Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 311688L del fabbricante Graco
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311688L EN Instruct ions/P arts Lis t Triton ® 3D15 0 Diaphrag m Pump Used to pump waterborne and solv ent-based paints and catalysts. For prof essional use only. Part No . 253 704, Ser ies B 3:1 Ratio A ir-operated D ouble Diaphragm Pump, wit h BSPP Fittings Part No .
2 311688L Table of Co ntents Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Installatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 General In formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tightening Threaded Fa steners Before F irst Use 5 Mounting t he Pump .
Warnings 311688L 3 Warni ngs The followi ng warnings ar e for the setup , use, ground ing, maintena nce, and rep air of this equ ipment. The exclama- tion point s ymbol alerts you to a general warning and the hazard symbols refer to procedure-s pecific risks.
Warnings 4 311688L FIRE AN D EXPLOSIO N HAZARD Improp er grounding, poor ventila tion, open flames or sparks can cause a hazardou s condition and result in a fire or explosion an d serious inj ury. • Ground t he equipme nt and the obje ct being spra yed.
Installation 311688L 5 Insta llation General In formation • F IG . 2 is only a guide for in stalling system compo- nents and accessories. It i s not an actu al system design. C ontact your Gra co distributo r for assis- tance in des igning a sys tem to suit your particular needs.
Installation 6 311688L Mounting t he Pump • For ease of operation and service, mou nt the pump so the air inl et, fluid inlet, and fluid outl et ports are easily acce ssible. • Mount the p ump in a we ll-ventilated area with suffi- cient clearance on all sides for operator access and servicing.
Installation 311688L 7 Air Line 1. Install the a ir line accessor ies as shown in F IG . 2. Be sure the air line supply ing the acces sories is grounded. a. The fluid p ressure can be controlled wi th either an air reg ulator (F) to cont rol the air in to the pump, or w ith a fluid regulato r (H) to control the fluid out of th e pump.
Installation 8 311688L F IG . 2. Typic al Installation R B C D E F K A L G S M W Key: A TRITON 3D150 Pump B Bleed-type master air valve (required for pump) C Air supply line D Air line filter E Air li.
Installation 311688L 9 Grounding Ground all of this equ ipment: • Pump: use a groun d wire and clam p. See F IG . 3. Loosen the groun ding screw (X). Insert one end of a 12 g a (1.5 mm 2 ) min imum g round wire (Y) under the clamp and ti ghten the sc rew securely.
Operation 10 311688L Oper ation Pressure R elief Proced ure 1. Shut off the air to the p ump. 2. Open the dispensing valv e, if used. 3. Open the fluid drain valve t o relieve all fluid pres- sure, having a container ready to catc h the drainage. Flushing t he Pump B efore First Use The pump w as tested in oi l.
Maintenance 311688L 11 Maint enance Lubricat ion Flushing a nd Storage Flush the pump often enou gh to preven t the fluid yo u are pumping from curin g, dry ing, or f reezing in the p ump and damagi ng it. Follow t he Pressu re Relief P roce- dure on pag e 10 before stor ing it for any length of time.
Troubleshooting 12 311688L Troub lesho oting NOTE: Relieve the pressure (page 10) before checking or servicing the equipment . NOTE: Relieve the pressure (page 10) before checking or servici ng the equipme nt. Problem Ca use Solution Pump cycles at stall or fa ils to hold pressure at stall.
Repair 311688L 13 Repair Prepare th e Pump f or Repair 1. Flush the pump if possible, page 11. 2. Relieve the pressure, pag e 10. 3. Disconnec t the air and flu id hoses. 4. Remove the pump from i ts mounting a nd take it to the work ben ch. General Re pair Notes • A qualified technician shou ld make all repairs.
Repair 14 311688L Replace th e Diaphragm s Diaphragm Re pair Kit 24 6011 is avail able. Parts included i n the kit are ma rked, for exa mple (9*). For the best results , replace both d iaphragms . Always repl ace the ball check seals (29) whenever t he fluid cove rs are removed .
Repair 311688L 15 Helicoil Ins tallation To replace b roken or rem oved helicoi ls (56), order H eli- coil Repair K it 24U929. Also order Heli coil Installatio n Tool, Grac o PN 24U930 . 1. Screw the h elicoil insert onto the tool. E ngage the tang of the insert in the d riving contou r of the tool.
Repair 16 311688L Repair the A ir Valve Air Valve Re pair Kit 24506 6 is availabl e. Parts include d in the kit are marked, for example (33† ). For the bes t results, use all parts in t he kit. Disassembly 1. Prepare th e pump for repa ir, page 13. 2.
Repair 311688L 17 F IG . 5. Repa ir the Air Valv e ti2130B 12 Lub ricate. Torqu e to 3. 1 N•m (28 in-lb) 1 2 13† ◆ 14 19† ◆ 20 21 34 36 44 10 11† ◆ 14 15† 17 † ◆ 18† ◆ 16† 14.
Repair 18 311688L Repair the S haft and Bearings NOTE: Par ts marked w ith a ( ♦ ) are includ ed in Shaft repair kit 2 33841. For the b est results, use all parts in the repair kit. Parts marked with a ( ❖ ) are i ncluded in Bearing repair kit 15J647.
Repair 311688L 19 F IG . 6. Repa ir the Shaft Lub ricate. Torque to 12 ft-lb (16 N•m). Use medium-st rength (blue) thread locker or equivlaent as needed. See G eneral Repai r Notes , page 13. Torque to 28 in-lb (3. 1 N•m). Appl y sealan t primer and high -strengt h anaer obic seal ant.
Repair 20 311688L Replace th e Ball Che ck Valves Ball Check Valve Repair Kit 245067 is available. Parts included i n the kit are ma rked with a (‡ ). For the bes t results, use all parts in t he kit. Disassembly 1. Remove fl uid covers (see page 13).
Repair 311688L 21 F IG . 7. Repl ace the Ball Check Valves ti2128c Torque to 12 f t-lb (16 N•m). Use medium -strengt h (blue) thread locker or equivl aent as needed.
Parts 22 311688L Parts Part No . 253 704, Se ries B Part No . 253 705, Se ries B 1 ★ 32 ‡ 26 ‡ 31 ‡ 5 *9 23 33 22 12 10 15 † 44 34 † ◆ 19 † 16 † ◆ 18 † ◆ 17 20 *9 ◆❖ 2 4 .
Parts 311688L 23 Part No . 253 704 BS PP, Se ries B Part No . 253 705 NP T, Serie s B Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty 1 ★ HOUSING , diaphragm; includes items 1a-1 d 1 1a 15A306 ADAPTER, f luid inl.
Technical Data 24 311688L Tech nical D ata Sound Pressure Le vels in dB(A) at 50 cpm (meas ured at 1 mete r from unit) Catego ry Data Maxim um fluid working p ressure 300 psi ( 2.
Performance Chart 311688L 25 Perfo rmanc e Char t Triton pe rformance test, 4 0, 70, 100 ps i (.27, .48, .69 MPa; 2.7, 4 .8, 6.9 bar) Cycles per minute Outlet Flow in gallons per minute Outlet Pressure in PSI Air Flow in SCFM 40 psi 70 psi 100 psi 40 psi (.
Dimensions 26 311688L Dimen sions 234 mm 184 mm (7.2 in.) 104 mm (4.1 in. ) (9.2 i n.) Fluid Inl et; 253705 3/4 npt 253704 M26x1.5 Fluid O utlet; 253705 3/8 npt 253704 3/8 BSPP 9 mm (0.
Dimensions 311688L 27.
All wri tten an d visual data con tained in this doc ument r eflects the lates t product informat ion ava ilable at the time of pub lication. Graco reserves the righ t to ma ke chang es at any time wi thout no tice. Graco Headquarters: Minneapolis International Offices: Belgium, China, Japan, Korea GRACO INC.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Graco 311688L è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Graco 311688L - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Graco 311688L imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Graco 311688L ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Graco 311688L, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Graco 311688L.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Graco 311688L. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Graco 311688L insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.