Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto EPHUM011 del fabbricante Hamilton
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pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mmer ’ s Manua l (EPH UM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 / 67 pH ARC Senso rs Modb us RTU Progra mmer ’ s Manu al Firmware version: EPHUM011.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mmer ’ s Manua l (EPH UM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 / 67 Important N otice All rights res er v ed. No part o f this docu ment may b e re produ ced, store d in a retrieva l sys tem, or trans mitt ed in any f or m w it hou t written pe rmis sion fro m HAMILTON Bon aduz A G.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mmer ’ s Manua l (EPH UM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 / 67 Ta ble of Content 1 MODB US R TU GENER A L IN FOR MA TION ................................ ............................................... 4 1.1 I NT RODUCT ION .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 / 67 1 Modbus RT U general inf ormatio n 1.1 Int r oduction This docu ment des cri bes in detai l the pH ARC Sen so rs Modbus RTU interface. It is addre sse d to so f tw are progra mmers.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 / 67 2 pH A RC Sensor Com mands in Modbus RT U 2.1 General In order t o co mm unicate with a pH ARC Sens or ov er Mo dbus RTU protocol a Modbus master terminal application s o f twa re is need ed.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 6 / 67 Command: Operator le v el Modbu s address : 428 8 Leng th: 4 Type: 3 Rea d Parameter: Operator le vel Passw ord Format: Hex decimal Value: 0x3 0 0 Figure 2.2.1.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 7 / 67 2.3 Configurati on of the se ri al RS 485 Int erface Factory settings o f the RS485: Parity is n one, 1 s tart bit, 8 data bits , 2 stop bits (in tota l: 11 bits).
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 8 / 67 2.3.2 Baud Rate Reading an d Writ i ng t h e B a ud Ra te The baud ra te can be read an d w ritt en in reg ister 4102.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 9 / 67 2.4 Configurati on of the Anal og Interfaces 2.4.1 Availab le A nalog Interfaces A pH ARC Sens or has tw o individual phys ical ana l og inter f aces that ha v e ident ical functiona l it ies, but can be con f igured indepen dently fro m ea ch o ther.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 0 / 67 2.4.3 Des cription of the A nalog Interfaces 1 and 2 Regis ter 4352 / 4480 con tain the des cri ptions o f.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 1 / 67 2.4.5 Co nfiguration of the 4-20 mA I nterface Note: The configuration o f AO1 / AO2 i s only effecti v e i f register 4360 / 4488 (active ana l og interface mode) is se t t o the v alue 0x01, 0x02 or 0x04.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 2 / 67 Reading t he M inimum and Max imum Possi ble Phys i cal Output Curr ent Start register N umber o f.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 3 / 67 Reading t he Selec te d Physica l Unit for A nalog Inter face Start register N umber o f registers R eg1 / Reg2 Modbu s f unc t ion code Read access Write access 4376 2 Selected phys ical unit o f AO1 (se e chapter 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 4 / 67 p H A RC se ns o r : 4- 20 mA int e rf a ce - li n e a r -15 -10 - 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 4 8 12 1 6 20 2 4 Cur r e nt [ m A] tem p er atu re [°C] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pH T em p [° C ] p H Figure 2 .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 5 / 67 Attention: W hen as signing m eas urement va lues to 4-20 mA analo g output by us i ng reg i ster 43 78 / .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 6 / 67 Defining the Error a nd Warning O u tput of the 4-20 mA Interfac e Errors a nd w arning s can b e mapped to the A O1 / AO2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 7 / 67 2.4.6 Reading the In ternally Measured Output Cu rrent Reg.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 8 / 67 2.5 Measureme nt 2.5.1 Def inition of Measurement Channels a nd Physical Units The pH ARC Sens or Modbus r.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 1 9 / 67 The pH ARC Sens or register structure us es the followin g phys i cal units us ed f or Pr imary or Seco ndary Meas urem ent C hann els. Bit # Hex code Physical unit Start re gister.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 0 / 67 2.5.2 Primary Measurement Channel 1 (pH) Des cription of PMC1 In register 2080, a plain text ASCII des cription of PMC1 i s gi v en .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 1 / 67 Reading the measurem ent value of PMC1 Regis ter 2090 is als o us ed to read the meas urem ent va lues of PMC1.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 2 / 67 2.5.3 Primary Measurement Channel 6 (Temperatur e) 2.5.3.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 3 / 67 Reading the measurem ent value of PMC6 Regis ter 2410 is als o us ed to read the measu rement val ues of PMC 6.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 4 / 67 2.5.5 Seco ndary Measurement Channels 1 -16 pH ARC Sen so rs do allow a ccess to s econdary measu rement v alues (16 in total) . The acces s to the individual SMC dep ends on the ope rator level.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 5 / 67 Reading the measurem ent value of SMC The registers defined he re are us ed to read the m eas urement values o f each SMC . Start reg. Num- ber of reg.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 6 / 67 2.6 Configurati on o f the M easureme nt This chapter describes the con fi gurat ion of PMC1 and PMC6 by means o f m eas urem en t para m eters (PA). 2.6.1 Availab le Parameters In register 307 2, al l a vailable para m eters (PA ) are g iv en .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 7 / 67 2.6.2 PA9: Moving Average The pH ARC Sens or prov ides new p H readings e v ery 3 seco nds. One has the poss i bility t o s moothen the pH read ing (PMC1 ) by means of a mo ving average app li ed to the 3-se conds -readings.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 8 / 67 Descr ipti on of PA 9 (Moving Aver age) In regis ter 336 0, a plain text ASC II de script ion o f PA9 is given.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 2 9 / 67 Reading all Va lues for PA 9 By reading reg i s ter 3370, the acti v e phys i ca l unit of me as urement, the s elected va lue, and the min and max values can be read.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 0 / 67 2.6.3 PA12: Moving Average R pH ARC Sen so rs allow to ha v e a sep arate moving a v era ge on se conda ry.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 1 / 67 By writing to register 34 66, the a ctive phys i cal un i t f or P A 12 can be s elected, by choos i ng on e o f t he phys i cal units that are de f i ned in reg ister 3464 .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 2 / 67 2.7 Calibration 2.7.1 Availab le Calib rat ion Points In register 512 0, the a v a il ab l e nu mber of Calibrat i on Po ints (CP) for P rim a ry Measu rement Cha nnel 1 (PMC1) is defined.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 3 / 67 2.7.2 Def initions of Ca libration Points Calibration P oints 1 and 2 (Standard Ca librati on) The limits f or t he calibrat i on po i nt 1 are d e fi ned in regist er 5152, for calibrat i on poin t 2 in reg ister 5184 .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 4 / 67 Command: R ead cal ibration s tability Modbu s address: 5128 Le ngth: 4 Type: 3 R ead Parameter: Max drift pH [pH/min] Max drift Te mp [K/min] Format: Float F loat Value: 0.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 5 / 67 2.7.3 Cal ibration Procedure Calibration at CP1 and C P2 ( Standar d Ca l ibrat ion) The ARC Sens or f a mily has a u nique ca libration rout i ne.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 6 / 67 Standard Calibrati on with Automatic Recog nition of th e Stan dard Prior to calibrat i on, t he specialis.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 7 / 67 Per f or m the follow i ng s teps to do a s t and ard calibration a t CP1 and C P2: Step1: Selec t the des ired s et of calibrati on stan d ards (se e chapte r 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 8 / 67 Examples: ( D e finitions o f register 5158 a nd 519 0 us ed i n the se e xamples are gi v en in chapter , thos e for regis ter 4872 in cha pter 2.8 .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 3 9 / 67 Example to read the senso r ’ s quali ty indica tor: Command: Qua l ity indicator Modbus add ress: 4872 Len gth: 2 Type: 3 Re ad Parameter: Q ual it y [% ] Format: Float Value: 100 Figure 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 0 / 67 W ha t happe ns to the pH ARC Sens or ’ s ca li bration function upo n produ ct calibrat i on (CP6)? A product ca li brat ion adds an off s et to the linear ca li bration function de fi ned by the s tandard calibration at CP1 and CP2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 1 / 67 The different f unctional ities o f product ca li brat ion (CP6 ) are a cces sible through the follow i ng.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 2 / 67 Product calibrati on: Assignment After succes sful i n itial meas urement a correc t v a lue mus t be ass igned to the init i ally stored measure ment data.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 3 / 67 Product calibrati on: Restore sta ndard calibrati on If a prod uct calibration is active this product calibration can be t e mporarily switched off by writing the command 0 x 03 to reg i ster 534 0.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 4 / 67 2.7.4 Rea ding t he Calibration Status R eading the Cal ibration Stat u s of CP1 and CP2 A s tandard cali bra t ion is not a lways su ccessful .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 5 / 67 Command: Ca libration s tatus CP1 Modb us add ress: 5158 Leng th: 6 Type: 3 Rea d Parameter: Status U nit Value Format: Hex He x Float Value: 0x0 0000 080 0x00 0010 00 4.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 6 / 67 Product calibration: Init ial measure ment Calibration s tatus a f ter initia l measure ment co .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 7 / 67 The here pe rformed as signment w as su ccess f ul. The se ns or is running us i ng a v al id product calibration .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 8 / 67 2.7.5 Currently active Calibration Parameters par t 1 In registers 5164 (C P1), 5196 (CP2 ) an d 5324 (C P6) the cu rrently act ive calibrat ion para m eters pa rt 1 are s tored.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 4 9 / 67 2.7.7 Currently active Calibration Parameters par t 3 In register 552 0, 5528 an d 5560 the pH v alue o f the us ed calibrat i on s tandards , the electrical potent i a l of the pH se ns or and the te mperature upon ca li bra tion are s t ored .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 0 / 67 2.7.9 Spe cial Co mman ds for Calibration with VISICAL The VI S ICAL calibrat i on device allows calibration of pH ARC Sens ors at CP1 or CP2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 1 / 67 2.7.10 Calibratio n Standards A vailable Sets of Calibration Sta nd ards pH ARC Sen so rs can s t ore an d opera te six different s ets of calibrat i on s tandard s each ha v i ng m ax 12 calibration s tandards .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 2 / 67 Definitions for Individua l Sets of Calibratio n Standards Once the opera tor ha s s el ected a s.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 3 / 67 Regis ter 9528 de fines f or the s elected set o f cal ibration s tandards : the a v ai lable calibrat.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 4 / 67 By means of register 953 0, the s pecialist can de fi ne for ea ch a v ai lable calibrat ion stand ard if the sp ecifi c sta ndard is av a il able. Start register N umber o f registers R eg1 / Reg2 (Bit, see figure 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 5 / 67 Manufacture r Av ailabi lity f or manual selection (left) and automatic recogni tion (right) HA MI LTON ME.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 6 / 67 Manufacture r Av ailabi lity f or manual selection (left) and automatic recogni tion (right) METTLER TOLEDO RA DIO METER Figure 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 7 / 67 2.8 Sensor Stat us 2.8.1 T emperature Ranges In registers 4608 , 4612 and 4 616 three d ifferent te m per .
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 8 / 67 2.8.2 Op erating Hours an d Counters In register 467 6 are g iv en: total opera ting hours opera ting hours a bo v e ma x meas urement te mperature (se e chapter 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 5 9 / 67 2.8.3 Warnings A “ W arning ” is a not ifi cation mess age w hich still allow s f ur ther func ti on i ng o f the sys t em. This mess age alerts the ope rator o f a poss i ble problem that could lea d to uncertain res ul ts.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 6 0 / 67 2.8.4 Errors An “ Error ” mess age i ndicates a se rious problem of t he senso r wh ich does not all ow f urther proper f unc t ion ing of the s ens or. This proble m must be s olv ed.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 6 1 / 67 D efinition of Errors Bit # Hex Description not a v a il able 5 0x0000 020 Gl as s res istance too.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 6 2 / 67 2.8.5 Rea ding Definition of SIP and CIP pH ARC Senso r are counting specia l clea ning events su ch as sterilizations or clean ing cycles by means o f track ing typical t e m pera ture profiles (s ee chapter 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 6 3 / 67 Command: SI P definit ion Modbus ad dress: 4988 Len gth: 8 Type: 16 Write Parameter: T mi n [°C] T m ax [°C] Tim e mi n [min] Empty Format: Float Fl oat Float Float Value: 120 1 30 30 0 Figure 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 6 4 / 67 2.9 Sensor I dentifi cation and Inf ormation 2.9.1 Ge neral In formation General in f ormat ion abou t t he s ensor is a v a il ab l e as s how n in the fi gure be low.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manu al ( EPHUM011 ) 6243 00/01 page 6 5 / 67 Command: Ser i al nu m ber Mo dbus a ddress: 1312 Len gth: 8 Type: 3 Re ad Parameter: Te x t Format: Chara cter Value: 000 1001 Figure Exa m p l e to read re gister 131 2.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manual (EPHUM01 1) 6243 00/01 page 6 6 / 67 Command: Info use r Modbu s address : 156 8 Leng th: 8 Type: 16 Write Parameter: Te x t Format: Chara cter Value: Hello Worl d Figure Exa m p l e to w ri te 16 ASC II characters to re gister 1568 w i th operator A or S.
pH ARC Sen so rs Mod bus RTU Progra mm er ’ s Manual (EPHUM01 1) 6243 00/01 page 6 7 / 67 HAMILTON Bon aduz A G Via Crusch 8 CH-74 02 Bona duz Sw itzerl and Tel. +41 81 6 60 60 60 Fax +41 81 6 60 60 70 contact@ha mil ton. ch 05 May 201 0 www .ham iltonco mpany.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Hamilton EPHUM011 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Hamilton EPHUM011 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Hamilton EPHUM011 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Hamilton EPHUM011 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Hamilton EPHUM011, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Hamilton EPHUM011.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Hamilton EPHUM011. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Hamilton EPHUM011 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.