Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto BL260c del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Pr oL iant BL2 6 0c Gener ati on 5 S er v er Blade User G uid e Part Number 459407- 001 March 2008 (First Edition).
© Copyright 2008 Hew lett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The in formati on con taine d herein is su bject to chan ge with out not ice. T he only w arrant ies for HP pr oducts and ser vices ar e set forth in the express warran ty stat ements a ccompan ying such pr oducts and s ervic es.
Contents 3 Con t e n t s Componen t identification ....................................................................................................... ........ 6 Front pan el compon ents ............................................................
Contents 4 SmartStart s oftware ............................................................................................................ .............. 42 HP ROM -Based Setup Util ity ...............................................................
Contents 5 Regulatory compliance no tices .................................................................................................. ... 7 4 Regulatory com pliance i d entific ation n umbers ....................................................
Component identification 6 C omponent i dentif i cati on Front panel components Item Description 1 Serial label pull tab 2 HP c-Class Blade SUV Cable connector 3 Release button 4 Server blade handle.
Component identification 7 Front panel LEDs and buttons Item Description Status 1 UID LED/button Blue = Identified Blue fla shing = A ctive remote manageme nt Off = No act ive remot e management 2 Hea.
Component identification 8 System board components Item Description 1 System board thumbsc rew 2 Processor socket 2 (with blank) 3 DIMM slots (6) 4 Hard drive data con nector 1 5 Hard drive data con n.
Component identification 9 Position Fu nction Default 5 Password disabled Off 6 Reset configura tion Off 7 Reserved Off 8 Reserved Off When the system maintenan ce switch position 6 is set to the On position, the system is prepared to erase all system configuration settings from both CMOS and NVRAM.
Operatio ns 10 Oper atio ns Power up the serve r blade The enclosure initiates an automatic power-up sequence when the serv er blade is installed. If the default setting is changed, use one of the followi ng methods to power up the server blade: • Use a virtual power button selection through iLO 2.
Operatio ns 11 Remove the server blade To remove the component: 1. Identify the proper server blade. 2. Power down the server blade (on page 10 ). 3. Remove the server blade. 4. Place the server blade on a flat, level work surface. Remove the access panel To remove the component: 1.
Setup 12 Setup Overview To install a server blade, complete the following steps: 1. Install and configure an HP BladeSystem c-Class enclosure. 2. Install any server blade options. 3. Install interconnect modules in the enclosure. 4. Connect the interconnect modules to the network.
Setup 13 Interconnect bay numbering and dev ice mapping • HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure • HP BladeSystem c3000 Enclosure To support network connections for specific sign als, inst all an interconnect module in the bay corresponding to the embedded NIC o r mezzanine signals.
Setup 14 For detailed port mapping information, see the HP BladeSystem enclosure installation poster or the HP BladeSystem enclosure setup and installation guide on the HP website ( http://www.
Setup 15 2. Remove t he enclosure connector cov er. 3. Prepare the server blade for installation..
Setup 16 4. Install the server blade. Completing the configuration To complete the server blade and HP BladeSystem config uration, see the ov erview card that ships with the enclosure.
Hardware options in stallation 17 Har d w ar e opti ons ins tallati on Introduction If more than one option is be ing installed, read the installation instructions for all the hardware options and identify similar steps to stre amline the installation process.
Hardware options in stallation 18 5. Remove the hard drive cage/bezel as sembly. 6. Open the hard drive cage..
Hardware options in stallation 19 7. Install the hard drive. 8. Connect the cable to the hard drive and close the hard drive cage..
Hardware options in stallation 20 9. Locate the T-15 screws on the hard drive cage/bezel as sembly. 10. Install the four T-15 screws..
Hardware options in stallation 21 11. Install the hard drive cage/bezel assembly. 12. Route and connect the hard driv e data an d power cable to the system board. 13. Install the access panel (on page 11 ). 14. Install the server blade (" Installing a server blade " on page 14 ).
Hardware options in stallation 22 CAUTION: To avoid damage to the system board: • Do not touch the processor socket contacts. • Always install the processor socket cover afte r removing the processor from the sock et. • Do not tilt or slide the processor when lowering the processor into the so cket.
Hardware options in stallation 23 5. Disconnect the hard drive cable power and data cable from the system board. 6. Remove the hard drive cage/bezel as sembly.
Hardware options in stallation 24 7. Remove the heatsink blank. Retain the heatsink blank for future use. 8. Open the processor retaining latch and th e processor socket retaining bracket.
Hardware options in stallation 25 9. Remove the processor socket protective cover. IMPORTA NT: Be sure the processor remains in side the processor installation tool. 10. If the processor has separated from the installation to ol, carefully re-insert the processor in the tool.
Hardware options in stallation 26 11. Align the processor installation tool with the socket and install the processor. 12. Press down firmly until the processor installation t ool clicks and separates from the processor, and then remove the processor installation tool.
Hardware options in stallation 27 13. Close the processor so cket retaining br acket and the processor retaining latch. 14. Remove the thermal interface protective cover from the heatsink. CAUTION: Heatsink retaining screws should be tigh tened in diagonally opposite pairs (in an "X" pattern).
Hardware options in stallation 28 15. Install the heatsink. 16. Install the hard drive cage/bezel assembly..
Hardware options in stallation 29 17. Route and connect the hard driv e data an d power cable to the system board. 18. Install the access panel (on page 11 ). 19. Install the server blade (" Installing a server blade " on page 14 ). Memory options You can expand server memory by installing PC2-5 30 0 Registered DDR2 SDRA M DIMMs.
Hardware options in stallation 30 • The following table lists all support ed combinations of single- rank, dual-rank, and quad-rank DIMM configurations. "Single" indicates a slot/bank with a single-rank DIMM. "Dual" indicates a slot/bank with a dual-rank DIMM.
Hardware options in stallation 31 6. Install the access panel (on page 11 ). 7. Install the server blade (" Installing a server blade " on page 14 ). Mezzanine card option Optional mezzanine cards are classified as Type I mezzanine cards and Type II mezzanine cards.
Hardware options in stallation 32 5. Install the mezzanine card. Press down on the connector to seat the board. 6. Install the access panel (on page 11 ).
Cabling 33 Cabl in g Hard drive cabling CAUTION: When routing cables, always be sure th at the cables are not in a position where they can be pinched or crim ped.
Cabling 34 Numerous configurations are possi ble. This section offers two po ssible configurations. For more information, see "USB support and fun ctionality (on page 52 )." Accessing a server blade wi th local KVM For this configuration, a US B hub is not necessa ry.
Cabling 35 1. Connect the SUV cable to the server blade. 2. Connect the video connector to a monit or. 3. Connect a USB hub to one USB connector. 4. Connect the following to the USB hub: o USB CD/DVD-.
Configura tion and utilities 36 C onf igur ati on and u tiliti es Server blade deployment tools Software drivers and addi tional components HP offers the following additional soft ware components for .
Configura tion and utilities 37 To connect to the server blade using iLO 2, install the server blade in an enclosure. enclosure assigns an IP address to enable iLO 2 connectivity to the server blade. The c-Class tab enables you to control specific setti ngs for the HP BladeSystem.
Configura tion and utilities 38 o TCP/IP networking and an IP address compatible with one of the following : the iLO 2 Diagnostic Port IP address or an assigned DHCP or static IP address o CD-ROM drive, CD/ DVD-ROM dr ive, and/or diskette drive o Any of the following Java™ Runtime Environment v ersions: 1.
Configura tion and utilities 39 Deployment methods Four primary deployment methods are supported: IMPORTA NT: To deploy a server blade without the RD P, create a bootable diskette or image of a bootable diskette.
Configura tion and utilities 40 Two methods are available for CD-ROM deployment: • iLO virtual CD -ROM • USB CD-ROM iLO virtual CD-ROM To deploy with a boot CD: 1. Do one of the foll owing: o Insert the boot CD into the client PC that is using the iLO 2 Remote Console.
Configura tion and utilities 41 This method implies a deployment infrastructure th at may include an administrator workstation, PXE server, M icrosoft® Windows® file share, or a L inux fi le share. For more information , refer to "Deployment infrastructure (on page 37 ).
Configura tion and utilities 42 • The FCA option is installed correctly in the server blade. Refer to the doc umentation that ships with the FCA option. • An FC-compatible interconnect is installed in the enclos ure. Refer to the documentation that ships with the interconnect option.
Configura tion and utilities 43 configuration process. This automate d serv er configuration process cuts time from ea ch server deployed, making it possible to scale server deploymen ts to high volumes in a rapid manner. For more information, and t o download the SmartSta rt Scripting Toolkit, refer to the HP website ( http://www.
Configura tion and utilities 44 NOTE: If the boot drive is not empty or has been written to in the past, ORCA does not automatically configure the array.
Configura tion and utilities 45 DIMM. DIMMs that are likely to receive a fat al/uncorrectable memory e rror are removed from operation automatically, result ing in less system downtime. See the server-speci fic user guide for DIMM population requirements.
Configura tion and utilities 46 Installing the E mbedded SATA RAID driv er with a USB di skette drive 1. Boot the server blade, and then press F10 to enter the ROM-Ba sed Setup Utility (RBSU). 2. Enable the Embedded SATA RAID option under the Advanced Options section.
Configura tion and utilities 47 Instal ling an o perati ng system (Embe dded SATA R AID) Embedded SATA RAID is only suppo rted with certain operating systems. For more information about supported operating system s, see the HP website ( http://www.hp.
Configura tion and utilities 48 6. Select Product ID . 7. Enter the product ID and press the Enter ke y. 8. Press the Esc k ey to close the menu. 9. Press the Esc k ey to exit RBSU. 10. Press the F10 key to confirm exiting RBSU. The server will automatically reboot.
Configura tion and utilities 49 Erase Utility CAUTION: Perform a backup before running the System Erase Utility. The utility sets the system to its original factory state, deletes the current hardware configuration information, including array setup and disk partitioning, and erases all connected hard driv es co mpletely.
Configura tion and utilities 50 The Virtual Machine Management Pack provides the following functionality: • Central management and control of VMware® and Micr osoft® virtual machines with phys ica.
Configura tion and utilities 51 HP ProLiant Ess entials Vulnerab ility and Patch Management Pack The HP ProLiant Essentials Vulnerability and Patch Ma nagement Pack software ex tends the functionality of HP Systems Insight Man ager (HP SIM) to provide vulnerability and patch management for target systems.
Configura tion and utilities 52 For more information about Insight Contro l Environment suites, see the HP website ( http://www. ce ). HP Insight Control Linux Editio n HP Insight Control .
Configura tion and utilities 53 Diagnostic tools HP Insight Diagnostics HP Insight Diagnostics is a proactive server blade ma nagement tool, available in both offline and online versions, that provide.
Configura tion and utilities 54 • From within HP Insight Diagnostics (on page 53 ) For more information, refer t o th e Management CD in the HP ProL iant Essentials Foundation Pack.
Configura tion and utilities 55 NOTE: If you are installing drivers from the S martStart CD or the Software Maintenance C D, refer to the SmartStart website ( http://www.hp.c om/servers/smartstart ) to be sure that you are using the latest version of SmartStart.
Configura tion and utilities 56 IMPORTA NT: This utility supports operating systems that may not be supported by the server. For operating systems supp orted by the server, see the HP website ( http://www.
Troubleshooting 57 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Troubleshooting resources The HP ProLiant Serve rs Troubleshooting Guide provides procedures for resolving c ommon problems and comprehensive courses of.
Troubleshooting 58 Important safety information Familiarize yourself with the safety information in th e fol lowing sections befo re troubleshooting the server. Important sa fety informatio n Before servicing this product, read the Important Safety Information document provided with the server.
Troubleshooting 59 WARNING: Only authorized technicians traine d by HP should attempt to repair this equipment. All troubleshooting and repair procedures are detailed to allow only subassembly/module-level repair.
Troubleshooting 60 6. Collect all tools and utilities, such as a Torx sc rewdriver, loopback adapters, ESD wrist strap, and software utilities, necessary to tro ubleshoot the problem. o You must have the appropriate Health Drivers and Management Agents installed on the server.
Troubleshooting 61 The available flowcharts include: • Start diagnosis flowchart (on page 61 ) • General diagnosis flowchart (on page 62 ) • Server blade power-on problems flowchart (on page 64 .
Troubleshooting 62 General diagnosis flowchart The General diagnosis flowchart provides a generic appr oach to troubleshooting. If you are unsure o f the problem, or if the other flow charts do not fix the problem, use the following f lowchart.
Troubleshooting 63 Item See 4 The most recen t version of a particular server or option firmware is available on the f ollowing websites: • HP Support website ( /support ) • HP ROM-BIO S/Firmware Updates website ( http://h18023.www1.
Troubleshooting 64 Server blade power-on problems flowchart Symptoms: • The server does not power o n. • The system power LED is off or amber..
Troubleshooting 65 • The health LED is red or amber. NOTE: For the location of s erver LEDs and inform ation on their statuses, refer to the server documentation.
Troubleshooting 66 POST problems flowchart Symptoms: • Server does not complete POST NOTE: The server has completed POST when the sy stem attempts to access the boot device.
Troubleshooting 67 Item Refe r to 1 Server blade power-on pro blems flowc hart (on page 64 ) 2 "POST error messag es and beep codes (on pag e 72 )" 3 "Video problems" in the HP ProLiant Serve rs Troubleshooting Guide located on the Documen tation CD or on the HP website ( http://www.
Troubleshooting 68 OS boot problems flowchart There are two ways to use SmartStart when di agnosing OS boot pro blems on a server blade: • Use iLO to attach virtual devices remotely to mount the S martStart CD on the server blade. • Use an HP c-Class Blade SUV Cable and drive to connect to the serv er blade, and then restart the server blade.
Troubleshooting 69 • Server does not boot SmartStart Possible causes: • Corrupted OS • Hard drive subsystem problem • Incorrect boot order s etting in RBSU Item See 1 HP ROM-Based Setu p Utility U ser Guide ( http://www.
Troubleshooting 70 * See the server blade OS boot problems flowchart (on page 68 ) Server fault indications flowcha rt Symptoms: • Server boots, but a fault event is report ed by Insight Management .
Troubleshooting 71 NOTE: For the location of s erver LEDs and inform ation on their statuses, refer to the server documentation. Possible causes: • Improperly seated or faulty internal or external c.
Troubleshooting 72 POST error messages an d beep codes For a complete listing of error messages, refer to the "POST error message s" in the HP ProLi ant Servers Troubleshooting Guide locat ed on the Documentation CD or on the HP website ( http://www.
Battery replacement 73 Bat ter y r e placement If the server blade no longer automatically display s the correct date and time, you may need to replace the battery that provides power to the real-time clock. Under normal use, battery life is 5 to 10 years.
Regulatory compliance notices 74 R e gulator y compliance noti ces Regulatory compliance identification numbers For the purpose of regulatory complian ce certifications and identification, this prod uct has been assigned a unique regulatory model number.
Regulatory compliance notices 75 energy and, if not installed and used in accordan ce with the instructions, may caus e harmful interference to radio communications . However, there is no guaran tee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Regulatory compliance notices 76 Canadian notice (Avis Canadien) Class A equipment This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Regulatory compliance notices 77 This symbol on the product or on its packaging in dicates that this product m ust not be disposed of with your other hous ehold waste.
Regulatory compliance notices 78 Korean notice Class A equipment Class B equipment Laser compliance This product may be provided with an optical storage d evice (that is, CD or DVD drive) and/or fiber optic transceiver.
Regulatory compliance notices 79 WARNING: The computer contains an internal lithium m anganese dioxide, a vanadium pentoxide, or an alkaline battery pack. A risk of fire and burns exists if the battery pack is not properly handled. To reduce the risk of personal inju ry: • Do not attempt to recharge the battery.
Electrostatic discharge 80 Elec tr os tati c dis c har ge Preventing electrostatic discharge To prevent damaging the system, be aware of the pr ecautions you need to follow when setting up the system or handling parts. A discharge of static elec tricity from a finger or other cond uctor may damage system boards or other static-sensitive devices.
Specifications 81 Sp e c ific a t io n s Environmental specifications Specification Value Tempera ture range* Operat ing 10 ° C to 35 ° C (50 ° F to 95 ° F) Shipping -40 ° C to 60 ° C (-40 ° F .
Technica l suppor t 8 2 T ec hni cal su ppor t Before you contact HP Be sure to have the following info rmation available before y ou call HP: • Technical support registra tion number (if applicable.
Technica l suppor t 8 3 • Mandatory —Parts for which customer self repair is ma ndatory. If you request HP to replace these parts, you will be charged for the travel and labor costs of this service. • Optional —Parts for which customer self repair is option al.
Technica l suppor t 8 4 l'ensemble des frais d'expédition et de retour, et détermine la société de courses ou le transporteur à utiliser. Pour plus d'informations sur le prog ramme CSR de HP, contactez votre Ma inteneur Agrée local.
Technica l suppor t 8 5 lassen möchten, können bei diesem Service je nach den für Ihr Produkt vorgesehenen Garantiebedingungen zusätzliche Kosten anfallen. HINWEIS : Einige Teile sind nicht für Customer Self Repair ausgelegt. Um den Garantieanspruch des Kunden zu erfüllen, muss das Teil von einem HP Servic epartner ersetzt werden.
Technica l suppor t 8 6 de envío. Si no enviara el componente defectuoso requ erido, HP podrá cobrarle por el de sustituci ón. En el caso de todas sustituciones que lle v e a cabo el cliente, H P se hará cargo de todos los gastos de envío y devolución de componente s y escogerá la empresa de transporte que se utilice para dicho servicio.
Technica l suppor t 8 7 • Obrigatória – Peças cujo re paro feito pelo cliente é obri gatório. Se desejar que a HP substitua essas peças, serão cobradas as de spesas de transporte e mão-de-obra do serviço. • Opcional – Peças cujo reparo feito pe lo cliente é opcional.
Technica l suppor t 8 8.
Technica l suppor t 8 9.
Acronyms an d abbreviations 90 A c r on y ms and abbr e v iati ons ABEND abnormal end AMP Advanced Memory Protectio n ASR Automatic Server Recovery CSR Customer Self Repair DHCP Dynamic Host Configura.
Acronyms an d abbreviations 91 OSEM Open Services Event Manager P2V physical to virtual PMP Performance Management Pack POST Power-On Self Test PSP ProLiant Support Pack PXE Preboot Execution Enviro n.
Acronyms an d abbreviations 92 V2V virtual to virtual VCA Version Control Agent VM Virtual Machine WEBES Web-Based Enterprise Service WfM Wired for Management.
Index 93 A access panel 11 additional information 57 Advanced ECC m emory 29, 44 Advanced ECC su pport 29 ASR (Automatic Server Recovery) 48 authorized reseller 82 auto-configu ration process 43 Autom.
Index 94 European Union notice 76 external cables 33 F FCC (Federal Comm unications Commis sion) notice 74, 75 FCC rating label 74 features 6 Federal Communications C ommission (FCC) notice 74, 75 fir.
Index 95 laser devices 78 LED, health 7 LED, power button 7 LED, system power 7 LEDs, hard driv e 7 LEDs , NIC 7 LEDs, troublesho oting 57 LEDs, unit identificati on (UID) 7 Lights-Out network-ba sed .
Index 96 Server Migration Pack 49, 50 service notifications 60 setting up a network 37 Setup 12 Smart Update Manager 55 SmartStart autorun menu 42 SmartStart Scripting Toolkit 42 SmartStart, ove rview.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL260c è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL260c - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL260c imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL260c ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL260c, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL260c.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL260c. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) BL260c insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.