Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CH-300 del fabbricante Furuno
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The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. Your Local Agent/Dealer Your Local Agent/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomi y a 662-8580, JAPAN Nishinomi y a 662-8580, JAPAN Tele p hone : Tele p hone : 0798-65-2111 0798-65-2111 Fax Fax 0798-65-4200 0798-65-4200 : : F IRST EDITION : F IRST EDITION : APR APR .
i SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. Immediately turn off the power at the switchboard if water leaks into the equipment or something is dropped in the equipment.
ii CAUTION Do not exceed 20 knots when operating the equipment and do not exceed 15 knots when lowering or raising the transducer. The transducer may become damaged. Do not use the equipment for other than its intended purpose. Use of the equipment as a stepping stool, for example, may result in personal injury or damage to the equipment.
iii T ABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ........................................................................................................ vi SYSTEM CONFIGU RA TION .............................................................................. viii 1. OPER A TION AL OVERVIEW .
iv 2.14 Horizontal Menu Overview ......................................................................................... 2-22 2.14.1 Horizontal menu description ............................................................................ 2-22 2.15 Interpreting the Horizontal Display .
v 5. MENU OPER A T ION ...................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 COM 1 M enu .............................................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.1 COM1 menu desc r iption.
vi FOREWORD Thank you for purchasi ng t he CH-300 Dual-Frequenc y Searchlight Sonar . We are confident you will discover why FURUNO has becom e synonym ous with quality and relia bilit y .
vii Usage Prec au tions • The Motion Se nsor MS-100 com pensates for ship’ s pitchi ng and rolling. However , it does not compensat e for load unbalance. • If the equipment w ill not be used for a long tim e, shut off the power to it at the m ains switchboard, to pre vent battery discharge.
viii SYSTEM CONFIGURA TION Note 1: MU-100C is the standard supply monitor unit. An external monitor ma y be connected via the interf ace unit (option). The dra wing abov e shows the system configuration with the MU-100C . Note 2: For b lackbo x type, MU-100C is not supplied.
1-1 1. OPERA TIONAL OVER VIEW 1.1 Contro l Description DISPLA Y MODE LF HF MAIN SUB MIX SECTOR TRAIN RANGE TIL T FULL HALF F AST SCAN T ARGET BRILL MENU R/B EVENT CUSTOM MODE POWER XDR T ur ns the pow er on/off. Lowers the tr ansducer . Adjusts receiver sensitivity .
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-2 1.2 Remote Controller The Remot e Controller CH-256 (option) provid es arm chair control over range, tilt , target lock and sounding rang e. Choose tilt angle. Enables/disab les target lock. Choose displa y range. Chooses sounding area: Full circle 360 ° (horizontal mode) Half circle 180 ° (v er tical scan mode).
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-3 1.3 T urning the Power On/Off 1.3.1 P ower on This sonar has a demonst ration mode w hich pr ovides sim ulated operation without the transducer . For further details see page 5-20. Press the POWER switch on the control unit till you hear a “click.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-4 1.4 Raising, Lo w ering the T ransducer 1.4.1 Lowering th e tra nsducer CAUTION Do not exceed 20 knots when operating the equipment and do not exceed 15 knots when lowering or raising the transducer. The transducer may become damaged.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-5 1.5 Adjusting Screen Brilliance, Panel Dimmer Screen brilliance can be adjusted in 10 steps and panel dimm er (backlighting) in five. 1. Press the BRILL key to open the dia log box for screen brilliance a nd panel dimm er adjustm ent.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-6 1.6 Choosing a Display 12 displays are pro vided; choose the one wh ich best suits your current needs. For a description of each display , see Ch apter 2. Single-frequency displa y s W ater temp/depth Key Ke y VER TICAL SCAN V er tical section of underwater conditions appears on the entire screen.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-7 Dual-frequency display s NA V D ATA Key Ke y DU AL-FREQ. VERTICAL SCAN Dual-freq. display of v er tical section of fish echoes. Useful for judging depth and center position of fish school. (Chapter 3) DU AL-FREQ. ECHO SOUNDER Dual-freq.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-8 Combination displays Key Ke y NA V DA T A HORIZONT AL/HIST OR Y The horizontal picture appears in the main window; the histor y picture in the sub window .
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-9 1.7 Choosing a Frequency Y o u m ay choose low frequenc y or high frequency , with the LF/H F key . The display shows HI or LO at the top of t he screen depending on yo ur select ion. Use the table bel o w to determ ine which frequency to use.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-10 Frequency selection and mode Single-frequ en c y di spl a y or comb ination displa y (other th an vertical scan combin ation): The LF/HF key chooses low frequency or hig h frequency alternate ly .
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-1 1 1.8 Mix Display The mix displa y co m pares echo intensity bet ween low and high frequen cies, and displays echoes from tiny fish in discriminative colors. This is done by utili zing the fact t hat tiny fish return a stronger echo against a high frequenc y rather than a lo w f requency .
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-12 T o use the m ix display effectively , it is important that the gain for both the lo w and hi gh frequencies is set properly . W hen searching for young fish such as w hit ebait, f ollow the procedure below . For detailed inform ation about gain adj ustment, see the next section.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-13 1.9 A djusting the Gain The GA IN control adjusts the sensitivity of t he rece iver . Norm ally , t he control is adjusted so that the bot tom echo is displayed in reddish- brown m ixed with red. Initially set t he gain between “4” and “6” and then fine tune accordin g to fishing ground, etc.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-14 Dual-frequency display 1. Push the GA IN control. HIGH FREQ GAIN : 5.0 (0-10) LOW FREQ GAIN : 5.0 (0-10) PUSH GAIN KNOB TO SPECIFY THE FREQ ROTATE GAIN KNOB TO CHANGE THE FREQ 2. Push the GA IN control to choose t he frequency f or wh ich you want to adj ust the gain.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-15 1.10 Menu Overview The menu, consisting of six m enus, mostly cont ains item s w hich once p reset do not require fr equent adjustm ent. Below is the pr ocedur e f or basic menu operation. 1. Press the MENU key to open the m enu.
1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW 1-16 This page intentionall y left blank..
2-1 2. HORIZONT AL MODE 2.1 Operational Overvie w The figure belo w shows the typical hor izontal mode operating sequ ence. 2. Lower the transducer . 9. Adjust gain. 6(a). Set sector bearing range. 7. Set center bearing of train sector . 5. Set range.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-2 2.2 T ypical Horizo n tal Mode Display Press the (horizontal m ode) key . Each pre ss chooses the single f requency or dual- frequency hori zontal mode display alternat ely .
2. HORI ZO NT AL MODE 2-3 2.3 Choosing a Range The RAN GE control chooses the det ect ion (display) range. Cho ose t he range according to either the f ish species being searched or t he de pt h desired. 15 rang es are availa ble and minim um and maximum ranges depend on the tr ansducer use d.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-4 2.4 Choosing Se ctor Wi d th Y ou m ay set the width of the scanned sect or . 96 ° Display sector (shown: 96˚) Sector width The SEC T OR control chooses t he width of the sc anned sector am ong the sixteen posit ions shown in the table belo w .
2. HORI ZO NT AL MODE 2-5 2.5 Choosing T rain Center The TR AIN control chooses t he cent er direction of t he det ect ion range. The range of adjustm ent is 0 ° to 354 ° in increments of 6 ° . The selected bearing is sh own with a filled circle, the tr ain indicat or , on t he bearing scale.
2. HORI ZO NT AL MODE 2-6 2.6.1 T ilt angle for surfa ce fish Sound em itt ed from the sonar transducer f orms an oval-shaped beam with a wid th of approxim ately 10 ° (–3 dB, full scan, vertical bea m wid th on 85 kH z) in the vertica l direction (vertical beam w idth).
2. HORI ZO NT AL MODE 2-7 How to disc riminate fish echoes from the bottom The figure at t he bot tom of the page illustrates ho w two f ish schools “a” and “b” are displayed on the screen using three diff erent tilt angles. (Case 1, 2 and 3 are relative to the bottom pictured above.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-8 2.6.3 Suit able t ilt angle The figure belo w illustrates the relat ionship among tilt angle (0, 5, 10 and 15 degrees), depth and detecti on range. Ref er to it to find out t he suitable tilt angle for a give n depth/detect ion range.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-9 2.7 Choosing T raining S peed The training spee d chooses how fast the t ransducer scans the sounding sector . T wo choices are availab le, normal speed (def ault setting) and high speed, and one m ay be selected with the FAS T S C AN key .
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-10 2.9 Finding Echo Position with the Cursor The cursor measures horizont al range, depth and beari ng. Operate the Om nipad to place the cursor where desired. Cu rsor posit ion data appears at t he top lef t-hand corner on the screen.
2. HORI ZO NT AL MODE 2-1 1 2.10 Event Marker The event m arker functions to m ark i m portant locations on the horizontal m ode display , and five event markers may be inscribed.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-12 Deleting all ev ent markers f rom the horizont al display T o delete all e vent markers inscribed on the hor izontal m ode display , do t he following: 1. Operat e the Omnipad to place the cursor outside t he display area. 2.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-13 2.12 Adjusting the Picture 2.12.1 Suppressi ng bottom and surface reflections In shallow fishing groun ds, excessive sea surf ace and bott om reflections often int erfere with wanted f ish echoes and they cannot be elim inat ed sufficient ly with the TVG controls.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-14 2.12.2 Suppressi ng bottom ta il As described earlier , fish schools near the botto m are sometimes difficult to detect because you have to discrim inate fish echoes f rom the bottom reflect ions.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-15 T o adju st TVG: 1. Press the MENU key to open the m enu. 2. Press ▲ to choose MENU and then press ◄ or ► to choose HO RZ. TVG LEVEL 4. 0 TVG DISTANCE 4.0 RES. COLOR LO G CLUTTER 0 TARGET KEY ECHO : SELECT : CHANGE MENU: END MENU COM1 VERT ES PRESET SY S COM2 HORZ LOCK MODE AUTO AUTO TILT OFF HORZ menu 3.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-16 5. Press the MENU key to register your selection a nd close the menu. 6. T o suppress ref lections by the sea surf ace or plankt on, choose TVG LEVEL and press ► . 7. Press ◄ or ► to adjust TVG LEVEL, considering s ea conditio ns.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-17 2.12.5 Suppressi ng i nterference from ma rine life If you are f ishing in an area where there ar e a lot of f ishing vessels, you may receive interference f rom other vessels’ sonar or echo sounder . Further , electrical int erference onboard o wn ship may generate interf erence.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-18 2.12.6 Enlarging fish ech oes ( horiz ontal exp ansi on di splay) Fish echoes may be enl arged 1.5 times by using the horizontal expansion display . Press the key to act ivate the horizontal expansion d isplay (single f requency).
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-19 2.13 T arget Lock T wo types of target lock modes are available. Position: T racks stationary positi on (such as a reef) using position data f rom a navigator . Av ailab le in the hori zontal mode only . Echo: T racks fish echo either m anually or automatically .
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-20 T arget lock indicator T arget lock marker T arget lock indicator 3. T o t urn of f the target lock, press the TA R G E T key again. The message “LOCK END” momentarily appears, the target lock marker and the target lock indica tor disappear and previously used sect or , train and tilt set tings are restored.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-21 NA V D ATA Target lock indicator Outer boundary Inner boundary Detection area T arget lock area W hen a target of red or reddish-br own color is detected in t he zone, the target lock indicator blinks, t he buzzer sounds and t he detect ion area disappears.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-22 2.14 Ho rizo n t al Menu O v er view This section presents an overvie w of the items on the HO RZ menu. 1. Press the MENU key to open the m enu. 2. Press ▲ to choose MENU and then press ◄ or ► to choose t he HORZ menu.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-23 T ARGET KEY : Chooses target lock function bet w een posit ion and echo. Def ault setting is ECHO. For further details see paragraph 2.13. LOCK MODE: Chooses ho w to track f ish echo in ”e cho” target lock; automat ically or manually .
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-24 2.15 In terp retin g the Horizont al Display This section provides inf ormation necessary f or interpreting the horizon tal display . 2.15.1 How the horizont al mode picture is p ainted The wide sounding b eam is em itted from the soundom e at a certain tilt angle (see hat ched area in the f igure below).
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-25 2.15.2 Sample display s This section provides various e xamples of horizontal m ode displays. The appearance of actual f ish echoes w ill vary according t o factors such as transm ission frequency , gain and TVG sett ings, and bottom co m position and contour .
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-26 Fish schools A fish school appears a s a mass of echoes on the screen. The color of the m ass show s the density of fish schools on the sonar beam. T o find distribut ion and center point of a fish school, try several diff erent tilt angles.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-27 Sea surface refl ectio ns T o reduce sea surface ref lections, set the tilt angle to 5 ° or higher , so the upper edge of t he sonar beam does not hit the sea surf ace, or adjust TVG . W hen a decreased tilt angle is used, sea surf ace reflections cover a large area as illustrated below .
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-28 Sidelobe echo (false echo) An ultrasonic wave is em itted only in the directi on set by the TI L T control, however there are some emissions outside t he main beam.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-29 2.15.3 Combinati on displa y examples How to choose a combination display 1. Press the key to show t he co m bination display selectio n window . HORZ/VERT ZOOM HORZ/PLOTTER HORZ/HISTORY HORZ/VERT 2. Use ▲ or ▼ to choose the combinat ion display desired.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-30 Horizont al/history displa y The horizontal displa y appears in the m ain w ind ow; the history displa y in the sub window . The length of the picture displayed in t he history displa y is equal to about four full circle pictures.
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-31 Horizont al/video plotter display The horizontal displa y appears in the m ain w ind ow; the video plotter dis play , which traces ship’s track on the display , in the sub window . Compared to the horizontal display the vide o plotter ’ s range is much longer .
2. HORI ZONT AL MO DE 2-32 This page intentionall y left blank..
3-1 3. VERTICAL SCAN MODE 3.1 Operational Overvie w The figure belo w shows the typical vertical scan mode operating sequence. 2. Lower the tr ansducer . 9. Adjust gain. 7(a). Set scanning sector . 6. Set train bearing. 5. Set range. 8. Set tilt angle.
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-2 3.2 T ypical V ertic al Scan Mode Display Press the key to sho w the vertical scan display . Y ou can switch bet ween the single-frequenc y vertical scan display and t he d ual-frequenc y vertical scan display alternatel y with the key as shown below .
3. VER TICAL SCAN MO DE 3-3 3.3 Choosing a Range The RAN GE control chooses the det ection (display) range, in 15 set tings. Choose the range according to eith er the fish species bei ng searched or t he depth desired. Each t ime the control is operated t he newly chos en range brief ly appears in lar ge characters at t he screen top.
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-4 3.4 Choosing T rain Center The TR AIN control dete rmines the bearing of the vertical scan beam , from 0 ° to 180 ° . Bearing of beam position can be f ound with the train indicat or . 0 ° (360 ° ) → 6 ° → 12 ° → 18 ° → .
3. VER TICAL SCAN MO DE 3-5 3.5 Choosing Displa y Sector Sector means t he w idth of t he transducer training, from 6 ° to 180 °. 24 ° Sector (Shown: 24 ° ) Sector The SEC T OR control chooses t he training are a among the sixteen posit ions shown in the table below .
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-6 3.6 Choosing Sec tor Center The center direction of the sounding be am in the vertical direction can be changed with the TIL T control. The sett ing range is 0 ° to 18 0 ° in increments of 6 ° . Choose the setting w hich places the sector center in t he middle of t he detection range.
3. VER TICAL SCAN MO DE 3-7 3.7 Choosing T raining S peed The training spee d chooses how fast the tr ansducer scans the display sector . T wo choices are available, 3 ° (normal speed, default set ting) and 6 ° (high speed), and one may be selected with the FAS T S C AN key .
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-8 3.10 Event Marker The event m arker functions to m ark i m portant locations on the vertical scan displa y , and f ive event markers may be inscribed.
3. VER TICAL SCAN MO DE 3-9 3.10.1 Deleting a ll event marke rs from the vertical scan display All event markers inscribed on the vertical scan display m ay be deleted as follo w s: 1. Operate the Om nipad to place the cursor outside the displa y area.
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-10 3.12 Adjusting the Picture 3.12.1 Display i ng weak echoes clea rl y Echoes from targets (such as t he bott om or a fish) return to the transducer in order of the distance.
3. VER TICAL SCAN MO DE 3-1 1 4. Press ◄ or ► to adjust TVG distance, considering sea conditi ons. The larger t he figure the greater the distance at which the TVG works. TVG Distance Setti ng 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2. 0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5. 0 . . . . 10.
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-12 3.13 V ertical Menu Overview This section presents an overvie w of the items on the VERT m enu. 1. Press the MENU key to open the m enu. 2. Press ▲ to choose MENU and then press ◄ or ► to choose the VERT m enu. TVG LEVEL 4.
3. VER TICAL SCAN MO DE 3-13 HORZ SCAN RA TE: Sets the scan rat e (1, 2, 3, 4) for the horizontal displa y in the horizontal/vertical scan combination displ ay .
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-14 3.14.2 Sample display s Port-st arboard picture (bottom) Y ou can see f ish echoes at the cent er-right of the screen. The bottom is displa yed wider as the distance f rom the ship’ s posit ion increases. Theref ore, it may be difficult to discrim inate botto m f ish .
3. VER TICAL SCAN MO DE 3-15 Display of net hauling This is an exam ple of net hauling display . The l ocation of t he net is indicated clearly . FORE AFT Own ship Aft Net Net hauling and son ar p icture False echo In shallow water (depth less than 100 m) det ection, unwanted ec hoes shown in the f igure may appear .
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-16 3.14.3 Horizont al/vertical scan por t -st arboard, Horizont al/vertical scan upward-do wnw ard display CSE 357 ° SPD 9.9 KT R 40 m T 40 ° AFT FORE 100 Cursor data V er .
3. VER TICAL SCAN MO DE 3-17 Horizontal Displa y (main window) ///// ///// LO HI FORE AFT V er tical Scan Displa y (sub window) 34 ° 12. 343' N 134 ° 34.
3. VE R TICAL SCAN MODE 3-18 SECT OR control For the vertical scan dis play: W hen t he display sector is 6° (minimum ) the tilt angle of the horizontal and vertic al scan modes are interlocked and each t ransmission on the hori zontal display is reflect ed on the vertical scan display .
4-1 4. ECHO SOUNDER MODE 4.1 Operational Overvie w The figure belo w shows the typical ec h o sounder mode operat ing sequence. 2. Lower the tr ansducer . 6. Adjust gain. 7. Set sector . 5. Set range. 9. Set tilt angle. 3. Adjust screen brilliance. 4.
4. ECHO SOUN DER MO DE 4-2 4.2 T ypic al Echo Sounder Display Press the key to displ ay the echo sounder pic ture. Y ou can switch b etween the single-frequenc y echo sounder displa y and the dual-frequenc y echo sounder display alternatel y w ith the key as shown below .
4. ECHO SOUNDE R MODE 4-3 4.3 Choosing a Range The RAN GE control chooses the det ection (display) range, in 15 set tings. Choose the range according to eith er the fish species bei ng searched or t he depth desired. Each t ime the control is operated t he newly chos en range brief ly appears in lar ge characters at t he screen top.
4. ECHO SOUN DER MO DE 4-4 4.4 T rain Directio n The sounding beam may be directed t oward fo re, aft, port or starboard. Operat e the TR AIN control to choose sounding beam direction.
4. ECHO SOUNDE R MODE 4-5 4.7 Measurin g Range b y Cursor Use the cursor to display the range f rom own sh ip t o the cursor location. Use t he Omnipad to place the cursor wher e desired. The r ang e to the cursor appears at t he upper left-hand corner of the screen.
4. ECHO SOUN DER MO DE 4-6 4.8.1 Inscribing th e event marker 1. Operat e the Omnipad to place the cursor on the locat ion desired f or an event marker . 2. Press the EVENT key to inscribe the event marker . NA V D ATA or A-SCOPE DISPLA Y Depth, W ater T emp.
4. ECHO SOUNDE R MODE 4-7 4.9 Range Mark er The range m arker f unctions to m easure the range to a target echo (f ish school, bottom , etc.) 1. Operate the Om nipad to place the cursor on th e location desired. 2. Press the R/B key to display the range m arker .
4. ECHO SOUN DER MO DE 4-8 TVG LEVEL 4.0 4.0 TVG DISTANCE RES. COLOR LOG CLUTTER 0 : SELECT : CHANGE MENU: END MENU COM1 HORZ VERT ES PRESET S Y S COM2 A-SCOPE OFF ES menu 3. Press ▲ or ▼ to choose TVG DI ST ANCE and press ► . The f ollowing dialog box appears.
4. ECHO SOUNDE R MODE 4-9 4.10.2 Findi ng echo strength (A-scope display) The A-scope displa y shows echoes at each transm ission with amplit udes and tone proportional to t heir intensities on the right 1/4 of the screen. It is useful f or estimating the kind of f ish school and bottom com position.
4. ECHO SOUN DER MO DE 4-10 4.1 1 Echo Sounder Me nu Overv i ew This section presents an overvie w of the items on the ES m enu. 1. Press the MENU key to open the m enu. 2. Press ▲ to choose MENU and then press ◄ or ► or to choose the ES m enu. TVG LEVEL 4.
5-1 5. MENU OPERA TION This chapter provides m enu operating inf ormat ion on m enus not previo usly discussed: COM1, COM2, PRESET (or SHORT -CUT , depending on the sett ing of CUSTOM KEY on the SYSTEM SETTING 1 m enu) and SYS (Sy stem ) menu. 5.1 COM1 Menu 1.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-2 5.1.1 COM1 menu descri ption TX P O W E R: Ch ooses transm itter output power t o maximum or minim um. The def ault setting is "m aximum." For further details see paragraph 2.12.1. PULSELENGTH: Choo ses pulselength to short or l ong (default set ting).
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-3 5.2 COM2 Menu 5.2.1 Display ing the COM 2 menu 1. Press the MENU key to open the m enu. 2. Press ▲ to choose MENU, and then press ◄ or ► t o choose COM2.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-4 5.3 Sho rt-cut Menu , Preset Men u These menus program the CUST OM MODE ke ys [1], [2] and [3], and one of the menus appears according to t he setting of CUSTOM KEY on the S YSTEM SETTING 1 menu. Short-cut ke y: One-touch activation of corresponding dialog box.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-6 4. Set the MO DE , HI/L O , SECT OR , TR AIN , RANGE and TI L T controls a ccording to target fish or f ishing area. 5. Press th e CUST OM MOD E keys [1 ], [2] or [3 ] to program. Y ou are ask ed if you want to save the settings to the cust om key pressed.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-7 5.3.3 Short-cut key The def ault settings are key [1], int erference rejector; key [2], signal level, and key [3], background color . The operator m ay change their f unctions as desired. Note: In the com bination m odes the short-cut key operation is onl y possible f rom the main window .
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-8 When you find a target of interest on the horizontal displa y , simply press the function ke y programmed f or VER. SEARCH to get a cross-sectional view of the v er tical plane. This mode is useful for e valuating fish school concentration and location of the targeted fish school or f or assistance in navigation.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-9 5.4 SYSTEM Menu This menu provides ite ms which may be set according t o operator ’ s pref erence. A demonstr ation mode is provided to acquaint yo u w ith t he many funct ions of this equipment , and it m ay be used without connection of the transducer .
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-10 5.4.2 S ystem sett ing menus SYSTEM SETTING 1 menu 1. Display the SYSTEM menu and press ▲ or ▼ to choose SYSTE M SETTING . 2.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-1 1 HEAD ING INDICA TION : Chooses heading i ndi cation f orm at, true (default sett ing) or azimut h, for the echo sounder and vertical scan modes. The default sett ing is T RUE. Requires head ing data. NORT H MARK: T urns the north m arker on or of f (default set t ing).
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-13 AU TO RE TR AC TI O N: T urn on to automat ically retract t he transducer when ship’s speed exceeds the speed set here. The ship’s speed r ange for autom atic retraction is from 5 to 15 knots. The default setting is OFF (no aut omat ic retraction).
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-14 5.4.3 Sonar (horizontal ) mode ra nge settings The user may preset horizon tal mode ranges as desired. 1. Choose RANGE-SO NAR MODE at the SYS menu and then press ► .
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-15 5.4.4 V ertica l scan mode range settings As with the horizontal mode, the user ma y preset t he vertical scan mode’s ranges.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-16 5.4.5 Echo sounder mode range settings As with the horizontal and vertical scan m odes, the user m ay pres et the echo sounder mode’s ranges.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-17 5.4.6 T rack range settings Y ou m ay choose the video plotter displ ay scale range as follo w s. 1. Choose RANGE-T RACK at the SYS menu and then press ► . 5 : 8000 2 : 1000 3 : 2000 4 : 4000 : SELECT : CHANGE MENU: END ** RANGE-TRACK MODE ** 1: 500 (100-10000m) DEFAULT SETTING : NO YES Range-track mode dialo g box 2.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-18 5.4.7 Color p alette The color palette lets the user change the col or of echoes, background, text and m enu as desired. R :3 ** COLOR PALETTE ** TEXT BKGD MENU BKGD3 TEXT BKGD.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-19 5.4.8 Language Menu languag e can chosen f rom among the languages sho wn in the Language dial og box and the def ault language is English. JAPANESE ENGLISH FRANCAIS ESPANOL ITALIANO PORTUGUES DANSK NORSK SVENSK THAI : CHANGE MENU: END ** LANGUAGE ** LANGUAGE: Language dialo g box 5.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-20 5.4.1 1 T ransducer frequenc y a djustment If t he CH-300 is receiving interf erence from a video sounder or ot her sonar on board yo ur ship, adjust the frequency of t he CH-300’ s tr ansducer t o reduce the interf erence. 85.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-21 5.4.13 Restoring al l default settings The item DEF AUL T lets you restore all default m enu settings. Choose YES and press the MENU key to restore all def ault settings. Not e that SOUNDOME SER. NO (SYSTEM SETTING2 menu) and t he contents stored by using the SYSTEM BACKUP feature (paragraph 5.
5. MENU OPERA TION 5-22 This page intentionall y left blank..
6-1 6. MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter provides inf ormation necessa ry f or keeping the equipm ent in good working order . WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment.
6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-2 6.3 Hull Unit Maintenance 6.3.1 Lubricati on Grease the raise/lo wer screw shaft once a year . Also, grease the raise/lower main shaft (upper part of the grease cotton retainer) t w ice a year . These parts can be accessed by removing the raise/lo wer drive assembly cover .
6. MAIN TENANCE , TROUBLESH OOTING 6-3 6.4 T ran sducer Maintenan ce W hen the ship is dry-docked remove mari ne gro wth f rom t he transducer with fine sandp aper or a piec e of wood. Coat the t r ansducer f ace w ith anti-f ouling paint (Chugoku MarineS tar 20 Red or th e equivalent) NOTICE Do not paint the transducer face.
6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-4 6.6 T rouble shooting The table below provide s common sym ptoms of equipm ent troubles an d the means t o rectify the m. Symptom Check, Remedy Cannot turn on the power . • Check cable between transceiver unit and monitor unit.
6. MAIN TENANCE , TROUBLESH OOTING 6-5 6.7 Error Messages The table below sho ws the error m essages which may appear on the displa y . All error messages are accom pa nied by an audio al arm, w hich you may silence with the R/ B key . Message Meaning, Remedy Hull U nit HULL UNIT POW ER OFF (CHECK BREAKER AN D FUSE.
6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-6 6.8 Diagnos tics 1. Press the MENU key to open the m enu. 2. Press ▲ to choose MENU, and then press ► to choose SYS. 3. Press ▼ to choose GO T O SYS MENU. 4. Press ◄ to choose Y ES. 5. Choose TEST and press ► to start the test.
6. MAIN TENANCE , TROUBLESH OOTING 6-7 • TRAIN shows a figure bet w een 355- 359 if norm al. NG appears in case of train error . • TEST COUNT shows the number of t imes the test has been consecutively execut ed.
6. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 6-8 6.9 T est Pattern A test pattern can be displayed to check f or proper display of colors. 1. Press the MENU key to open the m enu. 2. Press ▲ to choose MENU, and then press ► to choose SYS. 3. Press ▼ to choose GO T O SYS MENU.
MENU T REE AP - 2 SYSTEM SETTING (See below .) SYSTEM menu (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS P AGE) RANGE-SONAR MODE (all default r anges) m: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1.
FURUNO CH-300 SP - 1 E125S01A DUAL-FREQUENCY SEA RCHLI GHT SON A R CH-300 1. GENERAL 1.1 Display Syst em 10.4-inch color TFT L CD (or externa l monitor) 1.
FURUNO CH-300 SP - 2 E125S01A 2.4 Display Mode Horiz ont al1, Horizonta l ex pansion1, Vert i cal scan1, Ech o sounder1, H oriz ontal2, Ho rizont al expan sion2, Vert ical scan2, Echo sou nder2, Combin at ion (v erti cal scan port / st arboard, vertical scan upward/ dow nw ard, Strata, Hi story) 2.
FURUNO CH-300 SP - 3 E125S01A 4.6 Vertical Sca n Mode Cont rol Scanning a ngle: 6 ° to 180 ° , 12 ° step Scanning ce nter: 0 ° to 180 ° , 6 ° step Scanning step a ngle: Normal: 3 ° , Hi gh speed: 6 ° Time to trai n: 360 ° , 6 ° step 4.
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IN-1 INDEX A AGC ............................................................. 5-2 A-scope display ........................................... 4-9 Automa tic tilt .............................................. 2-23 B Backgro und color.................
INDEX IN-2 M MAIN/SUB key................................. 2-31 , 3-17 Maintenan ce hull u nit .................................................... 6-2 preventi ve ................................................ 6-1 replacemen t of fuse .............
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Furuno CH-300 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Furuno CH-300 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Furuno CH-300 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Furuno CH-300 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Furuno CH-300, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Furuno CH-300.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Furuno CH-300. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Furuno CH-300 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.