Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SL500 (M852x) del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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SL50 0 (M85 2x) T ap e L ib rar y Inst al lat io n an d User ’ s Guide Abstra c t This m anual describ es how to i nstall and use an M85 2x tape li brary on H P NonS top ™ servers. Prod uc t V e rsion N.A. Supp orted R elease V er s ion Up dat es (RV Us) This p ublication support s G06.
Do cument H istory Part Nu mber Produ ct V er sion Publish ed 5415 31- 001 N.A. Sept em ber 2 00 5 5415 31- 00 2 N.A. Nove m ber 20 05 5415 31- 00 3 N.A. Februa ry 20 06 5415 31- 00 4 N.A. Februa ry 20 06 5415 31- 00 5 N.A. June 20 06 5415 31- 00 6 N.
Hew let t-P ackard Company — 541531 -006 i SL500 (M852x ) T ap e Libr ary Inst allat ion and User ’ s G u id e Index Figures Ta b l e s What ’ s New in This Manual v Manual Info rmation v New and Changed Info rmati on v Abou t This Manua l vii Not ation Convention s vii 1.
Contents SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 ii 4. Cartridge Information Openin g the Fro nt Door (Wi th Power ) 3-1 Securing the Fron t Door (W ith Power.
Contents SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 iii A. S pec ifications A. S p eci f ications T ape Libr ary Compon ents W eight s A- 3 T ape Libr ary Environme nt A- 3 Power A- 4 Safety an d Compl i ance Fig ure s Fi gure 1- 1.
Contents SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 iv Ta b l e 4 - 1 . L TO Cartr idge Codes 4- 4 Ta b l e 4 - 2 . L TO Gen 1, Gen 2 , and Gen 3 Cartr i dge S pecifi cations 4-7 Ta b l e A - 1 . Lib rary Compo nent W eights A-3 Ta b l e A - 2 .
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 v What ’ s New i n This Manual Manual I nformation SL50 0 ( M 852x) Tap e Library Inst allation and User ’ s G uid e Ab stract This manual de scribes how to i nstall a nd use an M 852x tap e library on HP NonS top ™ servers.
What ’ s New in T hi s Manual SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 vi New and Changed Inform ation.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 vii About Th is M anual Not at ion Conventions Hypert ext L inks Blue u nderline is used to indica te a hyperte xt link within t ext. By clicki ng a passage o f text w ith a blue und erline, you are t aken to the location describ ed.
About T his Manu al SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 viii Change Bar Notat i on.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 1 Overvi ew of t he T ape Libra ry This section includes: This section cont ains an over view of the ma jor hardw are componen ts of the tape library .
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-2 Views and Locations V iews and Locat io ns Fi gure 1- 1 and Fi gur e 1- 2 show the tape libra ry views and the location s of its compone nts.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-3 Views and Locations Figu re 1-2. Back V iew o f T ape Li brary C o mpone nt s 1. Ba s e m od ule 2. Driv e ex pans io n mo dul e 3. Redu nda nt power su ppl y 4.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-4 Physical Co nfigurations Physical Confi gurations Fi gure 1-3 on page 1-5 shows a ta pe libra ry with o nly a base mo dule.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-5 Physical Co nfigurations Figu re 1-3.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-6 Physical Co nfigurations Fig ure 1- 4.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-7 Physical Co nfigurations Fi gure 1-5.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-8 Physical Co nfigurations Fi gure 1-6.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-9 Capacities Cap acities Ta b l e 1 - 1 on p age 1- 10 shows the number o f cartridge a nd tape drive sl o ts availabl e depend ing on t he type and number of modules inst alled.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 0 Capacities T ab le 1- 1. Ca rtridge Slot and T ap e Driv e Capaciti es Ad ding on.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 1 Robotics Unit Robotics Unit The r obotics unit pr ovides moveme nt of cartri dges among t he storage slots, t ape dri ves, and car tridge access po rts (CA Ps).
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 2 Robotics Unit Figu re 1-7. Robo tics Com ponent s 1.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 3 Robotics Unit Figu re 1-8. Hand Assembly 1.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 4 Electronics Electr onics The ele ctronics consists of th e control p ath and r obotic cards i n the ba se unit.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 5 Power System Power System The ba se unit has on e standa rd pow er supply . A se cond supply can be order ed and inst alled to pr ovide redun dant power to the modu le component s.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 6 Supp orted T ape Drives Supported T ape Drives The t ape l ibrary can a ccommodate from 1 to 14 tape drives. The L TO ge nerati on 3 t ape drives support s Ultri um 3 medi a, Ultriu m 2 media, a nd Ultriu m 1 media ( read on ly).
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 7 Audit of T ape Library Audit of T ape Library An au dit is the meth od by wh i ch the tap e library kee ps track o f all cartri dge locations within the unit.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 8 Interfaces Inter faces The m ajor tap e libra ry interfaces are: • Libra ry con.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 2-1 2 Control s and Indicators This section includes: Power Switch When the switch is in po sition 1 the tape lib rary and t ape driv es are power ed on. When the sw itch is in p osition 0 the t ape librar y and ta pe driv es are powered o ff.
Controls a nd Indicators SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 2-2 Keypad Figu re 2-1. Butt ons and In dicato rs 1. Door Ope n butt on 5. Serv ice Re qui red LED 2. Door Ope n LE D 6. Lib rar y A cti ve LE D 3.
Controls a nd Indicators SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 2-3 Keypad T a ble 2-1. Key p ad Butt ons and Indi cator s Buttons/ Indicators Descript ion Serv ic e R o bo t Indicator LED is lit w he n the ro bo t is no t func t ion ing .
Controls a nd Indicators SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 2-4 Keypad.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-1 3 Librar y Operation This section includes: Automated Mode Autom ated mode is the n ormal operating mode of the tape libr ary .
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-2 Entering a Cartridge T hrough the CA P 4. Place the c artridge i nto one o f the maga zine slots, m aking sure tha t the VOL ID label is vi sible and th e hub of the cartri dge is down.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-3 Powering O n the T ape Library Powe ri ng On the T ape Libr a r y T o power on the librar y: 1. Close an d lock the fron t door if the door is ope n.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-4 Manual Mode Manual Mode This section descr i b es the operati on of the t ape libra ry in manua l mode . Manual mo de occurs the n the ta pe libr ary is take n offline, or lose s power , or the fro nt door is op ened.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-5 Securin g the Front Door (W ithout Power) 3. While using one hand to move the r obotics pa rk lever to th e left, use your other hand to un lock the d oor with the ke y .
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-6 Loca te and Remove Cartridge 3. While still holding the d oor shut, r elease the robotics p ark lever . 4. Use the key to lock the d oor . T he robotics le ver automa tically move s to the right when t he door locking lever retract s.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-7 Insert Cartridges Into Slot s F igure 3-5. Inse rti ng Ca rtrid ges Int o Slo ts 1.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-8 Inserting a Cartridge Into a T ape Drive Inserting a Cartr i d ge Into a T ap e Drive T o manu ally insert a cartridge into a tape dri ve: 1. Obt ain the VOLID label, locati on, and tape dri ve number from the server console.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-9 Removing a Cartridge From a T ape Drive Removing a Cartridge From a T ap e Drive T o manu ally remove a cartrid ge from a t ape dri ve: 1. Open the do or and l ocate the appropriat e tape d rive.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3- 1 0 Removing a Cartridge From the Gripper Assembly Removing a Cartridge From the G ripper Assemb ly The ha nd assembly can be in any position when the tap e library loses power .
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3- 1 1 Replacing a Cleaning Cartridge Replacing a Cl eaning Cartridge Clean ing cartridg es have a li mited life sp an. When the usage count exceeds it s limit, you must repla ce it with a new one.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3- 1 2 Replacing a Cleaning Cartridge.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-1 4 Cartri dg e In fo rm a tio n This section includes: Handle Car tridges Impro per handli ng of car tridges can r esult in loss of da ta or d amage to a tape li brary compone nt.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-2 Maintain Cartridges Maint ain Cartridges It is i m portant to keep your t ape cartr idges in good condition . A defect i ve or d irty cartri dge can d amage a t ape driv e.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-3 Ultrium Cartridges Ultri um Cartridges Apply Car tri dge Label s Car tridge labels r eflect t he cartridge media and usage. If your cartridges were n ot order ed with la bels already ap plied, yo u must apply th em yourself.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-4 V ali d Lab els When an audit occu rs the ta pes in the t ape dri ves are n ot audited. Unl abeled cartridg es are not s upported a nd will not be recognized by an audit.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-5 V ali d Lab els Perf orm these steps befo re applying th e label i n to the reces sed area on the cartrid ge: 1. Make sure the cartri dge has b een at roo m temperature for at l east 24 ho urs.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-6 Setting t he Write-P rotect Swit ch Setting the W rite-P rotect S witch Y ou can set the write-prote ct switch so t he cartridg e is write e nabled.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-7 Setting t he Write-P rotect Swit ch T able 4-2.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-8 Setting t he Write-P rotect Swit ch.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 5-1 5 Configur in g the M852 0 T ape Library for the No nS top S-Series Server The sect i on covers: Supported Connect.
Configuring the M8520 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 5-2 ServerNet/DA T o add th e data path: -> .
Configuring the M8520 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 5-3 PMF CRU PMF CRU T o add th e control p ath to the server conf i g uration dat abase, u se the SCF A DD SCSI comman d.
Configuring the M8520 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 5-4 PMF CRU.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 6-1 6 Configuring the M8521 T ape Library for the Integrity NonSt o p NS-Series Se rver The sect i on covers: Supporte.
Configuring the M8521 T a pe Library for the Integrity NonS top NS-S eries Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 6-2 A dd ing th e Con tr ol P ath an d Data P at h T o add th e data path: 1.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 7-1 7 Configuring the M8521 T ape Library for the No nS top S-Series Server The sect i on covers: Configur ation Overview Y ou can att ach the t ape library (control p ath and d ata p ath) to a N o nS top S- series server via an IO A M enclosure.
Configuring the M8521 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 7-2 Configuration O verview For m ore inform ation on the IOAM en cl osure, see the Mod ular I/O Inst allation and Con figurati on Guide .
Configuring the M8521 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 7-3 A dd ing th e Con tr ol P ath an d Data P a.
Configuring the M8521 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 7-4 A dd ing th e Con tr ol P ath an d Data P a.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-1 A S pecifi cations The ne xt pages provide t ape libr ary , tape drive , and cartrid ge specific ations. Fi gure A -1. Libr ary an d Rack Dime nsions 1. 48.3 cm (19.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-2 Fi gure A-2. T a pe Libr ary and R ack D imens ions 1. 60.9 cm ( 2 f t ) mi nimu m ser vi ce c le aran ce behi nd the l ib rar y o r ra ck 2. 81.0 cm ( 31.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-3 T ape Library Com ponents Weights T ape Library Component s W eight s This table lis ts the weights of the t ape librar y , tape dr ives and tra ys, and c artridges.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-4 Powe r Power Power Co rd Numbers and Recept acl es Power cord p art numbe rs are listed b y country i n the followi ng ta ble. All cords are 3 meter s (9.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-5 Power Cord Numbers and Receptacles Inst alling the P o wer Cords If your r ack has a powe r distri bution unit (P DU), plug ea ch powe r cable from the power suppl y recept acle to the P DU, and then plug th e PDU cable to the wall r eceptacle.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-6 Power Cord Numbers and Receptacles Figure A-3. Power Cablin g 1 2 3 1.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-7 Power S pecifications Powe r Specifications These t ables l ist power specifi cations for the modu les and ta pe drives.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-8 Power S pecifications.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 1 Safety and Comp lia nce This secti on cont ains three types of req uired safety a nd compliance st a.
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 2 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements Korea M I C Compliance T aiwa n ( BSM I) .
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 3 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements European Union Notice Prod ucts wi th the.
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 4 S AFE TY C AUT IO N SAFE TY CAUTION The fo l lowing ic on or cauti on statem.
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 5 Wast e Electrical a nd Electronic Equipment (WEEE) HIGH LE AKAGE CURRENT T o.
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 6 Saf ety Safety Safet y informati on can be accessed from the l eft navigation ar ea of the NT L home pag e: select N o nSto p Computing > I m p orta nt Safety Information .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x), ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x).
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x). Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.