Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto AD2089 del fabbricante American Dynamics
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AD2089 Part Number 8200-0710-01 B0 REV 1 Keyboard Operator ’ s Manual.
ii Notice The information in this manual was current when published. The m anufacturer rese rves the right to revise and imp rove its produc ts. All specifications are therefor e subject to change without notice.
Contents User ’s Guide vii Content s AD2089 Keyboard Controller About the AD2089 Keyboard Cont roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 AD2089 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents viii Intellex® Digital Video Management System Playback Mode Operations (keyswitch in operat e position) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Selecting DVRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents User ’s Guide ix Macro Key Labels Macro Programming Worksheets Macro Programming Workskeet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents x Intellex® Digital Video Management System.
1 AD2089 Keyboard Controller About the AD2089 Keyboard Controller This chapter describes the features of the AD208 9 keyboard. It al so describes the location an d function of the ke ybo a rd' s fro nt panel compon en ts.
AD2089 Keyboard Controller 2 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual • selectable speaker volume - enables eigh t different volume leve ls • auto focus/auto iris capability - supported when use d with DeltaDo.
AD2089 Keyboard Controller 3 Multi-Function Keys 12 OFF/Page Left key/ S top - turns of f auxiliary device in Moni tor Operate mode. Displays page to the left in Menu mode. In Playback Op erate mo de, DA TE allows you to select a specific date for playback.
Connection and Setup of the AD2089 4 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Connection and Setup of the AD2089 This chapter descr ib es th e po we r an d da ta connectio ns bet w een the AD20 89 keybo ar d an d th e switching system being used. It also describes the setup of co mmunication s protocols and other keyboard paramete rs.
Connection and Setup of the AD20 89 5 Connections for Cable Distan ce of Seven Feet or Less For switching system connection s where keyboard-to-system cable di stance is seven feet or less, make the f.
Connection and Setup of the AD2089 6 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Inst allation Precautions The keyboard unit is susceptible to high electro sta tic discharge potenti als. Care should be taken to locate the unit so as to reduce the likelihood of accident al contact with ESD potentials, such as walking on a carpet under very dry conditio ns.
Connection and Setup of the AD20 89 7 Keyboard Setup The AD2089 keyboa rd communicates via RS-232 protocol. Keyboard setup up the keyboard involves setting the keyboard's baud rate , LED brig htness , speaker volume, and P TZ motion control .
Connection and Setup of the AD2089 8 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual 2 T o change the currently displaye d volume level, cycle through the levels using the NEXT or LAST keys to move in forwar d or reverse dir ect ion respectively . Eac h time the level ch anges, a short tone sounds indicating the ne w level.
Connection and Setup of the AD20 89 9 Built-in Keyboard Operations T est The AD2089 has built-in test capabilit y to verify the operational integrity of the unit's hardware and firmware.
Connection and Setup of the AD2089 10 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Spea ke r T est The speaker test perfo rms an audible check of the keyboard's speake r . A series of audio tones step through the frequency range of th e speaker . During this test the CAMERA display shows the message "SOUND".
Connection and Setup of the AD20 89 11 • From left to right, the first digit represents the pan speed . Speed is directly propor tional to th e distance from the joystick’s center position. “1” r epresents the slowest p an speed, and is therefore t he position clo sest to the cen ter .
Connection and Setup of the AD2089 12 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Note The count in the ENTER display includes the keys in the ENTER , MUL TI-FUNCTION , and CONTROL sections of the keyboard, as well as the “flip” button on the joystick. T o verify proper operation, each key on the AD2089 keyboard must be pressed once.
Connection and Setup of the AD20 89 13 When the ROM checksum test is completed, the built-in test se quence will return to the speaker test when the test swit ch bu tton is presse d.
Using the AD2089 in Operate Mode 14 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Using the AD2089 in Operate Mode This chapter describes how to call cameras to view on workst ation monitors, and explains how to control the mo vement of pan/tilt cameras, an d how to zoom, focus, and adjust th e ir is of a came ra lens.
Using the AD2089 in Ope rate Mode 15 • T o select Monitor mod e, pre ss the MON key . If the user does not enter a number prior to pressing either the DVMS or Monito r keys, the keyboard “ remembers” the number of the last D VMS or mo nitor selecte d prior to tog gling to the alternate mode.
Using the AD2089 in Operate Mode 16 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual The AD2089 joystick controls the p anning and t ilting of cameras connecte d to the switching system. As the joys tick is moved to the left or right, and is moved towards or away from the operator , the c amera will pan and/or tilt accordingly .
Using the AD2089 in Ope rate Mode 17 Controlling Camera Flip T o “flip” the camera under keyboard control 180× from it s current position (for uninte rr upted surveillance of subjects who pa ss directly beneath the camera, pr ess the button on the top of the joystick knob.
Using the AD2089 in Operate Mode 18 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual 2 Press the MONITOR/DVMS key to gain control of the monitor . The monitor number will appear in the MONITOR/DVMS display . The ENTER display will clear . 3 Enter the system tour number to be associated with the monitor under control.
Using the AD2089 in Ope rate Mode 19 A latched auxiliary remains active until it is deactivated using the appropriate off switch. An example of a latched auxiliary is a light. When the auxiliary ON key is pressed (and released), the light is turned on.
Using the AD2089 in Operate Mode 20 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual 3 Press the P A TRN key (P-1, P-2, or P-3 appear in the ENTER display) and then press the RUN key . The camera will sequence th rough the pattern movements once. T o repeat a patter n: 1 Follow the procedure describ ed immediately above to run a p attern.
Using the AD2089 in Ope rate Mode 21 Playback Mode Operations (keyswitch in operate position) Selecting DVRs T o initiate DVR control, the oper ator performs the following actions: 1 T ype a DVR number of up to four digits on the numeric keyp ad .
Programming with the AD2 089 22 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Programming with the AD2089 This chapter prov ide s ste p- by -st ep inst ru ctio ns for keyboard operations performed with the keyswitch in the PROGRAM position. The chapte r also includes a discussion of operations available with the keyswitch set in the MENU position.
Programming with the AD2089 23 Each time you move the came ra in any direction ( with zoom, focus, o r iris adjustmen t s), you issue a command to the cam era. The th ree patterns for a dome can collectively consist of up to 98 camera commands. There is also a pattern time limit .
Programming with the AD2 089 24 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Programming Macros There are eight keys on the 2089 keyboard used for macr os. A macro performs a sequence of switching system operation s by entering a numeric identifie r and pressing a single macro key .
Programming with the AD2089 25 Once programmed, enterin g a camera number and then pressing th e [z] macro key , causes the selected camera to switch to Mon itor 1.
Programming with the AD2 089 26 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual After the word “done” appears, pressing any key will remove th e word from the LED display . CPU to Keyboard T ransfer 1 Set the receiving keyboard and the CPU to the app ropriate baud rates.
Programming with the AD2089 27 Using the AD2089 in Menu Mode When the three- position keyswitc h is in the MENU position, yo u are able to view the m ain menu of the switching system being used.
Programming with the AD2 089 28 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual.
29 Appendix A: S pecifications References RS-232 EIA 232-D CCITT V . 24 Keyboard Specifications: Input: AD2089: 9 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 5 W AD2089-1: 8 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 600 mA Power Connection: W all T ransformer Size: 5.25” W x 16.5" L x 1. 6" H Weight: 5.
T roubleshooting 30 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Appendix B: T roubleshooting Problem Check L ist 8 No power to keyboard. 9 Check AC outlet 9 Check wall transformer connections 9 Check modular cable connections to ke yboard and terminal block 9 Measure transforme r output at terminal block 8 No response to keystrokes (power verified).
T ypica l System Connections 31 Appendix C: T ypical System Connections AD2089 Keyboards to AD1024 System with Network Client/DVMS Control AD2089 AD2089.
T y pi cal System Connections 32 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual AD2089 Keyboard to AD1024 CPU AD1024CPU AD2089.
T ypica l System Connections 33 AD2089 Keyboard to AD1024 CPU AD2089.
T y pi cal System Connections 34 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual AD2089 Keyboard to AD2150 AD2089.
T ypica l System Connections 35 AD2089 Keyboard to AD2150 AD2089.
T y pi cal System Connections 36 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual AD2089 Keyboard to AD168 AD2089 AD2089.
T ypica l System Connections 37 AD2089 Keyboard to AD168 AD2089.
T y pi cal System Connections 38 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual AD2089 to MegaPower 48 AD2089 KEYBOARD CONNECTIONS OF 7 FEET OR LESS AD2089 KEYBOARD CONNECTIONS GREATER THAN 7 FEET.
T ypica l System Connections 39 Built-in T est Connection 7 FOOT MODULAR CABLE WALL TRANSFORMER AD2089.
Software License Agreement 40 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Appendix D: Sof tware License Agreement By using the AD2089 software, you a ccept the te rms and condition s of this license agreement.
Software License Agreement 41 Customer will not sell, assign, sub license or transfer this license or sell or otherwise transfer the Software or Documentation (or any portion thereof) to other s.
Software License Agreement 42 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual the use of the Software or un dertake to provide any maintena nce, support or informatio n regarding the Software . 7 U.S. Governme n t Re st ri ct ed Rig h ts. The Softwa re and Document a tion are provided wi th restricted rights.
Monitor Arming Commands 43 Appendix E: Monito r Arming Commands Monitors ar e armed for alarm call up w ith codes th at specify the f ollowing three parameters: 1 The display me thod ( single , du al , or block mon itors).
Monitor Arming Commands 44 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual *= In dual display applications, the1 st three-letter acronym is disp layed on the hold monitor .
45 Macro Key Labels A sheet of pre-printed lab els is provided for placement on the AD2089 macro keys. Af ter a macro label is appropriately situ a ted , a clea r plast ic cov er is place d ove r the macr o ke y an d lab el.
Macro Key Labels 46 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual.
47 Macro Programming W orksheet s This page provides exam ples of typical ma cro sequences. Refer to pa ge 4-3 for a complete description of th e se qu en ces de scr ibe d belo w . The sheet on the following page can be rem o ve d from the manual and p hotocopied as needed to record macros.
Macro Programming W orksheets 48 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual Macro Programming Wo rkskeet Note Remove this pag e and photocopy as needed to record macros. Each macro seque nc e starts by entering a number (1-10 00 ) an d pr es sin g a ma cr o key . The keystrokes that define the macro ar e then entered.
49 Glossary A B C D alarm The system's response when a ca mera inpu t changes from its normal state to its abnormal st ate (if the system has be en configured to re spond to such a condition).When an alarm is triggere d, the T OUCH T RACKER beeps unti l you acknowledge the alarm via the Ack bu tton.
Glossary 50 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual F I J K L fixed camera A camera which views a scene from a single perspective. A fixed camera cannot pan or tilt, or make auto matic lens adjustmen ts. flip T o instantaneously position a do me 180× in the oppo site direction of where it is currently pointing.
Glossary 51 M O P S macro A macro is a programmable sequence of keystro kes which al low the operator to execute the keystroke sequence b y pressing a numeric entry and a single (macro) key . The 2089 keyboard contains eight macro keys which can be programmed for up to 1000 ma cro sequences distributed among th e eigh t keys.
Glossary 52 AD2089 Operator ’s Manual T V Z tilt Up and down camera movement. tour A tour is a sequence of camera scenes viewed on at a time on a video monitor . A monitor tour is a temporary sequence of scenes programmed for a single monitor . A monitor tour can contain up to 64 camera, with a dwell time for each camera.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il American Dynamics AD2089 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del American Dynamics AD2089 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso American Dynamics AD2089 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul American Dynamics AD2089 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il American Dynamics AD2089, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del American Dynamics AD2089.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il American Dynamics AD2089. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo American Dynamics AD2089 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.