Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 524803 del fabbricante Intellinet
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Fed eral Com m unic atio ns Com mi ssio n Inte rfere nce Sta tem ent FCC Pa rt 15 This equipm ent has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Cla ss B digi tal device , pursua nt to Par t 15 of FCC Rules. These li mits are d esigned to provid e reaso nable pro tection a gainst harmful interferen ce in a r esidentia l installat ion.
cause h armful in terferenc e; and (2 ) This device m ust acce pt any interfere nce rece ived, inc luding int erferenc e that ma y cause undesir ed opera tion. Any cha nges or modifi cations n ot expre ssly appr oved by the party respons ible for c omplianc e could void the a uthority to operat e the equipm ent.
R&T TE Com pli anc e St atem en t This equ ipment c omplies with all the re quiremen ts of Dire ctive 1999/5/E C of the Europea n Parliam ent and t he Counc il of Marc h 9, 1999, on radio eq uipmen t and tele commun ication te rminal equipm ent and th e mutua l recogni tion of the ir confor mity (R& TTE) .
T able of Contents CHAPT ER I: PRODUCT INFORM A T ION 1-1 Intro duction ................................................................ .......... 1 1-2 Safe ty Inform ation ................................................................ .. 2 1-3 Sys tem Req uiremen ts .
2-5-6 S etup Pro cedure fo r L2TP ................................ ................ 5 1 2-5-7 S etup Pro cedure fo r T e lstra B ig Pond .............................. 53 2-5-8 S etup Pro cedure fo r DNS ................................ ..............
3-3-4 D emilitariz ed Zone (DMZ) ................................ ............... 1 08 3-4 F ailO ver ................................ ................................ ............. 11 0 3-5 Sys tem Stat us ............................................
1 Chapter I: Produ ct Inform ation 1 - 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n a n d S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n Thank y ou for pu rchasing this INTELLIN ET NETWORK SOLUT IONS TM Wireles s 15 0N P ortable 3G Route r , Model 524 803 . This hig h-speed wireles s 3G bro adband r outer su pports bo th UMTS/ HSDP A and EVDO networks.
2 1 - 2 S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n T o maintain th e safety of users and prop erty , follow the se safet y instructi ons: 1. T his dev ice is d esigned for indoo r use only; DO NOT place th is device outdoor s. 2. DO NOT put this device in or near hot or hu mid plac es, li ke a kitchen or bathro om.
3 1 - 3 S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s • Internet c onnectio n, provid ed by xD SL o r cable m odem o r 3G / 3.5 modem . • Comput er or netw ork dev ices with wired or wireless network interface c ard. • Web browser ( Firefox, Microso ft Intern et Explo rer 4.
4 1 - 5 C o n n e c t i o n s a n d I n d i c a t o r s LED S LED Nam e Light Sta tus Descripti on Green O n Router is switched on and co rrectly powered or the ba ttery is cha rged complete ly . Orange On The batte ry is charging. Orange Flashing Battery p ower is n ot enoug h , only 3 0 minutes remains.
5 Off W ireles s network is switch ed off. WL AN Flashing W ireles s LAN ac tivity (tran sferring o r receiving data). On W ireles s WPS function is enabled. W PS Off W ireles s WPS function is not en abled or the conn ection is s uccessfu lly . On ETHERN ET port is conne cted.
6 WPS Start WPS functio n or res et the rou ter to facto ry defaul t settings ( clear all sett ings). Pre ss this but ton and h old for over 10 seconds to restore a ll settings t o factory defaults, or press this button fo r less th an 5 seco nds to star t WPS function .
7 3. On the left side panel, se t the On/O ff switch to On. C AUTION : Always switch the rou ter off be fore removing the batt ery , and only use the b attery an d power adapter or car ch arger in cluded w ith the route r , as other typ es could be dang erous an d damag e the router .
8 Chapter II: System and N etwork S etup 2 - 1 N e t w o r k C o n n e c t i o n s If neede d, visit www .intelline t-netwo for a com plete lis t of compat ible 3G U SB mod ems. 1. Conn ect your 3 G / 3.5G USB mo dem to t he USB port on th e top panel of the ro uter .
9 address , or if you ’re unsure, follow the instruct ions below to configur e your co mputer to use a dynam ic IP address: If the ope rating sy stem of y our com puter is Window s 95/98/M e - go to.
10 2. Select “Obtain an IP addres s from a D HCP server” and then click “ OK. ”.
11 2 - 2 - 2 W i n d o w s 2 0 0 0 I P A d d r e s s S e t u p 1. Click Start (at the low er-left co rner of y our de sktop), then clic k C ontrol P anel. Do uble-c lick the N etwork and Di al - up Connec tions ic on; click Local Area Connec tion; th e Local Area Co nnection Proper ties w indow w ill appea r .
12 2. Select “ Obtain a n IP address au tomatica lly” a nd “Obta in DNS server a ddress a utomatic ally ,” then click “ OK. ”.
13 2 - 2 - 3 W i n d o w s X P I P A d d r e s s S e t u p 1. Click Start (at the low er-left co rner of y our de sktop), then clic k C ontrol P anel. D ouble-c lick the N etwork and Inte rnet Connec tions ic on, click Networ k Conne ctions, then double- click Lo cal A rea Conn ection ; the Lo cal A rea Connec tion Stat us win dow will a ppear .
14 2. Selec t “Obtain an IP address automati cally ” and “O btain DN S server a ddress a utomatic ally ,” then click “ OK. ”.
15 2 - 2 - 4 W i n d o w s V i s t a I P A d d r e s s S e t u p 1. Click Start (at the low er-left co rner of y our de sktop), then clic k C ontrol P anel. C lick V iew Net work St atus and T ask s , and then click Ma nage Ne twork C onnectio ns. R ight-clic k Local Area Network , then s elect “P ropertie s.
16 2. Selec t “Obtain an IP address automati cally ” and “O btain DN S server a ddress a utomatic ally ,” then click “ OK. ”.
17 2 - 2 - 5 R o u t e r I P A d d r e s s L ookup After the IP address setu p is com plete, go to S tart, then Run a t the bottom -lower co rner of y our desk top: Input “c md,” the n click “ OK .
18 Input “ipco nfig,” then press <Ente r> . C heck the IP address followed by the default gatew ay (i n this examp le, the IP addre ss of the router is 192.1 68.2.1) . After yo ur compu ter obtai ns an IP address from the ro uter , start your Web brow ser and input the IP address of the ro uter in th e address bar .
19 Enter a user nam e and p assword in the ir respe ctive fie lds (de fault user na me is “a dmin ”; d efault pas sword is “ 1234”). Clic k “ OK ” band you can see the Web managem ent inte rface of th e ro uter .
20 2 - 3 U s i n g Q u i c k S e t u p Quick S etup lets you comple te all th e requir ed settin gs you n eed i n order to access the Intern et very quickl y . Click “Q uick Se tup” on t he left- hand nav igation p anel. The follo wing me ssage w ill be disp layed: 1.
21 Time Serv er Input the IP address / host na me of tim e serve r Addres s (2): here. Dayligh t If the cou ntry you live in uses Dayligh t Saving , Savings (3): check “Enable Function ” and c hoose th e duration of Day light Sa ving. After yo u finish the setti ngs, click “Next ” (4) .
22 2. Broad band T ype Choose the broa dband (I nternet c onnectio n) type y ou ’re using . There a re seven types of Internet c onnectio ns : 3G/3.5G - go to se ction 2 -3-1 Cable M odem - go to se.
23 3. Basic Setting s Below a re desc riptions of each option: Wireless M odule ( 1) : Click “Enabl e” to star t using th e wirele ss function of this rou ter , or select “Dis able” to close th e wireles s interfac e of this router . Band (2 ): Sele ct a b an d type from the drop -dow n list.
24 (maxim um 32 c haracte rs). SS ID is use d to identify y our own wireles s router f rom othe rs when th ere are other w ireless ro uters in the area. De fault SSI D is “I NTELLIN ET”; it ’ s recomm ended to chang e the default S SID name to one that is easily re cogniza ble, such as “my ho me,” “o ffice_roo m1,” et c.
25 4. Secu rity Settin gs Choose the En cryption type you ’re usi ng from t he drop -down list. There a re three types of Encrypt ion: WEP - go to sec tion 2- 7-3-2 WP A p re-share d key - go to se ction 2 -7-3-3 WP A R ADIUS - go to sec tion 2- 7-3-4 T o go back to a previous step, c lick “Ba ck” at the b ottom of the page.
26 Below a re desc riptions of each option: PIN Cod e (1): Enter a Pin Cod e for yo ur UMT S or HS DP A or EVDO connectio n . T his i s optiona l, and is only required if your s ervice pr ovider a sks you to do so. APN (2 ): Enter th e AP N code a ssigned by your Internet service provider here.
27 2 - 3 - 2 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r C a b l e M o d e m Below a re desc riptions of each option: Host Na me (1): Enter the ho st name of your c ompute r T his is optional , and is o nly requ ired if yo ur servic e provide r asks y ou to do s o.
28 2 - 3 - 3 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r F i x e d - I P x D S L Below a re desc riptions of the op tions: IP ad dress (1 ): E n ter the IP address assig ned by y our serv ice provide r . Subnet Mask ( 2): Enter the sub net mas k assign ed by yo ur service provider.
29 2 - 3 - 4 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r P P P o E x D S L Below a re desc riptions of each option: User Na me (1): Enter the us er nam e assign ed by yo ur Interne t service provider here. Passw ord (2): Enter th e passw ord ass igned by your Inte rnet service provider here.
30 When y ou finish the se ttings, c lick “Ne xt” ( 7); to go back to a previou s menu, c lick “B ack.” 2 - 3 - 5 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r P P T P x D S L PPTP xDSL require s two kin ds of set tings: W AN Interfac e Setting s (setup IP addre ss) and P PTP Setting s (PPTP user n ame and passwo rd).
31 W AN interfac e setting s must b e correc tly set; ot herwise, the Internet connecti on will fai l even if the PPTP settings a re corre ct. Contact your Inte rnet serv ice prov ider if yo u don ’t kno w how you should fill in thes e fields.
32 by the BEZEQ networ k in Israe l. Connec tion T ype (7): Selec t the conn ection ty pe of Inte rnet connec tion you w ant to use ( refer to the las t section for detaile d descri ptions ). Idle Time O ut (8): Enter the id le time o ut of th e Interne t connec tion you w ant to use ( refer to the las t section for detaile d descri ptions ).
33 should fill in thes e fields. Next, L2 TP Settings: Below a re desc riptions of each option: User Na me (1): Enter the us er nam e assign ed by yo ur Interne t service provider here. Passw ord (2): Enter th e passw ord ass igned by your Inte rnet service provider here.
34 2 - 3 - 7 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r T e l s t r a B i g P o n d This set ting only w orks wh en you ’re us ing T elstra Big P ond ’ s network service in Australia. User Na me (1): E nter the user nam e assig ned by T e lstra. Passw ord (2): Enter t he passw ord ass igned by T elstr a.
35 Click “A pply ” to p repare to restart th e router , and you ’ll see th is messag e: W ait f or about 30 secon ds, th en click “ OK! ” Yo u’ll be back to the router m anagem ent interf ace, and the route r is read y with ne w settings .
36 2 - 4 B a s i c S e t u p In this ch apter , you’ ll know h ow to cha nge the time zon e, passw ord and rem ote man agemen t settings . Sta rt your Web bro wser an d log on to the r outer ’s We.
37 Below a re desc riptions of each option: Time Zone (1): S elect a ti me zone from t he drop -down l ist. Time Serv er Enter th e IP a ddress o r host na me of the tim e Addres s (2): server h ere. Dayligh t C heck the “E nable” box and set the Savings (3): duration of Day light Sa vi ng.
38 T o change the passw ord, clic k “Syste m” on th e left s ide of the W eb manage ment inte rface, th en click “Pas sword S ettings .” T he following messag e will be displaye d on you r Web bro wser: Below a re desc riptions of each option: Current Enter th e curren t passw ord here .
39 If you se e the followin g messa ge , the co ntent in the “C urrent Passwo rd” field is wrong . C lick “ OK ” to go ba ck to t he prev ious menu, a nd try to enter th e curre nt passw ord aga in.
40 then clic k “Rem ote Man agemen t.” The followin g messa ge will b e displaye d on you r Web brows er: Below a re desc riptions of each option: Host Addres s (1): Inp ut the IP address of the remote host fo r which y ou w ant to initiate m anagem ent acce ss.
41 NOTE: When you want to manage this router from another computer on the Internet, you need to input the IP address and port number of this router . If your Internet service provider assigns you a st.
42 2 - 5 S e t t i n g U p t h e I n t e r n e t C o n n e c t i o n ( W A N ) Internet connectio n setup can be d one by u sing Quic k Setup a s describ ed in Se ction 2 -3 . Howev er , you can also set up W AN connec tions up b y using the WAN configuratio n menu.
43 PPTP - go to sec tion 2- 5-5 L2TP - go to se ction 2 -5-6 T elstra Big Po nd - go to s ection 2 -5-7 DNS - go to sec tion 2- 5-8 DDNS - go to section 2 -5-9 2 - 5 - 1 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r 3 G / 3 . 5 G Below a re desc riptions of each option: PIN Cod e (1): Enter th e Pin Co de for y our UM TS or H SDP A connec tion .
44 V erif y Passw ord (5): Enter th e passw ord aga in for con firmatio n. Service (6): Select y our car d type fr om the d rop-do wn menu. A T Dial Sc ript (7): Ente r the dia led num ber for your UM TS or HSDP A connectio n . T he d efault is * 99#.
45 2 - 5 - 2 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r D y n a m i c I P Below a re desc riptions of each option: Host Na me (1): Enter the h ost nam e of your compute r . T his is optional , and is only req uired if y our serv ice provide r asks yo u to do s o.
46 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup, o r click “A pply” to reboot th e router s o the set tings will take effect .
47 messag e will be displaye d on you r Web brow ser: Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup, o r click “A pply” to reboot th e router s o the set tings will take effect . (W ait fo r about 3 0 secon ds while the router is rebooting .
48 Passw ord (2): Enter th e passw ord ass igned by your Inte rnet service provider here. Service Name ( 3): En ter a nam e for t his Intern et servic e. (Th is is optional .) MTU ( 4): Enter th e MTU value o f your ne twork connec tion here. If you do n’t kn ow it, con tact your ISP .
49 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect . (W ait for ab out 30 s econds while the route r is rebootin g.) If you wa nt to rese t all settin gs on this p age back to previ ously saved v alues, c lick “Ca ncel .
50 your Inte rnet serv ice prov ider if yo u do n’t know how you should fill in these fields. Next, P PTP Settings: Below a re desc riptions of each option: User Na me (1): Enter the us er nam e assign ed by yo ur Interne t service provider here. Passw ord (2): Enter th e passw ord ass igned by your Inte rnet service provider here.
51 T y pe (7): connec tion you w ant to use . (Refe r to sectio n 2-5-3 fo r detailed descrip tions. ) Idle Time O ut (8): Enter the idle time out of the Internet connec tion you w ant to use.
52 Below a re desc riptions of each option: User Na me (1): Enter the us er nam e assign ed by yo ur Interne t service provider here. Passw ord (2): Enter th e passw ord ass igned by your Inte rnet service provider here. L2TP Gatew ay (3): E nter the IP a ddress o f the PP TP g ateway assigne d by your Internet servic e provider here.
53 If you wa nt to rese t all settin gs on this p age back to previ ously saved v alues, c lick “Ca ncel .” 2 - 5 - 7 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r T e l s t r a B i g P o n d Th ese set tings on ly work when yo u’re us ing T e lstra Big P ond ’ s network service in Australia.
54 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect . (W ait for ab out 30 se conds w hile the route r is rebootin g.) If you wa nt to rese t all settin gs o n this pag e back to previou sly saved v alues, c lick “Ca ncel .
55 Below a re desc riptions of each option: Primar y DNS (1 ): Enter the IP addre ss of th e DNS server provide d by your service provider. Second ary DNS (2): En ter the IP address of an other DN S serve r provide d by your service provider ( this is optional ).
56 2 - 5 - 9 S e t u p P r o c e d u r e f o r D D N S DDNS ( Dynamic DNS) is an IP - to -hostn ame ma pping se rvice for those In ternet us ers who don’t have a s tatic (fixe d) IP address.
57 Accoun t / En ter acco unt or e -mail of DDNS registra tion. E-Mai l (4): Passwo rd / Key (5): En ter the D DNS se rvice pa ssword or key . After yo u finish the setti ngs, click “Appl y” (6) a.
58 2 - 6 Wir ed L AN Co nfig urat ion s Before a ll compu ters usin g wired E thernet connecti on s (i.e., th ose comput ers conn ect to this router ’s LAN ports 1 to 4 by E thernet cable) c an comm unicate with eac h other a nd acces s the Intern et, they each mu st have a valid IP addres s.
59 Click LA N on the left si de of the Web m anagem ent inter face. There are thre e setup g roups he re: “L AN IP ,” “DHCP Server” and “Static DHCP Leases T able .” 2 - 6 - 1 L A N I P Below a re desc riptions o f the optio ns: IP ad dress (1 ): Enter th e IP a ddress o f this rou ter .
60 2 - 6 - 2 D H C P S e r v e r These s ettings ar e only av ailable w hen “DHCP Serve r” in “LA N IP” is enab led . Belo w are de scription s of the o ptions : Lease Tim e (1): Choose a lea se time (the dura tion that every compu ter can ke ep a spe cific IP addre ss) of every IP address assig ned by th is router from the drop -down menu.
61 2 - 6 - 3 S t a t i c D H C P L e a s e s T a b l e This function allows you to assign a static IP address to a specific comput er foreve r , so you don ’t have to set th e IP address for a comput er , but can s till enjoy t he benef it of using DHCP server .
62 After yo u click “ Add ,” the MAC ad dress a nd IP address m apping will be a dded to the Sta tic DHC P Leases T a ble se ction. If you wa nt to dele te a spec ific item, check th e “Select�.
63 2 - 7 Wir eles s L AN Con figu rat ions If your c omputer , PDA , game c onsole o r other n etwork d evice is equippe d with a wireless n etwork i nterface, you c an use th e wireless function of this ro uter to let them co nnect to th e Interne t and sha re resou rces with other co mputers with a wired L AN connec tion.
64 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continu e with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect .
65 SSID (2 ): This is th e name of the wireles s router . Y ou can type any alphanu merical characte rs here (maxim um of 32 chara cters). ESSID is used to identify y our own wireles s router f rom othe rs when th ere are other w ireless ro uters in the same a rea.
66 it ’s recom mende d to cha nge defa ult ESSID name to one th at is me aningful to you, such a s “myhom e,” “off ice_room 1,” etc . Channe l Numbe r (3): S elect a c hannel f rom the drop -down lis t. Available chann el numb ers are 1 to 13 for Europe an countr ies; 1 t o 1 1 for th e U.
67 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect . (W ait for ab out 30 se conds w hile the route r is rebootin g.) 2-7-2 Adva nced Wirele ss Setti ngs This router provides some advan ced control of wireless parameters .
68 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Fragme nt Set the t hreshold of the wireles s radio. Thresho ld (1): Do n ot modif y the d efault v alue if yo u don ’ t know w hat it doe s ( default value is 2 346) . RTS Threshold (2): Se t the RTS thresh old of the wire less rad io.
69 your wi reless ro uter (set the option to “Di sable” ) so only those wh o know the ESS ID of you r wireles s router c an connect . CTS Pr otect (10) : Ena bling this setting w ill reduc e the cha nce of radio sig nal collis ions betw een 80 2.1 1 b and 802.
70 2-7-3 Wire less Sec urity It ’s very importan t to set wireless security settings properl y! If you don’t, hackers and malicious users can reach your networ k and valuable data with out your consent , ca using a serious security problem .
71 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Key Len gth (2): There are two types of WEP key len gth: 64 -bit and 128 -bit. “ 128 -b it” is safe r than “ 64 -bit” but will redu ce som e data tra nsfer pe rforman ce. Key For mat (3): There are two types of k ey form at: AS CII and Hex.
72 key her e ; if you e nter mu ltiple WE P key s, they should all be diff erent. Enable 802.1x IEEE 80 2.1x is a n authen tication p rotocol. Authent ication (9 ): Every use r mus t use a v alid acco unt to log in to this wire less rou ter before access ing the wireles s LAN.
73 After yo u finish the WE P settings, click “Apply ” (10) and the following will be d isplayed on your Web brow ser: Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect .
74 Pre-sha red Select the ty pe of pre -shar ed key . Y ou Key For mat (3): can select Pas sphrase (8 or m ore alphanu merical characte rs, up to 63), or H ex (64 cha racters o f 0-9 an d a-f).
75 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: WP A Unicast Selec t a type o f WP A cipher suite. Cipher S uite (2): Options are “ WP A (TKIP),” “WP A2 (AES)” and “WP A2 Mixe d.” Y ou can select any one of them , but you have to m ake sur e your w ireless c lient support s the cip her you s elected.
76 2-7-4 Wire less A ccess C ontrol This fun ction will h elp you to preven t unauth orized us ers from connec ting to your wireles s router; only those wireles s devices who have the MA C addre ss you a ssigned here can gain acc ess to y our wireless router .
77 Enable Wireless T o e nforce M AC ad dress filte ring, check Access Control ( 4): “En able Wireles s Ac cess Co ntrol .” W hen this item is u nchecke d, the router w ill not en force MAC address filtering o f wireles s clients. MAC Addr ess (5): Input the MAC a ddress o f your w ireless d evices here .
78 2 - 7 - 5 W i - F i P r o t e c t e d S e t u p ( W P S ) Wi -Fi Protec ted Setu p (WPS ) is the simples t way to build a connec tion betwe en wirel ess netw ork clien ts and th is wireles s router .
79 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Enable WPS (1) : C heck thi s box to e nable W PS func tion; unchec k it to disa ble WPS . Wi-Fi Pro tect ed WPS-rela ted syst em infor mation w ill be Set.
80 Configu re by Click “Star t PBC" t o start Pu sh Bu tton-styl e Push B utton (4): W PS s etup proc edure. T his wirel ess route r will wait for WPS req uests fro m w ireless c lients for 2 minut es. The W LAN LE D on the wireless router will be lit for 2 minutes when this wireless router is waiting f or incom ing WPS reques ts.
81 Chapter III Advanced Fu nctions 3 - 1 Q u a l i t y o f S e r v i c e ( Q o S ) Quality o f service provide s an efficient way for com puters o n the network to share the In ternet ba ndwidth w ith a p romise d quality of Internet service.
82 Enable QoS (1) : Check this box to enable the Q oS func tion; de -select t his box if you d on’t wan t to enf orce QoS ba ndwidth l imitation s. T otal D ownloa d Y ou ca n set the limit of to tal down load Bandw idth (2): b andwid th in kbi ts. T o d isable the dow nload bandwi dth limita tion, e nter “0” here.
83 selected by click ing this b utton. Move Down ( 10): Y o u can lower th e priority of the QoS ru le you selected by click ing this b utton. After yo u finish the setti ngs, click “Appl y” (1 1).
84 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Rule Na me (a): Enter a nam e for th is QoS rule (up t o 15 alphanu merical characte rs). Bandw idth (b): S et the ba ndwidth limitation of t his QoS rule.
85 Remote IP Specify the remote ( destinati on) IP addres s Addres s: (e): that will be affecte d by this rule. Input th e starting IP add ress in t he left fiel d and input th e end IP addre ss in the right field to define a range o f IP ad dresses , or just in put the IP address in the lef t field to d efine a si ngle IP address .
86 3 - 2 N e t w o r k Addres s T rans lati on ( NA T) Network address translat ions solv e the proble m of sha ring a sin gle IP a ddress on multiple computers .
87 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect .
88 Below a re descr iptions of the o ptions: Enable Port Check this box to e nable po rt mappin g; Forwar ding (1): unchec k this bo x to disab le port m apping. Private IP (2) : Input the IP ad dress of the com puter on the local ne twork th at provi des Inte rnet serv ice.
89 Reset (1 2): Unselect all mappin gs. After yo u finish the setti ngs, click “Appl y” (13) a nd the fo llowing messag e will be displaye d on you r Web brow ser: Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect .
90 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Enable Virtual Ch eck this box to e nable the virtu al server ; Server (1): uncheck th is box to disable it .
91 Reset (9 ): Remov e all ent ered va lues. Virtual Server All ex isting virt ual serve r mapp ings will be T able (10): d isplayed here. Delete ( 1 1 ) : Select a virtual server m apping by clickin g the “Select ” box of th e mapp ing, then click “Delete Selecte d” to rem ove the mapping .
92 3 - 2 - 4 P o r t M a p p i n g f o r S p e c i a l A p p l i c a t i o n s Some a pplication s requir e more th an one con nection a time; these applicat ions wo n’t work with sim ple NA T ru les. In or der to m ake these ap plication s work, y ou can u se t his functi on.
93 Popula r This section l ists the m ore pop ular applicatio ns Applica tions (7): t hat requi re multip le co nnection s. Select an applicat ion from the “P opular Applic ations” section and click “Add” to save th e setting to “Curren t T r igger-Port T a ble.
94 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect . (W ait for ab out 30 se conds w hile the route r reboot s. ) If you wa nt to rese t all settin gs on this p age back to previ ously saved v alues, c lick “Ca ncel .
95 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect . (W ait for ab out 30 se conds w hile the route r reboot s. ) If you wa nt to rese t all settin gs on this p age bac k to prev iously saved v alues, c lick “Ca ncel .
96 There a re many applicatio ns listed here. Chec k the box of the special support fo r applica tions yo u need, then click “A pply .” T he following messag e will be displaye d on you r Web bro .
97 3 - 3 F irew all In additio n to N A T , this route r provi des firew all functio ns to block maliciou s intrude rs from a ccessin g your c omputer s on your lo cal network . These functions include inbound attack pr evention and blocking of outb ound tra ffic, such as b locking URLs th at have pre-defi ned keyw ords.
98 3 - 3 - 1 A c c e s s C o n t r o l This fun ction allow s or den ies com puters w ith speci fic MAC address es access to the network ; it can a lso allow or deny comput ers with a specific IP address, prot ocol or p ort. Click “F irewall” on the le ft side of the Web man agemen t interfac e, then clic k “Acce ss Cont rol .
99 “aa:bb:c c:dd:ee:ff ,” just in put “ aabb cc ddeeff .” Compu ter Nam e (3): P ull dow n the me nu and a ll the com puters connec ted to the router w ill be liste d here. Y ou can selec t the comp uter name without c hecking the IP addres s of the c ompute r .
100 the netw ork; if yo u select “A llow ,” only IP address es listed in the filterin g table will be able to conne ct to the n etwork, and all oth er netw ork devices will be r ejected . IP Fil tering All existing IP a ddresse s in the fi ltering tab le will T able (12): be lis ted here .
101 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 A d d P C After thi s button is clicked , the follo wing me ssage w ill be disp layed on your Web browser: Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Client P C Enter any text to descr ibe this IP address. (U p Descrip tion (a): to 16 alp hanum erical characte rs.
102 Client P C IP I nput th e startin g IP a ddress in the left address (b): field and input the end IP addre ss in the right field to d efine a ra nge of IP addresses, or j ust input the IP ad dress in the left fie ld to defin e a single IP address.
103 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Enable URL Check this b ox to enf orce UR L Blocking; Blockin g (1): uncheck it to disa ble URL Blocki ng. URL/Ke yword (2 ): I nput th e URL (host na me or IP address of the W eb site, like http ://www .block ed-site .
104 Delete All (7) : If you wan t to delet e all URL /Keywor d e ntries listed he re, click “Delete All .” Reset (8 ): Y ou can also clic k “Res et” t o uns elect all URL/Ke yword e ntries.
105 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Ping of D eath (1) : Ping of Dea th is a sp ecial pac ket, and it will cause c ertain co mputer s to sto p respon ding.
106 server b ecome unusab le. Check this box and the route r will filte r this kind of traffic out. Advanc ed C lick this button an d you ca n set adv anced Settings (5): settings of the D oS prev ention m ethod lis ted above ( see se ction 3- 3-3- 1 DoS – Ad vanced Settings below ).
107 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Ping of D eath (a) : Set the thre shold for when this Do S preve ntion mecha nism wil l be activ ated. Check th e box of Ping of D eath, an d input th e frequen cy of the thresho ld (how m any pa ckets pe r second , minute or hour) .
108 Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect . (W ait for ab out 30 se conds w hile the route r reboot s. ) If you wa nt to rese t all settin gs on this p age back to previ ously saved v alues, c lick “Ca ncel .
109 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: Enable DMZ (1 ): C heck this box to e nable the DM Z functi on; unchec k this box to disab le the DMZ function.
1 10 Reset (1 0): Y ou can also clic k “Res et ” to uns elect entr ies. After yo u finish the setti ngs, click “Appl y” ( 11 ) and the follo wing messag e will be displaye d on you r Web brow .
111 Below a re descr iptions of the optio ns: WAN FailOver ( 1): Check this box to enable the f unction. WAN Priority (2 ): Select t he WAN connec tion prio rity fro m the drop-do wn men u. Idle Timeo ut Input the idle time for dete cting the Internet Detect ( 3): conn ection.
1 12 messag e will be displaye d on you r Web brow ser: Click “C ontinue ” to go b ack and continue with the route r setup procedu re, or cl ick “Ap ply” to re boot the router so the settin gs will take effect . (W ait for ab out 30 se conds w hile the route r reboot s.
1 13 3 - 5 - 2 I n t e r n e t C o n n e c t i o n S t a t u s Click “Internet Conne ction” on the left side of the Web management interface , and the follow ing mess age will be dis played on yo ur W eb browse r: This info rmation w ill vary d epend ing on the con nection s tatus.
1 14 This info rmation w ill vary d ependin g on the device s tatus. 3 - 5 - 4 S y s t e m L o g All impo rtant sys tem even ts are lo gged. Y ou can use this function to check the even t log of y our route r .
1 15 Clear (2 ): D elete all e vent log s display ed here. Refresh (3): Refresh the event log display . 3 - 5 - 5 S e c u r i t y L o g All inform ation a bout netw ork and s ystem se curity is k ept here , and you can use this function t o check the secu rity even t log of yo ur router .
1 16 3 - 5 - 6 A c t i v e D H C P C l i e n t L i s t If you’re using th e DHCP server function of this ro uter , you can u se this func tion to ch eck all ac tive DHC P leases issue d by this router .
1 17 3 - 5 - 8 M o d e m I n f o Use this function to check the infor mation o f the 3G m odem c ard. Click “M odem” Info on th e left s ide of th e Web manage ment interface , and the follow ing .
1 18 filenam e is “co nfig.bin ”).Y ou can sav e it as another filenam e for different versio ns and keep it in a sa fe place. Restore Clic k “Brow se…” to pick a p reviously saved Settings (2): configu ration file from yo ur comp uter , then click “Upload ” to trans fer the file to th e router.
1 19 Click “N ext” and the follo wing me ssage w ill be disp layed: Click “B rowse” first and you ’ll be pr ompted t o provide the filen ame of the fir mware u pgrade file. D ownload the lates t firmwar e file from www .intelline t-netwo rk.
120 Click “A pply” to reset yo ur router . I t w ill be ava ilable ag ain after a few min utes..
121 Chapter IV : Append ix 4 - 1 S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Standards • IEEE 802.1d (Spanning Tree Protocol) • IEEE 802.11b (11 Mbps Wireless LAN) • IEEE 802.11g (54 Mbps Wireless LAN) • IEEE 802.11n Draft 2.0 (300 Mbps Wireless LAN) • IEEE 802.
122 - NTP - NAT - DHCP - DNS • NAT: - Virtual server - Port forwarding - Special applications (port trigger) • Firewall: - Access control based on MAC address - URL filter - DMZ (demilitarized zon.
123 - OFDM: 14 dBm +/- 1 dBm (54 Mbps, 32 mW max.) - CCK: 17 dBm +/- 1 dBm (11 Mbps, 63 mW max.) • Receiver sensitivity: - 11n (150 Mbps) MCS0-7: 20 MHz: -72 dBm; 40 MHz: -70 dBm - 11g (54 Mbps) OFD.
124 • Li-ion battery • Ethernet Cat5 RJ45 cable: 1.0 m (3 ft.) • USB extension cable: 1.0 m (3 ft.) • Car charger • Carrying case.
125 4 - 2 T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g If you fi nd the ro uter is wo rking im properly or has s top ped respond ing , see if a possibl e solution app ears in this sectio n before you con tact your dealer o f purchas e for help. Scenar io Solution Router i s not respond ing whe n I try to ac cess it by Web browser .
126 connec ted to th e Interne t with yo ur comput er directly attach ed to th e device provide d by your Intern et servic e provide r . d. Check the PPP oE / L2T P / PPTP user ID and p assword again. e. Call you r Interne t service provide r and check if there’s somethi ng wrong with their ser vice.
127 d. If this ne ver hap pened before , call you r Internet service p rovider t o see if the re is somet hing wro ng with th eir netwo rk. I can’t lo g on to the Web managem ent interface ; the passwo rd is wro ng. a. Make sure you ’re co nnecting to the correct I P address of the router .
128 4 - 3 G l o s s a r y Default Gatewa y (Route r): Ev ery non -router IP devic e needs to configur e a defau lt gatewa y’s IP address. When th e device sends out an IP packe t, if the de stination is not on the same network , th e device has to send the packet to its default gatew ay , which will then send it o ut toward the dest ination.
129 comput er host in an IP network. E xample : 192.168 .2.1. It con sists of 2 port ions: the I P network addre ss, and the host i dentifier . The IP addre ss is a 32-bit binary pattern, whic h can be represente d as four c ascaded decima l numbe rs separ ated by “.
130 MAC Addre ss: MA C stands for Med ia Access C ontrol. A MAC address is the ha rdware a ddress of a devic e conne cted to a network . The MAC addr ess is a u nique id entifier fo r a devic e with an Ethe rnet interf ace.
131 transmi tting inform ation ov er Ether net betw een different manufa cturers. Protoco l: A protocol is a set o f rules fo r interact ion agree d upon between multiple parties s o that wh en they i.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intellinet 524803 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intellinet 524803 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intellinet 524803 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intellinet 524803 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intellinet 524803, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intellinet 524803.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intellinet 524803. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intellinet 524803 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.