Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto EasyShare C315, C315, CD50 del fabbricante Kodak
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K odak EasyShare C530/C3 15/CD50 digi tal ca mer a User’ s guide www .ko dak.c om F o r inte r acti ve tu torial s , www .k odak.c om/go/howto F or help with your came r a, www .
East man Ko da k Co mpany Roc hes ter , New Y ork 14 650 © Eas tman K odak Compa ny , 200 5 All screen images are simulated. K oda k, Easy Sha re , and Re tina r are tr ade marks of Ea stman K oda k Compa ny .
Product feat ures www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t i Fr ont view 1 Flash unit 5 Self Time r/Vid eo lig ht 2 Shut ter b utton 6 Len s 3 Mode dial /Powe r 7 US B port 4 Vie wfi nder len s 4 2 1 3 6 5 7.
ii www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Prod uct fea tures Back view 1 Dock con necto r 9 F lash butt on 2 Tri pod socke t 10 4-way con trolle r 3 Rev iew bu tton 11 OK button 4 Cam era/LCD screen 12 W rist s.
www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t iii T able of cont ents 1 1 Setting up your camera ................................................................... ...... 1 Atta ching the wrist s trap ..... ..... ..... .. ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... .
iv www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T able of cont ents Pre-t aggin g for album n ames ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... 30 Shar ing yo ur pi cture s ... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ...
www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 1 1 Setting up your camer a Attaching the wrist strap Loading the batteries F or inform atio n on r epla cing b atter ies and extend ing batte ry li fe , see page 5 4 .
2 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Sett ing up your came ra Turning on the camera Setting the languag e and date /time, o ther times 2 1 3 Press Me nu. to highlig ht Set up Menu then press OK. to highli ght Langu age or Dat e/T ime , t hen press OK. If setting t he date/time: to cha nge .
Setti ng u p you r cam era www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 3 Setting the date/time, first time At the prompt, press OK. to chang e . for pr evious/ne xt fiel d.
4 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Sett ing up your came ra Storing p ictures on an S D/MMC card Y our c ame r a has 16 MB of in ter nal memo ry . Y ou c an purc hase an SD/ MMC card to conven iently stor e mor e pictur es and videos . NO TE: We recomme nd K o dak SD/MM C card s .
www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 5 2 T aking pictur es and videos Taki ng a picture Taki ng a video NO TE: T he came r a d oe s not re cord audio . 2 4 1 Pre ss the S hutter but ton to ta k e the pictur e . When t he Ready light blinks green, the picture is being saved; you can still take pi ctures.
6 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T aki ng picture s and videos Revie wing the picture or vid eo just taken Afte r y ou tak e a pic ture o r vide o , th e LC D sc reen dis play s a Q uick view for appr oxima tely 5 se conds . While t he pi ctur e or v ideo and are di spla yed: T o view pic tures and vide os any time , see page 8 .
T a king pi ctures an d videos www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 7 Usin g the LCD scr een as a view finder IMPO R T A NT : The Liveview feature dep letes batter y po wer; use it sparingly . 1 T u rn t he Mode dial to . 2 Pre ss th e OK butt on to turn o n the LCD s cree n.
8 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T aki ng picture s and videos Usin g the fl ash Use the flash wh en you take pi ctures a t ni ght, indoors , or out doors in heavy shadows . Flash i s effective bet ween 3.3 - 7. 9 ft (1.0 - 2.4 m). Y ou c an only cha nge the flash sett ing i n A uto mode.
T a king pi ctures an d videos www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 9 What the review icons mean Pictures Vi deos F avo ri te ta g Email ta g Print tag/number of prints Protect Picture/video number Image stor.
10 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T aki ng picture s and videos Magnifying a picture during review Viewing multi-up (thumbnails) during review OK view other parts of the pict ure . return to 1X . OK magnify at 2X. Press again for 4X. OK view prev ious/next thumbnail.
T a king pi ctures an d videos www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 11 Croppin g a picture during review NO TE: C r opp ing may not be supported for images ca ptured on other d igital cameras . Y ou cann ot c rop p ictur e s u nder 2.1 MP or prev iousl y c roppe d p ictur es .
12 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T aki ng picture s and videos Protecting pictures a nd video s fr om del etion T he picture or vi deo is prot ected and cannot be del ete d. T he Prot ect i con app ears wi th th e pro tect ed p ictu re or vide o . Press the Menu but ton to exi t.
T a king pi ctures an d videos www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 13 Deleting pictures and videos PICT URE or V IDEO— delet es the disp layed pictur e or video . EXI T— e xits the D elete scre en. ALL— delet es all pi ctures and vid eos fr om y our c urren t sto r age l oc ation.
14 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 3 T ransferr ing and pr i nting pictur es Instal ling the sof tware CAUTION: Inst all K o dak Eas ySh are soft ware before connecting the camer a or optional do ck to the computer . F ailure to do so may cause the software to load incorrectly .
T r ansfe rring a nd pr inting picture s www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 15 Transferring pi ctures with the USB cabl e 1 T u rn off the c amera. 2 Plug the label ed end of the USB cable into the la beled U SB po rt on your comput er . See yo ur comp uter user’ s guid e fo r deta ils .
16 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T ran sferrin g and printi ng pictu res Printing pictures Printing with a Kodak EasyShare printer dock Dock y our camera to the Kodak Eas ySha re print er d ock a nd pr int d irect ly—with o r withou t a compu ter . Pu rcha se thi s and other acces sories at a dealer of K o dak pro ducts or visi t www .
T r ansfe rring a nd pr inting picture s www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 17 Printing from a PictBridge enabled printer 1 T ur n on t he pr inter . T urn on th e cam era. The Pic tBridge log o is displayed, fo llowed by t he current picture and menu. (If no pict ures are found, a m essage i s dis played.
18 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T ran sferrin g and printi ng pictu res Disconnec ting the ca mera from a PictBridge enabled printer 1 T ur n off the camera and prin ter .
T r ansfe rring a nd pr inting picture s www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 19 Dock compatibility for your c amera Purch ase ca mera docks , pr inter docks , and other a ccess ories at a d ealer o f K oda k pro ducts or visi t www .k o/c530acc essories .
20 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 4 Doing mor e with your camera Using the self- timer NO TE: T he sel f timer c ance ls aft er you tak e the pict ure , record t he vide o , o r t urn o ff the ca mer a. Using the self timer for video Us e the sam e pro cedur e as abov e , but : ■ T ur n the Mode dial to video .
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 21 Running a slide show Use the Slide Sh ow to display your pictur es and vid eos on the LC D scre en. T o run a s lide show on a telev ision o r on any extern al de vice , see page 2 2 . Starting the slide sho w 1 Press t he Revi ew but ton, th en pr ess the Men u but ton.
22 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Doing more with your came ra Running a continuous slide sho w loop When y ou tu rn on Loop , the sl ide show is con tinuo usly r epeate d. 1 On t he S l i de S h ow me n u , p r e s s t o h i g hl i gh t Lo op, t h en p re s s th e O K b u tt o n .
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 23 Copyi ng picture s and vi deos Y ou ca n c opy p icture s an d vi deos from a ca rd t o i nterna l me mory or f rom i ntern al memor y to a car d. Before you co py , make sure that: ■ A card is insert e d in the camera .
24 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Doing more with your came ra Choosing a flash setting NO TE: ■ Off an d Fill flash optio ns reve rt t o Auto when the camer a is turned off . ■ When t he pi ctur e is ta k en with Auto or Fill flash selec ted, the c amera flashes twic e: onc e to set the exp osure and o nce t o ta k e the pi cture .
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 25 Changing pi cture-tak ing settings Y ou ca n c hange setti ngs to ge t the bes t resu lts fro m you r ca mer a: 1 In any mode , pr ess t he Menu bu tton. 2 Pres s to highl igh t the setti ng you wish to chan ge , th en p res s the OK butt on.
26 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Doing more with your came ra Picture Size (Auto mode) Set pictu re resol utio n. This setting remai ns until you cha nge it. 5.0 MP (de fault)— for pr in ting up to 20 x 30 in. (51 x 76 c m); p ictur es are high est resoluti on and largest fil e size.
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 27 Customizing your camera Use Set up t o cus tomi ze yo ur came ra sett ings . 1 In any mode , pr ess t he Menu bu tton. 2 Press to hig hli ght Se tup , then press t he OK butt on. 3 Pres s to highl igh t the setti ng you wish to chan ge , th en p res s the OK butt on.
28 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Doing more with your came ra 5 Press the Menu but ton to exi t. Setting Icon Opt ions Return Ret urn to pr ev ious me nu. Liveview C h a n g e L C D s c r e e n s e t t i n g s o t h a t i t i s always on or al ways off (see pa ge 7 ).
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 29 Viewing picture/video informatio n 1 Press t he Revi ew but ton, th en pr ess the Men u but ton. 2 Press to high light Pictu re or Video Info , then press the OK bu tton. 3 T o view info rmat ion o n the next or pr evious pictu re or video , p ress .
30 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Doing more with your came ra Changing optio nal review settings In Revie w mode , pr ess the Menu but ton to access opt ional review set tings . Pre-taggi ng for al bum names Use the Set Alb um (St ill or Video) featur e to pre -select albu m names befo re y ou tak e pictu res or video s .
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 31 Second— on your camera 1 In any mode , pr ess t he Menu bu tton. 2 Press to hig hli ght Se t Album , then press the OK butt on. 3 Press to highli ght a n al bum na me , then press the OK bu tton.
32 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Doing more with your came ra Tagging pictures/v ideos for albums Use th e Album fea ture in Revie w mode t o tag th e pict ures an d videos i n your camera with al bum na mes .
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 33 Sharing your pictures NO TE: T ags remain unt il removed. If a tagged pictu re or video i s copied, t he tag is no t copied . Tagging pictures for printing 1 Press t he Share butt on. 2 Press to locate a pi ctur e .
34 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Doing more with your came ra 6 Press t he Share butt on t o exit . * T o tag all pi ctures in the image st or age locati on, h ighlig ht Pr int All , press the OK butt on, the n select th e number of copies as desc ribed abo ve .
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 35 4 T o remove a sele ction , high light a checked addre ss a nd pr ess th e OK button. T o remove all email select ions , highl ight Cl ear All. 5 Highli ght E xit, th en pr ess the O K but ton.
36 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Doing more with your came ra NO TE: T he camer a hol ds a limi ted num ber of favori tes . Use Camera F a vorites in the EasyShare soft w are to customize t he size of your camer a F av orites sectio n. Videos t agged as favorit es remain in t he F avorit es folder in the EasyShare s oftw are.
Doing mo re wit h y our ca mera www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 37 Removing all f avor it es from your cam era 1 T urn the Mode dial to F avorite s . 2 Press the Me nu but ton. 3 Highli ght , then press t he OK button. All pict ures st o red in the Favorites s ection of internal memory are removed.
38 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 5 T roubleshooting F or step-by-step product support, visit www .k o o/c530s upport and select Interactive T ro ubles hooting & Re pairs . Camera probl ems If ... T ry one or more the following Camera does n ot turn o n ■ Install new b atteri es ( pag e 1 ).
T rou blesh ooti ng www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 39 In Review mode , a blue or b lack screen is displayed ins tead o f a pictu re. ■ Trans fer th e pi ctu re t o the co mput er ( page 15 ). Shutt er bu tton does not work . ■ Turn on the camer a ( pa ge 2 ).
40 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T ro ublesho oting Camera does n ot recog nize SD/ MMC c ard. ■ Purc hase a c erti fied S D/M MC c ard. ■ Ref ormat the card ( page 29 ). Caution: Forma tting a card de letes all pictures and videos, including protected files.
T rou blesh ooti ng www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 41 Camera/computer communications LCD scre en messages If ... T ry one or more of the following The co mput er doe s not co mmun icate wit h t he c amer a. ■ Visit www .k odak. com/ go/ca mer asuppo rt .
42 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T ro ublesho oting Memo ry card requi res form atting ■ Ins ert a n ew ca rd ( page 4 ) or form at the c ard ( page 29 ).
T rou blesh ooti ng www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 43 Memo ry card is lock ed (Inse rt new memo ry card ) ■ Ins ert a new card ( page 4 ), move the switc h on t he card t o u nloc k th e ca rd, o r cha nge the i mage sto rage l oca tion to int er nal m emory ( pag e 26 ).
44 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t T ro ublesho oting Came ra ready l ight status Can only mark imag e wi th 32 al bum name s. Only the fi rst 32 albu m nam es w ill be saved ■ Delet e o ne o r mo re album na mes as sociat ed w ith the ima ge ( pag e 32 ).
T rou blesh ooti ng www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 45 Re ady l ight glows stea dy red . ■ Tran sfer picture s to th e co mputer ( pag e 15 ), delet e pic tures f rom th e cam era ( page 13 ), sw itch i mage storage locations ( page 26 ), or inse rt a card with avail able memory ( page 4 ).
46 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 6 Getting help Helpf ul Web links Softwa re hel p Cli ck the H elp but ton i n th e K odak Eas yShare so ftw are . Al so , see the tuto rial o n t he CD for help with connec ting your came ra to a comp uter . Help wit h your c amera www .
Getting h elp www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 47 Telephone custo mer support If yo u ha ve quest ions conc erning the ope ration o f the s oftw a re or camera, ha ve you r device connec ted t o yo ur co mpute r , a nd hav e th is infor mat ion a v a ilab le: F o r th e most up- to-da te li stin gs , v isit: www .
48 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 7 Appendix Came ra speci fica tions F or more s peci ficat ions , vi sit www .k oda /g o/c530 suppor t . K odak EasyShare C530/C3 15/CD50 digital c a me ra CCD (ch arge -cou pled dev ice) CCD 1/ 2.5 in. C CD, 4 :3 a spec t r atio Out put im age size 5.
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 49 Exposure c ompensation +/-2.0 EV with 0. 5 EV step Shu tter speed Mec han ical with CCD e lectr ical Aut o: 1/2 - 1/1618 sec. ISO speed Auto : 100 to 200 Flash Elec troni c fla sh Gui de no . 9 ( @ ISO 100 ) Auto flash wit h pre-fl ash Work ing ran ge: 1.
50 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Appe ndix Storage capaci ties Actua l sto rage capa city v a ries depe nding on subj ect c ompos itio n, car d brand, and other factor s . Y ou ma y be able to st ore mo re or fewer pict ures a nd vide os . F avor ites tak e up ad ditio nal sp ace in int erna l memo ry .
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 51 Picture storage c apacity Video storage c apacity NO TE: If y ou a re us ing a 1 GB or l arger memo ry ca rd, video recor ding may st op auto matica lly after 58 min s. Pre ss the Shu tter b utton to star t a new v ideo fi le.
52 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Appe ndix Power-saving features Important safety instructions Using this p roduct ■ Read and follow these instr ucti ons befo re using Kodak pr oduct s . A lw ay s follow basic safety p rocedures . ■ Use only a USB- cer tified com pute r .
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 53 Battery safety and handling CAUTION: W hen removing batter ie s , allow them to cool first; batteries may be ho t. ■ Read and follow all warnings an d inst ruct ions s uppli ed by the batte ry manufac turer .
54 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Appe ndix Battery information Battery life for Kodak C-series digital cameras Us e the follo wing batte ries . Actu al bat tery li fe may v ary ba sed o n us age .
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 55 ■ Batte ry pe rforman ce is r educed at tem peratures be low 4 1 ° F (5 ° C). When usin g your cam era in co ld weath er , carr y spa re ba tteri es a nd k eep th em warm . Do n ot disc ard c old b atteri es that do no t work; whe n the y r eturn to room tem per ature , the y may be usa ble .
56 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Appe ndix Warranty Limited warranty K odak w arr ants K odak EasySha re di git al cam era s a nd ac cessori es (ex clud ing batter ies) to be free from malfu nctions and de fects i n bot h mater ials a nd workma nship for on e yea r fro m the date o f purc hase .
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 57 T his w ar r an ty does not a pply when fa ilure is due to s hippi ng da mage , acci dent, alte ration, modifi cati on, un auth oriz ed servi ce , misu se , a.
58 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Appe ndix Regula tory compl ianc e FCC co mpliance and advisory T his equipm ent ha s b een test ed and found to co mply with t he lim its for a Cla ss B di gita l dev ice , pursu ant to P art 15 of t he FC C Rules .
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 59 Obse rvatio n des n ormes-Cla ss B— Cet ap pare il numéri que de la c lass e B est conf orme à la norm e NMB- 003 du Ca nada.
60 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Ind ex 1 Numerics 4-way buttons, ii A AA ba ttery, inst alling, 1 abou t, 2 9 acce ss ori es , 15 batt ery, 5 4 buyin g, 46 camera d ock, 55 prin ter d ock, 16, 55 SD/M.
www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 61 Inde x CRV 3 batte ry load ing , 1 cust omer suppor t, 47 custom izi ng camer a set tings , 27 D date disp laying o n vide o, 2 8 impri nting on pi ctures , 28 se tti n.
62 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Inde x softw are, 14 in ternal mem ory form atting, 29 setting image stora g e location, 26 stor age capacity, 50 K Koda k digi tal camera bat terie s, 1 Kod ak Easy Sh.
www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 63 Inde x tagg ing, 30 , 32 transfe r via USB ca ble, 15 vi ew ing mult i-up, 10 power, i auto off, 52 camera, 2 prin ter d ock, 16, 55 print ing from a car d, 18 from c o.
64 www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t Inde x date st amp, 28 exposur e comp ensati on, 25 flash, 8 im age st orag e lo cati on, 26 langu age , 29 Liveview , 28 pictu re qu al ity , 26 self timer, 20 video l.
www .kodak .com/go/s uppor t 65 Inde x videos checki ng s ettin gs, 9 copyi ng , 23 deleti ng , 13 disp lay da te on , 2 8 email ing t agged , 3 4 prot ectin g, 12 rev iewing , 8 set ting record ing t.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Kodak EasyShare C315, C315, CD50 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Kodak EasyShare C315, C315, CD50 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Kodak EasyShare C315, C315, CD50 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Kodak EasyShare C315, C315, CD50 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Kodak EasyShare C315, C315, CD50, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Kodak EasyShare C315, C315, CD50.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Kodak EasyShare C315, C315, CD50. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Kodak EasyShare C315, C315, CD50 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.