Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ISCSI SR2122 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Get ting Starte d Guide hp S tor age W orks iS C S I SR212 2 st or age r outer Thi r d E diti on (Sep tembe r 2003) P art N umber: AA-R TE1C- TE This doc ument descr ibes the integr ation o f IP -based Sto rage Networ ks using the iS CSI pr otocol to HP Stor a ge W orks Fibr e Chan nel SANs a nd HP Stor age arr ay s.
2 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide © 20 03 Hewlett- P ackar d dev elopmen t Company , L.P . He wle tt-P ack ard C ompan y mak es no w arr anty of any kind with reg ard t o this mat er ial, in cluding , but not limit ed to , the imp lied wa rra nties o f mer chan tab ility and f itness f or a pa rtic ular pur pose .
About th is Docum ent 3 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide About this D ocume nt This sec tion desc ribes the content ref lected i n this document , includi ng: ■ Getti ng St arte.
Abou t this Documen t 4 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Fi g ur e s Figure 1:IP/ FC Network Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 2:GUI Di splay of the FC por t WWPN .
About th is Docum ent 5 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide iS CSI Pr otocol The SCSI tr ansport prot ocol iSCSI ma ps block-ori ented (CDB) s torage data ov er TCP/IP netw orks (thro ugh iSCSI PDUs).
iS CSI in a Heter ogeneous SAN 6 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide iS CSI in a Heter ogeneous SAN Although t he iSCSI pr otocol is written as a complete d a ta tran sport fr om .
iS CSI in a Heter ogeneou s SAN 7 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide iSCSI Initiato r The I P hos t, or iSC SI In itiato r use s the iS CSI Driver to ena ble ta rget reso urce r ecog nitio n & attach ment to the SR2122 o ver IP .
iS CSI in a Heter ogeneous SAN 8 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide F ibre Ch annel SAN A Storage Area Netwo rk is a de dicated, c entrally mana ged, secur e informat ion infr astruct ure, which enabl es any -to-an y interc onnectio n of serv ers and storage.
SR 2 1 22 H a rdw a re an d S o ft wa re Su p p or t 9 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide SR212 2 Hard war e and S oftwar e Suppor t This sec tion lis ts the ha rdware, dev ices, and op erating sys tems that are comp atible with t his SR2122 Stor age Router .
SR 2 1 22 H a rdw a re an d S o ft wa re Su p p or t 10 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Mic ro soft Initiat or Suppor t ■ W indows 2 000 serv er only with SP3 ■ Microsof t.
SR2 122 Configu ration Rules 11 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide SR212 2 Configuration R ul es SR 2 1 22 Ro u t er Ru l e s ■ The SR2122’ s 2 nd f ibre Cha nnel port (FC2) is not suppor ted as a r edundant S AN port for FC1.
SR2 122 Config uration R u les 12 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Storag e Array Rules ■ The HSG80 is s upported in b oth SCSI-3 T ransparent F ailov er Mode and Multib us Fai love r Mode. ■ W ithout HP Secure Path the Enter prise V irtual Arr ay is support ed with th e SR2122 accessi ng only one EV A controlle r port.
Configur ing the SR2 122 iSCS I Storage Router in a S AN 13 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Configuring the SR212 2 iSCSI Stor age Router in a SAN Conf iguring the SR2122 in .
Conf iguring the SR2122 iSCSI S tor age Router in a S AN 14 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide T o f ind the WWPN of a F C ports usin g the SR2122’ s GUI, click on the FC port .
Configur ing the SR2 122 iSCS I Storage Router in a S AN 15 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Figu re 4: Standalone SR2122; Dual S ANs Adding a Clustered SR212 2 to a SAN The tw o SR2122 FC ports on all th e cluste red SR2122’ s are recog nized as F-Por ts by the FC switc h and as F C HBAs by the S tora ge Ar rays .
Serving Fibr e Cha nnel Stor age to the SR2122 16 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Serving F ibr e Channel St orage to the SR212 2 Once the SR2122 is properly con fig ured, connect ed and zoned with in the SAN, the next step is to pres ent stora ge to the rou t er .
Serving Fibre Channel Stor age to t he SR2122 17 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Box 1, Bay 6, (SCSI bus 0, SCSI id 5) Box 1, Bay 7, (SCSI bus 0, SCSI id 8) Box 1, Bay 8, (SC.
Serving Fibr e Cha nnel Stor age to the SR2122 18 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide The Sho w Connections co mmand will no w display: HSG80> show connections ISRFC1-P1 WINNT .
Serving Fibre Channel Stor age to t he SR2122 19 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Note: If usin g SR 212 2 Cluste r mode the WWPN for a FC port on each SR2122 c lust er member must be added to the HS G8 0 Unit. The SR2122 sh ould no w be able to pr esent D81 as storage to i SCSI Initiat ors.
Serving Fibr e Cha nnel Stor age to the SR2122 20 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Click but ton to sa ve host informat ion. Y our hos t entr y shou ld n ow look l ike this : Figu re 6: Host Properties After t he Host ent ry is creat ed it must be assigne d to a LUN.
Serving Fibre Channel Stor age to t he SR2122 21 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Figu re 7 : Virtual Disk Pr operties Entry Note: If usin g SR 212 2 Cluste r mode the WWPN for a FC port on each SR2122 c lust er member mus t be added to the HSV110 Unit .
Serving Fibr e Cha nnel Stor age to the SR2122 22 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Presenting XP L UNs to the SR2 12 2 XP storag e vol ume must be pr e-conf igured before t he LUN(s) ca n be detected and recognized by t he SR2122.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 23 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide Serving Storage to the iSCSI Initiators from the SR2122 o ver IP Up to thi s point, t his chapt er has des cribed the SR21 22 and its impact on the f ibre channel SAN .
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 24 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide For exam ple: Each SR2122 r outer must hav e an ac cess list e ntry for eac h iSCSI ini tiator Access Li st entries may be creat ed through th e SR2122 GUI or using CLI commands.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 25 iSCSI SR2122 Stor age R outer: Getting Started Guide Figure 8: Access List Entry Enter t he iSCSI Initi ator name and c lick ADD. Figu re 9: iSCSI Initiator Name Enter t he iSCSI Initi ator IP addr ess and IP mask and cli ck ADD.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 26 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Figur e 10: iSCSI Initiator IP Address The A cces s List entr y wil l now displa y .
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 27 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide Figu re 12: SCSI Router Instance Stru c ture SCSI Router I nstance – Con tains the IP address used b y the iSCSI Initia tor , the SR2122 GbE inter face port to use, aut hentica tion informat ion, and T ar get Mapping.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 28 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide SR2122> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks password "none" SR2122.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 29 iSCSI SR2122 Stor age R outer: Getting Started Guide Figur e 13: SCSI Router Instance Name and Description Enter t he T arge t name, Access Li st entry , click the LUN Mapping radio b utton and click Ad d.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 30 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Figu re 15: Configure/Add L U N At the Add Ne w LUN screen e nter th.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 31 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Figu re 17 : Add Second L UN After Cl icking Add t he bro wser will re turn you to the Conf igure LUNs screen d isplayin g the two ne wly creat ed LUNs.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 32 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Figu re 19: All SCSI R outer Instances Click on t he ne w ly cre ated Inst ance, iSCSI03.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 33 iSCSI SR2122 S torage R outer : Gett ing Started Guide F igu re 2 1: S eco ndary Int erf ace The S CSI Ro ute r Inst ance i s now av aila ble o n the I P netwo rk fo r iSCS I Init iator iSCS I03 to connect to once the iSCSI03 has its i SCSI dri ver lo aded and conf igured.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 34 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide HP iSCSI Initiator Setup for Windo ws 2000 and Windo ws 2003 The iS .
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 35 iSCSI SR2122 Stor age R outer: Getting Started Guide After t he iSCSI Ini tiator re boot the i SCSI Conf igurat ion appli cation can be found in t he Cont rol Panel .
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 36 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Figu re 25: iSCSI Co nnec tion Status The other but ton optio ns: Add: Used t o def ine the IP ad dresses of iSCSI tar get nodes.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 37 iSCSI SR2122 St orage R outer: Getting Started Guide during dr i ver i nstallati on to minimi ze that prob lem. The f iles can be used to auto maticall y acti vat e certai n system feat ures aft er the iSCS I de vices are p r esent .
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 38 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide M icrosof t iSCSI ini tiator Se tup for Win dow s 2000 and Windo ws .
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 39 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide Figu re 2 7 : Add T arget P or tal Next , click on t he A v ailable T arget s tab to list the tar gets fou nd through t he A v ailable Portals.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 40 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide The T ar get Staus should change to c onnected.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 41 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Figu re 30: Session Details The iSCSI dr i ver s hould no w display all l uns that are presente d from the SR2122 t arg et.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 42 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide 4. Update /e tc/isc si.conf t o include t he IP addr esses for your iSCSI tar gets. A sampl e conf igurat ion f ile might i nclude ent ries lik e this: DiscoveryAddress=33.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 43 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Under /de v/iscsi , there wi ll be a dire ctory tr ee contai ning subdi rectori es for ea ch iSCSI b us number , each ta rget id number o n the b us, and ea ch logica l unit numbe r for eac h targe t.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 44 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Mounting File s ystems Because t he Linux boo t process normally moun ts f ile sys tems listed i n /etc/fs tab befor e the netw ork is conf igured, adding m ount ent ries in iSCSI de vices to /etc/fsta b will not work.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 45 iSCSI SR2122 Stor age R outer: Getting Started Guide Each li ne will sho w the Linu x host numbe r , channel nu mber , tar get id n umber , and lo gical unit number , as well as the IP a ddress, TCP p ort, and iS CSI T arge tName.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 46 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Figu re 31: Secure P ath configuration e xample After co nfi guring th e SR2122 in St andalone, t he follo wing steps are neces sary .
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 47 i SCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide The FC por ts emulat e a FC HB A on the S AN fabri c. Create a zone o n each f abric that in cludes the SR2 122 FC port a nd the storag e control lers you w ant the SR2122 to acc ess.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 48 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide SR212 2 Setup Once stor age is prese nted to Node A and Node B, eac h SR2122 node s hould reco gnize these ne w de vices.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 49 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide NodeA> scsirouter iSCSI03_Disks primary "none" NodeA> .
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 50 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Router Target Status Acces slist Targetid Description Profile ------.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 51 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide F ollo w the pro mpts on the screen and accept the lic ense agree .
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 52 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Figu re 33: Checking that SR2122 T argets are Active The syste m may also report a ne w disk found and ask to wr ite a signa ture.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 53 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide Figu re 3 5: MSCS Cluster with SR212 2 Routers Ex ample As a SR2122 Ac.
Serving S tor age to the iS CSI Initiato rs f r om the SR212 2 o ver IP 54 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Note: The Access L ist Name assigned to the IP address does not necessar ily have to be th e I P addres s's DNS nam e.
Serving Stor age to the i S CSI Init iator s fr om the SR21 2 2 ov er IP 55 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide After the MSCS cluste r reboo ts ente r hp iSCS I Config again on each c luster member and check the Stat us of the dri ver to ve rify bot h the SR2122 t arge ts are a cti ve.
SR2122 / Ins ight Manager 7 Ser v ice P ack 2 Integrati on 56 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide SR212 2 / Insight Manager 7 Service P ac k 2 Integr ation The purpose of this sec tion is to de scribe th e integra tion of the HP SR2122 Storage Rout er and Insight Manager 7 (IM 7).
SR2122 / Insight Manager 7 Service P ack 2 Integratio n 57 iSCSI SR2122 St orage R outer: Getting Started Guide Managemen t Serv er Operating System Microsoft W i ndo ws NT Serve r 4.0 Retail wi th Serv ice Pac k 6a o r later Microsoft W indows NT Serve r 4.
SR2122 / Ins ight Manager 7 Ser v ice P ack 2 Integrati on 58 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide MSDE 2000 can be found on th e Management CD an d can be aut omatically i nstalle d for you if you do not alre ady ha ve a d atabase a v ailable and ru nning.
SR2122 / Insight Manager 7 Service P ack 2 Integratio n 59 iSCSI SR2122 St orage R outer: Getting Started Guide Figu re 3 7 : V alid SR2122 Managem ent P ort TCP/IP Configur ation Next , Network Man agement infor mation must be co nfi gured: Figu re 38: Network Management Configuration Of pa rticu lar n ote is the RE AD Co mmun ity .
SR2122 / Ins ight Manager 7 Ser v ice P ack 2 Integrati on 60 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide If the user woul d lik e to see au thenticati on traps (if user s are speaki ng SNMP at th e HP SR2122, with an incorr ect commun ity string) then the y conf igure it to be enabled.
SR2122 / Insight Manager 7 Service P ack 2 Integratio n 61 iSCS I SR21 2 2 Stor age Router : G etting Start ed Guide Fig ur e 4 0 : D is cov er y Fi lt er s Man u al Dis co ve ry Y ou can al so just a dd the de vice one at a t ime. But be a ware that De vice f ilters s hould be set properl y to allo w for netw ork de vices to be disco vere d.
SR2122 / Ins ight Manager 7 Ser v ice P ack 2 Integrati on 62 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide SNMP Cu stomizations SNMP Community Strings The SNMP community str ings for “Moni tor” and “Control ” of the de vices must correspond to the HP SR2122’ s Read and Wri te Community set tings.
SR2122 / Insight Manager 7 Service P ack 2 Integratio n 63 iSCSI SR2122 Stor age R outer: Getting Started Guide Figu re 43: SNMP T rap Edit Click on E nable T rap Handling t hen click Apply . Figure 4 4: SNMP Ne two rk Qu ery Y ou will f ind that th e HP SR2122 is a net work de vice and wil l be found via th e netw ork de vice query .
Sample Configu rations 64 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Sample Co nfigur a tions F or maximum suppo rted SAN and Stor age conf igurations, ple ase refer t o Chapters 3 and 4 of the " HP Storag eW orks SAN Design Re fer ence Guide .
Sampl e Con figuration s 65 iSCSI SR2122 S torage Router : Getti ng Started Guide Figur e 46: Window s 2000 Ser vers with NIC Te aming: 2 Node SR212 2 Clu ster.
Sample Configu rations 66 iS CSI SR212 2 Stor age R oute r: Getting St arted Guide Figu re 4 7 : M aximum SR212 2 C luster Configuration Using HA P orts.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) ISCSI SR2122 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) ISCSI SR2122 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) ISCSI SR2122 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) ISCSI SR2122 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) ISCSI SR2122, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) ISCSI SR2122.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) ISCSI SR2122. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) ISCSI SR2122 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.