Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto FR-8252 del fabbricante Furuno
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MARINE RAD AR FR-8062/8122/8252 www
The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : SEP 2005 . Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
i WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard The radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the trans- mitting antenna at a close distance.
ii T A BLE OF C ONT ENT S SYSTEM CONFIGUR A TION ................................................................................ iii EQUIPMENT LISTS .............................................................................................. v 1. MOUNTING .
iii SYSTEM CONFIGUR A T IONS FR- 8062/ 8122 ANTENNA UNIT RSB-0073-085-XN12A/XN13A: FR-8062 RSB-0073-086-XN12A/XN13A: FR-8122 DISPLA Y UNIT RDP-150 A uto Plotter ARP-11 (built in displa y unit) Rectifi.
i v FR- 8252 ANTENNA UNIT RSB-0073-087-XN12A/XN13A PO WER SUPPL Y UNIT PSU-008 A uto Plotter ARP-11 (built in displa y unit) Rectifier R U-3423 12-24 VDC Remote Displa y Gyro Conv er ter AD-100 Headin.
v EQUIPM ENT LISTS St a ndar d S u ppl y Nam e T ype Co de No . Qt y Rem arks XN12A- RSB-0073- 085 - FR -8062, 125 5 mm , 48 rpm XN13A- RSB-0073- 085 - FR -8062, 179 5 mm , 48 rpm XN12A- RSB-0073- 086.
vi Optio n a l Sup ply Name T ype Code No. Remark s Exter nal b uzzer OP03- 136 000-086- 443 See ch. 4. Rec tif ie r RU- 3423 000-030- 443 For AC shi p’ s m ai ns MJ -A7SPF0007- 050C 000-144- 418-10.
1-1 1. M OUNTING 1.1 A ntenna Unit M ounti ng c onsi dera tions • T he antenna unit is general ly inst a l led ei ther on top of t he w heelhouse or o n the rad ar mast on a suit able pl at form. Locate the ant enna uni t w here there i s a good all -round v i e w .
1. MOUN T ING 1-2 M ounti ng pr oce dure Referr ing to t he outli ne draw i ng at t he back of t his manual , dri ll fi v e hol es in t he mounti ng plat form: f our holes of 15 mm di ameter f or fixi ng the antenn a unit and one hole of 25-30 m m diam eter for the signal cabl e.
1. MOUN T ING 1-3 M ounting the a ntenna u nit T he antenna unit can be mount ed using t he fixi n g hol es on the out side (20 0x200 mm) or insi de (140x150 mm) t he antenna u nit. Us ing outside f ixing h oles of the ant enna hous ing Use the hex head bolt s (suppl ied) t o mount the ant enna uni t as bel ow .
1. MOUN T ING 1-4 3. I nsert four hex bol t s ( M 12x60, s uppli ed) and seal w ashers ( Ф 30, s uppl ied) f rom the top of t he antenna hous in g, as show n bel o w . He x bolt Seal washer Flat washer Spring washer Nut Fix ing t he antenna unit chassi s 4.
1. MOUN T ING 1-5 8. Coat ground t erminal and grou nd point wi th sili c one se alant as show n bel o w . Ground wire Hex bolt Flat washer Spring washer Flat washer Hex nut Silicone sealant Hex nut Weld here.
1. MOUN T ING 1-6 Us ing inside fix ing holes of the ante nna housing T h i s method r equires rem o v al of the RF unit i n the ant enna u nit t o access i nside fi xing holes . Use hex h ead bol t s, flat w ashers, spr ing w ashers and nut s (local suppl y) to mount the ant enna uni t, conf irmi ng lengt h of bolt s.
1. MOUN T ING 1-7 Con nectin g the si gnal cab le Onl y the si gnal cabl e runs f rom the di splay uni t (pow er suppl y unit in c ase of FR- 8252) to the ant enna uni t. I n order to mi nimi ze the chanc e of pic king up el ectri cal int erference, avoid w here possi ble rout ing t he signal cable near ot her onboar d elect rical equipment .
1. MOUN T ING 1-8 • Connec ting t he signal cable 1. O pen the ante nna co ver by l oosening f our bolt s, and then fi x the st ay . Cable entry RTB board cover Antenn a unit chassi s , cover open ed 2. Unf asten the c able gl and ass embly (pl ate, gasket, flat w asher).
1. MOUN T ING 1-9 5. F asten the s hielded p art of the si gnal cabl e w ith shiel d cl amp (inst allat ion mat erial ) as show n bel o w . Shield clamp Signal cable Fix shield wire with bolt. Gasket support Cable Entry How t o fix si gnal cable in c ab le glan d 6.
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 0 9. At t ach three EMI cores to the si gnal cabl e as show n bel o w . EMI Core RFC-13 (2 pcs) EMI Core RFC-H13 (1 pc) Antenn a unit chassi s , cover open ed 10. Fi x the signal cable wi th the c able cl amp as foll ows. a) Dismount the cabl e clamp pl ate an d remov e clamp and gas ket .
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 1 b) Run the s ign al cabl e as show n below . c) Fi x t he signal cable wi th cabl e clamp as sho w n below . 1 1. Release t he st ay and cl ose the c over . Loos ely fast en the ante nna bol ts ; y ou wi ll have to make som e adj ustment s i nside af ter c omplet ion of wi ring.
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 2 1.2 D ispla y Unit T he displ a y uni t can be m ounted on a t abletop, on the over head or f lush mount ed i n a consol e or pan el. M ounti ng c onsi dera tions W h en sel ecti ng a mounti ng locat ion f or the dis play unit , keep t he fol lowi ng in mind: • K eep the dis play unit out of di rect sunli ght.
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 3 M ounti ng pr oce dure T a bletop mount ing Fol low t he procedure bel ow to mount the dis play uni t on a tabl etop. 1. F ix t he hanger by usi ng four s elf-t apping screw s (5x20) . 2. Sc rew knob bolt s in di sp l ay unit, set i t t o the hanger , and t ighten t he knob bol t s.
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 4 Flush m ounting 1. Pr epare a cut out in the mount ing l ocati on w hose di mensi ons are as sh ow n below . 2. Det ach t w o rubber cushi ons from t he displ ay unit .
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 5 1.3 Po w er Suppl y Unit A po w er supply uni t i s shipped w ith the F R-8252 , because of it s high pow er consum ption. T he po w er supply unit can be i nst alled al most anyw .
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 6 T h i s page i s intent ional ly lef t blank..
2-1 2. WIRING 2.1 S t andard W iring FR-8252 P ow er supply unit PSU-008 FR-8062/8122 Displa y unit RDP-150 R W-9771 (10/15/20/30m) MJ-B24LPF0012-xxx (10/15/20/30m) MJ-B24LPF0011-050 (5m) MJ-A3SPF0018.
2. W IRI NG 2-2 2.2 W iring the Power Supply Unit Cabl in g 1. Unf asten four screw s t o remove the c able cl amp. 2. Unf asten four screw s t o remove the c over .
2. W IRI NG 2-3 Jum per block, slide s witch setti ng T he jumper block JP 1 and sli de s w it ch S1 12 on the PWR boar d (03P9 419) m ust be set accordi ng to ra dar mod el.
2. W IRI NG 2-4 2.3 Port for External D evices Ext ernal equi pment s can be c onnect ed here as show n below . NMEA1(7 P) NMEA2(7P) HDG (6P) PC/EXT -BUZZER (7P) NMEA s ent ence de v ice NMEA s ent ence de v ice Heading sen s or Ext ernal buzzer , PC, etc.
3-1 3. SETTING UP THE E QUIPMENT 3.1 Setting L anguage At t he fi rs t po w er appl icat ion af ter ins tall ation, c hoose a langua ge as fol low s. 1. Pr ess /BRIL L key t o t urn the pow er on. “N ow I niti aliz ing…” ap pear s and af ter a whi le the w indow b elow ap pear s.
3. SETTIN G UP THE EQU IPMENT 3-2 3.2 Opening th e Inst allation Menu Af ter y ou have inst al led the equi pment, set i t up as foll o w s . 1. Pr ess the ME NU key . T he main menu appea rs on the s creen. 2. Rot ate t he track ball dow n w ard t o choose Installa tion .
3. SETTIN G UP THE EQU IPMENT 3-3 Vie w P osition: C hoose t he op erati ng posi ti on for thi s radar among L ef t, Lef t-Center , Cent er , Right -Center and Right to v i ew echo col ors cor rect ly . The def ault setting i s Center . L eft: W h en operat ing t his radar at the l eft s i de.
3. SETTIN G UP THE EQU IPMENT 3-4 2. T ransm it the radar at 0.25 nm ran ge and m easu re the beari ng of that target relati ve to shi p’s headi ng wi th an EBL. 3. O pen the I nstall ati on menu, and cho ose Headi ng Adj ust. 4. Pr ess the EN T ER key to show the HEA DING A DJ UST wi ndow.
3. SETTIN G UP THE EQU IPMENT 3-5 M anual Timi ng Adj ust T h i s adjus tment ensur es proper radar p erform ance, especial ly on short ranges. T he radar measur es the t ime requi red for a transmi tted ec ho to t ravel t o the target and return t o the source.
3. SETTING UP THE EQUIPMENT 3-6 Manual MBS Adjust Main bang (black hole), which appears at the display center on sh ort ranges, can be suppressed as follows. 1. Transmit the radar on t he short range. 2. Open the Installation m enu and choose Manual MBS Adjust.
4-1 4. OPTION A L EQUIPM ENT 4 .1 ARP K it ARP - 1 1 T he ARP ki t provides aut omati c radar plot ter f uncti ons to t his radar . Necess ary p art s Na me: ARP kit T ype: ARP-1 1 Code no.: 008- 523- 050 Conte nt s of ARP k i t N a m e T ype Code N o.
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-2 4. M ount t he ARP board, mat ing w it h connectors and f ixi ng it with f our screw s at the loc ation as show n i n the figure bel ow . ARP board 5. Remo unt 03P9 415 and 0 3P94 13 at ori ginal pos iti on and dis play cover .
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-3 4.2 Exter nal Monit or Y ou can di splay t he radar im age on an exter nal moni tor w hich acc epts industr ial st andard VGA i nput usi ng the opti onal RGB kit OP03-195. S upply monitor and i nterconn ecti on cabl e (w ith HD- 15P connect ors of m ale, t hree row s of 15 pins ) local ly .
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-4 6. Det ach LC D pan el f rom the abo v e ass embl y . Be sure to di sconnect the con nector a nd fl at cabl es. 7. Conn ect t he cable assy . 15SDS /X HP10-005 to the r ear side of the RGB bo ard. 8. F ix t he shield wi re of the c able assy .
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-5 4.3 Remote Displa y T he FURUNO Di spl ay Unit F M D-81 1, MO DEL1832 or GD-2 80/3 80, etc. can be con necte d to t his radar as a sub displ ay . T he displ a y unit RDP- 150 al so can be us ed as a sub di splay . T o interc onnect them , use opt ional cable M J-B24LP F0008- 100/20 0/30 0 (see p age i v ).
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-6 7. F ix t he s i gnal cabl e to the s pacer of the FI L board w ith a cabl e t ie CV -150N. Fix the cable to the spacer of FIL board with cable-tie.
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-7 4.4 Exter nal Buzz er T he opti onal ext ernal buzzer provides a louder alert w hen an al arm is vi olated. Ext ernal buzz er T y pe: OP03-136 Code no.: 000-0 86-443 Furt her , y ou need the opti onal cabl e assy . M J-A7SPF 0007-05 0C (w /7P connector , 5 m, code n o.
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-8 T h i s page i s intent ional ly lef t blank..
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FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 12 45 6 3 B A D C 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 +12V SHIELD 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 GND 8 9 GND GND GND GND 10 *1 副指示器 TUNE_CONT P/L A P/L B +12V GND GND GND -12V +12V -12V TX_TRIG VIDEO 10 11 20 14 15 2 8 7 9 1 17 5 MBS_L 3 18 24 16 21 6 23 19 12 13 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 8 7 4 3 2 6 5 1 9 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 *3 TUNE_IND.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Furuno FR-8252 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Furuno FR-8252 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Furuno FR-8252 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Furuno FR-8252 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Furuno FR-8252, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Furuno FR-8252.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Furuno FR-8252. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Furuno FR-8252 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.