Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto S del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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H P Non S top S- Ser ie s H ardwa re In st a lla tio n and Fa st Pa th Gui de Abstra c t This g uide is wri tten for anyone qu alified to instal l an HP NonS top™ S-ser ies server . This gui de describes how to insta ll and st art a Non S top S-seri es server fo r the first time.
Docum ent Hist o r y Part Nu mber Produ ct V ersio n Publish ed 5288 58- 001 N. A. Sept em ber 2 004 5294 43- 00 1 N.A. Dec e mbe r 20 04 5298 76- 00 1 N.
He wl ett-Pac kard Company — 541880-001 i HP NonStop S-Series Hard war e In st a llation and FastPath Gui d e Glo ssary Index Ex ampl es Figures Ta b l e s What’s N ew in This Gu ide xix Manual In.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 ii 1. Introduction (cont inued) 1. I ntrod uction (continued) Emer gency Powe r-Off Cables 1-25 About EP O Cab.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 iii 3. Cab l ing Enc losures 3. Cabl ing E nclosur es 1. Connect Powe r-On Cables 3-1 2. C onnect EPO Cab l e s 3-4 3. Connect ServerN et Cables 3-5 4. Inst alling Service-Side Doors 5.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 iv 7. I nsta lling Exte rn al Syst em Devic es 7. Inst alling External System Devices Insta lling T ape Drives.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 v 9. P erformi ng P ost-Star tup T asks (c ontinued) 9. Performing Po st-St artu p T asks (c ontinued) Compl e.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 vi 12. On line Configuration T as ks 12. Online Configuration T asks SCF 12-2 Initial CONFIG file 12-2 Subsyst.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 vii 13. Creat ing Star tup and Shutdown Files (continued) 13.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 viii 14. Case Stud y: Installing and Configur ing a System (continued) 14.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 ix B. S er ver Net C abli ng B. ServerNet Cabling What ServerNe t Cabling Dia grams Mea n B- 2 Maxi mum Server.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 x D . T roubleshooting (c ontinued) D. T roub lesho ot ing (continued) S t arting th e System D-1 0 S t artup .
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xi E. F astP ath T asks: Required E. FastPa th T asks: Requir ed 1. Install Hardware E-3 1. Inventor y S h ipment E-4 2. Collect T ools E- 6 3. Unpack and Unload S erver E-6 4.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xii F . F a stP ath T asks: Op tional F . FastPat h T asks: Optional 1. Prereq uisites F- 2 1a. V erify Requi red Configu ration C hanges F- 2 1b. Review Ini tial System C onfiguration F-2 1c.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xiii Examp les Exam p l es Exam ple D-1. SCF ST A TUS LI NE, DE T A IL Display D-22 Exam ple F-1. SCF LIS TDEV TCPI P Display F-1 3 Exam ple F-2. SCF LIS TDEV TCP 6 SAM Displ a y F-1 4 Exam ple F-3.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xiv Figures (continued) Fig ure s (continued) Fi gure 2-5. Removi ng End Piece of Pallet 2-9 Fi gure 2-6. V elcro S trip s on L oading Pal l e t 2-9 Fi gure 2-7.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xv Figures (continued) Fig ure s (continued) Fi gure 8-2. AC Power Switch fo r 5 1 9 x T a pe Drive 8- 5 Fi gure 8-3. AC Power Co r d 8-6 Fi gure 8-4. Con necting an AC P o wer Cord to an Enclosur e With No Power Shelf 8-7 Fi gure 8-5.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xvi Figures (continued) Fig ure s (continued) Fi gure C-1. Power -On Cabling: S ingle-High S tacks C-2 Fi gure C-2. Power -On Cabli ng: Mixed Singl e-High and Double-H i g h S tacks C- 3 Fi gure C-3.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xvii Figures (continued) Fig ure s (continued) Fi gure E - 12. Power -On Cables: T wo Pr ocessor Enclosure s, One I/O Enclosur e E- 12 Fi gure E - 13. Power -On Cables: T wo Pr ocessor Enclosure s, T wo I/O Enclosur es E-12 Fi gure E - 14.
Contents HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xviii T a b les (continued) Ta b l e s (c ont inued) T able B -12. T e tra 8 Ca bling: Three P r ocessor Enclosur es, T wo I/O Enclosur es B-18 T able B -13. T e tra 8 Ca bling: Three P r ocessor Enclosur es, Three I/O Enclosur es B-18 T able B -14.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xix What’ s New i n This Guide Ma n u a l In f o rm a ti o n HP NonS t op S-Ser ies Hardware Insta llation and FastPath Guide Ab stract This guide is written for an yo n e qu a lifie d to in stall an HP No nS top™ S - series server .
What’ s Ne w in Th is Guide HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xx New and Changed I nf or mation New and Changed Information This publication ha s been upda ted to incl ude inform ation about: • Disk-dr i ve enclosures ( also known as F i b re Channel d i sk modules (F CD M s)).
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xxi Abo ut Th is Gu ide This guide descr ibes how to inst all and bring up a NonS top S- series server for the fir st time.
About T his Guide HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xxii What ’ s in Th is Gui de 4 Insta llin g Se rv ic e- Side Doors Th i s secti o n describes h o w to i n stal l optiona l service- side doors o n NonS top S -series syst em enc los ures t ha t are a lready in stalle d an d cab led .
About T his Guide HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xxiii What ’ s in Th is Gui de D T r ouble shoo ting This appen d ix explai n s basic r ecovery t asks for the system a n d system c o nsole.
About T his Guide HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xxiv Where to Get Mor e In f ormation Where to Get Mor e I nfor mation Documentati on Manual s, Hot stuff me ssages, and o ther kinds of d ocument ation are a vailable in t he NonS top T echnical Libr ary (NTL) at h ttp://techlibrar y .
About T his Guide HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xxv TSM Guided Replac eme nt Procedures TSM Guided Replac emen t Procedures TSM guided re placement s procedur es are launch ed by the W indows S tart m enu (rathe r than integ rated into t he appl ication).
About T his Guide HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xxvi Notation Convent ions Not ation Conventions Hype rtext Links Blue u nderline is used to indica te a hyperte xt link within t ext. By clicking a p assage o f text w ith a blue und erline, you are t aken to the location describ ed.
About T his Guide HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xxvi i N ot ation f or Mes sages If there is no sp ace betwee n two items, sp aces are not permitte d. In thi s example, there a re no sp aces perm i t ted between th e period an d any other items: $ process-name .
About T his Guide HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 xxviii Change B ar Notation.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 1 Introdu ction This secti on summ arizes the inst allat ion pr ocess an d gives a n over vi ew of t he NonS top S-seri es system.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1-2 Installation O verview IOAM Enclo su re Cabling 1- 37 ServerNet Ca bles 1-3 7 Th e Sy s t em Co ns o.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1-3 Installation O verview Inst allat ion O ve rview Step D ocu men t ati on No tes (page 1 of 2) 1.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1-4 Installation O verview Sectio n 5, I nstal ling, S tartin g , and T e sting a Syst em C ons ole Sectio n 6, Co n necting a S ystem Console The p rimary s ystem console has a mod em an d is c on figur ed as a dia l- out point.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1-5 Installation O verview S t andard Operating Practices When you h andle a custom er-replaceable u nit.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1-6 Installation O verview Usi ng ESD Prot ect ion VST693.vsd ESD antistatic table mat. Connect to soft ground (1 megohm min t o 10 megohm max) ESD floor mat Clip 15-foot straight ground c ord to sc rew on grounded outlet c over.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1-7 Installation O verview T ools The to ols you might ne ed when i nstalling se rver compo nents incl u.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1-8 Installation O verview Inst allat ion Checklist T a sk See.. . Prepar e to ins ta ll ne w equ ipm ent . Un pac k th e en cl osur es. Co nnect th e gr oun dst rap s.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1-9 Installation O verview Shipping Packages Each enclosure or st ack of encl osures is shippe d in a shippi ng pa ckage.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 0 Installation O verview Shipping Package Specifi cations Figu re 1- 1.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 1 Installation O verview Figu r e 1-2. S hipping P ackage D imensions VST990 .vs d D o ubl e - H i g h St ac k 77.0 in 195.6 cm Single-Hi gh Stack 4 3.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 2 Installation O verview Enclosure T ypes Enclosur es can be de scribed by the i r content s, how they ar e combined, their posi tioning, how they have b een modified, an d how the y are moun ted.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 3 Installation O verview Enclosu re Positio ns System enclosures can be a rra nged in single-h igh .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 4 Installation O verview IOAM E n closure Component s An IOAM enclosure (ch assis) cont ains two m .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 5 Installation O verview enclosu re and the OS M console.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 6 Installation O verview Enc l osure Ill ustr a t ions Figu r e 1-3. B a se and S tacka ble En clo s ures W A RNI NG . Do not at temp t t o li ft a st ac kab l e en clos ure o nt o the t op of a ba se encl os ure by yourself.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 7 Installation O verview Figu r e 1-4. S EBs in a P r o cessor Enclo sure W ithout a Powe r Shelf 50 55 51 52 53 54 56 Y-Fabric SEB X-Fabric SEB VST581.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 8 Installation O verview . Figu re 1-5. MSEBs in a P rocessor Enclosu r e With a P ower Sh elf 50 55 51 52 53 54 56 X-Fabric MSEB Y-Fabric MSEB VST969.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 1 9 Installation O verview Figu r e 1-6. S ervice Si d e of I/O Enclo sure W ithout Power Shelf VST970.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 0 Installation O verview Fi gure 1-7 il lu strates the se rvice side of an I/O enclosure that ha s a power she lf. The power shelf has two DC po wer supplies that furnish po wer to the IOMF 2 CRUs in slots 50 and 55.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 1 Installation O verview Figu r e 1-8. R a ck with IOAM E nclosure (Fr ont Side) 3 8 3 9 4 0 4 1 4 .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 2 Installation O verview Figu re 1-9. R a ck Wi th IOAM Encl osure (Rear Side) VST19 7.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 3 Installation O verview Groundstrap s What Gro undstrap s Do Ground straps: • Maintain the groun.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 4 Installation O verview Power-On Cabl es Power - on cables carry the power -on signal from o ne PMF CRU or IOMF C RU to another , allowing you to power o n all system enclosu r es in a system from one push button.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 5 Installation O verview Emergency Power-Off Ca bles Emer gency power -off ( E PO) cables automa tically disconn ect electri cal power to connected equip m ent if an ele ctrical em ergency occurs.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 6 Installation O verview If a System Does Not Require EPO Cap ability If a system does not re quir e EPO capa bility , go to ServerNet Cabling on p age 1-35.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 7 Installation O verview Group, Mod ule, and Slot Hierarchy Illustration This figur e illustrates the service side and the a ppearance side of a processor encl osure: 50 55 51 52 53 54 56 Appeara nce Side Service Side Group Module Sl o t s VST721.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 8 Installation O verview Group, Mod ule, and Slot Hierarchy for I O AM Enclosures Har dware in an I.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 2 9 Installation O verview Group, Mod ule, and Slo t Hierarchy Illustrations of an IOAM Enc losure Th.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 0 Installation O verview This fi gure shows the rear of an I OAM enclosu re: 38 39 40 41 42 33 34 3.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 1 Installation O verview Ser ve r N u m be rin g an d L abe l in g A NonS top ser ver can contain up to 44 system enclosures (8 pr ocessor enclosu res and 3 6 I/O e nclosures) with a to tal of 16 processor s.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 2 Installation O verview Gro up ID Swi tche s Set g roup identification with th e two-digit ID switches, located on th e inside of system encl osures near the f ans.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 3 Installation O verview Identificatio n Labels Identification labels on the app earance side of an.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 4 Installation O verview IOAM Enclosure ServerNet Sw itch Board LCD Each Ser verNet swi t ch board .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 5 Installation O verview This fi gure shows the LCD of a S erverNet switch board. T wo line s are displayed at a tim e. Y ou can u se the scrol l buttons to move up an d down throu gh the display .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 6 Installation O verview T opol ogies System s can be configu red in two top ologies, the T etra 8 and T etra 1 6 topol ogies. Enclosur es are cabled to each other in patte rns that dep end upon the system topology .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 7 Installation O verview Other co mponent s, such as S erverNet/FX a dapters and Se rverNet/DAs , can be installed in slots 51 and 52.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 8 Installation O verview T able 1-4. ServerNet Ca ble Comp atibilities With Com p onent s Cable Connects to Port Number Port T ype ECL IOMF CRU N.A. N.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 3 9 Installation O verview Figu r e 1- 12. Po rt Numbers an d Cable Co nnection s o n an MSEB NNA Fiber-Optic PIC ServerNet ECL, Fiber-Optic, or Serial Copper PI Cs ServerNet Serial Copper ports 7 8 9 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 VST099 .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 0 Installation O verview T ypes of ServerNet Cables NonS top S-series syste ms support three kinds of ServerNe t cables: emitter-cou pled log i c (ECL), fib er-o ptic, and seri al-copp er .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 1 Installation O verview Serial-Copper Cables Seria l-copper cab les are lighter than ECL cables. Fiber-Optic Cables The Non S top S-se ries servers su pport two typ es of fiber-o ptic cable s: multimode f iber (MMF ) and si ngle-mod e fiber (S MF).
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 2 Installation O verview Fiber-Optic Cables With LC-SC Connector s For th e ServerN et Cluster pr oduct and th e IOAM enclosure s, LC-SC fiber-op tic cables are use d to connect t o the MSEBs.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 3 Installation O verview Cabl e L abels Label both end s of each cable. Figure 1- 20 sh ows a cable that c onnect s port 5 of an SEB in slot 51 of the group 01 enclosure to the ServerNet port on the IOMF CRU in slot 50 of the group 1 1 enclosure.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 4 Installation O verview Figu re 1-21. C able-Ma nagem ent Hardwar e 0 2 Ca ble Channel Cable Channel 0 1 Inner Cable- Tie Ancho r ServerNet Cables VST966.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 5 Installation O verview The System Console This su bsection descr ibes the system console, an d introdu ces terms and concept s you must und erstan d to install it.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 6 Installation O verview T he OSM Product For the G06.22 R VU , the HP Open System Mana geme nt (OS M) prod uct rep lac es TSM as the system manage ment tool of choice for NonS top S -series system s.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 7 Installation O verview Primary and Backup System Co nsoles System consoles equipp ed with m odems and confi gured as pri mary or backu p dial- out point s are refer r ed to as the pr imary and b ackup system consoles, r espectively .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 8 Installation O verview Mode ms Modem s modulate o r demodula te digit al informa tion so that i t can be t ransmitted o r recei ved over a telephone li ne.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 4 9 Installation O verview Dial-In s Dial-in cap ability let s a remote service provider access informatio n about your serv er to dia gnose hard w a re or softw are problems.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 0 Installation O verview T ab le 1 - 5. Prel oad ed and Su pp or ted H P No nSto p Sys tem Cons ole.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 1 Installation O verview W AN Wi za rd P ro A gr ap hic al u se r in te r fac e ( GU I) th at guid es y ou step -by- step thro ug h the co nf igu ratio n of w id e area n etwork (W A N ) a nd l ocal ar ea n etw ork (LAN ) softw are and ha rdwa re.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 2 Installation O verview Preconfigured IP Addresses New systems ar e shipped with p reconfigured system IP addresses fo r system maintena nce that OSM an d TSM applicatio ns use to communicate with the system.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 3 Installation O verview MSP IP addresses communicate with the master service proce ssors (MSPs) . NonS top operat i ng system IP addresses commun icate with the op erating system for the spec ified pr ocessor .
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 4 Installation O verview Sof tware Connect ions A system console can co m mun icate with a serve r using two types of sof tware connecti ons: a servi ce connection a nd a low-level link.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 5 Installation O verview System S t artup S t ar tu p a n d Shut d own Files S t artup a nd shutd own files automa te start i ng and stoppi ng all pr ocesses on the system.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 6 Installation O verview The com mand interpre ter input (CII N ) file is automa tically invoked af ter the first processor is loaded.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 7 Installation O verview PMF CRU and I OM F CRU Power-On Self-T est s When the syst em is powered on o r when a PMF CRU or IOM F CRU is initially connected to the backpl ane, a series of auto matic power- on self-t ests (POST s) ar e run on the CRU.
Introduction HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 1- 5 8 Installation O verview.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-1 2 Inst al li ng Enclosur es This secti on describ es how to unp ack new equ ipment and i n stall NonS top system encl osures. The pr ocedures in this section appl y to all type s of NonS t op S-series pr ocessor encl osures and I /O enclosures.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-2 Prepare t o Instal l New Equipm ent Prep are to I nst all New Equipment Compl ete the step s in this sectio n when your equipm ent arrives. 1.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-3 2. Prepare the Work S pac e 2. Prep are the W o rk S p ace 1. Clear t he install ation site so t hat you have room to wor k. 2. Use the Floor Plan Diagram to find the inst allation site or sites.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-4 3. Organ ize the Equipment 3. Orga nize th e Equi pment 1. Sort th e shipping cart ons into two group s: 2. Move al l the short ca rtons to the i nstallation si te.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-5 3. Organ ize the Equipment 4. Find the S ystem Imag e T ape (S IT ) and Site U p date T ape (SUT). These t apes cont ain the same files as on your system disk.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-6 Unpack the Enclosures 9. Report any m issing or damaged i tems to your servi ce provide r . 10. V er ify that you ha ve all necessary t ools. For a l ist of too l s, see To o l s o n pa ge 1 -7.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-7 Unpack the Enclosures Figu re 2-2. U np acking the Enclosur es Cardboard Cap Cardboard Panel Unloading Ramp Antistatic Bag Cardboard Panel Plastic Locki ng Clips vst987.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-8 Unpack the Enclosures 4. Open the p lastic locking cl ips th at hold the sh i p ping packa ge togethe r: a. Pinch the t abs on the cl ip together t o unlock it .
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2-9 Unpack the Enclosures 10. Remove the end pie ce and set it asi de. 1 1. Positi on the unload ing ramp a gainst the on the side from w hich you rem oved the end pi ece.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 0 Unpack the Enclosures 12. T o prevent snagg ing hazards as you move the enclosur e stack.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 1 Unpack the Enclosures 13. Using at least two peopl e, grasp the encl osu re st ack frame . Slowly roll the sta ck off the pa llet and d own the ram p: 14.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 2 Unpack the Enclosures 16. Wi t h a 3/4-inch (19-mm) or a 9/16 -inch (15- mm) open -end wrenc h, lower the four legs on the base en cl o sure: a.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 3 Connec t the Groundstraps Connect t he Groundstra p s For in formation a bout the pur pose and sp ecifications o f groundstr aps, see Ground straps o n page 1-23.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 4 Connec t the Groundstraps c. In stall the oth er end of the ground strap. d. Repeat S tep 3a throu gh S tep 3c until all system enclosures ar e linked by ground straps.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 5 Connec t the Groundstraps Figu r e 2-12.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 6 Inventory the Enclosures Inventor y the Encl osures V erify that the delivered system m atches the system you order ed.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 7 Slot Assignments for NonS top S-Series E nclosures T a b le 2-3.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 8 Slot Assignments for NonS top S-Series E nclosures Figu r e 2-14.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 1 9 Slot Assignments for NonS top S-Series E nclosures Figu r e 2-15.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 2 0 Slot Assignments for NonS top S-Series E nclosures Figu r e 2-16.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 2 1 Slot Assignments for NonS top S-Series E nclosures 1. Open the ap pearance- side enclo sure door , wit h a 4 mm (5/32 i n ch) diagona l wrench as i n Figure 2-1 8 if necessary .
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 2 2 Slot Assignments for NonS top S-Series E nclosures 2.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 2 3 Inspect the Compo nents Inspect th e Component s V ibration tha t occurs durin g shipping or when yo u move a system can sometimes dislod ge enclosure component s or loose n connections to the backplane .
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 2 4 Inspect the Compo nents c. Reinse rt the disk dr ive and simultane ously tigh ten both thumbscr ews on the facepl ate to secure the drive. Do not overtig hten the thu mbscrews.
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 2 5 Inspect the Compo nents d. Reinsert the PMF CRU or IOMF CRU until the ejectors on the C RU can be engage d into th e notches on the enclosure .
Installing Enclosures HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 2- 2 6 Inspect the Compo nents a. Check that t he ejectors on each ServerN et adap ter in the en closure are latch ed. b. If any eject ors are un l a tched, resea t the ServerNet adapter a s describ ed next.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 3-1 3 Ca b li n g Encl osu re s This section explains how to ca ble enclosures i n NonS top S - ser ie s systems with pow er-on, emerg ency powe r-of f (EPO), an d ServerN et cables.
Cabling Enclosur es HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 3-2 1. Connect Power-O n Cables 2. Insert the R J-1 1 plug on one end of a power- on cable i nto the RJ-1 1 jack on t he PMF CRU or IOMF CRU until th e tab o n the plug clicks into place.
Cabling Enclosur es HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 3-3 1. Connect Power-O n Cables Figu r e 3-1. C o n n ecting and S ecuring Pow er-On Ca b les RJ-11 Plug VST021.
Cabling Enclosur es HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 3-4 2. Connect EPO Cables 2. Connect EPO Cables 1. Conne ct the untermi nated end of an EPO cab l e to the appropr iate jun ction box or facility wiring.
Cabling Enclosur es HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 3-5 3. Connect ServerNet Cables 3. Connect ServerNet Cabl es 1. Print or photocopy th e appropr iate cabling t ables and diagram s for easy refere nce.
Cabling Enclosur es HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 3-6 3. Connect ServerNet Cables 2. Conne ct and route the S erverNet cables betw een the enclo sures and tigh ten the thumbscrew s. 3. Secure the cables to th e cable suppor ts using t he cable ties, as shown in Figu re 3-3 .
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 4-1 4 In st al li ng Service-Si d e Doors This secti on describ es how to inst all optio nal service-side doors on Non S top S-se ries system en cl o sures that a r e already insta l le d and cabled.
Inst alling Service-Side Doors HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 4-2 6. Using fou r M5 Phi l lip s screws and four M5 KE P S nuts, perf orm these st eps for each of the four moun ting ho l e s as shown in Fi gure 4 -1 .
Inst alling Service-Side Doors HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 4-3 c. Pull the Phillips screwdriver back out through the access hole in the frame. d. Use your fin gers to inst all a KE P S nut on the pr otruding end of the screw , which is in the c able channel.
Inst alling Service-Side Doors HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 4-4 Fi gure 4-4 shows a system enclosure with a service-side door installed. Figu r e 4-4. S ervic e-Side Doo r Inst alled on a S ystem Enclo sure VST003.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-1 5 Inst alli ng , S t arting, and T esti n g a System Console This section describes how t o unpack, assemb le, start , and test a syst em console.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-2 Unpacking and Ass embling a System Console Unp acking and A s sembl ing a System Console This subse ction describes how to u npack and assemble system conso l e comp onents.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-3 U np acking the System Console Y ou mig ht also receive a kit to adapt t he modem to your local telephon e service.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-4 U np acking the System Console Unp ack the System Unit Bo x 1. Open the syste m unit box an d remove any loose packing m aterial.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-5 U np acking the System Console Unp ac k the Ethernet S witch Bo x If no E thernet switch i s included with your system , the switch and ca bles are included in the OP EN FIRST box.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-6 Assem bling the System Console Assembling the S ystem Co nsole These p rocedures describ e how to assem ble the unp acked component s into a syste m console.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-7 Assem bling the System Console Connect the Mo dem Modem s are recommen ded for primar y and backup syst em consoles.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-8 S tarti ng a nd T est ing a S ystem Cons ole S t arting and T esting a System Console This subse ction describes how to p ower on a syste m console and ensur e that it is operat ing proper l y .
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5-9 V eri fying Readiness V erifying Readiness Af ter you powe r on a system console, the console e xecutes a set of startup hardware dia gnostics.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5- 1 0 Operational Consid erations for O SM and TSM Create an.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5- 1 1 Connecting Multiple System Consoles Connectin g Mul ti.
Installing, S ta rting, and T esti n g a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 5- 1 2 System Console Fu nction Keys Sy stem C onsole F unct ion Key s The keyb oard provided with a system console contains fu nction keys F1 thr ou gh F12.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 6-1 6 Connecting a System Console This sectio n describes how to c onnect a pr imary system console to the inst alled serve r and ded icated se rvice LAN by u sing Ether net cables and an Ethernet switch or Ether net hub.
Connecting a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 6-2 The De dicated Service LAN The Dedicated Servic e LAN Y ou must conn ect the system console that is being used as the prim ary system cons ole to a priva te, dedicated servi ce LAN .
Connecting a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 6-3 System Cons ole Connection to a Dedicated Service LAN Syste m Console Connecti on to a Dedicated Service LAN System consoles com municate with your NonS top se rvers thr ough a d edicated ser vice LAN.
Connecting a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 6-4 System Console Connec tion to a Secure Operations LAN Syste m Console Connecti on to .
Connecting a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 6-5 Insta lling the Et he rn et Swi tch or H ub For the part nu mber for a fer rite core, se e the P art Nu mb er s t opic of the Servi ce Informatio n section of the NTL Sup port and Ser vice Libra ry .
Connecting a System Console HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 6-6 Connect t he System Console to the Et hernet Switch or H ub Connect the System Console to th e Ethernet Switch or Hu b 1. Conne ct one end of an Ether net cab le to the 10 Base-T connecto r on th e N IC at the back of the system unit.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-1 7 In st al li ng External Syst em De vices This secti on describes how to inst all selected per ipheral devices such as tap e subsystems. Grow ing numbe r s of storage, com municati ons, and netwo rk options ar e available for NonS top S-series ser vers.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-2 Installing a 5175 O pen-Reel T ape Subs ys tem For in formation a bout wh i ch tape p roducts a re supported fo r this R VU, see the G06.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-3 Installing a 5175 O pen-Reel T ape Subs ys tem 2.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-4 Installing a 5175 O pen-Reel T ape Subs ys tem e. If you have V elcr o straps, use t hem to faste n the unl oading ra mp to the p allet.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-5 Installing a 5175 O pen-Reel T ape Subs ys tem 7. On the pede stal , lower the leg s, which ar e located next to each caster : a.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-6 Installing a 5175 O pen-Reel T ape Subs ys tem 8. Instal l the pede stal top p anel and corner cap s as shown in F igure 7- 4 : a.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-7 Installing a 5175 O pen-Reel T ape Subs ys tem c. Usi ng the SCSI cable connecto r with the l atch-clip flang es, attach the SCSI cabl e to the unca pped SCSI por t, and latch t he clips as sh own in Figure 7-5 .
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-8 Installing a 5 19x Car t ridge T ape Subs ys tem Inst alling a 519x Cartrid ge T ap e Subsystem A 519 x cartridge t ape subsy stem is a cartridge t ape drive in a modul e on a sto r age pedest al as sh own in Figur e 7-7 .
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7-9 Installing a 5 19x Car t ridge T ape Subs ys tem About Inst alling a 519X T ape Su b system • For infor mation on u npacking a nd installi ng the 51 9x tape d r ives, see the 5190/5194 Modular T ape S ubsystem Manual .
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 0 Installing a 5 19x Car t ridge T ape Subs ys tem Inst alling a 519X T ap e Su bsystem 1. Connect the S CSI cable to the tape sub system.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 1 Installing a 5 19x Car t ridge T ape Subs ys tem a. Find the uncap ped SCS I port at th e rear of the tape drive CRU. The uncapp ed port i s the SCSI p ort that do es not have a S CSI terminat or instal led.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 2 Installing Other T ape Devices Inst alling Other T ape Devices T opic S ubs y s tem Manual s (pag e 1 of 3) 4400 Aut oma ted ca rt rid ge system (AC S) t ape libra ry Docu men tation is ship ped wi th th e t ape library .
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 3 Installing Other T ape Devices 9840 (C T984 0-1) Cart ridge tape driv e .
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 4 Installing Other T ape Devices If thi s document ation coll ection does not conta in the manua l for your t ape li brary , conta ct your servi ce provid er .
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 5 Installing F ibre Chann el T ape De vices Using an IO AM En cl o s ur e .
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 6 Installing a SW AN or SW AN 2 Concentrator • NonS top S700 0, S7400, S70000, and S72 000 PMF CRUs and IOM F CRU s are eq uipped w i t h an extern al SCSI passth rough ter minator .
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 7 Installing an A W AN Ser ver Inst alli ng an A W AN Ser ver The two majo.
Installing Exter nal Sy stem D e vi ces HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 7- 1 8 Ins t allin g Pr inter s and T e r min als Co nfig uri ng h os ts and pr.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-1 8 Powerin g On and S t arti ng the System This section describes how t o power on NonS top S-series syste m enclosures , how to power on external de vi c es, and how to start the system .
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-2 S tarting a S ys tem for the First T ime S t arting a Syst em for the First T ime S t artup C hecklist 1.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-3 Powerin g On Exte rna l Syst em Devices 7. Configu re the serve r component s of the OS M or TSM so ftware p ackage. T o configu r e and start OSM serv er processes, see the OSM Mig ration Guide .
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-4 Poweri ng On the T ape S ubsy stem 6. Close the back pan el of the 517 5 module, pu shing at the t op to seat the fasteners. 7.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-5 Powering On the System 5. Close the rear beze l door of th e 519x modu le. 6. If the t ape subsystem i n cludes an automatic ca rtridge load er (ACL), install the cleaning cartridge in the ACL.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-6 Power-On Procedure Us ing AC Power Cords Power -On P rocedure Using AC Power Cords 1. Find the de tachable A C p ower cords included with your system.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-7 Power-On Procedure Us ing AC Power Cords • For e nclosures that have power sh elves, the A C power cords a re shipped preconn ected to the power shelves.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-8 Power-On Procedure Us ing AC Power Cords 2. When yo u ar e ready to p ower on the system, p lug the AC p ower cords for the enclosu res into the d esignated AC rece ptacl es indicated on the Floor Plan Diagra m.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8-9 Power-On Procedure Us ing AC Power Cords 3.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 0 S tatus LEDs During a Power-On Procedure g. Check all object s with redu ndant power cord s to be sure t hat they are still operat ing.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 1 S tatus LEDs During a Power-On Procedure SEB o r MS EB Power- on Gr ee n L ights w hen the S EB or M SE B is po wer ed on successf u ll y .
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 2 T roub leshooting Abnorm al LED S tates T ro uble shooti ng Abnor mal L ED S t at es Hardware or soft ware faults ca n p re ve n t the green power-on LED on a CRU fr o m lighting when power is applied.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 3 T roub leshooting Abnorm al LED S tates IOMF CRU A mber servi ce LED is lit. With the O S M or TSM Event Viewer , check t h e EMS log fi les for p ertinent e vent messages .
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 4 V erifying T o pology and S ystem Compo nents V erifying T opology and .
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 5 V erifying T o pology and S ystem Compo nents . 5. V er ify that the system topology is set corr ectly by referr i n g to the T opology a ttribute in the details p ane.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 6 V erifying T o pology and S ystem Compo nents If the T opology attr i bute value (T etra 8 or T etra 16) d oes not match the system configuration , you must r eset the topology bef ore loading t he system.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 7 V erifying T o pology and S ystem Compo nents a. Run the SP T ool Applic ation: • T o start the SP T ool Applicatio n independe ntly: 1.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 8 S tarting the System S t arting the System S t arting th e system requires loa ding the NonS to p operating system into the mem o r y o f each pr ocessor in the server .
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 1 9 Loading the System 3. In the Syst em S tar tup dialog bo x, click St art system . The syste m load begins. If you want to stop the system startup process, click Abort in the S ystem S t artup dialog box.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 2 0 Loading the System If one or m ore of the startu p event strea m windows or star tup T ACL wind ows does not launch on the system con sole afte r a few minute s, you must connect to MSP 1 within ea ch window .
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 2 1 Comple t ing the System Lo ad Completin g the System Load T o complete the system load, the pr o cessors must be relo aded.
Powering On and S tart i ng the System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 8- 2 2 V e rifying the System Is S tarted c. Cl ose the Proce ssor S ta tus dialog box. 2. V er ify that the Non S top opera ting system is working pro perly: a.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-1 9 Perfor ming Post-S t artup T asks This section describes the tasks that you m ust perform after the Non S top S-se ries server has been pow ered up and started .
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-2 Check Power Supplies Check P o wer Sup p lies Ensur e that all pow er supplie s a.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-3 Check Sy stem En c l osure Compo nent s Figu r e 9-1.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-4 Check Sy stem En c l osure Compo nent s 5. In the vi ew pane , double-click the group 1 e nclosure ( GRP-1 ). The Physi cal view of the encl osure appea rs.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-5 Check Sy stem En c l osure Compo nent s 6. In the vi ew pane , verify that no component s in the en closure appear with a red or yellow icon .
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-6 Check Critical System Proces ses 10.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-7 Check Di s k Subsy s tem S tatus 4. V er ify that the LI S T DE V display i ncludes all proce sses shown in thi s example. If any of these processes do n ot appear in the displ ay , contact your servi ce provider .
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-8 T est the Disk Drives T est t he Disk Drives Y ou should test d isk drives wheneve r you insta ll a new system, replace a disk drive, or add a d isk drive: 1.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9-9 T est the Disk Drives The foll owing exa mple show s the listing for the disk from the exam ple i n S tep 3 afte r the p ath has been successfully s w itch ed: c.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9- 1 0 T est the Communications Lines g. Return th e preferred p aths and the primar y processor for this di sk to their ori ginal sta tes by enter ing the fo llowing com mands.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9- 1 1 Chec k T ape Subsystem S tatus Check T ape Su b system St atus OSM, T SM, and oth er utilities do no t test tap e libra ries.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9- 1 2 Completing Final Installation S teps • The BACKUP and RE S T ORE utilities test t he status of tape drives. See the Guardian Disk an d T ape Utilities Reference Manua l .
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9- 1 3 Syste m Configuration Chan ges and V erifications Sy stem C onfigur atio n Change s and V erifi c ati ons T a b le 9-1.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9- 1 4 Restarting the Inspect Monitor P roc ess Rest arting the Inspect Monitor Proce.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9- 1 5 Preparing for Daily Operations Pre p aring for Daily Operati ons If the ne w system is runn i n g properly , yo u can now prep are it for d aily operations.
Performing Post-S tartup T asks HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 9- 1 6 Configuring the OSM or TSM Environment Configur ing the O SM or TSM E n vironm.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 1 10 Configuring the System This section describes how t o configure system co nsoles and NonS top S-seri es servers i n several ways.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 2 Se t u p Co nf i gur at io n Prof essional operating syste m, see the Non S top System Conso le Guide for Migrat i ng to Mi crosof t Window s XP Professiona l .
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 3 Operating Con figuration Do not use the setup con figuration as your working configur ation.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 4 Create the Operating Con figuration 1. If the backup system console is n ot unpa cked, see Unp acking and A ssembling a System Con sole on pa ge 5-2.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 5 Create the Operating Con figuration T o maint ain EMC compliance in NonS top S -series systems, E th ern et cables must be equi pped with a fe rrite suppr ession compon ent.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 6 Add a System Console to the Operating Configuration 6.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 7 Add a System Console to the Operating Configuration Befor e you add a system console to the operating co nfiguration: • Install the primary and backu p system console s and the two Ethe rnet swi t ches or hubs.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 8 Add a Serve r to t he Operat ing Configuration 5. Conne ct the other end of this E thernet cabl e to any port on a n Ether net switch or hub except th e cascade por t.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 9 Add a Serve r to t he Operat ing Configuration • Because a ll servers are shipped w .
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 10 Create a Cascading Ethe rnet Switch Con figuration 5. Conne ct the ferrite -bead end of another E t hernet cable to the Et hernet por t on the PMF CRU in slot 55 o f group 01 of the server you are adding.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 1 1 Create a Cascading Ethe rnet Switch Con figuration Procedure This pr ocedure to c on.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 12 Add a System Consol e to the Cascading Ethernet Switc hes 4. Conne ct a three-foot E thernet ca ble, provided with the switch or hub, f rom the cascade por t of Switch 2 to any p ort on Sw i t ch 4 except the cascade port .
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 13 Unattended S ite Configuration Unattended Sit e Conf igur ation An un attended site c.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 14 Add a Server to an Unattended Site Configuration Procedure 1. At the cen tra l site, install the system console to be used for mon itoring the unattended site.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 15 Secure O perations LA N Configuration Secure Operat ions LAN Conf iguration A secur e.
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 16 Cons t ruct a Secure O perations LA N Configuration Figu re 10-1 1 .
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 17 Cons t ruct a Secure O perations LA N Configuration Procedure 1. Connect the syst em console to the operat i o ns LAN as shown in Figure 10-1 1 .
Configuring t he System HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 10 - 18 Cons t ruct a Secure O perations LA N Configuration For TSM: 1. W ait 30 m inutes to ensur e that the server has ex ecuted the ch anges in the TSMINI file for TSM.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 11 - 1 11 Of fline Configurat ion T asks This section describes of fline configuration tasks, which ch ange sof twar e or hardware configura tions and re quir e the system to b e shut down.
Offline Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 11 - 2 Appl ication Reconf iguration Applicat ion Reconfiguration Reco nfiguring an application can sometim es require t hat the applica tion be ta ken off line.
Offline Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 11 - 3 Changing System Name, System Numb er , or Time Attr ib utes Changing Syst em Name,.
Offline Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 11 - 4 C hangin g the CONFTEX T File.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 1 12 Online Config ur ati o n T asks This section describes how t o configure your syste m online using the S ubsystem Control F a cili ty ( SCF) , Kernel-Managed S wap Facility (KMSF), O S M , and TSM, and how to create a n alternate $S YS TEM disk.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 2 SCF SCF The Subsyste m Control Facility (SCF) configu res, controls, and collects infor m ation about su bsystems and th e objects ( devices, subde vi ces, pro cesses, and so f orth) belonging to each subsyste m.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 3 Subsyst e ms i n G-Series R VUs Subsystems in G-Seri es R V Us A system r u nning a.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 4 Gener ic Proc esses Each su bsystem manager or monitor pro cess is starte d by the .
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 5 Making Impor tan t Proce sses P ersistent Making Import ant Pro cesses Persi sten t.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 6 T ypes of S ystem Conf iguration Files T ypes of System Configuration Files On systems running G-series R VUs: • Most I/O pr ocesses are not pre built by SYSGENR.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 7 T ypes of S ystem Conf iguration Files This figur e illustrates the dif ferences a mong the ty pes of system configur ation files. Figu re 12-2.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 8 KMS F KMSF Kern el-manage d swap spa ce manages vir tual memor y using sw ap files controll ed by the ope rating system.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 9 The OS M and TS M Pac kages The OSM and TSM Pack ages The OS M and TSM package s are collections o f softw are product s that pro vide troubl eshooting , maintenance , and service t ools.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 10 Creating an Alter nate Syste m Disk Cre ating an Alt ernate System Disk Reasons to create an a l t ernate system disk includ e: • Minimizing unp lanned out age minute s by having an a lternate system disk configu r ed as a backup.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 11 1. Cho ose the T arge t Disk an d Plan Its Space a nd File s 1. Choose the T arget Disk and Plan It s Sp a ce and Files The t arget disk i s the disk that will beco m e the alternate system disk.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 12 2. V erify That t he T arg et Disk Is P resent 2. V erify That the T arget Disk Is Present Use SC F to verify that the tar get disk you have chosen is physical ly presen t on the system.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 13 4. Change the Label of t he T a rget Disk 4. Change the Label of th e T arg et Disk Use SC F to change th e label o f the ta rget disk.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 14 5. Create a New Syste m V olume and a System Image T ape (SIT) 5. Create a New Syst em V olume an d a System Image T ap e (S IT) Create a new system volum e and a system imag e tape (SIT) for the t arget disk.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 15 7. V er ify the Installation of Boot Millicode on the Ta r g e t D i s k 7.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 16 8. Copy Subv o lumes to the T arg et Disk 8. Copy Subvolumes to the T arget Disk Y ou mi ght want to copy these subvolumes to the ta rget disk.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 17 Create a Command File Create a Command File A com mand file can automate th e task of reconfiguring paths th at have been stopped or de leted.
Online Configuration T ask s HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 12 - 18 Create a Command File 4. Edit thi s log file to cr eate a comm and file : • Rem ove the top lin e (the INFO command) . • Rem ove the bott om line (the LOG comman d).
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 1 13 Creating St artup and Shut down Files This secti on describes com mand files tha t automatical ly star t and shut do wn a Non S top S-seri es server .
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 2 Automating Sy stem Star tup and Shut down Automating System S t artup an.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 3 Processes That Represent the System Console Processes That Represent t he System Console On NonS top S-series servers, the system console is a p air of windows on a LAN- connected system console.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 4 $ZHOM E Alter native • Because $ ZHOME act s as a re liable ho me termina l designe d to interact wi th the system console, $YMIOP .
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 5 Example Co mmand Files Example Command Files This sect ion d escribes an.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 6 CIIN File CII N F ile The CIIN file cont ains a limi ted set of comman ds that usuall y: • S t art a T ACL pro cess pair on the system console fo r the system console T ACL window ( $YMIOP .
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 7 Modi fying a CIIN Fi l e Modi fying a CI IN Fil e Af ter the CIIN file is established on $SYST E M .SYS nn (as part o f running D SM/SCM) , you can modify the conte nts of SYS nn .
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 8 Exam ple CIIN Files Exam p le CIIN Files This exam ple CIIN file does not i nclude a pe rsistent CLCI T ACL process. Comment -- This is the initial command input (CIIN) file for the system.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 9 Tips for Star tup Files Comment -- for the startup TACL before issuing this command (see the Comment -- Start Terminal Emulator command under the File menu).
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 10 Star tup F ile Examp les S t artup File Examples Y ou can implem ent the system startup seque nce with a collection of startu p files, each with a specific purpo se.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 11 System Star tup Fil e Comment -- If you have used SCF to start a persis.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 12 Spooler War m-Star t File S pooler W arm-St art Fi l e This exam ple comman d file warm st arts t he spooler . Af ter the spo oler has bee n brought up, the prin ter devices shou ld be in the W AITING state .
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 13 TCP/IP St ac k Configuration an d Star tup File • TCP/IP Configuratio.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 14 TCP/IP St ac k Configuration an d Star tup File SCF /INLINE, OUT [#MYTE.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 15 CP6100 Lines St art up File CP6100 Lines St artu p File This exam ple show s an SCF comma nd file that st arts the CP6100 lines associa ted with t he SW AN con centrator $Z ZW AN.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 16 Pri nte r Line Star t up File Pr in ter Li ne S t art up File This example sho ws an SCF comma nd file th at start s a print er line associated with the SW A N con centrator $ZZW AN.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 17 Tips f or Shutdown Files T ip s for Shut down Fi les HP re commends th .
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 18 System Sh utdown File Sy s t em Shut down File This exam ple shows a T ACL com mand file tha t shuts do w n the syst em softwa re and invokes othe r shutd own files.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 19 C P6100 Lines Sh utdown File CP6100 Lines Sh u t down F ile This exam ple show s an SCF co mmand file th at stops t he A TP6100 lines associat ed with t he SW AN con centrator $Z ZW AN.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 20 Pr inter Line Shutdown File Pr in ter Li ne Shu t d own File This example sho ws an SCF co mmand fil e that stops t he pri nter line associat ed with the S WA N concentrat or $ZZW AN.
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 21 Spooler Shutdown Fi l e S poole r Sh ut down File This example sho ws a T AC L command fil e that drain s the spooler .
Creating Star tup an d Shutdown F il es HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 13 - 22 Addi ng Super-Group Us er IDs.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 1 14 Case S tudy: Inst alling and Configuring a System This section document s the inst allation and configura tion of a NonS top S7000 system for a fictitio us compa ny .
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 2 Abou t These Examp les About These Examples Note the followi ng about the exam ples in th is appendix: • This case stud y does not doc ument the fa ctory-inst alled con figuration.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 3 Background f or Dev elopers Inc. Background f or Developer s Inc. Deve lopers Inc., a ficti tious softwar e developm ent comp any , plans to ad d a NonS top S700 0 system to the ir development envir onment.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 4 Hardware Configuration Hardwar e Configurati on The ha rdware.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 5 Case Study: Installation Do c ument Checklist Case S tudy : Inst allation Document Checklist VST233.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 6 Case Stud y: System Equipment Inv en tor y Form Case S tudy : System Equ ipmen t Invento ry Form VST229.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 7 Case Study: Enclos ure Arrangement Di agr am Case S tudy : Enclosure Arrangement Diagram VST202.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 8 Case Study: Floor Plan Case Study: Floor P l an PO WE R RECE .
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 9 Case Study: Preinstalled I/O Dev i ce Cable Chec k list Case .
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 10 Case Study: Group 01 Syst em Enclosure Checklist Case S tudy : Group 01 System Enclosure Checkli st VST203.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 1 1 Case Study: Group 01 Slot 50 PMF CRU Configuration F or m Case Study: Group 01 Slot 50 P MF CRU Co nfiguration Form 207 VST .
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 12 Case Study: Group 01 Slot 55 PMF CRU Configuration F or m Case Study: Group 01 Slot 55 P MF CRU Co nfiguration Form VST209.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 13 Case Study : Group 0 1 Slot 53 E4SA Configuration Fo r m Cas.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 14 Case Study : Group 0 1 Slot 54 E4SA Configuration Fo r m Cas.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 15 Case Study: Group 02 Syst em Enclosure Checklist Case S tudy : Group 02 System Enclosure Checkli st VST205.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 16 Case Study: Group 02 Slot 50 PMF CRU Configuration F or m Case Study: Group 02 Slot 50 P MF CRU Co nfiguration Form VST211.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 17 Case Study: Group 02 Slot 55 PMF CRU Configuration F or m Case Study: Group 02 Slot 55 P MF CRU Co nfiguration Form VST213.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 18 Case Study : Group 0 2 Slot 53 E4SA Configuration Fo r m Cas.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 19 Case Study : Group 0 2 Slot 54 E4SA Configuration Fo r m Case S tudy : Group 02 S lot 54 E4SA Configuration Form VST239.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 20 System Configuration: CONFTEX T File System Configuration: CONFTEXT File This exam ple show s the CONFTEX T fil e for Case 1.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 21 Registr y of IP Addresses Registry of I P Addresses for Developers Inc. IP Addre ss Purpose 192. 23 1.36 .1 S yste m co ns o le 192.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 22 Installing the System Inst alli ng the System The inst allers at Deve lopers Inc. installed the system as i t was shipped fr om th e factory .
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 23 Addi ng Ether net 4 ServerNet Adapte rs (E4SAs) Adding Ether.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 24 Adding ConMgr Process == Add the LIFs associated with the PIFs ADD LIF L028, PIF E0253.0.A ADD LIF L029, PIF E0253.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 25 Configur ing NonSt op TCP/IP Stacks on E4SA P or t s Configu.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 26 Configur ing NonSt op TCP/IP Stacks on E4SA P or t s |THEN| .
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 27 Adding P e rsistent CLCI T ACL, Expand Manager , and SCP Pro.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 28 Addin g a SW AN Concent r ator Adding a S W AN Co ncentrator This exam ple cont ains an SCF command file that adds a S W AN concentr ator to the confi guration da tabase.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 29 Addin g CP6100 Li nes Adding CP6100 Lines This exam ple cont ains an SCF command file that adds tw o CP6100 li nes associated with t he SW AN con centrator $Z ZW AN.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 30 Adding an A T P 6100 Line Adding an A TP610 0 Line This example con tains an SC F command file that adds an A TP6100 li ne associated with t he SW AN con centrator $Z ZW AN.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 31 Add ing a 5516 Pr inter Adding a 5516 Prin ter This example con tains an SC F command file that adds a 5 516 printer associated w ith the S WA N concentrat or $ZZW AN.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 32 Adding an X.25 Line Adding an X.25 Line This exam ple cont ains an SCF command file that adds an X.25 line asso ciated with the S WA N concentrat or $ZZW AN.
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 33 Configuring and S tart ing the $ NCP Network Control Proces .
Case S tudy: Installing and Con fi guring a System HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 14 - 34 Adding a Direct-Connec t Line Adding a Direct-Connect L ine This example con tains an SC F command file that adds a d irect-connect line and a star tup file.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 A-1 A Pa rt Num bers For a ll pa rt numbers, see: • The Su pport and Ser vice Libr ary . For t he locatio n of the Suppo rt and S ervice Libra ry , see Sup port and Ser vice Libr ary on p age xxiv.
Part Numbers HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 A-2.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-1 B Server Net C a b l ing This appendix con tains S erverNet cab l in g diagrams and tab l e s for maximu m T e tra 8 and T etra 16 configurations. It also co ntains diag rams and t ables for selected smal ler confi gurations.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-2 W hat ServerNet Cab ling Di agrams Mean What ServerNet Cabli ng Diagrams Mean Figu r e B-1.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-3 W hat ServerNet Cab ling Di agrams Mean Figu r e B-2. Correlat ion Betwe en Server Net Cable Dia gram and T wo Enclo sures Group 25 IOMF 50 4 6 1 2 3 6 5 43 21 SEB 51 SEB 53 PM F 50 G roup 02 5 Group 02, SEB 53, Port 5 Group 25, Sl ot 50 VST009.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-4 Maximum ServerNet Co nfigurations Maximum ServerNet Configurat ions Fi gure B-3.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-5 Maximum ServerNet Co nfigurations Figu r e B-4.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-6 Maximum ServerNet Co nfigurations Figu r e B-5.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-7 Maximum ServerNet Cabling T ab les Maximum ServerNet Cabling T ables Each t able in this section de scribes the Serve rNet cable conn ections f or the specified encl osures in the maximum top ology .
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-8 T et ra 8 Cabli ng T ab les T etra 8 Cabling T a bles Ta b l e Pa ge Maxi m um T etra 8 Se rverN e t Cabli ng, Pr oce sso r En c los u res B-8 Maximum T etr a 8 Server Ne t Cabling , I/O Enclosure s B-9 T a ble B - 1.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B-9 T et ra 8 Cabli ng T ab les T able B - 2. Maximum T etra 8 Serve rNet Cabling, I/O Enclosures F.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 0 T et ra 16 Cabli ng T ab les T etra 16 Cabling T ables Ta b l e Pa ge Ma ximu m T et ra 16 Se rver Net Cabl in g, Proce sso r En clos ur es B-10 Maximum T etr a 16 ServerNe t Cabling, I/O Enclosures B-1 1 T a b le B - 3.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 1 T et ra 16 Cabli ng T ab les 04 52 1 03 52 1 04 51 5 08 51 5 04 52 5 08 52 5 05 51 5 01 51 5 05 52 5 01 52 5 06 51 5 02 51 5 06 52 5 02 52 5 07 51 5 03 51 5 07 52 5 03 52 5 08 51 5 04 51 5 08 52 5 04 52 5 T able B - 4.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 2 T et ra 16 Cabli ng T ab les 31 55 03 54 1 32 50 03 53 2 32 55 03 54 2 33 50 03 53 3 33 55 0.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 3 T et ra 16 Cabli ng T ab les 64 55 06 52 4 71 50 07 51 1 71 55 07 52 1 72 50 07 51 2 72 55 0.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 4 Small T etra 8 Systems Small T etra 8 Syst em s This subsection pr ovides ServerN et cabling t ables and diagrams fo r selected sma ll T etra 8 confi gurations.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 5 T etra 8 S ystems With O ne Processor Enclosure T etra 8 Systems With One Processor Enclosur.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 6 T et ra 8 S ystem s With T wo Processor Enclosures T etra 8 Systems With T wo Pro cesso r En.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 7 T etra 8 S ys tems With Three Processor Enc losures T etra 8 Systems With Three Processor Enclosures Three Pro cessor Enclosures, N o I/O Enclo su res Three P rocessor En cl osures, One I/O En cl osure Figu r e B-6.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 8 T etra 8 S ys tems With Three Processor Enc losures Three Processor Enclosures, T wo I/O Enc.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 1 9 T etra 8 S ys tems With Three Processor Enc losures 02 51 S erve rN et 3 03 51 Serve rNet 3 .
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 0 T etra 8 S ys tems With Three Processor Enc losures Three Processor Enclosures, Six I/O Enclosur e s Figu r e B-7. T etra 8 Cab ling: Three P rocessor Enclosures , Six I/O En clo s ures VST800.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 1 T e tra 8 Systems With Four Processor Enclosures T etra 8 Systems W ith Four P rocessor Enclosures Four P ro cessor En cl osures, No I/O En closures Four P ro cessor En closures, On e I/O En closure T able B - 14.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 2 T e tra 8 Systems With Four Processor Enclosures F our Pr o cesso r Encl osures , T wo I /O .
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 3 T e tra 8 Systems With Four Processor Enclosures Four P ro cessor En closures, Four I/O Encl.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 4 T e tra 8 Systems With Four Processor Enclosures 21 ( I/O ) 55 02 52 Serve rNet 5 03 51 S er.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 5 Sm all T et ra 16 S ystems Small T etra 16 Syst em s Ab ou t Th i s Inf orm a t io n • Y ou do not have to confo rm to one of these enclo sure configur ations.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 6 T etra 16 Systems With Four Processor Enclosures T etra 16 Systems W ith Four P rocessor En closures Figu r e B-8. T etr a 16 Cabling: Four P roc essor Enc los ures, X Fa bric VST740.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 7 T etra 16 Systems With Four Processor Enclosures Figu r e B-9.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 8 T etra 16 Systems With Six Pr oces so r Enclo su re s T etra 16 Syst ems With Si x Processor Enclosures Figu r e B-10. T etr a 16 Cabling: S ix Processo r Enclo su res, X Fabr ic VST742.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 2 9 T etra 16 Systems With Six Pr oces so r Enclo su re s Figu r e B-1 1. T e t r a 16 Cabling: Six Proc essor Encl o su r e s, Y Fabric VST743.vsd Not e: T hi s illu s tr ati o n shows th e maxi mum possible num ber of I/O enc l osures.
ServerNet Cabling HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 B- 3 0 T etra 16 Systems With Six Pr oces so r Enclo su re s.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-1 C Power -On Cabl ing This section pro vi d es power-on cabling diagrams fo r selected larg e and small er Serve rNet configur ations.
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-2 Figure C-1. Power-On Cablin g: Single-High St acks VST805.
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-3 Figure C-2. Power-On Cablin g: Mixed S in gle-High and Do uble-High S tack s VST806.
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-4 Figu r e C-3. Power-On Cab ling: Multiple -Row System s Diagonal cross-r ow cabling is possible if cable length permits .
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-5 Figu r e C-4. Power-On Cab le: One Pr o cesso r Encl o su r e Figu r e C-5. Power-On Cab les: One Pro cessor Enclos ure, One I/O E nclosure Figu r e C-6.
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-6 Figu r e C-7. Power-On Cab les: T wo Processo r Enclosur es, No I/O Enc lo sures Figu r e C-8. Power-On Cab les: T wo Processo r Enclosur es, One I/O Enclosure Figu r e C-9.
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-7 Figu r e C-10. Power- On C a bles: Thr ee Process o r Enclosures, No I/O En clo s ures Figu r e C-1 1. Powe r-On Cables: Three Pro cessor Enclos u res, One I/O E nclosure Figu r e C-12.
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-8 Figu r e C-13. Power- On Cables: T hree Process or Enclo su res, Three I/O En clo s ur es Figu r e C-14. Power-On C a bles: Fou r P r o cessor Enclo su r es, No I/O En closures Figu r e C-15.
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C-9 Figu r e C-17. Power-On Cables: F our Proces sor Enclosures, Three I/O En clo s ur es Figu r e C-18. Power-On C ables: F our Proces so r Enclosures, Four I/O E n closures VST142.
P ower-On Cabling HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 C- 1 0.
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-1 D T ro ubleshooting This app endix explains basic recovery tasks fo r the system and syste m console. Note. F or trou blesho otin g an IOAM enc lo sure, F ib re Ch an nel D is k M o dule (F C D M ) s , or ES Ss, con ta c t your s er vic e pr o v i der .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-2 Reference Reference Pow er St ates This table su mmarizes th e NonS to p S-series server powe r-on, powe r-off , and pow er- fail/reco very st ates .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-3 Power S t ates The system is oper a ting nor mal ly . Th e ba tte ries ar e con necte d, e nable d, and cha rged. AC p ow e r fails fo r les s than 3 0 seconds.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-4 S tatus LEDs Stat u s L E D s Location LED Name Color Function (pag e 1 of 2) Di s k dr iv e CRU Pow er- on Gre en Li ght s wh en t he disk dr ive is rece ivi ng p owe r .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-5 Powering On the System Powering On the System PMF CRU Power-on Green Light s when the PMF CRU is receivin g power .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-6 System Does Not Appear to Be Powered On System Does No t Appear to Be Powered On 1.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-7 Power Is Applied to Enclosure But Fans Are Not Tu rn i n g b. Press and h old the power -on push bu tton for at least one secon d. 3. If the system stil l ca nnot be po w e r ed on, conta ct your service provider .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-8 Any Green LE D Is Not Lit Any Green LED I s Not L it 1.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D-9 Any Ambe r LE D Rema i n s L i t Af ter POS T Any Amber LED R emains Lit Af ter POST A fau l t might have b een detected , or the com ponent mig ht not have b een correct l y initial ized and configured: 1.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 0 S tarting the System S t arting the System S t artup Event Stream and S t artup T ACL W indow s Do Not App ear 1. Log on to t he OSM o r TSM Low-Level Link.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 1 Sys tem Load Fa ils Sy s t e m Loa d Fails If a system load is not succe ssful or if the syste m halts: 1.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 2 CIIN File Is Not Inv oked During System S tartup 2.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 3 Reload Fa ils Reload Fails If a relo ad is not successfu l : 1.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 4 CPU Memory T est F a ils CPU Memory T est Fails The CPU mem or y test checks the system main memory . If the CPU memory test finishes successfully , the boot millicode start s the system load p ath test.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 5 Multifunction I/O Board (MFIOB) T est F a ils Mu l t if u n cti on I/ O B o ar d ( M FIO B) T est Fail s The multifun ction I/O board (MFIO B) test checks the MFIOB.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 6 Dumpi ng Processor M emory Dumping Processor Memory Y ou can dump (copy) the contents of processor memory to disk or ta pe. Y our service provider can then use the memory du mp to troubleshoo t your system.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 7 D umping Processor Me mory to Disk O nli ne Prerequisites Befor e you perf orm a processor dump to disk: • If dumpfile already exists, it must be em pty .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 8 D umping Processor Me mory to Disk O nli ne • If dumpfile does not exi st, RCVDUMP cr eates it. • If dumpfile already exist s, it must be empty .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 1 9 D umping Processor Me mory to Disk O nli ne If a message indicate s that the dump was n ot successful, re peat S t ep 7 over th e other S erverNet fab ric.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 0 Du mp i ng Pro ce ssor Me mory to T a pe Of fline Dumping Processor Memo ry to T ape Offl ine System s r unning G-series R VUs supp or t tape dum p only on do w n systems, which means th at all processo rs in the system must be halted.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 1 Du mp i ng Pro ce ssor Me mory to T a pe Of fline 7. In the Pr ocessor S tatus dialog box: a. When all pr ocessors are halted, sel ect the pro cessor you want to dump to t ape.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 2 Expand-Over-IP Co nnections Exp and-Over-IP Connections Y ou can diagnose most E xp and-o ver-IP p roblems using information provide d by the Exp and subsystem SC F ST A TUS LINE command with th e DET AIL option .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 3 Expand-Over-IP Co nnections P AS SIV E If th e Ex pa nd-ov er -IP lin e-han dler pro ces s i.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 4 R ecovery Actions for the CONNE CT ING S tate Recovery Act i ons for t h e CONNE CTING St at.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 5 Re co ver y A cti on s f or the WA IT Stat e For ca use, eff ect, and reco very inform ation for the events g enerated b y the Exp and subsystem, see the Oper ator Messa ges Manual .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 6 Backing O ut a Soft wa re Revision Backing Out a Sof tware Revision If you en counter pr oblems, you can back out fro m the current so ftwa re revision to a previous r evision.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 7 2. S tart and Log On to T arget Interface 2. S t a r t and Lo g On to T arg et Interface 1. S t art the T arget In terface at th e T ACL pr ompt: > RUN ZPHITI The T arget Inte rface Logon Menu app ears.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 8 4. Monitor Back out Process 4. Monitor Backout Process 1. From a system console, go to th e task m enu bar and select Start > Pr ogra ms > Dsmscm > DSMSCM .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 2 9 6. Rename S of tware Files Using ZPHIRNM 6. Rename Sof tware F iles Us ing ZPHI R NM 1. Enter t he following command u sing the S Y S nn for the so ftware co nfiguration yo u are backi ng out to: > RUN ZPHIRNM $DSMSCM.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 0 8. Load Sy stem From Saved Configuration 8.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 1 Sy st em C ons ol es System Consoles Y our new system console is shipped with the Microsoft Windows XP P rofessiona l operat i ng system alre ady installed.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 2 Sy st em C ons ol es Connectivity P robl ems Con nectivity refers to the connec tions, or inter faces, between the devices and compone nts of a system.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 3 Sy st em C ons ol es Mouse I s Inoperative T a b le D - 3. M ouse Is Inop erative Symp to m R ecove ry Mo v i ng th e mo u se or clicki n g its bu tto ns has no ef fect.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 4 Sy st em C ons ol es Monitor Screen Is Blank T a ble D - 4. Mo nitor Scre en I s Bl ank Symp to m Rec ove ry The displ a y monitor screen appear s as if it is switch e d off.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 5 Sy st em C ons ol es Sys t e m Unit Is Inope r a t ive T able D - 5.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 6 Software Configuration Problem s Sof twa re Con figu ration Pr oblems When you encount er a sof tware prob l e m, first see th e applica tion documen tation to ensure that you are using t he softwar e properl y .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 7 Software Co r rup ti on an d Hard-Disk P roblems Sof twar e Corr uptio n and Ha rd-Di sk P r.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 8 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk Res t ori ng So f tware on the Hard D i s k If one o r.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 3 9 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk Inst all Operating System and Configure System Console.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 0 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk 14. C lic k I acc ep t th i s agr e emen t .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 1 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk 32. V e rify th at th e Wo rk gr oup fi eld conta ins Workgroup. Click Ne x t . Click Finis h . The Com plet ing Net work Conf i gura tio n scr een ap pear s.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 2 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk 52. S ele ct Do not a llow virtual private connectio ns . Cl ick Next. Th e Al lowe d Users s c re en a pp ears .
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 3 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk Configure the System Cons ole Set Up Date and Time T able T ask Pag e Ta b l e D - 9 Set Up D a te and T ime D-43 Ta b l e D - 1 0 Set Event Log Settings D-44 T able D-9.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 4 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk Set Event Log Settings This step is requ ired because OSM or TSM ge nerates ma ny events i n normal operat ion.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 5 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk Ins tall So ftwa re Prov i ded by H P If you ha ve pro.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 6 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk Inst all Internet Explore r If necessar y , insert the System C onsole CD-ROM i nto the CD- ROM driv e.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 7 Restoring Sof t ware on the Hard Disk Configure the System Console for Remote Acces s T o enable access to yo ur system console d ur ing un attended perio ds, configur e Carbon Copy to load whenever th e system console is r est arted.
T roublesho oting HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 D- 4 8 Configuring a ProCur ve 24-Port Ethernet Switch Conf ig uri ng a Pr oC ur v e 24-P or t Ethe.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-1 E FastPath T a sks: Requi r ed This app endix conta ins all the t asks r eq uir ed to install, st art, and configure a two- processor or four -processor NonS top S- series server in the T etra 8 top ology .
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-2 3. V erify Disk Drives E-31 4. V erify T ape Dr i ve E-32 5. V e rify Fi rmwar e E- 32 6. V erify St ate of the Intern a l ServerNet Fa bric E-32 4.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-3 1. Install Hardware 1. Inst all Hardware Ta s k Page 1. I nve ntor y Shi pm ent E-4 1 a . In v e n to ry th e O PE N F I R S T Bo x E-4 1b.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-4 1. Inv e ntor y Shipment 1. I nventory S h ipment 1a.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-5 1. Inv e ntor y Shipment 1b. Inventory Equipmen t 1. V er ify that all equipment you ordered has arrive d: • If you ha ve a System E q uipment Inven tory Form, che ck off ea ch piece of equi pment re ceived.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-6 2. Col lect T o ols 2. Collect T o ols 3. Unp ack and Un load Server 1. Move each sh ipping p allet as close as possible to the inst allation area.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-7 3. Unpack a nd Unload Server 4. Prep are to rol l the enclosure stack of f the p allet: a. Flip open the twist-lock ha ndles on the p alle t end piece.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-8 3. Unpack a nd Unload Server c. P osition the un loading ram p against the palle t on the sam e side as the e nd pie ce. d. Position the V elcro strip s.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-9 3. Unpack a nd Unload Server 5. Roll the e nclosure or stack of f the p allet.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 0 4. Co nnect Groundstraps 4. Conne ct Gro undstra p s If the ser ver consi sts of on ly one enclosur e, skip to 5. Inventor y and Inspect Al l Com ponent s on pa ge E- 1 1.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E-1 1 5. Inv e nto r y and Inspec t All Components 5. I nventory and Inspect All Co mponent s 1. In each system enclosure, ve r ify that all componen ts orde red are presen t.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 2 6. Conn ect the Po wer-On Cables Figu r e E - 10. Power-On Cab les: One Proces sor Enclos ure, T wo I/O Enc losures Figu r e E -1 1. Power-On C ables: T wo P rocessor Enclosures Figu r e E - 12.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 3 7. Conn ect Emergency P ower-Off (E PO ) Cabl es 7.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 4 8. Con nect Ser verNet Cabl es 8. Connect ServerNet Cables If the ser ver consi sts of on ly one enclosur e, skip to 9. Instal l Servic e-Side Enclosur e Doors If Ne cessary on page E-15.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 5 9. Install Ser vice-S ide Enclosure Doors If Necessary 3. Route the cables betwee n the enclosur es. 4. Conne ct and tighten the thumbscr ews on the cab l e connectors.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 6 10. I nst all Primar y System Console 10.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 7 10. I nst all Primar y System Console 2. S tore the backup so ftware p ackaged w ith the workst ation in a safe place. 3. Set the sys tem console on a tabl e or ot her hard surface.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 8 11. Create E mergency Re pair Disk or A utomated System Re cov er y Disk 1 1. C reate Emerge n cy Rep ai r Disk or Au tomated System Recovery Disk Much of your system co nfigurati on is saved to the Windows registry .
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 1 9 14. Connec t Pr imary System Console t o Ether net Switch 14. Connect Primary System Console to Ethernet Sw i tch 1. Conne ct a cable from Ethernet swi tch 1 to the network inter face card be hind the console .
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 0 15. I nsta ll T ape Drive 10. Depen ding on the mo del of your PMF CRU, att ach th.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 1 15. I nsta ll T ape Drive Inst alling a 519x T ape Dri ve 1. Determine which P MF CRU, IO M F CRU, or 6760 ServerNet/DA should be connected to each tap e drive.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 2 2. S t ar t the System 2. S t art the System 1. Prep are for System St artu p 1. If your system has multiple enclosure s, verify that th e ServerNet cab les are connected.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 3 2. P ower O n Ext e rn al S ystem De vices 2. Power On External Syst em D evi ces 1. If necessary , power on the syst em consoles: a.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 4 3. C onnect AC P ow er Cords 3. Connect AC Power Cord s Enclosures Withou t Power Shelves 1. Find the de tachable A C p ower cords included with your system.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 5 3. C onnect AC P ow er Cords Enclosures With Pow er Shelves For the se encl osu res, th e DC pow er cor ds are shipped alread y connecte d to the p ow er shel ves.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 6 4. Apply P owe r to Se r ver 4. Apply Powe r to Server 1. S t art with the highest- numbered grou p. Switch on its cir cuit breaker or plug the power shel f AC powe r cords into the de signated AC r ecepta cl e s.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 7 5. V er ify T op ology 5. V eri fy T opol ogy 1. Log on to t he OSM o r TSM Low-Level Link. a. In the Log On d ialog bo x, select system NONAM E .
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 8 6. V e rify Sys t em Com ponents 6. V eri fy Sy stem C omponen t s Follow the instructions given in V erifying T opol ogy and System Component s on page 8 - 14.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 2 9 7. St ar t Sys tem The oper ating system i s loaded in to the mem ory of proc essor 0 or p rocessor 1. The rem aining processo rs are re loaded by com mands in the CIIN file.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 0 3. V erify the System 3. V erify t he System 1. V erify Component s 1. Log on to t he OSM S ervice Conne ction or TS M Servi ce Application .
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 1 2. V erify Critical System Processes 2. V erify Cri t ical System Processes 1. At the st artup T AC L window , log on to T ACL: > SUPER.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 2 4. V erify T ape Drive 4. V erif y T ap e Drive 1.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 3 4. Co nfigure the System 4. Configur e the System Use this sectio n, regard less of the n umb er of pro cessors in your system, after verifying system op erations.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 4 1. Co nfigure P ass words 1. Configure Passwords 1a. Configure Super ID and Null User Passwords 1. Log on to T A CL using the super ID (255,25 5): > logon super.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 5 2. Conf igure K er nel-Man aged S wap Files 2. Configure Kernel-Managed Swap Files 1. Log on to T A CL using the super ID (255,25 5): > logon super.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 6 3. Con figure OS M or TSM Environment 3. Confi gure OSM or TSM E nv i ronme nt The fo llowing pr ocedure con figures the de fault OSM or TSM envir onment on your system.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 7 4. Configure System A ttr ibutes 4. Configure System Attribu tes 4a. Save Current Co nfiguration D at ab ase 1. Log on to T ACL usi ng the super ID (255,25 5) and a valid password .
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 8 4. Configure System A ttr ibutes 4b. Set System Name, Number , and T ime 1. S t art SCF: > SCF 2. S pecify th e Kernel subsystem and display the cur rent settings: -> ASSUME SUBSYS $ZZKRN -> INFO, DETAIL 3.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 3 9 4. Configure System A ttr ibutes 4c. Rest art System 1. Log on to t he OSM o r TSM Low-Level Link. 2. In the tool b ar , click Pro cessor St atus .
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 4 0 4. Configure System A ttr ibutes 4e. I n vo ke ST ARTCOM and ST ARTSCF St artup Files 1. If necessary , log on to a T ACL pr ompt. 2.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 4 1 5. Conf ig ure DSM / SCM 5. Configure DSM/SCM Perf orm this pr ocedure be fore insta lling any n ew softw are (SPR s or SUT s) on your system.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 4 2 5. Conf ig ure DSM / SCM 5b. Configure DSM /SCM Syst em En vironmen t 1. Log on to T A CL using the super ID (255,25 5). 2. S t art the T ransactio n M anagement F acility ( TMF) subsystem: > TMFCOM START TMF 3.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 4 3 5. Conf ig ure DSM / SCM 5c. Configure Host Information fo r Host Dat abase 1. Run Z P HIH MI from the ZDSMSCM sub volume : > VOLUME $DSMSCM.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 4 4 5. Conf ig ure DSM / SCM 5d. Configure T ar g et Informati o n for Host’ s Logi cal T a rget 1. Run ZPHIT MI from the ZDSMSCM subvolume.
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 4 5 5. Install the Backup S y st em Console 5. Inst all the Backup System Console Y our system m ight not include a backup system console .
F astP ath T ask s : Required HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 E- 4 6 5. Install the Backup S y st em Console 14. Conne ct an Ethernet ca ble from th e cascade por t of switch 1 to a por t on switch 2, as shown following.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-1 F FastPath T a sks: Optional This app endix conta ins all optional con figuration tasks fo r a two-processor or four- processor NonS to p S-series serve r in the T etra 8 to pology .
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-2 1. Prerequisites 1. Prerequi sites Befor e you change the s ystem configur ation, complete the f ollowing tasks.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-3 1d. S av e Current System Configuration 1d. Save Current System Configuration Save t he current system configuration (CONFIG) before m aking any changes.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-4 2. Cus tom ize the System Configuration 2.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-5 2b . Re nam e S CF Obj ec ts in t he CON FIG F ile 2b. Rename SC F Object s in the CONFI G File The na ming conventi on for SCF objects u sually sugg ests the p hysical locatio n of the obj ect in the enclosu re.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-6 2c. Add SCF O bjects to the CO NFIG Fi l e 2c. Add SCF Object s to the CONFIG File Y ou can custom ize your system c onfiguration by adding SCF ob j e cts that a re not p ar t of the initia l system configur ation.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-7 3. A utomate Syst em Star tup 3. Automate Syst em S t artup Some system applications and subsystems are not co nfigured to start au tom a tically in the in itial CONF IG file.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-8 4. Automa te System Shutdown 4. Automate System Shut down Autom ating system shut down aids the o perator in br inging the system t o an order ly halt.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-9 5. Configure a SW AN or SW AN 2 Concentrator 5.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 0 6. Conf igure an Expand-Over-IP Line 6. Configur e an Exp and-Over- IP Line This secti on describ es how to config ure an Ex pand-over- IP connect ion to a networ k throug h a Non S top K-seri es server .
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F-1 1 Prerequisites Prerequisites The Non S top S-se ries and K - series serve r s should be in the followin g states.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 2 1. On the N onStop S -Series S erver 1. On the N onStop S-Se ries Server 1a. Save the C urrent Configuration At th e S CF p rom p t: -> SAVE CONFIGURATION xx.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 3 1. On the N onStop S -Series S erver 1c. Configur e $NCP 1. From an SCF prompt, create a pr ofile fo r the networ k control pro cess: -> ADD PROFILE $zzwan.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 4 1. On the N onStop S -Series S erver T o list all Non S top TCP/I P and TCP6SA M tr.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 5 1. On the N onStop S -Series S erver 6.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 6 2. On the N onStop K -Series S erver 2.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 7 2. On the N onStop K -Series S erver 6. Record the primary and backup proce ssor numbe rs (the fi rst num ber in the PP ID and BPID fields in the S CF LISTDEV di splay) in t he cpunum and altcpunum fields in t he COUP Worksheet .
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 8 3. On the N onStop S -Series S erver 3. On the N onStop S-Se ries Server 3a. Con figur e a nd S t art an Exp and -Over- IP Li ne-Han dler Process 1.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 1 9 4. On the N onStop K -Series S erver 4. On the N onS top K-Seri es Server 4a. Con figur e a nd S t art an Exp and -Over- IP Li ne-Han dler Process 1.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 0 4. On the N onStop K -Series S erver 4. In T able F-2, COUP W o rksheet : a. The dummy controlle r name appear s in the N A M E f i eld of th e COUP INFO CONTROLLER display .
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 1 5. On E ither NonS top Ser ver 5. On Eith er NonStop S erver 5a. S tart the Expand-Over-IP L i ne S t art the E xp and-ove r-IP line from either the NonS top S- series server or the NonS top K-seri es server: 1.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 2 7. I ns t al l So ft wa re 7. Inst all Sof tware This section explains h o w to ins.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 3 Configur i ng Software W it h DSM/SCM Conf iguring Sof tware W ith DSM/SCM This subsection sum marizes the general pr ocedure for conf iguring new softwar e on a t arget.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 4 Configur i ng Software W it h DSM/SCM 3.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 5 Ins tallin g a So ftwar e Pro du c t R e vi sion (SP R) Inst alling a Sof tware Pro duct Revi sion (SPR) 1. Save Current System Configuration Dat abase 1.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 6 Ins tallin g a So ftwar e Pro du c t R e vi sion (SP R) 2.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 7 Ins tallin g a So ftwar e Pro du c t R e vi sion (SP R) 4. Create New S of tware Revision 1. In the C onfiguration Revisions windo w , select the configuration revision to be updated.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 8 Ins tallin g a So ftwar e Pro du c t R e vi sion (SP R) f. T o schedul e a time for the Bui ld/Apply request to run, cl ick Scheduling.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 2 9 Ins tallin g a So ftwar e Pro du c t R e vi sion (SP R) b. Run ZPHIRNM: 1. S t art ZPHI R NM : > RUN ZPHIRNM $SYSTEM.SYS nn The foll owing prom pt appears: Do you want to use a log file with this session? (Y/N) 2.
F astP ath T as ks: Optional HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 F- 3 0 Ins tallin g a So ftwar e Pro du c t R e vi sion (SP R).
HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 St atemen t s - 1 Safety and Comp lia nce This secti ons cont ains three types of req uired safety a nd compliance st.
Safety a nd Comp liance HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 St atemen t s - 2 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements Korea M I C Compliance T aiwan ( B S M I.
Safety a nd Comp liance HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 St atemen t s - 3 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements European Unio n Notice Prod ucts wit h t.
Safety a nd Comp liance HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 St atemen t s - 4 SA FE TY C AUT IO N SAFETY CAUTION The fo l lowing ic on or cauti on statem.
Safety a nd Comp liance HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 St atemen t s - 5 Wast e Electrical a nd Electronic Equipment (WEEE) HIGH LEAKAGE CURR ENT T .
Safety a nd Comp liance HP No nS top S-Se r ies Hardware Installation a nd FastPath Guid e — 5 41880-001 St atemen t s - 6 Saf ety.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Glossa ry - 1 Glossar y For a glossary of Non S top S-ser ies terms, se e the N o nStop Server Glossar y in the Non S top T echni cal Library ( NTL).
Glo s s ar y HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Glossa ry - 2.
HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 1 Ind ex Numbers 3883/4/ 5 A W AN serve r Se e A W AN 3886-8 /16/32 A W AN server Se e A W AN 517x t ape subsys.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 2 C Cab l e (cont inued) Se rve rNe t see Se rverNet cable support s 1-43 , 3- 6 tie anc hors 1-44 , 3-6.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 3 D CONFIG file 8-1 8 , 9-14 customizing F-4 functio n 12-3 initial 12-2 types of 12-6 $ZPM E- 44 Config.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 4 E Disk drives LEDs D-4 r epl ac in g 9- 10 testing 9-8 / 9-10 Disk-d rive enclosure see Fibre Channe l.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 5 F Enclosur e (continue d) slot assign ments 2-1 6 , 2-17 stack 1- 13 , 2-1 0 tools 1-7 , 2- 6 types 1-.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 6 G Fi rmware intelligen t SCSI processor D-14 ISP D-14 requ irement s 7-3 , 7-9 R V Us, b acking out D-.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 7 K IOMF CRU Ethern et port s 6-2 LEDs 8-1 0 , D-4 power -on self-test (POST) 1-57 / D-1 5 reseating 2-2.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 8 M Load p ath, ope rating system 1-55 Loading the system 8-18 Local area net w o rk (LAN) See LA N Log .
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Index - 9 P Open-r eel t ape See T ape subsyste m Operati ng config uration See Recom mended op erating configu .
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 In dex - 1 0 Q Primary syste m console E-1 6 about 1-3 , 1-4 7 , 10-3 configuring E-36 installing E-1 6 , E-19 I.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 Inde x - 1 1 S Scr een See Mo nitor SCSI cables 7- 7 , 7- 10 SEBs cables 1-40 , E- 14 cabling 1- 18 fabri cs 1-3.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 In dex - 1 2 S Shut down fil es (continued ) X.25 li nes 13-19 Singl e-mod e fiber (SMF ) cable See SMF cable se.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 In dex - 1 3 T System console assembling 5- 6 / 5-7 backup 10-3 binder E-17 connecti ng a modem 5-7 connecti ng .
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 In dex - 1 4 U TS M about 1-4 5 , 1-46 CIIN file 13-7 client software 1-46 configuring 9-16 connecti ons D-47 fi.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 In dex - 1 5 Sp ec ial Ch ar ac te rs $ZH OME 13-3 $ZP M 12-3 $ZTCP default IP add resses 1-52.
Ind ex HP NonStop S-Ser ies Hardware Installation and F astPat h G uide — 54188 0-001 In dex - 1 6 Sp ec ial Ch ar ac te rs.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) S è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) S - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) S imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) S ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) S, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) S.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) S. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) S insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.