Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto A1353A del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP UP S Management Module User G uid e Part Number 435656-002 September 2007 (Second Edition).
© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to chan ge without no tice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such produc ts and services.
Contents 3 Con te nt s Overv iew ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Introduction .....................................................................
Contents 4 Uninstalling components from HP-UX systems ..................................................................................... ......... 39 HP UPS Management Modu le web inte rface .........................................................
Contents 5 Agent does not insta ll on RH Itanium ........................................................................................... ............... 87 Attached device commun ication erro rs appear .............................................
Contents 6 HP contact in formation ......................................................................................................... .................... 99 Regulatory compli ance no tices ......................................................
Overview 7 Ov er v ie w Introduction The HP UPS Management Module enables you to moni tor, manage, and control power environments of up to five devices through the seri al connectors located on the front of the management module. Multiple devices can monitor the UPS over the network connectio n.
Overview 8 HP UPS Power Protection Agent overview The HP UPS Power Protection Agent runs on a loca l or network server and allows the management module to gracefully shut down the operating system of that server and optionally run a script during power failure.
Overview 9 Hardware and software Sugge sted minimum requirements SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for AMD6 4 and Intel® EM64T with Service Pack 3 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for Itanium® with Servi.
Overview 10 Configuration A This figure illustrates a UPS with a management module installed that is serially attached to a server running the UPS Power Protection Ag ent. The server is plugged into a load segment of the UPS, and is able to monitor, manage, and control the UPS.
Overview 11 Item Description 1 Server with UPS Power Protection Agent installed 2 Network 3 UPS with management module installed Configuration C This figure illustrates a UPS with a management module installed that is serially attached to a server running the UPS Power Protection Ag ent.
Overview 12 Configuration D This figure illustrates a redundant co nfiguration with serial connect ions. Item Description 1 UPS A 2 Server 3 Network 4 UPS B Power connection Communication path.
Overview 13 Configuration E This figure illustrates a redundant co nfiguration with network conn ections. Item Description 1 UPS A 2 UPS B 3 Server 4 Network Power connection Communication path.
Overview 14 Configuration F This figure illustrates a redundant configur ation with serial and network connections. Item Description 1 UPS A 2 Server 3 Network 4 UPS B Power connection Communication p.
Overview 15 Configuration G This figure illustrates a redundan t configuration with dual subnet. Item Description 1 Subnet A 2 UPS A 3 Server 4 Subnet B 5 UPS B Power connection Communication path Web interface requirements The following table lists the minimum r equiremen ts necessary to oper ate the web interface.
Overview 16 Software Browser Monitor reso lution Minimum suppo rted resolution of 10 24 x 768, 16-bit high color (maximize browser window for optimal display).
Component identification 17 C om ponent i dentif i cati on Front panel Item Description 1 Serial device connectors 2 Environmental connector (for f uture use) 3 Power LED 4 Error LED 5 Reset button 6 .
Installing the HP UPS Management Module 18 Inst alling the HP UP S Management Module Required tools No. 2 Phillips screwdriver Installing the management module NOTE: It is not necessary to po wer down the UPS before installing the management module. 1.
Installing the HP UPS Management Module 19 3. Install the management module along the alignment channels in the option slot. 4. If the UPS is powered up, you ca n be sure that the management module is seated properly and receiving power by verifying that the Power LED is illuminated solid green.
Installing the HP UPS Management Module 20 Checking the Error LED If the Error LED illuminates red or flas hes red, see the "Tro ubleshooting (on page 87 )" section for more information. Connecting the network cable Connect a standard Ethernet cable between the netw ork connector on the management modu le and a network jack.
Installing the HP UPS Management Module 21 Connecting the configuration cable 1. Connect a DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter to a se rial connector on the host computer. 2. Connect one end of an RJ-45 cable to the RJ-45 connector on the adapter. 3. Connect the other end of the RJ-45 cable to the Config/Pass-Thru connector on the management module.
Installing the HP UPS Management Module 22 1. On the host computer, click Start, and select Programs>Accessories>Communications>HyperTerminal. The Connection Description window appears. 2. Enter a description, select an icon for the connection, and then click OK.
Installing the HP UPS Management Module 23 Use the HP UPS Management Module Service Menu to config ure the minimu m settings required to access the management mo dule remotely using teln et or the we b interface. You can configu re other settings using this utility in conjun ction with a te rminal emulation program or a telnet connection.
Installing the HP UPS Management Module 24 2. Connect one end of a network cable to the RJ-45 connector on the adapter. 3. Connect the other end of the netwo rk cable to a se rial device connector on the management module. Note the connector number on the management module to which the de vice is connected .
Installing the HP UPS Management Module 25 5. Press the Reset button on the management module front panel..
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 26 Inst alling the HP UP S P o w er Pr otec ti on A gen t Installation overview Install the UPS Power Protection Agent on any machin e that is powered by the UPS and any machine that the management module uses to initiate a command.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 27 NOTE: You might need to reboot after installing the agent on Windows®. Installing the agent using the GUI method 1. Insert the HP Infrastructur e Management Pack CD into the CD-ROM drive of the computer.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 28 5. Read the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next. The Customer Information screen appears. 6. Enter your customer information, and then click Next. The Choose Destination Lo cation screen appears.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 29 7. Click Next to install the agent in the default folder that is displayed. To specify a different folder, click Change, navigate to the appropriate folder, and then click Next. The Ready to Install the Program screen appears.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 30 9. Click Finish to complete the install wizard and continue with the configuration process. NOTE: It might take a moment for the configuration screen to appear. If there are open windows on the desktop, you might need to mi nimize the windows to view the configuration screen.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 31 12. Click Finish to close the configurator. The service starts automatically. Wait until the system tray icon displays a green ch eck mark to begin using the software. NOTE: An icon in the Windows® system tray sh ows the status of the management module.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 32 • Change any items that should be unique, such as the Management Server IP address, through the normal operation of the software. To install the agent using the silent installation method: 1. Create a temporary directory.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 33 • Select Configure HP UPS Management Module from the HP UPS Management Module option in the Start Programs menu.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 34 The installer launches a separate configuration program. The script displays: Please enter a server to allow connections from. 2. Enter the IP address of the management module or the path to the serial de vice.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 35 • Change any items that should be unique, such as the Management Server IP address, through the normal operation of the software. To install the agent using the silent installation method: 1. Create a temporary directory.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 36 o Edit the /etc/sysconfig/boot file and change RUN_PARALLEL="yes" to RUN_PARALLEL="no" to remove parallel script execution. -or- o Edit the /etc/init.d/.depend.start file and add DevMan: network at the end of the file to add parallel information for DevMan.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 37 Installing the agent locally or remotely using the Installation Script method 1. The agent can be installed two ways: o If installing the software fro m the HP Infrastruc ture Management Pack CD, insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive of the computer.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 38 The script displays: Please enter a server to allow connections from. 11. Enter the IP address of the management module or the path to the serial de vice.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 39 3. From the directory that contains all five files, run ./SetupRA -s -f DevManRA.ini to install silently. If the .ini file is not located in the same folder as the SetuprRA file, run ./SetupRA -s -f <path> DevManRA.
Installing the HP UPS Power Protection Agent 40 NOTE: Some files might remain following the un installation and can be removed manually..
HP UPS Management Module web interface 41 HP UP S Management Module w eb in te rf ace HP UPS Management Module web interface overview The web interface graphically displays various meas urements and warning and alarm messages from the management module.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 42 NOTE: For a complete list of the browser requir ements, see "Web interface requirement s (on page 15 )." System tray icon To access the web interface through the system tray in Windows®: 1.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 43 For instructions on changing the pa ssword, see "My Account menu (on page 57 )." Admin session logins, logouts, and terminations are recorded in the Event Log menu (on page 54 ). The console sessio n timeou t length can be modified in the Remote Access tab (on page 63 ).
HP UPS Management Module web interface 44 • The certificate is untr usted, meaning it w as signed by a certifying authority that is unknown to your browser. • The certificate has expired or is not yet valid. This condition can occur if you issue your own certificate and it has expired.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 45 3. Perform any other steps necessary to verify the identity of the management module. 4. After verifying the management mo dule, do one of the following: a. Click either Accept this certificate permanently or Accept this certificate temporarily for this session.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 46 o The legend displays the meaning of symbols u s ed in the interface. Expand and collapse the legend by clicking the arrow in the upper right corner. • Main frame— Contains the various interf ace screens based on the menu option selected in the left navigation frame.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 47 The following example is for a single mod ule UPS. The following example is for a parallel UPS. Battery, Input, and Output information is displayed on the right side of the screen. A status icon indicates the current status of each pa rameter.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 48 Input, Output, and Load is displayed graphically on th e left side of the screen. The color on ea ch meter represents the current state of the UPS. Color Status Green Normal Yellow Warning Red Critical Click Help to view online help.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 49 The following example is for a parallel UPS. Click the UPS tabs to view detailed information for ea ch of the sub units in the parallel system. Th e parallel system can contain up to six sub units. Click Refresh to refresh the screen, or click Help to view online help .
HP UPS Management Module web interface 50 The following example is for a single mod ule UPS. The following example is for a parallel UPS..
HP UPS Management Module web interface 51 Click the UPS tabs to view detailed information for ea ch of the sub units in the parallel system. Th e parallel system can contain up to six sub units. Enter the system name and contact informatio n using the System Information tab (on page 61 ) on the Network Management screen.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 52 The following example is for a single mod ule UPS. The following example is for a parallel UPS..
HP UPS Management Module web interface 53 Click the UPS tabs to view detailed information for ea ch of the sub units in the parallel system. Th e parallel system can contain up to six sub units. Click Help to view online help. Manual Control menu Click Manual Control in the left navigation frame to display the Manual Contr ol screen.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 54 To reset the management module: 1. Select Restart Management Module. 2. Click Execute Command. NOTE: Restarting the management module does not drop the UPS load. The web interface is not available while the mana gement module restarts.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 55 The following example is for a parallel UPS. The following information is displayed for each event: • Severity— An icon indicating the severity or status .
HP UPS Management Module web interface 56 Application Log menu Click Application Log in the left navigation frame to display the Application L og screen. This screen displays a log of all application events that have occurred, suc h as a user logging in.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 57 Setup tab Menu options listed under the Setup tab includ e: • My Account menu (on page 57 ) • User Accounts menu (on page 58 ) • Network menu (on page 5.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 58 User Accounts menu Click User Accounts in the left navigation frame to access th e User Accounts s creen. This screen enables administrators to manage user accounts. On the User Accounts screen: • Click Undo Changes to undo the changes.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 59 2. Click Delete Users to delete the user acc ount. The account is removed and no longer appears on the User Accounts screen. Network menu Click Network in the left navigation frame to access the Network screen.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 60 c. Select the time zone from the dropdown box. d. Enter the number of hours that should pass between each date and time update. 7. If you enabled manual date and time in step 5: a. Enter the date. b. Enter the time.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 61 System Information tab This screen enables administrators to enter cont act information for the management module. The information entered on this screen appe ars on the Identification screen (" Identification menu " on page 49 ).
HP UPS Management Module web interface 62 Trap Receivers tab This screen enables administrators to enter informatio n for servers that should receiv e SNMP traps from the management module. To configure which servers should receiv e traps: 1. Enable SNMP traps for up to 10 servers.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 63 To configure SNMP mana gers: 1. Enable the SNMP manager configuration for up to five servers. 2. Enter the IP address for each SNMP manager in the IP Address field. NOTE: SNMP managers cannot communicate with the management module until the IP address is entered on the SNMP Managers screen.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 64 o Upload the SSL certificate: i. Open the SSL certificate file with a text editor. ii. Select all content. iii. Copy the selected content. iv. Paste the copied text to the SSL Key field. NOTE: If you enable HTTPS, the management modu le also uses the HTTP port to pass non- sensitive information.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 65 Events tab This screen enables administrators to define the event notifications, emails, or SNMP traps the management module sends for each event.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 66 Email Setup tab This screen enables administrators to configure email event notificati ons. To configure the email notif ications: 1. Enter the mail server IP address in the Email Server Address field. 2. Enter the email address that messages are marked as being sent from in the From Address field .
HP UPS Management Module web interface 67 SNMP Traps tab This screen enables administrators to co nfigure SNMP trap event notifications. To configure the SNMP trap notifications: 1. Enable SNMP traps for up to 10 servers. 2. Enter the IP address for up to 10 trap re cipients in the IP Address field.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 68 The overall status of the UPS and each load segment is indic ated by a colored block in the top left corner of each section.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 69 For more information about the possible redundan t configu ration status icon combinations, see "Redundant UPS status (on page 94 ).
HP UPS Management Module web interface 70 2. Enter the device name or descri ption in the Description field. 3. Select the type of device in the Type dropdown box: o Remote Agent—Selec t Remote Agent when attaching a network agent to the UPS. o Serial Agent—Select Serial Agent when attaching a serial agent to the UPS.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 71 NOTE: The management module shut s down the operating system gracefully. Use the SDScript file for other tasks, such as backing up fi les to tape or shutting down a database. c. Enter the estimated time required to complete the procedure in the Execute C ommand field.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 72 minutes after power fails that the management modu le should wait befor e starting to shut down the load segment. Enter a shorter delay for load se gments that power less critical equipment to preserve UPS battery power for ot her load segments.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 73 Low Battery—Selected Low Battery—Deselected Shutdown Settings Conserve Battery Power The management module initiates system shutdowns after the specified delay when the UPS begins to operate on battery power, unless the UPS issues a low battery alarm before the shutdowns are initiated.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 74 1. Select Shutdown? for the event you want to configure. 2. Enter the number of minutes to wait between the ti me the event occurs and the time the device shuts down in the Delay (Minutes) field. 3. Do one of the following: o Click Save Settings to save the information.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 75 Add/Edit Scheduled Shutdowns screen 1. In the Frequency field, select one of the following: o One Time— Schedules a single shutdown and restart o Daily— Schedules a daily shutdown and restart o Weekly— Schedules a weekly shutdown and restart 2.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 76 • About menu (on page 76 ) • Contents menu (on page 77 ) • Info & Updates menu (on page 77 ) About menu Click About in the left navigation frame to display the Ab out screen.
HP UPS Management Module web interface 77 Contents menu Click Contents in the left navigation frame to display the Contents s creen. This screen provides a list of the links to help topics. Info & Updates menu Click Info & Updates in the left navigation frame to open the HP website.
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 78 HP UP S Management Module Se r v i ce Men u HP UPS Management Module Service Menu overview The HP UPS Management Module Service Menu prov ides an alternative, limited interface to the management module when the web in terface is disabled or not prefe rred.
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 79 Terminal emulation session Use a terminal emulation program to access the HP UPS Management Module Service Menu: 1. Be sure that you have conn ected the conf iguration cable (" Conn ecting the configuration cable " on page 21 ) to the management module and the host computer.
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 80 • Press the Enter key to refresh the scr een. • The management module resets automatically to allow configur ation changes to take effect. Service Menu This menu only appears when accessing the manageme nt module using a terminal emulation program.
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 81 Battery submenu Option number Submenu Description 1 Battery Installed Date Enables you to enter the date the UPS battery was installed 2 Run Battery Test Runs .
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 82 Network Settings submenu Option number Submenu Description 1 Static IP Address Enables you to set the management module IP address 2 Static Subnet Mask Enables.
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 83 Option number Submenu Description 2 Read Community String Enables you to enter or change the Read community string of the SNMP manager 3 Write Community String.
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 84 Email Recipient submenu Option number Submenu Description 1 Receiver Email Enables you to enter or change an email address that should receive email alert noti.
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 85 Network Time Protocol submenu Option number Submenu Description 1 Primary NTP Server Enables you to enter or change the IP address of the primary NTP server 2 .
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 86 Option number Submenu Description 3 Administrator Privilege Enables you to designate a user as an administrator 0 Previous Menu Returns to the previous menu.
Troubleshooting 87 T r oubleshooting ASCII character sequence Esc+Shift+9 directs all serial communication to the iLO port for the HP ProLiant DL380 G4 Action: Disable iLO. Agent does not install on RH Itanium Action: 1. Install the ia32* file for your operating s ystem from the supplementary disc.
Troubleshooting 88 Battery Test did not run Possible Cause: The UPS is On Battery. Action: The UPS must be in a certain state before the batte ry test runs. For more information, refer to the section, "Parameters menu option (" Parameters menu " on page 51 ).
Troubleshooting 89 Certificate error Possible Cause: Internet Explorer 7 does not recogniz e the SSL certificate. Action: • Install an SSL certificate that Internet Explorer recognizes. -or- • Click Continue to this website (not recommended) to ignore the security warning.
Troubleshooting 90 Test LED flash error code Description 1 Permanently on DRAM fa ilure 2 2 flashes DMA Mem to Mem error 3 3 flashes IRQ error 4 4 flashes Ethernet error 5 5 flashes Serial loop back e.
Troubleshooting 91 HPFlash does not install image.bin on a Pentium III Symptom: The image.bin file is not installed on a Pentium III during a serial upgrade. Possible Cause: The minimum hardware requirement for HPFlash is Pentium 4. Action: Be sure that the hardware meets the minimum HPFlash req uirements.
Troubleshooting 92 Invalid IP address Action: Verify that the IP address entered is valid. Links in traps and emails do not work correctly for Linux Action: Update the /etc/hosts file with the correct IP address. Linux agent does not execute on Red Hat 5 Symptom: The following error appears when attempti ng to execute the .
Troubleshooting 93 4. Verify that the network settings are correct. No power Action: Verify that the UPS is connected to a work ing outlet and that the UPS is powered up. Non-admin users cannot log in through telnet Possible Cause: A user account was added, but the password was not set.
Troubleshooting 94 Receiving a security error Symptom: Security error: Domain Name mismatch message when trying to browse with SSL. Possible Cause: The IP address or server name has changed. Action: Stop the service, delete the certificate fil e, and restart the service.
Troubleshooting 95 Events Agent status Management Server 1 status Management Server 2 status Two UPSs are on battery power and redundant power is lost Two UPSs have shut down - - - - - Both UPSs have .
Troubleshooting 96 • Verify the command line parameters are correct. • Verify the configuration .ini file is valid. • Verify the Setup.iss destination path is correct. • Refer to the InstallShield Knowled ge Base article 101901 for the set up.
Troubleshooting 97 • For Linux, the file can be found at /usr/local/DevMan. • For HP-UX, the file can be found at /opt/DevMan. Unable to obtain a valid network address error message displays Possible Cause: • The management module is unable to connect to the BOOTP serv er.
Troubleshooting 98 Unexpected problems occur with the web interface and Service menu Possible Cause: The management module was removed from on e UPS and then installed in a different UPS. Action: Reconfigure the management module fo r the current UPS.
Technical support 99 T ec hni cal su ppo r t Before you contact HP Be sure to have the following inform ation available before you call HP: • Technical support registration number (if applicable) .
Regulatory compliance notices 100 R e gulatory compliance noti ce s Regulatory compliance identification numbers For the purpose of regulatory compliance certifi cations and identification, this product has been assigned a unique regulatory mod el number.
Regulatory compliance notices 101 energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, th ere is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Regulatory compliance notices 102 Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte tout es les exigences du Règl ement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada. Class B equipment This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Regulatory compliance notices 103 Japanese notice BSMI notice.
Alert messages 104 Aler t messa ges UPS alarms This management module enables you to send an email notification or SNMP trap to specified reci pients if a certain alert situation prevails. The following table lists all message te xts and a description of each alarm.
Alert messages 105 Alarm text Description Input Out of Range • Input (Utility) fault: Measured in put voltage has exceeded the upper voltage limit specificatio n for normal operation. • Input (Utility) fault: Measured input voltage is less than the lower voltage limit specification for normal operation.
Alert messages 106 Alarm text Description Manual Load Dumped The load power is off. This al arm is used to record the date and time of an EPO event. On Battery The UPS is using the battery to power the load. On Boost The UPS detected a low input condition and is inc reasing input voltage to a nominal level.
Systems Insight Manager integration 107 S y s te ms Insi ght Manager in tegr ati on Systems Insight Manager overview Use HP Systems Insight Manager to: • Discover management modules. As part of the disc overy process, HP SIM can detect an installed management module.
Systems Insight Manager integration 108 Discovering the management module HP SIM automatically detects management modules as par t of the device discovery process. If detec ted, a hyperlink is included on the HP SIM All Systems page for the UPS on which the management module is installed.
Systems Insight Manager integration 109 To register the MIB: 1. Copy the MIB to the HPSystems Insight Managermibs folder. 2. From the HPSystems Insigh t Managermibs folder, run mcompile cpqpower.mib from the command line to compile the new MIB. A new file named cpqpower.
Security considerations 110 Sec ur it y consi der ati ons Security considerations overview The management module implements strict security for two important reasons: • The module manages devices that have the potentia l to perform operations that are sensitiv e and destructive.
Optional power monitoring using SNMP 111 Opti onal po w er monit or ing u sing S N MP SNMP monitoring Battery status, power status, events, and traps can be monitored using thir d-party SNMP managers. SNMP monitoring supports the RFC-1628 MIB and the HP Power MIB (CPQPOW ER.
Updating the firmware 112 Updating the f ir m w ar e Updating the firmware overview To update the management module firmware from an application, download the HP UPS Management Upgrade Utility on the HP website ( ), and follow the attached instructions.
Redundant configuration 113 R edundant conf i gur ati on Configuring the software for redundancy 1. Install the UPS Power Protection Agent on a machin e that is power protected by two UPSs. Each UPS must have a management module installed. 2. Configure the redundant management server information on the agent.
Redundant configuration 114 g. Click Save Changes to return to the A ttached Devices screen. h. Repeat steps e through g to confi gure the agent information on the second management server. 4. Verify that the agent is communicating with both UPSs on the Attached Devices screen (" Attached Devices menu " on page 67 ).
Mass configuration 115 Mass conf igur ati on Using the HP UPS Management Upgrade Utility Use the HP UPS Management Upgrade Utility to co nfigure multiple manage ment modules to have identical settings using an uploadable configuration file.
Acronyms and abbreviations 116 A c r on y ms and a bbr e v iati ons ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange DMA direct memory a ccess DRAM dynamic random access memory EEPROM electric.
Acronyms and abbreviations 117 MII media independent interface NTP network time protocol POST Power-On Self Test RAM random access memory SIM Systems Insight Manager SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
Index 118 A About menu 76 accessing software, browser 41 accessing software, system tray icon 42 adding an attached device 69 adding new users 58 adding scheduled shutdowns 75 advanced power fail sett.
Index 119 firmware, updating 112 firmware, version 49, 76 front panel components 17 G GUI installation, agent 27 H hardware installation 18 hardware supported 9 hardware version 49, 76 help contents 7.
Index 120 redundant configuration 12, 13, 14, 15, 94, 113 regulatory compliance identifi cation numbers 100 regulatory compliance notices 100, 102 remote access 22 Remote Access tab 63 Remote Console .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) A1353A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) A1353A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) A1353A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) A1353A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) A1353A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) A1353A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) A1353A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) A1353A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.