Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC del fabbricante Husqvarna
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Please read the operator’ s manual carefull y and make sur e you understand the instructions befor e using the machine. English Oper ator's Manual 968999283 / W21K, 968999284 / W21SK, 968999286.
OPERATOR’S MANUAL Introduct ion ..... ........ ..... ....... ........ ....... .... 3 Gener al ...... ........... ......... ......... ......... ..... 3 Drivin g and Transport on Public Roads 3 Towi ng ..... ......... ......... ......... ...... ..... .
INTRODUCTION W ARNING! Failure to follow cautious operating practices can result in serious injury to the operator or othe r persons. The owner must underst and thes e instructions, and must allow only traine d persons who underst and t hese instructions to ope rate the mower .
English- 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction Congratulations Thank you for purchasin g a Hus qvarna Pro Pus h Mower. This machine is built for high p erforma nce and rapid mowing. This manual i s a va luabl e docu ment. Fol lowin g the i nstru ctions ( use, servi ce, mainte nance , etc.
English- 4 INTRODUCTION Good Service Husq varna’s produ cts are sold a ll over the worl d and on ly in spec ialized retail stor es with c omp lete ser vice.
English- 5 SYMBOLS AND DECALS Symbols and Decals These symbol s are fo und on t he ma chine a nd in th e operato r ’s manu al. S tudy them care fully s o that you know wh at they mean.
English- 6 SYMBOLS AND DECALS Whole body exposu re to thrown objects . Severing of finge rs and toes. Do not op en or remove safety shield s while eng ine is running . Keep a sa fe dist ance from the mach ine. Read Operator´s Manua l. Moving sharp bla des unde r cover can seve r fingers.
English- 7 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Safety Instructions These inst ruction s are for your safety . Read them ca refull y . Th is cutti ng mac hine is capable of amputatin g hands a nd feet and thr owing obj ects. Fail ure to obs erve th e followi ng safe ty instr uctions could res ult in serious inju ry or d eath.
English- 8 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Do not put ha nds or f eet near or unde r rotating parts. Keep cle ar of the discharge openi ng at al l tim es • Do not pu ll m ower b ackwa rds un les s absolute ly neces sary . Alway s look d own and behi nd y ou before a nd wh ile moving backwards .
English- 9 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Always wear glov es when h andli ng the blades. • Never wea r loose cloth ing tha t can get caught in m ovi ng p art s. • Use ea r protec tors to avoid damage to hearing. • S top the blad e when cr ossing g ravel drives, wa lks, or road s.
English- 10 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Do not driv e the mo wer on ter rain th at slopes more t han 10° . • Do not mow near verge s, ditches, or banks.
English- 11 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Keep the noz zle in con tact with the rim of the fuel tank o r container o pening at all times unt il fue ling i s compl ete. Do n ot use a noz zle loc k-open devic e. • Never fi ll container s in side a v ehicle or on a truc k or trail er be d with a pl astic liner .
English- 12 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Never m ake ad justm ents with the eng ine running. • Ensure that nuts and b olts, espe cial ly the fastening bolts for t he blade attachme nts, are proper ly tight ened, to rqued and that the equipm ent is in go od con dition .
English- 13 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • Check an d abide by lo cal t raffic regulations before transpor ting. • Do not tow thi s machi ne, it may caus e damage to t he dri ve system . Customer responsibilitie s • Read an d obse rve the s afety rules. • Follow a regul ar sched ule in maintaini ng, caring for and us ing you r mower .
English- 13 CONTROLS Controls This operator ’s manual de scr ibes the Husq varn a P ro P ush Mo wer . Th e mowe r is fitted wi th a Ka wasaki e ngine.
English- 14 CONTROLS Engine Sp eed The en gine s peed wa s set at the fa ctory f or optimum performanc e. S peed is not adj ust abl e Operat or Presen ce Con trol (OPC) Mode ls: W21S BK, W 53SB EK, W21S BKC Y our lawn m ower is e quipped wi th an operato r presenc e control (OPC).
English- 15 CONTROLS . When o per ati ng in t em perat ures bel ow 32 ° F . (0° C.), u se fres h, cl ean winter grade gasol ine to help insure g ood c old wea ther starting. Choke Control (All Models) The choke control is used for cold sta rts in order to pro vide the engine w ith a richer fuel mixtu re.
English- 16 CONTROLS Blade Brake Control ( BBC) Mode ls: W21S BK, W 53SB EK, W21S BKC The B lade Bra ke Contro l (BBC) e ngages the blade d rive. T he Oper ator Pr esence C ontrol (OPC ) must be engage d and th e engine runnin g to eng age the BBC. Illust ratio n shows ground s peed bai l engag ed to opera te in tran sport mo de.
English- 17 CONTROLS Cutting height The c utting deck hei ght is obtained by ra ising the wheel s for lo w cut a nd lowe ring whee ls for hig h cut, adj ust cutti ng height to sui t your requir emen ts. Medium pos itio n is b est for most l awns. T o cha nge yo ur cutti ng hei ght, sq ueeze adju ster le ver t oward whee l.
English- 18 CONTROLS Shut Off Engine Mode ls: W21S BK, W 53SB EK, W21S BKC T o stop engi ne, releas e OPC bai l to st op blades . Pull ba ck on throt tle co ntrol to s top engine Mode ls: W21S K, W5 3SEK , W21S KC Pull th rottle c ontrol b ack to slow sp eed.
English- 19 CONTROLS Mulchi ng Ki ts are availa ble s eparately , containing blade and mu lch p lug. T o Convert Mower Y our lawn m ower wa s shippe d as a rear dischar ge mowe r . T o convert to ba gging or side di scha rge: REAR BAGGI NG • Lift rear door of the lawn mow er and pl ace the gras s catche r frame hooks onto the door pivot pin s.
English- 20 CONTROLS.
English- 20 OPERATION Before St arting Engine ADD OIL Y our lawn mowe r is shippe d without oil in the engine. For ty pe and g rade of oi l to u se se e “ENGINE” in th e Main tenance s ectio n of this manu al or the engine manua l. 1. Be sur e lawnmow er is leve l.
English- 21 OPERATION TO ST ART ENGINE NOTE: Due to pr otectiv e coa tings on t he engine, a smal l amount of smok e may be prese nt during the in itial us e of the product and sh oul d be con sid ered norma l. T o start a cold eng ine, pu sh the thrott le cont rol le ver to the ch oke po sitio n.
English- 22 OPERATION T ransmission Selector BBC Self p ropelle d Model s O nly Mode ls: W21S BK, W 53SB EK, W21S BKC Mowin g Prepare the area before mowi ng. Look for obst acle s, remo ve forei gn obj ect s and cl ear the work a rea of pets and bys tanders.
English- 23 OPERATION Set thr ottle con trol t o high speed. Engage Oper ator Pres ence C ontrol ( OPC). Engage Blade Brake C ontrol ( BBC). Engage Grou nd S peed Bai l to begi n mowin g. TIP: T o extend clutc h life do not engag e BBC and start b lade whil e in tall gras s.
English- 24 OPERATION When f ini shed mo wing , rel ease OP C bai l to stop bl ade rotation. Releas e Ground S peed Ba il to sto p wheel rotation. Pull th rottle cont rol a ll the way rearward to stop en gine. 1 2 2 1 Release OPC bail 1. OPC bail 1. Ground speed ba il 2.
English- 25 OPERATION Se lf Pr op ell ed Mod els On ly Mode ls: W21S K, W5 3SEK , W21S KC Mowin g Prepare the area before mowi ng. Look for obst acle s, remo ve forei gn obj ect s and cl ear the work a rea of pets and bys tanders. Chec k the equi pment fo r fuel, o il, lo ose faste ners etc.
English- 26 OPERATION Set thr ottle con trol t o high speed. Engage Grou nd S peed Bai l to begi n mowin g. Releas e Ground S peed Con trol to s top. When fi nishe d mowing r elease OPC b ail to stop bl ade rotation and sto p engine.
English- 27 OPERATION Push Models Only Model : W2 1K, W2 1KC Prepare the area before mowi ng. Look for obst acle s, remo ve forei gn obj ect s and cl ear the work a rea of pets and bys tanders. Chec k the equi pment fo r fuel, o il, lo ose faste ners etc.
English- 28 OPERATION Mowing Tip s Under c ertain cond itions, such as very tall grass, it may be necess ary to raise the hei ght of cut to reduce pushing e ffort and to keep from ov erloadi ng the engine and leav ing clumps of grass clipp ings .
English- 29 OPERATION Mulching Mowing Tip s • The spec ial m ulching b lade wi ll recut the grass c lippin gs man y t imes and reduc e them in s ize so th at as they fall onto the lawn they wil l disper se int o the grass and not be noti ced. A lso, the m ulch ed grass will bio degra de quick ly to pr ovide nutrients for t he lawn .
English- 30 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Maintenance Schedule The fol lowing is a list of mainten ance proc edures that mus t be perfor med on the machine. F or those points not d escribed i n this manua l, visi t an au thorize d service worksh op.
English- 31 MAINTENANCE General Recomme ndations The warra nty on thi s lawn mower doe s not cove r items that hav e been subj ected to operator ab use or neglige nce. T o receiv e full value fr om the warranty , operator mus t maintain mowe r as ins tructed in thi s manu al.
English- 32 MAINTENANCE usin g a sp ark plug w renc h so th at th e wash er is comp ress ed. A us ed spark plug sh ould b e turned 1 /8 of a t urn from the seat ed pos ition. A n ew spark plug should be turned 1/4 a tu rn from the seated p osition. Repla ce the ignit ion ca ble.
English- 33 MAINTENANCE Checking and Adjusting the Throttle Cable and Choke Cabl e Check that the engi ne respond s to throttle increas es and tha t a good engin e spee d is attained at fu ll thr ottle . If dou bts arise, co ntact the s ervic e worksh op.
English- 34 MAINTENANCE Replacing Air Filter If the eng ine s eems we ak or r uns unev enly , the air fil ter may be clogg ed. If run wit h a dirty air filte r , the spark plu gs can b ecome foul ed, disturbi ng opera tion.
English- 35 MAINTENANCE Replacing the Fuel Fil ter Replac e the line -moun ted fuel fi lter eve ry 100 hour s (onc e per se ason) o r more regula rly if it is clogg ed. Replac e the filte r as foll ows: 1. Move the ho se cl amp s away from the filter .
English- 36 MAINTENANCE Checking the V -belt s Check ever y 100 h ours of o peration . Che ck for se vere crack ing an d large n icks. NOTE: The bel t will show so me small cracks in norm al oper ation. The be lts are n ot adju stable. Re place belts if they be gin to s lip fro m wear .
English- 37 MAINTENANCE Blade r eplac ement: • Remove blade bol t by t urning counte rcloc kwise . • Install new or resha rpene d blade wi th stamped “GRASS SIDE” facing towards ground/gras s (down ) or “TH IS SIDE UP ” facing de ck an d cutte r housi ng.
English- 38 MAINTENANCE Grass Cat cher • The grass catche r may be hosed wit h water , but must be d ry when u sed. • Check y our grass catcher often for damage or deterio ration.
English- 39 MAINTENANCE Adjusting the Lawn Mower Adjusting Cutting Height See “TO ADJUST CUTTING HEIGHT” In th e Oper ation secti on of th is manu al.
English- 40 MAINTENANCE Engine Adjustment Engine Speed Y our engine speed has b een factor y set. Do not attem pt to increa se eng ine s peed or i t may r esult in per sonal i njury . If you be liev e that the engi ne is runn ing too fa st or too slo w , take yo ur lawn m ower to an auth orized serv ice cen ter for r epair an d adju stment .
English- 41 MAINTENANCE.
English- 42 LUBRICATION Change th e oil after every 25 hours o f operati on or at least once a year if the law n mower i s not us ed for 25 h ours in one y ear . Check the crank case oi l level befor e starting the engi ne and after each five (5 ) hours of cont inuous u se.
English- 43 LUBRICATION 6. Changing the Oil Filter 1. Drai n th e engi ne oil in acco rdance with the work descri ption under the head ing Engine O il/Ch ange En gine Oi l. 2. Rem ove the oil fi lter . If necess ary , use a filte r remover . 3. Wi pe new , clean e ngine o il onto th e seal for the ne w filter .
English- 44 TROUBLE SHOO TING GUIDE T rouble Shooting Guide Problem Cause The en gine wi ll not s tart. • Dirty air filter . • Out of f uel. • Stale f uel. • Water in fuel. • Spark plug wir e is di scon nected. • Bad spark plug. • Loose b lade o r broken b lade ad apter.
English- 45 TROUBLE SHOO TING GUIDE Grass catch er no t filling (if so e quippe d) • Cutting h eight t oo low. • Lift on b lade wo rn off. • Catcher not venti ng air. Hard to push • Grass is too high or wheel h eight is too low . • Rear of lawn mo wer ho using or cutting blade draggi ng in heavy gras s.
1 12280 R2 03/06/07.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Husqvarna W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Husqvarna W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Husqvarna W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Husqvarna W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Husqvarna W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Husqvarna W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Husqvarna W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Husqvarna W21K, W21SK, W21SBK, W53SBEK, W53SEK, W21KC, W21SKC, W21SBKC insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.