Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto RP180 del fabbricante Furuno
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i NOTICE No one navigational aid should be relied upon exclusively for the safety of vessel and crew. The navigator has the responsibility to check all aids available to confirm his position. Electronic aids are not a substitute for basic navigational principles and common sense.
ii T A BLE OF C O NTE NT S FOREWORD .................................................................................................................. iv 1. OPERA T IONA L OVE R VIEW ....................................................................
iii 8. MEMOR Y C A RD O PERA T IONS......................................................................... 8-1 8.1 Form atting M e m ory Car ds.............................................................................................. 8-1 8.2 Sav ing Screen Contents to M em ory Card.
i v FOREWORD A W ord to R P-180 O wners Congr atul ati ons on y our choi ce of the FURU NO RP -180 V ideo P lot ter . We are conf ide nt y ou w ill see w h y the FURUNO nam e has b eco me sy nony mous w ith qual i ty and r eli abili ty .
1-1 1. OPER A TION A L OVER VIEW 1.1 Intr oduction T he Vi deo Pl otter RP-180 i s an opti onal cir cuit board (RP b oard) w hic h is accomm odat ed in the di spl ay unit of t he FR-1500 M K 3 seri es rada r .
1. OPERA T IO NAL OVER VIE W 1-3 1.3 Choosing Display s T he RP-180 has thre e dis play s: Radar , V i deo Plott er , and Combi nati on (ra dar + vi deo plot ter ). Di spl a y s may be s elect ed on the V i deo Pl ot/ A I S menu as foll o w s: 1. Press the [ ME NU] key .
1. OPERA T IO N AL OVER V IE W 1-4 10 11 12 NM HU RM Data, menu display area AIS: D Route Own Ship Marker Range Cursor Waypoint Marker Grid Display Mode Coastline Prohibited Area Mark AIS Active Target Own Ship’s Track Error Message Location AIS function set for "DISP".
1. OPERA T IO NAL OVER VIE W 1-5 1.5 Shif ting th e Displ a y 1. 5 .1 Sh if tin g by th e tr ackb a ll T he di splay can be shi fted by t he trac kball up t o 75% of t he rang e in use i n any di rection. Operat e the t rackb al l t o shif t the di spl a y , and the di spl ay s h if t s in t he direc ti on the t rackbal l is operated.
1. OPERA T IO N AL OVER V IE W 1-6 1.6 Choosing Char t Scale T he chart scal e can be sel ected w i th t he [RANGE+] and [RANG E-] key . A lar ger range shri nks t he pic ture; a smal ler one enl arges i t .
2-1 2. CH A RT C A R DS NOTICE Chart cards are intended as an aid to navigation. The navigator has the responsibility to check all aids available to confirm position. Handle chart cards and memory cards with care. - Keep cards away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and active gases.
2. CHART CARDS 2-2 2.1. 2 C hart icon s Chart i cons ar e dis play ed to al ert y ou to char t st atus. Char t ov erenlarged or wrong char t. Char t properly displa yed. Char t ov erenlarged. Chart i cons 2.1. 3 E ject ing ch art c ard s Chart c ards m ay be ejec ted w ith the r adar tur ned on or of f.
2. CHART CARDS 2-3 2.2 Showing/Hiding Char t Featu res Chart f eatures m ay be t urned on/of f as fol l o w s: 1. Press the [M E NU] key t o dis play the mai n menu . 2. Press the [1] key twic e to show the Vi deo Pl ot/ AIS menu. 3. Press the [9] key twic e to choose Co ast li ne/M ark Di sp.
2. CHART CARDS 2-4 5. Press the [E NT ER/S ELECT ] key t o regi ster y our sel ecti on. 6. Press t he [M ENU] k ey to es cape. m e t Ig n i t t e S d n a e c n a i l l i r b , s r o l o c r a d a R d .
2. CHART CARDS 2-5 2.3 Position, B earing C orrection 2.3. 1 P osi tion corr e ctio n T here may be som e inst ances w here t he chart is not overl aid on t he radar pi cture c orrect ly . Y ou can compensat e for t his error by appl yi ng an of fset to char t posi ti on.
2. CHART CARDS 2-6 2.3. 2 B eari ng corr e cti on I n some cas es radar be ari ng may not mat ch ch art bearing. T his can be correct e d by of fs etti ng beari ng, aut omati cal ly or manual ly . This feat ure is useful when no c oastl i ne is dis play ed; that is , vessel is in mi d ocean.
3-1 3. TR A CK 3.1 Display ing O w n Ship’ s T rac k Ow n shi p’s track may be di spl ayed as foll o w s: 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [1] key twic e to show the Vi deo Pl ot/ AIS menu. 3. Press the [7] key twic e to choose P lot I nter val.
3. TRACK 3-2 3.2 S topping Plotting of O w n Sh ip’ s T rac k W he n y our shi p i s at anchor or retur ning t o port y ou probabl y wi ll not need t o plot (record) the t rack. Y ou can stop pl ott ing t he trac k, t o conserve the t rack mem ory , by act uating t he “HOLD” funct ion.
3. TRACK 3-3 3.3 Changing O wn Ship’ s Plot In terv al T he pl ot inter v al determi nes bot h how the trac k will be r econstr ucted o n the di spl ay and the trac k stor age ti me. 3.3. 1 How th e tr ack is dr a wn T he “qual ity ” of the t rack di spl ayed l argely depends on the pl ot i nterv al set ti ng, s moothi ng rate , etc .
3. TRACK 3-4 3.4 Other Ship’ s T racks and P lot ting Interval T he tracks of up to 20 shi ps may be di splay ed when t he Auto T racki ng Aid ARP-17 is int erf aced wi th t he radar . T he plot ting i nterval for ot her ship s tracks can be set indepen dentl y of that for o w n ship.
3. TRACK 3-5 3.5 Erasing O wn Ship’ s T rack, O ther Ship’ s T rack 3.5. 1 Erasin g trac k b y per cen t ag e Y ou ma y erase ow n ship’ s tr ack and other ship’ s t rack by perc ent age point s as fol low s: 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [1] key twic e to show the Vi deo Pl ot/ AIS menu.
3. TRACK 3-6 3.5. 2 E rasin g tr ack b y color Ow n ship’ s track and t arget tracks may be erased by color as foll ows: 1. Press [M ENU] , [1], [1], [ 0], [0] , [3], [ 3] to show the Delete M em ory menu. 2. Press the [5] key (Ow n T rack Col or All) or [ 6] (T arget T rac k Color A ll ) dependi ng on y our objec ti ve.
4-1 4. M A RKS, L INES 4.1 Display ing Marks, Line s 4.1. 1 Disp la y i ng m ar ks, lin es on t he r adar dis pl ay 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [8] key twic e to show the Mar k menu. 2. Display On Off 3. Erase No Erase Display Erase All 4.
4. MARK S, LINES 4-2 4.1. 2 Di spla yin g mar ks, lin es o n t he c omb ina tion an d vi de o plott er dis pl a ys 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [8] key twic e to show the Mar k menu. 1. Mar k Selection = 01 01 Origin Mar k 02 OS P osition 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 X 11 12 13 14 15 16 − 17 18 Prohibited Area 19 Cable 20 Erase Mark 2.
4-3 4.2 Enter ing Marks, Lines Y ou can ins cri be marks and l i nes on the di spl ay to denote i mport ant loc ati ons such as fi shi ng spot s, buoy s, islands , etc .
4. MARK S, LINES 4-4 4.2. 2 E nteri ng m ark s o n th e c om binati o n, video pl otter displ a ys M arks can be ent ere d on the com bi nati on and video plot ter di spl ay s by cur sor or at o w n sh ip ’s p o sitio n . Ch oosin g ma rk ty pe 1. Press the [ ME NU] key .
4. MA RKS, LINE S 4-5 4.3 Er asing Marks , Lin es 4.3. 1 E rasin g in di v i dual m arks a nd li nes 1. For m ark, pl ace t he cursor on m ar k to eras e. Fo r li ne pl ace the cur sor on th e poi nt t o erase. 2. Press the [ CANCE L/CLEA R] key . If the mark is not eras ed it may superi mposed o n several mar ks.
4. MARK S, LINES 4-6 4.4 MOB Mark T he MOB (Man O v erbo ard) mar k denot es p osi tion of m an over board. T his mark c an only be ins cri bed on the com binat ion a nd v i deo plot ter d i splay s. Current position Range and bearing MOB mark M Inscribe MOB mark immediately when man is ov erboard.
4. MA RKS, LINE S 4-7 4.5 O rigin M ark T he ori gin m ark ( ) i s mai n ly used to f ind t he range and beari ng bet w een tw o tar get s on the radar /pl ott er and pl ott er di spl ays. 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [8] key twic e to di splay the M ark menu.
5-1 5. W A YPOI NTS, R OUTES I n navigat ion t ermi nology , a p arti cul ar locat ion i s know n as a “w aypoi nt, ” w hether i t be a st art ing poi nt, a desti nati on point or an int ermedi ate poi nt on a v oyage. 5.1 T urning W a y point s On/Off Y ou ma y choose t o turn al l w aypoi nt s on or of f, and the d efaul t sett ing i s ON.
5. WAYPOI NT S, RO UT ES 5-2 5. Press the [3] key (O S Pos) twi ce, and a w aypoi nt mar k wit h way point number i nsi de is ins cri bed at ow n s h i p’s pos it ion. 6. Press the [M ENU] key to f ini sh. If there i s no empt y w a y point , a beep sounds an d no w aypoi nt c an be entere d.
5. WA YP OI N TS, ROUTES 5-3 3. Operat e the t rackb al l t o p l ace the cur sor on a n empty w a y point . Y ou can scrol l the li st b y plac ing t he cursor at the bot tom of the p ag e. 4. Key i n lati tude and l ongi tude w it h the numeri c k eys .
5. WAYPOI NT S, RO UT ES 5-4 5.4 C reating Routes I n many cas es a tr ip f rom one pl ace to anot her i nvolv es se veral course cha nges, re quiri ng a seri es of r oute poi nt s (w ay point s) w hich you na vi gate t o, one af t er another . T he sequence of w ay poi n t s l eading t o the ul timate dest inat i on is c alled a route .
5. WA YP OI N TS, ROUTES 5-5 10. As t he screen pr om pt s, pl ace the c ursor w here you w ant t o have a w a y point for t he route. 1 1. Press t he [+] key . (T o c lear j ust -sel ected poi nt , press the [ -] k e y .) 12. Repe at st eps 10 and 1 1 to compl ete t he route.
5. WAYPOI NT S, RO UT ES 5-6 5.4. 3 Cr eati ng r o utes fr om t h e ro ute li st 1. Press [M ENU] , [1], [1], [ 5], [5] to di spl ay t he Route menu. 2. Press the [1] key to c hoose Lis t, and press t he [ENT E R/SELE CT ] ke y . 3. Press the [2] key to c hoose S pee d for T TG .
5. WA YP OI N TS, ROUTES 5-7 5.5 T urning Route Display On/Off Y ou ma y choose t o displ ay (or not ) a rout e as fol l o w s. 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [1] key twic e to show the Vi deo Pl ot/ AIS menu. 3. Press the [5] key twic e to choose Ro ut e.
5. WAYPOI NT S, RO UT ES 5-8 5.6 Deleting Route W ay point s 1. Press [M ENU] , [1], [1], [ 5], [5] to di spl ay t he Route menu. 2. Press the [1] key twic e to choose Li st . 3. Press the [ENT ER/SELECT] ke y . 4. Use the t rackb al l t o choose rout e num ber .
6-1 6. NA VIGA TI ON T his sect i on covers navi gat ion. Y ou can navigat e by w aypoi nt , cursor-s elect ed point an d route. 6.1 Nav igation 6.1. 1 Na viga ti ng to a wa ypoi nt 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [1] key twic e to show the Vi deo Pl ot/ AIS menu.
6. N A V IGA TI ON 6-2 6. Press the [ENT ER/SELECT] ke y . WPT Nos. = - -+- -+- -+- -+ -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- - - -+- -+- -+- -+ -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- - - -+- -+- -+- -+ -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- - (Waypoint List ) Destination Set No. Comment ↑ 10 0 ° 00.
6. N A VI GA TI ON 6-3 6.1. 3 Foll owi ng a r out e 1. Press [M ENU] , [1], [1], [ 6], [6] to di spl ay t he Desti nati on menu. I f a rout e i s curr entl y sel ected as des ti nati on, i t s number i s show n at the top of the scr een. 2. Press the [3] key to c hoose Route No.
6. N A V IGA TI ON 6-4 6.2 Cancelli ng Navigatio n Once y ou arr ive at y our ul ti mat e desti nation y ou proba bl y won’t need the de st inat ion w aypoi nt. Y ou can cancel i t as foll ows : 1. Press [M ENU] , [1], [1], [ 6], [6] to di spl ay t he Desti nati on menu.
6. N A VI GA TI ON 6-5 WPT Skip Distance TTG 1 08 YES 0.0 nm 0.0H 2 11 NO 135.67 nm 75.6H 3 15 YES 185.07 nm 125.6H 4 18 NO 234.60 nm 234.6H 5 22 NO 258.67 nm 345.6H 6 - - NO - - -.- - nm - - - - -.- - H 7 - - NO - - -.- - nm - - - - -.- - H 8 - - NO - - -.
6. N A V IGA TI ON 6-6 (Thi s p age i ntenti onally lef t blank .) ..
7-1 7. AL AR M S T here are f our condi ti ons w hich r eleas es visual and audi bl e alar ms: Arr ival al arm , Anc hor w atch al arm, XT E (Cr oss-t rack Er ror) al arm and Border alarm . W hen an al arm set ti ng is viol ated the au di ble al arm s ounds a nd the al arm icon ( ) appears at the bot tom ri ght -hand corner of the di spl ay .
7. ALARM S 7-2 Befor e sett ing t he arri val or anc hor w atch al arm, set a dest i nati on w aypoi nt. For the anchor w atch al arm t he desti nati on shoul d be ow n shi p positi on. 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [1] key twic e to show the Vi deo Pl ot/ AIS menu.
7. ALARMS 7-3 7.2 XTE A larm, Border Alar m T he X TE (cross-t rack e rror) al a rm w arns y ou w hen o w n shi p is of f it s int ended cours e. T he Bo rder al arm alert s you w hen ow n ship is neari ng an ar ea w hic h y ou do not w ant to appr oach.
7. ALARM S 7-4 Thi s p age int enti onally lef t blank. ).
8-1 8. M EMOR Y CA RD OPER A TIONS 8.1 Formatting Memory Cards Befor e y ou can sa v e i nformat i on to a memor y c ard y ou must pr epar e it s s urface by form atti ng i t. For matti ng is a r outi ne procedur e you mus t perf orm o n new cards before y ou can use t hem w i th thi s unit.
8. ME MORY CARD OPERA TIO NS 8-2 4. Press the [2] key twic e to open the S ave Dat a menu. Save Data 1. 2. Mark Line 3. WPT Route 4. Track (Own Ship) 5. Track (Targets) 6. Mark (RadarMap) 7. Initial Setting 8. Delete Card Data 9. Format 0. Save Dat a m enu 5.
8. ME MORY CARD OPERA TIO NS 8-3 8.2 Saving Scr een Co ntent s to Memory Card T he memory c annot st ore trac k and marks indef i ni tely . For thi s reason, i mport ant track and marks should b e sa ved to a mem ory card. A me mory card c an store 50 f i les.
8. ME MORY CARD OPERA TIO NS 8-4 6. Assi gn a fil e name as below . A fil e name may cont ain 32 al phanu meri c charac ters. For exampl e, ass ign t he fi le nam e FURUNO 1. (a) Choose th e c haract er “ F” w i th the tr ack b all . (b) Press the [EN TER/ SELEC T] ke y .
8. ME MORY CARD OPERA TIO NS 8-5 8.3 Disp layin g M emory C ard Con ten t s o n th e Disp lay Up to ei ght f iles may be played bac k on the rad ar di spl ay . 1. Insert memory card in card slot. 2. Press [M ENU] , [1], [1], [ 8], [8] to di spl ay t he M e mory Card m enu.
8. ME MORY CARD OPERA TIO NS 8-6 8.4 Play ing Back Me mory Cards M emory card c ontent s can be pl ay ed back on t he s creen. T hi s feature i s usef ul for edi ting and co py ing car d content s. 1. Insert memory card in card slot. 2. Press [M ENU] , [1], [1], [ 8], [8] to di spl ay t he M e mory Card m enu.
8. ME MORY CARD OPERA TIO NS 8-7 8.5 Erasing Fi les fro m Memory Cards Y ou can erase unn ecessa ry fi les as foll o ws : 1. Press [M ENU] , [1], [1], [ 8], [8] to di spl ay t he M e mory Card m enu. 2. Press the [2] key twic e to choose S ave D at a.
8. ME MORY CARD OPERA TIO NS 8-8 (Thi s p age i ntenti onally lef t blank .).
9-1 9. OTHER FUNCTI ON S 9.1 Entering Shi p’ s Position Manually Shi p’s speed i s norm ally input by t he navigator conne ct ed to t he radar . I f the na vigator fai ls enter s hip’ s posi ti on manu al ly as foll o w s: 1. Press the [ ME NU] key .
9. OTHE R F UNCTIONS 9-2 9.2 Smoothing Ow n shi p’s track may be tr aced on the sc reen w i th a cr ooked li ne even t hough t he shi p is runni ng strai ght . T his i s due to na vaid si gnal vari ati on, and can be c omp ensat ed by adjus ti ng the sm oothi ng fact or .
9. OTHE R FUNCTIONS 9-3 9.4 A djusting Brilliance 9.4. 1 C hart fe atur es Y ou ma y adjus t t he brilli ance of chart f eatures as fol lows: 1. Press [M ENU] , [9], [9], [ 9], [9] to di spl ay p age 2 of t he Bri ll m enu. PLOTTER BRIL 1. ↑ 2. LAND 3.
9. OTHE R F UNCTIONS 9-4 9.5 C learing A ll Dat a Y ou ma y clear al l trac k, mar ks, w aypoi nt s and routes t o st art afres h. 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [1] key twic e to show the Vi deo Pl ot/ AIS menu. 3. Press the [0] key twic e to choose AI S /Mi scell aneous1.
9. OTHE R FUNCTIONS 9-5 9.7 Marker C olor s on C hart Car ds Y ou ma y change the c olor of gri d, mar ks, l and and dept h cont our a s fol l o w s. 1. Press [M ENU] , [9], [9], [ 9], [9] , [6], [ 6] to dis play the Pl ott er Col or menu. PLOTTER COLOR 1.
9. OTHE R F UNCTIONS 9-6 9.8 A ppor tioning the Memory T he memory holds a t o t al of 40,000 poi nt s of tr a cks and marks, an d the defa ul t memory apport ion i s 20, 000 point s each of tracks and m arks.
10-1 10. AI S T he A I S (Autom ati c Ident ifi cation S y stem) feat ure automat i call y provi des na vigat ion dat a on AI S- equipped shi p s. WARNING Confirm compass reading on radar and gyrocompass readout when the bearing of AIS targets do not match that of corresponding radar targets.
AIS 10-2 10.2 T urning AIS Feature O n/Off 1. Press the [F 2] k ey to open t he AI S(1) menu. [AIS(1)] 1. Activate Target 2. Sleep Target 3. Basic Data 4. [Extended Data] 5. Lost Target 6. [Message] 7. Activate All Targets 8. Sleep All Targets 9. AIS Off Func Disp 0.
AIS 10-3 10.3 A ctiv ating T arget s 1. Use the t rackb al l t o place the c ursor on t he sl eepi ng A I S t ar get (indi cates only the prese nce of a v essel equipp ed w it h A I S in a cer tai n locat i on) y ou wi sh to act ivate; that is, know mor e about a ves sel’ s mot ion.
AIS 10-4 10.4 Sleeping T arget s 10.4. 1 S leepin g sp ecifi c AIS t ar get Y ou ma y “sl eep” an AIS t arget as below w hen the scr een bec omes fi lled wi th t arget s. Note that t arget s t hat have been act i vated a utomat i cal ly cannot be “sl ept.
AIS 10-5 10.5 Display ing T arget Dat a 10.5. 1 Basi c t arg et da ta 1. Pl ace the cur sor on a n AI S tar get sym bol. 2. Press the [E NT ER/S ELECT ] key t o show t he tar get’ s basi c dat a. T he t arget i s mark ed as bel ow . Act ivat ed t arget selected f or dat a di spl ay AIS 02 TRUE VECT 1436782 6min BT BRG 234.
AIS 10-6 10 . 5.2 Ex ten ded t a rge t d at a 1. W it h b asic dat a displ ay ed as i n p aragraph 10.5. 1, press t he [F 2] key to open the AI S menu. 2. Press the [4] key (Ex tended Dat a) t o dis play the sel ected t ar get’ s extend ed dat a. [Extended Data] 1.
AIS 10-7 10.6 Lost T arget A t arget is decl ared a l ost t arget w hen no dat a is recei ved for thr ee to five report ing i nter vals . W he n t his oc curs, the t arget is marked w ith t he (fl ashi ng) l ost t arget sy m bol and t he indi cat ion “ A-LOST ” appears .
AIS 10-8 3. Press appropr iat e num eric key among 2-5 to c hoos e the ty pe of message y ou w ant to see. T he exam ple bel ow s how s a safety rel ated messag e (addr esse d).
AIS 10-9 10.8 H istory Displa y T he hi story d is play s how s equally tim e-sp aced dot s marki ng p ast pos it ions of act ivated t arget s bei ng tr acked. A new dot i s added at pre set t ime int ervals unt i l t he preset num ber is reach ed. I f a t arget changes i t s speed, the sp aci ng w ill be uneven.
AIS 10-10 10 . 8.2 Ch oo sing hist o r y disp l a y at t rib utes Y ou ma y choose hi stor y point color , t he number of hi st ory poi nt s to s ho w per hist ory pl ot int erval and t he hi st ory p l ot i nterval as below . Note t hat t he col or of t he hist ory poi nt s is t he same as t he sy mbol col or .
AIS 10-1 1 10.10 A utomatic T arget Activ ation Y ou ma y automat ic ally acti vate all tar get s wi thin a speci fi c dis t ance from o w n shi p as bel ow . Note t hat y ou may al so automat i cally activate al l t arget s wi thin t he ARP A ’s aut omati c acqui si ti on zone or guar d zon e.
AIS 10-12 10.12 ROT Display Setting Y ou ma y set t he low er limi t of the ROT (Rate Of T urn) at w h i ch the headi ng l ine on t arget sy mbol s wil l point in di rect i on of turni ng. 1. Press the [F 2] k ey to open t he AI S(1) menu. 2. Press the [0] key twic e to show the AI S(2) menu.
AIS 10-13 10.13 Combining AIS w it h A RP A (fusion) If equipped w i th ARP A it may be j oi ntly us ed wi th the AI S. I n thi s cas e speci fy t he par ameters for w hich an ARP A tar get i s converted t o an AI S tar get. 1. Confi rm t hat "M AN" or “AUT O +MAN” is show n at the r ight -hand corn er of the di spl ay .
AIS 10-14 10.14 A IS S y stem Messa ges AI S sy stem messages ar e displ ay ed at t he bottom ri ght c orner of t he scree n. T he t able below sho w s the AIS system mes sages a nd thei r meanings . AIS system m essages Mess age Mean in g A-F SN ARP A target convert ed to AI S t arget .
AIS 10-15 Own ship speed data (Note 3) Own ship course data (Note 3) Msg when signal below is lost (IMO and Non-IMO) Mode BT WT BT WT Log Pulse VBW WT data Speed Source Set/ Drift Msg on IMO only VTG .
AIS 10-16 10.15 A IS Alarm Message T he A I S(3) menu provide s AI S alarm message i nfor mati on ($AI ALR s entenc e) f rom the AI S trans ponder . When a n AI S alarm mes sage is recei ved “A-A LM ” appear s at t he bottom ri ght-hand cor ner of the s cre en.
11 - 1 11. M A INTEN A N CE, TROUBLESHOO TIN G 1 1.1 Replacement of Batter ies T he batt ery i con ( ) appe ars on t he dis play w hen the volt age of the mem ory card bat tery or the bat tery on t he RP Board i s l o w . T o find out w hi ch batt er y it is, conduc t t he diagn osti c test as descr ibed i n Paragr aph 1 1.
1 1. MAINTENA NCE, TROUB LESHOOTING 11 - 2 1 1.2 Diagnostic T est 1. Press the [ ME NU] key . 2. Press the [1] key twic e to show the Vi deo Pl ot/ AIS menu. 3. Press the [0] key twic e to choose AI S /Mi scell aneous1. 4. Press the [6] key twic e to choose T est.
12-1 12. INST A LL A T ION 12.1 N ecessary Part s Conte nt s of RP-180 i nst allati on ki t N ame T ype Qty Code N o. Fl oppy D is k NO.0 35 9152 1XX 1 008- 49 3-9 50 RP Bo ard 14P 039 0A 1 Cabl e Assy .
12. I NST ALLA TION 12-2 12.2 Inst allation 1. T urn of f the di spl ay uni t pow er swit ch. 2. T urn of f all equipment conn ected t o the rad ar . 3. Open t he card sl ot c over at t he lef t front of the di splay unit . 4. Att ach label as show n below .
12. I NST ALLA TION 12-3 7. Connec t t he cable as sy . betw een J106 on t he S PU Board a nd J3 o n the RP Boar d. Att ach toroi dal c ore to cabl e assy . and f asten cabl e assy . wi th cabl e tie. RP Board 14P0390A P anhead Screw M3X8 (5 pcs.) Cable Assy .
12. I NST ALLA TION 12-4 8. T o connect the AIS transponder , connec t t he NH connec tor ass y . (5P) to J2, routi ng the cabl e as show n bel ow . From AIS J103 J105 J104 J214 J102 SPU Board 03P9230 J101 Attach clamp (supplied) and pass through clamp .
12. I NST ALLA TION 12-5 10. T urn on t he radar and c ond uct t he sel f tes t by pressi ng [M ENU] , [ 0], [0], [ 0], [0] , [2], [ 2]. Check t he radar pr ogram number , at t he top of the sc reen. If i t is younger than the progr am num ber recor de d on the f loppy di sk ( suppli ed), the progr am mu st be upd ated.
12. I NST ALLA TION 12-6 11 . If n ecessary , update t he pr ogram as fol l o w s: a) Connect t he PC con necti on cab le b etw een the s eri al p or t (D- SUB 9 p i n) on the PC an d J304 o n th e MAI N P ANEL Boar d of the r adar. Rem o v e r ubber cap under f ront panel an d connect XH4P con nector.
A P-1 A PPEN DIX 1. Digit al Interf ace In put sent ence s (R P board , J2) VDM, ALR, VDO Data re ce pti on Dat a i s recei ved in seri al asy nchronous f orm i n accord ance w ith the st andar d refere nce d i n I EC 61 162-2.
APPENDIX AP - 2 VDM – VHF dat a-lin k message !AIVDM,x,x,x,a,s--s,x*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----- 7 | | | | | +----- 6 | | | | +-------- 5 | | | +------------ 4 | | +-------------- 3 | +---------------- 2 +------------------ 1 1.
APPENDIX A P-3 Schem ati c diagr am Load req uirem ent s as li ste ner 2.2 Kohm s.
APPENDIX AP - 4 2. Interfa ce Functio n (1) Dat a di spl ay ed in t he Basi c dat a di splay - !AI VDM m essage 1-3 COG , SOG - !AI VDM message 5 ca ll s ig n (2) Dat a di spl ay ed in t he Ext ended .
APPENDIX A P-5 4. Menu T re e T he exampl e scr eens sh ow n in thi s manual may not matc h the scr eens y ou see o n your dis play . T he scr een y ou see depends on your sy stem confi gurati on and e quipm ent sett ings . V ideo pl ot ter men u 1. VIDEO PLOT/ AIS 1.
APPENDIX AP - 6 9. Coastline/Mark Disp 0. AIS/ Miscellaneous1 2.TGT TRAIL 3.TGT ALARM 4.W A TCH TIME 5.ECHO SIG 6.FUNC 7.PLOT 1. 2. Alarm Set 3. Delete Memory 4. Apportion Memory 1. 2. Waypoint (Of f, On ) 3. Grid ( Off , On) 4. Coast Line (Off, On ) 5.
APPENDIX A P-7 8. MARK Radar Display Radar/Video Plotter Combination Display , Video Plotter Display 9. BRILL 0. OTHERS 1. Mark Selection ( 01 - 21) 2. Display (On, Off ) 3. Erase ( No , Erase Display , Erase All) 4. Entry Method ( Cursor , L/L, OS Position) 5.
APPENDIX AP - 8 AIS menu [F2] key (programmed to display AIS(1) menu ) *: Not available on IMO-type radar . 1. Activate T arget 2. Sleep T arget 3. Basic Data 4. [Extended Data] 1. 5. Lost T arget 6. [Message] 7. Activate All T argets 8. Sleep All T argets 9.
APPENDIX A P-9 5. Chart Ic ons • Wrong chart card inserted. • Chart overshrunk. • Chart overenlarged. • Data reliability is low. • Chart properly displayed; full accuracy. • Chart offset applied. • Voltage of battery on circuit board or memory card is low.
APPENDIX AP-10 (Thi s p age i ntenti onally lef t blank .).
FURUNO RP-180 SP-1 SPECIF ICA TIO NS OF V IDEO PLOTTER RP-180 1 GE NER AL 1.1 Di splay Di spl ay of F R- 1500 MK3 s eri es R adar 1.2 Di splay M ode Radar p ict ure ov erl aid on p l otter pi ctur e 1.3 Present atio n M ode N orth up ( NU) , True m ot ion ( TM) , Cour se up (CU ), Head up ( HU ), Curso r G y ro (CG) 1.
IN-1 INDEX A AIS activ ating targ et s....................................10-3 basi c ta rg et dat a .................................... 10-5 danger ous tar gets .................................. 10-3 extended t arg et data .........................
INDEX IN-2 O Offcentering ................................................. 1-3 Origi n m ark ..................................................4-7 P Presentation m ode ...................................... 1-2 R Routes creating from r oute list ....
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Furuno RP180 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Furuno RP180 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Furuno RP180 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Furuno RP180 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Furuno RP180, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Furuno RP180.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Furuno RP180. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Furuno RP180 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.