Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Cajun M770 del fabbricante Lucent Technologies
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Lucent Technologies User ’ s Gui de C AJUN M770 M ANAGER C AJUN V IEW N ETWORK M ANAGEMENT August 19 99.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide i Contents List of Fig ures .................. ............. ............. ............. ................... ............. .. v List of Ta bles . ............. ............. ............. ................... .........
ii Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Resetting Eleme nts . ............. ............. ............. ................... ............. ......... 19 Resetting the De vice . ................... ............. ............. ............. .......... 19 Resetting the Ag ent .
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide iii Appendix A Cajun M77 0 Management Me nus ............ ............. ............. ................... 41 Configurat ion ................. ............. ............. ............. ................... .............
iv Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 Mana ger User ’s Guide v List of Fi gures Figure 1 .1 Chassis Vie w ...... ................... ............. ............. ............. ......... 4 Figure 1 .2 Chassis Vie w Toolbar .................. ............. ............. ........
List of Figures vi Caju n M770 M anage r User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide List of Tables Table 1.1 Chassis Vie w Toolbar .................. ............. ............. ............. ... 5 Table A.1 Configuration Menu ................... ............. ............. ............. . 41 Table A.
List of Tables viii Cajun M77 0 Manager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 1 Chapter 1 Welcome to Cajun M770 Management Welcome to Cajun M77 0 Management. This chapter provid es an introduction to the structure and assumptions of the manual.
Chapter 1 Welcome to Cajun M77 0 Manageme nt 2 Cajun M770 Mana ger Users Gu ide Port Redunda ncy - Settin g port red undancy for po rts in a C ajun M770 Multifunction Device. Switch Connect ed Addresses - Viewing use rs and devices connecte d to selected ports.
Chapter 1 Welcome to Cajun M770 M anagement Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 3 If you are us ing OpenView (Sola ris or HPUX) or NT-OV : 1 From the management platform map, select the Cajun M 770 Multifunction Device you wish to wo rk with. 2 Click in the OpenV iew toolbar .
Chapter 1 Welcome to Ca jun M770 M anagement 4 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Using Chass is View The Cajun M770 Cha ssis Vie w is a gr aph ical repr ese ntation of a Caju n M770 D evice which displays all modul es installed in the chassis. This include s both Cajun M400 modules, Doma inX modules, AT M modules, and M- MLS modul es.
Chapter 1 Welcome to Cajun M770 M a nagement Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 5 Sele cting El ements Within the Chassi s View, you can s elect modules and ports. T o select an eleme nt, click on it using the l eft mouse button. The s elected element is highlighted.
Chapter 1 Welcome to Ca jun M770 M anagement 6 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide When you pla ce the curs or on the toolba r icon fo r 1 second, a label appear s with the nam e of the button.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 5 Chapter 2 Agent Configuration Before yo ur network or Ca jun M770 will wor k properly, your netwo rk agents must be properly configured. Th is chapter helps you pr operly s etup and configure yo ur agents, and includes helpful configuration notes for the different agent types.
Chapter 2 Agent Configuration 6 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Figure 2.1 Agent Information Window The Agent I nformation wind ow prov ides in format io n about the main an d backup agents, such as the ir type, po sition, software version, a nd oper ational status.
Chapter 2 Agent Config uration Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 7 Open the Config uration menu a nd selec t Managers Table . The Manage rs Tab le dialog b ox ap pears. Figure 2.2 Managers T abl e The dialog b ox lists the IP a ddresse s, node na mes of th e Manage rs, an d their t rap reporting status.
Chapter 2 Agent Configuration 8 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Updating the Managers Table To edi t the managers list: 1 Click on th e IP ad dress field and chang e the IP a ddres s of th e des ignat ed managemen t station.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 9 Chapter 3 Device Configuration This chap ter e xpla ins how t o view and s et the v ariou s configu ratio n para meters relevant to devices on your network. I t includes the following sections: • Viewi ng Device In formation - View dev ice info rmation abo ut the Cajun M770 Device.
Chapter 3 Device Confi guration 10 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Viewin g Dev i ce Information The Device Informat ion dial og box p rovides high-leve l informati on specif ic to the selected C ajun M77 0 Device . To view the Dev ice Infor mation d ialog bo x: 1 Click .
Chapter 3 Device Config uration Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 11 Viewin g Hard ware Co nfigura tion The Hub Hardw are window p rovides informatio n about the presence and status of Power Su pply Units (PSUs) a nd fans. T o view har dware paramet ers fro m Chass is View: 1C l i c k .
Chapter 3 Device Confi guration 12 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Viewin g Modul e Configuratio n The Device C onfiguration window provides y ou with information spe cific to a selected module . To view the configurati on of a Cajun M7 70 module : 1 Select a mod ule by clicking on its label.
Chapter 3 Device Config uration Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 13 Viewing Port Configuration The Port Co nfiguratio n dialog b ox provid es you wit h informatio n specifi c to a selected port. To view the config uration of a p ort: 1 Select a p ort by clicking on it.
Chapter 3 Device Confi guration 14 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Enabling Ports To enab le a port: 1 Sel ect th e por t in the Ch assis View. 2O p e n t h e Configura tion menu and select Enable Port . A co nfirmation box appear s. 3 Click Ye s . The port is enabled .
Chapter 3 Device Config uration Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 15 Viewing Domai n Resource Unit In for mati on Each DomainX in t he Cajun M 770 Device has a tota l of 100 availabl e DRUs. The DRUs Informa tion window provides DRU usage infor mation for e ach DomainX.
Chapter 3 Device Confi guration 16 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide View ing ATM Clo ck Sy nchron ization Co nfiguratio n Some multimedia ap plications, such a s voice, require that a single clock is propagated throughout the network. T he clock source is usually a Public Telco switch connected to a local PBX through a telephony network.
Chapter 3 Device Config uration Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 17 Note: When configuring the ATM source port, ens ure that the ATM module /port can be used a s a clock s ynchronization so urce. Suitable modules /ports ar e: Ports 1 and 2 on M15 -155 mod ules w ith C/S 2 .
Chapter 3 Device Confi guration 18 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Resetting Elements You can rese t the entire Cajun M770 Device or various ele ments of t he device with out res ett ing the enti re devi ce.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 19 Chapter 4 Fault Management This chapter explains how to configure and view tr aps on your network. It includes the following sections: • Conf ig uring Traps - Defining the types of traps that wil l be sent to the managers and alarm l og.
Chapter 4 Fault Mana gement 20 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide For a full de scriptio n of all tr aps in the Traps Co nfiguration dialog box, re fer to Append ix D, Tr ap Fie lds . Viewi n g Trap s Traps th at are sent by the agent to it s managers may be viewe d in two pla ces: • In the appropriate configuration dialog box.
Chapter 4 Fault Management Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 21 Editing Se verity Degr ees Severi ty degr ees may be changed fo r faults on a system- wide bas i s, or fo r specifi c devi ces (p er IP ). Caution: Do not chang e the Event Obje ct Identifier of a fault.
Chapter 4 Fault Mana gement 22 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Note: All changes to the severi ty degrees will only take effect after the changes are saved.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 23 Chapter 5 Performanc e Monitori ng This chapter e xplains th e perfor mance monitoring options of supporte d devices. I t includes the following sections: • Viewi ng Etherne t P ort Counte rs - Provides a brea kdown of th e packet s going thr ough ea ch por t.
Chapter 5 Performance Monitoring 24 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Viewing Ethernet Por t Counters Port Counter s allow yo u to accurately view the pa cket flow activity of each por t in the .
Chapter 5 Performance Monito ring Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 25 Viewin g Ethernet Port E rror C ounters As part o f a proactive fault mana geme nt s ys te m, or if y ou sus p ect that some thin g is wrong, you may want to monitor por t er ror counters.
Chapter 5 Performance Monitoring 26 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 27 Chapter 6 Port Mirroring Port Mirro ring copies all rece ived and tr ansmitted p ackets (including lo cal traf fic) from a source port to a prede fined destination po rt, in additi on to the normal destina tion port of th e packets.
Chapter 6 Port Mirroring 28 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Accessing Port Mirroring To open the Po rt Mirr oring dialo g box fo r a DomainX : 1O p e n t h e C onfigura tion menu, and select Port Mi rroring DomainXL fo r the left DomainX. OR Open th e Configuration menu, and select Port Mirroring DomainXR for the right DomainX.
Chapter 6 Port Mirroring Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 29 Enabl ing P ort Mirror ing To enable port mir roring, you must de fine a so urce and de stination por t. Note: Only a single pair of ports can be define d for p ort mirroring on each DomainX.
Chapter 6 Port Mirroring 30 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 31 Chapter 7 Port Red undancy Port Redundancy enables y ou to define a redund ancy relationship between any two ports in a de vice. One por t is defined as the p rimary port an d the other as the secondary p ort. In case the p rimary po rt fails, the s econdary por t will take over.
Chapter 7 Port Redundancy 32 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Adding a Port Redundancy To desi gnat e a po rt red und ancy c onne ction: 1 In the Por t Redundancy dialog box, ent er a name fo r the re dundancy in t he Redundan cy Name fi eld. Fo r exam ple, Redund1 .
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 33 Chapter 8 Switch Connected Addresses Networks ar e becoming incr easingly compl icated entities . It is not always clear which users are connected to the network and how. The Switch Connected Address es feature al lows you t o s ee which users and devices are connected to selected ports or modules.
Chapter 8 Switch Connected Addresses 34 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Sorting the List of Stations To sort the list of sta tions, open the d rop-dow n list in the Sort Method field and select a field . The list i s immediatel y sorted upon se lection of a sort fie ld.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 35 Chapter 9 VLANs This chapter p rovides all the informa tion and ins tructions you ne ed to use vir tual LANs. It includes the following sections: • Crea ting a nd Editing V LANs - Expl ains how t o access and edi t the VLAN list.
Chapter 9 VLANs 36 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Accessing the VLAN List To create or edit VLAN names, numbers or co mponent swit ch ports you need to access the VLAN l ist: 1O p e n t h e C onfigura tion menu and select Virtual L ANs . The V irtual LANs for Device dialo g box a ppears.
Chapter 9 VLANs Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 37 Editing VLA N Member Ports To assig n port s to VLANs: 1 Arr ange th e win dows s o you ca n see the V irtual LANs for De vice d ialog box and t he Ch assis Vi ew a t the same time. 2 From the All V irtual LANs Lis t, select the VL AN you wish to edit.
Chapter 9 VLANs 38 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Allowing Inter-VLAN Communication Individu al switch por ts may be given the status of “G lobal Por t”.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 39 Appendix A Cajun M770 Management Menus This appendix gives the full menu structure of the menus in the Cajun M770 management application. Configuration Table A.1 Configuration Menu Item Descri ption Device Informat ion Displa ys informa tion about the device.
40 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Performance Administer DRUs Displays Doma in Resource Unit usa ge for the right and left DomainX. ATM Clock Sync Displays clock synchronization info rmation. Reset Dev ice Resets the entire hub with a ll its modules and subsys tems.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 41 Hel p SMONMa ster Launches the Cajun SMON Master appl ication if an SMON probe exists in the device. ToolBar Toggles t he to olbar on an d off. Table A.4 Hel p Menu Item Descri ption Contents Opens the on-line he lp for infor mation.
42 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide 65 Appendix B Configuration Fields Field Name Description Activity Status The port activity stat us: • Active - The port is e nabled, a nd data is transf er red through th e port. • Dormant - The port i s enable d, but dat a is not transfer red through it, e.
66 Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide Clock Admin State The administered clock synchronization state of the M-SPS module . Possib le states are : • enable - Clock synchronization is enable d on the d ev ice . • disable, use Internal Clock - Clo ck synchronization is dis abled on the M -SPS module.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide 67 Device Typ e The device ty pe. Domain Resource Units The number of Domain Resource Units for the module. Faults A list of faults.
68 Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide Port Class ification The leve l of import ance of the port. Po rts ar e classif ied as follows: • Backbone - device or switch connections (most important). • Valuable - server s or cri tical us ers (l ess important).
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide 69 Port Mo de The operat ional mode of the por t or p orts on th e module. Not al l modules support all mo des. Bot h sides of the link must b e in the same mode. Flow Contro l and ISL ( Interswi tch Link) ar e recommended for backbone links with Lucent Technolo gi es’ equi pment.
70 Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide Port STA S tate The stat e of the port in t erms of th e Spanning T ree Protocol. T he poss ible state s are: • Disabled - The port is disab led.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide 71 Serial Number A unique number assign ed by Lucent Te chnologies to the se le cted hardware. Slot Number The slot number in which the module is located. Slots are numbered from l eft to rig ht, start ing with number 1 as the leftmost s lot.
72 Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide Source Prior ity The priorit y of the t iming source. The source wi th the highest priority that is healthy will b e selected as the cur r ent sour ce. The val id ra nge o f pri or ities is: dis abl e - The source is d isabled.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide 73 System Name Logical name of th e syst em as d efined on the SNMP agent of the d evice. Type The agen t type. Uppe r Backpla ne Configura tion The configurat ion of the up per backpla ne of t he Cajun M770 device, used for ATM switch modules.
74 Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide VLAN ID The VLAN number of the port. Valid VLAN numbers are from 1 - 3071. VLAN Numbe r , ports on the mo dule, or the agentChan ge the number in this field to move the po rt to another VLAN.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide 75 Appendix C Counter Fields Field D escripti on Broadca st Pkts Re ceived Total number of broadc ast packet s that ente red the Ethernet port. Collisions Total number of Ethernet collisions in which the port was involve d .
76 Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide.
Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide 77 Appendix D Trap Fields Agent Fault Traps A group of traps w hich repo rt the failure of t he agent in t he device. Authentication Traps An SNMP request with an illegal community was receive d. Backup Age nt Fault Tra ps The trap repo rts the failure of the backup M SPV agent in the Ca jun M770 .
78 Cajun M400 Manager User’s Guide PSU Enrollment Tra ps The trap repo rts the inse rtion of a PSU into the device. PSU Fault Cle ar Trap s The trap repo rts th at the PSU failure was cor rected. PSU Fault T raps The trap report s the fa ilure of a P SU.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 57 Index A Accessing port mirroring 30 port redu ndancy 34 severi ty degree s 22 VLAN list 38 Administer menu 42 Agent configuratio n 7 rese t 19 softwa re download i.
58 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide Help menu 43 How this manual is organize d 1 Ho w to acce ss por t mirrori ng 30 access the VL AN list 38 configure agents 7 configure devices 11 configure ports 1.
Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide 59 Trap f i el ds 57 U UNIX running Cajun M7 70 Multif unction De- vice management 2 severi ty degree s 22 Using Chas sis Vi ew 4 toolbar 5 V Verifyi ng agent install.
60 Cajun M770 Manager User’s Guide.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lucent Technologies Cajun M770 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lucent Technologies Cajun M770 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lucent Technologies Cajun M770 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lucent Technologies Cajun M770 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lucent Technologies Cajun M770, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lucent Technologies Cajun M770.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lucent Technologies Cajun M770. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lucent Technologies Cajun M770 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.