Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CX2600 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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hp Integrity cx2600 Installation Gui de Regulator y Model Nu mber: RSVLA-03 03-DC V ersion 3.0 Manufacturing P art Number: AB216-9 0001 March 2004 U. S .
2 Legal Notices Copyri ght No tices. © Copyrig ht 2004 Hewlet t-P ackard Dev elopmen t Company , L.P . The informat ion contained here in is subject to change without notice. The only warranties fo r HP products and se rvice s are set fo rth in the e xpres s warran ty st atements accompanying such products and services .
Cont ent s 3 1. Abo ut Thi s Docum ent What’s in This Do cument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Typograp hical Conven tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tents 4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Trouble shooting Met hodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig u r e s 5 Figure 2-1. hp Integrity cx2600 Ser ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Figure 2-2. hp Integrity cx2600 Ser ver (front view) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fig u r e s 6.
Chapter 1 7 1 About This Document This document des cribes how to install your hp Integrit y cx2600 Server , Regulatory Mode l Number: RSVLA-0303 -DC . The document printing da te and part number indicate the do cument’ s current ed ition. The pri nting d ate will change when a new edition is printed.
About This Document Related Documents Chapter 1 8 Related Documents The HP Server Documentation CD-ROM has been provided with your serv er . It contains a complete documentation set for the se rver , including localized versions of key documents .
About This Document Where to Get Help Chapter 1 9 • The product number of your server . This can be found on t he identif ication label , which i s found at th e front o f the u nit (typica lly A6837B A6838B, and so o n). • The serial number of your server .
About This Document Where to Get Help Chapter 1 10.
Chapter 2 11 2 Server Overview and Unpacking Server Overview The hp Integri ty cx2600 S erver (Regul atory M odel No. RSVLA- 0303-DC) is a 1- o r 2-way , IA-64, carrie r grade serv er ba sed on th e It anium p roces sor f ami ly archi tec tur e. Thi s serve r is NEBS level- 3 compli ant and is intende d for T elco us ers.
Server Overview and Unpacking Server Overview Chapter 2 12 F igure 2-2 hp Integrity cx26 00 Server (front vie w) F igure 2-3 hp Integrit y cx2600 Server (r ear view) hp integrity cx2600 chasfront LAN .
Ser ver Ov er view and Unpacking Unpackin g the Server Chapter 2 13 Unpacking the Ser v er Hewlett-P a ckard ship ping containers prote ct their contents und er normal shipping condi t ions . Aft er the equipment arrives , ca refully inspect each carton fo r si gns o f shipping damag e.
Server Overview and Unpacking Unpac king the Server Chapter 2 14.
Chapter 3 15 3 Installing Addi tional Components Safety Information This chapt er describes in stalling additiona l or option al hardware to your hp Integr ity cx2600 S erver .
Installing Additional Components Accessing a Rac k Mounted Server Chapter 3 16 Installing Componen ts When the Server is in a Rack P ow er supplie s , disks and fans can be in stalled w hen th e server is fully ins erted i nto a rack. Only front and rear access is required.
Installing Additional Components Accessing a Rack Mou nted Server Chapter 3 17 Figure 3- 1Cha ssis Gr oun d Lug W ARNING Do not attempt to l ift the server alon e. The server may weight as much as 32 kilograms (70 lbs ). Serious injury may result if t his warning is not observed.
Installing Additional Components Installing Disk Drives Chapter 3 18 Step 5. Repla ce or tight en (a s appro priat e) the s crews that f asten the ser ver to the r ack. Installing Disk Drives The suppo rted conf iguration of an hp Integrity cx2600 S erver includes 1, 2 or 3 Low-V oltage-Diff erential (L VD), hot-p lug dis k drives.
Installing Additional Components Installing Disk Drives Chapter 3 19 CA UTION The di sk dri ves in the hp Inte grity cx26 00 Serve r are n ot hot -swapp able . They ar e merely hot-pluggabl e. A manual software proce dure may be re quired in o rder to safely remove or insert disk drives whil e the system is running .
Installing Additional Components Hot-Sw ap P ower Su pply U nits Chapter 3 20 Step 4. Press the rele ase lever until i t is flus h with the front o f the server .
Installing Additional Components Hot-Swap P ower Supply Units Chapter 3 21 F igure 3-4 Hot-Swap P ower Supplies Removing and Replacing a Hot-Swap P ower Supply A power su pply can be replaced w hile the s erver is in stalled in a rack, with the serve r operating normally .
Installing Additional Components Hot-Sw ap P ower Su pply U nits Chapter 3 22 F igure 3-5 Removing a Hot-Swap P ower Supply Step 1. If rack-mounted , it may be necess ary to extend a slide-mo unted server out from the rack for better access . If needed, sl ide the se rver out to t he fully ex tended posi tion.
Installing Additional Components Fro nt Grill and T op Cover Chapter 3 23 Step 8. Pull the powe r supp ly from th e server cha ssis by p ulling t he curve d handle. Step 9. Orient the replacement power supply such t hat the securing screws are aligned with the corr espo ndin g holes in the server chassi s.
Installing Additional Components Fron t Grill and T op Cover Chapter 3 24 Observe all ESD s afety pre cautio ns while pe rforming th is proc edure. F ailure to f ollow ESD safety pre caution s coul d r esult i n damag e to th e ser ver .
Installing Additional Components Fro nt Grill and T op Cover Chapter 3 25 Removing the T op Cover F igure 3-8 Removing the T op Cover T o r emov e the t op c over , p erf orm t he fo llowi ng st eps :.
Installing Additional Components Fron t Grill and T op Cover Chapter 3 26 W A RNING Hazardous ener gy is present within th e server when power is appl ied. Do not remove the server top c over without first turning off and disconnec ting power . Always replace the t op cover before turning the system on.
Installing Additional Components Hot-Swap Chassis F an Units Chapter 3 27 Hot-Swap Chassis F an Units There are five ho t-swap chass is fan un its in t he HP Se rver . F an un its 1, 2, 3 and 4 are access ible fro m the front of the chassis. F an unit 5 is acces sible from the rea r of th e chassis.
Installing Additional Components Hot-Swap Chassis F an Units Chapter 3 28 Removing an d Replacing a Front P ane l Hot-Swap F an F igure 3-9 Removing a Front P anel Hot-Swap F an The server do es not need t o be removed or extended fr om the rack to allow f an replacement.
Installing Additional Components Hot-Swap Chassis F an Units Chapter 3 29 Removing and Replacing a Rear P an el Hot-Swap F an F igure 3-10 R emoving a Rear P anel Hot-Swap F an T o remove and replace .
Installing Additional Components Hot-Swap Chassis F an Units Chapter 3 30 Step 2. Using an ACX-15 torx screwdriver , loo sen the two captive screws that secure the fan unit to the server chassis . CA UTION Hot-s wapping a fan can interrupt system o peration.
Installing Additional Components PCI Card Installat ion Chapter 3 31 PCI Card Installation The hp Int egrity cx2600 Server h as four 64 -bit, 133 MH z PCI-X accessory card sock ets located in a remo vable card cage. The PCI card cage must be remove d before PCI cards can be removed or installed.
Installing Additional Components PCI Card Installation Chapter 3 32 Figure 3- 11Remov ing t he PCI Card Cag e Step 6. Place the card cage on an ESD-protected work surface .
Installing Additional Components PCI Card Installat ion Chapter 3 33 CA UTION Observe all ES D sa fety prec autions while p erforming this proce dure. F a ilure to follow ESD sa fety precauti ons could res ult in damage to the server .
Installing Additional Components PCI Card Installation Chapter 3 34 Step 2. Remove the cover from the PCI card cage . CA UTION Observe all ES D sa fety prec autions while p erforming this proce dure. F a ilure to follow ESD sa fety precauti ons could res ult in damage to the server .
Installing Additional Components PCI Card Installat ion Chapter 3 35 Figure 3-13Inst alling the PCI C ard Cage Step 3. Press the release lever down (into po sition) to lock the card cage in place in the chassis . Step 4. Reinstall the chassis top cover .
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 36 Installing Processor s and Memory This sect ion provid es informat ion abo ut removing and i nstalling p rocesso rs and me mory . The p rocesso rs and memory are lo cated on th e system bo ard and are acce ssible a fter removing the top cover and air guides .
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 37 W ARNING V oltages and haz ar dous energy can be present at various loc ations within the server whenever a p ower source is connected. This hazard is present even when the power swit c h is in the of f position.
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 38 Step 7. Loosen t he power mo dule mounting screws a nd disconn e ct the module from its pro cessor b y sliding it toward the back of the cha ssis. Figure 3-16Disc onnec ting th e P ow er Mo dule Step 8.
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 39 Figure 3-17Lo osen the Turbo F a n H eats ink S crew s Step 12. Insert the proc essor tool into the hole that runs down through the edge of the turbo fan heatsink. Figure 3-18Unlo ckin g th e Proc esso r Step 13.
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 40 Installing a Processor The fol lowing pr ocedur e is app licable to instal lation of pro cesso r 0 or pro cess or 1. Pr oce ssor 0 mus t be install ed befo re installin g pro cessor 1 .
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 41 Figure 3 -19Installing the T urbo F an and Processor Assembly Step 9. Use the speci al proces sor tool shipped with processor asse mblies to lock the proces sor in pla ce on the system board.
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 42 Step 17. If necessary , reinstall the chassis in the rack. Re fer to “Ins tall th e Serve r into a Rack” on page 17. Step 18. Reconnect power and system cables to rear panel connectors .
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 43 Figure 3-20Memo ry A irflow G uide Step 6. Locate t he DIM M(s) to be removed.
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 44 Figure 3- 21DIMM Slo ts Step 7. Press down on t he DIMM retainer cli ps on eith er end of the DIMM connector , and lift the D IMM from the syst em board sock et. Step 8. If the remo ved DIMM is functional, store it for fu ture use.
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 45 F ailure to observe this warning could result in personal i njury or damage to equipment. NO TE DIMM s must be inst alled in ma tched group s of fo ur . DIMM siz es can vary be twee n quads, but all DIMM s within a q uad must be iden tical.
Installing Additional Components Installing Pr ocessors and Memory Chapter 3 46 Figure 3- 22Inse rting DI MM i nto a DIMM Socket Step 9. Snap th e socket reta iner clips into pla ce, ensu ring th at the DIMM is loc ked in the so cket. Step 10. Repe at step s 6 throu gh 9 fo r each DIMM to be installe d.
Chapter 4 47 4 T roubles hooting Introduction This chapter pr esen ts tro ublesho oting informa tion. Basic tips for sta rt-up proble ms are p resen ted, audio c ues and LED indicators are described and interpreted, an d error messages (and how to retriev e them) are descri bed.
T r oubleshooting T roublesho oting Methodology Chapter 4 48 Offline t roubles hootin g programs are availabl e on the re source CD that is sh ipped with you r HP Serv er . T o troubles hoot your system you should be familiar with the Offline Diagnos tics Environment (ODE) which runs in the Exte nsible Firmware Int erface (EF I).
T r oubleshooting T roublesho oting Methodology Chapter 4 49 If EFI Is Not A vailable If it is not p ossib le to rea ch the EFI (from e ither the ma in disk p artition or CD), then you must use the fo.
T r oubleshooting T roublesho oting Using Beep Codes (System e-buzzer) Chapter 4 50 If DVD Problems Occu r DVD problems th at occur durin g insta llation are u sually related to fa ulty connect ions . If you ar e experiencing DVD problems, proceed as follo ws: • Remove and reinsert the disk.
T r oubleshooting T roublesh ooting Using LED Indicator s Chapter 4 51 NO TE The e rror messa ge and ide ntifying informatio n can be sent via telepho ne line to an a uthorized help des k or to an H P Sup port facilit y . This telephon e signa l can be de coded to identify the server by model and se rial number , and to help i dentify t he error .
T r oubleshooting T roublesho o ting Using LE D Indicators Chapter 4 52 Front P anel LEDs The f ront panel LEDs sh ow yo u the syst em st atus at a gla nce.
T r oubleshooting T roublesh ooting Using LED Indicator s Chapter 4 53 Diag LEDs (1 thru 4) -- - Display syst em error condition ( when System LED is flashing ye llow) or f ault con dition (when System LED i s flashing red). Refer to T able 4-3 for error code information.
T r oubleshooting T roublesho o ting Using LE D Indicators Chapter 4 54 T able 4-3 Diagnostic LED Displays and Meanings Diag 1 LED Diag 2 LED Diag 3 LED Diag 4 LED System LED Des cripti on Off Off Green Red F l ashing Y ellow F an 3 w arnin g. BM C is repo rting th at one fa n rotor is turning more slowly than expected (o r stopped) .
T r oubleshooting T roublesh ooting Using LED Indicator s Chapter 4 55 Red Red Green Off Flashing Y ellow CPU 0 tempe rature warning. Check for bloc kages. Investig ate the problem at t he first opportunity . Red Red Red Re d Flashing Y ellow Undefined erro r condition (warni ng only).
T r oubleshooting T roublesho o ting Using LE D Indicators Chapter 4 56 Green Green Off Red Flashing Red F an 4 failure. BMC is reporting that both fan rotors are t urning more slowly t hat expected (or stopped). Replace the fan, fan con trol board, or system board.
T r oubleshooting T roublesh ooting Using LED Indicator s Chapter 4 57 Rear P anel LED s The rear p anel LED s show yo u LAN and powe r supply s tatus at a glance. The rear p anel LED s are lis ted in the fol lowing table , together with de scriptions of LAN and power st a tus indicat i ons .
T r oubleshooting Err or Messages and Event Logs Chapter 4 58 Error Messa ges and Event Logs Server firmwa re and management features monitor syst em operation, report erro rs , an d log all significa nt events . Thi s section presents error mes s ag e an d lo g in form ati on.
T r oubleshooting Erro r Messages and Event Lo gs Chapter 4 59 EFI Error and W arning Messages EFI error and w arning messag es are displa yed on the console a s part of the boot proce ss. They can a lso be retr ieve d u sin g the EFI c om mand : info war nings .
T r oubleshooting Err or Messages and Event Logs Chapter 4 60 21 BMC token write error during NVM write throu gh Commu nica tion with the BMC fa iled. Repl ace th e system board . 22 Error reading BMC to ken on upload to NVM Commu nica tion with the BMC fa iled.
T r oubleshooting Erro r Messages and Event Lo gs Chapter 4 61 40 CPUs installed with mixed cac he sizes Check processor installation and match C PU part numbers . CPUs must be identical. 40 CPUs installed with mixed cac he sizes Check processor installation and match C PU part numbers .
T r oubleshooting Err or Messages and Event Logs Chapter 4 62 Event Logs The Sys tem Eve nt Log (SEL ) and F o rward Progress L og (FPL), Live Ev ent Lo g, and Boot logs a re available via the MP . The SEL records system events that are of maj or importance to system o peration s .
T r oubleshooting T roublesh ooting Using Offline Support T ools Chapter 4 63 Disk and I/O P ath Logging Some failu res resu lt in I/O pa th loggin g . The se paths h e lp to indicate the source of the error and may be inclu ded in the error message or logged into cons ole or event logs .
T r oubleshooting T roublesho o ting Using Offlin e Support T ools Chapter 4 64 E-Diag T ools E-DiagT ools is us ed to evalua te the hardw are integrity of your HP Serv er . T o access E-Di agT ools from the IPF Offlin e Diagnostic CD , perform the following s t eps: Step 1.
T r oubleshooting T roublesh ooting Using Offline Support T ools Chapter 4 65 T o access these l ogs type i n at the shell> comma nd line prompt: errdump mc a errdump cm c errdump cp e Hypothetical.
T r oubleshooting T roublesho o ting Using Offlin e Support T ools Chapter 4 66.
Chapter 5 67 5 Cable Connect ions Input P ower The hp Integrity cx2600 server comes with two power supplies insta lled: each po wered from its own power cable. The input fo r each connector is rated for –48 VDC (–40 t o –72 VDC ) at up to 15 amps ( max.
Cable Connections Wire Selection and T erminal Lugs for Connection of DC P ower Chapter 5 68 Wi re Selection and T erminal Lugs for C onnection of DC P ower W A RNING Always check tha t the power cabl e is not connecte d to a power sour ce before attemp ting to con nect the p ower cable to s erver powe r supply terminals.
Cable Connections Core I/O Connections Chapter 5 69 Core I/O Connections The locati ons of interfa ce connectors on the hp Integr ity cx2600 Server rea r panel are shown in Figure 5-2.
Cable Connections Core I/O Connections Chapter 5 70 Management Processor (MP) The manag ement process or is an independent sup port system for the se rver . It provides a w ay for you to connect to a server and perform administration or mo nitoring tasks for the server hardware .
Cable Connections Core I/O Connections Chapter 5 71 If the termin al is a P C usi ng Refle ction 1, check or ch ange t hese communi cation s sett ings by perfo rming t he follow ing ste ps: Step 1. From the Ref lection 1 Main scre en, pull down the Connection menu and select Connection Setup .
Cable Connections Core I/O Connections Chapter 5 72 NO TE On in itial sy stem in stallatio n, the M P has t wo de fault u ser accoun ts . The y are: 1. Administra tor level user; logi n=Admin, password= Admin (both are case sen sitive). 2. Operator level use r; login=Op er , password =Oper (both are case se nsitive).
Cable Connections Core I/O Connections Chapter 5 73 NO TE The val ue in the “ IP address” field i s set at t he factory . The customer must prov ide the actual manag ement p rocesso r LAN IP a ddress.
Cable Connections Core I/O Connections Chapter 5 74 The LC Command Screen LC commands: MP:CM> lc -ip -host uninitialized -subnet -gate -web 2003 New LAN Configuration (* modified value): * IP Address: * MP Host Name: uninitialized * Subnet Mask: 255.
Cable Connections Core I/O Connections Chapter 5 75 Management Processor Commands T able 5-1 Management Process or Comm ands and Descriptions Command Descrip tion BP Reset BMC passwords CA Configure s.
Cable Connections Booting t he Server Chapter 5 76 Booting the Server T o boot t he server , press the pow e r switch located o n the front pa nel. If the autobo ot fu nction is ena bled, th e sys tem will boot to the insta lled op erat ing sy stem . If auto boot is not enabled , the sys tem will e nter the EF I boot manag er .
77 Index A Accessing a rack mounted server , 15 aluminum conductors , DC power , 68 antist atic wrist strap , 15 B Booting HP Server , 76 C Console p roblems occur , 50 Core I/O connections , 69 Cover.
Index 78 R Rack installin g into , 13 Rack Mounted, accessing , 15 Refl ect ion 1 , 71 Removing component s disk drives , 18 front fans , 28 front grill , 24 memory , 36 PCI card cage , 31 PCI cards ,.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) CX2600 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) CX2600 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) CX2600 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) CX2600 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) CX2600, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) CX2600.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) CX2600. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) CX2600 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.