Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DC210+ del fabbricante Kodak
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ZZZ N RGDN FRP . 2' $.',*,7 $/6&,(1&( '&3OXV=RRP&DPHUD 86(5·6*8, '(.
ZZZ N RGDNFRP . 2' $.',*,7 $/6&,(1&( '&3OXV=RRP&DPHUD 86(5·6*8, '(.
_________ ______ _____ Inf or mation in this do cument is s ubject t o ch ange without noti ce. © 1 998 Dell Comput er Cor por atio n. All r ig hts re served. © 1 998 Eastman K odak Compan y . All ri ghts r eserved. Reproduction in any manner wha tsoever without the writ ten permission of Dell Computer Corporatio n is strictly forbidden.
v 6DIH W,QVWUXFWLRQV Wh e n u s in g yo u r d i g i t a l c a m er a , a l ways fo l l ow t h es e b a s ic s a fet y pr e c au t io n s. R ead and understand al l instr ucti ons bef ore usi ng the ca mera. T o reduce th e r isk o f e lec tric s hoc k, do not i mme rse the d igi tal ca mera i n w ater or an y other liq uid .
viii Adjustin g Camera S ettings Using the Status Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Pictures Remaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5 Self-Tim er .
ix &KDSWHU 7URXEOHVKRRWL QJ Monitor Ch ecks .
Intr oduct ion 1-1 &+$37(5 ,QWURGXF WLRQ Congrat ulations on y our pu rc hase of the ne w KOD AK DIGI T AL SCIENCE™ DC21 0 Plus Zoom ca mera th at cap t ures pict u res digitally wi thou t the use of film . T he cam era co nnect s to the se rial port of y our compu ter to trans f er pict ures.
1-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide Memory card (ins t alled in camera ) A C adapter F our Kodak ® P hotolif e™ AA bat teries Quick Ref er enc e car.
Intro ductio n 1-3 $Q2ULHQWD WLRQWR< RXU&DPHUD The f ollow ing illu strations identi fy the f eatu res of the D C21 0+ camera. ) URQWRI&DPHUD 7 RSRI&DP HUD flash.
1-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide %DFN RI &DPH UD %RWWR PRI &DPHU D 6LGHRI &DPHUD viewfin der zo om Ready light mode di a l LCD scr ee .
Oper at in g th e Cam e ra 2-1 &+$37(5 2SHUDWLQJWKH&DPHUD Thi s c hapter descr ibes basic c amera ope rations, s uc h as using bat teries a nd the A C adapt er , inse rtin g an d re mov in g th e me mor y c a r d, and turni ng t he ca mera on a n d off .
2-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide %DWWH U8VDJ H*XLGHOLQ HV B at ter y lif e dep ends si gnific antly on age, usa ge con ditions , type, and brand . In genera l, dig- it al ca meras are ver y dem and ing on ba tteries.
Oper at in g th e Cam e ra 2-3 T o insert the memory card, perf orm the f ollowing s teps: 1 . Open th e memory card door on th e side of the came ra. 2. Hold the m emory card with the co nnecti ng end po inted at th e camera. 3. P ush the c ard all the w ay i nto the ca rd slot and clo se the card d oor .
2-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide T o connect t he A C adapter to the camera, perform the f ollo wing s teps: 1 . Insert the A C adapter into the A C adapter connecti on on the side of y our camera. 2. Connect t he othe r end of the adapter to a wa ll outlet .
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-1 &+$37(5 7 DNLQJ3LFWXUHV When the mode dial is set to Capt ure, the ca mera ca n perfo rm the f ollowing functions: Capt ure a pict ure P revi ew p ict ure.
3-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3 UHYLHZLQJD 3L FWXUH Y ou can use th e LCD as a l ive viewfind er wh ile i n Ca pture mo de. This fun ction allows you to pre vie w y our pict ure before it is taken . NO TE: P re view s ignificantly shortens bat ter y lif e.
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-3 T o delete the pict ure that w as just taken w ithout lea ving Capt ure mode, perf orm the f ol- lo wing s teps: 1 . Set the mo de dial t o Capt ure. 2. T urn on the came ra. 3. T ake a pic t ure. The pict ur e is displa yed on th e LCD .
3-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3. P res s the but ton. The LCD displa ys the Expo sure Compe nsation screen. 4. P ress the and but tons to adju st the e xpos ure. 5. P ress D o-It to sele ct the e xposu re set ting.
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-5 3 LFWXUHV5 HPDLQLQJ The Pict ures Rem aining i con c hanges a utomatic ally to in dicate th e remaini ng number of pict u res tha t can be stored a t the cur ren t quali ty and resol ution s et ting. Y ou ma y not s elect or c hange th e Pict ures Rema ining ic on.
3-6 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 5. P res s the sh ut ter but ton. The red self-ti mer li ght, locat ed on the fro nt of the c amera, t u rns on and sta ys lit for 8 seconds. T he se lf-timer li ght fla shes f or 2 add itional s econds j ust be fore th e pict ure is t aken .
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-7 )ODVK The camera is equip ped wi th a buil t-in flash that of f ers an op tional red -e ye re duction f ea- t ure. T he flash ha s an ef fect ive range of a pprox imately 1 .6 to 9.8 f eet (0. 5 to 3 meters ). The re are fiv e Fla sh set tings: T o c h ange the Flash s et ting, perform the f ollo wing steps : 1 .
3-8 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide Y ou can swit c h freel y betw een the tw o set tings wh en taking pic t ures. T he numb er of pic- t ures the camera i s able to store v arie s accor dingly .
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-9 The Quality se t ting is indic ated on th e stat us displ ay using the fo llow ing icon s: The Qu ality set ting is c hanged using th e P ref erences mo de. See “ Qual ity” in Chapt er 5 f or more inf ormation. %DWWHU 6WD WXV The camera comes w ith f our K odak Pho tolif e AA bat teries.
3-1 0 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide $ FWLYDWLQJWKH=RRP The came ra inc lu des a 2X z oom lens that al lo ws y ou to z oom in on y our sub je ct fro m w id e angle ( 29 mil limeters [ mm]) to t elephoto (5 8 mm).
Revie wing Pictures 4-1 &+$37(5 5 HYLHZLQJ3LFWXUHV When the mode dial is set to Re vie w , you ma y us e the liqu id cr ystal displa y (LCD) to view the pict ures stored on the mem or y card.
4-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3. P ress the and but tons to scroll th rough the p ict ures. T o continuou sly sc roll, hold d own one of thes e buttons. The memory bar displa y s the space lef t on the mem or y card and the cur rent pict ure pos ition .
Revie wing Pictures 4-3 the memo r y card, y ou mus t delete the images in the camera m odel that ca pt ured those images . 0DJQLIL QJ3 LFWXU HV The Magn ify f eature all o ws y ou to vie w the curren t pict ure at 2x siz e on th e LCD sc reen when in R evie w mo de.
4-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide T o vie w pict ures on a TV , perf orm the f ollowing s teps: 1 . T urn of f y our TV and th e camera. 2. Inse rt the video o utput ca ble in to the vi deo -out co nnecti on on the side o f y our ca mera.
Adjusting Camer a Settings 5-1 &+$37(5 $ GMXVWLQJ&DPHUD6HWWLQJV When the m ode dia l i s s et to P ref erences, the ma in P ref eren ce s s cre en a pp ear s o n the li q- uid cr ysta l dis play (LCD ).
5-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 4XDOLW The Quality sc reen sets the pict ure qu ality to Be st, Be t ter , or Good. Re f er to “Qua lity” in Chapter 3 fo r more inf ormatio n on pict ure quality . T o set qual ity , perfo rm the f ollo wing steps : 1 .
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-3 5HV R O XW L R Q The R esolution screen s ets the pict ure resolution to High (1 15 2 x 864 p ixel s) or Standard (640 x 4 80 pix els). R efe r to “Re solution” in Chapte r 3 for m ore inf ormat ion on pic ture resoluti on.
5-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide T o select a template, perf orm th e f ollo wing step s: 1 . Set the mo de dial t o Pr ef erences . 2. T urn on the came ra. The LCD displa ys the P ref erences scre en. 3. P ress the bu tton unti l th e T emp l ate icon (sh own bel ow) is hi ghl igh t ed.
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-5 3. P ress the but ton until the D ate Stamp icon (s how n belo w) is hi ghlighted . 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD displa ys the m ain Date Stamp sc reen. T he cur rent set ting is c hec ked ( ). 5. P r es s a or but ton until th e appropri ate date stamp or der is hig hlighted.
5-6 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide T o set the fil e type, perf orm the f ollo wing s teps: 1 . Set the mo de dial t o Pr ef erences . 2. T urn on the came ra. The LCD displa ys the P ref erences scre en. 3. P ress the but ton until the File T ype ic on (sho wn bel o w) is highl ighted on the P ref- erences screen.
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-7 T o turn on Qui c kview , pe rform th e followin g st eps: 1 . Set the mo de dial t o Pr ef erences . 2. T urn on the came ra. The LCD displa ys the P ref erences scre en. 3. Pre ss t he but ton until the Qui c kvie w ico n (sh o w n be lo w) is highlighted on the sec - ond P ref erences s creen .
5-8 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3. P ress th e but ton until the Date/T ime ic on (sho w n belo w) is highli ghted o n the Pr ef- erences screen. 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD di spl ays the ma in Dat e/Ti me s cre en wi th th e curr en t da t e and tim e lis ted.
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-9 3. Pre ss t he but ton unti l the LCD Brightness icon (sh own belo w) is highlighted on the P ref eren ces scre en. 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD di spl ays the ma in LCD Bri ghtn ess s cre en. 5. P r es s a or but ton to adjust the brig htness of the LCD screen to the appr opri- ate level.
5-1 0 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3. Pre ss t he but ton until the F ormat Memor y Card icon ( sho w n be lo w) is highlighted on the P refe rences s creen. 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD displa ys the m ain F ormat Memory Card screen.
Adjusting Camer a Settings 5-1 1 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD displa ys the m ain Vid eo Out sc reen. T he cur rent set ting is c hec k ed ( ). 5. P r es s a or but ton until th e appropri ate option is highlig hted. 6. Pr ess the Do-It but ton.
5-1 2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD dis pla ys th e main La nguage screen. T he current set ting is c hec ked ( ). 5. P r es s a or but ton until th e appropri ate langua ge is hig hlighted.
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-1 3 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD displa ys the Ab out screen . 5. Pr ess the Do-It but ton to ret urn to th e main P ref erences scre en.
5-1 4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide.
T r an sferring Pictures F rom the Cam era to t he Co mput er 6-1 &+$37(5 7 UDQVIHUULQJ3 LFWXUHV)U RPWKH &DPHUDWRWKH&RPSXWHU Thi s c hapter explai ns ho w to connec t the camera to y our Dell ® computer a nd start the Pict ure Ea sy sof tware.
6-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 2. Plug one end of the serial c able into the 9-pin serial (COM) port on the bac k of you r compute r . 3. Open the s erial port doo r on the si de of y our camera . 4. Plug the other end o f the se rial cable into the ca mera’ s serial port.
T r an sferring Pictures F rom the Cam e ra to the Co mputer 6-3 7 . T urn on the camera. When the camera i s correc tly conn ected to y our com puter , three squares rotate on the stat us di spla y: 8.
6-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide.
T r oubles hooti ng 7 -1 &+$37(5 7 URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Thi s c hapter pro vides tips and troub leshootin g solutio ns fo r common p roblems y ou may ex perience while using y our c amera an d sof t wa re. If y ou ar e ex periencin g dif ficulties with yo ur camera, c hec k the s ections f or pos sible s olutions.
7-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide &DPHUD&KHFNV Ready li ght do es no t t urn on and th e cam- era do es no t work . Camera is not t urned on . T urn on the cam era and v erify that th e gree n Rea dy light t urns on.
T r oubles hooti ng 7-3 Pict ure i s too dark. Flash is not on or did no t go off . T urn on the flas h. Ref er to “Flas h” in Chapter 3. The subjec t is too far away f ro m t h e flash. Mo ve so there is no more than 1 0 f t (3 m) betwe en the ca me ra a nd th e s u bj ec t.
7-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide /&'0HVVDJHV 3 ULQWLQJ7LSV Y o u may n ot i c e t ha t th e c ol o r s on yo ur c o mp u t e r s c r ee n d o n o t a l ways ma t ch th o s e i n yo ur docume nts or pr ints.
T r oubles hooti ng 7-5 Kee p these tip s in min d when printi ng: Color pri nting tak es more time. Compl ex documents require more print ing and dr ying time.
7-6 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 7 . V erify the set tings , and then c lic k the Ne xt but ton. A progres s screen appears wh ile the sof t ware is i nstalled. 8. Select th e pref erred restart opti on and c lic k the Finish but ton.
Inde x 1 ,QGH [ $ AC adapter connec ting, 2-3 access ori es, 1- 2 adjus tin g th e exp osu r e val ue, 3-3 % batteries ins ta lli ng, 2-1 removin g, 2-1 stat us, 3 -9 types, 2 -1, 2-2, 3-9 usage gui d.
2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide ( error mes sages, 7-4 exp osure compen sating for dark o r light pic tures, 3-3 Exposu re Compens ation ico n, 3-2 Exposu re Lock i .
Inde x 3 Prefere nces scree ns (continue d) Format Me mory Card, 5-9 Langua ge, 5-11 LCD Sc r ee n Bri ght nes s, 5-8 Quality , 5- 2 Quickv iew, 5-6 Resoluti on, 5-3 Templa te, 5-3 Video O ut, 5-10 Pr.
4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide viewin g camera in formation, 5-12 viewin g pictures o n memory c ard, 4-1 viewin g pictures o n TV, 4- 3 = zoomi ng, 3- 10.
3ULQWHGLQWKH8 6$ 31' .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Kodak DC210+ è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Kodak DC210+ - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Kodak DC210+ imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Kodak DC210+ ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Kodak DC210+, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Kodak DC210+.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Kodak DC210+. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Kodak DC210+ insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.