Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto AP-3 del fabbricante Lucent Technologies
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APS (Application Plus Server) 4.1 Users Guide 101-1830-001 Issue 1.0 Ju ne 19 99.
Copyright 1999, Lucent T echnologies All Rights Reserv ed, Printed in U.S.A. Notice Every e ffort was made to ensure that the in formation in this book wa s com p le te an d ac curat e at th e t ime of p r in ting. Howe v e r , in f ormat ion is subjec t to ch ange.
101-1830 -001 Issue 1.0 iii 101-1830 -001 Issue 1.0 About This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Audience S tatement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Purpose Stat ement .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide iv 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 Passive Alarm Monitoring Inter face . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 System Heartb eat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Communication Pr otocols.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide v 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 Installi ng the APS T a pe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 Installi ng the ERP T a pe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide vi 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Script M enu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide vii 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 Printer Conf iguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 System Performanc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide viii 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 Stopping a Script in T est Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Monitori ng a Script Session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Monitori ng a Script with t he X.
101-1830 -001 Issue 1.0 ix 101-1830 -001 Issue 1.0 Cron T asks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Starting a nd Stopping Cron T asks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Modifying Cron T asks. . . . . . . . .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide x 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 Escalate t he Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 For Sites Tha t Use TCP/IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Check TCP/IP Physical Connecti vity .
101-1830 -001 Issue 1.0 xi 101-1830 -001 Issue 1.0 Restoring Onl y APS 4.1 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Informix Software Backup and Rest ore . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Informix Database Backup and Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Example Outp ut of a Databa se Restore .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide xii 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 505001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 505002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
101-1830 -001 Issue 1.0 xiii 101 -1830-001 Issue 1.0 600013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 600014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 600015 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide xiv 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 EAP-related Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 Interpret ing EAP Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
101-1830 -001 Issue 1.0 xv 101 -1830-001 Issue 1.0 Developing Cus tom Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Relinking wi th Logging Stub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Indexing on h r_int . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide xvi 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0 101-183 0-001 Issu e 1.0.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 17 About This Book This manual descr ibes the Applicati on Plus Serve r (APS) 4.1 so ftware platfo rm. Use this m anual with appl ications s uch as Inbound Call Com pletion (ICC) 1.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 18 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 In gener al, the audie nce for this book should hav e the following experie nce and expert ise: n Sun syst em a dmi nistra tion n Beginning -level Sier ra and CA (Calle r Applicati ons) maintena nce knowl edge n X.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 19 Help and T echnical Support Y ou can re ach Lucent Octe l Messaging Divi sion (OMD) by phone , fax, e-ma il, and the In ternet. For tel ephone assistanc e about APS soft ware: Call 408- 922-1822. This is the Lucent T echnologies OMD help line.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 20 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Conventions This book uses the foll owing conventions : n The term Sierra refer s to a Sierr a VPM (voice proc essing module ).
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 21 Related Documents Electronic V ersion An elect ronic version of this document is located i nside the Luc ent fire wall i n Adob e Acr obat f ormat. Go to http:// info.dr bfthomas/aps/APS.h tml Other Manuals In this manual, we may refer you to other documen ts.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 22 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Commenting on Thi s Document T o comment on th is manual, p lease direct c ommunication s to: Lucent T echnologies Octel Mess aging Divisi on MS C5-04 1001 Murphy Ra nch Road Milpita s, California 95035- 3912 email: o cteltechpub s@lucent.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 23 W izard is a copyright i f ISSG, Inc. x25too l is a trademar k of Sun Micro Syst ems, Inc..
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 24 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 25 1 Overview This chap ter provides a high-leve l descripti on of the APS 4.1 (Applica tion Plus Ser ver) environment , software, and hardware. Overvi ew of the APS Environmen t The A P S 4. 1 p latfo rm so ft ware is the b a se sof tware upon w hich other APS applic ation software r esides.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 26 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 n Disk arr ay - Sun A1000 disk ar ray or Disk array - Sun M ultiP ac k arra y n HSI card f or X.
Over view 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 27 Software Constructs APS 4. 1 pla tf orm s o ftwar e uses th e foll owing softw a re con struc t s : n Function al wi za rds n Scripts n Profil es n Applicat ions n Cron task s n Sessions Figure 2 shows how softwar e constructs are used tog ether to for m an applica tion.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 28 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 APS 4.1 Environment The APS envir onment consis ts of: n 1 to 4 Sun s ystems running APS 4.1 and any APS application n 1 Sun syst em running ERP 2.0 ( optional) APS 4.1 APS is a Sun- based Servic e Creation Enviro nment (SCE) syst em.
Over view 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 29 APS 4.1 New Features APS 4.1 i ntroduces the following ne w features: n Upgrade t o Informix 7.3 n TCP/IP int erface to Sier ra/CA providi ng 432 virtual circuits when using HLR n TCP /IP al arm func tiona lity n TCP/IP connect iv ity checks Upgrade to Info rmix 7.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 30 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 ERP 2.0 New Features ERP 2.0 i ntroduces th e following ne w features: n Compatibili ty of ERP 2.
Over view 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 31 a. Installs the SS7 stack. b. Checks t hat th e SS7 li nks co me in to se rvice . c. Starts the issg_ss7al arm monitor . d. Starts the SS7 gateway . 8. Checks th at TCP/IP connec tivity is up, i f TCP/IP is bei ng used.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 32 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 APS 4.0 Features The previ ous version of APS, APS 4.0, introduced th ese new features in its re lease in Jan uary of 1999: n NewNet card replaces M icroLegend inter face to HLR n Upgr ade to S olari s 2.
Over view 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 33 System Heartbeat The syste m heartbeat pr ovides a way t o continuousl y monitor the APS platfo rm. The system hea rtbeat is an in formational alarm, alarm 600000, that is logg ed in the statu s lo g file. This al arm i s logged every 15 mi nut es on the qua rter hour .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 34 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Communication Pro tocol s The communica tion protoco ls supported by APS 4 .1 include: n For Sier ras, OCL version 1.2, VIS versions 1.2 and 2.0 n For CAs, OCL ver sion 1.2, VIS ver sion 2.
Over view 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 35 Figure 3. APS 4.1 Interfaces SMTP The e- mail interf ace pr ovide d via S MTP (S imp le Mai l T ransfer Proto col) is uncha nged in APS 4.1. TCP/IP Interf ace Communicati ons with external OSS (Operation al Systems Support ) systems u sing TCP/IP , mo dem, or X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 36 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Description of APS Hardware The APS hard ware pla tform consis ts of Sun s ystems for one or more APS machines a nd one Sun sy stem for the ERP ma chine. Please refer to the configur ation note f or this rel ease for more details, incl uding product ID numbers .
Over view 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 37 Other Components in the APS Syste m n One fast -wide, 68-68 pi n SCSI cable wit h power cord n One exter nal modem, US Robotic s Sportster n RJ45 Ether net cable n If usin g X.25 links to t he Sierra/CA: — One high sp eed seria l interface ( HSI) pad to con nect to the Sierra /CA — X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 38 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Hardware Base for Small ERP Configurati on The small ERP configuration uses a Sun Ultr a Enterprise 5, Model 2 300, 300 MHz Server with: n Single CPU n 1 GB RAM n 2 MB Ultr a cache memory n Intern al Sun CD-ROM n 3.
Over view 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 39 Description of APS Software An APS site requires sof tware for the APS, provided by Luce nt T echnologies, and software for the Sierra/C A VPM . T o p rocess reports , an ERP machin e loaded with ERP software is nece ssary .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 40 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 n Informix ESQL/C 9.16.UC1 n Sun W orkshop C/C++ co mpilers v 4. 2 VPM Software n Minimum of VIS 1 .2 software fo r Sierra voi ce processi ng systems n Minimum of VIS 2.05.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 41 2 Installing APS This chap ter contain s informat ion about ins talling th e APS 4.1 platfor m softw are a nd the S olari s 2.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 42 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 a. Setting up X.2 5 connectivit y if applic able b. Setting up T ype 40 and T ype 1 mail boxes c. Adding a new li ne type to pro vide answer su pervision fo r RNA d. Setting up applicati on mailboxe s if necessary e.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 43 Required Items an d Information Pleas e ha ve th e foll owing items and i nform ation avai lable to co mplet e the instal lation proc edures. If you do not have the ot her informat ion, enter pl ace-holder data when you are pr ompted f or suc h th ings as IP addr ess an d lice nsing i nformat io n.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 44 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 n Netmask for TCP/IP n Netmask for PPP n Modem, dia l-up line, and r emote access proc edures for r emote support personn.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 45 Installing New Hardware Systems New systems require spec ific hardwar e to be install ed and wired. Onc e the hard ware is se t up, you are r eady to insta ll the soft ware.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 46 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Inst allin g Ci rcuit Cards Check the Sun system to be loaded with APS to make sure that card s are in the co rrect slot s. Th e cor rect arra ngemen t of cards in the Sun system is shown in Fi gure 4 .
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 47 There sho uld be two disk s installe d. Figure 5 shows the ar rangement of disks i n the A1000 disk array . Install th e disks as sho wn. Figure 5. Arran gement of Drive s in the Sun A1000 Disk Array Powering Up the A1000 Use this procedure to power up the A1000 .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 48 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 3. Set your screen to ma tch Figure 6. Figure 6. Example Su n Admin T ool Window Assembling the ERP Hardware If you ha ve an ERP system at you r site, see ‘ ‘Assembl ing the ERP Hardware’’ o n page 352.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 49 5. Enter the IP address of the LAN switch. 6. Enter the IP address of the LAN default gateway . 7. E nter th e net m ask. 8. Connect t he local LAN to t he APS’ s LAN swit ch in slot 1 . Use the LAN cros sover cable (flipped).
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 50 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Instal ling the Software n Instal l the APS tape o n all APS syste ms. This tape in stalls the APS platf orm software on the Sun system. n Instal l the ERP tape o n the ERP Sun system if you have an ERP system at your site.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 51 6. Choo se Utilities Command Tool 7. From the # p rompt, enter t ar xvf /dev/rmt/ 0 This command extracts th e scripts ne eded to load the software.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 52 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 17. Enter t he new machine name. Confi rm by enteri ng y . Y our netwo rk administr ator shou ld be abl e to provi de some of the informat ion regardi ng network addr essing used i n the next steps .
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 53 31. Enter t he Informix DBSer ver key number . This is available on the Informix software pack age. 32. Enter t he ESQL (embedded syste m query language ) serial number . This is available on the Informix software pack age.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 54 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Installi ng the ERP T ape If your sit e uses an ERP s ystem, s ee ‘ ‘Insta lling an d Adminis teri ng ERP’’ on page 354 . Installi ng the Applicat ion Every appl icat ion needs speci fic admi nistrat ion and s etup per formed.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 55 If your site uses TCP/ IP protocol to t he Sierra/CA, p erform these two procedur es: n ‘ ‘Cabling an d Configuring TCP/I P from the Sier ra/CA Side’’ on page 55 n ‘ ‘Cabling an d Configuring TCP/I P from the APS Side ’’ on page 58 If your site uses an X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 56 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 __________________________________________ _______________ Menu 21 - LAN Interfa ce Management IMA-CA 1 - IP Address and .
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 57 __________________________________________ ___________________________ Menu 21.2 - LAN Inter face Management IMA-CA - TCP/IP Parameter Co nfiguration - This Server’s Ethernet Address:......... 0 0:C0:94:20:0A:F9 This Server’s IP Address:.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 58 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Cabling and Configuring TCP/I P from the APS Side Using this procedure from the APS system, set up the TCP/IP connec tion. Perform t his procedure f or every APS syst em at the site.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 59 Figure 7. Sierra/CA Configuration fo r a Remotely L ocated Sierra/CA __________________________________________ __________________________________ Menu 18 - X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 60 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 7. Connect t he SME (synchronous mode m eliminator) connector . The SME conne ctor is la beled VPS on on e end and Dat a M od on the othe r end. The VPS end po ints toward the A PS machine and the Data Mod end points t o the Sierra/ CA.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 61 Cabling and Configuring X.25 Links on the APS Side This sect ion outl in es the con figur ation procedur e for X.25 pr otocol stack. It cont ains detail ed step-by-ste p instructi ons along wit h screen exampl es showing co nfiguration settings.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 62 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Starting the X.25 T ool 2. Log in as super user . Enter su and en ter the corr ect password . 3. Ente r x25to ol& The X.25 tool main menu displays , as shown in Fig ure 11 .
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 63 A list o f link types dis plays as shown in F igure 12. Figure 12. Link T ypes 5. Click on l ink type dte84 . An example Li nk Editor wind ow for an HSI conne ction displays as in Fi gure 13. A Link Editor win dow for a dire ct connectio n shows in Fi gure 14.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 64 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Using the Link Editor Use the Li nk Editor to s et up the subs equent links . Figure 13 shows th e corr ect setti ngs f or t he sec ond link, link 1, of an HSI conne ction.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 65 Use F igure 14 to ente r sett ings f or a Si er ra/C A not in the sa me fac i lity as the APS sys tem. Figure 14. Link Edito r Window for a Re motely-located Sier r a/CA 6. When fi nished, clic k Apply . When you cli ck Apply , the buttons you need to u se on the right become avail abl e.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 66 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 LAPB/W AN Parameters 7 . From the Li nk Edi tor wi ndow , choose LAPB/W AN Paramete rs . The LAPB/W AN Pa rameters window dis plays, as shown in Figure 15 . Figure 15. LAPB and W AN Pa rameters 8.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 67 Addressing 9 . From the Li nk Editor windo w click Addressin g . 10. The Address ing Parameters wi ndow displays, as shown in Figure 16 . Figure 16. Addressing Parameters Wind ow 11. Cl i c k OK . This win dow needs no modif ications.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 68 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 CUG and Facili ties 12. From the Li nk Editor windo w , click C U G and Faci lities . The CUG (clos ed user group) an d Facilities wi ndow displays, as shown in Fi gure 1 7.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 69 Link Modes 14. From the Li nk Editor windo w , click Link M odes . The Link Mode Parameters window di splays, as sh own in Figure 18 . Figure 18. Link Mode Pa rameters Windo w 15. Click OK. This wi ndow needs no modif ication.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 70 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Throughput 16. From th e Link Editor windo w , cl ick Throughput. The Through put window displ ays, as shown in Figure 19. Figure 19. Throughput Window 17. Change your screen to mat ch the values in Figure 19.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 71 Timer s and Counters 20. From th e Link Editor windo w , cl ick Timers and Cou nters . The T imers and Counters window d isplays, as in Fi gure 20. Figure 20. Timers and Counters Wind ow 21. Click OK . This win dow needs no modif ication.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 72 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Special 22. From th e Link Editor , cli ck Special . The Specia l Parameters window displays , as in Figure 21. Figure 21. Special Param eters Window 23. Click OK . This window needs no modi fication.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 73 X32 Authenticati on 24. From the Li nk Editor , click X32 Authorization . The X32 Author ization win dow displays, as in Figure 22. Figure 22. Special Param eters Window 25. Click OK . This window needs no modi fication.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 74 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Routing 27. From the X25 tool main menu choose Services Routing The Routin g Parameters window d isplays, as in Figur e 23. Figure 23. Routing Para meters Window 28. Click Add , a nd then click To p .
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 75 Y our new link has been corre ctly configure d, as shown in Figur e 24. Figure 24. New Link Configured Configur e the re st of t he X.25 lin ks at you r site. Repeat st eps 4 thr ough 30 to confi gure the res t of the li nks.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 76 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Modifying the Profiles Open the APS i nterface to modi fy the profi les to use t he correct connecti vity .
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 77 Software Upgrade s The proce dures in this se ction upgrad e your APS system t o: n APS 4.1 n Inform ix 7.3 This sec tion does not upgrade the Sier ra/CA VPM (voice pr ocessing module) i n any way . Upgrading from APS 3.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 78 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Figure 25 shows the di sks that occ upy them the Mu ltiPack disk ar ray . Instal l disks as s hown. Figure 25. Arrangement of Drives in the Mu ltiPack Disk Array Figure 26 shows the arran gement of dis ks i n t he A100 0 disk array .
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 79 Procedure to Upgrade to APS 4.1 Expect t his procedure to take about 2 hours. Use this procedure to upgrade your s ystem to APS 4.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 80 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 5. Save any ot her applica tions that ma y be present o n the APS system t o tape. Alternat ively , at least ve rify that you can reins tall applica tions from the or iginal mediu m.
Inst alling A PS 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 81 18. Open a ter minal window by se lecting Program and t hen Terminal from th e Sun desktop. A # prompt di splays. 19. In a ter minal window enter cd /va r/rest ore_fi les ./infor mix_lic 20. Enter t he Informix DBSer ver serial number .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 82 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 h. Another i nformation pop -up appears t hat indicat es license instal lation will proceed. Click t he OK button. i. Click on Ex it - Instal l Licenses . j. From a cmdtoo l window , run the lice nse configura tion script: cd /e tc/opt/licens es .
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 83 3 Menu Interface This chap ter descri bes the APS (Appli cation Plus Server) 4.1 menu interf ace. I t disc usses eac h menu and men u item. T o reference proced ures for usi ng the inter face to perf orm specific tasks, se e Chapter 4, ‘ ‘Procedure s.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 84 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 APS Menu Interface The APS inte rface is a g raphical user i nterface t hat enables the programmer or system administ rator to op erate, adminis ter , maintain and provisi on the system.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 85 Main Menu The APS inte rface conta ins five dro p-down menus: Figure 27 show s the GUI of the APS mai n menu. Figure 27. APS GUI, M ain Menu Menu Purpose Script Use thi s menu to develo p and manage script s.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 86 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Script Menu The scri pt menu contai ns items for p rogramming scri pts, deleti ng old script s, and printing s cripts. Figu re 28 shows the Script menu and its menu items. The foll owing list de scribes the purpose of each men u item.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 87 Print Use t he Pri nt item in the S crip t menu t o prin t scrip ts. A script is composed of a collecti on of functional wizards. Each func tiona l w izard acts a s a logi c al fun ction in the fl ow of the sc ri pt.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 88 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Vi e w M e n u The V ie w utilit y pro vi des in forma tion u seful for sy st em mai ntena nce, trouble shooting, and general stat us checks of the APS system. The foll owing list de scribes the purpose of each men u item.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 89 Debug Log An applic ation is bui lt by connect ing one or more scripts. The functiona l wizards that comprise the scripts de termine the c all flow . The Debug log file pr ovides a trace of the call flow for appl ications.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 90 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 System Menu The foll owin g list descr i bes the purpose of ea ch menu item in t he System menu.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 91 Script Configuration Use the menu item Script Configuratio n to delete, cre ate, rename, and manage profi les . Before yo u run an appli cation, each scr ipt that compris es it must have a t least o ne profile.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 92 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Figure 31 shows a Prof ile window with al l server optio ns disabled. Figure 31. Example Script Profile Window Parts of the Profi le Window T able 4 descri bes each eleme nt in he Profil e window .
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 93 Network Por t Number Networ k port number bei ng used TCP / I P Ena ble Enab les T C P/IP p r otoco l to t h e Sier ra/CA t o be used Logger Host Name Name .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 94 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Server/Prot ocol Ena ble O ptions When assig ning a profil e to a scrip t, you must choos e one of the Server/ Protocol Enabl e buttons. What button you cho ose depends on t he script this profi le influences.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 95 TCP/IP Enable Option When selec ted, th e TCP /IP E nable optio n let s the a pplic ation use TCP/I P protocol instead of X.25. Fi gure 32 shows a profi le window with TCP/IP Enable selected and its options.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 96 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 SMPP Options The SMPP (Short Message Peer- to-Peer Protocol ) Enable opti on enables the scr ipt to open th e connection to specific cu stomer . Figure 33 shows an exa m ple of this prof ile with SMPP selected.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 97 OSA Server Opti ons Choose thi s option if the script use s OSA (Octel Syst em Administration) server wizards. OSA as signs the foll owing parame ters: n OSA SER V ER HOSTNAME - Name of the host runnin g OSA ser ver .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 98 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 HLR Server Opti ons APS 4.1 doe s not support this Protoc ol/ Server Enabl e option becau se it no longer supports con nections to t he HLR through a Mic rolegend.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 99 SS7 Enable Opti ons Choose the SS7 Enable op tion when the scr ipt uses a NewNet ca rd and IS-41 mess age s.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 100 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Disable O ption Use th e Disable opt ion for scri pts that use non e of the other Server/ Protoc ol e nable op tions . Figure 36 shows an example of a prof ile with no se rvers or pro tocols enabl ed.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 101 Auto R e s ta r t Optio n Selecting Enabl e Auto Restart allows a scrip t to restar t automatica lly if the scr ipt terminat es inappropria tely . Disabling A uto Restart means t hat the scr ipt must be rest arted manuall y .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 102 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Buttons Once yo u have display ed the Profile wi ndow , use the buttons a t the bottom to manage the s cript. T able 6 describes the buttons at the botto m of the Pr ofile window .
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 103 Scripts Control M anager The Scrip ts Control Mana ger lets you col lect script s and profiles into a list s o that you may st art and stop th em with one opera tion rather t han sepa rately .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 104 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Application Manager Use this menu item to : n Start t he applicat ion manager n Stop the application manager n Check the.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 105 In ord er to r each t he SS 7 gatew ay , APS ne eds th e foll owin g i nform atio n : n Link set number n STP (signa l transfer point) poin t code n Port s ettin g of the Ne wNe t c ard n Route setti ng inf orma ti on These dat a are config ured and defi ned in the aps.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 106 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Utility Menu The foll owing list de scribes the purpose of ea ch menu item. Figure 37 shows an exa m ple of the Uti lity menu. Figure 37. Utility Me nu Export Use this menu it em to copy script s to a diskette.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 107 Import Use thi s menu ite m to co py scripts fr om a diskette to the h ard dr iv e of the APS system. Wizard Ba ckup Use this menu item to copy APS files and d ata to a tar get per ipheral.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 108 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Cron T asks This men u it em: n Starts and stops cro n tasks n Checks th e cron status n Enables y ou to edit th e cron table with vi Cron tas ks run i n the bac kground. Cro n tasks perform i mportant f unctions such as c reating log files for c all backup da ta.
Menu Inte rface 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 109 The lice nse certifica te that comes with the APS sof tware contains t hese data: n Expi ratio n time n Feature Set n License Ke y Application This me nu provides acces s to all the installed applicatio ns.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 110 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Database Menu The foll owing list de scribes the purpose of ea ch menu item. The Databa se menu provides utilities t o manage databa se tables. Befor e using th ese items, the database must be open.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 111 4 Procedures This chapt er con tains freque ntl y us ed pr oce dures. Mater ia l i n th is sec tion is arra nged func ti onall y into the fo llowi n g cate gorie s: APS Sy.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 112 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 APS System-wide T asks Syst em-w id e tas ks affect the AP S 4. 1 syst em as a whole . Th is sect ion descri bes the foll owing system -wide tasks: Start ing the APS Interface Use this procedure to log in to the APS interf ace from a com mand window: 1.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 113 Note: Do not e xit that shel l or type a ny comm and in that shell. Exiting in this man ner causes you to e xit APS and stop all running processe s, app lication s, and sc ripts. Exiting the APS inte rface by c losing t he APS console shell sh uts down all script s and applica tions.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 114 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Sett ing th e Sta tus Log File Size The size of the sta tus log fi le is set to 20,000 entr ies at in stallation. Th ere should be no reason to chan ge it. However , i f you fi nd it n ecessa ry to r eset t he fil e size of the s tatus log file : 1.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 115 3. Ente r x25to ol& 4. Choo se Network Link(s) Status to see t he link status of the X.25 lin ks to the Sier ra/CA.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 116 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Replacing a Hard Disk Use t hi s proc edur e to rep lace a faile d hard d isk in eithe r the S un syst em chassis , MultiPack or A1 000 array . All dri ves in an A1000 sh ould be of the same size.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 117 Application-specific T asks Applicat ion-specif ic tasks con cern the appl ication loa ded on top of t he APS platfo rm software .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 118 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 W orking with Scripts, Script Groups, and Applicat ions The many tas ks related to scripts are divided int o two groups:.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 119 Creating Scr ipt Groups or Applicati ons Use this procedure to collect scr ipts and their associa ted profile s in a group. Aft er they are g rouped, you can s tart and stop t hese scripts a nd profil es si mu lt ane ously .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 120 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Figure 43. Scripts Control Manag er Wind ow 3. In the Script Name field, type in a known scri pt name. 4. In the Profile Name field, typ e in a known profil e name. 5. Cli ck Add .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 121 Starting an Applicati on Autom atica lly After a sc ript s tart s the ver y fi r st time, i t is “re gist ered” by the a pplica tion manager and will be a utomaticall y restarte d each time the applicatio n manager starts, if the Au to Restart op tion is enabl ed in the pro file.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 122 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Starting a Scrip t Group or Applicati on Manually Use this procedure to start an d stop scrip t groups or ap plications. 1. On a SunOS command line enter ps -ef | g rep srunnerte st | grep -v g rep | wc -l The number t hat returns is the number of scripts runn ing.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 123 4. Cli ck Start to displa y the next win dow . 5. Cli ck Stop to stop a ll the scri pts within the g roup. 6. Cli ck Done to exi t If thi s procedure does n ot stop the s cript group, see ‘ ‘ Shutting Down a Script Group’’ on page 126.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 124 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Stopping a Single Script Use th is procedure to stop one sc ript: 1. On a SunOS command line enter ps -ef | g rep srunnerte st | grep -v g rep | wc -l The number t hat returns is the number of scripts runn ing.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 125 Deleting a Script from a Script Group T o delete a scri pt and its assoc iated profi les from the gro up: 1. From the APS mai n menu choose System Scripts Control Manager The Scrip t Control Manager wi ndow displays.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 126 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Shutting Down All Active Sessions Use this procedure to force all s cript sessions to stop runni ng when they cannot be stopped any ot her way . Note: This pro cedure t erminates a ll active scripts a nd applic ations.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 127 Monitoring Scripts, Script Groups, and Applicatio ns There ar e several ways th at you can monit or the proce ssing and status of script s.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 128 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Starting Scripts i n T est Mode T o run a scrip t in test mode : 1. From the APS mai n menu choose System Script Configuration The RUN Script s list displ ays. 2. Choose the desired scr ipt.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 129 Monitoring a Script Session Monito ring a scrip t session ca n be done with an y one of the fo llowing procedur es. See ‘ ‘Checkin g an Applicati on’ s Runti me Status by Pr ocess Level’’ on page 131.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 130 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Figure 44. Applicatio n Manager Monitor Lis t 2. Cli ck Run to d ispla y scri pts th at are cu rrent ly acti ve. Once you cho ose Run , three co lumns display in t he Applicati on Manager Mo nitor List windo w .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 131 Checking an Applicati on’ s Runtime Status by Process Level This proc edure checks the run time s tatus of a sc ript by examin ing process ID informatio n: 1. From the APS mai n menu choose System Runtime Status Process Status 2.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 132 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Checking an Applicati on’ s Runtime Status by Usage Level This proc edure checks the runtim e status of an ap plication b y examining session usage. 1. From the APS mai n menu choose System Runtime Status Script Status 2.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 133 T able 9 describes the fields in the Runtime Sta tus window . Debugging Scripts I nformation on d ebugging sc ripts is incl uded in the W i zar d Deve lo per ’ s Guide from I nnov a tive S ystem s Serv ices, Inc.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 134 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 W orking with Profiles This sec tion descri bes tasks re lated to profiles: V iewi ng the Prof ile Window Y ou can perform most scri pt administration using the Pro file window .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 135 Rename Profiles 4. Choose the profile name . The Rename Scr ipt Profile wi ndow displays with the current profil e name. 5. In the New Profile Name field, ente r t he new name for the profil e. 6. Cli c k Rename .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 136 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Creating New Profiles Thi s procedure shows you , in a general manner , how to c reate a profil e for a sc ript. Profi les are spec ific to an a pplication . See the applicat ion documen t to set up profi les specif ically .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 137 7. Depending on the purpo se of th e s cr ipt , e n ab le th e correspond ing server option and fill in th e parameters a s necessary . See your a pplication’ s users g uide for compl ete discussi on on how to def ine profile s for a speci fic applicat ion.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 138 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Importing and Exporting Data There ar e three proce dures availabl e to import an d export data to and from th e APS s oftwar e: Importing Applicati on-specific Utilit ies This proce d ure im port s appl ic ation -rela ted ut ilitie s.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 139 4. Cli ck Cancel to exi t. 5. R emo ve the diske tte. Copying Scripts to a Diskette The Export utilit y copies scr ipts to a dis kette or other target . Use this utili ty to back up s cripts to a diskette. T o copy a scr ipt to a dis kette: 1.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 140 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Backing Up Data The APS pl atform pro vides methods for regu lar l y scheduled ba ckups and ad hoc backups .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 141 Registration and Licensing T asks Registr ation and pro per licensing of your softwar e are essentia l tasks before t he software will run pr operly .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 142 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 5. In the Number of lines for the system field , type the nu mbe r o f virt ual cir cuits that y ou req uire. 6. In the Number of VPM connected field, e nter how many Sierra /CAs will be con nected to the APS sy stem.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 143 Figure 51. Lice nse Check Screen 2. Read this screen and ve rify that a ll the info rmation is correct. 3. If you ne ed to change an y of the info rmation, see ‘ ‘Regist ering APS Software ’’ on page 141.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 144 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 SS7 Gateway T asks Use these tasks to con figure, star t, and monitor the SS7 gateway: Please b e aware that s mall changes t o the SS7 confi guration can have far reachi ng eff ects.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 145 Changing an SS7 Configurati on Fil e While it’ s unlikely tha t you will need t o create new SS7 configuration files , there may be si tuation s where you need to change one .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 146 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Configuring the SS7 Gateway When an APS machine is boot ed, connectio ns to the SS7 gatewa y are made automat ically usi ng the config uration file a ps.cfg. T o load a d ifferent confi gurat ion fi le: 1.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 147 Starting and Stopping t he SS7 Gateway When an APS m achine is boot ed, connections t o the SS7 gatewa y are start ed automaticall y . The re may be instance s when you need t o stop and restar t the SS7 gate way manually .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 148 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Administeri ng the Signaling Point Code The signa ling point c ode (SPC) may also be referred to as the Netwo rk Indicat or or T ype or Signalin g Point. The SPC is an a ddress on the SS7 network.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 149 5. Cli ck Start to begin c ommunicating wit h this proto col, Click Sto p to stop communic ating with t his protocol , Click Save to save the p arameters of this protoc ol.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 150 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Monitoring SS7 Gateway Use th e SS7 tool to n Display t he status of t he SS7 links n Monitor t he SS7 networ k information in general The execut able file is located i n /export/h ome0/issg/is sg_main/issg _ lib/l ibss7tools and t he file name is ss7t ool.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 151 Figure 54 shows an exa m ple of the out put of the ss7to ol command with the lis tlink s argumen t. Figure 54.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 152 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 2. Enter t hese two commands: cd /expor t/home0/issg/ issg_main/is sg_lib/libs s7/ss7drv/bi n issg_jt est 3.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 153 display (cont.) display [ con=<n/i/ o>] [log=< n/i/o>] The con ar gument and options specify the options for the conso le. The log argument an d options spec ify the optio ns fo r th e log fi le. T o use a l og file , it must have be en sp ecifie d when jtest was sta rted.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 154 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 dev Specifi es the logic al device numbe r , dev#, of the Connec t7 card for t he jtest s ession. The syntax of this command is: dev dev# If no ar gument is given, the curre nt dev# is display ed.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 155 pause Used in scri pt files to s uspend exe cution of th e script file. T ext, provided i n quotes, can be display ed to the cons ole. Execution is resumed by pressing ENTER key . T er minate the sc ript fi le by p r essin g ESC.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 156 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Application Manager T asks The appli cation manager i s an integra l part of APS proce ssing.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 157 2. Cli ck Start to activ ate the appli cation manage r as shown in Figure 57 . Figure 57. Application ma nager has been s tarted 3.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 158 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Checking the Applicati on Manager ’ s Runtime Status Use this procedure to see if t he application manager is runn ing or not .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 159 Logge r Mana ger T asks The logge r man ager is es senti al fo r moni tori ng ala rms in th e APS syst em. Use these procedures t o work with the log ger manag.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 160 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 2. If the l o gger m ana ger is not run ning, Figure 60 displ ays. Figure 60. Logger Mana ger Not Running 3. If the l o gger m ana ger is running, Fi gure 61 displays. Figure 61.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 161 Cron T asks Cron tasks det er mi ne whe n pr oces se s such as report s an d bac kups should occur . Refer to th ese procedure s if you need t o manage cron t asks: Starting and Stopping Cron T asks Use this procedure to start or st op all cron t ask.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 162 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 4. When fi nished editing, a. Press ESC b. E nter :wq to save y our edit and e xits the sc reen.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 163 Monitoring Cron T ask Status Use this procedure to find out what cron tasks are scheduled t o be run by the cron process. This procedure is helpful when tro ubleshooting cron problems. T o check the cron task stat us: 1.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 164 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Using SQ L Co mmands APS provide s access to t he Informix da tabase through t he APS menu interf ace.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 165 see Informix Er r or Message s . If this book is no t ava il abl e t o you, open a te rminal window and enter finderr < return code > where < retur n code > is the value seen i n the return code field.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 166 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 The Selec t All SQL window displ ays as shown in F igure 64. Figure 64. Select All SQL window 2. T ype in a vali d SQL query . The resul ts of your qu ery display in t he bottom part of the window .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 167 Printing The APS plat form provides access to print ing capabilit ies. These two procedur es describe how to configure a nd use a print er: Configuring Pri nters T o se t your print er configurati on: 1.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 168 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Printing a Scrip t The Print i tem in the Script menu enables you to print a s cript on a network or local pri nter if one i s available. Note: Before y ou attempt to print, make s ure that your printer configur ation has been se t up correctl y .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 169 V iewing Logs an d Script Informati on This sec tion contain s procedures for viewing thes e files: V iewi ng the Stat us Log File The status log rec ords all error s trapped by t he APS platform. Use this procedur e to view the sta tus log: 1.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 170 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 The stat us log window dis plays as shown in Figure 66. Figure 66. Status Log W indow.
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 171 Viewi ng Script Info rmatio n Use th is procedure to see th e comments embedded in a script . T o view the scr ipt comments: 1. From the APS mai n menu choose View Script Information The V iew Script Inf ormation window dis plays as shown in Figure 67.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 172 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 4. Cli ck OK . Script information d isplays in a nother window as in Figure 69 . Figure 69. Example of a Script Information W indow Use the s croll bar t o review the sc ript’ s comments .
Procedur es 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 173 Viewi ng the Debug Log Use this procedure to see the ca ll flow logic o f a script a pplication: 1. From the APS mai n menu choose View Debug Log The V iew Debug Log window di splays. 2. In the Script Name field, type the name of th e script or applica tion to debug .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 174 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 175 5 T roubleshooting This chap ter contain s informat ion about: n Starti ng and Stopping the Sun System n T racking APS Pr oblems n T rouble shooting Connecti vity Problems.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 176 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Starting and Stopping the Sun System There ar e several in stances where you may need to s top and resta rt the APS Sun .
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 177 Start ing the ERP Sun System This proc edure start s the ERP Sun system f rom a power of f state. 1. Press t he power button on the back of the Sun system. In about one minute, the screen displ ays the Sun login banner .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 178 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Graceful Reboot Gr acefully reboot ing the APS cons ists of sto pping and then s tarting softwar e and hardware.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 179 7. W ait 15 se cond s for t he fan s and dr ives t o spin down. 8. Press t he power button again to restor e power . Info rmix and APS rest art automa tically . ‘ ‘Sta rting the APS Sun Sys tem’’ on page 176 desc ri bes w hat happens a t boot up.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 180 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Shutting Down the ERP Sun System Use this procedure to gracefully shut down th e ERP Sun system.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 181 T racking APS Problems This sec tion contain s general guides to use when tr oubleshootin g. n General t roubleshoot ing procedure s n Keeping r ecords n Checking Con nectivity n Starti ng two APS sessio ns General T roubleshootin g T rouble shooting always co nsists of t hese basic st eps: 1.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 182 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 n Has any cus tom work been done recently? n Has t his m ac hine e xper ience d the s a me pr oblem befor e? n Have othe.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 183 T roubleshooting Connectivity Problems The troub leshooting i nformation i n this secti on discusses the followi ng connecti vity topic s: n No Connecti vity Between APS Machin e and Sierra/ CA ...For Sit es That Use X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 184 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 No Connectivity Betw een APS Machine and Sierra/CA Failure of the APS to co mmunicate wit h the Sierra/CA pr esents partic ularly limi ted diagnost ic and correc tive measures .
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 185 n Software drivers are missing or not r eferenced proper ly n The TCP/IP e nable portio n of the prof ile for an ap plication has not been administered correctly .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 186 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 For Sites That Use X.25 If your site uses X.25 to connect th e APS and the Sierra /CA, use the procedur es in this s ection.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 187 10. Enter x25tool& 1 1. Choose Network Stop X25 12. In the bo ttom of the window yo u will see the message: “The networ k has been st opped.” Expect t his to take h alf a minute or so . 13. T o restart a ll X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 188 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 7. Enter t he link number you not ed in step 4. The link number and link status displ ays in the c olumns INTERFACE and STATUS . 8. E nter a 2 to stop the link. The botto m of the scree n displays th e message “Physica l Interface s top engaged.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 189 4. Choo se Network Link(s) Status 5. Make sure the link shows as CONNECTED NORMAL. Do an X.25 trace to make sure that the X.25 links are up. a. From a terminal window e nter cd /opt/ SUNWconn/x25/bin ./x25tra ce -l < link number > -t where -l is the link number to trace.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 190 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 For Sites That Use TCP/ IP If your sit e use s TCP /IP c onnecti vity to c ommunicat e with the Sie rra/C A, use thes e .
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 191 Check the Applicati on’ s Profiles Check the application ’ s profile s that use TCP/IP En able and make su re that t he TCP/IP connect ion is set u p correctly the re. The appli cation documen tation conta ins the corr ect setti ngs for profile s that us e the TCP/IP Enabl e button.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 192 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 be runni ng concurrent ly with the sn oop command. The field engineer or customer c an monitor TCAP error return valu es. 9. Using a ha ndset, dial t he extension to the Sierra/ CA.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 193 Remote User Cannot Connect to APS Machine Remember that there are two ways for a remot e user to acc ess the APS machine, ov er the W AN and d ialing in thro ugh a modem. This secti on discuss es dialing in wi th a modem.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 194 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 6. If the pr oblem pers ists f or ove r an ho u r , ca ll the APS sit e and have an on site worker chec k the APS machine. 7. If the above steps do not correct the problem, escal ate this problem t o the next level of support.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 195 APS Cannot Connect to L AN/W AN The APS machin e cannot connec t to the LAN/W AN and c ommunicate with any o f the agents on it.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 196 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 APS Cannot Comm unicate With HLR In APS 4.1, al l communicatio n to the HLR is acro ss the NewNet car d.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 197 4. Check the links and rout es. Open the a ps.cfg file and ma ke sure that links and rout es are defined cor rectly . See ‘ ‘Changing an SS 7 Configurati on Fi le ’’ on page 145 f or more det ails on how to do t his, or contac t the support li ne.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 198 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 No Prompt When Accessing APS Over the Modem Symp tom A remote us er dials in. Even though the APS sy stem answers, the remote user nev er gets a log in prompt in t he post dial up window .
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 199 If you su spect that the dial up number i s incorrect, do the followi ng: 1. Make sure y ou typed in the correct number , making no typing error s. 2. Check the number in your c ommunications so ftware if i t is embedded t here.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 200 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 T roubleshooting Software Problems This sec tion descri bes the foll owing software problems: n Loss of Sy stem H e art .
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 201 Call T racing TCAP Messages T o invoke a trace be tween the SS7 gat eway and the APS pl atform, use t he followi ng procedure at the APS system. This proce dure assumes you ha ve only one n etwork interfa ce, “hme0”.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 202 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Error co des for snoop a re provided in T able 14. T ab le 14. TCAP Error Codes Reason Code Meaning Description 0x00 Not used — 0x01 Unassigned d irect ory number The cellul ar handset is not ser ved by the accessed s ystem.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 203 Cannot Start Applicatio n Manager Symp tom n APS is runn ing but appli cations on it c annot start n Outside a gents will be ab le to connect to the APS, .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 204 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 If Informi x is not running: 1. Rebo ot t he Sun. Rebooting causes all software c omponents to l oad proper ly . I f the Informix database is not running pr operly , you may suspect that other s oftware acti vities may at fault.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 205 Cannot Load SS7 Drivers Symp tom n Can’ t load the SS7 driver n The NewNet ca rd was moved to a d ifferent slot n Solaris fi nds the NewNet card but s e.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 206 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 T roubleshooting Hardware Problems For hardwa re problems related to generic Sun Ultr a hardware components , consult your Sun manuals.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 207 Common Procedures The common pro cedures disc ussed in this section are: n Replacin g cards n Replacin g the NewNet card n Replacin g the X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 208 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 n Stop all applicat i ons and scripts. See ‘ ‘Stopping a Script Group or App lication’’ on page 122. ‘ ‘Stopping a Single Script’ ’ on page 124. This may ta ke 3 to 4 minute s.
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 209 Replacing the NewNet Card Lucent T echnologies OMD sup port personne l use this proc edure to change t he NewNet card. The y will need a s crewdriver a nd the correc t Sun h ardwa re ma nuals to remo ve th e card .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 210 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Replacing the X.25 Card Sun suppor t personnel u se this proc edure to chang e the X.25 link card in fifte en minutes. They will ne ed a screwdri ver and the co rrect Sun hardware manuals to rem ove the card .
Troubles hooting 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 211 5. R eboo t the w orks tatio n. Se e ‘ ‘St arting the ERP Sun S ystem’’ on page 177. The ERP soft ware starts up automatica lly . 6. Check that ERP is functioni ng correctl y for the next da y or two.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 212 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 213 6 Backing Up and Restoring Data This chap ter discuss es backing up and restoring all data on the Sun system. n Backing Up a nd Restoring the Sun System n Rest oring a Ful.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 214 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Autom atic B a c k u p s Backups ar e performed au tomatically at 1 1:00 p.m. Y ou must place a tape in the tape drive a nytime prior to the backup ti me so as not to generate errors.
Back ing Up and R estoring Dat a 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 215 Restoring a Full or Partia l Image Use this pr oce dur e to restore dat a f rom a t ape to th e har d dri ve in th e Sun system. Thi s procedure res tores the en tire hard disk in the APS syste m usin g the ins tall_fs command.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 216 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Full System Recovery (no setu p) Option 2 o n the instal l_fs menu replace s all data on al l hard disks , but does no t change any s ystem configurat ion data tha t has been set previous ly .
Back ing Up and R estoring Dat a 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 217 Informix Software Backup and Restore The I nform i x soft ware resid es on h o me1. T o back up the Inf ormi x sof twa re package, use the sys_bac kup c omma nd and make a man ual backup as d escribed in ‘ ‘Making Manual Backups ’’ on page 214 .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 218 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Example Output of inst all_f s:full recovery , (set up) instal l_fs menu op tion 1 performs a full resto re and prompts for setup informat ion. This is the menu option used when install ing a new drive or a new site.
Back ing Up and R estoring Dat a 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 219 Please Enter the operation to be performed : 1 You selected "Full system installation and setup" Is this correct (yes or no)? y .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 220 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 You entered, Is this correct (yes or no)? y Please Enter the Host PPP Netmask [255.
Back ing Up and R estoring Dat a 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 221 Example Output of inst all_f s:fu ll recovery ( no setup) The exam ple output below s hows the proced ure used to re store on an A1000-Full recovery wit h no setup, ins tall_fs menu option 2.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 222 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 1. Full system installation and setup 2. Full system recovery (no setup) 3.
Back ing Up and R estoring Dat a 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 223 Example Output of inst all_f s:pa rtial recovery ( setup) The exam ple output below s hows the proced ure used to re store on an A1000 part ial recover y with setup, ins tall_fs menu o ption 3.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 224 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 configuration shown above. A tap e made on a system with an A1000 disk array cannot be ins talled on a system with a MultiPack disk array, and vice versa. WARNING: this is a destructive installatio n of software.
Back ing Up and R estoring Dat a 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 225 Timezone: 3 You have selected Mountain, Is this correc t (yes or no)? y The date and time is currently set to Fri Feb 19 23:56:15 MST 1999.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 226 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Example Output of inst al l_fs , p ar t ial recovery ( no setup) The exam ple output below s hows the proced ure used to re store on an A1000-p artial recove ry with no set up, install_ fs menu option 4 .
Back ing Up and R estoring Dat a 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 227 Creating File System for root (/dev/rdsk/c 0t0d0s0) done Creating File System for /var (/dev/rdsk/c 0t1d0s1) done Installing bootblk on th.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 228 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 229 7 Errors This chap ter contain s informat ion about: n Passive al arm monit ori ng n Status l og file n Inte rpreting er rors n APS symptoms, er rors, and inf ormational m.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 230 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Besi des th e ring bu ffer , th e statu s log fi le is m a intai ned in an othe r file loca ted in: /export /home0/issg/ issg_main/i ssg_lib/li blogger/iss g_logger_seq _file This fi le keeps addi ng entries t o the end of t he file and is de leted hourl y .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 231 4. Stop and t hen restart the logger manage r . See ‘ ‘Starting a nd Stopping the Logger Manage r ’’ on page 159.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 232 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Interpreting an Error with Status Log File Codes Each entry in the st atus l og file cont ai ns the field s: n status _t.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 233 Status T ypes Status typ es denote the sever ity of the error . Possible statu s type s of err ors are lis ted in T a b le 1 6. T able 16 . Stat u s T ypes Error T y pes V alue Description W ARNING 1 - Mino r This is a minor er ror condition.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 234 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Module T ypes Module type s designate the software m odule, such as I nterprete r or Database , that genera ted the erro r . Soft ware modules and their module number are listed in T ab le 17 below .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 235 0005 OCL OCL library V alue Module T ype Description 0006 Logger Logger lib rary 0007 Cron Cron library 0008 Applicati on Manager Application ma nager 0009 T racer.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 236 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Error Co de Range s T able 18 gives the ranges into which error c odes are group ed. V alue Module T ype Description 0101 TCP/IP Proto col Library — 0600 to 0699 System he artbeat Disk fu ll Auto_Init on reboot Backup fail ure SS7 check — T able 17.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 237 514000 thr ough 514999 OCL for OSA 515000 thr ough 515999 BCCS 516000 thr ough 516999 SMTP 517000 thr ough 517999 Dynamic Parame ters 518000 thr ough 518999 IS-41 .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 238 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Errors This sec ti on describes a ll the err or c odes. Each er ro r de scription p rovides info rmation about n The e r.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 239 Development Alarms T able 19 summarize s error s that may be fo und in the stat us log but refle ct alarm poi nts for debug ging software . If you encount er any of th e errors found in T ab le 19, please call t he technica l support hot line.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 240 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Error Summary T able 20 summarizes the errors desc ribed in the rest of thi s chapter .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 241 506006 Problem openi ng X.25 circui t Error 506007 VC closed by e xternal devi ces Error 50601 1 Problem writ ing to X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 242 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600000 APS heartbeat Info 600001 APS config fil e error Info 600002 T oo few APS scri pts Error 600003 Application ma na.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 243 600030 Backup tape fai led to rewin d Error 600031 Backup failed to create vt oc Error 600032 Backup fail ed to tar sc ripts to tape Error 600033 Backup failed on .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 244 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 200001 Error T y p e 3 – Informati ona l Module T ype 4 - Interp ret er Status Mes sag e INFO: (Scr ipt: <script name>) Cannot run. Sc ript stopped . Status Da ta 1 Called by the script runner .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 245 200005 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 4 - Interpret er Status Mes sag e ERROR: (Scri pt: <script na me>) Failed t o open vc. Status Da ta 1 This err or may have eit her of these mess ages in the St atus Data 1 fie ld: Called by the schedule r .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 246 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 200008 Error T y p e 4 - PO I, Crit ic al Module T ype 1 - Database Status Mes sag e POI: Fail ed to open dat abase issg_db. Ret urn code = [i nt]. Status Da ta 1 Calle d by the Script runne r.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 247 400000 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 4 - Interpret er Status Mes sag e ERROR: Script : <script name> failed to op en SMPP connection <inte ger> Status Da ta 1 Script run ner failed. Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 248 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 501001 Error T y p e 1 - W arn ing 2 - Error Module T ype 8 - Appli cation Manager Status Mes sag e This err or can displ ay any of the fol lowing Status Messa ges: W ARNING: Key f ile not found.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 249 Effect No ef fect, the s ystem can recov er from this e rror . Description The appli cation manager was unable to fi nd the specif ied file. Che ck the file sy stem for an y error s. This error cause s the a p plica tion m a nage r to exit .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 250 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Description The appli cation manag er was unable to r egister a scrip t run due to missi ng issg_ap pmgr_key . This causes the applica tion manager t o exit. Resolution 1.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 251 501002 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 8 - Appli cation manager Status Mes sag e ERROR: Applicati on manager is not r unning Status Da ta 1 Script cannot be sta rted without a valid appmgr . Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 252 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 501006 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 8 - Appli cation manager Status Mes sag e ERROR: Problem spawning a task . Status Da ta 1 RC=[inte ger] ERRNO=[integer ] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 253 501012 Error T y p e 1 - W arn ing 2 - Error Module T ype 8 - Appli cation manager Status Mes sag e This error c an ha ve the fo llow ing Sta tus M essag e s: ERROR: Unable t o generate the i ssg_proc fi le. ERROR: Unable t o perform read on i ssg_proc fi le.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 254 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 501013 Error T y p e 1 - W arn ing 2 - Error Module T ype 8 - Appli cation manager Status Mes sag e W ARN ING: Unab le to per form write on da ta file. or ERR O R: Una ble to perfo rm wri te on d ata fil e.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 255 501020 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 8 - Appli cation manager Status Mes sag e This error c an ha ve the fo llow ing Sta tus M essag e s: ERROR: V alid WIZ ARD license not foun d. ERROR: Unable t o perform chec k on license.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 256 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 503001 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 1 - Database Status Mes sag e ERROR: Unknown database ele ment . Status Da ta 1 Database contains unkn own base element type=[Inte ger] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 257 505001 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 5 - OCL Status Mes sag e ERR O R: Una ble to send O CL com mand to the networ k. Status Da ta 1 RC = [ in tege r] SOC KET = [i nteg er] OCL PKT = [strin g ] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 258 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 505002 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 5 - OCL Status Mes sag e ERR O R: Una ble to read OC L da ta from the ne twork. Status Da ta 1 RC = [inte ger] SOCKET = [int eger] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 259 505005 Error T y p e 4 - PO I, Crit ic al Module T ype 5 - OCL Status Mes sag e POI: Para m eter unknown to t he ISSG OCL parser . Status Da ta 1 P ARAM_ID=[<in teger>] Effect If OCL commands cannot be pars ed, there will b e no call pro duction.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 260 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 50501 1 Error T ype 4 - PO I, Crit ic al Module T ype 5 - OCL Status Mes sag e POI: Unknown p arameter enco untered by OCL par ser . Status Da ta 1 OCLP RMID =[integ er] Effect If OCL commands cannot be pars ed, there will b e no call pro duction.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 261 506002 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - X. 25 protocol libr ary Status Mes sag e ERROR: Problem openi ng X.25 virt ual cir cui t. Status Da ta 1 RC=[Inte ger] ERRNO=[Integer ] X25ADDR=[x25 addres s] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 262 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 506003 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - X. 25 Protocol Libra ry Status Mes sag e ERROR: Problem openi ng X.25 virt ual cir cui t Status Da ta 1 X25ADDR=[x25 add ress] X25STREAM=[Integ er] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 263 506004 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - X. 25 Protocol Libra ry Status Mes sag e ERROR: Problem openi ng X.25 virt ual cir cui t. Status Da ta 1 ERRNO=[Integ er] X25STREAM=[Integer ] X25ADDR=[x25 add ress] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 264 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 506005 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - X. 25 protocol libr ary Status Mes sag e ERROR: Problem openi ng X25 virt ual circ ui t. Status Da ta 1 ERRNO=[Integ er] X25STREAM=[Integer ] X25ADDR=[x25 add ress] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 265 506006 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - X. 25 protocol libr ary Status Mes sag e ERROR: Problem openi ng X25 virt ual circ ui t Status Da ta 1 ERRNO=[Integ er] X25STREAM=[Integer ] X25ADDR=[x25 add ress] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 266 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 506007 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - X. 25 protocol libr ary Status Mes sag e ERROR: VC clo sed by externa l devices. Status Da ta 1 X25 CALL CLEAR Sent by the external de vice.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 267 50601 1 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - X. 25 protocol libr ary Status Mes sag e ERROR: Proble m writing to X25 v irtual circui t. Status Da ta 1 ERR N O=[I n teger ] VC=[I ntege r] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 268 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 508001 Error T y p e 4 - Po int of In terest , Criti cal Module T ype 100 - X. 25 protocol libr ary Status Mes sag e POI: Inva lid License Status Da ta 1 PID=[int eger] Effect Ther e is no call pr oduc tion i f APS is licen sed im pro pe rly .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 269 508002 Erro r T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - X. 25 protocol libr ary Status Mes sag e ERROR: Unmatched hostna me Status Da ta 1 HNAME_1 = [st ring] HNAME_2 = [st ring] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected . Description The lice nse manager was u nable to find a v alid licens e for this syst em.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 270 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 508003 Erro r T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 10 - Lice nse manager Status Mes sag e ERROR: Unmatc hed IP address Status Da ta 1 IP_1 = [s tring] IP _2 = [string] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 271 508004 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 10 - Lice nse manager Status Mes sag e ERROR: License Expired Status Da ta 1 — Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected . Description The lice nse manager was u nable to find a v alid licens e for this syst em.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 272 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 508005 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 10 - Lice nse manager Status Mes sag e ERROR: Invalid Lice nse Key Status Da ta 1 — Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected . Description The lice nse manager was u nable to find a v alid licens e for this syst em.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 273 517003 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 28 - Regis try Status Mes sag e ERROR: Open dat abase error Status Da ta 1 SQLC ODE= [Intege r] ISA M =[In t eger] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 274 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 518003 Erro r T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 20 - IS-4 1 Proxy server Status Mes sag e Error i n create the socket for p rocess PID = [p id no] Status Da ta 1 Error: Create socket error Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 275 518004 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 20 - IS-4 1 Proxy server Status Mes sag e Error i n set socket option for Pr ocess PID = [pi d no], errno = [error no] Status Da ta 1 Error: set socket op tion error Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 276 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 518005 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 20 - IS-4 1 Proxy server Status Mes sag e Error i n bind a socket for process PID = [pid no], er rno = [error no] Status Da ta 1 Error: Bind socket er ror Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 277 518006 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 20 - IS-4 1 Proxy server Status Mes sag e Error i n listen for pr ocess PID = [pi d no], errno = [error no] Status Da ta 1 Erro r: List en so ck et err or Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 278 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 518007 Error T y p e 3 - Informat io nal Module T ype 20 - IS-4 1 Proxy server Status Mes sag e Error i n read pa cket h.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 279 518010 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 20 - IS-4 1 Proxy server Status Mes sag e Select the fd set fail Status Da ta 1 Error: select err or Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected . Description Syst em err or . Resolution 1.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 280 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 523000 Error T y p e 2 - Error Module T ype 26 - IPC Li brary Status Mes sag e ERRO R: Una ble to creat e or Atta ch to IPC MSG Q . Status Da ta 1 ERRNO=[Integ er] RC=[Integ er] MQ_ID=[Inte ger] MODE=[Integ er] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 281 5230002 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 26 - IP C libra ry Status Mes sag e This err or can have t w o status messa ges: ERROR: Proble m with IPC message s end to MSGQ. or ERR OR: Pr oblem wit h syst em si gnal Both of t hese messages are discussed bel ow .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 282 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Description The IPC library was unabl e to send dat a to a message q ueue because it encounte red a problem i n the system ca ll. Problem with system signal. Status Da ta 1 ERRNO=[Integ er] SIGNAL=[Intege r] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 283 5230003 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 26 - IP C libra ry Status Mes sag e ERRO R: Pro blem re ceivi ng data fo r IPC MS GQ. Status Da ta 1 ERRNO=[Integ er] RC=[Integer ] MQ_HAND LE=[Integer] MODE=[Int eger] TYPE=[Integ er] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 284 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 5230005 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 26 - IP C libra ry Status Mes sag e ERR O R: Pr oblem creati ng or attach ing t o SHM .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 285 5230008 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 26 - IP C libra ry Status Mes sag e ERROR: Request ed SHM Datum size is greater then M AX. Status Da ta 1 MAX_DA TUM_SIZE=[Inte ger] REQ_DA TUM_SIZE=[In teger] CHUNKNO=[Integer] MODE=[Integer] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 286 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 5230012 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 26 - IP C libra ry Status Mes sag e ERROR: Request ed SHM chunk number great er than MAX. Status Da ta 1 MAX_CHUNK_NO=[Integer ] REQ_CHUNK_COUNT=[In te ger ] MODE=[Int eger] Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 287 524027 Error T y p e 2 - W arn ing 3 - Error 4 - Po int of In terest , Criti cal Module T ype 29 - SS 7 Status Mes sag e INFO: SS7 Car d Alarm ERROR: SS7 Card Al a.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 288 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 T o interpr et this al arm: 1. Look at t he text in th e Status 1 line a nd note the Mod a nd T ype. T ogether , th ese two values uniquely ide ntify the al arm. 2. Using the NewNet referen ce book, find t he alarm.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 289 600000 Error T ype 3 – Informati ona l Module T ype 600 - Syst em heartbeat Status Mes sag e INFO: APS HEAR TBEA T Status Da ta 1 — Effect Although t his is an in formational alarm, its absenc e in the status log file indicat es that the re is something wr ong with the APS s ystem.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 290 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600001 Error T ype 3 – Informati ona l Module T ype 600 - Syst em heartbeat Status Mes sag e INFO: Cannot check APS scrip t sanity , config fil e is missing or empt y . Status Da ta 1 Check /exp ort/home0/is sg/issg_main /issg_lib/li bheartbeat /heart beat.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 291 2. Use the r esulting numbe r from step 2 above (or change an exis ting entry) . If you nee d t o turn of f this check f or scr ip t proce sses, p ut 0 (ze ro ) in the confi gura tio n file .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 292 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600002 Error T ype 2 – Error Module T ype 600 – Syst em heartbeat Status Mes sag e ERROR: TOO FEW APS s cript processe s are running . Status Da ta 1 — Effect No APS product ion, or produc tion may not be at full capaci ty .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 293 5. Alterna tively , you could go t o each script an d view its profi le, checking and alteri ng the number of sessions. 6. Stop the script and r estart it , observe that all the pro cesses are being use d. 7. If thes e steps do not so lve the probl em, escalate t his problem to the next level of sup port.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 294 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600003 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 600 - Syst em heartbeat Status Mes sag e Applicat ion manager (i ssg_appmgr) i.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 295 600004 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 600 - Syst em heartbeat Status Mes sag e ERROR: APS: SS 7 logging process is not runni ng Status Da ta 1 SS7 log ging process is not runnin g and should be. Effect No SS7 alar ms logged.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 296 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600010 Error T ype 3 - Informat io nal Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e ERROR: APS Reboot_Init sta rt ed Status Da ta 1 — Effect No ef fect. This a larm is infor mational onl y .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 297 60001 1 Er ro r T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e W ARNING: APS Rebo ot_Init sta rted logger manag er Status Da ta 1 Logg er man ager w as no t alread y star ted in initta b Effect No ef fect; the system can rec over from this er ror .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 298 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600012 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS: Fa iled f.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 299 4. If the previous ste ps don’t solve the probl em, escalate t his problem t o the next level of support. 37 A signal was cau ght during pr ocessing 39 Unc orrec ta ble er rors d etect ed - te rminat e imme diate ly 40 For root, same a s 0.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 300 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600013 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS: Fa iled f.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 301 600014 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS: Fa iled fsck /expor t/home2 Status Da ta 1 /expo rt/ho me2 fa iled f sck, re turn c od e = 34 Effect Auto_Ini t aborts, not hing starts and there is no production .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 302 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600015 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 601 - Di sk full Status Mes sag e W ARN ING : APS: <file s ystem name > is 95 % ful l Status Da ta 1 — Effect Disk I/O ma y be slower , but n ot noticeabl y .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 303 600016 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 601 - Di sk full Status Mes sag e ERR O R: A PS : <fil e syst em na m e> is 9 2% ful l Status Da ta 1 — Effect Disk I/O ma y be slower , but n ot noticeabl y . Description The fil e system was chec ked and is 90- 94% full.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 304 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600017 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 601 - Di sk full Status Mes sag e W ARNING: APS:< file syste m name> is 88% full Status Da ta 1 — Effect Disk I/O ma y be slower , but n ot noticeabl y .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 305 600018 Error T ype 3 - Informat io nal Module T ype 601 - Di sk full Status Mes sag e INFO: APS: <f ile system na me> is 75% full Status Da ta 1 — Effect No ef fect. This a larm is infor mational onl y . Description The fil e system was chec ked and is 70- 79% full.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 306 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600019 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 601 - Di sk full Status Mes sag e W ARNING: APS: / var over 95% fu ll Status Da ta 1 — Effect Disk I/O ma y be slower , but n ot noticeabl y .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 307 600020 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Di sk full Status Mes sag e POI: A PS: /va r is sti ll over 9 5% full Status Da ta 1 aborti ng Reboot_Init Effect Disk I/O ma y be slower , but n ot noticeabl y .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 308 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600021 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS:X25 i s not running Status Da ta 1 x.25 no t running, Reboo t_Init aborted Effect Auto_Ini t aborts, not hing starts , and there is no production.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 309 600022 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS: I nformix is not running Status Da ta 1 Informix not running a fter 30 minute s, aborting Re boot_Init Effect Auto_Ini t aborts, not hing starts , and there is no productio n.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 310 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600023 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS: cr on is not runnin g Status Da ta 1 Abor ting Re boot _Init Effect Auto_Ini t aborts, not hing starts , and there is no productio n.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 311 600024 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS: I nit_app_mgr fail ed Status Da ta 1 Abor ting Re boot _Init Effect Auto_Ini t aborts, not hing starts and there is no production .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 312 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600025 Error T ype 3 - Informat io nal Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e INFO: APS: i ssg_appmgr_pid wa s removed Status Da ta 1 value of issg_appmgr_pi d was -1, so remov ed it in order t o start app m gr Effect No ef fect.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 313 600026 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS: ap plication manage r not running Status Da ta 1 Abor ting I nit_a pp_mg r Effect No script s start, no pro duction.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 314 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600027 Error T ype 3 - Informat io nal Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e INFO: APS: Rebo ot_Init/Init _app_mgr fini shed successf ully Status Da ta 1 — Effect No ef fect.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 315 600028 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - Au to_Init on reboo t Status Mes sag e POI: APS: No l inks in servic e (NORMAL state) Status Da ta 1 Applicat ions may not ru n properly . Check X.25 links .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 316 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600029 Error T ype 3 - Informat io nal Module T ype 600 - AP Sheartbeat or 60 1 - Auto_Init on reboot Status Mes sag e INFO: APS: 1 x 25 link(s) cu rrently up or INFO: APS: 1 TCP/ IP link(s) currently up Status Da ta 1 — Effect No ef fect.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 317 600030 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 605 - Backu p failure Status Mes sag e ERROR: T ape failed to rewind. Status Da ta 1 Chec k to se e if tape is in ta pe dr iv e. Effect No backup made . Description Backup oper ation has fa iled.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 318 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600031 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 605 - Backu p failure Status Mes sag e ERROR: Failed to create vi rtual table o f contents fo r disk n . (Disk n c an be either 0, 1, or 2.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 319 600032 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 605 - Backu p failure Status Mes sag e ERROR: Failed to tar inst all scripts to tape. Status Da ta 1 Chec k to ma ke sur e tape is in tap e driv e. Effect No backup made .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 320 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600033 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 605 - Backu p failure Status Mes sag e ERROR: APS: Failed to backup xxx file syste m.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 321 600034 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 601 - SS7 ch eck Status Mes sag e APS: No SS7 li nks in servi ce Status Da ta 1 — Effect Outcall s cannot be made to HLR. Inbound cal ls are deposit ed to mailboxes , but cannot be del ivered.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 322 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600035 Error T ype 3 - Informat io nal Module T ype 601 - SS7 ch eck Status Mes sag e APS: $NUM SS7 link (s) current ly in service. Status Da ta 1 — Effect No ef fect. This a larm is infor mational onl y .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 323 600037 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 601 - SS7 ch eck Status Mes sag e APS: erro r when running i ssg_ss7_stac kload Status Da ta 1 — Effect Outcall s cannot be made to HLR. Inbound cal ls are deposit ed to mailboxes , but cannot be del ivered.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 324 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600038 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 601 - SS7 ch eck Status Mes sag e APS: SS7 ala rm logger is not r unning Status Da ta 1 — Effect No SS7 alar ms are capture d in the status log file.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 325 600039 Error T ype 4 - POI Module T ype 600 - AP Sheartbeat or 60 1 - Auto_Init Status Mes sag e When genera ted by module 600 , the status message is: SS7GW HB ch.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 326 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600040 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 601 - cmdq_r em.sql failed Status Mes sag e cmdq_re m.sql failed Status Da ta 1 Reboot_In it, Aborting Re boot_Init Effect Aborts st arting the applicatio n manager .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 327 600041 Error T ype 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 600- APS heartbeat or 601 - TCP/IP link s tatus Status Mes sag e POI: APS: No TCP/ IP links in ser vice Status Da ta 1 Applicat ions may not ru n properly . Check X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 328 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 600042 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing 2 - Error 3 - W arn ing 4 - Po int of In terest Module T ype 600 - AP Sheartbeat Status.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 329 Resolution Data needs to be r emove d from the d atab as e. 1. Escalat e this problem i f you are uncer tain of how t o resize the databas e. 2. Contact t echnical su pport to dete rmine if you need to drop or recrea te the appli cation’ s journaling log.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 330 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 700001 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - TCP/I P errors Status Mes sag e ERROR: Unknown host Status Data 1 PID=[%d] er rno=[%d] addr ess=[%s] where PID is t he process ID, err no is the UNIX error number , and addre ss is the HOST/ IP address.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 331 700002 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - TCP/I P errors Status Mes sag e ERROR: Socket error Status Data 1 PID= [%d] e rrno= [%d] wher e PID is the pr ocess ID and errno is the UN IX e rr or num ber . Effect Serv ice wi ll be a f f ected .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 332 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 700003 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - TCP/I P errors Status Mes sag e ERROR: Unable t o set socket option Stat.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 333 700004 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - TCP/I P errors Status Mes sag e ERROR: Connect error Status Data 1 PID=[%d] er rno=[%d] addr ess=[%s] where PID is t he process ID, err no is the UNIX error number , and addre ss is the HOST/ IP address.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 334 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 700005 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - TCP/I P errors Status Mes sag e ERROR: Read socket error Status Data 1 PID=[%d] at tempted to read [%d] bytes fr om socket [%d] fail ed errno [%d] wher e PID is the pr ocess ID and errno is the UN IX e rr or num ber .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 335 700006 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - TCP/I P errors Status Mes sag e ERROR: W rite soc ket error Status Data 1 pid= [%d] total bytes= [ %d] socket= [%d].
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 336 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 700007 Error T ype 1 - W arn ing Module T ype 100 - TCP/I P errors Status Mes sag e W ARNING: Oper ation on an unop ened socket Status Data 1 Socket i s already cl osed (or never opened) Effect No ef fect, the s ystem can recov er from this e rror .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 337 700008 Error T ype 2 - Error Module T ype 100 - TCP/I P errors Status Mes sag e ERROR: Unable t o bind Status Data 1 Unable to bind to port [%d] ERRNO= [%d] where por t is the port t o bind to and er rno is the UNIX sys tem error number .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 338 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Passive Alarm Monitoring The APS 4.1 pl atform support s a passive ala rm monitoring feat ure.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 339 EAP-related Errors EAP (exter nal applica tion processor) errors ar e errors on t he Sierra/CA. Events may occur on th e APS that are no t perceived as errors unti l the event re aches the Sie rra/CA. This se ction discu sses such err ors.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 340 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 T able 22 describe s the key field s in the Figur e 78. T able 23 Describes the task ID po rtion in T able 22. T able 23. EAP T ask IDs T able 22. Ke y Fields in an EAP Alarm Offs et Desc ript ion A ctio n 02 T ask ID Use T able 23 to identi fy the task.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 341 A1 File ta sk 3 A2 X.25 task A3 OCL task A4 ASA task (As pen System Administrat ion, now OSA, Octel System Admini st ra tion) A5 SMDI start task A6 Unused A7 SMDI .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 342 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 T a ble 24 d e scrib es the data fi elds f or a st atus 2 4 -type error .
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 343 C6 All LUNs (logic unit numbers ) for the r equested applica tion number ar e busy . C7 Low LUNs for t he requested applica tion number C* Buff er overflo w : LUN .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 344 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Resolvi ng EAP- re l ated Erro rs If you en counter a st atus-code 24 e rror: 1.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 345 a. Make sure that the X.25 link is connected to the main distri bution boar d on the Sie rra/CA. Recall that J48 co nnects to X.25 por t 0 and J47 conne cts to X.25 port 1. b. N otify th e EA P admi nistra tor th at the X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 346 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 TCAP Errors There ar e three type s of TCAP errors tha t are being i mplemented as pa rt of the APS 4 .1 release. The se are n TCAP Return Cod e Errors n Access Deni ed Reasons n General TCAP error s Thes e erro rs are record ed in cm d_j r _ log ta ble.
Er rors 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 347 TCAP errors ar e also repor ted in the ap plicati ons’ s j ournaling log as entry type 5. Se e the documentat ion that came wit h the applic ation. TCAP Access Denied Reasons T able 26 provides the error number i n hex and a des cription fo r the various reasons that a TCAP was denied a ccess.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 348 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 349 A Enhanced Reporting Platform This appendi x discu sse s the Enhan ced Reporting Platf orm (ERP) and associa ted software .
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 350 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 This direc tory is a rep ository for all repor ts. The second ary APSs will not house any reports g enerated by the E RP , but will hold any repor ts that APS generat es.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 351 This cyc le is repeat ed every nigh t shortly af ter midnight. The tables on the E RP are c omple tely re fresh e d each time . Administrat ion Administration of the ERP software oc curs at instal lation.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 352 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Assembling the ERP Hardware Check cir cuit card pl acement in th e ERP workstation be fore loading softwar e. ERP software req uires that c ir cui t cards in the ERP workst at ion be in speci fic slots.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 353 Cabling the ERP System Cabl e the E RP , th e APS a nd th e LAN s witch to geth er . 1. P ositio n the APS sy stem , the ER P sy st em, a nd th e Bay st ack network s witch. 2. Attach a ll power cables.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 354 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Inst alling an d Administeri ng ERP Insta llat io n of th e ER P is perf orme d in thre e par ts: n Phas e I Loads an i ns.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 355 n The name and IP address of the default ro uter n The t ime zo ne of the ERP syst em n The lice nse inform ation for th e Informix softwar.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 356 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 10. From the # p rompt enter ./ erp_install _fs Answer the prompts as descri be d below .
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 357 Inst alling the License Informat ion This secti on installs the C compiler used by ERP . 1. E nter /var/resto re_files/c ++_lic to run the c++_lic fi le. Y ou will see the following me ssages.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 358 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 3. T he wi ndow ti tled l it: Ad d licen se to be insta ll ed screen display s as shown in Fi gure 83. Figure 83. Add Li cense Window 4. Click on De mo license and se t i t to No .
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 359 10. W ork thro ugh steps 5 th rough 9 again, thi s time selectin g the seco nd fea ture n ame, W S com piler C++ Sp arc. 1 1. If success ful at step 9, c lick on Close . 12. Go back to main screen .
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 360 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Phase II Inst allation Procedures Both the AP S syst em an d the ER P syst em m ust be ad min istere d afte r the ERP software tape has been loaded in phase I. Perf orm phase I prior to the followi ng procedures .
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 361 9. Log in to the ERP as root 10. At the # p rompt, enter /var/e rp_ins tall/ erp_in stall _b 1 1.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 362 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Phase III Inst allati on Procedu res Field te chnici ans use this pr ocedur e afte r Pha se I and Pha se II inst alla tion procedur es are complet e. Phase III consists of administering r eports to run on th e ERP and/or the APS(s).
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 363 # APS HOSTNAMES. One entry for each APS sy stem. The entry "APS_PRI_HOSTNAME" # must specify the primary aps and there s hould be an "APS_SEC_HOSTNAME" # entry for each secondary aps.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 364 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Figure 85. Example erp.cfg file, APS portion __________________________________________ ____________________________ ########### start of APS erp.cfg file #### ###### # list the reports that will be executed b y the machine on which # this config file resides.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 365 REPORT_EXEC There m ust be a n en tr y he re (with com ment “#” removed) fo r e ach report that i s to e xecute on a given machine .
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 366 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 testin g, but a larger n umber resul ts in fe wer me ssages going to the lo g file. LOG_SEV _LEVEL This par ameter will inf luence the qua ntity of message s that get l ogged to the log files.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 367 n Directo ry: ~issg/ issg_main/is sg_lib/libre ports/cmd_rep orts/ Repo rt Ex ecuta bles: cmd repor t1 - dail y inco ming c alls re port cmdrep ort2 - daily out going calls report cmdrep ort3 - daily incoming/outg oing calls r eport cmdreport 4- daily hour ly report.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 368 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Administeri ng Report s Per fo rm th e follow ing st eps to admi ni ster th e ER P syste m to run repo rt s: 1. Decide whi ch billing and repo rt executabl es will be run on the APS machine( s) and which ex ecutables wil l be run on th e ERP .
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 369 ~issg/ issg_main/is sg_reports/ or ~issg/iss g_main/issg_b illing direct ories on the A PS on which the re port is run. If a re port is to run on the ERP , report output (mer ged data in t he case of multiple-APS) will be placed on the primary APS i n its origina l location.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 370 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Uninst all Procedures T o uninstall the APS side: 1. Log in as root on the APS m achine. 2. Ente r /var/r estor e_files/ erp_aps_uninst all rm /var /resto re_files /erp_aps_uninst all T o uninstall the ERP side: 1.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 371 Executing ERP Software Once confi gured and admin istered, the ERP s oftware will run on its own and w ithou t inte rven ti on. H o weve r , rem ember the f o llowi ng po i n ts to ensu re tha t th e ER P softwa re run s opti m ally: n The ERP and APS sys tems must be time-sy nchronized.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 372 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Error Logging The ERP subsy stem has its o wn logging faci lity that uses the Sola ris syslog da emon.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 373 CODE PROCESS NAME emgr erpm gr amgr ap smg r eload er ploa d crdb cr _er p_db admump apsdu m p.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 374 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Backup and Restore Proced ures Backup and r estore procedu res for the ERP machine may be per formed manually at any time. There is no auto matic bac kup sched ule for the ERP machine.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 375 3. When you see “Initializi ng Memory” on the s creen, press t he ST OP+a keys simultan eously . 4. From the pr ompt “OK”, enter boot cdr om The syste m will boot int o OpenW in and st art the nor m al Solaris insta ll.
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 376 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 12. The sy stem begins to reboot. When y ou see “Initial izing Memory” on th e screen, pre ss the St op+a keys simul taneously . 13. T ake the Solaris CD out of the CDROM driv e.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 377 T roubleshoo ting ERP Because r obus t failover s cen arios are not par t of the requ ir ement s for this releas e, this section describes .
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 378 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 n Inspe ct /va r/adm /mes sages (incl udes c ron o ut put). n Inspect ~issg/iss g_main/issg_o ut/cron_log.
Enhanc ed Repo rt ing Platf orm 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 379 Developing Custom Report s The repor t executabl es delivered on the ERP (*.er p filenames i n /export /home0/erp/b in/) must be execu ted on the ERP bec ause they use a logging s tub as a subst itute for the logger manager available on APS but not a vaila ble o n ERP .
APS (Ap plication Plus Serv er) 4.1 Use rs Guide 380 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 381 Glossary , Abbreviations, and Acronyms Numerics 5ESS Sw itch A centra l offi ce switch manuf actured by Luce nt T ec hnologies th at can be integr ated with the Lucent I ntuity syst em.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 382 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 B BITS Building integrated timing supply . A clock, or a clock with an adjunc t, in a build ing that suppli es DS1 and/or composite clo ck timing refere nce to all othe r clocks in t hat buildin g.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 383 E EAP Exte rnal a pp licat ion pr oces so r , this is wh at the Si erra c alls th e APS o r ERP s ystem . EBCDIC Extended binary coded de cimal inter change code e-mail electr onic mail ERP Enhanced Re porting Plat form, an APS appli cation that se nds report da ta to another machine for process ing.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 384 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 H HLR Home locat ion registe r , the databas e in charge of managing m obil e phone subscr ibers that stores a perman ent cop y of the s ubs cript ion in form ation, and som e locat ion in form ation , to e nable c all r out- ing to whe re the subscr iber is loc ated.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 385 IVR Interact ive voice respon se, a special ized computer that accept s input from eith er a telepho ne key- pad or t he caller’ s voi ce, and on the b asis of that input, uses synt hesized voic e or prerecorde d mes- sages to offer c aller s c hoice s on h ow they can c omple te the p u rpos e of th eir cal l.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 386 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 N NGW Noti ficati on ga te way O OCL Octe l comm a nd lan guage OMD Octel Mess aging Division, a division of the Business Communica tions Services portion of Luc ent T echnologies.
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 387 R RAID Redundant array of inexpe nsive dis ks, severa l disks i n a single housing wr itten to so tha t if one dis k is los t, no da ta is lo st .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 388 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 SMT System m anag ement terminal SMTP Simple mai l transfer pro tocol Snoop A SunOS command to trace TCAP messag es SPC .
101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 389 TNPP T elocator net work paging pr otocol U UNI User -network in terface, th e point at which us ers connect to the network . V vi V isual display e ditor , the ASCII ed itor prefer red by many who use SunOS and UNIX. VIS V oic e inform ation syste m VMS V oice messaging sy stem, used interc hangeably wit h VPM.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 390 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0.
391 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Index A A1000 powering up , 47 raid , 39 access deni ed reasons , 345 adding a new HLR point code , 145 address ing with X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 392 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 5230003 , 282 5230005 , 283 5230008 , 284 5230012 , 285 524027 , 286 600000 , 288 600001 , 289 600002 , 291 600003 , 293.
393 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 cre ating , 11 9 starti ng , 122 starti ng au tomati cally , 121 start ing manually , 122 stoppin g , 122 APS 4.0 feat ures , 32 initi alization o n reboot , 30 , 32 packagin g , 32 passive alarm monitori ng , 32 Solaris upgrade , 32 SS7 inter face , 29 APS 4.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 394 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 backups , 21 7 APS data only , 21 6 APS only , 216 auto matic , 214 between di ffer ent hardware configu rations , 213 d.
395 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Reboot_In it start , 30 8 to 309 rm issg_appmgr _key , 203 rm issg_l ogg er_ ci r_file , 11 4 rm issg_l ogg er_ seq _file , 114 SEQ=ON , 230 shutdown - y -i0 -g0 , 178 to .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 396 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 200007 , 238 200009 , 238 200014 , 238 4 , 238 501005 , 238 501007 , 238 501009 , 238 50101 1 , 238 501014 , 238 501015 .
397 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 EBCDIC status log , 22 9 to 230 electr onic versio n of this book , 21 ending an Informix s ession , 11 3 ERP , 30 , 347 admini stration , 34 9 advantag es , 30 and IC C a.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 398 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 hostnames ,administering , 115 I image res to re , 215 impleme nting a passive alarm monitori ng syste m , 230 Impo r t .
399 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 logger ma nager , 104 overvie w , 159 start ing and stoppi ng , 104 , 159 start ing and stoppi ng manually , 104 sta tus , 159 M manual bac kups , 214 manually starting a .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 400 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 Auto R estar t Opti o n , 101 buttons at bottom , 102 descri ption , 92 Disable option , 100 HLR Server o ptions , 98 OS.
401 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 cre ating , 11 9 deleti ng a scri pt fr om , 125 a scri pt gr oup , 125 shutti ng down , 126 start ing and stoppi ng , 122 start ing manually , 122 stoppin g , 122 script .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 402 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 APS , 39 configu ring , 54 cons tructs , 27 ERP , 39 ERP in stalla tion tapes , 54 insta lling the app licati on , 54 licen sing , 108 softwar e installa tion , 50 , 54 generat ing reports , 76 placing test call s , 76 upgrade f rom 3.
403 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 starti ng , 176 start ing and stoppi ng , 176 support , 19 symp toms alarm 6000 0 does not occu r as it shou ld , 200 applica tion is not available , 184 applica tion not .
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 404 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 trademar ks , 22 trouble shooting , 104 , 175 call tr acing TCAP messa ges , 20 1 can’ t load SS7 dr iversr , 205 can.
405 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0 W work ing wit h pro files , 134 X X.25 card repla cing , 210 X.25 link n umber , 92 X.25 links configu ring , 45 , 58 , 61 setti ng up , 64 shutti ng down , 180 sta tus , 187 X.
APS (Ap plicati on Plus Serv er) 4.1 Us e rs Guide 406 101-1830 -001 Issu e 1.0.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lucent Technologies AP-3 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lucent Technologies AP-3 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lucent Technologies AP-3 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lucent Technologies AP-3 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lucent Technologies AP-3, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lucent Technologies AP-3.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lucent Technologies AP-3. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lucent Technologies AP-3 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.