Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ISP2150 del fabbricante Intel
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ISP2150 2U Rack Server Platform Product Guide A Guide for Technically Qualified Assemblers of Intel ® Identified Subassemblies/Products Order Number: A 09581-001.
Disclaim er Intel Corporat ion (Intel) makes no warranty of any ki nd with regard t o this material, i ncl udi ng, but not li mited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Intel assume s no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
iii Contents 1 Description Serve r Bo ard Fe atu res ......................................................................................................... 9 Front Panel Control s and Indicato rs ....................................................
iv ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Remo ving D IMM s ...................................................................................................... 34 Peri pheral Devi ces ......................................................
Content v Serve r Co ntrol Ope rati ons ......................................................................................... 85 Phonebook ............................................................................................................
vi ISP2150 2U Rack Server Platform Product Guide 5 Technical Reference Connectors ....................................................................................................................... 112 ATX S tyle Fron t Panel Connecto r ..........
Content vii 12. Remo ving th e H ard Dri ve Ca rrie r f rom the C hassi s ................................................... 36 13. Attach i n g the D ri ve to th e Ca rrie r ...........................................................................
viii ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e.
9 1 Description Server Board Features Table 1. Server Board Features Feature Description Process or Installed: Up t o two Inte l ® Pentium ® II or P entium III pr oces sors operatin g at 1.8 V to 3.5 V. The s erver board’s voltage r egulator is automat ically pr ogrammed by the proces sor’s VID pins to provi de the requir ed volt age.
10 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Front Pane l Controls and Indicat or s The front pane l control s and ind icators are located behind the fron t bezel of the ISP2150 as shown in Figure 1. To access the pane l, grasp the b ezel a t its edges and gently p ull it toward s you.
Descrip tio n 11 Back Panel Connectors OM09321 A B C K I J H G F E D Figure 3. Back Panel Connectors A. Mouse c onnector G. USB connectors B. Parallel Por t connector H. RJ45 Network connector C. PCI Expansion s lots I. Serial port connector (CO M1) D.
12 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Major Sy st em Elements OM09322 K G J H I E D A B C F Figure 4. Major System Elements A. Power supply G. Hard drive carrier B. Expansion s lot covers H. Diskette drive C. PCI riser card bracket I. Front panel D.
Descrip tio n 13 Serv er Boar d Connect or and Compo ne nt Loc a tions A B OM08561 C D EF G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH II Figure 5. Server Board Conne ctor and Component Locations A. Fansink connector 2 B. Secondary processor C.
14 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Processor Each Pen tium II o r Pe ntium III proc essor is pa ckaged in a cartr idge. The c artridge includes th e processo r core wi th an in tegrated 1 6 KB pr imary (L1) cache, t he second ary (L2 ) cache, and a b ack cover.
Descrip tio n 15 ✏ NOTE Use DIM Ms that hav e been tes ted for compatib ility w ith the server boa rd. Contact you r sale s represent ativ e or dealer for a c urrent l ist of appr oved memory modules. Che ck the I ntel Cus tomer Suppo rt web s ite fo r the late st tested me mory l ist: http://su pport.
16 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Add-in Board Slots You can only add two PC I cards to thi s server. You must use the PCI slots on the ris er card. Do not use any expa nsion s lots on the ser ver boa rd. The server boa rd has two full length s tandard PCI c onnecto rs on the ri ser card.
Descrip tio n 17 IDE Controller IDE is a 16 b it inter face fo r intell igent d isk drives with di sk control ler elect ronics onboa rd. The PCI/ISA/IDE Accel erato r, also known as P IIX4e, is a m ultifunct ion device on the ser ver board th at acts as a PC I based F ast IDE cont roller.
18 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Keyboard and Mouse The keyboard /mouse con troll er is PS /2-comp atible. The server ma y be lock ed autom atical ly if there is no k eyboard o r mouse ac tivit y for a p redefined l ength o f time, if specif ied thr ough the System Setup U tility (S SU).
Descrip tio n 19 One major funct ion of the BMC is to autono mously mon itor system m anagement events, and log their occurrence in the nonvolatile System Even t Log (SEL). These include events such as over-tempe rature and ov er-vo ltag e condi tions, fan f ailure, o r chass is intrus ion.
20 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide The EMP Console us es three m anagement plug-ins to monitor the serve r: • SEL Viewer • SDR Viewer • FRU Viewer The EMP Console a lso has Pho nebook plu g-in th at can b e used to create and mainta in a li st of servers and the ir phone numb er s.
Descrip tio n 21 Using Passwo rds You can set the user password , the ad minis trator pa ssword, or both pas swords. If onl y the u ser password is se t, you: • Must enter the use r password to enter B IOS Setup or the SSU. • Must enter the use r password to boot the se rver if Pas sword on Boot i s enabled in either th e BIOS Setup or SSU.
22 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Summary of Softwa re Security Feature s The table bel ow list s the sof tware security features a nd descr ibes wha t prote ction each o ffers. In general, to e nable o r set the f eatures lis ted here, you must run the SSU an d go to t he Security Subsystem Grou p, menu.
Descrip tio n 23 Table 3. Software Security Fe atures ( continue d) Feature Description Cont r ol acce ss t o th e system other th an SSU: set user password. To co ntr ol acce ss to usin g t he syste m, set a u ser p asswor d a n d en able i t th r oug h Setup or the SSU.
24 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Equipment Rack Precautions SAFETY WARNINGS A NCHOR THE EQUIPMENT RACK : The equipmen t rack mu st b e anchored to an unmovab le support to preven t it fro m falling ov er when one or more server s are ext ended in front o f it on sl ide assembl ies.
25 2 Upgrading and Installing Server Components Tools and Supplies Needed • Phillip s (cross he ad) sc rewdriver ( #1 bit and #2 b it) • Jumper remova l tool or ne edle no sed pliers • Pen or pe.
26 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide ESD and handling boards: A lways handle b oards ca refully. Th ey can be extreme ly sensit ive to ESD. Hold boa rds only by their e dges. After removing a board fr om it s protect ive wrapper o r fro m the syste m, place i t componen t-side UP on a gr ounded , static-f ree sur face.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 27 Bezel Open ing and Closin g the F ront Bezel With th e bezel open y ou have ac cess t o all of you r syste m’ s fron t panel fun ctions and indicators . With th e bezel clo sed you ca n prote ct crit ical funct ions and still v iew the sy stem ’ s indicators .
28 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Locki ng and Unlock ing the Front Be zel The bezel can be locked and unlock ed to pr event unwan ted acc ess to the syste m. To lock the bezel: 1. Remove th e keys from insid e the bez el (they s hould be tape d to the inside).
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 29 Covers Open ing th e Cover 1. Loosen the thr ee screw s on the rear of th e syste m. 2. Pull the cove r back and remov e it fro m the ch assis. OM09327 Figure 7. Opening the Cover Closing the Cov er 1. Place th e cover on the chassi s and slide it fo rwards a s far a s possible.
30 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Processors WARNING If the se rver has been runn ing, an y installed processo r and heat sink on the processor bo ard(s) w ill be ho t. To avoid the po ssibi lity of a burn, be careful when re moving or installin g server b oard compon ents that are located near pro cessors .
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 31 Insta lling a Pr ocessor The serve r supports up to tw o Inte l Pentium II or Pe ntium III processo rs (w ith 100 MHz s ystem bus). If y ou are ins talling tw o process ors, m ake sure they are t he sam e speed, volt age, and stepping.
32 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide CAUTION, SINGLE-PROCESSOR CONFIGURATIONS If you in stall onl y one process or in a system, i t must go in the p rimary connector (c loses t to the D IMM socke ts).
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 33 Memory Installin g DIMMs The server on ly suppor ts 100 MHz PC /100-co mpliant SDRAM. • Install f rom 32 MB to 2 GB of unbuffer ed me mory, using up .
34 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide OM09318 Figure 10. Installing DI MMs 7. Repeat the steps to install ea ch DIMM . 8. Ensure that no cables are pro truding f rom the se rver cha ssis and th en clos e the serve r. 9. Connect all ex terna l cables and the power cord to the serve r.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 35 Peripheral Devices Removing the Diskette Drive 1. Observe th e safety and ESD precau tions a t the be ginning of this cha pter. 2. Disconnec t the powe r (B) and signal (A) cables fro m the d iskette d rive.
36 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Re-insta lling the Diskette Driv e 1. Remove th e 3.5-inch di skette dr ive fro m its pro tective w rapper, an d place it compone nt-side up on an anti-s tatic surface. 2. Install t he driv e into the d rive ca rrie r and secure it with the screws that you remov ed.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 37 OM09323 C A E B D Figure 13. Attaching the Drive to t he Carrier A. Hard disk drive D. Screws (4) B. Drive c arrier E.
38 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Installing a Slim-line CDROM Drive Your server doe s not co me with an integra ted slim -line CD-ROM drive. You mu st purchas e one separately and ins tall it. 1. Remove th e drive from it s prote ctive wrappe r, and pl ace it on an anti-sta tic surf ace.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 39 OM09319 C D A B Figure 15. Installing a Slim-line CD ROM Drive A. Signal cable B. Power cable C. Screws D. Retention screw 5. Slide the s lim-lin e CDROM tray into th e CDROM bay. It is recom mended tha t you firs t remove the d isket te drive in the se ction “Re moving the Disk ette Dr ive”.
40 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Add-in Cards Installing Add-in Cards You can only add two PC I cards to thi s server. You must use the PCI slots on the ris er card. Do not use any expa nsion s lots on the ser ver boa rd. 1. Remove th e expansion s lot cove r for the slot you w ish to u se.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 41 3. Remove th e add-in board fro m its prot ectiv e wrapper. Set ju mpers or sw itches accordi ng to th e manufac tu rer’s ins tru ct ions. OM09326 A B Figure 17. Installing an Add-in Card A. PCI slot B.
42 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Power Supply Removing a nd Re-i nstalling a Powe r Supply To replace th e powe r supply : 1. Unplug the pow er cord from the power source an d from th e power co rd recep tacle (A ) at the right rear side o f the sy stem.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 43 System Mounts There are two methods fo r insta lling the ISP215 0, using the fro nt b racket har dware or optiona lly using rack r ail system.
44 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide 5. Mount th e front bra cket to th e cabinet. To complete the insta lla t ion, bolt the system’s front b rackets to the cab inet using the mou nting bo lts (A in F igure 21) supplied b y th e cabinet m anufac turer.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 45 Insta lling the Rail Rack and Ra cking the Sys tem (Opt iona l Accesso ry) The rail ki t that comes with y our sys tem allows you to inst all it in to a fou r-pos t, network ser ver cabinet (e.g. APC Netshel ter).
46 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide 4. Here is a com bination s ide and rea r view (Figure 26) of the chass is af ter the ri ght inside rai l has been a ttached. 5. Locate th e front and r ear rai l brackets for one s ide of the r ail kit.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 47 7. Attach th e side rai l system ’s ou ter pieces (to tal of two) to the rai l bra ckets you insta lled in step s ix. To a ttach t he front part of an ou ter pie ce to a rail bracket, you must re veal the acces s hole (A in Figure 29 ) by slidin g th e innermo st piece toward th e bac k.
48 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide 9. Extend the right and l eft rail s (A in Figure 31) so they fu lly ex tend in front o f the cabin et rack.
Upgrading a nd Install ing Server C omponents 49 Replacing the Back up Battery The lithiu m batte ry on th e serve r board pow ers the real ti me clock (RTC) for up to 10 yea rs in the absence o f power.
50 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide OM07843 A B C Figure 34. Replacing the Lithium Batter y 1. Observe th e safety and ESD precau tions a t the be ginning of this cha pter. 2. Open the c has sis . 3. Insert the tip of a small flat b laded screwd river, o r equiv alent, u nder th e tab in the plast ic retain er.
51 3 Configuration Software and Utilities This chap ter descri bes the P ower On S elf Tes t (POST ) and serve r config uration u tilitie s. The tab le below brie fly de scribe s the util itie s.
52 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Power On Self Test (POST) Each time you tu rn on the system, POST s tarts runn ing. POST checks the serv er board , processor, memory, keyb oard, and most ins talled per ipheral de vices. Durin g the m emory tes t, POST display s the amount o f mem ory tha t it is ab le to acce ss and test .
Configurati on Software and U tilities 53 Using BIOS Setup This section describes the BIOS Se tup options. Us e Setup to ch ange the server conf iguratio n.
54 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Star ting Se tup You can ente r Setup a fter pow er on or reset by pr essing F 2. After booting, you w ill see the fo llo win g pr ompt : Press <F2.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 55 Main Menu You can mak e the follow ing sel ections on the Main M enu itsel f. Use the sub menus for o ther selections . Feature Choices Description System T ime HH:MM:S S Sets t he syst e m time System Date MM/DD/YYYY Sets the system da te Legacy Dis kette A: Disabled 360KB 1.
56 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Primary/Secondar y IDE Maste r and Slave Submenu Feature Choices Description Type Auto None CD-ROM IDE Removable ATAPI Removable User Auto forces th e server to at tempt autod etection of the drive ty pe.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 57 Keyboard Submenu Feature Choices Description Num Lock On Off Selects the p ower on state f or Num Loc k. Key Clic k Disabled Enabled Enables or disab les the aud ible key click . Keyboard auto-r epeat rate 30/sec 26.
58 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Advanced Menu You can mak e the fo llowing selection s on the A dvanced Menu its elf. Use the submenu s for t he three o ther selec tions that appear on the A dvanced Menu .
Configurati on Software and U tilities 59 PCI Device, Slot 1 - Slot 6 Submenus Feature Choices Description Enable Mas ter Enabled Disabled Enabl es selected d evice as a PCI bus mas ter. Latency Tim er Default 020h 040h 060h 080h 0A0h 0C0h 0E0h Minimum guara nteed time, in units of PC I bus c lo cks, th at a device m ay be master o n a PCI bus .
60 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Integrated Peripheral Configuration S ubmenu (continued) Feature Choices Description Interrupt IRQ 5 IRQ 7 Selects the IRQ for LPT port. DMA channel DMA 1 DMA 3 Selects the DM A for LPT port (on ly used for ECP m ode).
Configurati on Software and U tilities 61 Securit y Menu You can mak e the follow ing sel ections on the Secur ity Menu its elf. Enabling t he Superviso r Password f ield requires a passw ord for en terin g Setup. Th e passwo rds are no t case-sen si tive.
62 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Serv er Menu You can mak e the fo llowing selection s on the S erver Menu itsel f. Feature Choices Description System Management Enters submenu. Console Red irectio n Enters subm enu. PEP Management Enters subm enu.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 63 System Management Submenu (cont inued) Feature Choices Description EMP Hang-up Line String ATH Sets the Hang-up Line Seq uence for th e modem be ing used for EMP. Us ed in EMP m odem mode. Modem Init Str ing AT&F0S0=1S14=0& D Sets the initi alization s tring for th e modem be ing used f or EMP.
64 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Console Redirection Submenu Feature Choices D escription COM Port Address Disabled 3F8 2F8 3E8 When enabled , cons ole redir ection us es the I/O p ort spec ified. 3F8 - typica lly is CO M1 2F8 - typica lly is CO M2 All keyboard/m ouse and video w ill be directed to t his port .
Configurati on Software and U tilities 65 PEP Filter Submenu This submenu a llows you to set which events or e rror co nditions c ause the sys tem to pag e you. Feature Choices Description PEF Enable Disable Enable Enables the Platform Ev ent Filt ering.
66 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Boot Menu (continue d) Feature Choices D escription Extended RAM Step 1 MB 1 KB Every l oca t io n No memory test Sets extended memory tes t to verify onc e every KB, every MB, every location, or no t at all (no test).
Configurati on Software and U tilities 67 Removable Device s For option s on this menu, use the up or down arrow keys to s elect a device, then pre ss the <+> or <-> keys to mov e the de vice hi gher or lowe r in the boot prior ity list. Option Description 1.
68 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide When to Run th e System S etup U tility The SSU is a DOS-based u tility that suppor ts extended s ystem con figuration op erations for onboa rd resources an d add-in boards. Y ou can also view th e syste m event lo g and to s et syst em boot and security op tions.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 69 Running t he SSU • Running the SSU Locally Running the ssu.b at fi le provided on the SSU m edia starts the SSU. I f the serve r boots d irectly from th e SSU media, the t file i s auto matical ly run.
70 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide 5. This messag e appear s: Please wait while the Application Framework loads.... 6. When the ma in win dow of the S SU appe ars, you c an custo mize the user in terface befo re continuing.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 71 Customiz ing t he SSU The SSU lets y ou custo mize the u ser in terface a ccording to your preferenc es. The AF se ts these preference s and save s the m in the AF.INI file so that they take e ffect the next t ime you sta rt the SSU.
72 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Resour c e Configura t ion Add-in (RCA) Window The RCA provides three ma jor fun ctions: • Creates representa tions of de vices tha t cannot be d is.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 73 Adding and Removin g ISA Card s Adding and remo ving ca rds through the RCA provid es a way fo r the RCA to run its con flict detection a lgorith ms on the r esour ces reques ted by th e cards. T his al erts you to any poss ible problems with t hat part icular car d in the cur rent co nfiguration.
74 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Securi ty Add-in Under this window, you can set the User a nd Administra tor password s, and sec urity opt ions. To Set the User Pa ssword 1. Click on t he user passw ord butt on. 2. Enter the passw ord in the firs t field.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 75 SEL Manage r Add-in Clicking on the SEL Manag er Add-in task b rings up the Serv er Event Log (SEL) view er. You can load and view the cu rrent SEL data stored in th e BMC, save the currently loaded SEL d ata to a file, view previously saved SEL data, or clear the SEL.
76 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide FRU Manage r Add-in Clicking on th e FRU Manage r Add-in task brings up the Field Replaceable Uni t (FRU) view er. You can load and view t he curr ent FRU d ata stored in the B MC, sa ve the cu rrently load ed FRU data to a fi le, view p reviously saved FRU dat a.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 77 SDR Manage r Add-in Clicking on th e SDR Manage r Add-in task brings up the Sensor D ata Reco rd (SDR) viewer. You can load and vi ew th e curren t SDR data stored in the BMC, save th e curre ntly lo aded SDR data to a file, view pr eviously s aved SDR data.
78 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Platform Event Paging With Platfor m Event P aging (PEP ), your serve r can be conf igured to au toma tically d ial up a pag ing service and p age you when a serve r managem ent re lated even t occurs.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 79 Emergency Management Port Console The Emergency Manage ment Port (E MP) Console is a softwar e application designed to run on a Windows 98 o r Windows NT 4.0 wor kstation and pr ovides a server ad ministr ator’s in terface to the Emergency Ma nagemen t Port (EMP) o f the ISP2 150 server.
80 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide How EMP Console Works The EMP shares u se of th e COM2 p ort with th e system on the se rver. When the EMP has con trol of the po rt, the p ort opera tes in c ommand mo de. When the syste m has con trol, the p ort ope rates in console redi rect mode.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 81 Figure 37. EMP Console in Red irect State Figure 37 shows E MP Console w indow in redi rect mode w ith the termina l window.
82 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Table 7. EMP Console Access Mode s (Server not configured for conso le redirection) Mode Server is powered off During BIOS POST After OS boots Disable.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 83 Sett ing up the Server for the EMP To use the E MP, you mu st configu re the s erver’ s BIOS with spec ific se ttings. T hese se ttings ar e found in two submenus o f the BIOS Serve r menu, the Sy stem Managemen t Submenu and the Console Redirec tion subm enu.
84 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Main EMP Console Window The main E MP Console w indow prov ides a g raphical us er inter face (GU I) to access se rver con trol operations a nd to launch the ma nagement p lug-in s. At the top o f the window i s the menu an d tool bar.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 85 EMP Console Main M enu • File Exit - exits EMP Console. • Connect Disconnect - d isconnects the ser ver connect ion. [Re]Conne ct - displays the conn ect dia log. A list o f the f ive most r ecent mode m conne ctions.
86 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Connect When [Re]Con nect is se lected f rom the C onnect menu, the Connect d ialog in Fig ure 38 is displaye d. This d ialog allow s you to co nnect to a s erver. If the client m achine is already connect ed to a serv er, init iating connec tion g enerates a w arning messag e.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 87 Power On/Off Selecting Powe r On/Off from the Ac tion menu d isplays the Power on/o ff dia log. This dialog provides co mmands to remo tely po wer on or p ower off the serve r. Figure 39. Power On/Off Dialog Options av ailab le in th e dialog ar e: • Power ON - powers on the serve r.
88 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Options av ailab le in th e dialog ar e: • Syst em Re set - rese ts the server w ith the selected post-re set opti ons. This operation is not allowed if the server is configured in RESTRICTED mode for EMP ope rations.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 89 • Cancel - ex its th e Connect d ialog witho ut tak ing any actio n. • Help - display s the he lp info rmation for th is dialog.
90 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide • View SEL Inf ormati on - displays SEL summary information as returned by t he server. All Even ts - displays all events in the SEL. By Sensor Type - displays a ll events in the SEL generated by a specific sensor type such as volta ge, temper ature, etc.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 91 • Settings – cha nges the ope rating par ameters for the SDR Viewe r. This menu d isplay s the following subo ption: Display HE X/Verbos e - togg les be tween HEX mode and interp reted mode of display ing SDR records.
92 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide FRUSDR Load Utility The Field Replace ment Unit (FRU) and Se nsor Data Reco rd (SDR) Load U tility is a DOS-bas ed program used to upda te the serv er man agemen t subsyste m’s produc t level FRU, SDR, and the Desktop Manage ment In terface (DMI) nonvo latile s torage comp onents (EEPROMs).
Configurati on Software and U tilities 93 How You Use the FRUSDR Load Utility This utility is co mpatibl e with ROM-DOS Ver. 6.22 , MS-DOS † Ver. 6.22, and l ater vers ions. The utility accep ts CFG, SD R and FRU load file s. The execut able file for th e utility is fr usdr.
94 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Displayi ng DMI Area The DMI are a is displ ayed in ASC II for mat when the fie ld is ASC II or as a numbe r when the field is a numb er. Each D MI area displayed is head ed with th e DMI a rea des ignated nam e.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 95 Updating the SDR Nonvolatil e Storage Area After th e utility va lidate s the he ader area o f the su pplied SDR fi le, it u pdates the SDR reposi tory area. Befo re prog ramming, the util ity clear s the SDR rep osito ry area.
96 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide Obtaining the Upgra de Utility You can upgrad e to a new ver sion of the B IOS using the new BIOS file s and th e BIOS upgrad e utility, iFLASH.EXE. You can obtain the BIOS upgrade file and the iFLASH.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 97 Upgrading the BIOS The follow ing procedur e describes how t o upgrade the BIOS. Once the upgrade star ts, do not shu t down the syste m until th e proce ss comp letes. If the syst em is b rought down d uring the upgrad e, refer to t he sect ion “Recov ering the B IOS” fo r how to pr oceed.
98 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platform Product Guide 7. Listen to th e speake r. 8. Two beeps and the end of activit y in dr ive A indi cate succe ssful BIOS reco very. 9. A series of co ntinuous bee ps indi cates fa iled BIOS r ecovery. 10. If recov ery fail s, retu rn to step 1 and repe at the reco very pro cess.
Configurati on Software and U tilities 99 10. Shut the sy stem down and remov e any floppy d isks th at may be in th e system. 11. Disconnec t the AC pow er cord f rom the sys tem and wai t 60 seconds. 12. Connect th e AC power cord and p ower u p the sy stem.
100 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e.
101 4 Solving Problems This chap ter helps you ident ify and so lve pro blems th at mig ht occu r while yo u are using the system. Resetting the System To do this: Press: Soft boot rese t, whi ch cl e ars syst em memo ry and reloads the operating system.
102 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Checkli st q Are all c ables corr ectly connected and secure d? q Are the pr ocessor s or proces sor te rminati on board ful ly seated in thei r sl.
Solving Problem s 103 After the System Has Been Running Correctly Problems th at occu r afte r the syst em hard ware and sof tware have bee n runn ing corre ctly often indicate equ ipmen t failure. M any situ ations th at are easy to cor rect, howe ver, can also cause such problems.
104 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e More Problem Solving Procedures This section provide s a mo re deta iled approa ch to id entifying a problem and loca ting i ts source.
Solving Problem s 105 Specific Problems and Corrective Actions This section prov ide s possib le solut ions for these spec ifi c prob le ms: • Power ligh t does not l ight. • There is n o beep or an incorrect b eep pat tern. • No charact ers app ear on scree n.
106 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e 3. If there a re still no chara cters on t he scre en after yo u reboot the sys tem and PO ST emits a beep code, write down the beep code y ou hear. Th is in formation is useful fo r your se rvice representa tive.
Solving Problem s 107 Diskette Driv e Ac tivity Light Does Not Light Check the fo llowing: q Are the diske tte drive p ower and s ignal c ables prope rly in stalled? q Are all relevant sw itches and j.
108 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e ✏ NOTE Front panel hard disk LED indicates IDE and SCSI dev ices : T he hard disk drive a ctivity ligh t on the front pane l lights whe n either an IDE hard disk drive, o r a SCSI dev ice contro lled by the o nboard SCSI host contro ller, is in use.
Solving Problem s 109 The control ler stopped w orking when an add-in adap ter was in stall ed. q Make sure th e cable is conne cted to th e port f rom the onb oard ne twork contro ller. q Make sure you r PCI B IOS is cur rent. Try th e “PCI Ins tallation T ips” below.
110 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Error and Informational Messages When you tu rn on th e system, PO ST display s mess ages that p rovide infor mation abou t the sy stem. If a failu re occu rs, POST em its beep codes that indica te error s in hardw are, sof tware, o r firmwar e.
111 5 T echnical Reference This chap ter inc ludes the f ollowing : • Environm ent al spec ifica ti ons • Board interrupt s • Electro magnetic C ompati bility (E MC) n otices.
112 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Connectors The figure show s connec tor loca tions on th e serve r board. T his secti on provid es pin info rmation about the connectors. OM08839 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q Figure 42. Connector Locations A.
Technical R eference 113 ATX Style Front Pa nel Connec t or OM07498 J6J1 1 19 A B C D E F Figure 43. ATX Style F ront Panel Connector Table 8. ATX Style Front Panel Connector Pinout Connector Pin Signal A. Power switch 1 2 3 Power switch GND N/C B. Hard drive ac tivity LED 4 5 6 7 Curr ent limi ted + 5V Key HD activity LED Curr ent limi ted + 5V C.
114 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Main Power Conne ctor Table 9. Main Power Connector Pinout Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 +3.3V 13 +3.3V 2 +3.3V 14 -12V 3C O M 1 5 C O M 4 +5V 16 PS_O N 5C O M 1 7 C O M 6 +5V 18 C OM 7C O M 1 9 C O M 8 PWR_OK 20 -5V 9 +5VSB 21 +5V 10 +12V 22 +5V 11 +12V 23 +5V 12 +3.
Technical R eference 115 Server Board Jumpers OM08429 WOL ENABLE J4J2 J3J1 J2J1 BMC WR EN BMC FRC UP INT DET FRB BIOS WR EN RCVRY BOOT PSWD CLR CMOS CLR J5A2 1 1 1 1 Figure 44.
116 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Table 11. Server Board Jumpe r Summary (continue d) Jumper Block Jumper Name Pins (def ault in bold) What it d oes at sy stem reset J2J1 CMOS CLR 1-2, Protect Preserves the contents o f NVRAM . 2-3, Erase R eplaces the co ntents o f NVRAM with the manufacturin g default s ettings.
Technical R eference 117 CMOS Jumper The jumper a t pins 1, 2, and 3 controls wh ether settings s tored in CMOS n onvolatile memory (NVRA M) are ret ained du ring a sy stem res et. Procedure to restor e the sy stem’s C MOS and RT C to de fault v alues: 1.
118 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Recove ry Boot Jumper The jumper a t pins 9, 10, an d 11 control s whether the system att empts to bo ot using the BIOS programme d in the boot block area of the FLASH me mory. Thi s should be us ed only i f the operationa l area o f the BIOS is c orrupt ed or need s to be upgra ded.
Technical R eference 119 Procedure to permi t boot block erasin g and prog ramming : 1. See “General Pr ocedure to Change Jum per Settin g” on page 11 6. 2. Move the b oot block ju mper from p ins 13 and 14 to pins 14 and 15 to e rase and progra m the BIOS boot block.
120 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e.
121 6 Product Regulation and Certi fication Information Regulatory Information Safety Compliance For Information Technology E quipment • UL 1950 - CSA 950 (US/Canada ) • EN 60 950 (European Un ion.
122 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Electromagnetic Compatibilit y Notices FCC Declaration of C onformity (U SA) Product Type: BAR 2 This devi ce comp lies wi th Part 15 of the F CC Rule s.
Product Regulat ion and C ertific ation Informat ion 123 ICES-003 (Canada) Cet appare il numér ique respec te les limites b ruits radioélec triques app licab les aux appa reils numériques de Classe.
124 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Lithium Batte ry Rep lacement Refer to tec hnical ly qualif ied per sons only for repla cement of battery WARNING Danger of exp losion if ba ttery is in correc tly replaced. R eplace wi th only the same or equivalent type rec ommended by th e manufa cturer.
Product Regulat ion and C ertific ation Informat ion 125 Equipment Rack Precautions WARNINGS A NCHOR THE EQUIPMENT RACK : The equipmen t rack mu st b e anchored to an unmovab le support to preven t it from fa lling ov er when one or more server s are ext ended in front o f it on sl ide assembl ies.
126 Cautions There are no us er serv iceable pa rts in side this product. Please re fer to technical ly qualif ied ser vice person . Use Only for Inte nded Applica tions This produ ct was evalua ted as Informat ion Techno logy Equip ment (ITE) th at may be installed in off ices, homes, school s, compu ter ro oms and si milar lo cation s.
Product Regulat ion and C ertific ation Informat ion 127 Warnings WARNING: English ( US) AVERTISSEMENT: F rançais WARNUNG: Deutsch AVVERTENZA: Italia no ADVERTENCIAS: Es pañol.
128 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e WARNING: English (US) The power supp ly in this product c ontains no us er-servic eable parts . There may be more than one sup ply in this product. R efer servic ing only to qualifie d personn el. Do not attempt t o modify or use th e supplied AC power cord if it is n ot the exac t type required.
Product Regulat ion and C ertific ation Informat ion 129 WARNING: English (US) ( continu ed) A microproc essor and he at sink may be hot if the system has been running. Also, t here may be s harp pins and edges on s ome board a nd chass is parts. Con tact shoul d be made with care.
130 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e AVERTISSEMENT: Franç a is Le bloc d' alimentati on de ce pro duit ne con tient aucu ne pièce p ouvant être ré parée par l'utilis ateur. Ce produi t peut c ontenir plus d'un bloc d' alimenta tion.
Product Regulat ion and C ertific ation Informat ion 131 AVERTI SSEMENT: Fr ançais (s uit e ) Le microproc esseur et le diss ipateur de cha leur peuven t être chauds si le système a été sous tens ion. Fait es égalem ent attentio n aux br oches aig uës des cartes et a ux bords tranchants d u capot.
132 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e WARNUNG: Deutsc h Benutzer könn en am Netzger ät dieses Produkts k eine Repara turen vorne hmen. Das Prod ukt enthält mögl icherweis e mehrere N etzgeräte . Wartungs arbeite n müss en von qu alifiziert en Technikern a usgeführt werd en.
Product Regulat ion and C ertific ation Informat ion 133 WARNUNG: Deutsch (F ortset zung) Der Mikroproz essor und d er Kühler sin d möglich erweise erhitz t, wenn d as Sys tem in Betrieb ist. Außerdem können ei nige Plat inen und G ehäusetei le scharfe S pitzen und K anten aufweisen.
134 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e AVVERTENZA: Italia no Rivolgersi a d un tec nico spec ializz ato per la r iparaz ione dei c omponen ti dell’ a limentaz ione di questo prodott o. È poss ibile c he il prodott o disp onga di più fonti d i alimentaz ione.
Product Regulat ion and C ertific ation Informat ion 135 AVVERTENZA: Ital iano (co ntinua) Se il sistem a è stato a lungo in fu nzione, il microproc essore e i l dissipat ore di calo re potrebbero es sere surris caldati. Far e attenz ione alla presenza d i piedini ap puntit i e parti taglient i sulle s chede e su l telaio .
136 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e ADVERTENCIAS: Español El usuario de be absteners e de mani pular los c omponentes de la fue nte de alim entación d e este produc to, cuya rep aración deb e dejarse ex clusivam ente en manos de perso nal técnic o especializ ado.
Product Regulat ion and C ertific ation Informat ion 137 ADVERTENC IAS: Esp añol (c ontinú a) Si el sistem a ha estad o en funcio namiento, e l microproc esador y el disipador d e calor pueden estar aún ca lientes. Tam bién conv iene t ener en cuen ta que en el chas is o en el tablero pu ede haber p iezas c ortantes o punz antes.
138 7 Equipment Log and Power Con sumption W orkshee ts Equipment Log Use the blank eq uipmen t log p rovided here to reco rd info rmation about you r system.
Index 139 Equipment Log (continued) Item Manufacturer Na me and Model Number Serial Number Date Installed.
140 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e Current Usage As an overall curren t usage limita tion on the powe r suppl y, do not ex ceed a comb ined power output of 167 watts fo r the + 5 and +3.3 vo lt outputs. The PCI slots on the server board are r ated at a maximum of 5 ampere s per slot .
Index 141 Worksheet, Calculat ing DC Pow er Usage 1. List the cur rent f or each b oard and devi ce in th e appropri ate voltag e leve l column. 2. Add the cur rents in ea ch column. Th en go to the next wo rkshee t. Table 12. Pow er Usage Wo rksheet 1 Current (maxi mum) at voltage level: Device +3.
142 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e.
143 Index A add-i n boar d, sen sitive t o ESD, 26 Add- in boar ds IDE bus slots, 1 6 ISA, 68 PCI, 68 admin i str ative passw ord, 20 limiting access to SCU, 22 Advanc ed M enu, c onfi guri ng in Se t.
144 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e D diagnost ics, pre parin g sys te m for te sti ng, 1 04 DIM M (m e mory) , r e movi ng, 34 diskette drive controller, 17 enablin g/disa blin g flo.
Index 145 messages, erro r and informational, 110 monitor ing server statu s, 18 mouse compatibilit y, 18 inactivity timer, 1 8 N-P networ k, co ntr oller , 9, 17 pass w ord, 21 adminis trative, 20 ad.
146 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e diskette drive r equir ed t o run S CU , 51 inacti vity (l oc kout) timer , 18 secure mode, 21 affects boot sequence, 23 enter by setting pa ssword.
Index 147 T-U term ina tion boar d, re movi n g, 3 1 timer keyboard or mo use inactive, 18 lockout (inac tiv ity), setting i n SCU, 18 upgrade Flas h utility, 9 6 user pa ssw or d, 20 limit access to .
148 ISP2150 2U Rac k Server Platfo rm Product Guid e.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Intel ISP2150 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Intel ISP2150 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Intel ISP2150 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Intel ISP2150 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Intel ISP2150, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Intel ISP2150.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Intel ISP2150. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Intel ISP2150 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.