Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II del fabbricante IMC Networks
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iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II Operation Manual.
FCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comp ly with the limi ts for a Class B computi ng device, pursuant to Part 15 of the F CC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasona ble protection agains t har mful interferenc e when the equi pment is operated in a com merc ial environment.
Table of Content s FCC Radio Frequency Interference Stateme nt ------------------------------------------------ ii Warranty ----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
iv Transparent with Extra Ta gging (Q-in-Q) -------------------------------------------------- 34 Port VLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 P.
1 I - About the iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II Overview The iMcV-Gi ga-FiberLin X-II ™ allows net work ope rators to d eploy mana ged Ethernet services, with a full range of remote ma nagement, traffic monitorin g, and alarm reporting features. This unit conver ts 1000 Mb ps fiber to 10/1 00/1000 Mbps copper.
2 The iMcV-Gi ga-FiberLin X-II module is a double-slot, chassis-mounted module. Compatible chassis in clude the following: • iMediaChassis series • MediaChassis series Port Interfaces Every iMcV-G.
3 2 iView Manage ment Software iView² is the IMC Ne tworks manag ement so ftware designed s pecifically for the IMC Networks “ iMcV” fa mily of mo dules. It f e atures a graphical user in terface (GUI) and gives network mana gers the ability to monitor and control the manageable IM C Networks p roducts.
4 About Dynamic Host Co ntrol Protocol (DHCP) The iMcV-Giga- FiberLinX-II module includes a Dynami c Host Control Protocol d use that (DHCP) client. By default, the DHCP clie n t is disabled. When a DHCP server is enabled on th e network, th e DHCP client will initiate a dialogue wit h the server during th e boot up s equence .
5 II - LED Oper ation The following are iMcV-Giga- FiberLinX-II diagn ostic LEDs. In this example, the functio ns for a 1x 9 fiber port versi on (SC fi ber) are shown below. NOTE In the SFP/SFP version the LNK/ACT and FDX/COL LEDs replace EXT 1000 and DATA 1000 for the top SFP, which does not h ave built-in LEDs like th e RJ-45 DATA port.
6 III - Hardware Configuration Before installing the module in a chassis, there are two features that must be selected using the DI P switch es. The se se lections are: • Enable or disable man ageme.
7 queried by SNMP. As a Remote unit, the iMc V-Giga-FiberLinX-II will respond to requests for managemen t informatio n from an attached Host unit. The iMcV-Giga- FiberLinX-II default configuratio n is as a Standalone unit (DIP switches 7 and 8 = OFF) .
8 IV - Installation Instructions Each iMcV-Giga -FiberLinX-II module requir es two slots in an iMediaChas sis or MediaChassis. To install the modul e in a chassis, remove the blank faceplates covering th e slots wher e you w ant to install the modul e.
9 Assigning IP Information When the iMcV -Giga-FiberLinX-II is install e d in an iM ediaChassis, you can use UMA to manag e your iMcV-Giga- FiberLin X-II withou t an IP ad dress (ref er to the i View² online help for more information on UMA).
10 Advertising, ra ther than Forc e Mode, when con necting to devi ces that only use autonegotiation. Refer to Port Configuration on page 19 for mo re info rmatio n. Bandwidt h Control The iMcV-G iga-FiberLin X-II includes bi- directiona l bandwi dth control in increments o f 244 Kbps per secon d at gigabit speed (configurable vi a iView 2 ).
11 FiberAlert FiberAler t minimize s the proble ms associate d with the loss of one stran d of fiber. Normally when a single strand of fiber is lost, the transmitting side of the connection is unaware that there i s a fault. Fib erAlert retur ns faults bac k on the fiber they ca me in on.
12 Loopback Testing on Remote or Standalone The following fu nctions are avail able during loopba ck testing. During l oopback testing, management traffic entering the upli nk port is still capable of managing the device. Address Swap A Laye r 2 Ethe rnet s witch w ill disc ard all rece ived packe ts with the s ame MAC address as sent packet s.
13 VI - Using Telnet You mu st assi gn the iMcV-Gi ga-Fibe rLinX -II an IP addres s before using a Telnet session (this is not necessary when you are usin g UMA). Refer to the Assignin g IP Information section for more inform ation. All of the configurations that you ca n perform from th e serial port can also be perfor med using a Telnet session.
14 Basic Device Configuration After r unning thro ugh an initia l self test, the prompt: “Pre ss <Enter> for Device Configuration” displays. Pre ss Enter to open th e Main Configurati on screen: Saved Values. <These values will be active after reboot > IP Address - 10.
15 NOTE After making any modificatio ns to the Saved V alues, reboot the unit for your changes to take effect. To reboot, type the word rebo ot at the prompt on the Main Configuration screen. (I) - Assigning IP Informat ion Press I to modify the Sav ed Paramet er Values (i.
16 (T) - Assigning SNMP Trap De stinations Traps are s ent by the man ageable d evice to a managemen t PC when a certain ev ent takes p lace. To enter a t rap dest inat ion, pre ss T . At the prompt , “Enter a New IP Address, ” type the IP address of the d estination device, an d then pr ess Enter .
17 (U) - Deleting All SNMP Community Strings To delete all community strings and start over, press U . You will then be prompted, “Are you sure you wa nt to delet e all comm unity s tring s?” Pre ss Y to proceed, N to abort. Press Enter to finish.
18 Command Description See Page ifsta ts Displays interface s tatistics. rmstats Displays RMON statistics. version Displays the fi rmware and hardware ve rsion infor mati on. reboot Reboots the unit. secur ity Allows non- standard network con figuratio n.
19 7. The downl oad progres s displays and en ds with a succes sful downloa d message or with an error message. 8. Press Q or F4 to re turn to the Dev ice-Spec ific Optio ns scree n.
20 Advertise Ctrl –Selective adver tising is used in combina tion with autonegotiati on to advertise your selected speed and duplex mode for the DATA and EXT MGMT ports. This allows you to advertise all speeds an d duplex modes. Y ou must enabl e autonegotiation for selectiv e advertising t o work.
21 NOTE Default mode i s the factory default and i s provided as a starting poin t from which to configure the iMcV- Giga-FiberLinX-II mo dules. This mode does not provi de full management isol ation and is not recom mended for normal use.
22 Transparent Mode Setup This parameter allows you to use all untagged data as the management domain by entering N , or allows you to define a VLAN ID tag fo r the management domain by entering Y . When y ou enter Y , this field expa nds to display th e Management Tag field an d the Man agement Priority fi eld.
23 VLAN Mode Screen When you enter N in the T ransparent Mode Setup screen (pa ge 22), th e VLAN Mo de screen displays: In this screen yo u can set the following parameters: • Default Mode • Port .
24 No VLANs ar e defined all owing only un tagged pa ckets to pass th rough the uni t. Port VLAN on OPTICS (or UPLINK) port This pa rameter allows you to rest rict traf fic to a sing le VLAN ID tag for the OPT ICS (or UPLINK) port b y entering Y in the Tags column of the Optics ro w.
25 must enter Y in the Tags c olumn for bot h the Optics ro w and Data ro w. Enter up t o 32 VLAN IDs in the Data VLANs fi elds, plus one for SNMP. Management VLAN and EXT MGMT Tag This se lection is available for all VLAN mode s except fo r the defau lt mode.
26 Configurati on screen, press the space bar, type unit , and press Enter to ope n the Unit Contro l Settings s creen. In this sc reen you can view the uni t FlowContro l, FiberAlert/LinkLoss, Loopba ck, Maximum Frame Size, an d 802.
27 Unit Max Fram eSz –enter t he maxi mum fram e size on t he unit by u sing th e number keys. The valid valu es are 1518 to 12196. 802.1p Base Pri –set the threshol d betwe en low an d high pr iority on t he unit.
28 NOTE It is not recommended to s et both the RX and TX Band width limits a t the same time. Unit RateCo ntro l Enable/Disable –enable or disable t he ban dwidth li miting fe ature on this unit.
29 Will you define VLAN IDs? When you want to use VLAN traffic with speci fic tags on any/all of the DATA ports, you will ne ed to disabl e Transparen cy and define VLAN I Ds (refer t o VLAN Configu ration section). When y ou want to use both VLAN tagged, untagged, or double-tag ged traffic, enable Tran sparency.
30 Transparent with Untagged Management Transparent with Untagged Management mo de passes tagged traffic betw een the DATA port and the O PTICS (or UPLIN K) po rt and allows untagged traf fic to be cons idered mana geme nt dom ain t raffi c (u ntagged ).
31 NOTE The flow of m anagement domain traffi c is define d by the DIP switches. For example, if the management D IP switch es are on the OPTICS and DATA ports, management domain traffi c is allo wed to flo w through those ports.
32 Transparent with Tagged Management Transparent with Tagged Manage ment mode passes both tagged and unta gged traffic between the DATA port and the OPTICS (o r UPLINK) port. By usin g a VLAN Tag you can isolate and route the management path in the module.
33 d. Enter the mana gement tag (VL AN ID) and t he priority ( optional). Is a VLAN tag required on Management packets? [ Y ] The Management Tag is [7 ] Management Priority is [0 ] e. Ensure the Are VLAN Tags required on the EXT Port? field is set to N.
34 Transparent with Extra Tagging (Q-in-Q) Transparent with Extra Taggin g mode can ad d an extra tag to data receiv ed on the DATA port. By using Extra Tagging in a Ho st/Remot e iMcV-Giga-Fi berLinX.
35 Enter the extra tag VLAN ID (for exa mple, 8) an d the Priori ty (opti onal). Thes e values must be identical on both iMcV-Giga-FiberLin X-II modules.
36 Port VLAN The Port VLAN mode allows you to configur e the iMcV-G iga-Fibe rLinX-II to accept only data tagged w ith one specific VLAN ID . This mode can be config ured for either the OPTICS (or UPLINK) po rt or the DATA port. VLAN on DATA Port–Conf iguration To config ure this mode , perform the following: 1.
37 In the SNMP field, type Y . VLAN IDs Priorities Tags Current Saved Current Saved Ports Data VLANs are used only Optics [0 ] [ 13 ] [0 ] [ 0 ] [ N ] if Tags are enabled on both he Optics and Data Ports. Data [0 ] [ 0 ] [0 ] [ 0 ] [ Y ] t Management VLAN.
38 VLAN on OPTIC Port–Configuration To conf igure th is mode, do the fo llowing: 1. In the Main Configur ation screen, pr ess the space bar and type config . The Configuration screen di splays: 2. Enter N in the T ransparen t Mode fiel d and pr ess any key (except S or Q) to o pen the VLAN screen: 3.
39 5. Press S or F3 to save the setti ngs. 6. Type reboot . The iMcV-Gi ga-FiberLin X-II is now configu red to pass only VLAN ID 13 from th e OPTICS (or U PLINK) port to the DATA por t. Untagged packets arriving at the DATA port (Tags = N) recei ve a tag (VLAN ID = 13) before bein g sent out of the O PTICS (or UPLINK) port.
40 Port VLAN Filter The VLA N filter m ode allows y ou to isola te a segmen t of the n etwork t o only ac cept data using some or all of the 32 availabl e VLAN IDs. To conf igure th is mode, do the fo llowing: 1. In the Main C onfiguration s creen, pr ess the s pace bar and ty pe config .
41 Enter up to 32 VLAN IDs in the Data VLANs rows. VLAN IDs can range from 1 to 4094. Only the VLANs in t his list will pass t hrough the unit. Data VLANs <Optics <----> Data> VLAN 1 [0 ] .
42 Now the iMcV- Giga-FiberLinX- II is configur ed to pass only pa ckets wi th tags cont aini ng the V LAN IDs de fine d in th e Data VLANs table . VLAN ID numbers defined in this table mus t not be the sam e as the number used for the Manageme nt VLAN ID.
43 IX - Troubleshooting • If two iMcV-Gi ga-FiberLinX-II Host/Remote uni ts are not communicating properly, make sure one is a Host (DIP s witch #8) and the other i s a Remote (DIP switch #7).
44 • To restor e the unit t o factory default settings, us e the cleandb function via the serial port (ref er to the Device- Specific Opti ons from the Co mmand Line se ction fo r more info rmation). This is espec ially hel pful if yo u feel you have configured the module i mproperly.
45 Troubleshoot ing Link Loss/FiberAlert /Link Faul t Pass-Throug h The follow ing diagrams show you how the di fferent troubleshooting configurations for the iMcV-Giga- FiberLinX-II .
46 FX LinkLoss Normally when a fault occurs on the fi ber segment of an iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II conver sion, o nly the fibe r port L EDs o n the mod ules i ndicates a faul t.
47 TX Link Loss When a fault occurs on a twisted pair s egment joining a device to an iMcV-Giga-Fi berLinX-II modul e, the link faul t is not detected by the device con nected to the iMcV-Gig a-FiberLinX-II modul e by fiber.
48 FiberAlert ***WARNING*** Do not enable FiberAlert at both ends. This can cause the fiber link to lock up . When Fibe rAlert is enable d on the rem ote module (pr eferred use), a fault on the receive side of the OP TICS (or UPLI NK) port caus es the transmit ter side to turn of f.
49 Link Fault Pass-T hrough.
50 IMC Networks Technical Support Tel: (949) 465-3000 or (800) 624-1 070 (in the U.S. and Canada); +32-16-55088 0 (Europe) Fax: (949) 465-3020 E-Mail: techsupport@imcn Web: Specifications Power Cons umption (Typi cal): 0.
51 Serial Port Pinout The iMcV-Gi ga-FiberLinX-II features a ser ial port that uses an IBM-compatible DB-9 serial connector. To connect an iMcV-G iga-Fiber LinX to your wor kstation, use a straight-thr ough (pin-t o-pin) cab le.
52 Notes.
53 Notes.
54 Notes.
55 Saf ety C ertif icat ion s UL/ CUL: Listed to Safety of Inform ation Techn ology Equipment, includin g Electrical Busin ess Equipm ent. CE: T he prod ucts desc ribed here in comp ly with th e Counc.
19772 Pauling • Foothill Ranch, CA 926 10-2611 USA TEL: (949) 465-3000 • FAX: (949) 465-3020 www.imcnetwork © 2007 IMC Networks. Al l rights reserved. The informatio n in this documen t is subje ct to ch ange with out notice. IMC Networks assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo IMC Networks iMcV-Giga-FiberLinX-II insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.