Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto W10190622A del fabbricante KitchenAid
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Models KERS8 07 KESK901 KESS907 KESS 908 YKERS80 7 YKESS907 YKESS908 W1019 0622A ELECTRIC RANGE ARCHITECT ® SERIES II Use & Care Guide For quest ions about featur es, operat ion/performance, parts, access ories or service, cal l: 1-800-422-1230 or visi t our w ebsite at www .
2 T ABLE OF CONTEN TS RANGE SAFETY .................................... ............................ ............. 3 The Anti-Tip Bracket ....................................................... ............. 3 PARTS AND FEATURES ......................
3 RANGE SAFETY The Anti-T ip Bracket The range will not tip durin g normal use. Ho wever , the range can ti p if you app ly too much force or weight to the open door w it hout havi ng th e an ti-tip brack et fa stene d down p rop erly .
4 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the range, follow basic precautions, including the following: ■ WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF TIPPING OF THE RANGE, THE RANGE MUST BE SECURED BY PROPERLY INSTALLED ANTI-TIP DEVICES.
5 PARTS AND FEAT URES This man ual c overs sev eral different model s. The r ange yo u have pu rchased may hav e some o r all of t he it ems lis ted. T he loca tio ns and appearances of the featu res shown here may not match those of your mode l.
6 Rang e Oven Interior A. Dual-size oval element B. T riple-si ze element C. Anti-tip bracket D. Warming draw er E. Dual-size ele ment F . El ectronic cooktop touch controls G. Ceramic surfa ce cooking area H. Oven contro l panel I. Autom atic oven light sw itch/ self-clean la tch J.
7 Glass T ouch-Activated Electr o nic Oven Control/Cooktop Knob Contr ol Models Electr onic Custom Control Knob (Mode ls KERS807, YKERS80 7, KESS907 and YKESS907) Standar d C ontr ol Knob (Model KESK901) A. Surface locator and indicator light B. Oven disp lay C.
8 Rang e Oven Interior A. Dual-size element (rear element also dual on electronic co ntrol models) B. A nti-ti p b racke t C. Warming drawer (storage drawe r on sta ndard control models) D. Ce ra mi c surf ace coo kin g ar ea E. Selectable simmer featur e (available on standard contr ol models ) F .
9 COOKTOP USE Ceramic Glass (on some models) The surface cooking a rea will glow red when an element i s on. It may cycle on and off to maintain the se lecte d heat lev el. It is normal for th e surface of lig ht colored ceramic glass to appear to cha nge color when surfac e cooking areas are hot.
10 Home Canning When canning for l ong periods, alter nate the use of surface cooking areas, elements or su rface bur ners bet ween batch es. This allows ti me for the most recently u sed areas to cool. ■ Center the canne r on the grate or largest surface cooki ng area or element.
11 : To U s e : 1. T ouch ON/OFF . 2. T ouch h eat zone size to desir ed zone d iameter (singl e, dual or triple). The correspo nding zone di ameter indicat or light will glow to show whi ch sett ing is act ivated.
12 Hot Surface Indicator Lig hts The Hot Surfac e Indicat or Lights are located n ext to each of th e cooktop touch controls. The Hot Surface Indicator L ights will glow as long as any s urface cooking area is too hot to touch , even after t he surface cooking area(s) is tur ned off.
13 The Dual-Size Elem ents of fer flexibil ity dependin g on the size of the cookwa re. Sin gle size c an be used in the sa me way as a regular element. The du al size comb ines both t he single an d outer element and i s recommended for larger size cookware.
14 Cooktop Controls - Stan dard Knobs The cooktop controls can b e set to anywh ere between HI and LO. Push in and turn to the desi red heat s etting. Use the foll owing chart as a guide when setti ng heat leve ls. Single and Dual- Size Elem ents The D ual-Size Elemen ts off er flexib ility d ependin g on the s ize of the cookwa re.
15 GLASS TOUCH -ACTIVATED ELECTRONIC OVE N CONTROL Style 1 (Electr onic T ouch Activated and Elect ronic Knob Control Syste ms) Style 2 (Sta ndard Knob Contr ols System) A. EasyConvect ™ conversion B. Convection oven settings C. Oven settings D. Proof bread setting E.
16 Electronic C ontrol Pads When pressing an y control pad fun ction on the El ectronic Oven Cont rol, u se the pad o f yo ur fi nge r to pres s the desi red fu ncti on. Hold down the pad a few second s, or until the desire d function appears in the disp lay .
17 Fahrenheit and Celsiu s - Option 1 Fahrenhei t is the d efau lt sett ing, but s etti ng may be change d to Cels ius. To C h a n g e : Pre ss OP TIONS, then 1 on th e keyp ad for Ce lsius. T o convert back to Fah renheit, press OPTIONS, then 1 aga in on the keypad .
18 Sabbath M ode - Option 7 The Sabbath M ode sets the oven t o remain on in a bake setting until tur ned off. A time d Sabba th Mo de can also be set t o kee p the oven on for only part of the Sabbath.
19 OVEN U SE Odors and smoke are normal when the oven is u sed the first few times, or when it is heavily soiled. IMPORT AN T : The healt h of some birds is ex tremely sensi tive to the f umes gi ven of f. Exposu re to t he fumes m ay r esult in death to certain birds.
20 1. Press the number pad s to enter a probe tempe rature. The probe temperatu re can be set be tween 130 °F and 190° F (54°C and 88 °C). 2. Press BAKE, CONVECT BAKE or CONVE CT ROAST . Press number pads to ente r a temperature other than the one displa yed.
21 T o Bake or Roast: Before baking an d roasting, posi tion racks ac cording to the “Positioni ng Racks and B akeware” section. For baking, allow t he range to preheat b efore placing food in the oven. When roasting, it is no t necessa ry to wait for the oven to preheat before putting food in , unless recommended in the re c ip e .
22 Convection C ooking (on some models) In a convectio n oven, the fan-c irculated hot air contin ually distributes heat mor e evenly than the natural movement of air in a standard thermal oven.
23 2. Press ST ART . “Preheating” will sh ow in the displa y until the set temperature is reach ed. “Lo” will also appear in the d isplay if th e actual oven temper atur e is unde r 170°F (7 7°C).
24 Convection Broil (on some models) Conve ction Br oil is ideal for cookin g foods such as thin ner cuts of meat; file ts of fish; boneless, s kinless chicken; vegetables and garlic bread.
25 T o Set a Cook Tim e and Sto p Time (Delay Start): Before setting, make su re the clock is set to the correct time of day . See “Clock/Tim er Display” s ection. 1. Press BAKE, CONVECT BAKE or CONVE CT ROAST . Press the numb er pads to enter a tempera ture other than t he one di splayed.
26 RANGE CARE Self-Cleaning C ycle (on some mod els) IMPORT AN T : The healt h of some birds is ex tremely sensi tive to the fumes give n off during the S elf-Clean ing cycle. Exposure to the fume s may result in de ath to cer tain bi rds. Always m ove birds to another closed an d well ventila ted room.
27 T o Delay Start Self-Clea n: Befo re de lay st arting Self-Cle an, make s ure the cl ock is set t o the correct time of day . See “Clock/Timer Disp lay” se ction. Als o, make sure the door is cl osed complet ely or it wi ll not l ock and th e cycle will not begin .
28 COOKTOP CONTROLS T o avoid damage to the cooktop contr ols, do not use steel wool, abrasive cl eansers or oven cl eaner . T o avoid damage, do not soak knob s. When replacing knobs, make sure knobs are in the Off position. Do not remove s eals unde r knobs.
29 4. Lift the oven door while holding b oth sides. Continue to push the oven door closed and pull i t away from the oven door frame. T o Replace: 1. Insert both hanger arms into the d oor . 2. Open the oven d oor . Y ou should hear a “cl ick” as the door i s set into pl ace.
30 Cooktop cook ing results not what exp ected ■ Is the proper co okware being us ed? See “Cookware” section . ■ Is the control knob or element controls set to the prop er heat level? See “C.
31 ■ Referrals to l ocal dealers , repair parts distribut ors and servi ce companies. Ki tchenA id design ated servi ce techni cians are trained to fulfill t he product warranty and provide after - warranty servi ce, anyw here in the Un ited St ates.
ITEMS EXCLUDE D FROM W A RRANT Y This limit ed warranty does not co ver : 1. Service cal ls to correct the i nstallat ion of your major ap plia nce, to inst ruct you on how to use your maj or applian ce, to repla ce or r epair house fuses, or to c orrec t house wiri ng or plumbing.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il KitchenAid W10190622A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del KitchenAid W10190622A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso KitchenAid W10190622A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul KitchenAid W10190622A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il KitchenAid W10190622A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del KitchenAid W10190622A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il KitchenAid W10190622A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo KitchenAid W10190622A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.