Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 5971-0825 del fabbricante HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Ne tSer ver Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapte r Inst a llation Guide HP Part Number 5971-0825 Printed in Novemb er 2000.
ii Notic e The in formation c ontained in thi s documen t is sub ject to chan ge without no tice. Hewlett- Packard makes no warranty of any ki n d with re gard to this material, includi ng, but not l imited to, the impli ed warran ties of merchantability and fitness for a pa rticular pur pose .
iii Content s 1 Introductio n ............ ......... ................... ................... .................. .. 1 Audi ence for thi s M anual .... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..
iv 5 NetWare Driver Lo ading .......... .................. .......... .................. . 17 Over view .. .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... .. . 17 Driver Loading on an Existing NetWare Server .
v Third-Party Ha rdware Product s .......... ................... ..................... .. ..... .. ... . ...... . 40 HP Rep air and T elep hone S upport ........ .... ..... .. .......... .. ..... .. .......... .. .......... ........ 40 U.S. an d Canada .
1 1 Introduc tion Audie nce for this Manua l Thi s guide is inten ded for network admi nistrat ors, mainte na nce e ngineers or qu alified pe rsonnel who maint ain and/ or update ser vers.
2 • Fib re Channel Host Bus Ad apter (HBA) • A Hewl ett-Packa rd Navi gator CD cont aining th e availabl e adapter dr iver(s) • A document ation CD cont ainin g the Fibr e Channel Ho s t Bus Ada.
3 Figure 1-1. 32 /64 bit PCI, 33 MHz PCI, 1 Gbit The HP Fibre Chann el Adapte r install s into a s tandard PC I (Pe ripheral Comp onent Interconne ct) slot . This adap ter support s a high pe rformance 64-bit PC I bus (ba ckward compati ble to 32-bi t) with multip lexed ad dress and data line s, and pari ty informati on.
4 Syste m Requirem ent s W indow s NT Syste ms The foll owing items are requi red when you install t he HP Fi bre C hanne l Adapter i nto a Wi ndows NT system: • A Pentium o r highe r system with PCI loc al bus • W indo w s NT 4.
5 2 Inst allation Overview Befor e inst al ling the Ada pter in your server , make sure tha t the syst em is powere d down and that you foll ow ESD proce dures to reduce the risk of dam age to the Adapter or the serve r elect ronics. See A ppend ix A rega rding ESD i nformatio n.
6 Figure 2- 1. Instal ling Adapter GBIC Overview A GBIC converts internal e lectric al signal s to externa l electri cal or opti cal signals for trans m is s ion acros s the Fibre Channel media . T he Fibre Channel cable i nserts i nto the con nector of the GBIC module.
7 Inst alling the GBIC Se lect the ty pe of GBIC mo dule that is compat ible wit h your system. • Insta ll t he GBIC into the r ecep tacle o n the Ada pter . Refe r to Figure 2-2 below . NOTE Y ou can only inst all the GBI C one way , as t he GBIC and guide rails insi d e the A d apt er re ce pta cl e ar e key ed.
8 Connecting Cab les 1. If you are using a n opti cal GBIC module , remove the dus t plug covers protec ting the op tical conne ctors before ins erti ng the fibre -channel ca ble. Save the dus t plug cove rs for future us e. 2. Selec t the corr ect cable that m atches the GBI C you insta lled an d ins tall the end connec tors into the GBIC.
9 Figure 2-4 . Copper Cable Connect or Removing the GBIC T o remove t he GBIC, foll ow these st eps: 1. R em ove t h e Fib r e C h an n el c ab l e. ( a) If you a re usi ng the H SSDC Copp er Cable, sque eze the tab to r e move . (See Figure 2-6 . on page 10.
10 Figure 2-5. Removing th e Optic al GBI C Module Figur e 2-6. Removing the HSSDC Copper GBIC Module V erifying th e Adapter Y ou can veri fy the Adapt er a nd cabl e installa tion by poweri ng up the system and looki ng at th e two LEDs on the b ulkhead of the a dapt er .
11 Upon Power-up: • PWR / ACT L ED is ON • LI NK LED is OFF During Card init ializat i o n by the Host OS: • PWR / ACT LE D wi ll fl ash as Fi bre Chan nel de vices are ide nti fied • LI NK LE.
13 3 Windows NT Dr iver Inst allation NOTE C heck this worl dwide web address to ensure t hat you have the lat est versio n of the Wi ndows NT driver: I f it is a ne w er ve rsion than t he one on the sup plied HP Nav igator CD, d ownload it and us e it instea d of the ear lier dr iver .
14 4. From the Sett ings m enu, s elec t Contro l Panel . 5. From the Con trol Pa nel window , sele ct SCSI Adapters . 6. From the SCSI Adapter window , select Dr ivers . 7. From the Drivers windo w , select Add . 8. Select Have Disk . 9. From the fl oppy disk dr ive (pat h, A:WINNT), se lect Agilent PCI F ibre Channel Co n tr oller ( N T 4.
15 4 Windows 2000 Dr iver Inst allation NOTE C heck this worl dwide web address to ensure t hat you have the lat est vers ion of the Wi ndows 2000 driver: I f it is a ne w er ve rsion than t he one on the sup plied HP Nav igator CD, d ownload it and us e it instea d of the ear lier dr iver .
16 Du r ing ins t alla t io n se le ct t h e “ HHBA-510X PCI F ibr e Channel Contr oller ” . Pleas e review t he Readme fi le for deta ils. Removing the Drive r T o uninsta ll the HP Fibre Cha nnel boar d: 1. Tur n off you r system and remove the HP Fi bre Channel board from yo ur comp u ter.
17 5 NetW are Driver Loading NOTE C heck this worl dwide web address to ensure t hat you have the lat est versio n of the NetW are driv er: I f it is a ne w er ve rsion than t he one on the sup plied HP Nav igator CD, d ownload it and u se it instea d of the ear lier ver sion.
18 NOTE The driver can eit her be install ed from t he hard drive or floppy diske tte. For drive r installa tion from the ha rd drive, copy the driver file to th e s erve r boot up direc tory under DOS, and speci fy the compl ete device pat h when typ ing the instr uction be low .
19 Un lo a din g t he D riv er For re m oving or upd ating the driver , perform the followi ng steps: NOTE T he old driv er must b e removed befor e install ing the ne w one. 1. Conf irm that there i s no Fibre C hannel ac tivit y occurring b y dismount ing the drive.
21 6 PCI Hot P lug Support PC I Hot Plug involve s the ins ertion and removal of PCI adapte rs from a system witho ut interr upting the n ormal operatio n or powering down the w hole syst em. PC I Hot Pl ug functions by di s abl ing power to PCI sl ots where PCI Hot Plug ca pa b le a da p te r s wi l l be i n ser t ed or r emo v e d.
23 7 T r oubleshooting The fo llowing ti ps are gener al troubl eshooting pr ocedure s. • Check t hat the card is seat ed all the way into the P CI slot. • Check mothe rboard sys tem document ation to ens ure that bus maste ring suppor t is prov ided and ena bled for the PCI slot c ontai ning the HP Fibr e Channe l Adapter .
25 A Elect ros t atic Disch arge (ES D) A disc harg e of s tat ic elect ricit y from a finger or ot her conductor m ay damage st atic-sens itive device s.
27 B Regulat or y Informat i on Regul atory No tices El ect roma gnet ic C omp lia nce Ele ctromagn etic Compati bility (E MC) require ments have be en e st ablishe d in many c ountrie s to regul ate the ra dio freque ncy ener gy gener ated by Inform atio n T echnol ogy Equipme nt (ITE).
28 No tice for United St ates (Fed eral Communi cations Com mission ) Cl ass B Equi pme nt This equi pment has b een test ed and found to com ply with the lim its f or a Class B digita l device , pursuant t o Part 15 of the F CC Rules .
29 ac cor d ance w i th th e i ns tru ct i ons m a nua l, m ay c au se h a rm fu l inte r f ere nc e to r adio communic ations. Ope ratio n of this e quipm ent in a resi dential are a is like ly to cause harmful int erference i n which case the user is required to corre ct the i nterfer ence at thei r own expense.
30 For pro duc ts labele d as Cla ss A: This equi pment is in th e Class A category inf ormati on technology e quipment based on the rules of V olunta ry Control Counci l For Interferenc e by Informa tion T echnology Eq uipment (VCCI) . W hen us ed in a r esident ia l are a, radio interfere nce may b e caus ed.
31 Declaration of Conformit y ( US, EU, China) DECLARA TION OF CONF ORMITY according to ISO/IEC Gu ide 22 and EN 45014 Manufactu rer's/Supplier Name: Hewlett-Pack ard Com pany Manufactu rer'.
33 C Sp ecifica tio ns Fi bre Chan nel Ope rat ion Fibr e C ha nne l O pera tio n B u rs t Tra n s f er 1 G b i t /s e c 100 MBytes /sec T op o l ogy F ab r ic , A r bi t ra t ed L o op Clas s of Ope .
34 Architectural F eatures On-Ca rd Pr ocessi ng • High per formance, low la tency state ma ch ine a rc hi t ect ure • Paral lel process ing of inbound a nd outbound da ta • Comp lete SCSI excha.
35 D So ftware L ice nse T er ms The fo llowing License T erm s govern you r use o f the accompanyi ng Softwa re u nles s you have a sep ara te wri tten ag ree ment wit h HP . License Gr ant. HP gra nts you a licen se to Use one copy of the S of tware.
36 dest roy the Software, t ogether with a ll copi es, adaptat ions and mer ged portio ns in an y f orm. Ex po rt R equ irem en t s . Y ou may not export or r e-export the S oftwa re or any copy o r adap tatio n in violat ion of a n y applic able laws or regulati ons.
37 E Fibre Channel Cables The abov e Fibre Cha nne l Connec tivity pr oduct s are ava ilable t hrough He wlett -Packa rd Company . Cable T ype Cable Kit Co ntent s HP Part Number 3 meter (FC), shor t-.
39 F W arranty and Suppo rt The hardwa re warrant y below applie s t o comp onents purchas e d as acc essories . I f your component was factory i nstalled a s part of an HP NetSe rver model , refer to.
40 warrant y for thos e products . HP SureSt ore drive s are conside red external acces s or ies and carry the ir own warranty . The cus tomer may be re q uired to run HP -sup plied confi gurati on and di agnosti c progr ams before a repl acement wi ll be dispa tched or an on- site v isit is authori zed.
41 A au dien ce 1, 2 C cabl es 1, 3, 8, 23, 28, 37 c onn e ctin g c ab les 1 co ntro l pane l 14 D De cl ara ti on o f C onf or mi ty 27 , 3 1 disk ette 13, 14, 15, 17, 21 drivers 1, 13, 14, 17 E el e.
42 W warranty Windows 2000 4, 15 , 34 Windows 2000 Driver 15 Windows NT 1, 2, 4, 34 Windows NT Driver 13, 23.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5971-0825 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5971-0825 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5971-0825 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5971-0825 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5971-0825, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5971-0825.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5971-0825. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo HP (Hewlett-Packard) 5971-0825 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.