Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S del fabbricante Analog Devices
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• a TigerSHARC and the TigerSHARC logo are registered trademar ks of Analog Devices, Inc. TigerSHARC ® Embedded Processor ADSP-TS201S Rev. C Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable.
Rev. C | Page 2 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S T ABLE OF CONTENTS G e n e r a l D e s c r i p t i o n ......................... ..................... ... 3 D u a l C o m p u t e B l o c k s .......... .......................... ........ 4 D a t a A l i g n m e n t B u f f e r ( D A B ) .
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 3 of 48 | December 2006 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC pr ocessor is an ultrahigh per- formance, static superscalar processor optimized for large sign al processing tasks and communications infrastructure.
Rev. C | Page 4 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S The TigerSHARC DSP uses a Static Superscalar TM † architecture. This architecture is superscala r in that the ADSP-TS201S pro- cessor’s core can e.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 5 of 48 | December 2006 The IALUs have hardware support for circular buffers, bit reverse, and zero-overhead loopin g. Circular buffers facilitate efficient programming of delay li nes and other data str uctures required in digital signal proc essing, and they are commonly used in digital filters and Four ier transforms.
Rev. C | Page 6 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S 33.6G bytes per second, enabling the core and I/O to access eight 32-bit data-words and four 32-bit instructions each cycle.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 7 of 48 | December 2006 The ADSP-TS201S processor prov ides programmable memory, pipeline depth, and idle cycl e for synchronous accesses; and external acknowledge cont rols .
Rev. C | Page 8 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S external memory. T hese tran sfers only use handshake mode protocol. DMA priority rotat es between the four receive channels. • AutoDMA transfers. Two de dicated unidirecti onal DMA channels transfer data received from an external bus master to internal memory or to link port I/O.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 9 of 48 | December 2006 LINK P OR TS (L VDS) The DSP’s four full-duplex link ports each prov ide addi tional four-bit receive a nd four-bit transmit I/ O capability, using low voltage, differential-signal (L VD S) technology.
Rev. C | Page 10 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S POWE R DO M A I N S The ADSP-TS201S processor ha s separate power supply con- nections for int ernal logic (V DD ), analog circuits (V DD_A ), I/O buffer (V DD_IO ), and internal DRA M (V DD_DRA M ) power supply.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 11 of 48 | December 2006 eliminating the need to start from th e very beginning when developing new applicatio n code. The VDK fe atures include threads, cri tical and unsched ule d regions, semaphores, events, and device fla gs.
Rev. C | Page 12 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS While most of the ADSP-TS201S processor’s input pins are nor- mally synchronous —tied to a specific clock—a few are asynchronous. For t hese asynchronous signa ls, an on-chip syn- chronization circuit prevents metastability proble ms.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 13 of 48 | December 2006 Table 5. Pin Definition s—External Port Bus Con trols Signal T ype T e rm Descrip tion ADDR31–0 I/O/T (pu_ad) nc Address Bus . The DSP issues addresses f or accessing memor y and peripherals on these pins.
Rev. C | Page 14 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Table 6. Pin Defini tions—External P ort Arbitration Signal T ype T e rm Descrip tion BR7–0 I/O V DD_IO 1 Multiprocessing Bus Request P ins. Used by the DSP s in a multiprocessor syst em to arbitrate for bus mastership .
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 15 of 48 | December 2006 Table 7. Pin Defini tions—Ext ernal Port DMA/Flyby Signal T ype T e rm Descrip tion DMAR3–0 I/A epu DMA Request Pins. Enable external I/O devices to request DM A services from the DSP . In response to DMARx , the DSP per forms DMA transfers according to the DMA channel’ s initialization.
Rev. C | Page 16 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Table 8. Pin D efinitio ns—Exter nal Port SDRAM C ontrolle r Signal T ype T e rm Descrip tion MSSD3–0 I/O/T (pu_0) nc Memory Select SDRAM. MS SD0 , MSSD1 , MSSD2 , or MSSD3 is asserted whenever the DSP accesses SDRAM memory space.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 17 of 48 | December 2006 Table 9. Pin Definitions—JTAG Port Signal T ype T e rm Descrip tion EMU O/OD nc 1 Emulation. Connected to the DSP’ s JT AG emulator target boar d connector only . TC K I ep d o r e p u 1 T est Clock (JT AG).
Rev. C | Page 18 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Table 11. Pin Definitions—Li nk Ports Signal T ype T e rm Descrip tion LxDA TO3–0P O nc Link P orts 3–0 Data 3–0 T ransmit L VDS P LxDA TO3.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 19 of 48 | December 2006 Table 13. Impedance Control Selection C ONTROLIMP1-0 Driver M ode 00 (recommended) Normal 01 Reser ved 10 (default) A/D Mode 11 Reser ved Table 14. Drive Strength/Output Impedance Selection DS2–0 Pin s Drive Strength 1 Output Impedance 2 000 Strength 0 (11.
Rev. C | Page 20 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S STRAP PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Some pins have alternate func ti ons at reset. Strap options set DSP operating modes. During re set, the DSP samples the strap option pins. Strap pins have an internal pull-up or pull-down for the default value.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 21 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S—SPECIFICATIONS Note that component specifications are subject to change with- out notice. For information on link port electrical characteristics, see Link Port Low Voltage, Differential-Signal (LVDS) Electrical Characteristics, and Timing on Page 30 .
Rev. C | Page 22 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S ELECTRICAL CHARAC TERISTICS Table 18. Maximum Duty Cycle for Input Transient Voltage V IN Max (V ) 1 V IN Min (V) 1 Maximum Duty Cyc l e 2 +3.63 –0.33 100% +3.64 –0.34 90% +3.70 –0.40 50% +3.78 –0.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 23 of 48 | December 2006 PACKAGE INF ORMATION The informat ion presented in Figure 8 provide detai ls about the package branding for the ADSP -TS201S processors. For a com- plete listing of prod uct availability, see Ordering Guide on Page 46 .
Rev. C | Page 24 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S T IMING SPECIFICATIONS With the exception of DMAR3–0 , IRQ3–0 , TMR0E, and FLAG3–0 (input only) pins, all ac timing for the ADSP-TS201S processor is relative to a refe rence clock edge.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 25 of 48 | December 2006 Table 23. R eference Clocks—System Clock (SCLK) Cycle Time Par am et e r De s cr i pt io n SCLKRA T = 4 × , 6 × , 8 × , 10 × , 12 × SCLKRA T = 5 × , 7 × Unit Min Max Min Max t SCLK 1, 2, 3 System Clock C ycle Time 8 50 8 50 ns t SCLKH System Clock C ycle High Time 0.
Rev. C | Page 26 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Table 25. Power-U p Timing 1 Parameter Min Max Unit Timing Require ment t VDD_DRAM V DD_DRAM Sta ble Aft er V DD , V DD_A , V DD_IO Stable >0 ms 1 For information about power supply sequencing and monitoring solutions, pl ease visit www.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 27 of 48 | December 2006 Table 27. Norm al Reset Timing Parameter Min Max Unit Timing Requ irements t RST_IN RST_IN Asserted 2 ms t STRAP RST_IN Deasserted After Strap Pins Stable 1.5 ms Switching Char acteristic t RST_OUT RST_OUT Dea sser t ed Af ter R ST_ IN D easserted 1.
Rev. C | Page 28 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Table 29. AC Signal Specifications (A ll values in this table are in nanosec onds.) Name Descrip tion Input Setup (Min) Input Hold (Min) Output V alid (Max) Output Ho ld (Min) Output Enab le (Min) 1 Output Disable (Max) 1 Reference Clock ADDR31–0 External Address Bus 1.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 29 of 48 | December 2006 DS2–0 8 Static Pins—Must Be C onstant — — — — — — — SCLKRA T2–0 8 Static Pins—Must Be C onstant — — — — — — — ENEDREG Static P ins—Must Be Connected to V SS ——————— STRAP S YS 9, 10 S t r a p P i n s 1 .
Rev. C | Page 30 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Link Port Low V oltage, Differential-Signal (L VDS) Electrical Char acteristics , and T iming Table 30 and Table 31 with Figure 16 provide the elect rical characteristics fo r the LVDS link ports.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 31 of 48 | December 2006 Link P ort —Da ta Ou t T imi ng Table 32 with Fi gure 18 , Figure 19 , Figure 20 , Figure 21 , Figure 22 , and Figure 23 provide the data out timing for the LVDS link ports.
Rev. C | Page 32 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Figure 18. Link Ports—Output Clock Figure 19. Link Ports—Di fferential Output Signals Transition Time LxCLKOUT V OD =0 V t COJT t LCLKOL t LCLK OH t LCLK OP + | V OD | MIN - | V OD | MIN V OD =0 V t REO t FEO V O_N V O_P R L C L C L_P C L_ N R L =1 0 0 ⍀ C L =0 .
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 33 of 48 | December 2006 Figure 22. Link Ports—Transmissi on End and Stops Figure 23. Link Port s—Back to Back Transmission LxCLKO UT LxDAT O V OD =0 V V OD =0 V FIRST ED.
Rev. C | Page 34 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Link P ort —Da ta I n T imin g Table 33 with Figure 24 and Figure 25 provide the data in timing for the LVDS link ports. Table 33. Link Port—Data In Timing Par ameter Description Min Max Unit Inputs t LC LK I P LxCLKIN Period ( Fi g u r e 2 5 )G r e a t e r o f 1 .
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 35 of 48 | December 2006 Figure 25. Link Ports— Da ta Input Setup and Hold 1 1 These parame ters are valid fo r both clock ed ges.
Rev. C | Page 36 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S OUTPUT DRIV E CURR ENTS Figure 26 through Figure 33 show typical I–V characteristics for the output drivers of the ADSP-T S201S processor.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 37 of 48 | December 2006 T EST CONDITIONS The ac signal specific ations (timing p arameters) appear in Table 29 on Page 28 . These include output disable time, output enable time, and ca pacitive loading. The t iming specifications for the DSP apply for the voltage reference levels in Figure 34 .
Rev. C | Page 38 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Output Enable Time Output pins are consid ered to be enabled wh en they hav e made a transition from a high impedance state to when the y start driv- ing. The time for the voltag e on the bus to ramp by Δ V is dependent on the capacitive loa d, C L , and the drive current, I D .
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 39 of 48 | December 2006 Figure 41. Typical Outp ut Rise and Fall Time (10% to 90%, V DD_IO =2 . 5V ) vs. Load Capacitance at Stre ngth 4 Figure 42. Typical Outp ut Rise and Fall Time (10% to 90%, V DD_IO =2 . 5V ) vs. Load Capacitance at Stre ngth 5 Figure 43.
Rev. C | Page 40 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S EN VIRONMENTAL C ONDITIONS The ADSP-TS201S processor is rated for performance under T CASE environmental conditions specified in the Operating Con- ditions on Page 21 . Thermal Characteristic s The ADSP-TS201S processor is packaged in a 25 mm × 25 mm, thermally enhanced ball gr id array (BGA_ED).
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 41 of 48 | December 2006 576-BALL BGA_ED PIN CONFIGURATIONS Figure 46 shows a summary of pin configurations for the 576-ball BGA_ED package and Table 35 lists the signal-to-ball assignments.
Rev. C | Page 42 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S Table 35. 576 -Ball (25 mm × 25 mm) BGA_ED Ball Assignments Ball No . Signal Name Ball No. Signal Name Ball No .
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 43 of 48 | December 2006 J1 RAS K1 SDA10 L1 SDWE M1 BR3 J2 CAS K2 SDCKE L2 BR0 M2 SCLKRA T1 J3 V SS K3 LDQM L3 BR1 M3 BR5 J4 V REF K4 HDQM L4 BR2 M4 BR6 J5 V SS K5 V DD_IO L5.
Rev. C | Page 44 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S U1 MSSD0 V1 MSSD2 W1 CONTROLIMP0 Y1 EMU U2 RST_OUT V2 DS2 W2 ENEDREG Y2 TCK U3 ID2 V3 POR_IN W3 TDI Y3 TMR0E U4 DS1 V4 CONTROLIMP1 W4 TDO Y4 FLAG3 U5.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 45 of 48 | December 2006 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS The ADSP-TS201S processor is available in a 25 mm × 25 mm, 576-ball metric thermally enhanced ball grid array (BGA_ED) package with 24 rows of balls (BP-576). SUR FACE MOUNT DESIGN Table 36 is provided as an ai d to PCB design.
Rev. C | Page 46 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S ORDERING GUIDE Model T emperature Range 1 1 Represents case tem perature. Instruct ion Rat e 2 2 The instruction rate is the same as the internal processor core clock (CCLK) rate.
ADSP-TS201S Rev. C | Page 47 of 48 | December 2006.
Rev. C | Page 48 of 48 | December 2006 ADSP-TS201S © 2006 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Analog Devices TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Analog Devices TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Analog Devices TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Analog Devices TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Analog Devices TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Analog Devices TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Analog Devices TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Analog Devices TigerSHARC ADSP-TS201S insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.