Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 44377W del fabbricante Hunter Fan
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Form# 44045-01 20100224 ©2010 Hunter Fan Co. Set & $a v e Set & $a v e Set & $a v e Installation and Operation Manual Model 44377W Programmable Thermostat English.
3 T able of Contents imp ort ant inf orm a tion ............................................................................................................................ 5 tool s .....................................................................
4 Congratulations! Thank you for choosing a Hunter programmable thermostat. Y our new Hunter thermostat will provide years of reliable service and year-round energy savings. Please read this manual before beginning installation and save this booklet for complete operation instructions.
5 This thermostat is designed to work on the following heating and cooling systems: Gas – Standing Pilot Gas – Electronic Ignition Gas – Fired Boilers Gas – Millivolt Systems Oil – Fired Boi.
6 This thermostat includes two #8 slotted screws and two wall anchors for mounting. T o install your new thermostat, you will need the following supplies: Flat-head screwdriver ..........................................................................
7 NOTICE! Do not disconnect the wires from the existing thermostat before reading these instructions. The wires must be labeled prior to removal to ensure proper reconnection.
8 Y RC G W Y RC G W.
9 1. T urn the system power OFF from the existing thermostat. T urn the power to the HV AC system OFF at the main power panel or at the furnace. (Failure to turn off the power to the existing thermostat before removal could damage your system.) 2. Remove the existing thermostat cover to access the wires from the wall.
10 G RC R H Y W if your existing thermostat is marked... label the wire with this sticker: G / F G G W / H / B W/B W/B Y / C* / M / O Y/0 Y/0 RC / VC RC RC RH / R / VR / 4 RH RH 24 V olt 24 V olt cool.
1 1 4. Using the provided stickers, label each wire according to the Wire Labels chart. (If the terminals are not labeled, contact a qualied HV AC technician.) Note : Wire colors do not always comply with standards, so wire color should be ignored.
12 W/B RC G Y/0 Y1.
13 in st allin g th e th erm ost a t INST ALLING THE W ALL PLA TE 1. Remove the wall plate from the new thermostat by pressing the release tab on the bottom of the thermostat. 2. Position the new wall plate on the wall and pull the labeled wires through the opening.
14 W RC Y G.
15 4. Remove the wall plate and drill two 3/16” holes where marked. 5. T ap the plastic anchors into the holes until they are ush with the wall. (Do not use plastic anchors if you encounter a stud in the wall.) 6. Reposition the wall plate on the wall, pulling the wires through the opening.
16 G RC RH Y/0 W/B RC G Y1 Y/0 W/B Y1 T erminal Shield.
17 INST ALLING THE THERMOST A T , CONT . CONNECTING THE WIRES 1. Loosen, but do not remove, the terminal screws. Note: A jumper wire has been provided, connecting the RC and RH terminals for systems that do not provide both an RH and RC wire. If you have both an RH and RC wire, remove this jumper .
19 A TT ACHING THE THERMOST A T Lift the thermostat cover and set the SYSTEM switch to OFF and the F AN switch to AUTO . 1. Fan option - Locate the HE/HG switch on the back of the thermostat. Set the switch to HG (default) for gas furnace and oil burners.
20 1 2 front cov er T ab.
21 4. Place the top of the thermostat over the two tabs on the wall plate. Press the thermostat onto the wall plate and press to snap the bottom tab into place. Note: Do not force the thermostat onto the wall plate, as the terminal pins may be damaged.
22 reset.
23 The default setting of the thermostat is Fahrenheit (F o ). (NOTICE: CHANGING THIS SETTING WILL RESET THE THERMOST A T T O FACT ORY DEF AUL T PROGRAMS.) T o change to Celsius (C o ): 1. Press and hold the U p button. 2. Use a paperclip to press the R ESET button.
24 day/time AM PM program.
25 The default for this thermostat setting is in a 12 hour format. Y ou can change the format to 24 hour format by pressing D A Y /T iME and then p ROGRAM . The AM/PM indicator will be off when the thermostat is in 24 hour mode. Setting day and time: 1.
26 AM HEAT 4 T.
27 This thermostat gives you the ability to program up to 4 custom temperature settings per day or utilize pre-programmed settings. For manual operation / override instructions, see pages 28-35. T o utilize the pre-programmed settings, see pages 36-37.
28 AM HEA T 2 TH.
29 1. MANUAL OPERA TION / OVERRIDE Many people prefer to operate their thermostats manually , adjusting settings as needed. Y ou can either temporarily override the settings for the current program, or permanently override all settings and adjust temperatures manually .
30 hold /return system off heat cool HOLD.
31 2. PERMANENT OVERRIDE If you want to permanently override all settings and adjust the thermostat manually: 1. Press H OlD /R ETURN until the Hold icon appears. 2. Press and hold U p or D OwN for one second to enter Manual Override mode. (Release the button when the display ashes.
32 h o m e t o d a y HOME T ODA Y.
33 3. HOME T ODA Y OVERRIDE Overrides the programmed settings during a time you would not normally be home. Pressing Home T oday during the rst or second programs of the day will override the programs until the fourth program begins. The thermostat will then go back into Normal mode.
34 Set T emp.
35 meth od s o f ope r a tio n (co nt .) 4. V ACA TION OVERRIDE Overrides the programmed settings for a set amount of days. The rst number in V acation Override mode indicates the number of days you wish to hold the temperature for , and the temperature beside it indicates the temperate you want to be held during those days.
36 10 pm 8 am 6 am Program 1 Heat : 68 o F (20 o C) Cool : 78 o F (26 o C) Program 2 Heat : 60 o F (16 o C) Cool : 85 o F (29 o C) Program 3 Heat : 68 o F (20 o C) Cool : 78 o F (26 o C) Program 4 Hea.
37 5. DEF AUL T PROGRAMS By using the pre-programmed settings, this thermostat can save you money by optimizing energy usage in heating and cooling. Refer to the Default Programs Chart for detailed information about the pre-programmed settings.
38 AM PM program hold /return system off heat cool.
39 6. CREA TING CUSTOM PROGRAMS • Program times can be set in 10 minute increments. • Program temperature can be set in increments of 1 o F (1 o C). • After 15 seconds of inactivity during programming, the thermostat will return to Normal Display mode.
40 AM PM HEA T COOL 2 1 3 4 M T W TH F SA SU program hold /return system off heat cool.
41 3. Press U p or D OwN to change the hour . Press p ROGRAM to save the hour and adjust the minute setting. 4. Press U p or D OwN to change the minute. Press p ROGRAM to save the minute setting and adjust the temperature. 5. Press U p or D OwN to change the temperature.
42 filter FIL TER.
43 icon s an d fe a tu re s 1. INDIGLO ® night-light - will backlight the display for easy viewing in the dark. Press any button to illuminate the light. (If no button is pressed after 5 seconds, the backlight will turn off.) Note: If the thermostat shows a Low Battery W arning, the backlight will not operate.
44 e n e r g y Usage T oday Min Hr.
45 icon s an d fe a tu re s , cont . 3. Energy – calculates energy usage. Press to display the total opera tion ti me for heat an d air c onditio ning fo r today , yest erday , last week, or T otal. Monitoring energy usage allows you to optimize energy savings.
46 HEA T COOL system off heat cool reset.
47 5. Span setting mode – allows you to adjust the system ON/OFF cycle rate. The default setting is 2 (the system cycles ON or OFF when the temperature is within 1 o F (0.5 o C) above and below the set temperature.) The span setting can be adjusted if your system is cycling too fast or too slowly .
48 ST A GE 1 PM COOL 4 M ST A GE 2.
49 6. Low battery warning – indicates two stages of battery power shortage. When the batteries are detected as weak, the icon will ash until new AA alkaline batteries are installed (Stage 1). If the batteries become too weak for normal operation, the thermostat enters the second battery power shortage mode (Stage 2).
50 hold /return.
51 7. Auto recovery – allows heating and cooling systems to gradually recover from an energy-saving setpoint temperature to a comfort setpoint temperature. Auto recovery calculates the time needed to adjust the temperature to the next program setting.
53 8. Error mode – indicates an unexpected battery problem. The screen will ash an ERR message and shut your system off until the batteries are replaced with new AA alkaline batteries. Y ou must Reset and reprogram the thermostat after replacing the batteries if the thermostat has entered Error mode.
54 1. T emperature Range 2. Compressor Protection After the system stops running in cooling mode, there will be a 3.5 minute delay before it can be restarted to prevent compressor damage due to rapid cycling. 3. Resetting the unit T o restore the thermostat to the original factory settings, press the reset button with a paperclip.
55 wir in g diag r a ms 4-wire Heat/Cool System Jumper Wallplate Terminals Fan Relay Cool Contactor Heat Relay or V alve 24V Supply Heat/Cool Rh Rc Y/O W/B Y1 G X X System Selector STD HP – 5-wire H.
56 2-wire Heat Only Jumper X X X Wallplate Terminals Rh Rc Heat 24V or Millivolt Supply Heat Relay or V alve X Y/O W/B Y1 G System Selector STD HP – X - No Connection Single-stage Heat Pump Jumper X OR Heat Mode Cool Mode Connect to Proper Reversing Valve T erminal.
57 3-wire Cool Only Rh Rc Y/O W/B Y1 G Jumper X X Wallplate Terminals Cool Contactor Cool 24V Supply Fan Relay X System Selector STD HP – X - No Connection 3-wire Heat Only Jumper X X Wallplate Terminals Fan Relay Rh Rc Y/O W/B Y1 G Heat 24V Supply X Heat Relay or V alve System Selector STD HP – wir in g diag r a ms , cont .
58 1. My display will not come on. 1 a. Check batteries and battery connections. 1 b. Reset the thermostat. ............................................................................................. 2. The auto fan feature will not operate properly .
59 5. My heating or cooling will not turn on or off. 5 a. Check the Heat/Cool function switch to ensure it is set to the desired position. 5 b. W ait. There may be as much as a 4-minute delay before the system turns on or off to protect the compressor .
60 7. My system continues to operate when the thermostat is in the off position. 7 a. Replace unit. 7 b. Check your system for proper wiring. ............................................................................................. 8. The LCD screen permanently reads HI, LO, or ERR.
61 limit ed 1 Ye ar warr antY the hunte r f an Company w arr ant s your h unter ther most a t to be fr ee fr om def eCts i n m a ter ial o r wo rkm anshi p fo r a per io d of one ye ar from the da te o f sale to the o rig inal user o r Consum er purCh aser .
62 and used in the usa . this w arr ant y e xClude s an d d oe s not CoVer d efeC ts, mal funC tio ns or failur es or you r hunt er th ermo st a t whiC h wer e Caused by r ep a ir s by pers ons not au.
63 re turn your hu nter the rmost a t fr eig ht pre p ai d. your h unter ther most a t sh ould be proper l y pa Cked t o aVoid da mage in t r ansit si nCe w e wil l not be re spo nsib le fo r any suCh da mage . pro of of p urCha se is r equ ired when req ue sting w arr ant y serViC e.
64 Is there help on the web? Y es. Visit http://www for more information. ............................................................................................. Can’t I just call someone? Sure. The Hunter T echnical Support Group is available from 7 am to 7 pm CST M-F and 8 am to 5 pm Saturday .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Hunter Fan 44377W è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Hunter Fan 44377W - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Hunter Fan 44377W imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Hunter Fan 44377W ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Hunter Fan 44377W, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Hunter Fan 44377W.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Hunter Fan 44377W. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Hunter Fan 44377W insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.