Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto B2D11UT#ABA del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Compaq Business PC Hardware Reference Guide Elite 8300 Series Convertible Minitower Elite 8300 Series Microtower Elite 8300 Series Small Form Factor Elite 8300 Series Ultra-Slim Desktop.
© Copyright 2012 Hew lett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vista are either trademarks or registered trademar ks of Microsoft Corporation in the U nited States and/or other countries.
About This Book This guide provides basic information for upgr ading HP Compaq Busin ess PCs. WARNING! Text set off in this manner indi cates that failure to follow di rections could result in bodily harm or l oss of life .
iv About This Book.
Table of contents 1 Produc t Feature s ............ ............ .............. ........... ............... ............ ............... ........... ..... ............ ........... .......... 1 Standar d Configu ration Fe atures ........... ...........
Changing from a Desktop to a Minitower Configuration ........ ........... .......... ......... ........... ........ ......... ... 47 Installing a Security Lock .......... ............ ............ ................ ............ ............ ...........
Replacing the Front Bezel .......... ......... .......... ........ .......... ........ ......... .......... ........ ......... ......... . ....... ...... 94 Changing from Desk top to T ower Conf iguration .. .................... ................... ..
Installing the New Optical Driv e ..................... .............. ................................. ................... 142 Replac ing the Ha rd Drive .......... .............. ............ ............ .............. ............ ............ ..
1 Product Features Standard Configuration Features Features may vary de pending on the mode l. For a complete listing of the hardware an d software installed in the computer , run the diagnostic utility (include d on some comput er models only).
Figure 1 -3 Small Form Factor C onfiguration NOTE: The Small Form Factor compute r can also be used in a tower orie ntation. For more information, see Changin g from Desktop to Tower Configuration on page 95 in this guide.
Convertible Minitower (CMT) Front Panel Components Drive configuration ma y vary by model. Some models have a b ezel blank covering one or more drive bays. Figure 1 -5 Front Panel Componen ts Table 1-1 Fron t Panel Compon ents 1 5.25-inch Optical Drives 5 Microphone/Headphone Connector 2 5.
Microtower (MT) Front Panel Components Drive configuration ma y vary by model. Some models have a b ezel blank covering one or more drive bays. Table 1-2 Fron t Panel Compon ents 1 5.
Small Form Factor (SFF) Front Panel Components Drive configuration ma y vary by model. Some models have a b ezel blank covering one or more drive bays. Figure 1 -6 Front Panel Componen ts Table 1-3 Fron t Panel Compon ents 1 5.25-inch Optical Drive 5 Microphone/Headphone Connector 2 Dual-State Power Button 6 3.
Ultra-Slim Desktop (USDT) Front Panel Components Drive configuration ma y vary by model. Some mode ls have a bezel blank covering the optical drive bay.
Convertible Minitower (CMT) Rear Panel Components Figure 1 -8 Rear Panel Components Table 1-5 Rear Panel Comp onents 1 Power Cord Conn ector 7 Line-Out Connector for power ed audio devices (green) 2 P.
Microtower (MT) Rear Panel Components Figure 1 -9 Rear Panel Components Table 1-6 Rear Panel Comp onents 1 Power Cord Connector 6 Line-Out Con nector for powered audio devices (green) 2 Line-In Audio .
Small Form Factor (SFF) Rear Panel Components Figure 1 -10 Rear Panel Components Table 1-7 Rear Panel Comp onents 1 RJ-45 Network Connector 7 DisplayPort Monitor Connector 2 Serial Connector 8 VGA Mon.
Ultra-Slim Desktop (USDT) Rear Panel Components Figure 1 -11 Rear Panel Components Table 1-8 Rear Panel Comp onents 1 Line-Out Connector for powere d audio devices ( green) 6 VGA Monitor Connector 2 DisplayPort Monitor Connectors 7 Power Cord Conn ector 3 USB 3.
Media Card Reader Components The media card reader is an opti o nal device available o n some models on ly. Refer to the fo llowing illustration and table to identify th e media card reader comp onents. Figure 1 -12 Media Card Reader Compo nents Table 1-9 Media Card Reader Components No.
Keyboard Figure 1 -13 Keyboard Components Table 1-10 Keyboa rd Components 1 Function Keys Perform special functions depending on the so ftware application be ing used. 2 Editing Keys Includes the following: Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, and Page Down.
Using the Windows Logo Key Use the Windows Logo key in combination with other keys to perform certain functions available in the Windows opera ting system.
Table 1-11 Window s Logo Key Function s (continued) Windows Logo Key + right arr ow Snaps the window to the right side of the screen Windows Logo Key + down arrow Minimizes the window Windows Logo Key.
Figure 1 -15 Microtower Serial Number and Product ID Location Figure 1 -16 Small Form Factor Serial Number and Product ID L ocation Serial Number Location 15.
Figure 1 -17 Ultra-Slim Desktop (USDT) Serial Nu mber and Product ID Location 16 Chapter 1 Product Features.
2 Convertible Minitower (CMT) Hardware Upgrades Serviceability Features The computer include s features that make it easy to upgrade a nd service. No tools are neede d for most of the installa tion procedur es described in this chapter.
Removing the Computer Access Panel To access internal components, yo u must remove the access panel: 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
Replacing the Computer Access Panel Slide the lip on the front end of the access panel under the lip on the front of the chassis (1) the n press the back end of the access panel on to the unit so that it lock s into place (2).
Removing the Front Bezel 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer. 3. Turn off the compu ter properly through the ope rating system, then turn off any external devices.
Removing Bezel Blanks On some models, th ere are bezel blanks covering the 5.25-inch drive bays that need to be removed before installing a drive. To remove a bezel blank: 1. Remove the access pan el and front bezel. 2. Gently pull the subpane l, with the bezel blanks secu red in it, away from the f ront bezel, then remove the desired bezel blank.
Replacing the Front Bezel Insert the three hooks on the bottom side of the bezel into the rectangular h oles on the chassis (1) then rotate the to p side of the bezel on to the chassis (2) and snap it into place.
System Board Connections Refer to the following illustration and tabl e to identify the sys tem board connectors. Figure 2 -6 System Board Connections Table 2-1 System Board Conne ctions No.
Table 2-1 System Board Connections (continue d) No. System Board Connec tor System Board Labe l Color Component 17 USB MEDIA2 black USB Device, such as a Media Card Reader 18 SATA 2.0 SATA2 white 3rd Hard Dr ive, or 1st Optical Drive if no 3rd Hard Drive 19 SATA 3.
In addition, the computer su pports: ● 512-Mbit, 1-Gbit, and 2-G bit non-ECC memory technologie s ● single-sided and double-sided DIMMs ● DIMMs constructed with x8 and x1 6 DDR device s; DIMMs constructed with x4 SDRAM are not supported NOTE: The system will not operate properly i f you install unsuppo rted DIMMs.
Installing DIMMs CAUTION: You must disconnect the power cord an d wa it approximately 30 second s for the power to drain before a dding or removing memory module s. Re gardless of the p ower-on state, voltage is always supplied to the memory modules as long as th e computer is plug ged into an active AC outlet.
6. Open both latches of the memory module socket (1), and insert th e memory module into the socket (2). Figure 2-7 Installing a DIMM NOTE: A memory module can be installed in on ly one way. Match the notch on the module with the tab on the memory socket.
Removing or Installing an Expansion Card The computer ha s three standard full-h eight PCI ex pansion slots, one PCI Express x1 e xpansion slot, one PCI Express x16 expans ion slot, and one PCI Ex press x16 expansion slot that i s downshifted to a x4 slot.
8. Before installing an expansion ca rd, remove the expansion slot co ver or the existing expansion card. NOTE: Before removing an insta lled expansion card, disconnect any cables that may be attached to the expans ion card.
c. If you are removing a PCI Express x16 card, pull the rete ntion arm on the back of the expansion socke t away from the card and ca refully rock the card back and forth until the connector s pull fre e from the s ocket. Li ft the card straight u p to remove it.
11. To install a new expa nsion card, slide the bracket on the en d of the card down into the slot on the back of the chassis and press the card down firmly into the socket on t he system board.
Drive Positions Figure 2 -13 Drive Positions (Minitower Configuration Shown) Table 2-2 Drive Positions 1 Three 5.25-inch drive bays for optional drive s (optical drives and media card reader shown) 2 Three 3.5-inch internal har d drive bays NOTE: The drive configuration on your computer may be di fferent than the drive configuration shown above.
Removing a Drive from a Drive Bay CAUTION: All removable media should be taken out of a drive before removin g the drive from the computer. 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
● If you are removing a media card reader, disconnect the U SB cable from the syst em board. Figure 2-15 Disconnecting the Media Ca rd Reader USB Cable ● If you are removing a hard drive, disconnect the power cab le (1) and d ata cable (2) from the back of the drive.
7. Remove the drive fr om the drive bay as follows: ● To remove a 5.25-i nch drive in the deskto p configuration, press down on the yellow drivelock mechanism (1) an d slide the drive fro m the drive bay (2). CAUTION: When the yellow drivelock is p ressed, a ll the 5.
● To remove a hard drive from on e of the two lower internal hard drive ba ys, pull up on the green hard drive drivelock m echanism (1) for th at drive and slide the drive from the drive bay (2).
Installing Drives When installing drives, follow these guidelines: ● The primary Serial ATA (SATA) hard drive mu st be conn ected to the dark blue SATA co nnector on the system board labeled SATA0. If you are addi ng a second hard drive, connect it to the light blue SATA1 connector.
No. Guide Screw Device 1 Black M3 Metric Screws 5.25-inch Drives 2 Silver 6-32 Standard Screws 3.5-inch Hard Drive in the Top Drive Bay (Bay 4) 3 Silver and Blue 6-32 Isolation Moun ting Scr ews 3.
7. Install four M3 metric guide scr ews in the lowe r holes on each side of the d rive (1). HP has provided four extra M3 metric guide screws on the 5.25-inc h drive bracket under the access panel. The M3 metri c guide screws are black. Refer to Installing Drives on page 37 for an illustration of the extra M3 metric guide screws location.
9. Connect the power and d ata cables to the driv e as indicated in the following illustrations. a. If you are installing an optica l drive, connect the power cable (1) and dat a cable (2) to the back of the drive.
11. Replace the front beze l and computer access panel. 12. Reconnect the power cord an d turn on the compute r. 13. Lock any security devices that were disengag ed when the computer a ccess panel was removed. Installing a Hard Drive into an Internal Drive Bay NOTE: The system does not support Parallel ATA (PATA) hard drives.
● If you are installing a 2.5-inch hard drive into either of the lower two bays (bays 5 and 6), do the following: ◦ Slide the dr ive into the bay adapter bracket, ensurin g the connecto r on the dri ve is fully inserted into the connector on the adapter bracket.
◦ Install four 6-32 silver and bl ue isolation mounting guide screws in the a dapter bracket (two on each side of the bracket). Figure 2-28 Installing Isolation Mounting Guide Screws in the Adapter .
7. Insert the hard d rive into the bay as follows: CAUTION: Ma ke sure the guide screws line up with the gui de slots in the d rive cage. The use of unnecessary force when installing any drive in to the drive bay may result in damage to the drive.
8. Connect the power ca ble (1) and data ca ble (2) to the rear of the hard drive. NOTE: The power cable for the hard drives is a th ree-headed ca ble that is routed from the system board to the rear of the hard drive bays. Figure 2-32 Co nnecting the Power Cable and Data Cable to a SATA Hard Drive 9.
8. To release the drive s from the 5.25 -inch drive ba y, lift the release tab on the green latch drive bracket for the drive (1). While l ifting the rele ase tab, slid e the drive from its drive b ay (2). Repeat this step for each 5.25-inch drive. Figure 2-33 Releasing the 5.
11. Remove the bezel subp anel as described in Removing Bezel Blanks on page 21 . CAUTION: Hold the subpanel straight when y ou pull it away from th e front bezel . Pulling the subpanel away at a n angle could damag e the pins that a lign it within the front beze l.
8. To release the drive s from the 5.25 -inch drive bay, press down on the sh ort yellow drivelock as shown (1). While pres sing the drive lock, pull the drives out of th e drive bay (2). Figure 2-36 Releasing the 5.25-inch Driv es from the Drive Bays (Des ktop) 9.
12. Reposition the bezel blanks within the subpanel in the proper orientation for the min itower configuration. 13. Reposition the sub panel (rotate it 90º) with the logo at the bottom, the n snap it back into the bezel. Figure 2-38 Changing from a Desktop to a Minitow er Configurat ion 14.
Installing a Security Lock The security locks displayed below and on the following page can be used to secure the computer. Cable Lock Figure 2 -39 Installing a Cable Lock Padlock Figure 2 -40 Install.
HP Business PC Security Lock 1. Fasten the security cable by looping it around a stationary object. Figure 2-41 Securing the Cable to a Fixe d Object 2.
3. Slide the security cable throu gh the hole in the cable lock on the rear of the mon itor. Figure 2-43 Securing the Monitor 4. Use the bracket provided in the kit to secure ot her peripheral devices by laying the device cable across the center of the b racket (1) and inserting the security cable through one of th e two holes in the bracket (2).
5. Thread the keyb oard and mouse cabl es through the compu ter chassis lock. Figure 2-45 Thre ading the Keyboard and Mouse Cables 6. Screw the lock to the chassis in the th umbscre w hole using the scr ew provided.
7. Insert the plug end of the secu rity cable into the l ock (1) and push the button in (2) to engage the lock. Use the key provided to disengage the lock. Figure 2-47 Engaging the Lock 8. When complete, all de vices in your workstation will be secured.
Front Bezel Security The front bezel can be lock ed in place by installing a security screw provided by HP. To install the security screw: 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
8. Install the screw through the inte rior of the front of the chassis into the fro nt bezel. The screw hole is located on the left edge of the chassis next to the top hard drive bay. Figure 2-50 Installing the Front Bezel Securi ty Screw 9. Replace the access pane l.
3 Microtower (MT) Hardware Upgrades Serviceability Features The computer include s features that make it easy to upgrade a nd service. No tools are neede d for most of the installa tion procedur es described in this chapter.
Removing the Computer Access Panel To access internal components, yo u must remove the access panel: 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
Replacing the Computer Access Panel 1. Slide the lip on the front end of th e access panel under the lip on the fro nt of the chassis (1) then press the back en d of the access pa nel onto the un it (2). Figure 3-2 Replacing th e Computer Access Panel 2.
Removing the Front Bezel 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer. 3. Turn off the compu ter properly through the ope rating system, then turn off any external devices.
2. To remove a bezel blank, push the two retaining tabs that hold the be zel blank in place towards the outer right edge of the bezel (1) and slide th e bezel blank back an d to the right to remove it (2).
System Board Connections Refer to the following illustrations and tables to identify the system board conn ectors for your model. Figure 3 -7 System Board Connections Table 3-1 System Board Conne ctions No.
Table 3-1 System Board Connections (continue d) No. System Board Connec tor System Board Labe l Color Component 18 PCI Express x16 downsh ifted to a x4 X4PCIE XP white Exp ansio n Card 19 PCI Express .
The system will au tomatically operate i n single channel mode, d ual channel mode, or flex mode, depending on how the DIMMs are i nstalled. ● The system will operate in singl e channel mode if the DIMM so ckets are populated in one channel on ly.
5. Remove the computer access pa nel. WARNING ! To reduce risk of personal injury from hot surf aces, allow the internal system components to co ol before touching . 6. Open both latches of the memory module socket (1), and insert th e memory module into the socket (2).
Removing or Installing an Expansion Card The computer has on e PCI expansion slot, one PCI Express x1 expansion slot, one PCI Express x1 6 expansion slot, an d one PCI Express x16 expansi on slot that is downsh i fted to a x4 slot . NOTE: You can install a PC I Express x1, x4, x8 , or x16 expans ion card in the PCI Exp ress x16 slot.
8. Before installing an expansion ca rd, remove the expansion slot co ver or the existing expansion card. NOTE: Before removing an insta lled expansion card, disconnect any cables that may be attached to the expans ion card.
b. If you are removing a standard PCI card or PC I Express x1 card, hold the card at each end, and carefully rock it back a nd forth until th e connectors pull fre e from the socket. Pull the expansion card straigh t up from the socket t hen away from the inside of the chassis to release it from the chassis frame.
10. If you are not installing a new expansion card, i n stall an expansion slot cover to close the op en slot. CAUTION: After remo ving an expansio n card, you must repla ce it with a new card or expansion slot cover for proper coo ling of internal compon ents during operation.
14. Replace the computer access pane l. 15. Reconnect the power cord an d turn on the compute r. 16. Lock any security devices that we re disengaged when the access pan el was remove d. 17. Reconfigure the computer, if ne cessary. Drive Positions Figure 3 -15 Drive Positions Table 3-2 Drive Positions 1 Two 5.
Installing and Removing Drives When installing drives, follow these guidelines: ● The primary Serial ATA (SATA) hard drive mu st be connecte d to the dark blue primary SAT A connector on the system board labeled SATA0. If you are adding a second hard dri ve, connect it to the light blue connector on t he system board labeled SATA1.
No. Guide Screw Device 1 Black M3 Metric Screws All Drives (except hard drives) 2 Silver and Blue 6-32 Isolation Mounting Screws Secondary Hard Drive CAUTION: To prevent loss of work and damage to the.
Removing a 5.25-inch or 3.5-in ch Drive from a Drive Bay CAUTION: All removable media should be taken out of a drive before removin g the drive from the computer. 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
b. If you are removing a media card reader, disconnect the U SB cable from the syst em board. Figure 3-18 Disconnecting the Media Ca rd Reader USB Cable 7.
Installing a 5.25-inch or 3.5- inch Drive into a Drive Bay 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer. 3. Turn off the compu ter properly through the ope rating system, then turn off any external devices.
8. Slide the drive into the drive bay, making sure to align the guide screws with the guide slots, until the drive sna ps into place. Figure 3-21 Sliding the Drives into the Drive Cage 9. Connect the power and d ata cables to the driv e as indicated in the following illustrations.
b. If your are installing a media card reader, connect the USB cable to the USB system board connector labeled MEDIA. Figure 3-23 Connecting the Media Card Re ader USB Cable 10. If installing a new drive, conn ect the opposite end of the data cable to the appropriate system board connector.
Removing a Hard Drive from a Drive Bay NOTE: Before you remove th e old hard drive, be sure to back up the data from the o ld hard drive so that you can transfer the data to the new hard drive. 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer.
7. Release the drive by pulling the re lease tab away from the drive (1) and slid ing the drive out of the bay (2). Figure 3-25 Removing a Hard Drive 8. Remove the four guide screws (t wo on each side) from the old dr ive. You will need these screws to install a new drive .
6. Install guide screws on the sides of the drive. If you are installing a 2.5-inch drive, you must install the drive in an adapter bracket. NOTE: The hard drive use s 6-32 isolation mounting guide screws. Four extra guid e screws are installed on the e xterior of the hard drive ba ys.
◦ Secure the drive to the bay ad apter bracket by installing fo ur black M3 adapter bracket screws through the sides of the brac ket into the dri ve. Figure 3-28 Securing the D rive in the Adapter Brac ket ◦ Install four 6-32 silver and bl ue isolation mounting guide screws in the a dapter bracket (two on each side of the bracket).
7. Slide the drive into the drive bay, making sure to align the guide screws with the guide slots, until the drive sna ps into place. The bottom bay is for the primary hard d rive. The upper bay is for an optional secondary h ard drive. Figure 3-30 Sliding a Hard Drive into the Drive Bay 8.
12. Reconnect the power cord an d any external devices, then turn on th e computer. 13. Lock any security devices that we re disengaged when the access pan el was remove d. Installing a Security Lock The security locks displayed below and on the follo wing pages can be used to secure the computer.
HP Business PC Security Lock 1. Fasten the security cable by looping it around a stationary object. Figure 3-34 Securing the Cable to a Fixe d Object 2.
3. Slide the security cable throu gh the hole in the cable lock on the rear of the mon itor. Figure 3-36 Securing the Monitor 4. Use the bracket provided in the kit to secure ot her peripheral devices by laying the device cable across the center of the b racket (1) and inserting the security cable through one of th e two holes in the bracket (2).
5. Thread the keyb oard and mouse cabl es through the compu ter chassis lock. Figure 3-38 Thre ading the Keyboard and Mouse Cables 6. Screw the lock to the chassis in the th umbscre w hole using the scr ew provided.
7. Insert the plug end of the secu rity cable into the l ock (1) and push the button in (2) to engage the lock. Use the key provided to disengage the lock. Figure 3-40 Engaging the Lock 8. When complete, all de vices in your workstation will be secured.
Front Bezel Security The front bezel can be lock ed in place by installing a security screw provided by HP. To install the security screw: 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
8. Install the screw through the inte rior of the front of the chassis into the fro nt bezel. The screw hole is located toward the middle of th e right ed ge of the chassis between the hard drive bay a nd speaker. Figure 3-43 Installing the Front Bezel Securi ty Screw 9.
4 Small Form Factor (SFF) Hardware Upgrades Serviceability Features The computer include s features that make it easy to upgrade a nd service. No tools are neede d for most of the installa tion procedur es described in this chapter.
Removing the Computer Access Panel To access internal components, yo u must remove the access panel: 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
Replacing the Computer Access Panel Slide the lip on the front end of the access panel under the lip on the front of the chassis (1) the n press the back end of the access panel on to the unit so that it lock s into place (2).
Removing the Front Bezel 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer. 3. Turn off the compu ter properly through the ope rating system, then turn off any external devices.
2. To remove a bezel blank, push the two retaining tabs that hold the be zel blank in place towards the outer right edge of the bezel (1) and slide th e bezel blank back an d to the right to remove it (2).
Changing from Desktop to Tower Configuration The Small Form Factor co mputer can be used in a to wer orientation with an op tional tower stand that can be purcha sed from HP. 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer.
System Board Connections Refer to the following illustration and table to id entify the system board co nnectors for your model. Figure 4 -7 System Board Connections Table 4-1 System Board Conne ctions No.
Table 4-1 System Board Connections (continue d) No. System Board Connec tor System Board Labe l Color Component 18 PCI Express x16 downsh ifted to a x4 X4PCIE XP white Exp ansio n Card 19 PCI Express .
The system will au tomatically operate i n single channel mode, d ual channel mode, or flex mode, depending on how the DIMMs are i nstalled. ● The system will operate in singl e channel mode if the DIMM so ckets are populated in one channel on ly.
6. Remove the computer access pa nel. WARNING ! To reduce risk of personal injury from hot surf aces, allow the internal system components to co ol before touching . 7. Rotate up the internal drive bay housing to access the memory module sockets on the system board.
8. Open both latches of the memory module socket (1), and insert th e memory module into the socket (2). Figure 4-9 Installing a DIMM NOTE: A memory module can be installed in o nly one way. Match the notch on the module with the tab on the memory socket.
Removing or Installing an Expansion Card The computer has on e PCI expansion slot, one PCI Express x1 expansion slot, one PCI Express x1 6 expansion slot, an d one PCI Express x16 expansi on slot that is downsh i fted to a x4 slot . NOTE: The PCI and PCI Express slots support o nly low profile cards.
9. Before installing an expansion ca rd, remove the expansion slot co ver or the existing expansion card. NOTE: Before removing an insta lled expansion card, disconnect any cables that may be attached to the expans ion card.
c. If you are removing a PCI Express x16 card, pull the rete ntion arm on the back of the expansion socke t away from the card and ca refully rock the card back and forth until the connectors pull free from the socket.
12. To install a new expansion card , hold the card just ab ove the expansion socket on the system board then mo ve the card toward the rear of the chassi s (1) so that the b racket on the card is aligned with th e open slot on the rear of the chassis.
18. Lock any security devices that we re disengaged when the access pan el was remove d. 19. Reconfigure the computer, if ne cessary. Drive Positions Figure 4 -16 Drive Positions Table 4-2 Drive Positions 1 3.5-inch internal hard drive bay 2 3.5-inch drive bay for optional drives (media card reade r shown) 3 5.
Installing and Removing Drives When installing drives, follow these guidelines: ● The primary Serial ATA (SATA) hard drive mu st be connecte d to the dark blue primary SAT A connector on the system board labeled SATA0. If you are adding a second hard dri ve, connect it to the light blue connector on t he system board labeled SATA1.
CAUTION: To prevent loss of work and damage to the compu ter or drive: If you are inserting or removing a drive, shut down the operating system properly, turn off the computer, and unplu g the power cord. Do not remove a drive whi le the computer is on or in sta ndby mode.
Removing a 5.25-inch D rive from a Drive Bay CAUTION: All removable media should be taken out of a drive before removin g the drive from the computer. 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
8. If removing an opti cal drive, disconnect the po wer ca ble (1) and data cable (2) from the rear of the optical drive. CAUTION: Whe n removing the cables, pull the tab or connector in stead of the cable itself to avoid damaging the cable. Figure 4-19 Disconnecting the Power and Data Cables 9.
10. Press down on the green drive reta iner button locate d on the le ft side of the drive to disengage the drive from the drive cage (1). While pressing the drive re tainer butt on, slide the drive back until it stops, then lift it up and out of the drive cage (2).
8. Install four M3 metric guide screws in the lower holes on each side of the drive. HP has provided four extra M3 metric guide screws on the front of the chassi s, under the front beze l. The M3 metric guide screws are bla ck. Refer to Installing and Removing Drives on page 106 for an illustration of the extra M3 metric guide screws location.
10. Rotate the drive cage to its upright position . Figure 4-24 Ro tating th e Drive Ca ge Up 11. Connect the SATA data cable to the white SATA system board connector labeled SATA2.
14. Rotate the drive cage back down to its normal position. CAUTION: Be careful not to pinch a ny cables or wires when rotati ng the drive cag e down. Figure 4-26 Ro tating th e Drive Ca ge Down 15. Replace the front bezel (if remo ved) and access panel.
2. Disconnect the drive cables from the rear of the drive, or, if you are removing a media card reader, disconnect the USB cable from the system board as indicate d in the followi ng illustration. Figure 4-27 Disconnecting the Media Card Reader USB Cab le 3.
Installing a 3.5-inch Dr ive into a Drive Bay The 3.5-inch bay is lo cated underne ath the 5.25-inch drive. To insta ll a drive into the 3.5-i nch bay: NOTE: Install guide screws to ensure the drive will line up correctly in the dri ve cage and lock in place.
5. Connect the appropria te drive cables: a. If installing a seco nd hard drive, conne ct the power cable (1) and data cable (2 ) to the rear of the drive and connect the ot her end of the dat a cable to the light blue connector on the system board labeled SATA1.
Removing and Replacing the Primary 3.5-inch Internal Hard Drive NOTE: Before you remove th e old hard drive, be sure to back up the data from the o ld hard drive so that you can transfer the data to the new hard drive. The preinstalled 3.5-inch hard drive is located under the power supply.
8. Rotate the power su pply to its upright position. The hard drive is lo cated beneath the power supply. Figure 4-34 Raising the Power Supply 9. Disconnect the power cable (1) a nd data cable (2) from the back of the hard drive.
10. Press down on th e green release latch n ext to the ha rd drive (1). While holding the latch down, slide the dr ive forward until it stops, then lift the drive up and o ut of the bay (2).
12. Align the guide screws with the slots on the cha ssis drive cage, press the hard drive dow n into the bay, then slide it back until it stops and locks in place. Figure 4-38 Installing the Hard Drive 13. Connect the power cable (1) and data cable (2) to the back of the hard drive.
Installing a Security Lock The security locks displayed below and on the follo wing pages can be used to secure the computer. Cable Lock Figure 4 -40 Installing a Cable Lock Padlock Figure 4 -41 Insta.
HP Business PC Security Lock 1. Fasten the security cable by looping it around a stationary object. Figure 4-42 Securing the Cable to a Fixe d Object 2.
3. Slide the security cable throu gh the hole in the cable lock on the rear of the mon itor. Figure 4-44 Securing the Monitor 4. Use the bracket provided in the kit to secure ot her peripheral devices by laying the device cable across the center of the b racket (1) and inserting the security cable through one of th e two holes in the bracket (2).
5. Thread the keyb oard and mouse cabl es through the compu ter chassis lock. Figure 4-46 Thre ading the Keyboard and Mouse Cables 6. Screw the lock to the chassis in the th umbscre w hole using the scr ew provided.
7. Insert the plug end of the secu rity cable into the l ock (1) and push the button in (2) to engage the lock. Use the key provided to disengage the lock. Figure 4-48 Engaging the Lock 8. When complete, all de vices in your workstation will be secured.
Front Bezel Security The front bezel can be lock ed in place by installing a security screw provided by HP. To install the security screw: 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
9. Install the security screw next to the midd le front bezel release tab to secure th e front bezel in place. Figure 4-51 Installing the Front Bezel Securi ty Screw 10. Replace the access panel. 11. If the computer wa s on a stand, replace th e stand.
5 Ultra-Slim Desktop (USDT) Hardware Upgrades Serviceability Features The computer include s features that make it easy to upgrade a nd service. No tools are neede d for most of the installa tion procedur es described in this chapter.
Connecting the Power Cord When connecting the p ower supply, it is important to follow the steps belo w to ensure the powe r cord does not pull free from th e computer. 1. Connect the round end of the power cord to th e po wer supply connector on the rear of the computer (1).
Removing the Computer Access Panel To access internal components, yo u must remove the access panel: 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
Replacing the Computer Access Panel 1. Align the tabs o n the panel with the slots on the ch assis then slide the panel towards the front of the chassis until it stops (1).
Removing the Front Bezel 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer. 3. Turn off the compu ter properly through the ope rating system, then turn off any external devices.
Removing a Bezel Blank On some models, there is a bezel bla nk covering th e in ternal drive bay that needs to be remo ved before installing a drive. To remove a bezel blank: 1.
Changing from Desktop to Tower Configuration The Ultra-Slim Desktop can be used in a tower or ientation with the tower stand include d with the computer. 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer. 2. Remove all removable m edia, such as compact discs o r USB flash drives, from the computer.
System Board Connections Refer to the following illustration and tabl e to identify the sys tem board connectors. Figure 5 -8 System Board Connections No.
Installing Additional Memory The computer comes with double data rate 3 syn chrono us dynamic random access memory (DDR3- SDRAM) small outline dual in line memory modu les (SODIMMs). SODIMMs The memory sockets on the system board can be populated with up to two industry-standard SODIMMs.
Populating SODIMM Sockets There are two SODIMM sockets on the system board, w ith one socket per channel. The sockets are labeled XMM1 and XMM3. The XMM1 socket operat es in memory channel A.
Installing SODIMMs CAUTION: You must disconnect the power cord an d wa it approximately 30 second s for the power to drain before a dding or removing memory module s. Re gardless of the p ower-on state, voltage is always supplied to the memory modules as long as th e computer is plug ged into an active AC outlet.
8. To remove a SODIMM, press outward on the two latches on each side o f the SODIMM (1) th en pull the SODIMM out of the socket (2). Figure 5-10 Removing a SODIMM 9. Slide the new SODIMM into the so cket at approxima tely a 30° angle (1) then pre ss the SODIMM down (2) so that the latche s lock it in place.
The computer auto matically recognizes the a ddi tional memory when yo u turn on the computer. Replacing the Optical Drive The Ultra-Slim Desktop uses a sliml i ne Serial ATA (SATA) optical drive. Removing the Optical Drive CAUTION: All removable media should be taken out of a drive before removin g the drive from the computer.
Preparing the New Optical Drive Before the ne w optical drive can be used, the rele ase latch must be attached . 1. Peel the backing o ff the adhesive on the re lease latch. 2. Without allowing the re lease latch to touch the optical drive, carefully align the holes on th e release latch with the pins on the side of th e optical drive.
Installing the New Optical Drive NOTE: If you are installing an optical drive in a bay th at did not previously ha ve a drive in it, you must remove th e access panel an d the bezel blank covering the opening of the ba y before proceeding.
Replacing the Hard Drive NOTE: The Ultra-Slim Desktop supports only 2.5-inch Serial ATA ( SATA) internal hard drives. Before yo u remove the ol d hard drive, be sure to back up the data from the old hard drive so that you can transfer the data to the new hard drive.
9. Lift the hard drive carrier straight up and out of the chassis. Figure 5-16 Removing the Hard Drive Carrier 10. Remove the four guide screws fro m the sides of the hard drive carrier. Figure 5-17 Removing the Guide Screws 11. Lift the hard drive up to the top of the carrier (1) and slide the drive out of the carrier (2).
12. Position the hard drive so that the top of the hard drive is up against th e top of the carrier (1) so that the circuit board on the bottom of the hard dr ive does not come in contac t wit the tabs on the bottom of the carrier, th en slide the new ha rd drive into the carrie r (2).
14. To place th e hard drive carrier b ack in the chassis, alig n the guide screw s with the slots on the drive bay, drop the carrier straigh t down into the drive bay (1), and press th e handle on the carrier all the way d own (2) so that the dr ive is pro perly seated and lo cked in place.
Installing and Removing a Port Cover An optional rear port cover i s available for the computer. To install the port cover: 1. Thread the cables through the botto m hole on the port co ver (1) and connect the cables to the rear ports on the computer. 2.
Installing a Security Lock Cable Lock There are two cab le lock slots on the rear of the co mputer. The slot ne xt to the thumb screw should be used when the re is no port cover. The slot on the far ri ght should be use d when a port cover is installed.
Padlock Figure 5 -26 Installing a Padlock HP Business PC Security Lock 1. Fasten the security cable by looping it around a stationary object. Figure 5-27 Securing the Cable to a Fixe d Object Installi.
2. Insert the cable lock into the cable lo ck slot on the back of th e monitor and secure the lock to the monitor by inserting the key into th e key hole on the rear of th e lock and rotating the key 90 degrees. Figure 5-28 Installing the Cable Lock on th e Monitor 3.
4. Use the bracket provided in the kit to secure ot her peripheral devices by laying the device cable across the center of the b racket (1) and inserting the security cable through one of th e two holes in the bracket (2). Use the hole in the br acke t that best secures the peripheral device cabl e.
6. Screw the lock to the chassis in the th umbscre w hole using the scr ew provided. Figure 5-32 Attaching the Lock to the Chassis 7. Insert the plug end of the secu rity cable into the l ock (1) and push the button in (2) to engage the lock. Use the key provided to disengage the lock.
8. When complete, all de vices in your workstation will be secured. Figure 5-34 Secured Workstation Front Bezel Security The front bezel can be lock ed in place by installing a security screw provided by HP. To install the security screw: 1. Remove/disengage an y security devices that prohibit opening the computer.
7. Remove the black screw on the front of the chassis b ehind the bezel. The screw is located next to the optical drive and is labeled "BEZEL." Figure 5-35 Retrie ving the Front Bezel Security Screw 8.
A Battery Replacement The battery that comes with the comp uter provides power to th e real-time clock. When repla cing the battery, use a b attery equivale nt to the battery or iginally installed in t he computer. The co mputer comes with a 3-volt lithium coin cell battery.
7. Depending on the type of battery holder on the system board, comp lete the following instructions to replace the b attery. Type 1 a. Lift the bat tery out of it s holder. Figure A-1 Removing a Coin Cell Battery (Type 1) b. Slide the replacement batte ry into position, positive side up.
b. Insert the new battery an d position the clip back in to place. Figure A-3 Removing a Coin Cell Battery (Type 3) NOTE: After the battery has b een replaced, use the fol lowing steps to complete this procedure. 8. Replace the computer access p anel.
B Removing and Replacing a Removable 3.5-inch SATA Hard Drive Some models are equ ipped with a Removable SAT A Hard Drive Enclos ure in the 5.25-inch i nternal drive bay. The hard dr ive is housed in a carr ier that can be quickly a nd easily removed from th e drive bay.
3. Remove the adhesive strip that secures the thermal sensor to the top of the ha rd drive (1) and move the thermal se nsor away from the ca rrier (2). Figure B-2 Removi ng the Therma l Sensor 4. Remove the four screws from the bot tom of the hard drive ca rrier.
5. Slide the hard drive back to disconnect it from the carr ier then l ift it up a nd out of the carri er. Figure B-4 Re moving the Ha rd Drive 6. Place the new hard drive in the carrier th en slide th e hard drive back so th at it seats in the SATA connector on the carri er's circuit board.
7. Replace the four screws in the bottom of the carrier to hold the drive securely in place. Figure B-6 Replacing the Security Screws 8. Place the thermal sensor o n top of the hard drive in a p osition that does not cover the label (1) and attach the therma l sensor to the top of the hard drive with the adhesive strip (2).
9. Slide the cover on the carrier (1) and replace the scre w on the rear of the carrie r to secure the cover in place (2). Figure B-8 Replacing the Carrier Co ver 10. Slide the h ard drive c arrier into t he enclosur e on the computer and lock it with the key provided.
C Unlocking the Smart Cover Lock NOTE: The Smart Cover Lock is an optional feature in cluded on some m odels only. The Smart Cover Lock is a software-controllable cover lock, controlled by the setup password. This lock prevents una uthorized access to the in ternal compo nents.
4. Disconnect the power cord from the p ower outlet and disconnect any externa l devices. CAUTION: Reg ardless of the power-on sta te, voltag e is always present on the system board as long as the system is plugged into an acti ve AC outlet. You must disconnect the power cord to avoid dama ge to the internal compon ents of the computer.
Figure C -3 Removing the Smart Cover Lock Screws from the Small Form Factor You can now re move the access panel. To reattach the Smart Cover Lo ck, secure the lock in place with the tamper-proof screws.
D Electrostatic Discharge A discharge of static ele ctricity from a finger or other conductor may damage system boards or other static-sensitive devices.
E Computer Operating Guidelines, Routine Care and Shipping Preparation Computer Operating Guidelines and Routine Care Follow these guideli nes to properly set up and care for the computer and mon itor: ● Keep the computer away from excessive mo isture , dire ct sunlight, and extremes of heat a nd cold.
Optical Drive Precautions Be sure to observe the followi ng guidelines while operatin g or cleaning the optical drive. Operation ● Do not move the d rive during operation . This may cause it to malfun ction during reading. ● Avoid exposi ng the drive to sudd en changes in te mperature, as condensation may form inside the unit.
Index A access panel CMT removal 18 CMT replac ement 19 locking and unlocking 163 MT removal 58 MT replacement 59 SFF removal 91 SFF replacement 92 USDT removal 130 USDT replacement 131 B battery replacement 155 C computer operating gu idelines 167 D desktop conversion CMT 45 DIMMs.
MT HP Business PC Security Lock 84 MT padlock 83 SFF cable lock 83, 121 SFF front bezel 126 SFF HP Business PC Security Lock 122 SFF padlock 121 Smart Cover Lock 163 USDT cable lock 148 USDT front bez.
W Windows Logo key 13 Index 171.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) B2D11UT#ABA è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) B2D11UT#ABA - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) B2D11UT#ABA imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) B2D11UT#ABA ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
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Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) B2D11UT#ABA. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) B2D11UT#ABA insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.