Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 686BU del fabbricante JVC
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1 IP Ca mera VN-V685U/686U/686BU A P I G UIDE This do cum en t pro v id es a descript i on of proto co ls and API of VN-V685/686/ 686B. 2009.3.13. JVC L ST0856-001A.
2 Updates Ve r sion Date U pdates 1.00 2008/10/16 First rele a s e . 1.01 2008/10/31 P17. Typo is fi xes. (diffe r en c e -> differen t) 1.02 2009/02/03 Gar ble d chara cte r s ar e fixed . 1.03 2009/03/13 P10, P15 "search ing" is added to sta tus of Intelligen t tr acking .
3 Custo m App lication Softw are Dev elopment Gu ide V N-V685/686/686B can b e used from a custom a pplication soft w ar e by utili zing the API and proto cols for VN-V 685/ 686/686B. T he following operation s a re po ssible. - Ge t ting JPEG fr om VN-V685/686/686B .
4 Con tent 1. Gettin g J PEG fr o m VN-V685/686/686B via HT TP 2. Gettin g M PEG-4 from VN -V685/686/686B via H TTP 3. API to Sea rc h VN-V685/686/686B 4. Gettin g A larm fr o m VN-V685/686/686B via TCP 5. Usin g AP I t hat Requir es Basic Authen t ication 6.
5 This do cument desc r ibes AP Is of VN-V685/686/686B . Differe nces of VN-V685 , VN-V68 6 and VN-V686B ar e as b elow. Functio n VN-V685 VN-V686 VN-V686B Maximum Op ti cal Zoo m x27 x36 x36 White Ba.
6 boundary structure sho ws file siz e of each JPEG file. Us ing the size , re adi ng the whol e JPEG da t a beco mes easy . When p tz_info =on is spec i fied, bounda r y , pan/tilt / zoo m informatio n and J PEG file will be sent o ut continuo usly after HTTP Re sponse as fo ll ow s .
7 Rang e of X-P uls-Pan is from 0 to 35 999. Rang e o f X -Puls-Ti lt is from 0 t o 19000. 0 co r r espo n ds to -5 d egrees and 1900 0 co rr espo n ds t o 185 de g r ee s. 500 a n d 18500 me an ho rizontal. Rang e of X-P os i -Zoo m is fr o m 0 to 9999.
8 TCP co nnection. boundary To specif y s treaming format. Spec ify "on" for server p ush streaming . If framerate=0 is spec i fied , there is no bo undar y s truc ture ev e n if bo und ary =on. ptz_info To add p a n/til t/zoo m information b e fo re JPEG data.
9 Acce s s restricti o n VN- V685/686/686B has access restric t ion fe a ture that ena bles to de ny access from a spec ific I P a ddres s . I f JPEG is reques ted fro m the I P address o f access re strictio n, VN-V 685/6 86/686B disco nnects the TCP co nne ction after A P I is sent.
10 is created . Pan pos i tion 13 pan = 123.4 5 Indicates pan po sition in deg r ees from 0.00 to 359.99. Tilt positio n 14 tilt = 123.45 Indicates t ilt positio n in deg r ees from 0.00 to 190.00. 0.00 co rr espo n ds to -5 deg r ees and 19 0. 00 co rr es ponds to 185 deg r ee s.
11 GET /api /vid e o?e n cod e=mpeg4 HTTP/1 .1<C RLF> Host : 19 2.16 8 .0. 2 <CR LF><CRLF > Note <CRL F> deno t es the line fee d co de ( 0x0D, 0x0A ). 3) VN-V 685/6 86/686B r eturn s HTTP respo nse. Exa m ple of VN-V685 HTTP /1.
12 Exampl e of Bo oundary a nd pan / tilt/z oom info r mation: --foo <CRLF> Conte nt -Ty pe: ima ge/jpe g< CRL F> Conte nt -Le ngth: 5914< CRLF> X-Puls-Pa n : 0<CR LF> X-Puls-Tilt : 0<CRL F> X-Po si-Z oo m: 0<CR LF><CRL F> Rang e of X-P uls-Pan is from 0 to 35 999.
13 Paramete r v alue is in dica ted using =. Do not inser t space befo r e and after =. Exampl e e n code = mpeg4 Parameter Descriptio n encode For specify ing co mpressio n fo rmat. For exampl e, specify as enco de=mpeg 4 to get M PEG- 4. ptz_info To add p a n/til t/zoo m information b e fo re MPEG-4 VO P data.
14 2.5. MPEG-4 Stream Fo rmat Sent Out by VN-V685/686/686B MPEG- 4 stream from VN- V685 / 686/68 6B i s MP EG-4 P art 2(I SO/IEC 1 4496-2 ) co mplia n t, l evel 3 o f s imple profil e.
15 Prese t Pos iti o n Numbe r position = 0 Indicates p r eset pos i tio n number after mo ving to preset po sition . I n other cases, position = NA. Fan status fan = 0 Indicates status o f fan . 1 me ans erro r. Intelligent tr ack ing status track_status = 0 Indicates s tatus of Int ellige n t trac king .
16 4.2. Res trictions Maxim u m num ber o f clients The maximum numb er of clients that m a y acquire alarm i s 10 . Wh en a 11 t h c lient estab lishes TCP co nnection t o po rt number 3 2040, VN -V685/6 86/686B disco nnects the TC P co nne ctio n.
17 enco ded use r name a nd p assword. Th ere are 3 ty pe s o f usern ames, na mely admin, operato r and user . A vail able AP I s are differen t f or each usern ame . Join the us er nam e and the pas swo r d using a co l on, Base64 enc o de this char acter string and enter this in t h e Autho rization lin e.
18 6. API fo r Gett i ng/Ch anging Paramete rs of VN-V685 / 686 /686B This sectio n prov ide s descr iption of A PIs for getting/chang ing paramete rs o f VN- V685/686 /686B. Make use o f t he A PI explained in th i s sec t ion in the w a y as ment i oned in Sect i on 5 .
19 PTZ Co ntroller of bu ilt -in v i ew er. Ref e r to t he ins t ruc tion manua l f or details on t he Cam er a p age and PTZ Cont r oller . Savin g Cha nges of Camera Settings For m a t /a p i/p a ram ?canera. status =dat a Exa m ple /api/ param?ca nera.
20 Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator Gett ing Monitor Type from VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.imag e.moni tort ype Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .ima ge.m onit orty p e=l cd1&2 00 O K Interpre t a tion A cquire the mo nitor ty pe setting .
21 Gett ing Gamma from VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.imag e.gamm a Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .ima ge.g amma =0.4 5 &20 0 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire gamma set ting. Va l ue o f g amma is 1 , 0.55, 0.5, 0.4 5 or a ctive .
22 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.imag e.enha nce. band Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .ima ge.e nhan ce.b a nd= high& 200 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire enhanc e band set ting. Va lue of enhanc e band is hig h or lo w. When lcd1, lcd2 o r crt is s et to mo nitor ty pe, enhanc e ba nd se tting is ig nored.
23 levels. The larger the value , the s trong er will be the co l or. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Setting Co lor Level for VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.imag e.colo r=da ta Exa m ple of settin g a va l ue /api /param?c amera.
24 Setting Sta bilizer Level for VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.imag e.stab iliz er.l evel =dat a Exa m ple of settin g / api/ para m?c a mer a.image. stabil izer .lev el=0 Exa m ple of settin g to strength en /api /param ?cam era.
25 Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .ima ge.3 ddnr =on& 2 00 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire 3D No ise Red uction set ting. "o ff", " l ow ", "mid", o r "high" ar e returned. This A P I is avai lable fo r VN- V685/686B fro m ver3 .
26 Setting L imit of Sense Up for VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.imag e.sens eup_ limi t=da ta Exa m ple /ap i/param? camer a .im a ge. senseup_ limit = 4 Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .ima ge.s ense up_l i mit &202 Acce pted (cam era.
27 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.shut ter=da ta Exa m ple of settin g a va l ue /api /param?c amera. shut ter = 60 Exa m ple of 1 step chang e /ap i/pa ram? came r a.s h utt er=+ Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .shu tter &202 Acc e pte d(cam era.
28 Exa m ple /ap i/param? camer a .im a ge. true_day night . af= o n Exa m ple of respo nse came ra.i m age . tru e_daynig 202 Acce pted (cam e ra. s tat us=save) Interpre t a tion Chang e auto f oc us mo de fo r B&W switching . Sp ec i fy "on" or "of f".
29 No t e o f I r is S etting : A fter power on, iris sett ing of H om e po si ti on is applie d. A fter mov i ng t o preset positio n, iris setting of the positio n is applied. During A ut o Pa n and A ut o Trac e, iris setting fo r Auto Pan an d Auto T race is a pp lied.
30 Exa m ple of respo nse cam e ra. iris.sta tus&20 0 OK Interpre t a tion St art or stop ir i s o peration . Spec ify "star t" o r "sto p". Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator No t e of W hite Balanc e Set t ing: After pow er on, Wh ite Ba l anc e setting of Ho me positi on is appl ied.
31 Setting R- Gain of White Balance for VN-V685/68 6/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.imag e.whit e_ba lanc e.r= data Exa m ple of respo nse came ra.i m age . whi te_balan ce.r&2 02 A ccep ted( came r a.s t atu s=save o r came ra.m otio n .au t o_p an.
32 Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .ima ge.a utow hite _ bal ance. b=s2 19&2 00 O K Interpre t a tion A cquire current B-g ai n of auto wh ite balance.
33 For m a t /a p i/p a ram ?encode( 1).sta tus= save or / a pi/ p ara m?encode (2).st atus =sav e Exa m ple of respo nse enc o de( 1).statu s&200 OK Interpre t a tion Sav e chang es to enco de settings . All JPEG and MPEG- 4 setting s are saved .
34 Exa m ple of respo nse enc o de( 1).cbr_m ode&20 2 Ac cept ed(e ncod e (1) . sta tus=save ) Interpre t a tion Ch a ng e rate co nt rol of JPEG . R a te co nt rol can be set to vf s or afs. I n vf s (Variabl eFileSiz e ), quantiza t ion tab l e is fixed.
35 Exa m ple of respo nse en code (2). fram esiz e=vg a &20 0 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire MPEG- 4 f rame s ize sett i ng. "v ga" or "qv ga" is returne d. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Setting MPEG-4 Frame Size f or VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? enc ode(2).
36 For m a t /ap i/para m?en code (2). cbr_ m ode = dat a Exa m ple /ap i/param? encod e (2) . cbr _mode=vb r Exa m ple of respo nse enc o de( 2).cbr_m ode&20 2 Ac cept ed(e ncod e (2) . sta tus=save ) Interpre t a tion Ch a ng e rate co nt rol of MPEG -4 .
37 210 or 240 , real frame r ate is as frame r ate setting . If I-Frame i nterva l i s not 30 , 60, 120, 150 , 180 , 210 o r 240, real f rame rate beco mes larger t han the setting because I -Frame can not be skipped . I f I-Frame set ting is 1 , all frames beco me I- Fr ame and fr a me rate b eco mes 30fps.
38 Setting O n/Off of Alarm Action, or Enabling Changes to Alarm A ctio n for VN-V685/686/ 686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? app lication .event (Num ber) .sta tus= d ata Exa m ple When setting alarm ac tion No . 1 to o ff /a pi/p aram ? app l ica tion.eve nt(1).
39 Paramete rs of FTP can be g otten by other A P I s , applicat ion.ft p and applicatio n. object . Exa m ple of Respon se app lication .event (1). acti on=r ecft p /ft p 01/ object01 &200 O K When sending via TCP is specifi ed, tc pto, I P address, po r t numb er and th e charac t er string to be sen t will be re t urned .
40 /api /par am?a p pli c ati on.event (1).ac tion =mai lto / som ebody@ some comp any. com/ none / Me ssag e Exa m ple of Respon se appl icat i on. e ven t(1).act ion&20 2 Ac cept ed(a ppli c ati o n.e vent(1). status =res tart ) Interpre t a tion Se t the a larm ac t ion o f the sp ecified ala r m num ber.
41 Setting Exa mpl e /api /par am?a p pli c ati on.event (1).ac tion =tcp to/ 1 0.0 .0.100 /200 00/M essa ge Specify udpt o, I P addres s, por t numbe r and the charact er string to be sen t when s endi ng via UDP . Segments are indicate d by /. The num ber o f charac ter string i s fro m 1 to 127 by tes .
42 Interpre t a tion A cquire f ilt er setting of t he alarm action f or the sp ecified alarm number. Up to 5 alarm ac t ions can b e specified, and perio dic FT P is a ssig ned to ev ent No . 6, th e ref ore the number o f alarm ( numb er) can be s et betwe en the range of 1 to 6 .
43 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? app lication .event (Num ber) .fil ter( W eek O fDa y).time= data Exa m ple When setting Sunday filt er time of A l arm No. 1 /a pi/p aram ? app l ica tion.eve nt(1). filt er(s und a y). time=0 1020 0-04 0500 Exa m ple of Respon se app l ica tion.
44 specified, and perio dic FT P is a ssig ned to ev ent No . 6, th e ref ore the number o f alarm ( numb er) can be s et betwe en the range of 1 to 6 . Note that alarm number s ar e diff erent fro m t h e alar m input p i n numb ers. Specify s und ay , mo nda y, tuesd ay , wednesday , thursd ay , friday or satu rday fo r WeekOf Day .
45 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? app lication .event (Num ber) .tri gger = dat a Exa m ple When setting Trigg er of A l arm No. 1 /a pi/p aram ? app l ica tion.eve nt(1). trig ger= m1 Exa m ple of Respon se app l ica tion.eve nt(1). trig ger& 202 Acce p ted ( app lication .
46 Exa m ple of Respon se app lication .smtp. host =192 .168 .0.2 0 0&2 0 0 O K Respo nse ex a mple when setting f ield is lef t blan k app licati on.
47 Setting Sender Mail Address f or VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? app lication .smtp. mail from =dat a Exa m ple /ap i/param? appli c ati o n.s mtp.mail from= s ome b ody @somecom pany.c om Exa m ple of Respon se app lication .smtp. mail from &200 OK Interpre t a tion Chang e sende r mail add ress setting .
48 Exa m ple /ap i/param? appli c ati o n.p 192.1 6 8.0 . 200 Exa m ple of Respon se app lication .pop.h ost& 200 OK Interpre t a tion Chang e the addre ss setting o f the POP server . Sp e cify the I P addr e ss o r FQDN . The maximum FQD N size is 63 by t es.
49 / api/pa r am? a ppl ication. er= % 00 The use r name is us e d as local part o f sender mail a ddress when s en der mail ad dr ess setting is bla nk.
50 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? app lication .ftp.p ath Exa m ple of Respon se app lication .ftp.p ath= subd ir1& 200 O K Respo nse ex a mple when setting f ield is lef t blan k app licati on.f tp.p ath= &200 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire the FT P serve r di r ecto ry setting used fo r FTP t ransm i ssio n via a larm.
51 Exa m ple /ap i/param? appli c ati o n.f tp.passw ord=s o mew o rd Exa m ple of Respon se app lication .ftp.p assw ord& 200 OK Interpre t a tion Chang e the FTP s erv er pas swo rd setting used fo r FTP t ransm i ssio n via a larm. The ma xi mum password size i s 32 by t es.
52 Gett ing User Define Name of File Naming from VN-V685/686/6 86B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? app lication .ftp.n amin g_op tion Exa m ple of Respon se app lication .ftp.n amin g_op tion =abc & 200 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire user define nam e for file naming of perio di c FTP .
53 Setting Parameters o f Pre/Post Recording for VN-V685/686/686B For m a t To se t Fra m e Ra te /a pi/param ?appli cati on.o bjec t.f ramerate =5 To se t Pre Du ration /a p i/p aram? appl icat i on. o bje erec =3 To se t Post Dura t ion /ap i/pa r am? a ppl ication.
54 Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Changing A la rm Output of VN-V685 /686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? per ipheral. output _pin .pin (Num ber) . sta t us= data Exa m ple /ap i/param? perip h era l .ou tput_pin .pin( 1 ).s t atu s=break Exa m ple of Respon se per ipheral.
55 Gett ing Timeout of A uto Ret ur n from VN-V685 /686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.aut o_re turn .tim eout Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .mot ion. auto _ret u rn. timeo ut=6 0&20 0 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire timeo ut of A uto Return i n seco nds.
56 Start/Stop of Au t o T racking for VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.aut o_tr acki ng(1 ).st a tus = dat a / api /param?c amera. moti on.a uto_ trac k ing (2).s tatu s=da ta Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.aut o_tr acki ng(1 ).
57 Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.aut o_tr acki ng(1 ).le v el& 2 02 Acce pted (cam e ra. s tat us=save) Interpre t a tion C hange detection level o f A uto T racking. O r chan ge det ection level of starting I nt elligen t tracking by A ut o Return.
58 Setting Det ection Ar e a of In tellig ent Trackin g fo r VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.aut o_tr acki ng(2 ).ar e a=d a ta Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.aut o_tr acki ng(2 ).ar e a&2 0 2 Acce pted (cam e ra.
59 Setting Zoo m Limit of Intellige nt T r acking for VN-V685/6 86/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.aut o_tr acki ng(2 ).zo o m_l i mit =data Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.aut o_tr acki ng(2 ).zo o m_l i mit &202 Acce pted (cam e ra.
60 Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.aut o_tr acki ng(2 ).th r esh o ld. hsv&202 Acce pted (cam e ra. s tat us=save) Interpre t a tion C hange t h resho ld o f I nt elligent Tr ack i ng . I n VN- V686 bef ore v 1.02, t his A P I is not av aila b le.
61 Interpre t a tion Chang e upper limit of EZoo m. Specify 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32. T he c hange is saved by the A P I, cam era.status=s ave. I f the chang e is no t saved , t he setting is resto re d by r eboo t. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator Gett ing On/Off of Pan Limit from VN-V685/686/686 B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.
62 Setting Rig ht Side of Pan Li mit for VN-V68 5/686/6 86B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.pan .lim it.r ight =pre s ent Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.pan .lim it.r ight &200 OK Interpre t a tion Se t curren t pan pos ition as righ t side of Pan L i mit.
63 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.pos itio n.sp eed= data Exa m ple to set ho ri zo ntal /api / par am?ca mera .mot ion. posi t ion . spe ed=100 Exa m ple of Res ponse cam e ra. m oti on.pos iti o n.s p ee d&202 Acce pted (cam e ra. s tat us=save) Interpre t a tion Se t speed of g oing to pres et pos ition.
64 Interpre t a tion A cquire current status of digita l flip. "o n" or "of f" is returned. When of f i s retu r ned, the image is no t reversed .
65 Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.pan .spe ed&2 00 O K Interpre t a tion Se t speed o f pan ope r ation. Spec i fy 0 to 100 . The speed is 8 steps interna l ly . Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator Gett ing Pan Operation Status from VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.
66 Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.til t&20 0 OK Interpre t a tion Mov e to spec ified tilt positio n. To mov e to abso l ute position, spe cif y fro m 0.00 to 190.00 . 0 .00 m eans -5 degree s and 190. 00 mean s 185.00 degrees . 5.00 and 1 85.
67 Interpre t a tion A cquire current zo om po s iti on. Value fro m 0.00 t o 99.99 is r eturn ed. 0.00 means Wid e edg e and 99.99 me a ns T el e edg e. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Movin g to Specif ied Zoom Position for VN-V685/686 /686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.
68 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.zoo atus Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.moti on.zoo atus =mov ing& 2 00 O K Interpre t a tion A cquire current zo om status.
69 99.99 me a ns F ar edge. Spec i fy easy _a uto fo r auto fo cus. Spec i fy op_auto fo r one push auto fo cus. Specify manual fo r chang i ng f rom auto t o manual. A uto f ocus works afte r p an/tilt/zo om o per ation. A uto f ocus do e s no t wo rk af ter mo ving absolu te/relat ive posi t ion of pan/tilt/zo om.
70 Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .pos itio n(3) .sta t us= unreg iste red& 200 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire current status of specified preset po sition . Specify from 0 to 99 a s po si tion n umber. "unregis t ered" or "r e gister e d" is return e d .
71 Exa m ple of Respon se cam era.posi tion(3 ).st atus &200 OK Interpre t a tion S et ti lte t o s pecifi ed prese t po sition. Specify f rom 0 to 99 as positio n numb er. M aximum cha r act ers is 32. To erase t i tle, spec ify %00, i.e. 0x25 0x30 0x30 in binary data.
72 cam era.status=s ave. I f the chang e is no t saved , t he setting is resto re d by r eboo t. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator Gett ing Speed of Au to Pan from VN-V685/6 86/686 B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.aut o_pa n.sp eed Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .
73 Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .mot ion. auto _tra c e.s tatus =mov ing& 200 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire current status of auto trace. "m o ving " of " stop" is returne d. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Start/Stop of Au t o T race for VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.
74 6.7. Auto Patrol The AP I s below are relat ed to au to p atrol. The se are equiv alent to the fea t ure s on the A ut o Pa trol pag e o f t he W EB setting page. Refe r to the instruct i on man ual for det a ils o n the Auto Patrol pag e. Start/Stop of Au t o Pat rol for VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.
75 Interpre t a tion Se t pres et posi tio n number of specified patrol nu mber in a mo de of auto pa trol. Auto patrol mo de is fro m 0 to 2. Patrol num ber is fro m 0 t o 9 9. Specify pres et pos i tion num ber from 0 to 99 . T he chang e i s sav ed by the A PI , cam era.
76 WEB setting p a g e. R e fer to the i nstruc t ion ma nual fo r details o n the Privacy Mas k ing pag e. Gett ing Whole Status of Priv a cy Masking fro m VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.priv ate_ma sk.s tatu s Exa m ple of respo nse ca mera .
77 exmap le, fff fff is white, 808080 i s g ray , 000000 is black . The brightness is 11 steps internally . Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Setting Privacy Masking Brightness f or VN-V685/686 /686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.priv ate_ma sk.
78 Interpre t a tion Ch ange the height of ed i ting priv acy m as king are a. Spec ify + o r -. Befo re u se t h is API , starting editing is requ i red. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator 6.9. Mot ion Detect The AP I s below are relat ed to mo ti on d e tec t ion.
79 Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator Gett ing Motion Detect Mask from VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.dete ction. area Exa m ple of respo nse came ra.d etec tion .area=0 00102 0 304 0 506 07080900 01&200 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire the ma sk o f motion de tect.
80 Interpre t a tion Ch ange s of f o l lowing netwo rk param e ter s becom e valid by t his A PI . DHCP , I P A ddr ess, Sub net Mask , TTL, MTU , TOS , Nego ti at ion, I Pv6 Chang es are no t reflected in the actio ns until t his API is used. API s to get se ttings of tho s e param eters retu rn prev i ous values un t il thi s A PI is used.
81 Gett ing Subnet Mask from VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net erface .sub netm ask Exa m ple of Respon se net erface .sub netm ask= 255.
82 Interpre t a tion A cquire the cur r ent host nam e. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Setting Ho st Name for VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net work.hos tname= data Exa m ple /ap i/param? netwo r k.h o stn ame=some name Exa m ple of Respon se net work.
83 Exa m ple /ap i/param? netwo r k.d n s.i p=10.0.0 .150 Exa m ple of Respon se net w ork .dns.ip& 202 Ac cept ed(n etwo rk.d n s.s t atu s=restar t) Interpre t a tion Chang e I P address o f DN S serve r. To valida t e the chang e, use "ne twork.
84 Interpre t a tion A cquire the glo ba l addr ess of I Pv6. Specify from 1 to 8 fo r Num ber , a nd get ad dress es fro m 1 till vac ant address is returned. I n VN- V686, this A PI i s not avai l able. There is no A PI fo r setting glo bal addre ss o f I P v6.
85 Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Setting T OS Value of MPE G-4 f or VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net erface .dsc deo. mpeg = dat a Exa m ple /ap i/param? netwo r k.i n ter face.dsc p.vid e o.m p eg= 56 Exa m ple of Respon se net work .
86 Exa m ple of Respon se net work .int e rfa c e.t tl.multi cast&2 02 Accep ted(n etwo r k.i n ter face.sta tus=re star t) Interpre t a tion Chang e TTL of multicast. The rang e of set v a lue i s betw ee n 1 to 255. To v alidate the chang e, use "netwo r k.
87 6.12. Protocol The AP I s below are relat ed to p r oto col. Thes e are equ ivalent to the f eatures on t he P r oto c o l pa ge o f the WE B setting page. Ref er t o t he instruc t ion ma nual fo r details on t he P r oto col page. Gett ing Port Number of HTTP from VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net work.
88 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net work.vsi p_serv er.p ort Exa m ple of Respon se net work.vsi p_serv er.p ort= 5510 &200 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire port number of VSI P ser ver in VN- V685/ 686/686B . I n VN- V686, t his A PI i s no t ava ilable.
89 For m a t /ap i/param? networ tp(s trea m ing ) .pr iority=d ata Exa m ple /a pi/p aram ? net w ork .http(st reamin g). p ri ority= clie ntnu mber Exa m ple of Respon se netwo rk.htt p(s t rea m ing ).pri orit y &20 2 Acce pted (net w ork .
90 Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator Setting J PEG M ulticast Address for VN-V685/686/ 686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net work.des tinati on(1 ).ho st=d ata Exa m ple /ap i/param? netwo r k.d e sti nation(1 ).hos t =22 5 .0. 1.1 Exa m ple of Respon se net w ork .
91 Exa m ple of Respon se net w ork .destina tion(1 ).fr amer ate& 202 Acce pted (net w ork . des tination (1).ho st=s ave) Interpre t a tion Ch ange JPEG mu lticast f r am e r ate. Sp ecify 30, 25, 15 , 10, 7.5, 6 , 5, 3 , 2, 1 , -2, - 3, - 5, -10, -15, -20, o r -30.
92 Interpre t a tion Chang e MPEG -4 mul ticast addres s. Specify from t o 239 . 255. 255 .255. To valida te t he chang e, use "ne twork.des t ina tion(2) . host=s ave" API . A fter the sav e, start stream ing by "netwo r k.dest i nation( 2).
93 Interpre t a tion Chang e the deny /allow sett ing of client restr iction s . Specify as deny or allow. Thes e restrictio ns are applied to g etting JPEG /MPEG-4 . Allowed use r adm i n Gett ing IP A dd ress Sett ing of Restricted Client from VN-V685/68 6/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net work.
94 Gett ing On/Off of SN T P Client from VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net work.ntp .statu s Exa m ple of Respon se net work.ntp .statu s=of f&20 0 OK Interpre t a tion A cquire the on/o ff status of SNTP client . Either o n or of f will be retu rned.
95 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? net work.ntp .inter val= data Exa m ple /ap i/param? netwo r k.n t p.i nterval= 60 Exa m ple of Respon se net w ork erval& 202 Acce pted (net w ork . ntp .status= restar t) Interpre t a tion Cha nge the i nte r val f or acc ess ing the NT P se r ver .
96 hour, m inute a nd seco nd. S pecify y ea r in a 4-digit dec i m a l numb er, and mo nth, day , ho ur, m inu t e a nd s eco nd in 2- di g it decimal number s . Allowed use r adm i n Gett ing Timezone from VN-V685/686/686B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? sys tem.
97 GMT+5:30 Timezo ne th at is 5 ho urs and 3 0 m inutes later than the Gr ee nw i ch Mean T ime. Calcutta Same t imezo ne as GMT+5: 30 GMT+5:45 Timezo ne th at is 5 ho urs and 4 5 m inutes later than the Gr ee nw i ch Mean T ime. GMT+6 Timezo ne th at is 6 ho urs later than the G reenwich Mean Tim e.
98 There is no A PI for Getting pas swo r ds. Allowed use r adm i n 6.17. Maintenan ce The AP I s below are related to ma i n tenance. These are equiva l ent to the features o n the M aintenanc e page of the W EB setting page. Refe r to the instruct i on man ual for det a ils o n the Main t enanc e pag e.
99 Interpre t a tion A cquire time of auto cleani ng . T i me is r eturned in fo rmat of hhmms s. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Setting T ime of Au t o Clea ning for VN-V685/686/686 B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? cam era.moti on.pan .aut o_cl eani ng.
100 syst em.s essi o n.s e ndi ng(01).f amer ate= 1&2 0 0 O K syst em.s essi o n.s e ndi ng(01).f ames ize= vga & 200 OK I n case of MPEG- 4, sy st sion . sending (01).from .enco de=mpeg 4 is re t urne d. In case of mult i cast, sy st em.
101 For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? sys tem.soft ware.r evis ion( net) Exa m ple of Respon se sys tem.soft ware.r evis ion( net) =V1- 0 0&2 0 0 O K Interpre t a tion A cquire firmwa r e revi si ons of stream ing man a g er. Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Gett ing Firm ware Revisions of P T Z C ontroller For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? sys tem.
102 Interpre t a tion A cquire the cur r ent alarm inpu t status . Specify 1 or 2 t o Num ber. Either mak e or br eak w i ll be returned . Allowed use r s a dmin, ope rator, user Gett ing Mode of FTP Server from VN -V685/6 86/686 B For m a t /a pi/p a ram ? app lication .
103 Interpre t a tion Chang e po rt num ber fo r co nt rol o f FTP serv er that is us ed by alarm action. D efault is 21. Po rt num ber fo r data plus o ne is the por t numbe r fo r co nt rol .
104 <VN -V685/VN- V686B> http: / /(IP A ddres s)/v686 .cab . .. JPEG /M P EG- 4 Viewe r, PTZ Co nt rol Cl i ent Ex.) Whe n I P addre s s o f VN-V 685/686/6 86B is “192 .168.0 .2”: http: / /192.168.0 . 2/v ii) Dow nload dialog box i s show e d .
105 Timestamp *MPEG-4 o n ly Get curre nt time f rom camera *This p r o perty is read only . TimeFo rma t Fo rmat of Time Co de ( 0: YYYY /MM/DD HH: MM: SS.
106 n: Po sit ion Numb er (0 – 9 9) MODEL Kind of c amera (0: VN-V6 85, 1: VN-V686 /VN-V686B ) *This p r o perty is not suppo r ted by ActiveX built in VN-V6 86 be fo r e v 1.04. *If t h is p r ope r ty i s not set, zoo m co n trol is likely n ot co rr ectly .
107 8.4. Ho w to use ActiveX Control by HT ML If write the n ext co de in <Bo dy > of HTML sourc e co de, It co mes to be ab le to use A ctiveX in HT M L . JPEG Viewe r <OB JECT I D="JPEG Viewer" WI DTH = 640 HEI GHT= 480 CL ASSI D="C L SID: 13 BA D612-9219-4535-A0 01-2B88AD8526A D " COD EBA SE=".
108 CLAS SID i s poss i ble to co nfirm it by defrosting t he cab i n et file, a nd o pen ing the set up info r matio n file w i th th e te xt editor. (ii) CODEBA SE The cab inet file n ame of CODEBA SE be comes a cabinet fil e name that contains Active X that wa n ts to be used.
109 play _b tn .value = "Play "; } } function captu re_clic k() { JPEGVie wer.Captu r e(); } // ************ *** PTZ Co n trol ****** ********* var f_init = 0; function PTCo ntr ol( n um){ if (f _init == 0) InitPTZCt r l(); PTZCt rl.ManualCtrl( n um); } function Zo omCo n t rol(num){ if (f _init == 0) InitPTZCt r l(); PTZCt rl.
110 <PAR AM NAME="DispH eig ht " VALU E= "480"> <PAR AM NAME="Folde rName" VALU E ="VN-V685"> <PAR AM NAME="FrameR at e" VALUE="15.
111 STYLE = "w i dth:40px ; top:635p x;left:134 px;posit ion:abs olute" onmo usedow n ="ZoomCo n trol(0)" o nm ous eup="mous e_up()" onmous eout="mous e_up()"&g.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il JVC 686BU è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del JVC 686BU - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso JVC 686BU imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul JVC 686BU ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il JVC 686BU, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del JVC 686BU.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il JVC 686BU. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo JVC 686BU insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.