Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ProLiant 120 del fabbricante HP
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HP Smar t S tor age A dminis tr ator Us er Gui de Abstract This document id entifies, and pr ovides instructions for, the tools av ailable for con figuration, manage ment, monitoring, and d iagnosing of HP ProLiant controller and server p roducts.
© Copyright 2013, 2015 Hewlett- Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herei n is subject to change without notic e. The only warranties for HP produ cts and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanyin g such products and services.
Contents 3 Cont ents Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 5 About HP SS A .......................................................................
Contents 4 Drive arrays and faul t - tolerance methods .................................................................................................. 12 5 Drive arrays ...............................................................................
Overview 5 O ve r vi ew About HP SSA HP SSA is the main tool for configuring arrays on HP Smart Array controllers. It exists in three interface formats: the HP SSA GUI , the HP SSA CLI, and HP SSA Scripting. All for mats provide support for configuration tasks (on page 6 ).
Overview 6 Using HP SSA over oth er configuration uti lities provides the follo wing benefits: • GUI, CLI, and Script ing interfaces ar e available. • English, French, Ger man, Italian, Japanese, Si mplified Chinese, and Spanish l anguages are supported.
Overview 7 Procedure HP Smart Array G6 and G7 controllers HP Smart Array Gen8 controllers HP Smart Array Gen9 controllers (RAID mode) HP Smart HBA Gen9 controllers (HBA Mode) logical drives p er array.
Overview 8 Procedure HP Smart Array G6 and G7 controllers HP Smart Array Gen8 controllers HP Smart Array Gen9 controllers (RAID mode) HP Smart HBA Gen9 controllers (HBA Mode) priority, and accelerator.
Overview 9 as the smallest dr ive in the array. A ny excess capaci ty of a particular drive cannot be used i n the array and is unavailable for data storage. • The more phy sic al drives configured in an array, the greater the probability that the array wi ll experience a drive failure d uring any given p eriod.
Operations 10 Oper ati ons A ccessing HP SSA in the of fline environment To access a nd launch the HP SS A GUI in an offline environment, use one of the following m ethods: • Launching HP SS A with .
Operations 11 L aunching HP SSA fr om an ISO image (all generation s) To launch HP SSA, you can also boot from an ISO image. To p repare the image, use one of th e following methods: • Mounting the .
Operations 12 4. Format the USB key, and copy the contents of the mounted ISO to the USB key. 5. Insert the USB key into the server . The USB key can now be used to boot to the Of fline HP Smart Storage Administrator environment. Whe n booting from the USB key, a menu is presented.
Operations 13 C onfigure PXE Linux 1. Using the isolinux.cfg file f rom the /system/ directory of the CD as a guide , copy the labeled targets to your PXELinux configura tion file. You do not need to include the entire file: label sos MENU LABEL HP ProLiant Offline HP SSA Image kernel hpboot _v.
Operations 14 You can add addi tional ISO images by specifying the additional i so# and iso#mnt arg uments, for example, iso2=/path/to/iso2.iso iso2mnt=/mnt/iso2. S upported net work file system s The following networ k file sys tems are supported for use with PXE booting: • NFS: iso1=nfs://192.
Operations 15 o CLI — Click Start , and then se lect Programs>HP System Tools>HP Smart Storage Administrator CLI o Scripting — Run hpssascripting.exe . L aunching HP SSA on a l ocal server Microso ft OS 1. Click Start, and then select Programs>HP System Tools>HP Smart S torage Administrator>HP Smart Storage Administrator .
Operations 16 For more information about the System Management Homepage, see the foll owing: o The HP System Management Ho mepage webpage ( ) o The HP System Management Ho mepage Installation Gui de on the HP we bsite ( http://www.
Operations 17 When configuration is complete, continue with the next step. 10. (Optional) To mak e newly created logical dri ves available for data s torage, in a Windows OS, use the operating system dis k management tools to cre ate partitions and format the drives.
Operations 18 Keyboard function s and shortcuts can be used for na vigating or performing act ions in the GUI. Key Description Tab Cycle through selectable items on a page Shift + Tab Cycle backwar ds.
Operations 19 • The Smart Storage Administrator quick navigation menu is in the top, left - hand corner of the screen. Clicking the down a rrow displays the availa ble devices, and clickin g one of the available devic es displays additional i nformation and options for the device.
Operations 20 The Configure screen displays the GUI elements f rom the Welcome screen and lists available actions , status messages, more deta iled information, an d a controller configurati on summary for a selected controller.
Operations 21 • Actions — This panel, in the mid dle, provides the followin g information and functio nality: o Tasks that are availabl e for the selec ted device based on its curre nt status and .
Operations 22 When selecting either report, the avail able actions on the Actions panel include viewing the report or saving the report. For a list of poss ible tasks that are available o n the Diagnostics screen, see " Diagnostic tasks (on page 55 ) .
Operations 23 C onfiguration tasks From the Configure s creen, you can pe rform tasks related to controllers , arrays, physical drives, and log ical drives. For certain tasks, the cont roller must have SAAP activ ated by a registered licens e key. For more information, see " About SAAP (on page 140 ).
Operations 24 Item Tasks Logical drive Create Logical D rive Create Smart Cache for Logical Drive Convert Plaintext Data to Encrypted Data Delete Extend Logical Drive Instant Secure Erase Migrate RAID.
Operations 25 3. Configure the controller. See "Performing a Confi guration task (on page 25 )." 4. When prompted, save the configuration. 5. Do one of the following: o Configure an add itional controller. Repea t steps 3 through 5. o Click Exit HP SSA .
Operations 26 The Actions, Status Messages, and Controller Co nfiguration S ummary panel s appear. The listed tasks are available for this device in its current configuration. For more info rmation, see "Configuration tasks (on page 23 )." 4.
Operations 27 3. Select a controller from the Devices menu. The Actions panel appears. Create a logical dr ive: 1. Click Create Array . 2. Select the physical drives for the new array. 3. Click Create Array . 4. Make selectio ns for RAID Level , Strip Size/Full St ripe Size , Sectors/Track , and Size .
Operations 28 8. If you want to disable HP SSA Smart Path, click Disable HP SSD Smart Path . 9. Click Save . R apid Parity I nitialization When you create a logi cal drive, you must initializ e the parity using Rapid Parity Initialization .
Operations 29 5. Make selectio ns for RAID Level , Number of Parity Groups , St rip Size/Full Strip Size , Sectors/Track, Size , Size , Parity Initialization Method , and Caching . De pending on the controller used and drives selected, y our options may a ppear differen t from the image b elow.
Operations 30 To disable Over Provi sioning Optimizatio n: 1. Open HP SSA. For more information , see " Using th e HP SSA GUI (on page 17 )." 2. Select Unassigne d Drives located under Controller Devices . 3. To create an ar ray, select from the list of av ailable drives list ed.
Operations 31 4. The Create Logical Drive wi ndow appears. Under the o ption SSD Over Provisioning Optimization , select Do not perform SSD Over Provisioning Optimization on the Array .
Operations 32 o Predictive Spare Ac tivation 6. Click Save . C hanging the Spare Management mode The Spare Manageme nt feature provides multi ple methods for handling spare behavior. You can choose from the following opt ions: • Dedicated — When the f ailed data drive is re placed, it must be r ebuilt from the data on the spare drive .
Operations 33 7. Click Manage Spare Drives . 8. From the men u, select one of the foll owing spa re drive types: o Dedicated Spare Dri ves o Auto - Replace Drives 9.
Operations 34 10. Click Save . 11. A confirmation sc reen appears. Click Yes to c ontinue. 12. Click Manage Spare Drives to make additional sel ections, or click Finish . S etting Auto RA ID 0 CAUTION: If you select this option for an y logical drives, y ou will experience data loss f or that logical drive if o ne physical drive fails .
Operations 35 3. Click Create Arrays with RAID 0 . 4. A new window ap pears, confirming ea ch array will contain a single RAID 0 logi cal drive. Click Yes t o continue.
Operations 36 5. A new window ap pears, confirming RAID 0 confi guration. Click Finish to complet e. P arallel Surfac e Scan 1. Open HP SSA. For more inf ormation, see " Using the HP SSA GUI (on page 17 ) .
Operations 37 3. Click Modify Controller Setti ngs ..
Operations 38 4. Under Current Parallel S urface Scan Count , use the slider to select the para llel surface scan count. 5. Click Save Setti ngs . 6. A summary page appears . Click Finish to exit. C ache Manager Caching increases database performance by writi ng data to the cache memor y, instead of directly to the logical drives.
Operations 39 o Select an available de vice from the Home sc reen, and then click Configure under the avai lable options. 3. Select Cache Manager from the Tools menu. 4. Click C ontroller Cache in the Cache Manager menu. 5. Click Modify Caching Settings .
Operations 40 A bout HP SmartCache HP SmartCache enables s olid state drives to be used as caching devices for hard drive media. HP SmartCache provides the following features : • Accelerates applic .
Operations 41 4. Click Enable HP SmartCache in the Ac tions menu. 5. Select one or more physical drives from the l ist of available drive s. 6. Click OK . 7. A pop - up window appears, indi cating certain featu res will not be available with HP SmartCache enabled.
Operations 42 8. Create SmartCache for Log ical Drive appears. 9. Select the following: o Logical drive to cach e o Cache write policy and RAID type o Size of the ca che. HP recomm ends 10% of the driv e size, and it must be a minimum of 16 G iB. 10. Click Create SmartCache for Logical Drive .
Operations 43 11. SmartCache Details , SmartCache Statistics , and Device Path appear. Click Finish to proce ed. The SmartCa che is created for the Logical Drive. I nstalling a license k ey with HP SmartCache You can use HP SSA to install the li cense key and activate HP SmartCache functionality.
Operations 44 4. Under actions, click Add License Key . 5. Enter the license ke y number. 6. Click Save . E nabling Smart Cache Write - back HP SSA contains two dif ferent policies for d ata writes when caching: wr ite - back and w rite - through.
Operations 45 IMPORTANT: If a demo license key expires, all Smar tCache volumes configured with write - back cache write policy ar e converted to write - through. When this happens, the logical drive details show different values for Cache Writ e Policy and Cach e Write Policy Requeste d.
Operations 46 • The HP SSA GUI mu st be run in offline mode . • HP Smart Array G6 and G7 controller model s must have a valid SAAP license (" About SAAP " on page 140 ). • Mirrored arrays b eing split can have RAID 1, RAID 1+ 0, RAID 1 (ADM), or RAID 10 (ADM) configurations .
Operations 47 o Select an available de vice from the Home sc reen, and then click Configu re under the available options. 3. Select Array s from the Devices menu. 4. Select the appropri ate array from the Arrays men u. 5. Select Man age Data Drives from the Actions panel.
Operations 48 The array includes the designation "Backup" at the beginni ng of the array name. Re- mirroring, rolling back, or re - activating a split mir ror backup 1. Run the HP SSA GUI in offline mode. See "Accessing H P SSA in the offli ne environment (on page 10 ).
Operations 49 When you select H eal Array, and a ll conditions are met, one of the following a ctions occurs to th e volume in the array: • If a volume has fai led, HP SSA recreates the vol ume. This action occur s with a RAID 0 volume. • If a volume is de graded, HP SSA rebuilds th e volume.
Operations 50 To enable HBA mode: 1. Open HP SSA. For more inf ormation, see " Using the HP SSA GUI (on page 17 ) ." 2. Select the controller. 3. Click Configure . 4. Click Enable HBA mode . 5. A prompt appears warnin g you that entering HBA mod e will disable any drives co nfigured using a Smart Array until the con figuration is cleared.
Operations 51 4. Click C ancel HBA mode . 5. A prompt appears indicating that the control ler will remain in Smart Ar ray mode and no reboot i s required.
Operations 52 To modify the power m ode: 1. Open HP SSA. For more inf ormation, see " Using the HP SSA GUI (on page 17 ) ." 2. Select the controller. 3. Click on Configure . 4. Click Mo dify Power Mode . 5. Select a power mo de: o Min Power o Balanced o Max Performance 6.
Operations 53 latency for a host r equest on that d rive. FLS is a global option for the contro ller, to be applied to all drives in an effort to r educe the maximum observed late ncy from a host reque st. The FLS attempts to put a cap on the high l atency that can be experienced on some rotating disks (hard drives) under high ly random workloads.
Operations 54 3. Click Advanced Controller Settings . 4. Scroll down to the option HDD Flexible Latency Opt imization. 5. Select one of the followin g: o Disabled o Low o Middle (100ms) o High.
Operations 55 o Very High (30ms) o Very High (10ms) 6. Click OK . 7. A summary page appears . Click Finish to exit. D iagnostic tasks The HP SSA Diagno stics feature replaced the Array Diagnostic Uti lity supported by SmartStart v 8.
Operations 56 • Operating system devi ce names or mount point s P erforming a Diagnostics task 1. Open HP SSA. For more information , see " Using the HP SSA GUI (on page 17 ).
Operations 57 o If you select View Diagnostic Report , the report appears. When you are finished viewing the current report, cl ick Close or Save . 6. If you select Save Diagnostic Report , wait fo r the report to generate, and then click Close Report or Save Report .
Operations 58 After you have en tered Consol e mode in either op erating system, t he screen displa ys the followin g message and console prompt: HP Smart Storage Administrator CLI 1.XX.X.X Detecting Controllers...Done. Type "help" for a list of supported commands.
Operations 59 add create delete modify remove set target Nonconfiguration c ommands are also available: diag (" Generating a diagnostic report " on page 65 ) help (" The help command &q.
Operations 60 Under VMware ESXi 5.x, the forced fl ag is required for any co mmand that has the o ption for a forced f lag. If the forced parameter is not used, the syste m generates an error message notifying the user that the command could not be completed without th is flag.
Operations 61 If you use the config parameter, the output includes infor mation about each device connected to the controller. Example 1: => ctrl slot=9 show A typical output would b e: Smart Array.
Operations 62 Example 2: => ctrl all show Because this t arget consists of sever al devices, the output will be brief. A typical output would be: MSA1000 at dog (sn: P56350D9IP903J, csn: (9J3CJN71X.
Operations 63 A help item can be any of the following: • A CLI command (" The <command> vari able " on page 58 ) • An HP SSA CLI keyword or keyword abbreviati on (" Keyword ab.
Operations 64 controller slot=1 ld 1 modify bootvolume=primary controller slot=1 ld 2 modify bootvolume=secondary controller slot=1 ld 1 modify bootvolume=none S etting the target If yo u must perform.
Operations 65 I dentifying devices You can enter a command that causes the LEDs on target devices to flash, enabling you to ide ntify the devices. Aft er an hour, the L EDs stop flashi ng. You can al so stop LED flash ing by entering t he off c ommand.
Operations 66 Example commands ctrl all diag file=c: ctrl slot=4 diag file=c: ctrl ch="mybox" diag ssdrpt=on E rasing a physical drive Syntax: <target> modify [enableerasedrive] where the target can be any valid physical dr ive.
Operations 67 O ptimizing controller performance for v ideo On some controller m odels, you can optimize the controller performan ce for video. To use this fea ture on an HP Smart Array G6 or G7 cont roller, a registered SAAP (" About SAAP " on page 140 ) license key is required.
Operations 68 Parameter Accept able values Comments numberparityg roups 2|# The default value is 2. ss 8|16|32|64|128|256|512|1024|default |? Units are KB.* The default setting depends on the RAID level. size #|min|max|maxmbr|? This parameter determines the preferred size of the logical drive.
Operations 69 physicaldrive 1:1:14 (port 1:box 1:bay14, SAS, 9.1 GB, OK) Kn owing this informa tion, you can now creat e the first array with one logi cal drive: => ctrl ch="Lab 4" create.
Operations 70 M oving a logical drive HP SSA now enables yo u to move a single logical dri ve from one array to another array. This feature i s available on HP Smart A rray Gen8 and later c ontrollers.
Operations 71 Syntax: <target> ssdpd all show [detail] where the target is any valid controller. Example commands: controller slot=5 ssdpd all show controller slot=5 ssdpd all show detail V iewing SSD information The ssdinfo keyword p rovides a summar y for solid state d rives for the spec ified controller .
Operations 72 The controller d evice driver analyzes ea ch I/O request for the following Smart Pa th eligibility requirem ents: • Read requests for al l supported RAID leve ls • Write requests for.
Operations 73 M anaging spare drives Assigning one or more on line spare drives to an array enables you to postpone repl acement of faulty drives. However, it does not increase t he fault - tolerance level of any logical drives in the array.
Operations 74 Command example: To add a spare w ith spare type of auto replace: => ctrl slot=1 array A add spares=1e:1:5 sparetype= autoreplace E xpandin g an array You can increase the storage s pace on an array by adding physic al drives. Any drive that you want to a dd must meet the followin g criteria: • It must be an un assigned drive.
Operations 75 where <target> is an array, and the specifi ed physical drives are being re moved to shrink the array. For example, in an existing a rray (array a), six drives (1e:1:4 - 1e: 1:9) are in use.
Operations 77 Consider the followin g factors before performin g a migration: • For some RAID - level migrations to be possible, you might need to add one or mor e drives to the array. • For migration to a larger stripe si ze to be possible, the arra y might need to contain unused drive space.
Operations 78 C hanging the Expand Priority setting The Expand Priority setting determines the urgenc y with which the controller treats an internal command to expand an array. • At the low setting level, normal system operations take priority over an array expansion.
Operations 79 Example commands: controller slot=1 modify surfacescanmode=idle surfacescandelay=3 parallelsurfacescancount=16 controller slot=1 modify parallelsurfacescancount=16 ctrl slot=3 modify pss.
Operations 80 NOTE: Disabling the array acce lerator for a logical dr ive reserves use of the acc elerator cache for other logical d rives on the array. This featur e is useful if you want the other log ical drives to have the maximum pos sible performance (for e xample, if the logical drive s contain database information).
Operations 81 array was creat ed. It is not recommende d that this option be perf ormed online, or while the logical drive to be rolled back i s mounted or in use by the O S. The "activatebackup" ac tion activates the backup arr ay. This option makes the backup array fu lly accessible to the operating s ystem.
Operations 82 Syntax: <target> modify [hbamode=on|off|?] Where <target> is any valid controller supporting this feature. Example command: controller slot=1 modify hbamode=on ctrl slot=1 modify hbamode=off R AID mode Syntax: <target> modify [raidmode=on|off|?] Where <target> is any valid controller supporting this feature.
Operations 83 L ogging in and out These commands allow th e user to log in or out of HP Secure Encryption. Log in to the encrypting controlle r as either the "crypto" user or as an additional authori zed user. The user w ill be prompted for the password if i t is not provided on the command line.
Operations 84 Example command: => ctrl slot=1 expresslocalencryption eula=yes S etting the password and recovery options These comma nds allow the user to set passw ords and passwo rd recovery meas ures. Setting a new password Use the suser pa rameter for specify ing the user acc ount the passwo rd is being set for.
Operations 85 Target: The target can be any valid controller supporting e ncryption. Setting Command Setting the controller password => controller slot=7 setctrlpasswd spassword=XXXXXX => contro.
Operations 86 Setting Command Setting or changing the Master Key controller slot=7 setmasterkey masterkey=XXXXXX M anaging volatile keys Volatile encr yption keys This command a llows the user to turn on or off volatile encryp tion keys for a specified logi cal drive.
Operations 87 I nstant secure erase This comman d allows the user to i nstantly a nd securely erase a n encr ypted logical drive. The user and password parameters can be specified for the current user/ password to a llow this operation to be performed in a single command without hav ing to log in first.
Operations 88 Example command: controller slot=7 show eula Using HP SSA scripti ng Access HP SSA wi th one of the many methods avail able: • Accessing HP SS A in the offline environment (on page 10 .
Operations 89 C reating an HP SSA script f ile To create a valid HP SS A script file, use one of the followin g methods: • Modify the sample custom input script (on page 89 ).
Operations 90 RapidParityInitalization = Enable|Disable RebuildPriority = Low|Medium|Mediumhigh|High ExpandPriority = Low|Medium|High SurfaceScanDelay = N SurfaceScanDelayExtended = N SurfaceScanMode = Idle|High|Disabled MNPDelay = 0.
Operations 91 OPTIONAL: Renumber = N OPTIONAL: SetBootVolumePrimary = Enable OPTIONAL: SetBootVolumeSecondary = Enable ; Caching Logical Drive Options CachingLogicalDrive = 1|2|3… max Volumes/2 RAID.
Operations 92 Size= 139979 Sectors= 32 StripeSize= 128 ArrayAccelerator= Enabled S ample encryption script I nitial encry ption configurati on When the controller is new and unconfigured, or afte r th.
Operations 93 Action= Configure Method= Custom Controller= SLOT 1 EncryptionUser= crypto EncryptionPassword= Password.12345 Array= A Drives= 1 LogicalDrive= 1 RAID= 0 PlainText= Enable This example converts an existing plaintext volume to cyphertext, wi thout preserving data.
Operations 94 Category Options Description Controller Controller CacheState ClearConfiguration WithDataLoss DeleteLicenseKey DPOEnable DriveWriteCache ElevatorSortEna ble ExpandPriority HBAMode IRPEna.
Operations 95 A ction mode You must speci fy an Action mode: • In Configure mode, you can create new arrays, but you cannot modify existing arrays. The controller must be connected to unassigned physical drive s for this mode to be avail able. • In Reconfigure mode, you can modify e xisting arrays.
Operations 96 • SurfaceScanDelayExt ended (on page 99 ) • Video performa nce options (on page 99 ) C ontroller You must enter a value for this optio n because it identifies the controller that you want to configure: • All — Configure all detected internal and external controllers i n the system.
Operations 97 E levatorSor tEnable The ElevatorSortEnable option contro ls the behavior of the controller cache write Elevator sort algorithm. This option is used to tune cont roller performance f or video applicati ons and requires the installation of a valid license key.
Operations 98 IMPORTANT: When the powe r mode is set to Balanced, future controller configuration changes may require a rebo ot for optimal perfor mance. This option modifi es the controller power mode. • A value of minpower sets static settings to the lowest possible value and d ynamically re duces power based on the work load.
Operations 99 S urfaceScan Delay Enter a number between 0 and 30 to specify the duration o f the surface scan delay in seconds. This option is not required. If you do not specify a value for th is option, the delay remains un changed. A value of 0 disables the scan.
Operations 100 • CachingArray (on page 1 00 ) • Drive (on page 100 ) • DriveType (on page 101 ) • OnlineSpareMode (on page 101 ) • OnlineSpare (on page 101 ) • SplitMirror (on page 102 ) A.
Operations 101 • If you are moving or shrinking an array, HP SSA Sc ripting compares the current drives with the requested d rives, and then determines whether you are moving or shrinking. Shrinking or moving an array is supporte d only in Custom method mode.
Operations 102 • None : No spares will be added to the array and any existing spares on t he array will be re moved. o Configure mo de: if the Onlin eSpare option is not specified, t he default value is N one. o Reconfigure m ode: If the Onl ineSpare opti on is not speci fied, the spare state of the arra y will remain unchanged.
Operations 103 • CachingLogic alDrive (on page 103 ) • CachedLogicalDrive (on page 103 ) • NumberOfParityGroups (on page 104 ) • PreferredPath (on page 104 ) • RAID (on page 104 ) • Renumb.
Operations 104 Caching logical drive s and cached data drive s must be on the same Ar ray Controller. N umberOfParit yGroups When you create a RAID 5 0 or RAID 60 configuration, yo u must also set the number of parity g roups.
Operations 105 When using an HP S mart Array G6 or G7 controller, s ome RAID levels require SAAP (" About SAAP " on page 140 ). RAID levels sup ported in a Caching Local Volum e are limited by the firmwa re. R enumber This option renumber s the logical drive to N .
Operations 106 • N — The size in MB • MAX — Uses all available u nused space in the ar ray for the logical dr ive. This value is the de fault. • MAXMBR — Creates the la rgest size of volume supportable by a 32 - bit MBR (2TiB) In Reconfigure mode, the default s etting is the existing s ize of the logica l drive.
Operations 107 Strip sizes avail able for a RAID leve l vary based on the controller and the controller firmware level. T he maximum strip siz e changes dynamically and is r educed for arrays wit h a large number of dat a drives or with smaller controller ca che sizes.
Operations 108 ControllerPasswordMode This command sets t he boot pas sword mode, allowing it to be suspended or deleted. This command ha s the following values: • Remove • Suspend • Resume E ncryption This command enables or disables controller encryption throu gh the values Enable or Disable .
Operations 109 • Local Key Ca che must be en abled, with the n umber of access a ttempts count set at a value great er than 0. • The Crypto Office r or an additional user mus t be logged in.
Operations 110 • Local key manager mo de • Random crypto passw ord, not recoverable • Random master key n am e, not recoverab le • Future plaintext vol umes not allowed To disable express encryption, the entire encryption configurati on must be cleared, which will require deleting an y configured en crypted volum es.
Operations 111 Plaintext This command speci fies whether to create a new logical volume in either plaint ext or encrypted form. To create a plaintext volume when encryption is enabled, the AllowPlainText option must have been set during initial config uration of the array controll er.
Operations 112 <Size>114439</Size> <Sectors>32</Sectors> <StripeSize>128</StripeSize> <ArrayAccelerator>Enabled</ArrayAccelerator> </LogicalDrive>.
Operations 113 X ML input XML input fo llows the sam e format as the document for XML output (on page 111 ). Use the same par ameter order as the standar d input format. The following example shows a simple input s cript in both standard and XM L formats.
Operations 114 <!ELEMENT WriteCache ( 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 ) > <!ELEMENT Array, LogicalDrive+ ( Drive, OnlineSpare ) > <!ATTLIST Array ID PCDATA #REQUIRE.
Operations 115 Warning code Warning message Comment or clarification 4010 Rapid Parity I nitialization is no t available Rapid Parity I nitialization is no t available on the selected volume; there may already be an R PI in progress, or the firmware does not s upport RPI.
Operations 116 Error code Er ror message Comment or clarification 2830 Cannot expan d Array The Array could not be expanded, either because the controller d oes not support ex pansion, or the current configur ation does not all ow expansion to occur on the arra y.
Operations 117 Error code Er ror message Comment or clarification :, ., /, and [space]. The na me cannot end with a space character or exceed the maximum number of characters allowed by the controller. 2852 Inval id SSP State The requested SSP state is not a valid SSP state.
Operations 118 Error code Er ror message Comment or clarification 3008 Chassis name is already in use Another controll er is already using the entered chassis name. 3009 Auto Configure failed The Auto Configure mode was unable to co mplete auto configurati on.
Operations 119 Error code Er ror message Comment or clarification 3033 This controller h as been configu red with a more recent vers ion of software. To p revent data loss, confi guration changes to this controller are not allowed. Please upgrade to the latest version to be able to continue to configure this c ontroller.
Operations 120 Error code Er ror message Comment or clarification 3060 Login required f or this Encryption command A login is requ ired before the encryp tion command can be attempt ed. 3061 Plaintext volumes are not allowed The option to create future plai ntext volumes was not selected when initially configuring the encryption configuration.
Troubleshootin g 121 T r ouble shooting H P Smart Storage Administrator Diagnostics Utility CLI A bout the utility Formerly known as the Array Diagnosti cs Utility, the HP S mart Storage Administra to.
Troubleshootin g 122 o Interface o WWID o Drive model o Serial number o Firmware revision o Total blocks The SmartSSD Wear Gau ge report contains info rmation on the current usag e level of and expected lifetime remaining fo r solid state dri ves attached t o the system.
Troubleshootin g 123 Field Description SSD Wear Status Indicates the SSD's wear status w ith one of the following messages: • OK • Not Supported • The SmartSSD Wear Gauge log is full . Wear Gauge parame ters are not available. • SSD has less than 5% usage remaining befo re wearout.
Troubleshootin g 124 L aunching the utility in CLI mode 1. Click Start>All Programs>HP System Tools>HP Smart Storage Administrator Diagnostics Utility >Read Me 2. Open a command prompt. 3. Change directory (cd) to the loc ation where hpssaducli.
Troubleshootin g 125 I dentifying and viewing SmartSSD We ar Gauge report files The SmartSSD Wear Gau ge report output archi ve contains the following f iles: • SmartSSDWearGaugeReport.txt — SmartSSD wear gauge report in text format • SmartSSDWearGaugeReport.
Troubleshootin g 126 Connecting extra physical drives (P n in the figure) to a sys tem increases the total storage capacity but has no effect on the efficiency of read/write (R/W) operatio ns. Data can still be transferred to only one physical drive at a time.
Troubleshootin g 127 Because the read/wr ite heads are active simu ltaneously, the same amount o f data is written t o each drive during a ny given time interval.
Troubleshootin g 128 Each logical drive in an array is distributed across all of the physical drives within th e array. A logical drive can also exte nd across more than o ne port on the same c ontroller, but it cannot extend across more than one controller.
Troubleshootin g 129 R AID 0 — No fault tolerance A RAID 0 configurat ion provides data strip ing, but there is no prot ection against dat a loss when a drive fail s. However, it is useful for rapid storage of large amounts of non critical data (for p rinting or image editing, f or example) or when cost is the most important cons ideration.
Troubleshootin g 130 When the array contains only two physical drives, the faul t - tolerance met hod is known as RAID 1. When the array has more than two phy sical drive s, drives are mirrored in pai rs, and the fault - tolerance method is known as RAID 1 +0 or RAID 10.
Troubleshootin g 131 Disadvantages: • This method is expensive, beca u se many drives are needed for fault toleran ce. • Only half of the tot al drive capacity i s usable for data sto rage. R AID 1 (ADM) and RAID 10 (ADM) In RAID 1 (ADM) and RAID 10 ( ADM) configurations, d ata is duplicated to two ad ditional drives.
Troubleshootin g 132 This fault - tolerance method is useful when high performance and data protection are more important than the cost of physi cal drives. Advantages: • This method has the highest read performance of any fault - tolera nt conf iguration.
Troubleshootin g 133 R AID 6 (ADG) — Adv anced Data Guarding NOTE: Not all control lers support RAID 6 (ADG). RAID 6 (ADG), like RAID 5, generates and stores parity information to protect a gainst data loss caused by drive failure.
Troubleshootin g 134 R AID 50 RAID 50 is a nested RAID m ethod in which the constit uent hard drives are organ ized into several ident ical RAID 5 logical driv e sets (parity groups). The small est possible RAID 50 con figuration has six dri ves organized into two p arity groups of three d rives each.
Troubleshootin g 135 R AID 60 RAID 60 is a nested RAID m ethod in which the constit uent hard drives are orga nized into several ident ical RAID 6 logical driv e sets (parity groups). The small est possible RAID 60 con figuration has eight d riv es organized into two p arity groups of four driv es each.
Troubleshootin g 136 Item RAID 0 RAID 1+0 RAID 5 RAID 6 (ADG) RAID 1(0) (ADM) Alternative name Striping (no fault tolerance) Mirroring Distributed Data Guarding Advanced Data Guarding Advanced Data Mi.
Troubleshootin g 137 Neither of these alternativ e fault - tolerance methods supports online spares or automatic data rec overy, nor do they support auto - reliability monitorin g or interim data recovery.
Troubleshootin g 138 • Fr ench ( pport/ProLiant_TSG_fr ) • Italian ( ) • Spanish ( ) • German ( ) • Dutch ( http://www.
Optional components 139 Opti onal com ponen ts H P Secure E ncryption HP Secure Encryption is a controller - based, enterprise - class data encryption solution that protec ts data at rest on any bulk storage atta ched to the HP Smart Array controller.
HP Smart Array Advanced Pack 140 HP Smar t Ar r ay A d v anced P ack About SAAP SAAP is a collec tion of additional and advanc ed controller featu res embedded in the firmw are of select Smart Array controll ers. For more information on t he current features a vailable through SAAP, se e the HP website ( http:// h18004.
Acronyms and ab breviations 141 A c r on y ms and abbr e v iati ons ACU Array Configuration U tility ADG Advanced Data Guar ding (also known as RAID 6 ) ADM Advanced Data Mir roring DHCP Dynamic Host .
Acronyms and ab breviations 142 SAS serial attached SCSI SATA serial ATA SMART self - monitorin g analysis and reporting te chnology SSD solid - state drive SSP Selective Storage Presentation TFTP Tri.
Documentation feedback 143 Doc u men tati on f eedbac k HP is committed to pro viding documentation that mee ts your needs. To help us improve the docume ntation, send any erro rs, suggestion s, or comments to Documentation Feedback ( mailto:docsfee dback@hp.
Index 144 5 512e physical driv e support 125 A action mode , HPSSASCRIPTING 95 ACU scripting 99 ADG (advanced data guardi ng) 133 advanced configurat ion tasks, support for 6 advanced data guardi ng (.
Index 145 drive mirroring 129, 131 drive support 125 d rive type, HP SSA Scr ipting 101 DriveType 101 DriveWriteCa che 96 duplexing 136 E effects of a ha rd drive failure 128 ElevatorSortEnable 97, 99.
Index 146 mounting virtual m edia 11, 12 moving an array 75, 100 N navigating the interface 18 nested RAID 134, 135 NoBatteryWriteCache 97 Novell NetWare, confi guration tool for 8 NumberOfParityGroup.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP ProLiant 120 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP ProLiant 120 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP ProLiant 120 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP ProLiant 120 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP ProLiant 120, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP ProLiant 120.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP ProLiant 120. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP ProLiant 120 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.