Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SX220 del fabbricante Intel
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Viglen SX220 User Gui de – MA-SX220-0A-01 U ser G ui de ® ® C O M P U T E R S N E T W O R K S S O L U T I O N S Mi n d s T h i n k G r e a t . ..
Viglen SX220 User G uide 1 C C o o n n t t e e n n t t s s 1. Overview 5 Introducti on 5 2. Chassis Specifications 6 Chassis Specif ication 6 Physical Specif ications 7 Chassis Front C ontrols and Ind.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 2 Installing th e Fan Asse mbly 34 Installing the Po wer Cord a nd Strain Relief Strap 35 Adding C omponents t o the Serv er Boar d 36 Installing Periphe rals 41 5.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 3 Software Up dates 96 Software Update P ackage 96 Individual Up dates 98 Upgrading t he BIOS 99 Recovering the BIOS 99 7. Intel Server Control 104 About Intel Serve r Con tro.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 4 Current Usage 139 Calculating Po wer Consum ption 139 W orksheet, Calculating DC Po wer Usage 140 W orksheet, Total Com bined Po wer Used by the System 141 12. A ppe ndix 142 Contacting Vig len 142 1 3 . N o t e s 1 4 3 14. Vig len, E MC a nd the ‘C E’ mark 146 15.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 5 1 1 . . O O v v e e r r v v i i e e w w Introduct ion This man ual descr ibes the Viglen S X220 sys tem and the SCB2 m otherboard. The motherbo ard is the most importa nt part of your comput er. It co ntains all of the CPU, memor y and graph ics circuitry that makes th e computer work.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 6 2 2 . . C C h h a a s s s s i i s s S S p p e e c c i i f f i i c c a a t t i i o o n n The SX220 system co nsist s of the foll owing maj or c ompon ents: • The chass is a.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 7 Physical Specifications The SX22 0 chassis is design ed as a 2U 19” Rackmo unt unit. Th e server will be supplied com plete with a pair of industry standa rd 19” Rails, handles an d all of the necessar y nuts and bolts.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 8 Front Panel Cont rols and Indicators Figure 2 : Front Panel Controls and I ndi cators A – NIC 1 activity LED I – Power/sleep LED B – NIC 2 activ ity LED J – Power bu.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 9 Chassis B ack I/O Ports and Features The back panel provides connectors f or the server board, slots f or add-in cards, a n d the power supp ly for th e se rver.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 10 Power Su pply The powe r su pp ly con s ists of t he power suppl y bay an d o ne p o wer supply mod ule. A second p ower s upp ly m odule c a n b e purcha sed to pr ovide a re d unda nt, 1 +1 s ystem. W ith either conf iguration, the power s upply pr ovides 350 watts of po wer and is de sign ed to mini mise EMI.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 11 of t he sy st em, some 2-post relay racks may not, causing th e racks to fail. Only use relay racks t hat ar e specifically des igned t o support th e weight a nd stres ses of a 2- post f ront-mount only chassis. Optional Peripheral s The SX220 server ch ass is provides six hard driv e bays at the front of the chassis.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 12 3 3 . . M M o o t t h h e e r r b b o o a a r r d d S S p p e e c c i i f f i i c c a a t t i i o o n n Server Boar d Features Table 2: Se r ver Bo ard Feature s Featur e D.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 13 Server Boar d Connector and Component Locations Figure 4: Server Board components A – Spe a ker R – CPU 1 f an connect or B – ID LE D S – Sys fan 1 co nnect or C .
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 14 Back Panel Connect ors Figu re 5: Ba ck Pla ne Con nect o rs A – USB 1 connector G – NIC 1 RJ- 45 conn ector B – V ideo con nector H – Gre en Stat us LED C – SCSI.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 15 Processor The S CB2 motherb oard accommod ates one or t wo Intel Pentium III processors with 512k cache in the FC-PG A2 package. This processor us es the 0.13 micron technol ogy and of f ers advance d perform anc e. The p rocessor ex ternal inte rface operates at a maxim um of 133 MHz.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 16 Video The SCB2 m otherboar d uses an AT I RAGE XL PCI gr aphics accel erator with 8 MB of video SDRAM that supports a ll standard I BM V GA m odes.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 17 Ne tw or k Co ntr ol l er NOTE: To ensu re EMC prod uct regu lation comp lian c e , the system mu st be used with a shield ed LAN cable. The server b oard use s two Intel® 82550P M Fast Ethern et Control lers and supp orts two 10Bas e-T/10 0Base-T X netw ork subsyst ems.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 18 • A daptive Loa d Balanci ng (ALB) - cre ates a team of 2 - 8 adapt ers to i ncrease transmissi on throughp ut. Also includes AFT.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 19 Mi xed Adap ter T eam i ng AFT supports up to ei ght server ad apt ers per team , in any mix. Adaptive Load Bal anci ng Adaptive Load B alancing (ALB) is a simple and eff icient way to increase your server’s tra nsmit throughput .
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 20 The 8 pins of the RJ4 5 connector can be c onfigured to match either of two pin-out standa rds use d by seri al port co ncentrators. To acc ommodate either sta ndard, the J6A2 jumper block locat ed directly behind the rear RJ45 serial port must be jumpered appropriat ely accor ding to which standar d is desired.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 21 NOTE: The RJ 45-t o-DB 9 adapt er s hould m atc h the c onfig uratio n of the s erial device used. One of two pin- out conf igurations ar e used dep ending o n whether t he serial device r equires a DS R or DCD signal.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 22 be conf igured throu gh ISC to respond to an intrusion a n umber of ways, including powe ring dow n or lo cking t he key boar d. Softw are L ocks The BIOS Setu p and t he System Setup Utili ty (SSU) provi de a number of security features t o prev ent unauth orised or acci dental access to the system.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 23 • May enter th e user passwor d to enter B IOS Setup or the SSU. Howeve r, you will not be abl e to change man y of the optio ns. • Must enter the superv isor passwor d if you want to enter BIOS Setup or the SSU and have access to all of the options.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 24 The server c an boot and run the operating s yste m, but m ouse and keyboard input is not accepted until the user password is entered. At boot time, if a CD is detected in the CD-ROM drive or a diskette in drive A, the s yste m prompts f or a pass word.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 25 Password menu of the User P assword Option m enu found in the Sec urity Subsystem Group. To clear the password if you cannot acc ess Setup, change the C lear Password jumper (see Chapter 9). Boot without keyboard The system can boot with or wit hou t a keyboard.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 26 4 4 . . A A s s s s e e m m b b l l i i n n g g t t h h e e S S y y s s t t e e m m This chapt er will give a step-b y-ste p g uide of install ing the serv er b o ar d and t he m ain component s in the syst em.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 27 Warni ngs and Cautions! These warnin gs and cautions apply whenev er you remove the access cover to access compon ents inside t he server. Only a tech nically qu alified person should integrate an d conf igur e the server. Bef ore removin g the access cover for any reaso n, obser ve thes e safet y guidelines.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 28 Inst al ling t h e Se rv er Boar d Installin g the server bo ar d consists of the followi ng steps: • Removing t he cover, Riser c ards and f an assembl y. • Mounting t he serv er board in t he chassis. • Cabling the se rver board to the ot her chassis components .
Viglen SX220 User G uide 29 2. Lif t straight up and remove it from the chassis. 3. Insert your fi nger in the plastic loop on riser c ard (B). 4. Pull st raight up and rem ove it from the chassis. 5. Discard the prot ectiv e foam block s. Fig ure 9: R emo ving t he Riser Card s Removing the Fan Assembly 1.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 30 Figure 10: R emoving the Fan Assembly Install ing th e Server Board 1. Ensure that the Mylar insulat or sheet is se ated secur ely over th e standoff s, is laying fl at on the c hassis f loor, and th at t he edge of the sheet is s eated b elow t he studs in the rear chass is wall.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 31 Figure 11: A ttaching the Server Board.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 32 Routing Cables Figure 12 : Routing Ca bles 1. Route th e backplan e power ca ble (A) f rom the power sup ply to the backplane board and connect it to the white 6-pin con nect or.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 33 5. Co n nect the end of the flex circuit cable (C) labele d to the floppy/f ront panel/IDE connector o n the s erver boar d. Rout e the cable t o the b ackplane board a nd connect the o pposite c able en d to the m atching c onnector on the backpla ne.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 34 Insta lling the Fan Assembly CAUT ION! W hen installing the f an assembl y, avoid pi nching c ables route d in the are a. 1. Ensure the USB cabl e is ro uted in the co rner where t he chassis f loor meets the sidewall. 2. Positio n the f an assembly as shown i n Figure 14 and lo wer it to the c hassis floor.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 35 Figure 14 : System Fan C o nnectors 6. Connect the USB cable to the 10-pin USB connector on the serv er board (Fi gure 4, Position L on page 1 3).
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 36 Adding Components to the Server Board After install ing the serv er boa rd, you m ust add t he desire d n um ber of process ors and memory DIMMs.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 37 Figure 17: Inse rting the Process or 7. Following th e instructi ons packaged with t he applicat or, appl y therm al grease to the proc essor. 8. Positio n the heat sink slot (2 ) above th e socket/ processor slot (3). 9. Aligning t he raise d metal surf aces, place th e heat sink on top of the process or.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 38 Fig u re 18: Inst alli n g th e Heats ink A. Heat sink retentio n clip B. Hea t sink C. Socket and process or CAUT ION! Use care when closing the locking lever—d o it slowly. 11. Slowl y close the l ocking lev er (A) until it conta cts tab (B), see Figur e 19.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 39 Figure 19: Lock ing Heatsink Lev er 12. Install the fan on the proc essor heat sink making sur e that it is seat e d f l at on th e heatsink. 13. Connect the fan t o (A) if it is on the prim ary processor or to (B) if it is on the secondary process or.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 40 Install th e Pr oc essor T erm i nator If you are installin g only one process or, you must install a term inator in t he secondary pr ocessor socket (A). If y ou are installing two proc essors, skip this section. 1. Raise t he locking bar (B) on t he socket .
Viglen SX220 User G uide 41 Figure 22: Insta lling DIMMs Install ing Peripherals Per ipheral s and add-i n card s are no t in cluded in your s yst em and must be purchased s eparatel y. The f ollowing sections descr ibe how to i nstall PCI ad d-in cards, har d disk drives , a CD-ROM driv e/f loppy disk, and a t ape drive.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 42 3. Firml y push the P CI card co nnector int o the riser ca rd slot u ntil it is fully seated. 4. Close the retainer clip (A). Ensure the clip is latched. Figure 23: Installing a PC I card of the riser Installi ng a Ri ser Card o n the Serv er Board 1.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 43 Figure 24 : Installing a Riser Card Install ing a Har d Drive The server can suppor t up to seven hot s wappa ble hard driv es: six hard drives in the drive ba ys, plus one i n the f lex bay.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 44 Figure 25 : Ha rd Drive Ca rrier 5. Remove the hard drive from it s wrapper and place it on an anti -static surf ace. 6. Set a ny jumpers and/or switch es on the dr ive accor ding to th e drive manufacturer’s instr uctions.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 45 11. Reinstall a carrier/air baff le in any b ays where you are not installin g a carrier/drive. Install ing a CD -ROM Dri ve/FDD Modul e The SX 220 serv er is sup plied wit h a CD-RO M drive a nd a fl oppy disk dr ive alrea dy installed i n the Flex Bay.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 46 NOTE: Using the l egac y IDE con nector on the SCB2 s erver boar d to su pport an IDE peripher al device in the SX22 0 server is not a supporte d configuration. Using this connector in the SX22 0 server may produc e unreliabl e operatio n of the IDE device and ma y result in data loss.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 47 CAUT ION! Carefully ro ute cables t o minimise a irflo w blockage and cooling pr oblems. Sugg ested Tap e Dri ve Cablin g A periphe ral po wer cable (4-pin c onnector) i s include d in the cabl e output from the power s upply.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 48 Figure 30: Onboar d S CSI Connector Conn ecting to a SC SI Contr oller on a Ful l-hei ght PCI Card 1. Obtai n a SCSI cable with an unf olded lengt h of 26-inch es. 2. Flatten t he c ab le and f old it in h alf be gin ning ab out 1- inch f rom the t ape driv e end (see Figure 29, A).
Viglen SX220 User G uide 49 Conn ecting to a SC SI Co ntroller on a Low Profil e PCI C ard 1. Obtai n a SCSI cable with an unf olded lengt h of 26-inch es. 2. Flatten the cable and fold it in half for the f ull le n gth, leaving ab out 1-inch at each end (s ee Figure 32 ).
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 50 Installi ng th e Bezel Place the b ezel bet ween the chassis ha ndles an d push it to ward the f ront of the chassis until it snaps in to place.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 51 5 5 . . I I n n s s t t a a l l l l i i n n g g t t h h e e S S y y s s t t e e m m i i n n a a R R a a c c k k CAUT ION! A NCHOR THE EQUIPME NT RA CK : Th e equipme nt rac.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 52 Removing the Rai ls 1. Fully extend a rail assem bl y (F igur e 35). The fi nger t ab (D) for the ex tension lock is reveale d. 2. Press t he finger t ab and slide th e inside rail (C) from the middle rai l (B) unti l it completely separ ates.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 53 Figure 36: A ttaching the Rails A. Inside rail B. #6-3 2 x 3/16-inc h screw C. Att achment hol e D. Att achment ta b E. Att achment hol e for cable manag er (availabl e f rom others) At tach Rail Brack ets to Posts 1.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 54 Attach a Rai l Assembl y to a Front Bracket 1. Position a rail assembl y (middle and out er rails) with its black pla stic end caps toward the r ear of t he rack and its o uter rail cl osest to th e brackets.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 55 A. Front bracket B. Ou t er rail C. Screw hol e D. Threaded hole E. Not Shown F. Access hole G. #6-32 x 3/16- inch sc rew A t tach a Rail Assemb l y to a Rear Bracket 1. Slide t he middl e rail t oward the f ront until the re ar bracket area is accessible.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 56 Figure 40: Rails Fully Extended CAUT ION! Lift ing and placi ng the chassis i n the r ails is a t wo-p erson job. If n eeded, use an appropri ate lif ting device. A f ully loaded Viglen S X220 serve r weighs appr oximately 23.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 57 6 6 . . C C o o n n f f i i g g u u r r a a t t i i o o n n S S o o f f t t w w a a r r e e a a n n d d U U t t i i l l i i t t y y This cha pter describe s the Power-O n Self -Test (POST) an d ser ver configurati on utilities.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 58 To r emove the spla sh scre en. <ESC> Power-O n Self-T est (POS T) Each time you turn on the s ystem, POST st arts runn ing. PO ST checks the serv er board, pr ocessor, me mory , keyboar d, and most installed periph eral devices.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 59 Using BI OS Setup This s ection describes the BIO S Setup opti ons. Us e Setup to c hange the s erver configu ration default s.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 60 Main M e nu You can m ake the f ollowing selectio ns on the Main Men u itself. Use the su bmenus f or other select ions. Table 8: Main Menu Features Feature Choices Description System Time HH:MM:SS Sets the system time System Date MM/DD/YYYY Sets the system date Diskette A Disabled 1.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 61 Pro cessor Retest Disabled Enabled Select yes f or the BIOS to clear hi st orical process or status and retest all pr ocess ors on the next boot. Processor Serial Number Enabled Disabled If enabled, the sys tem rec ords the seri al num ber of e ach proces sor.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 62 Disabled pres ent on a PCI ad d-in card inst alle d in the slot In a 2U chassi s, options for ad ditional PCI slots PCI bus C will be displayed USB Fun ctio n Su bme nu Table 13: USB Fu nction Subme nu Features Feature Choices Description USB Function Enabled Disabled Enab les th e embe dded US B con tr oller .
Viglen SX220 User G uide 63 Perip heral Config uratio n Subm enu Table 18: Peripher al Configuration Submenu Features Feature Choices Description Serial Port 1 Addr ess Disabled 3F 8 2F 8 3E8 2E8 Used to configur e the serial por t address.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 64 W ake on LAN Disabled Enabled L egacy w ake on ly: Dete rmines th e action of the system whe n a LAN wake up eve nt occurs. W a ke on PME Disabled Enabled L egacy w ake on ly: Dete rmines th e action of the system whe n a PCI Power M anagement Enable wake up ev e nt oc c u rs .
Viglen SX220 User G uide 65 Server Menu Table 22: Server Menu Feature s Feature Choices Description System Man agement Press < Enter> En ters Submen u.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 66 COM2 2F8 IRQ3 management f eat ures. Make s ure these val ues are identica l to th ose of Serial P ort A and B in t he Peripheral Confi gurati o n Setup menu. Baud Rate 9600 19.2k 38. 4k 115.2k Console Redirect ion, when e nabl ed, uses t he baud rate specified .
Viglen SX220 User G uide 67 Table 2 7: Boot Dev ice Priority Sub menu Features Boot Priority Device Description 1 st Boo t Device Removable Attemp ts to boot fro m a remova ble media device . 2 nd Boot Device Har d Dri ve Attem pts to boot fr om a hard drive d evi ce.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 68 Exit M enu You can m ake the following selectio ns on the Ex it Menu. Select an o ption using the up or down ar row keys. Press <Enter> to ru n the option. Pr essing <Es c> does not exit this men u. You m ust select one of t he items from the menu o r menu bar t o exit.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 69 When to Run the Adaptec SCS ISelect Utility Use the SCS ISelect utilit y to: • Change default values • Che ck and/or c hange SCS I device set tings t hat may conf lict .
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 70 SCSI Disk Utilities Press <Enter> to view the SC SI Dis k Utilities Menu. This m enu allo ws you to form at hard disks and/or verify disk media.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 71 DPC consol e runs on a client w orkstation. I t communicat es with a s erver by: • Accessing the server m anagement capabil ities of the on- board NIC • A W indows 2000 comp atible modem . • An RS-232 c onnection to the serve r COM2 port.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 72 Console go directly to the server, and the DPC Console displays the text that you would norm all y see on the server co nsol e. To use this m ode, yo u must c onfigure the Console R edirectio n option of BIOS Setup for R e-direct m od e.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 73 What You Need to Do You ca n run the S SU directl y from t he SCB2 Se rver Sof tware Kit CD-RO M by booting the server sys tem to the CD and selecting “Utiliti es” or fro m a set of DOS diskettes.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 74 a. Af ter creati ng set of three SSU disk ettes f rom the CD: Insert t he fi rst SSU diskette in d rive A, and press t he res et butt on or <Ct rl+Alt +Del> to r eboot your server f rom the disk ette.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 75 • Colour - th is button l ets you change th e default col ors associa ted with diff erent items on the screen wit h predefined color combinati ons. The color changes are instantaneo us. • Mode - this b utton lets you s et the desired expertise leve l.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 76 OR • Highlight the t ask name, an d click on OK. OR • Use the tab and a rrow k eys to highli ght the de sired butt o n, and press the spaceb ar or <Enter >. MultiBoo t Option s A dd-in The Mu lti-boot A dd-in (MBA ) provides an interf ace for selectin g Initial Pro gram Load (IPL) dev ices.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 77 Admin P a ssw or d Button The ‘Admin Pass word’ but ton allows the us er to set or chang e the administrat ive passwor d used by both th e SSU a nd the system BIOS .
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 78 • Lock out Timer—S et an interval that, if no acti vity takes place, it wi ll drop the se rve r i nto se cure mo de. • Secure Boot Mode—Forc e the server to boot dir ectl y into sec ure mode. • Video Bla nking—Tur n off the video when th e server is in secure mode.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 79 SEL The SEL me nu has the fol lowing option s: • Pro per ties : Displays inf ormation about the S EL. Thes e fields ar e display only. • Clear SEL : Clears the SEL data from the BMC. • All Event s : Displays the current S EL data from t he BMC.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 80 Vie w The View me nu has the fo llowi ng opti ons: • FRU Info : Displ ays inform ation about the F RU. These fields ar e display only.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 81 SDR Manager Add-in The Se nsor Data Record (SDR) Manage r Add-in comp onent allo ws users to v iew sensor data recor ds stor ed in the serv er manag ement st orage d evice of a server. The add-i n allo ws users t o perf orm the f ollowing operat ions: 1.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 82 • Verify fi rmware code curr ently loaded versus an external h ex file. • U pdate the BIOS fro m .bi o or .uif file s. The System Update Add-in has the f ollowi ng m enus: File Th e F i l e m e nu ha s th e f o l lo wi ng o p t i on s : • Load : Select the file to u s e in the update.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 83 • PCI records i n non-volatile st orage • Non-volat ile em ergenc y man agement port (EMP), platf orm event paging (PEP), and Pla tf orm even t filtering (PEF) settings Button s • Save To File : D isplay s a fi le dialog so you ca n cho ose a filename and locatio n.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 84 Reco very A gent If the BMC firm ware remote update f ails, the server will reboot into the service partition and the rec overy a gent will attem pt to f inish th e updat e. T he rec overy agent is an executable fi le (recover.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 85 Plat form Event Manager Add-in The Platf orm Event M anager (PEM) provi des an interf ace for co nfiguring Pl atform Event Pa ging ( PEP), the Emerg ency Manage ment Port ( EMP), BMC LA N Configurat ion (LAN ) and Pl atform Event Filteri ng (PEF).
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 86 Plat form Event Paging Di alog This dial og allows y ou to configure t he Platfor m Event Paging f eatures. (See Figure 44) Figure 44: Pla tform Event Paging Dia log File Th e F i l e m e nu ha s th e f o l lo wi ng o p t i on s : • Sa ve : Allows you to save th e configur ation im mediately.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 87 Hel p Topics The Help T opics menu has the f ollowing options: • Hel p To pics : Disp lays help info rmat ion . Enable PEP Checkbox Enable or disab le the PEP feature entire ly. Black out Peri od in Minu tes Enter the tim e, in minutes, between successive p ages.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 88 Figure 45: B M C LAN-C onf iguration D ialog File Th e F i l e m e nu ha s th e f o l lo wi ng o p t i on s : • Sa ve : Allows you to save th e configur ation im mediately. • Close : Allows you to close th e BMC LAN-Conf iguration di alog without saving chang es.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 89 Hel p Topics Menu The Help T opics menu has the f ollowing options: • Hel p To pics : Disp lays help info rmat ion . Enabl e L AN Alerts Chec kbox Enables or disabl es BMC LAN-Alerti ng. Enter New P assword Allows you t o enter a LAN pass word.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 90 Gatew ay IP Address Enter the Lo gical or Inter net Address of the router. The Gatew ay IP Address will only b e saved when DHCP is disabl ed. T he IP is e ntered as a dotted I P, (e.g. , 192.16 8.0.2). Subn et Mask Enter t he logical or Int ernet address of the host’s s ubnet.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 91 Figure 4 6 : Platform Eve n t Action Dialog File Menu Th e F i l e m e nu ha s th e f o l lo wi ng o p t i on s : • Sa ve : Allows you to save th e configur ation im mediately. • Close : Allows you t o close the Platf orm Event Action dialog without saving changes.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 92 Button s • >> : Mov es all the event s from the enabled li stbox to the d isabled l istbox. • > : Moves t he selected eve nt from the enabled listb ox to the disa bled listbox. • < : Moves t he selected eve nt from the disabled listb ox to enable d the listbox.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 93 • Sa ve : Allows you to save th e configur ation im mediately. • Close : Allows you to close the Emerge ncy Managem ent Port dial og witho ut saving chan ges. If you have ma de changes, you will b e prompte d to save changes before closing.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 94 Mode m Init St ring The M odem Init Stri ng strin g is transmitted ever y time the E MP initiali ses. The length of the p aging st ring is det ermined at run-t ime f rom fi rmware. Y ou will be notified if the string is truncat ed.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 95 Plat form Event Paging W ith Platform Event Paging (PEP), your server can au tomatically d ial up a p aging service and page you when a server m anageme nt related ev ent occurs. Platform events incl ude tem peratur e out-of -ran ge, volt age out- of -range, chas sis intrus ion, a nd fan failure.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 96 Soft w are Up dates Your system com es with preinstal led system BIOS and B MC firm ware. W hen necessar y, updates wi ll be availabl e for download from the Viglen su pport website.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 97 2. Print, review, a nd follow the i nstruction. rtf file (it superce des any other instructions) 3. Label three blank f lopp y disks as follo ws: • Disk 1 - S CB2 BIOS update disk ette • Disk 2 – SCB2 B MC update disk ette • Disk 3 – SCB2 F RU/SDR upd ate diskett e 4.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 98 3. Disk 3 – SCB 2 FRU/SDR updat e—Prompt s you to ch oose th e chass is t ype. You can choose to up date the ch assis inform ation; you will b e prompted f or the Seri al Number, Part Num ber, an d Asset Ta g. Following t he upd ate process, t he system will automatic ally rebo ot.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 99 6. I nsert the boota ble diskett e into drive A. 7. To e xtract the B IOS. EXE f ile to th e dis kette, c hange to the tempora ry dir ectory that holds the BIOS.EXE file and type: BIOS A: 8. P r ess <E nt er >. 9. The disk ette no w holds the B IOS upgrade and recovery f iles.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 100 5. Reinstal l the access c over an d connect the power cord. 6. Insert the diskette ho lding the BIO S upgr ade an d recov ery fi les into driv e A. 7. Turn o n system power and liste n to the s peaker: • Two beeps i ndicate successf ul BIOS recovery—Go to the next st ep.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 101 7. The program will load the file a nd then ask if it sho uld upl oad boot code. P ress “N” to continue u nless otherwis e directed b y the releas e notes or an Intel support profes sional. 8. The program next asks if it shoul d upload operatio nal code.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 102 • Is com patible with ROM- DOS Ver. 6. 22, MS-DOS Ver. 6.22 (and late r versions ), W indows 95 DOS, and Windows 98 DOS • Accepts CFG, SDR, and FRU load f iles (the ex ecutable file f or the utility is FRU/SDR.exe) • R equire s the follow ing su pporti ng fil es: One o r more .
Viglen SX220 User G uide 103 specified CFG file and uses t he entri es in that f ile to prob e the hardware and to select the p roper S DRs to load i nto non-v olatile stora ge. Displayin g Utility Titl e and Ver sion The utility displa ys its title: FRU & SDR Lo ad Utility, Versi on Y.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 104 7 7 . . I I n n t t e e l l S S e e r r v v e e r r C C o o n n t t r r o o l l Legal Inf ormatio n from sof t ware supplier An Intel ® product, when used in accor dance .
Viglen SX220 User G uide 105 About Intel Server Control NOTE: This section d escribes t he I ntel Server Co ntrol (ISC) server-m anagem ent package. Int rodu cing Inte l Serv er Cont rol Intel Serv er Contro l (ISC) is a pack age that provides tools to manag e remote servers.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 106 be use d to validate and is olate pr oblems in the server. The test s are c ontrolle d via a text-based cons ole redirect ed to the client work station from DPC.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 107 The next table sh ows the typical tasks t hat a system administr ator might do. Th ey include normal s ystem administr ation, s etting up s ystem alert s so that an administ rator is notified wh en something on the server needs att ention, and actin g in response t o alerts or errors.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 108 of t he software on the same server. It is also possibl e to install Platf orm Instrume ntati on on multiple servers and Console sof tware on multi ple clients. PIC integr ates int o the enter prise and workgrou p managem ent consoles, as wel l as into the I ntel Serv er Cont rol Cons ole.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 109 • Manage n on-Intel-b ased s ystems vi a the Int elligent Chassis Ma nageme nt Bus (ICMB) . • Remo tely mon itor s e rver ha rdware sensors . • Configure se nsor thres holds. • Update the server’s LC D display (if available).
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 110 Since DPC do es not comm unicate with the serv er-resident o peratin g system, it c an be used to manag e the server eve n if the server's oper ating syst em and primary processors are n ot working.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 111 • Configuratio n regist ers The Client SS U stores conf iguratio n values in fl ash memory. Th ese values take eff ect when you boot the serv er. Start a Cli ent SSU session, by requestin g a service boot thro ugh the Em ergency Managem ent Port.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 112 The DMI Exp lorer can be inst alled as a tool available f rom t he ISC Console. Select “Instal l DMI Explor er” when you are insta lling the ISC sof tware.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 113 Ope nView The HP OpenVi ew Network Node Manager Console autom atically detect s servers runni ng the IS C Platf orm I nstrumentati on softwar e. ISC-en abled se rvers dis play on the ne twork ma p, and a n “Inte l Ser v er Con t rol ” appl et i s added as an optio n in th e Tools menu.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 114 Using the mo dem con nection via t he Direct Platf orm Contro l (DPC), you can: • Reset the r emote serv er’s power. • Reboot the r emote ser ver usin g the service partiti on. NOTE: Direct Plat form Control is an o ptional applic ation that may not be installe d on this system.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 115 Setting Up an I CMB Conne ction An ICMB connectio n requires: • A man aged serve r w ith an ICMB inter f ace . • A server with an I CMB interface, c onnected to the se rver man agement console. See the Product G uide f or the managed ser ver for inf ormation about setti ng up an ICM B conne ction.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 116 f urther anal yse the condit ion of t he s erver. Pag es c an be c onfig ured f or th e follo wing events: • Temperat ure Sens or o ut of range. • Voltage Se nsor out of range. • Chassis Intr usion [Sec urity Violati on].
Viglen SX220 User G uide 117 Intel Serv er Control Consol e Main Screen The follo wing figure sh ows the Intel Server C ontrol Console. Figure 4 8: Intel Server C o ntrol Main Scree n A.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 118 Server Menu Options Discover You can discov er multipl e servers in a single step a nd add them t o the server tree. Servers are d iscovered usi ng a Ping Sweep mechanism s upported on serve rs runni ng TCP/IP . To discov er a range of servers with IP a ddresses, do t he following st eps: 1.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 119 4. Click OK. The ISC Console will test the specif ied server f or all ISC-registered to ols. If one or more of the tools is found, th en the s erver will be added to the serve r tree. Delete/D elete All You can m anually delet e a server f rom the IS C Console serve r tree.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 120 The Statu s Bar The stat us bar dis plays informati on about I SC Console o perations, suc h as the number of servers f ound wit h vali d ad dresse s and numb er of servers not res ponding during a Discover.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 121 8 8 . . S S o o l l v v i i n n g g P P r r o o b b l l e e m m s s The first part of this chapter helps you identif y and solve problems t hat might occur when the s yst em is in use. T he sec ond p art lists er ror co de messages t hat might be displayed.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 122 Are all D I MMs install ed correct l y? Are all peri pheral devices installed c orrectly? If the s y st em has a har d disk drive, is it prope rly formatted or.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 123 If you are r unning th e software f rom a CD-ROM dis k, try a diff e re nt disk to se e if the proble m occu rs on all disks. If you are runnin g the software f rom a hard disk driv e, try running it f rom a diskette.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 124 5. Turn o n the s ystem. If the power LE D does not light, see “P ower L ight Does N ot Light” on page 125 6. If errors are encounter ed, po wer off the system and remove all add-in cards.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 125 Try the s olutions in t he order given. I f you cannot cor rect the p roblem , contact your service re pres entative or a uthorised d ealer f or help.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 126 If the problem persist s, the vi deo monitor may be fault y or it ma y be the inc orrect t ype. Contact your service repres ent ative or aut horised de al er for help. System Cooli ng Fans Do Not Rot ate Prop erl y If the system cooling fans ar e not op erating properly, s ystem compo nents coul d be damaged.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 127 Are all relev ant switch es and j umpers on the drive set co rrectl y? Is the drive properly conf igured ? Is the onboa rd IDE controll er enab led? Cannot C o.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 128 Run t he di ag nos t ics . Problems with Application S oftware If you have problems wit h applic at ion soft w are, do the following: Verif y that the software is proper ly conf igured for the syst em.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 129 9 9 . . T T e e c c h h n n i i c c a a l l R R e e f f e e r r e e n n c c e e Server Board Jumpers Figure 49: Serv er Board Jumpers Table 40: Configur ation Jumper Ju mp er Name Pin s What it does at syst em reset BMC WP A BMC boot block is write protec ted (norm al operation) .
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 130 nibble is represe nted by a red LED and eac h bit in the lower nibbl e is repr esented b y a green LE D. If both bits are set in t he upper and lower nibble then bot h red and green LEDs are lit, resulting in an amb er colour.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 131 Table 41 : P OST Codes (Con tinued ) Dia gnost ic LED Dec oder G=Green, R=Re d, A=Amber Pos t Code MSB LSB Description 19h G Off Off A Init S yste m T imer: The 8254 timer test is ov er. S tarting the memo ry refre sh test n ext.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 132 Table 41 : P OST Codes (Con tinued ) Dia gnost ic LED Dec oder G=Green, R=Re d, A=Amber Pos t Code MSB LSB Description 39h G Off R A Displa ying bus initialisa tion error message s. 3Ah G Off A R Display S etu p Mes sag e: The new cursor posit i on h as been read and sav ed.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 133 Table 41 : P OST Codes (Con tinued ) Dia gnost ic LED Dec oder G=Green, R=Re d, A=Amber Pos t Code MSB LSB Description 9Bh A Off G A Float Processor Init ialise: Per f orming any r equ ired initialisa tion before the cop r oce ssor te st next.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 134 1 1 0 0 . . R R e e g g u u l l a a t t o o r r y y & & I I n n t t e e g g r r a a t t i i o o n n I I n n f f o o r r m m a a t t i i o o n n Product Regul atory.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 135 • A S/NZS 3548 (Class A) – Radiated & Conducted E missions (Aust ralia / New Zea lan d) • RRL (Class A) Radi ated & Conducte d Emissions (K orea) • BSMI (C.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 136 BS MI (T a iwan ) The BS MI Certification num ber 3902I9 04 is silk scree ned on the component s ide of the server board; a nd the f ollowing BS MI EMC warning is l ocated on s older side of the serve r boar d.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 137 1 1 1 1 . . E E q q u u i i p p m m e e n n t t L L o o g g & & P P o o w w e e r r C C o o n n s s u u m m p p t t i i o o n n Equipment Log Use the bl ank equipment log provide d here t o record inf ormation abo ut your s ystem.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 138 Table 42: Equipm ent Log (cont inued ) Item Manufacturer Name and Model Number Serial Number Date Installed.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 139 Current Usage NOTE: Both pr ocessors pull power from +5 V. This may lim it the numb er of drives and/or add-in c ards you ma y install. As an overall curr ent usag e limitati on on t he power supp ly, do not excee d a combined power outp ut of 195 watts f or the +5 and + 3.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 140 Worksheet, Cal culati ng DC Power Usage 1. List the curr ent for each boa rd and devic e in the appr opriate volta ge level column. 2. Add th e currents in ea ch column. T hen go to the next worksh eet. Tabl e 43: Pow er Usage Wo rkshe et 1 Current (m axim u m) at voltag e level: Device +3.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 141 Worksheet, Total Combined Power Used by the System 1. From the previous wor ksheet , ent er th e total curr ent f or each colum n. 2. Multipl y the volt age by t he total curre nt to get the tot al wattage for each volt age leve l.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 142 1 1 2 2 . . A A p p p p e e n n d d i i x x Contacting Vi glen Viglen Tech nic al Su pport Tel: 020 8758 7050 Fax: 020 8758 7097 E-mail : technical@viglen.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 143 1 1 3 3 . . N N o o t t e e s s.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 144.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 145.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 146 1 1 4 4 . . V V i i g g l l e e n n , , E E M M C C a a n n d d t t h h e e ‘ ‘ C C E E ’ ’ m m a a r r k k CE Mark ing As we begin the 21st century, European standards ar e being harmonis ed across borders.
Viglen SX220 User G uide 147 1 1 5 5 . . C C o o p p y y r r i i g g h h t t s s a a n n d d T T r r a a d d e e m m a a r r k k s s Pleas e note The mat e r ial in t hi s man ua l is sub ject to change w ithout no tice. Trademarks Microsof t, W indows, W indows NT, Wi ndows 95, MS-DOS and O S/2 are registered trademarks of Microsof t Corpor ation.
Vigle n SX220 User Guide 148 1 1 6 6 . . S S u u g g g g e e s s t t i i o o n n s s Viglen is int erested in conti nuing to improv e the qualit y and inform ation provi ded in their manu als. Viglen has listed some quest ions that you may like to answ er and return t o Viglen.
Viglen SX220 Use r Guide 149 5. How do you r ate the Viglen T ec hnic a l supp ort and S e rvic e Depart ment s? 6. Are t here any t echn olo gical im prov em ent s t hat co ul d be m ade to t he syst em? 7. Other poi nts you wo ul d lik e to ment io n? Pleas e retur n this s l i p t o: Prod uc t Dev elopm e nt.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel SX220 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel SX220 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel SX220 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel SX220 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel SX220, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel SX220.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel SX220. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel SX220 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.