SNM P Sim ple Netw ork Manage ment Pr otocol . A pr otocol define d in R FC 1157, used for communication betwe en management consoles and net work devices. speaker A single BGP router that is able to communicate with other routers that run BGP .
Glossary Glossary-3 3 switc hed v irtua l cir cuit See SV C . T T1 Digital W AN carrier f acility used to tra nsmit data forma tted for dig ital signal level 1 (DS-1) at 1.54 4Mbps through the te lephone-switching network, us ing alternate ma sk inversion (AMI) or binary 8 -zero sub stitutio n (B8ZS) co ding.
Glossary Glossary-34 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide transit service In BGP , the function pr ovide d by an autonomo us system that is in the path o f a route but not the originatio n or destinatio n.
Glossary Glossary-3 5 User Datag ram Protocol See UDP . UUCP UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program. Interactive communication system for connecting two UNIX computers to send and receive data. V V. 1 2 0 An ITU-T standard for performing as ynchronous rate adaptation into ISDN.
Glossary Glossary-36 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide virtua l connection In Multichassi s PPP , a connection made when a sla ve forwards a ll the packets it receives for a part icular connection to its correspo nding master for proc essing. virt ual po rt In Multichassi s PPP , a port co rresponding to the phy sical port of the s lave.
Command Index-1 Command Index A add dlci 13-15 add filter 9-5 add location 8- 3 , 12 - 1 4 , 1 2 - 1 9 , 13 - 15 , 14-6 , 14-11 , 15-7 , 15-11 , 1 6-7 add location sub1 13-13 ad d mo dem 10-3 add ne t.
Command Index Command Index-2 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide set debug 12 - 20 , 12 -2 2 , 13 - 1 2 , 13 - 1 4 , 1 4 -1 2 , 14-13 , 15- 12 , 16-8 , 17-10 , 19-8 set debug is dn 12-5 , 12-20 , 12- 21.
Command In dex Command Index-3 set loca tion manu al 8-5 , 12-14 , 12 -1 9 , 14-6 , 14-11 , 15-7 , 16-7 set locatio n map 8-11 set locatio n maxports 8-12 , 1 2 - 1 5 , 1 2 - 1 9 , 1 4 - 7 , 15-7 , 15.
Command Index Command Index-4 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide set S0 over ride 5-3 set S0 parity 1 0-8 set S0 prompt 5-5 set S0 proto col 5- 21 , 16-5 , 16-6 , 19-5 , 19-7 set S0 rip 5- 21 , 5-23 , 1.
Command In dex Command Index-5 show filter 9-8 show ipxroutes 3-24 show Line0 11-2 , 11-1 1 show location 13-13 show M0 1 1-9 show mcppp 11-15 show modem 10 -3 show modems 1 1-10 show P0 2-5 show rout.
Command Index Command Index-6 PortMaster C onfiguration Gu ide.
Subjec t Index-1 Subject Index A access filters creating 9-1 rest ricti ng us er acce ss to ho sts 7- 11 address pools creating 3-12 example 17-4 size 3-1 3 address es.
Subj ect Index Subject Ind ex-2 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide broadcast pa ckets, type 20 3-29 broadcas t, high and low 4-4 burst s p eed 13 -2 C callback configuration tip 1-3 login users 7- 13 manual dial-out 8-4 network users 7-1 0 call-check, setting 3-3 0 carrier detect.
Subj ect Index Subjec t Index-3 configuration tip 1-3 defining 12-13 , 14-5 , 14-10 ISDN connection s 12-18 maximum p orts 7-8 network users 17- 10 dial-in-only access 5-16 dial-on-demand connections .
Subj ect Index Subject Ind ex-4 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide adding rules 9-5 asyn chro nous port s 5-25 attac hing 9-4 authen tication queries 9-13 ChoiceNet 1-2 , A-10 creating 9-5 deleting 9-8 .
Subj ect Index Subjec t Index-5 default routing 3-6 gate way fo r IP 3-2 5 gate way fo r IPX 3- 25 host table 3- 7 IP address a ssignment 3- 12 name service 3- 7 password 3- 2 route destinations for I.
Subj ect Index Subject Ind ex-6 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide default gateway , sett ing 3- 6 displaying routing table entries 3-24 enabling t raffic 4-5 encapsula tion 4-6 fram e type 4-6 network .
Subj ect Index Subjec t Index-7 locations defining 8-1 , 12-14 , 14-6 , 15- 7 , 16-7 logging in to a remote host 5-2 loghost, setting 3-10 login host 5-11 , 7-10 default 5-11 prompt 5-11 specifying 5-11 login mes sage 5-6 login prompt 5- 5 login service 5- 10 netdata 5- 10 PortM aster 5-1 0 rlogin 5-10 Te l n e t 5-10 using with in.
Subj ect Index Subject Ind ex-8 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide N name resolution 3-6 name service A-8 disabling 3-8 setting 3-7 negoti ating IP addres ses 5-2 2 , 6-8 NetBIOS, se tting 3-2 9 netdata.
Subj ect Index Subjec t Index-9 displaying line status 11-1 enabling a nalog mod em service 11-10 enabling m odems 11- 9 enabling Multichassis PPP support 11-16 encoding method 11-7 framing format 11-.
Subj ect Index Subject Ind ex-10 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide 2003 9-6 2139 A-10 988 A-4 RIP asyn chro nous port s 5-23 network users 7-6 on Ethernet 4-1 routing, setting 8-7 synchronous ports 6-9.
Subj ect Index Subj ect Index -11 BRI 12-4 PRI 11-6 switched 56Kbps co nnections 14-1 synchronous le ased lines 19- 1 synchronous ports connection type 6-4 de scri pt ion 6-1 destination IP address 6-.
Subj ect Index Subject Ind ex-12 PortMast er Configurat ion Guide packets, filtering 9-7 services and ports B-1 user login configuration 5-8 user table access filters 7-11 addi ng us ers 7-2 compressi.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lucent Technologies PortMaster è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lucent Technologies PortMaster - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lucent Technologies PortMaster imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lucent Technologies PortMaster ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lucent Technologies PortMaster, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lucent Technologies PortMaster.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lucent Technologies PortMaster. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lucent Technologies PortMaster insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.