Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 8400 del fabbricante Lucent Technologies
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555-233 -002 Issue 1 April 20 00 DEFINITY ® Enterpri se Co mmunic ation s Server Relea se 8.2 Overview 233002_1 .book Page i Monday, Febru ary 21 , 2000 8: 28 AM.
Copyrigh t 2000, Lucent T echnologies All Rights Reserved Printed in U .S. A. Notice Ev ery effor t wa s made to ensure th at the info rm ation in this book w as co mplete an d accur ate at the time of printi ng. How e v er , info rmation is sub ject to chan ge.
Lucent T echnolo gies attes ts that th is regist ered equip ment is capab le of pro vidin g users acce ss to i nte rsta te pr ovider s of ope ra tor se r v ices thro ugh t he us e of a cces s cod es.
The t elephone compan y ma y m ake changes in its fac ilities , equip ment, ope rations or procedu res that c ould affec t the o peration of the equ ipmen t. If this happens , the tel ephone compan y will pro vide adv ance notice in order for y ou to mak e necess ary modificatio ns to maintai n uninterrupted s erv ice.
How to get help If y ou nee d additio nal help , the follo wing services are av ailabl e. Y ou m ay need to p urchase an e xtend ed service ag reement to use som e of these services.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents vi Conten ts Contents vi About This Book xvii ■ What Is the Pur pose of T his B ook? xv.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents vii TC P/IP Netwo rks 10 ATM Netwo rks 10 Typical Connecti ons 11 ■ Internat ion al Cap.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents viii Messag in g 36 T elecomm uting 38 3 — Attendant (Operator) Features 41 ■ Attenda.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents ix Multime dia C all Ear ly Ans wer o n Vector s and Statio ns 52 Multime dia C all Hand ling 53 Multime dia Cal l Redi rection to MM E ndpoint 55 Multim edia D ata Conf erenci ng (T.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents x ■ Property Manageme nt Syste m Interfac e 62 ■ Property Manageme nt Syste m (PMS) D.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents xi Automa tic Cir cuit As suranc e 69 DCS Autom atic Circ uit As surance 70 Busy Ver ific.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents xii Tie Trunks 76 Auxiliar y Trunk s 77 I P Trunk s 77 I SDN Trunks 78 ATM Tr unk s 81 Pe.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents xiii Custom er- Prov i ded Eq uip men t Alarm 89 7 — Call Center Features 91 ■ Automa.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents xiv 8 — Private Networking Features 107 ■ Private N etwork Acc ess 107 ■ Node Numbe.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents xv 9 — Adjunct Systems 117 ■ Voice Mes sagi ng and Res pon se 11 7 DEFINITY AUDIX 117.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Contents xvi 233002_1 .book Page xvi M onday , Februar y 21, 2 000 8:28 AM.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 About This Book xvii What Is th e Purpose o f This Boo k? About This Book What Is the Purpose of T.
About This Book xviii Conven tions Used in Th is Book DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Con v entions Used in This Book The follo wing con ven tions are used i n this bo ok: ■ The wo rd “syste m ” is a g enera l term for the DEFINI TY Ent erpr ise Comm un icatio ns Server .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 About This Book xix How Can I Order Other Books? How Can I Order Other Books? Call: Lu cent T echn.
About This Book xx How Can I Make Co mments A bout This Book? DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 How Can I Make Comments About This Book? Lucent T echno logies wel come s y our feedb ac k.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ov erv ie w 1 1 —System Over view DEFINITY En terpr ise Com municati ons Server (ECS) organiz es and r outes v oice , data, image and video tran smissi ons.
System Ov erv ie w 2 Hardware DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Hardware Though the primary component s are the s ame, your DEFINITY ECS can v ary widely in size and appe aranc e, dep ending o n you r capa city requ irements .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ov erv ie w 3 Hardware wheth er the sy stem is be ing du plica ted for enh anced reliab ility . Each carrier can resid e in the PP N cabin et or an EPN cabi net.
System Ov erv ie w 4 Hardware DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Figure 2. Compac t Modular Cabin et Single-Carrier Cabinets The S in.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ov erv ie w 5 Hardware Figure 3. T y pical Single -Carrier Cabinet and cabinet stack Multi-.
System Ov erv ie w 6 Hardware DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Figure 4. T ypical Multi-Carrier Cabinet 233002_1 .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ov erv ie w 7 Hardware Figure 5. Standard Co nfigurations 1 Basi c Sys tem A Processor Port.
System Ov erv ie w 8 Reliabi lity and Recove rability DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Reliability and Recoverability The syst em is de signed to recov er from a po wer outa ge or ot her failure instantl y , regardles s of the s ource of th e failure .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ov erv ie w 9 DEFINITY ECS Network Connections are re sto red a nd s tab le , th e logi c s witc h i s m an ua ll y reset and the EPN i s re co nne cte d to the links fro m the s w itch.
System Ov erv ie w 10 DEFINITY ECS Network Connections DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 TCP/IP Networ ks DEFINITY EC S can also c onnect to Ethernet Local Are a Networks (LANs ) and the Internet.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ov erv ie w 11 DEFINITY ECS Network Connections ■ A TM C i rcu it Em ul ati on S e r vi ce (A TM-C ES) le ts a DEF INI TY ECS emulat e an ISDN-PRI t runk on an A TM facility .
System Ov erv ie w 12 DEFINITY ECS Network Connections DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Fig ure 6.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ov erv ie w 13 Internation al Capa bilities NOTE: Actual e quipmen t ma y appea r different t han the eq uipment s hown.
System Ov erv ie w 14 Power DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Pow e r DEFINITY ECS c an acce pt a v ariety of A C or DC po w er . The system ca n oper ate wi thout requiring a powe r tran sformer in almo st an y part of the world.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 15 Telephone s 2 —T elephone F eatures T elephon es DEFIN ITY ECS telephones fall into three b asic families —Analog, Digital Communica tions Protocol (D CP), a nd BRI.
Telepho ne Feat ures 16 Telephone s DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 6400-Series T elephones The 2-wi re, DCP 6400 digi tal teleph ones a re similar to the 8400 and 94 00 telepho nes, and feature ne w stylin g and a pu llout instruction c ard.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 17 Teleconf erencing Pr oducts Wi rel ess Handsets f or X -Stati on Mobility X-Stati on Mobility allows remote u sers to acce ss s witc h features .
Telepho ne Feat ures 18 Teleconf erencing Pr oducts DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 SoundSt ation EX The SoundSt ation EX inc ludes al l the featu res and fu nctions of the Soun dStation.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 19 Telephone Featu res T ele pho ne F eatur es Handling In coming Calls A utomatic Hold Allo w Attenda nts and m ulti-fun ction tel ephone us ers to alt ernate easily b etwee n two or more ca lls.
Telepho ne Feat ures 20 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 T runk-to-T runk T ransfer Allow s the atte ndant or te lephone u ser to con nect an i ncoming trun k call to an outgoing trunk ca ll.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 21 Telephone Featu res Conference The Conference button allo ws m ultiappea rance te lephone u sers to make up to six -party confere nce call s witho ut attendan t assis tance.
Telepho ne Feat ures 22 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 pairs of te lepho nes such as a secre tary and an e x ecut ive .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 23 Telephone Featu res ■ Call F orw arding Off Ne t — Allo ws calls forw arded off net to be trac k ed for b usy or no-ans w er condi tions .
Telepho ne Feat ures 24 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Cons ult Allow s a co v ering user , after ans wering a call rec eiv ed throug h Call Co v erage , to ca ll the called p ar ty for private consult ation.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 25 Telephone Featu res Figure 8 .
Telepho ne Feat ures 26 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Nigh t Service There a re fiv e Night Service fe atures: ■ Hunt Gr oup Ni ght Service al lo ws a n attend ant or a spli t supe r visor to ass ign a h unt gr oup or split to N ight Se r vice mode .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 27 Telephone Featu res Bridge d Call Appea ran ce — Mul ti- Appearance T el ephone Allo ws call s ma de to or from a primary teleph one use r’s e xtens io n n umber to be h and led from more than one telep hone.
Telepho ne Feat ures 28 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Pick up Along wi th Directed Call Pic k up , allo ws y ou to a ns wer call s for o ther teleph ones withi n your specified call pic kup g roup .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 29 Telephone Featu res Circula r Sta tio n Hun ting This ne w h unt gr oup type is an al ter nativ e to th e "ddc" or "hot- seat" alg orithm in a hu nt gr oup .
Telepho ne Feat ures 30 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 enhanced numbe r lists . With privileged l ists, users can a ccess ot herwise-res tricted number s (e .g.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 31 Telephone Featu res Recorded T elephone Dictation Access Allo ws telephone users , including Remote Acces s and incoming tie trun k users, to acce ss dictati on equipm ent.
Telepho ne Feat ures 32 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Manual O r igi nating Line Service Connec ts singl e-line tele phone us ers to the attendant a utomatic ally w hen the us er lifts the hands et.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 33 Telephone Featu res ICLID on Analog T r unk In th e US and Japa n, the use r’s terminal di spla ys ca lling party information.
Telepho ne Feat ures 34 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Inter com — Dial Allow s mul ti-appear ance telephone users to easily cal l othe rs within an adminis tered grou p .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 35 Telephone Featu res Code Calling Access Allo ws atten dants , users , and tie trunk user s to page with coded chime s ignals .
Telepho ne Feat ures 36 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Ringing — Abbreviated and Delayed Allows y ou to man ually or automat ically a ssign on e of four ring types t o each c all appear ance on a telepho ne.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 37 Telephone Featu res messa ge light.
Telepho ne Feat ures 38 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 V oice Messaging Systems The Lucen t T echnologi es v .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Telepho ne Feat ures 39 Telephone Featu res or of f-site (with DEF INITY Exte nder). P ersonal Station Ac cess can also be use d to pre v ent un authorize d calls f rom y our phone when y ou are aw ay from y our des k.
Telepho ne Feat ures 40 Telephone Featu res DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 233002_1 .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Attendant (Operator) F eatures 41 Attendant (O perator) 3 —Atte ndant (Operator ) F eatur es Att.
Attendant (Operator) F eatures 42 Attendant F eatures DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 1997.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Attendant (Operator) F eatures 43 Attendant F eatures Backup Alerting Notifi es bac kup Atte ndants tha t the primary Attendan t cann ot pick up a call .
Attendant (Operator) F eatures 44 Attendant F eatures DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Serial Calli ng Enabl es an Atten dant to tr ansfe r trunk calls tha t return to the same Atten dant after t he called p ar ty hangs up .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Attendant (Operator) F eatures 45 Attendant F eatures Accessi ng the Attend ant Recall Allo ws users to recal l the Atte ndant when the y are on a tw o-par ty call o r on a n Attendan t Confe rence call held on the c onsole.
Attendant (Operator) F eatures 46 Attendant F eatures DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 A udib le alerting sounds l ike a n amb ulance siren . Visual ale r ting consis ts of flash ing of the crisis-alert b utton lamp and d ispla y of the calle r name and e xte nsion .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Attendant (Operator) F eatures 47 Attendant F eatures Attendant Di rect T runk Group Selection Allo ws the At tendant di rect acce ss to an idle outg oing trunk b y pres sing the button assig ned to the trunk group .
Attendant (Operator) F eatures 48 Attendant F eatures DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Inter -PBX Attendant Calls Allow s Attendants for mul tiple br anches to be conc entrated at a main loca tion.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 49 Data Mo dules 4 —Computer - Related Calling Fe a t .
Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 50 Modem Po oling DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Figure 9.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 51 Alphanum eric Dia ling Alphanumeric Dialing Allo ws you to place data calls b y entering an alpha numeric nam e rather tha n a long string of numbe rs.
Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 52 Data Restriction DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Data Restriction Protects a nalog data calls fr om bei ng distur bed b y an y of the system ’s ov err iding or ringing fe atures .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 53 Multime dia Cal ling NOTE: The “ destinati on v oice end point” mi ght be an outgoi ng v oice trunk i f the destin ation v oice station is forw arded or c ov ered off -premises .
Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 54 Multime dia Cal ling DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Figure 10.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 55 Multime dia Cal ling Multimedia Call Redir ection to .
Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 56 Mul tim edi a A ppl ica tio ns Ser ver In te rf ace DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 57 IP Solution s NOTE: T o maximiz e v oice qua lity usin g IP Sol utions , yo u must conside r both y our hardw are and network con figurati ons.
Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 58 IP Solution s DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 configure d as DEFI NITY -specific tie trunks , generic ti e trunks, o r direct-in ward -dial (DID) "pub lic" trunks .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 59 Integrated Workst ation Appl ications Integrated W or.
Comp uter -Rel ate d C alli ng F eat ures 60 Integrated Workst ation Appl ications DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 233002_1 .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Hospital ity Feature s 61 Overv iew 5 —Hospitality F eatur es Overview The followi ng feat ures are de signed fo r use in t he hospit ality ind ustry .
Hospital ity Feature s 62 Hospita lity Serv ices DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Hospitality Services A system with Hospi tality en able d and Hos pitality P aram eter Reducti on disab led pro vides all sys tem capab ilities a nd supports all typ es of cus tomers .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Hospital ity Feature s 63 Property Ma nagemen t System (P MS) Digit to Insert/De lete Property Man.
Hospital ity Feature s 64 Station H unt Before C overage DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 233002_1 .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 65 Scheduli ng 6 —System Management Fe atur es Scheduling DEFIN ITY .
System Ma nagement Features 66 Security DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 The risks of unauthoriz ed acce ss can b e minim ized by c.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 67 Security Calli ng /C onn ecte d Pa rt y N u mbe r (C PN ) Restric tion Per Line CPN Restriction Users m ay blo ck th e Calli ng P ar ty Numbe r when origin ating calls.
System Ma nagement Features 68 DEFINITY Network Administration (DNA) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 CAMA - E911 T runk Gr oup Thi.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 69 DEFINITY Site Adm inistrati on (DSA) regularl y , and view a history of DNA activity .
System Ma nagement Features 70 Troublesh oot ing DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 DCS A utomatic Cir cuit Assur ance Allow s a user or Att endant at one nod e to acti vate or deacti va te A utomatic Circuit Assuran ce refe rral c alls fo r the e ntire DCS network.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 71 Info rmation a nd Repo rts Va r i a b l e L e n g t h P i n g Prov ides an e nhancem ent to the p ing com mand includ ed in R7 .
System Ma nagement Features 72 Info rmation a nd Repo rts DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Char ge Inf ormation Provid es two .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 73 Info rmation a nd Repo rts Call De tai l Rec ordin g (CD R) Reco rd.
System Ma nagement Features 74 Announcem en t s DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 ■ A utoma tic Route Se lection P attern Measurem.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 75 Administ ration With out Hardwa re Administration Without Hardwar e Allo ws y ou to ad minister teleph ones that are not yet phy sicall y present on the system.
System Ma nagement Features 76 Trunk Mana gem ent DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 T runk Gr oup Cir cuits T runks pro vide the comm unica tions lin ks betwe en DEFINITY ECS and ot her s witch es, includin g Central Offic e s witch es and oth er premis es s witches .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 77 Trunk Mana gem ent A uxiliary T runks A uxili ar y trunks connect de vices in auxi liary cabinets with the D EFINITY ECS .
System Ma nagement Features 78 Trunk Mana gem ent DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 ISDN T r unks Giv es y ou a ccess to a vari ety of pub lic and priv ate ne twork services an d facilit ies .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 79 Trunk Mana gem ent Figure 1 1.
System Ma nagement Features 80 Trunk Mana gem ent DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Full ETSI Functionality The full s et of ETSI pu blic -netwo rk and private -netwo rk ISDN feat ures is offic ially supported.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 81 Trunk Mana gem ent neces sar y to put se v er al ISDN- PRI narro wband channels into one wideba nd channe l to accom modate the nee ds of these a pplicati ons.
System Ma nagement Features 82 Trunk Mana gem ent DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 T andem In an Elec tronic T andem Netw ork, DEFINITY ECS provid es a v ariety of f eatures on a netwo rk-wide basis .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 83 Trunk Mana gem ent Digital Multiplexe d Interfac e Supports two s ignaling tec hniques: bit-o r iented signaling a nd message-orie nted signali ng for direc t connec tion to ho st compu ters.
System Ma nagement Features 84 Trunk Mana gem ent DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 T1 Interfaces When plan ning y our netw orking req uirements , one of the o ptions y ou s hould co nsider is multip le xing o ve r Digita l Services 1 (DS1) fa cilities .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 85 Automatic Routing Featur es A utomatic T ransmissi on Measur ement Syst em Measu res v oice an d data trunk facilit ies for sa tisfactory tran smissi on perf or mance .
System Ma nagement Features 86 Automatic Routing Featur es DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 assign l ong-dista nce carrier-code s and DEF INITY ECS transla tes them. The system inserts codes a s nee ded t o g uar ante e a uto ma tic -ca rrier s ele cti on.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 87 Automatic Routing Featur es F acili ty Restri ction Le vels and T rav eling Clas s Marks Allows ce r tain c all s t o spe cif ic user s, whi le denyi ng t he same call s to ot her u ser s.
System Ma nagement Features 88 Alarm Assi gnmen ts DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Subnet T runking Modifies the n umb er y ou di al so an AAR or AR S ca ll can route o v e r differe nt trunk g roups that ma y terminate in s witc hes with d ifferent di al plans .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 System Ma nagement Features 89 Alarm Assi gnmen ts Customer -Provi ded Equipment Alarm Prov ide s y ou w ith an ind ic ati on th at a sy st em alarm has oc cu rred and tha t the DEFINITY ECS has attempted to conta ct a service organi zation.
System Ma nagement Features 90 Alarm Assi gnmen ts DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 233002_1 .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Cent er Fe atu res 91 7 —Call Center F eatures DEFIN ITY Call Center appli cations are desig ned to efficientl y conne ct each cal ler with the representa tiv e best sui ted to s er ve that cal ler .
Call Cent er Fe atu res 92 DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Figure 12 . A DEFINITY Call Center 1 Your Of fice Build ing 8 Centre Vu.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Cent er Fe atu res 93 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) A utomatic Call Distribution (A CD) A CD is the ba sic b uildin g b loc k for Call Center appli cations .
Call Cent er Fe atu res 94 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Figure 13.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Cent er Fe atu res 95 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Agent Ca ll Handling Allo ws yo u to ad minister functions that A CD age nts use wh en han dling incom ing call s.
Call Cent er Fe atu res 96 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 to de v elop more precise staffing f .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Cent er Fe atu res 97 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Enhance d information fo rward ing al.
Call Cent er Fe atu res 98 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 When answeri ng a call , the answer i.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Cent er Fe atu res 99 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Call Prompting Allo ws the sy ste m to c ol lec t i nfo rmation from the call ing pa rty and di rec t th e c all s vi a C al l V ectorin g.
Call Cent er Fe atu res 100 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 This refin ed skill definiti on capabi lity all ows you to organiz e cal l handlin g based o n custome r , pro duct, and language , for e xam ple.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Cent er Fe atu res 101 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) This fea ture offers c all mana gement contro l and reporting at a lo w cost for C all Centers of up to 20 00 agents .
Call Cent er Fe atu res 102 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Dual Links to CMS Provid es an add itional TC P/IP link to a separa te CMS fo r full, dup licated CM S data collecti on functio nal ity an d High a v ailab ili ty CMS co nfi gur ation .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Cent er Fe atu res 103 Call Charge Informa tion Reserv e Agent Time in Queue Activ ation This.
Call Cent er Fe atu res 104 ASAI (Adjunct Switch Applica tion Interfa ce) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 ■ P er iodic Puls e Me.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Cent er Fe atu res 105 CTI (Comp uter Teleph ony Integ ration) Fle xib le Billi ng is a v ailab le in th e U .S . for use w ith A T&T MultiQue st® 900 V ar i -A-Bill TM Service.
Call Cent er Fe atu res 106 ATM DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 AT M A TM T runking Provi des Call c ent ers w ith an alt er nat i.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Private Ne tworking Fea tures 107 Pri vate N etw ork A cces s 8 —Pri vate Netw orking F eatur es Priv ate Network Access Allo ws cal ls to othe r system s in a priv ate ne twork.
Private Ne tworking Fea tures 108 ATM-Circuit Emulation Serv ice (ATM-CES) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 A TM- Circuit Emulation Service (A TM -CES) A TM-CES (Circuit-Em ulation Ser vice) lets the DEFINITY ECS em ulate an ISDN-PRI tr unk on an A TM fac ili ty .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Private Ne tworking Fea tures 109 Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) Figure 14. DEFINITY ECS as Part of a DCS Unif orm Dial Plan (UDP) A unique four- or fiv e-digit n umber as signed t o each st ation o n the netw ork.
Private Ne tworking Fea tures 110 Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Attendant F eat ures Tha t W ork Ove r t.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Private Ne tworking Fea tures 111 QSI G DCS Over IS DN-PRI D-channel Enhance s DCS by al low ing acce ss to the publ ic netwo rk for DCS c onnectio ns betw een DCS s wi tch nodes .
Private Ne tworking Fea tures 112 QSI G DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Manufactur er -Specif ic Inf ormat ion (MSI) QSIG han dles non -standardi zed information that i s specific to a particular PBX or network.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Private Ne tworking Fea tures 113 QSI G ■ If QSIG Call F orwardi ng with Bus y/Do n’t Ans w er is acti vat ed and a s tation is idle but the ca ll is not ans were d, a call is div er ted afte r a specif ied num ber of rings.
Private Ne tworking Fea tures 114 QSI G DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 QSIG Centraliz ed Attendant Ser vice (CAS) Provid es y ou w ith th e c apa bi lity t o h a v e all you r Atte nd ants i n o ne loc ati on , s erving us ers in mul tiple loc ations .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Private Ne tworking Fea tures 115 QSI G Call Coverage and CAS When a t runk has b oth CAS and V ALU Call Co v erag e activ ated, the co ve rage dis pla y information is p rovid ed on calls that co ver fro m a bran ch PBX to the main PBX.
Private Ne tworking Fea tures 116 QSI G DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 233002_1 .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Adjunct System s 117 Voice Mess agi ng and Response 9 —Adjun ct Systems V oice Messaging an d Re.
Adjunct System s 118 Voice Mess agi ng and Response DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 ■ System Broa dc ast allow s y ou to se nd b.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Adjunct System s 119 Voice Mess agi ng and Response I NTUITY A UDIX I NTUITY Messaging So lutions .
Adjunct System s 120 Voice Mess agi ng and Response DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Mode Code Interface DEFINITY ECS supports an analog Mode C ode interf ace for co mmuni catio ns with I NTU ITY A UDIX and ot her v oice mail systems using th e same i nterface.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Adjunct System s 121 Voice Mess agi ng and Response ha ve access to sophis ticated p hone-bas ed services.
Adjunct System s 122 Call Cen ter (See C all Cente r Featur es) DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Call Center (See Call Center Featu.
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Adjunct System s 123 Call Cen ter (See C all Cente r Featur es) Figure 1 5.
Adjunct System s 124 Wire les s DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Wirele ss The DEFINITY Wireless Bus iness Syst em relies on the DEFINIT Y ECS system to manage m obility .
DEFINITY Ente rprise C ommunicatio ns Server Re lease 8.2 Over view 555- 233-002 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Index 125 IN Index Numeric s 6200-seri es analo g telep hones , 16 6400 telephones , 15 8400 telep.
Index 126 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication s Server Rel ease 8.2 Overvi ew 555-233-0 02 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 Bulletin Board , 72 , 117 C ca bi n e t s , 3 Call Center ag ent s , 95 routing , 91 Call .
Index 127 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication s Server Rel ease 8.2 Overvi ew 555-233-0 02 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 d ual p ort multimed ia station , 55 E E1 , 83 emerg enc y c alls , 31 , 45 , 68 enhanc ed.
Index 128 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication s Server Rel ease 8.2 Overvi ew 555-233-0 02 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 L LAN C-LAN , 56 c onnec tivity , 56 Gateway , 56 leaving messag es , 36 Long Hold R ec al.
Index 129 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication s Server Rel ease 8.2 Overvi ew 555-233-0 02 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 rep orts , 71 historical , 101 manag em ent , 101 real-tim e , 101 r o o m n um be r s di .
Index 130 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication s Server Rel ease 8.2 Overvi ew 555-233-0 02 Issue 1 Apri l 20 00 W W AN connec tivity , 11 W ind ows inte rfac e , 122 Wi r e l e s s , 124 work i ng fr om ho me , 38 X X -S tation M ob ility , 17 233002_1 .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Lucent Technologies 8400 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Lucent Technologies 8400 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Lucent Technologies 8400 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Lucent Technologies 8400 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Lucent Technologies 8400, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Lucent Technologies 8400.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Lucent Technologies 8400. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Lucent Technologies 8400 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.