Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CIFS Server and Terminal Server del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP CIFS Se rver and Terminal Server Version 1.06 October , 200 7 SNSL Advanced Technology Center E0300 Printed in: U.S.A. ©Copyright 2007 Hewlett - Packard Company.
2 Legal Notices The information in this document is subject to change witho ut notice. Hewlett - Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
3 Contents Legal Notices .................................................................................................................. 2 Chapter 1 Introduction ......................................................................................
4 Chapter 1 Introduction Many organizations host file server and print server services on H P CI FS Server and Samba open source servers, usually running on UNIX or Linux operating systems. Client access to these services is typically achieved by dir ect network connectivity from the client to the server.
5 Chapter 2 Samba and Terminal Server Integration The fundamental Samba design is to m anage each client connection to the server with a discrete user process called a smbd daemon. During the client session setup to the Samba server the father Samba process starts the smbd from an incoming client TCP/IP session connection.
6 Naturally, the expectation of Terminal Server is that the six remote client connections and subsequent share mounts to the Samba server will result in 6 separate TCP/IP connections , resulting in the expected 6 smbd process to service each virtual client.
7 Chapter 3 Samba with TS on Windows NT4 /2000 /2003 Terminal Server on Windows N T4 , 2000 , and 2003 is configurable to allow the underlying Windows operating system to appropri ately handle multiple incoming client connections for Samba (or other) servers.
8 behavior provides the system resources per client connection that Samba was designed for, and thus Samba performance for Terminal Server connections is consistent with standard client sessions (note.
9 Chapter 4 Without the Hotfix If the Windows Terminal Server is not configurable with the hotfixes listed in Chapter 3, t he resulting Termina l Server functionality of no configurable option for multi ple TCP transport sessions renders the Samba server default configuration behavior incapable of starting more than one smbd user process .
10 Chapter 5 Terminal Server Workarounds There is no easy way to generate a new TCP/IP connection for every Terminal Server client that conne cts to a back - end file server. Interestingly, multiplexing numerous discrete connections over a single TCP/IP pipe (the default Windows behavior) has potential reliabilit y issues by itself.
11 Prior to Samba version 3.0.2, t he Samba code data stru cture for “netbios aliases =” w as 1024 bytes long. Therefore, the total number of aliases that could be defined was limited by the total length of all defined alias names: (Alias1+Alias2 +… .
12 5.1.2 T erminal Server Hosts File Aliases The Windows Terminal Server can be configured with a hosts file that is similar in function to the UNIX/Linux /etc/hosts file. The Terminal Server hosts file can be configured to supply Terminal Server aliases for a back - end Samba file/print server.
13 Managing s ynchronization between the user logon and the Samba share alias could occur via numerous methods in a consolidated fashion on the Terminal Server. 5.1.3 WINS Server NetBIOS Aliases NetBIOS aliases can also be defined on the WINS server, and they operate similarly to the names defined above in the hosts file.
14 Filtering the WINS display for the Samb a server emonster IP address show s the static mapping table for the users that looks similar to the hosts file we created above (except with multiple NetBIOS name suffixes per user) . The user can now map their share using the familiar s yntax: buffy share .
15 5.3 Home Share Configuration Samba allows for considerable customization of user home share definitions. At least one method of home share configuration is not advisable when servicing multiple Terminal Server users per smbd process. The most common ho me share definition is the Samba [homes] share.
16 The Terminal Server sees the service name as EMONSTER HOME - SHARE , and not emonster buffy . I f the user spike open s a session on the same Terminal Server and mounts the home - share using the same procedure as buffy, Terminal S erver will use the same service name as buffy.
17 Using the [homes] share definition, Terminal Server sees the service name as EMONSTER BUFFY . File access and file locking tasks perfo rm correctly. When configuring Samba for home shares with Terminal Server usage, it is best to avoid defining a share mnemonic with a substitution variable in the path (previous example) .
18 When using the Samba “netbio s aliases =” workaround or the Terminal Services hosts file for Samba aliases, the MAX_CONNECTIONS issue does not occur (when each Terminal Server user is allocated a separate smbd process). Note: Samba 3.0.2 is enhanced to eliminate the maximum (128) i ssue.
19 Chapter 6 Summary The d efault behavior of Terminal Server on Windows is to multiplex all user connections to individual machines (Samba file and print servers) over a single TCP/IP connection, which poten tially results in multiple Terminal Server user sessions being serviced by one Samba smbd process.
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Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) CIFS Server and Terminal Server. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) CIFS Server and Terminal Server insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.