Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 674786-001 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Pr oL ian t ML3 1 0e Gen8 S er v er Us er Gui de Abstract This document is for the person wh o installs, administers, and troubleshoots ser vers and storage systems. HP assumes yo u are qualified in t he servicing of comp uter equipment and trained in recognizing hazards in pro ducts with hazardous energy levels.
© Copyright 2012 Hewlett - Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herei n is subject to change without notice. The only war ranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanyin g such products and services.
Contents 3 Con tents Component identification ............................................................................................................... 7 Front panel co mponents ...................................................................
Contents 4 Drive installati on guidelines ............................................................................................................ 30 I nstalling a no n - hot - plug drive ...........................................................
Contents 5 Array Conf iguratio n Utility .............................................................................................................. 74 Option ROM Configuration for Arrays ............................................................
Contents 6 Before you contact HP .............................................................................................................................. 92 HP contact inform ation ................................................................
Component ident ification 7 C om ponen t i dentif i cati on F ront panel comp onents Item Description 1 Optical drive ( optional) 2 Media driv e bay 3 USB connectors 4 Power On/Standby button and syst.
Component ident ification 8 F ront panel LEDs and buttons Item Description Status 1 UID LED button Blue = Identification is activated Flashing blue = System is being managed rem otely Off = Identifica.
Component ident ification 9 R ear panel comp onents Item Description 1 Non - hot - plug power supply 2 Slot 4 PCIe x16 (8, 4, 1)* 3 Slot 3 PCIe x8 (8, 4, 1)* 4 Slot 2 PCIe x8 (4, 1)* 5 Slot 1 PCIe x4 .
Component ident ification 10 R ear panel LEDs and buttons Item Description Status 1 NIC link LED Green = Link exists Off = No link ex ists 2 NIC status LED Green = Activity exists Flashing green = Act.
Component ident ification 11 S ystem board c omponents Item Description 1 RPS connecto r 2 Processor socket 3 System battery 4 24 - pin power su pply connector 5 Mini - SAS connector 6 SATA connectors.
Component ident ification 12 * For more informa tion on the expansion slot spe cifications, see "PCIe expa nsion slot definitions (on page 12 )." D IMM slot locations DIMM slots a re numbered sequen tially (1 th rough 4) for the pr ocessor. The supp orted AMP mod es use the letter assignment s for population guidelin es.
Component ident ification 13 Switch Default Function 2 Off Off = System conf iguration can b e changed On = System configu ration is locked 5 Off Off = Power - on pa ssword is enabled On = Power - on .
Component ident ification 14 Drive numbering • Four - bay LFF drive model • Eight - bay SFF drive mode l.
Component ident ification 15 D rive LED defini tions Item LED Status Definition 1 Locate Solid blu e The drive i s being identifi ed by a host applicatio n.
Component ident ification 16 F BWC module LED definitions The FBWC module ha s three single - color LEDs (one amber and two green). Th e LEDs are duplicated on the reverse sid e of the cache module t o facilitat e status viewing. 1 - Amber 2 - Green 3 - G reen Interpre tation Off Off Off The cache module is not powered.
Component ident ification 17 F an locations Item Description 1 Rear system fa n (fan 1, for proces sor cooling) 2 Front system fan (fan 2, for ex pansion board cooli ng) T-10/T-15 Torx screwdriver The ser ver includes a T - 10/T - 15 Torx screwd river located on the side of the med ia drive cage.
Operations 18 Oper ati ons P ower up the server 1. Connect ea ch power cord to the server. 2. Connect each power cord to the power source. 3. Press the Power On/Standby button. The server ex its standby mo de and applies full p ower to the system . The system pow er LED changes from amber to gree n.
Operations 19 U nlock the tower bezel The tower bezel must be unlocked and opened to access the drive cage and medi a bays. It must be u nlocked to remove the acc ess panel. The bezel must rema in closed durin g normal serve r operations. R emove the tower bezel 1.
Operations 20 2. Close and l ock the tower bezel . R emove the access pa nel WARNING: To reduce the risk o f personal inj ury from hot surfa ces, allow the d rives and the internal system components to cool before touchi ng them.
Operations 21 c. Lift the access panel away from the chassis. I nstall the access p anel 1. Install the access panel: a. Place the a ccess pan el on the chassis, and slide it toward the front of the server. b. Tighten the thumbscrew. 2. Lock the tow er bezel.
Operations 22 1. Power down the serv er (on page 18 ). 2. Remove all power: a. Disconnect ea ch power cord from the power sour ce. b. Disconne ct each power cor d from the server. 3. Unlock the tower bezel (on page 19 ). 4. Remove the a ccess panel (on page 20 ).
Operations 23 4. Lock the tow er bezel. 5. Po wer up the serv er (on page 18 )..
Setup 24 Setup O ptional installa tion services Delivered b y experienced, certified engin eers, HP Care Pack services help y ou keep your serve rs up and running with s upport packages tailor ed speci fically for HP ProLiant systems. HP Care Packs let you integrate both hardware and so ftware support in to a single package .
Setup 25 S pace and airflow requirements Leave at least a 7.6 - cm (3 - inch) clearance space at the front and back of the server fo r proper ventilation. T emperature requiremen ts To ensure continued, safe, and reliable eq uipment operation, install or position the sys tem in a well - ventilated, climate - controlled environment.
Setup 26 includes a nondetac hable cord that is wired to an industrial - style plug. NEMA locking - style p lugs or those complying with IEC 60309 are considered suita ble for this purpose. Using c ommon power outlet str ips for the server is n ot recommend ed.
Setup 27 WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal in jury or equipment damage when unl oading a rack: • At least two p eople are needed to safely unload the rack from the pallet. An empty 42U rack can weigh as much as 115 kg (253 lb), can stand more th an 2.
Setup 28 WARNING: This se rver is very h eavy. To reduce the r isk of persona l injury or dama ge to the equipment: • Observe local oc cupational health and safety requirements and guidel ines for manual material handling.
Setup 29 a. Connect the Ethernet cable, and then power on the server. b. During serv er POST, pres s the F10 key. c. Complete the initial Preferences and Registration portion of Intelligent Provisioning (on page 69 ). d. At the 1 Start screen, click the Configure and Instal l button.
Hardware options installation 30 H ar d w ar e optio ns ins tallati on Introduction If more than one opt ion is being installed, read the installation instr uctions for all the hard ware options and identify simila r steps to streamline the ins tallation process.
Hardware options installation 31 4. Remove the d rive carrier. 5. Remove the two metal brac kets from the drive carr ier. 6. Install the drive in the carrier.
Hardware options installation 32 7. Install the drive. 8. Close a nd lock the tower bezel. 9. Connect ea ch power cord to the server. 10. Connect each power cord to the power source.
Hardware opt ions installation 33 3. Prepare the drive. 4. Install the drive. 5. Determin e the status of the d rive from the driv e LED definitions (on page 15 ). 6. Close and l ock the tower bezel . D rive cage op tions F our - bay LFF hot - plug drive backplane option To install the component: 1.
Hardware options installation 34 7. Disconnect the drive c age cables: a. Disconnect the Mini - SAS cable from the system board or from the stor age controller option. b. Disconnect the drive power cable from th e 10 - pin power suppl y connector. 8. Remove the drive c age assembly.
Hardware options installation 35 10. Attach the hot - plug drive backplane to the drive cage, and then tig hten the thumbscrew. 11. Install the driv e cage assembly. 12. Connect the drive back plane cables: a. Connect the power cable to the backplane.
Hardware options installation 36 For cable routing informa tion, see " Hot - plug, SATA drive suppo rt (on page 62 )." — Connect one end of the Mini - SAS c able to the backplane and the other end to a storag e controller option (SA TA and SAS drive support).
Hardware options installation 37 19. Power up th e server (on page 18 ). E ight - bay SFF hot - plug drive cage option To install the component: 1. Power down the serv er (on page 18 ). 2. Remove all power: a. Disconnect ea ch power cord from the power sour ce.
Hardware options installation 38 9. Install the SFF drive c age assembly. 10. Connect the drive back plane cables: a. Connect the power cable to the backplane. b. Connect the Mini - SAS cables to the backplane and to a s torage controller o ption. For cable routing informa tion, see " Eight - bay SFF drive cabling (on page 63 ).
Hardware options installation 39 16. Connect each power cord to the power source. 17. Power up th e server (on page 18 ). C ontroller options The server ships wit h an embedded Smart Array B120i controller.
Hardware options installation 40 2. Remove all power: a. Disconnect ea ch power cord from the power sour ce. b. Disconne ct each power cor d from the server. 3. Unlock the tower bezel (on page 19 ). 4. Remove the a ccess panel (on page 20 ). 5. Remove the a ir baffle (on page 21 ).
Hardware options ins tallation 41 6. Install the cache module on the storage controller. 7. Connect the capacitor pac k cable to the cac he module. 8. Install the storage controller (" Installing a storage contr oller " on page 39 ).
Hardware options installation 42 9. Install the capacito r pack. 10. Install the air b affle (on page 22 ). 11. Install the access panel (on page 21 ). 12. Lock the tow er bezel. 13. Connect ea ch power cord to the server. 14. Connect each power cord to the power source.
Hardware options installation 43 5. Remove the media bay blank . 6. Remove the E MI shield..
Hardware options installation 44 7. Install the optical drive into the me dia drive bay. 8. Connect the drive cables: a. Connect the power cable to the drive. b. Connect one end of the SATA cable to the drive and the o ther end to the system board. For cable routing informa tion, see " Media drive cabling (on page 64 ).
Hardware options installation 45 IMPORTANT: This server does not suppor t mixing LRDIMMs, RDIMM s, or UDIMMs. Attempt ing to mix any combination of these DIMMs c an cause the server to halt during BIO S initialization. The server sup ports single - and dual - rank UDIMMs oper ating at a speed of up to 1600 MHz.
Hardware options installation 46 Item Description Definition 4 Voltage rating L = Low voltage (1.35V) U = Ultra low voltage (1.25V) Blank or om itted = Standard 5 Memory speed 12800 = 1600 - MT/s 1060.
Hardware options installation 47 G eneral DIMM slot popul ation guidelines • The server h as four memory slo ts. • The server support s two channels with two DIMM sl ots per channel. o Memory chan nel 1 consists of the two DIMMs th at are closest t o the processor.
Hardware options installation 48 7. Install the DIMM. 8. Install the air b affle (on page 22 ). 9. Install the access panel (on page 21 ). 10. Lock the tower bez el. 11. Connect ea ch power cord to the server. 12. Connect each power cord to the power source.
Hardware options installation 49 6. Remove the expansion slot cover retainer. 7. Identify the expansion slot compatible with the new optio n, and then remove the cover opposite that slot.
Hardware options installation 50 8. If installing a full - length expansion board, remove the board retainer. 9. Install the expansion board..
Hardware options installation 51 10. If installing a full - length expansion board, install back the board retainer. 11. Install the expansion slot cover retainer. 12. Connect all necessary internal and external cables to the expansion board. For more information on these cabling requirements, see the documentation that ships with the option.
Hardware options installation 52 D edicated iLO man agement port option To install the component: 1. Power down the serv er (on page 18 ). 2. Unlock the tower bezel (on page 19 ). 3. Remove the a ccess panel (on page 20 ). 4. Remove the a ir baffle (on page 21 ).
Hardware options installation 53 8. Install the dedicate d iLO management module. 9. Install the rear system fan. 10. Install any removed expans ion board. 11. Install the air baffle (on page 22 ). 12. Install the access panel (on page 21 ). 13. Lock the tow er bezel.
Hardware options installation 54 H P Trusted Platform Modu le option Use these inst ructions to ins tall and enable a TPM on a supported se rver. This proced ure includes t hree sections: 1. Installing the Trust ed Platform Module bo ard (on page 54 ).
Hardware options installation 55 4. Remove the a ir baffle (on page 21 ). 5. Remove any existing expansion board that blocks the access to the rear system fan connector. 6. Remove the r ear system fan. CAUTION: Any attempt to remove an installed T PM from the system board break s or disfigures the TPM security rivet.
Hardware options installation 56 8. Install the TPM security rivet by pressing the rivet fi rmly into the system board. 9. Install the rear system fan. 10. Install any removed expans ion boar d. 11. Install the air b affle (on page 22 ). 12. Install the access panel (on page 21 ).
Hardware options installation 57 5. Select Enable , and then pres s the Enter key to modify the TPM Functionality setting. 6. Press the Esc key to exit the current menu, or press the F10 key to exit RBSU. 7. Reboot the se rver. 8. Enable the TPM in the OS.
Hardware options installation 58 6. Remove the p ower supply. 7. Disconnect all cables from installed media drives . 8. Remove all installed de vices and any EMI shields f rom the media drive bays.
Hardware options installation 59 10. Insert the RPS backpl ane module cables into the me dia drive cage, and then slide in the module into the lower media drive b ay.
Hardware options installation 60 a. Remove the E MI shield. b. Install the HP CS power s upplies. 15. Install any device originally installed in the u pper media drive bay. 16. Install the EMI shield in the lower media drive bay. 17. Install the access panel (on page 21 ).
Cabling 61 C abling C abling overview This section provides guidelines that help you make informed decisions about c abling the server and hardware options to optimize performance. For information on cabling peripheral comp onents, refer to the white pa per on high - density deployment at the HP website ( http://www.
Cabling 62 Non-hot- plug, SATA and SAS drive support Item Description 1 Power cable 2 Data cable Hot- plug, SATA drive support Item Description 1 Power cable 2 Mini - SAS cable.
Cabling 63 Hot- plug, SATA and SAS drive support Item Description 1 Power cable 2 Mini - SAS cable E ight - bay SFF drive cabling This drive configura tion supports hot - plug SATA and SAS drives.
Cabling 64 M edia drive cabl ing • Media drives in a nonre dundant power configuration Item Description 1 Upper media dr ive power cable 2 Lower media drive S ATA cable 3 Upper media dr ive SATA cab.
Cabling 65 P ower su pply cabling N onredundant power supply cabling Item Description 1 24 - pin power supply c able 2 4- pin power supply cable R edundant power supply cabling Item Description 1 24 -.
Cabling 66 Item Description 3 4- pin power supply cable (with the 8 - pin to 4 - pin adapter cable conne cted) C apacitor pack cabl ing.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 67 S o f t w ar e and conf i gur ati on utiliti es Server mode The software and config uration utilities pres ented in this section operat e in online mode, offline mode, or in bot h modes.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 68 iLO enables and manage s the Active Health System (on page 68 ) and also features Agentl ess Management . All key intern al subsystems a re monitored by iLO. SNMP alerts a re sent directly by iLO regardless of the hos t operating sy stem or even if n o host operating sy stem is installed .
Software a nd config uration utilitie s 69 The data that is collected is manage d according to the HP Data Privacy polic y. For more information s ee the HP website ( http://www.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 70 H P Insight Diagnostics HP Insight Diagnostic s is a proactive server management tool, available in both offline and online version s, that provides diagnosti.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 71 H P Insight Remote Suppor t software HP strongly recommends that you install HP Insight Remote Suppor t software t o complete th e installation or upgrade of your product and to enable enh anced delivery of your HP Warranty, HP Care Pack Se rvice, or HP contractual support agreement.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 72 HP Service P ack for ProLiant SPP is a release set t hat contains a com prehensive colle ction of firmwa re and system softwa re components, all tested tog ether as a singl e solution stack fo r HP ProLiant ser vers, their opti ons, BladeS ystem enclosures, and limited HP externa l storage.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 73 • Configuring memory optio ns • Language sel ection For more informat ion on RBSU, see the HP ROM - Based Setup Utili ty User Guid e on the Documentation CD or the HP website ( ).
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 74 B oot options Near the end of the boot proces s, the boot option s screen is displa yed. This scr een is visible for several seconds befo re the system attempts to boot from a support ed boot device. Du ring this time, you can do the following: • Access RBSU b y pressing the F9 key.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 75 o Advanced Capacity Expans ion (SATA to SAS and SAS to SATA) o Offline Split Mirr or o R AID 6 and RAID 60 o RAID 1 (ADM) and RAID 10 (AD M) o HP Drive Erase .
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 76 For more information about the controller and its features, see the HP Smart Array Controllers for HP ProLiant Servers User Guid e on the HP website ( http://www.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 77 NOTE: The serv er ships with t he same version prog rammed on eac h side of the ROM. S afety and security benefits When you fla sh the system ROM, ROMPaq writ.
Software and conf iguration utilitie s 78 For more informa tion about version control t ools, see th e HP Systems Insight Manager U ser Guide, the HP Version Contr ol Agent User Guide , and the HP Version Cont rol Repository User Guide on the HP websi te ( http://www.
Troubleshootin g 79 T r ouble shoo ting T roubleshooting resources The H P ProLiant Gen8 Troubleshoot ing Guide, Volume I: Troubleshoo ting prov ides procedur es for resolving common problems an d com.
System battery replacement 80 S y st em bat tery r eplacement If the server no longer automatically displays the correct date and tim e, you might have to replace the batter y that provides powe r to the real - time clock. Under norma l use, battery life is 5 to 10 years.
System battery replacement 81 For more information about battery r eplacement or proper dis posal, contact an authorized r eseller or an authorized service provider.
Regulatory comp liance notices 82 R egulator y com plianc e noti ces R egulatory comp liance identifica tion numbers For the purpose of regulato ry compliance certificati ons and ide ntification, this product has been assigned a unique regulatory mo del number.
Regulatory comp liance notices 83 radio communicat ions. However, ther e is no guarantee that interfe rence will not occur in a pa rticula r installation.
Regulat ory compliance notices 84 This Cla ss A digital apparatu s meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference - Causing Equipment Regul ations. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A resp ecte toutes les ex igences du R èglement sur le m atériel brouil leur du Canada.
Regulatory comp liance notices 85 This symbol on the product o r on its packaging i ndicates that this product must not be dis posed of with your other househ old waste.
Regulatory comp liance notices 86 Class B equipment C hinese notice Class A equipment Vietnam complianc e marking notice This marking is for app licable products only. Ukraine notice L aser compl iance This product may be pro vided with an optical s torage device (that is, CD o r DVD drive) and/or fibe r optic transceiver.
Regulatory comp liance notices 87 WARNING: Use of controls or a djustments or p erformance of pr ocedures other th an those specified herein or in the laser product's installation guide may resu lt in hazardous radiation exposure. T o reduce the risk of ex posure to haza rdous r adiation: • Do not try to open the module enclosure.
Regulatory comp liance notices 88 Acoustics statemen t for Germany (Geräuschemission) Schalldruckpegel L pA < 70 dB(A) Zuschauerpositione n (bystander positions), Normale r Betrieb (normal operati.
Electrostatic dis charge 89 E lectr os tati c dis c har ge P reventing elect rostatic disc harge To prevent damaging the system, be aware of the precautions you need to follow when setting up the system or handling parts.
Specifications 90 S pec if icati ons E nvironmental spec ifications Specification Value Temperature range* Operating 10 ° C to 35 ° C (50 ° F to 95 ° F) Nonoperating - 30 ° C to 60 ° C ( - 22 ° F to 140 ° F) Relative humidity (noncondensing) Operating, maximum wet bul b temperature of 28°C (82.
Specifications 91 H P 350 W 4U Factory Integrated P ower Supply Specification Value Input requirements — Rated input voltage 100 V AC to 2 40 V AC Rated input frequency 47 Hz to 63 Hz Rated input cu.
Support and other resources 92 S uppo r t and othe r r es our ces B efore you contact HP Be sure to have the follo wing information available before you call HP : • Active Health System log Download and have av ailable an Active He alth System log for 3 days before the fai lure was detected.
Support and other reso urces 93 providers or service partners) identifies that t he repair can be ac complished by the us e of a CSR part, HP will ship that part directly to you for re placement. There are two categories of CSR pa rts: • Mandatory — Parts for which customer self repair i s mandatory.
Support and other resources 94 Pour plus d'inform ations sur le programm e CSR de HP, contactez vot re Mainteneur Agrée local. Pour plus d'informat ions sur ce progr amme en Amériq ue du Nord, consu ltez le site Web HP ( http://www.hp. com/go/selfrep air ).
Support and other resources 95 HINWEIS : Einige Teile sind nicht für Customer S elf Repair a usgelegt. Um den Garantieanspr uch des Kunden zu erf üllen, muss da s Teil von einem HP Servicepartne r ersetzt werden. Im illustriert en Teilekatalo g sind diese Tei le mit „No“ bzw.
Support and other resources 96 sustitucion es que llev e a cabo el cli ente, HP se hará cargo de todos los gasto s de envío y dev olución de componentes y esco gerá la empresa de transporte que se utilice para dicho servicio.
Support and other resources 97 Opcional – Peças cujo re paro feito pelo cliente é opcional. Essas peças também são proje tadas para o reparo feito pelo clien te. No entanto, se desejar que a HP as substitu a, pode haver ou não a cobrança de taxa adicional, depe ndendo do tipo de se rviço de garantia destinado ao pr o duto.
Support and other resources 98.
Support and other resources 99.
Acronyms and ab breviations 100 A c r on y ms and abbr e v iati on s ABEND abnormal end ACU Array Configuration Utility AMP Advanced Memory Protec tion ASR Automatic Server R ecovery BMC baseboard man.
Acronyms and ab breviations 101 FCC Federal Communi cations Commission HP CS HP Common Slot (p ower supply) HP SIM HP Systems Insight Manager HP SUM HP Smart Update Manag er IEC International Electrot.
Acronyms and ab breviations 102 PDU power distribution unit POST Power - On Self Test PXE preboot execution env ironment RBSU ROM - Based Setup Utility RDIMM registered dual in - line memory mod ule R.
Acronyms and ab breviations 103 TMRA recommended ambient ope rating temperature TPM Trusted Platform Modu le UDIMM unregistered dua l in - line memory mo dule UID unit identification USB universal ser.
Documentation feedback 104 Doc ument ati on f eedbac k HP is committed to pro viding documentation that meets you r needs. To help us improve the documentati on, send any erro rs, suggestion s, or comments to Documentation Feedback ( mailto:docsf eedback@hp.
Index 105 A access panel 20, 21 air baffle 21, 22 Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 74 ASR (Automatic Se rver Recovery) 76 authorized r eseller 92 auto - configuration proc ess 73 Automatic Server R e.
Index 106 G grounding method s 89 grounding requirem ents 25 guidelines 30, 47 H hard drives, inst alling 30, 32 hardware options in stallation 30 health driver 76 help re sources 92 Hot - plug SAS/SA.
Index 107 Q QuickSpecs 67 R rack installation 24, 27 rack reso urces 24 rack warnings 26 RBSU (ROM - Based Setu p Utility) 67, 72, 73, 74 rear components 9 rear panel buttons 10 rear panel compone nts.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 674786-001 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 674786-001 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 674786-001 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 674786-001 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 674786-001, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 674786-001.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 674786-001. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 674786-001 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.