Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto S100 del fabbricante FujiFilm
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OWNER’S MANUAL This manual will show y ou how to use your FUJIFILM DIG ITAL CAMERA Fine Pix S 100FS c orrec tly. Please follow the instru ctions carefully.
2 Warning To preven t fire or shock h azard, do not expose the un it to rain or moi sture . For customers in the U.S.A. Tested T o Comply With F CC Standar ds FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE FCC Stateme nt This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
4 EC Declar ation of Co nformit y We Name: FUJI F ILM Elec tronic Imagi ng Euro pe Gmb H Address: Benzstrasse 2 47533 K leve, G erman y declare that the p roduc t Product Name: FUJIFILM DIGITAL CAMERA.
5 Disposal o f Electric and Electr onic Equi pment in P rivate Househo lds Dispos al of used El ectri cal & El ectron ic Equi pment (Applicable in the Eur opean Union and other Eu ropean countr ie.
6 Contents Warni ng ........ ..... ...... ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... ..... ......... . 2 IMPO RTAN T ........ ......... ..... ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... .... 3 EC De clar ation o f Con form ity ........ ...... ...... ..... ....... 4 Disposal of Electric and Electronic Equ ipment in Priva te Hou sehol ds .
7 * Self -Timer ........... ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... ..... ...... .. 7 9 Setti ng self-t imer ... ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... ...... .. 79 Taking pictur es usin g self-tim er ..... ..... ...... .. 79 f Taking pic tures co ntinu ously .
8 Contents Adva nced Fe atures — M ovie r Recor ding M ovie s .... ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... ...... 116 Chang ing m ovie size ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... ... 118 w Play ing B ack Movi es . ......... ..... ...... ...... ........ 1 19 Sett in gs [ U SET -UP] .
9 About th is Manua l Z Abou t marks CAUTIO N This mark denotes issues that may affect the camera’s operation. CHECK This mark denotes points to notice in the camera’s operation. MEMO This mark denotes additional topics that complement the basic operating proce dures.
10 Acce ssories Includ ed • Recha rgeabl e bat tery NP-14 0 (1) • Batte ry char ger B C-140 (1) • Sho ulder st rap (1) • Lens c ap (1 ) • Lens c ap hold er (1 ) • Lens ho od (1) • A/V ca.
11 Camer a Parts and Featu res • Refer to the pa ges in pa renth eses for inform ation o n using the cam era pa rts or features. A Mode dial B Strap mount (p.15) C Power switch (p.24) D Shutter button E ISO (ISO sensitivity) button (p.73) F D (Exposure compensation) button (p.
12 Camer a Parts a nd Fe atures I AF-assist illuminator (p.42)/Self-timer lamp (p.80) J DC IN 8V (power input) socket (p.133) K A/V OUT (Audio/Visual output) socket (p.132) L ; USB socket M Flash (p.32, 76) N Hot shoe (p.95) O d (Flash pop-up) button (p.
13 V Viewfinder (EVF) W EVF/LCD (monitor selector) button (p.33) X LCD monitor Y DISP (Display)/BACK button (p.43, 44) Z Tripod mount ! Battery cover (p.19) _ AE-L (AE lock) button (p.69) # Photometry selector dial (p.68) $ w (Playback) button (p.44) % Indicator lamp (p.
14 Exampl e of scre en Te xt Dis play Z Shoo ting mo de Z Playbac k mo de FinePix S100FS has internal memory that can store images without Memory Card. Y appears on the screen when the internal memory is active. 2050.12.31 12:00 AM 2050.12.31 12:00 AM 25 25 N N 16 16 100 100 ISO ISO 2000 2000 F2.
15 Getting Ready Attach ing th e Strap, Lens Cap and Lens Hoo d Attaching the st rap and lens cap 1 After securing the strap throu gh the lens cap holder, attach the strap to the strap mounts on t he camera. Once y ou have attached both ends of the strap, check carefully to m ake sure that the strap i s firmly secured.
16 Attaching the S trap, Len s Cap an d Lens Hood Attaching the lens hood When atta chin g th e lens h ood , it i s eff ecti ve fo r redu cing ghost imag es and flare in backli t scenes. C amera provides cr isp, cl ear shots. 1 Align the indicators on the camera and lens hood, and fit the lens hood to the lens.
17 Getting Ready Char ging t he B atter y Z Compatible batter y Rechargea ble Ba ttery NP- 140 (1 ) CAUTIO N • The battery is not fully c harged at shipment and must be fully charged before being used. • Do not stick labels onto the battery as this could cause the battery to become jammed inside the camera.
18 Chargin g the Ba ttery Z <Char ging Indicat or an d Status es> CAUTIO N • Unplug the battery ch arger from the po wer outlet wh en it is not in use. • If the terminals of battery are soiled, it may not be possible to charge it. Clean the battery terminals and battery charger terminals with a clean, dry cloth.
19 Getting Ready Load ing the B atter y 1 Open the battery cover. CHECK Check that the camera is turned off before opening the battery cover. CAUTIO N • Do not open the battery cover while the camera is on. This could damage the Memory Card or ruin the image files on the Memory Card.
20 Loadin g the Ba ttery Removin g the batter y Open the battery cover, and unlock the battery release catch with your finger. CAUTIO N Make sure the camera is turned off before removing the battery. MEMO If you want to use the camer a pow ered by A C, th e AC pow er adap ter, AC- 84V (so ld sepa rately) is necess ary.
21 Getting Ready Load ing the Me mory Card SD Memory Cards/SDHC Memory Cards They are opera tion-ch ecked a t FUJIFI LM Cor poratio n. Manuf act urer : SanD isk MEMO • Compatible models will be updated in our website: http://www.f p roducts/ digital_c ameras/inde x.
22 Load ing t he Memo ry Card CAUTIO N Be sure to unlock the protection of the SD Memory Card before inserting it. If it is locked, recording/deleting images, as well as formatting are not available. To unlock the protection, slide the switch back, and the SD Memory Card will work normally.
23 Getting Ready CAUTIO N • When storing Memory Cards, make sure that they are kept out of the reach of children. A Memory Card could be swallowed and ca use suffocation. If a child swallows a Memory Card, seek medical attention or call emergency number right away.
24 Turn ing On and O ff Turning the camera on Set the Power switch to ON to tur n the camera on in Shooting mode . Set the Power switch to OFF to turn the camera off. MEMO Swi tchi ng betwee n Shooti ng and Playb ack mod e Pressing w when the camera is in Shooting mode switches the camera to Playback mode.
25 Getting Ready 2 Set the date and time. MEMO • Holding down n or o changes the numbers continuously. • When the time displayed passes “12”, the AM/PM setting changes. 3 Change th e date format . Date format ex. December 1, 2008 [YY.MM.DD]: [2008.
26 Tur ning On and O ff MEMO [START MENU] screen also appears when the battery has been removed and the camera has been left for a long period. Once the AC power adapter has been connected or the battery has been installed for 10 hours or more, the camera settings will be retained for roughly 7 days even if both sources of power are removed.
27 Getting Ready Corr ectin g the Date an d Time 1 Open the [SET- UP] menu. 2 Display the [ DATE/TIME ] screen. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select [ U SET -UP ]. C Press q . SET -UP SET -UP HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING OFF OFF N QU ALITY QU ALITY SHOOTING MENU SHOOTING MENU A Press p or q to select .
28 Select ing th e Langu age 1 Open the [SET- UP] menu. 2 Display the [ ] screen. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select [ U SET -UP ]. C Press q . SET -UP SET -UP HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING OFF OFF N QU ALITY QU ALITY SHOOTING MENU SHOOTING MENU A Press p or q to select .
29 Getting Ready Basi c Oper ation Gu ide Shut ter b utto n (p.34 ) Press t his button halfwa y to adjust the f ocus and br ightness . Pres s fully to take a picture . Power sw itch ( p.24) Turns th e came ra on a nd off . Hot s hoe (p. 95) Mount an extern al fla sh her e.
30 Basic Operatio n Guide Command dial Selects image s or menu s. Also, sets the sen sitivity, exp osure compensa tion, ap erture and conti nuous sh ooting m odes t ogethe r with the “IS O,” “ D E xposure co mpensatio n” and “ f Continuo us shoo ting ” bu ttons .
31 Getting Ready Diopt er adju stment cont rol (p.33) Makes the image in the vie wfi nder ea sie r to se e. Se t the diop ter adju stment control to the position wher e the AF frame ap pears sharpest. AE-L (A E loc k) bu tton (p.69 ) The ex posure i s fixed.
32 Taki ng Pic tur es ( B AU TO Mode) 1 Turn the cam era on. A Set the Po wer switch to O N. C Set the Foc us mode se lector switc h to “S-AF.” D Set the Ph otome try select or dial to ) Multi (Pa ttern). CHECK • F ocal range Wide-angle: approx.
33 Using the Camera 3 Switch the display. Press EV F/LCD to alterna te the di splay b etween the vie wfind er (E VF) an d the L CD mo nito r. When the A F frame in the viewfinder (E VF) is di fficult to see, adju st th e vie wfi nder us ing the Di opte r adj ustm ent dial.
34 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) 4 Focus on the main subject in the AF frame and press the shutter button down halfw ay. CHECK • Focus on the subject Double beep is heard Indicator lamp lit green .
35 Using the Camera Flash If you want to change the setting, see p.76 for information on flash. CAUTIO N • The image shown on the screen before the picture is taken may differ in brightness, color, etc. from the image actually recorded. Play back the recorded image to check it ( ➝ p.
36 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) C You can adjust th e polar izing fil ter with your fin ger through t he pol arizing filte r window when taking pictures . Support for remo te relea se Use remote release RR-80 (sold separately) with this camera. To prevent camera shake, use a tripod (sold separately) and remote release RR-80.
37 Using the Camera Using Intelligent Face De tection when taking pictures Intelligent Face Det ection allows you to focus on and adjust the brightn ess of people’s fa ces. Intelligent Face Detection is effective with the camera held horizontally or vertically.
38 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) CHECK Z [ FACE DETECTIO N b REMOVAL ON] When a picture is taken with [ FACE DETECTION b REMOVAL ON] set, the red-eye effe ct will be detected and corrected before the image is recorded. When taken with [ FACE DETECTION b REMOVAL OFF] set, the image is recorded without red-eye correction.
39 Using the Camera Using the Dual I mage Stabilizer function when taking pict ures You can reduce cam era shake by using the Du al Imag e Stabil izer func tion, whi ch acti vates the op tical image stabilizer. MEMO When B is selected for Shooting mode, both camera shake and blurring of moving subjects can be reduced.
40 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) Taking pictures with the focus and exposure locked In the above composit ion, the subjects are not in the AF frame. Pre ssing the shutter b utton halfwa y at this point will result in the su bjects being out of f ocus.
41 Using the Camera 3 Continue t o hold the sh utter bu tton d own halfway. Move the camera back to the original image and press the shutter b utton full y.
42 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) AF-assist illuminat or Use this illuminator to focus on th e subject in dimly lit conditions. When p ressing t he shutter button down h alfway, th e camera fires the AF-assist illuminator (wh ite) while focusing on your su bject.
43 Using the Camera MEMO Press ( n ) again to cancel the digital zoom. Adjusting the shot composition Press DIS P/BACK to change the scr een displ ay. Position the m ain subject at the interse ction of two lines in this fr ame o r align o ne of the hori zontal lines wit h the horizo n.
44 Viewing the Image s Settin g the camera to Playback mode Press w during Shoo ting mo de to c hange to Play back mode . MEMO •P r e s s w to play back the last shot. • [ AUTOROTATE PB] in the [SET-UP] menu is set to [ON] at the factory setting ( ➝ p.
45 Using the Camera Single-f rame play back MEMO Images can be selected by rotating the command dial instead of p or q . To select imag es quickly, hold down p or q fo r 1 second during pl ayba ck. When releasing p or q , ca mera re turn s to sin gle- frame playba ck.
46 Viewing the Imag es 1 Zoom in / Zoom out. To zoom in an image d uring sin gle-fra me pla yback: 2 Display another part of the image. MEMO Press DISP/BACK to cancel playback zoom. Z Zoom s cales * Zoom can not be pe rforme d when the images re corded by ` are played back.
47 Using the Camera Multi-fra me pla yback Use this f uncti on to di splay 2 f rames, 9 fr ames o r 100 frames (Micro Thumbn ail). You can c ompar e and select images using th e Multi- frame di splay. Sorting by date In sorti ng by dat e mode , you c an view a ll ima ges tak en on the same day.
48 Viewing the Imag es Using Intelligent Face De tection when playing back pictures For images shot using the Intellig ent Face Detection function ( is displaye d), the face mark in the im age changes e ach time you pr ess the Intelligent F ace Detectio n button.
49 Using the Camera Erasin g the I mag es/Mov ies Setting the camera to w Playback mode ( ➝ p.44) Using the (AE-L) button Pressing (AE-L) erase s images easily. Erasing the images using [PLAYBACK MENU] Continued Q Use this m ode to erase un necessa ry image s or m ovies to h ave ampl e free sp ace on the Memo ry Card or inte rnal me mory.
50 Erasi ng the Ima ges/Mo vies MEMO To erase another frame (file), repeat above steps. When erasing frames (files) is completed, press DISP/ BACK. CAUTIO N Pressing MENU/OK repeatedly erases consecutive frames (files). Take care not to erase a frame (file) by mistake.
51 Using the Camera MEMO • When using a Memory Card, the images in the Memory Card are erased. When not using a Memory Card, the images in the internal memory are erased. • Protected frames (files) cannot be erased. Unprotect the frames (files) before erasing them ( ➝ p.
52 Automati c Adjust ment of Shoo ting Condi tion Certain sho oting conditio ns may restrict what sett ings you can make o n this came ra. For example, [ DYNAMIC RANGE], [ COLOR], [ TONE] or [ SHARPNESS] cannot be set with modes other th an [ PROVIA ] in [ FILM SIMULAT ION] of [SHO OTING M ENU].
53 Advanced Features — Photography Using th e Shooting Funct ions — Procedu re of Set ting 1 Selec t Shooti ng mode. Turn th e Mode d ial to select S hooting m ode.
54 Usin g th e Shoot ing Fu ncti ons — Proce dure o f Set ting Z Functions to set by the [ SHOOTING M ENU] (MENU/ OK butto n) Functio ns to set d iffer de pending on th e shoot ing mode se tting.
55 Advanced Features — Photography Settin g Sh ooti ng M ode B Auto This is th e easie st mode for p roviding crisp an d clear shots. Use this mo de f or ordi nary phot ograp hy. Camera specifies all settin gs other than [ Q UALITY] and [ H IGH-SP EED SHO OTING] automa tically .
56 Setting S hootin g Mode , SCENE PO SITION This m ode pr ovides th e best Sce ne pos ition setting fo r the scene being shot. Choo se from 14 types o f scene . Select the Scene p osition setting in the [S CENE POSITION] men u. About and of the Mode Dial The Scene position for and are different.
57 Advanced Features — Photography Z Scene p osition list Scene position Functions [ , NATURE] Use this mode for sho oting scener y in stan dard c olors an d tone s. [ NATURE SOFT] Use this mo de for shooting sce nery in soft tone. [ NATURE VIVID] Use this mode for sho oting scener y or na ture in high b rightness an d shar p tone.
58 Setting S hootin g Mode CHECK Use a tripod to prevent camera shake for [ / NIGHT] an d [ FIREWORKS], as a slow shutter speed is used. [ SUNSET] Use this mo de to sh oot suns et, making the colo rs more viv id.
59 Advanced Features — Photography Z Sel ecti ng the ex posu re time set ting fo r [ FIRE WORKS] N Program AE This is an a utomatic m ode to specify the se ttings ex cept for the sh utter s peed a nd ape rture setting.
60 Setting S hootin g Mode MEMO • Program shift can be used when Suppressed flash ( ➝ p.77) is set in flash mode. • The shutter speed and aperture setting appear in yellow when the camera is in Program shift mode.
61 Advanced Features — Photography CHECK Shutter speed setting 4 sec. to 1/4000 sec. in 1/3 EV increments CAUTIO N The aperture setting will not appear until you press the shutter button down halfway when [ DYNAMIC RANGE] is set to [AUTO].
62 Setting S hootin g Mode < Apert ure Pr iority A E This is an a utomati c mode to set the apertu re. Use this mode to have the ar ea in front of an d behind th e subject out of focu s (large apert ure) o r have bo th near and far su bjects i n focus (s mall apertu re).
63 Advanced Features — Photography Aperture By adjusting the aperture, you ca n change the depth of focus (depth of field). Selecting a larger number of aperture (closed) obtains a larger depth of focus. Selecting a smaller number of aperture (open) has the area in front of and behind the subject out of focus.
64 Setting S hootin g Mode CHECK Shutt er sp eed se tting 30 sec. to 1/4000 sec. in 1/3 EV increments MEMO • Use a tripod to prevent camera shake. • In shots with long exposures, noise (dots) may appear on the image. CAUTIO N If the shutter speed is set to a speed 1/1000 sec.
65 Advanced Features — Photography The expos ure i ndica tor , Custom This is a mo de to save your fa vorite s hooting mode setting s to or and shoot with the saved settings. This mo de is not avail able wh en Shootin g mode is set to B , or . See p.
66 Adjusting the Image Brightness ( D Exposur e Compensation ) Avail able Sh ooting modes: , N , M , < Adjusting exposure com pensa tion Press D to display the exposure co mpensatio n setting scr een. CAUTIO N This function can only be used for N , M or < in Shooting mode.
67 Advanced Features — Photography CHECK • Compensation range: –2 EV to +2 EV (13 steps in 1/3 EV increments) • Explanation of Terms “EV” ( ➝ p.170) MEMO • This setting is retained when the mode is changed or the camera is turned off ( D icon appears).
68 Adjust ing Light Meteri ng (Photome try) Turn the Photometr y selector dial to select the ligh t meteri ng method . ) Mult i (Pat tern): Light mete ring wh ere the camer a assesses the scene and selects t he corr ect e xpos ure. _ S pot: Lig ht meterin g where the exp osure is optimi zed for the ce nter o f the im age.
69 Advanced Features — Photography AE-L Using AE Lock A Position th e subjec t in t he center of the screen a nd press AE-L. T he exposur e is locked wh ile you hold down AE -L. CAUTIO N • AE lock can be canceled by zooming. • Once you press the shutter button down halfway, the exposure remains locked even if you release AE-L.
70 Cont inuou s A F A Set the Foc us mode se lector switch to C-AF. B Frame th e shot so that the subject f ills the entire AF fram e. Th e came ra c onti nues to foc us on the main subj ect in th e AF fr ame. C Press th e shutt er bu tton down halfw ay to f ocus on th e subject, and th en p ress it down fully to ta ke the pictu re.
71 Advanced Features — Photography Manual focus A Set the Foc us mode se lector switc h to MF. CAUTIO N • Manual focus cannot be used in the r Movie mode. •[ H AF MODE] ( ➝ p.97) in [SHOOTING MENU] cannot be set. A focusing indicato r mar k appea rs on the screen, and changes a ccording to the foc using status.
72 Manual focus Z Focusin g indic ator mar ks The focus indic ator mark change s by focu sing stat us. Moving the indica tor righ t shows the high leve l focusing. MEMO • If the focus is set to infinity using manual focusing, position the mark on a subject close to infinity.
73 Advanced Features — Photography Chang ing th e sensit ivit y sett ing ([ S ISO]) A Press ISO to display the sensitivity se tting screen . CHECK • Settings [100]/[200]/[400]/[800]/[1600]/[3200]/.
74 Changin g the s ensitivity se tting ([ S ISO]) Z Correlat ion of sensit ivity, qual ity, Sho oting m odes a nd [SH OOTIN G MENU ] optio ns The im age size (nu mber o f recorded pixels ) depen ds on the se nsitivity setting. A lso, ava ilable sen sitivity d iffers de pending on the P hoto graph y mode s.
75 Advanced Features — Photography e Macr o/ > Super Mac ro (Close -up) Press e ( p ) to sele ct Macro mode . The Macro m ode se tting chang es each time you press t he e ( p ). CAUTIO N Use only widest-angle for Super Macro mode. appears when a focal range other than widest- angel is used.
76 d Setti ng the Fla sh (Inte llig ent Flash) MEMO By calc ulat ing su bjec t dist ance an d brig htne ss, th e camera autom atic ally ad just s the fl ash am ount and sensi tivi ty to suit s hoot ing co ndit ions. This m aint ains c onsist ent balanc e of brig ht/d ark are as acr oss the im age in low-li ght condi tion s (diml y-li t room , etc.
77 Advanced Features — Photography Use this mod e in backlit sce nes, or to get the corre ct colors wh en takin g a pict ure under bright light ing. In t his mode, the flash fi res in br ight as w ell as dark condi tions. Using s ynchron izes Red- eye re duction m ode.
78 d Setting th e Flash (Intelligent Flash) When [ FACE DETECTION b REMOVAL ON] is s et: CHECK Effective flash range ( S : [AUTO]) Wide-angle: Approx. 60 cm to 7.
79 Advanced Features — Photography * Self-Ti mer Setting s elf-timer The s elf-timer setting changes ea ch time you pr ess * ( o ). Taking pictures using self-timer 1 Press the sh utter button d own halfway t o focus on the subject and press the shutter button full y.
80 * Self-Timer 2 Take pictures in selected time. Usin g the 2- second self- tim er This is useful when you worry about camera shake even if attaching the camera on a tripod. MEMO • T o stop the self-timer, once it has started running, press DISP/BACK.
81 Advanced Features — Photography f Takin g picture s conti nuously A Press f to display the conti nuous shoo ting set ting screen. [ f TOP 7 (RAW 3)]: Con tinuous shooting [ T O P 5 0 3 ]: High sp.
82 f Takin g pictures continuo usly Avail able Sh ooting modes: All CAUTIO N When [ CCD-RAW] is set to [ON] in the [SET-UP] menu, up to 3 frames can be shot. Available Shootin g modes: All exce pt , Shooting continues up to 50 frames as lon g as the shutter button is h eld down (a pprox.
83 Advanced Features — Photography Avail able Sh ooting modes: , N , M , < , > CHECK AE bracketing settings (3) [±1/3 EV], [±2/3 EV], [±1 EV] CAUTIO N • If the underexposed or overexposed frame is outside the camera’s control range, the picture is not taken with the specified setting increments.
84 f Takin g pictures continuo usly Avail able Sh ooting modes: All Shooting continue s as long a s holding the shut ter but ton down. This mo de shoots up to 50 times (ap prox. 3 fr ames/sec .). The camer a rec ords the f inal 7 fr ames s hot w hen yo u release the shutte r butt on.
85 Advanced Features — Photography Using [SHOOTING MENU] Setting the menu ( ➝ p.85) Setting the [ SHOOTING MENU] Use the se men us to adjust image q ualit y or focus. Y ou can ta ke pictu res in a wide ran ge of c onditi ons. A Press ME NU/OK to open [SHOOTING MENU].
86 Using [SHOOTING MENU] Z List of [SHOOT ING MENU] options Menu Functions Settings Factory default [ SCENE POSITION] ( ➝ p.56) This setting can be used when the Mode dial is set to or . Use this setting to provide the best [SHOOTING MENU] setting for the scene being shot.
87 Advanced Features — Photography Other factory default settings: ISO: [AUTO(800)] when shooting mode is set to B . [200] when sh ooting mode is set to , N , M , < or > . Dual Image Stabilizer: ON Intelligent Face Detection: OFF [ AE BKT EV STEPS] ( ➝ p.
88 [SHOOTING M ENU] Setting the menu ( ➝ p.85) Setting the Film Simulation ([ FILM SIMULATION]) Available Shooting modes: All except B , , Use this se tting to ch ange co lor or tone o f image s to save. 4 types of film a re ava ilable acco rding t o shoot ing subjects.
89 Advanced Features — Photography Changing th e qualit y setting ([ QUALITY]) Use this m enu to specify t he imag e size ( number o f recorded pixels ).
90 [SHOOTING MENU] Setting Color ([ COLOR]) Available Shooting modes: Al l except B , , Set the density o f the co lor used w hen s hooting i mages. [HIGH]: T his settin g provid es the hi ghest col or density. [MID]: This setting sets t he stan dard color density.
91 Advanced Features — Photography Adjust the image outline (hard/ soft) ([ SH ARPNESS]) Avai labl e Sh ootin g mode s: Al l except B , , Use this s etting to soften or em phasize the out line and quality o f an im age. [HARD]: Emphasizes the out lines.
92 [SHOOTING MENU] A Select [ CUSTOM 1] or [ CUSTOM 2] ( ➝ p.8 5). B Hold a p iece of wh ite pap er und er the l ight sou rce for setting the wh ite balance, s o that it fills entire the frame in the scre en. Then pre ss the shut ter button to set the white balance.
93 Advanced Features — Photography White Balance Fine Tune ( WB FINE TUNE) Availa ble Sh ooti ng mo des: All except B , , Use this settin g for wh ite bala nce fi ne tuni ng. Th e adjustmen t range for 1 step is –3 to +3. CAUTIO N The [ WB FINE TUNE] setting cannot be cleared when the Power switch is set to OFF.
94 [SHOOTING MENU] CAUTIO N • If the underexposed or overexposed frame is outside the camera’s control range, the picture is not taken with the specified setting increments.
95 Advanced Features — Photography Using Ex ternal Flash ([ EXTERNAL FLASH]) Available Shooting modes: Al l except B , , Use this s etting to use the e xternal flash. Th e synchroni zed shutte r spee d is up t o 1/400 0 sec. A Select [ON] in the men u ( ➝ p.
96 [SHOOTING MENU] CAUTIO N • The image may appear dark when the shutter speed is set to speeds higher than 1/1000 sec. •S e t [ A WHITE BALANCE] ( ➝ p.
97 Advanced Features — Photography Specifyi ng the focusing area ([ H AF MODE]) Available Shooting modes: All except B , , (When Intelligent Face Detection is turned OFF) Use this mo de to sp ecify the fo cusing ar ea tha t best suits the s ubje ct.
98 [SHOOTING MENU] The camera cha nges the focusing position on the screen . Use this s ettin g when composin g the s hot usin g a trip od and chang ing the focusing positi on. MEMO • T o reposition the AF frame, repeat from step A . • R egardless of the AF frame location, the exposure is always set using the area in the center of the screen.
99 Advanced Features — Photography Focusing the shot quickly ([ HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING] ) Available Shooting modes: Al l Use this mod e to re duce the t ime req uired f or focusing when pres sing the shutter button down h alfway. It is use ful to av oid missi ng snapsh ot opp ortunitie s.
100 Playback I nform atio n Shooting informa tion can be checked wh en the cam era is set to single-f rame playb ack mode. While pressing D , th e information is displayed.
101 Advanced Features — Playback Using [PLAYBACK MENU] Setting the [PLAYBACK MENU] A Set the c amera to Playba ck mode ( ➝ p.44). Z List of [PL AYBACK MENU] option Use the se men us to play back photo graph ed imag es. B Press MENU/OK to open [PLAYBACK MENU].
102 [PLAYBACK MENU] Setting the menu ( ➝ p.101) Settin g automatic pla yback ([ SLIDE SHOW]) Use this m ode to playba ck photo graphed images cont inuo usl y. You c an se lect type of imag e tra nsiti on. MEMO • To interrupt automatic playback, press MENU/OK.
103 Advanced Features — Playback CAUTIO N • If the camera is unable to detect faces in an image, it will not correct the red eye-effect sufficiently, or not at all. Also, the camera cannot correct the red-eye effect if the face is in profile. • Correction results may differ depending on scene.
104 [PLAYBACK MENU] Protec ting the i mages ([ PROTECT]) Use this mode t o preve nt frames (file s) from be ing acci dentall y eras ed. To prote ct or u nprotect o nly the s elect ed frame (file): D Press q . E Press n or o to rotate the ima ge. o : Rotate s the imag e clockw ise at a 90 degree ang le.
105 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO To stop the proc edur e midw ay If the images are very large, protecting or unprotecting all the frames (files) may take some time. If you want to take a picture or record a movie during the procedure, press DISP/BACK.
106 [PLAYBACK MENU] Copying the images ([ V COPY]) It is pos sible to tr ansfer saved im ages betw een the int ernal memor y and a Memory C ard. Z Selecting COPY Copyi ng the image s to an othe r Memo.
107 Advanced Features — Playback CAUTIO N • When [ MEMORY FULL] or [ Y MEMORY FULL] appears on the screen, copying the data stops on the way. • When copying the image that has specified DPOF setting, the DPOF setting is not copied.
108 [PLAYBACK MENU] The rem aining r ecordin g time a ppear s during recor ding. MEMO Face the microphone to record your comment. Hold the camera about 20 cm (7.9 in.) away for the best results. To record yo ur comme nt: press M ENU/OK. To rere cord th e commen t: press DISP/BAC K.
109 Advanced Features — Playback CAUTIO N Z Playing back voice m emos CHECK • A udio recording format: WAVE ( ➝ p.170), PCM recording format • Audio file size: Approx. 350 KB (for a 30-second voice memo) MEMO Playing voic e memo files You may not be able to play back some voice memo files recorded on other cameras.
110 [PLAYBACK MENU] Volume can be adjusted while playing back voice mem os. Trimming the images ([ TRIMMING]) Use this mod e to tr im the req uired p art of the photogra phed imag e. CHECK Before selecting [ TRIMMING], select the trimming frame (file).
111 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO • Press DISP/BACK to return to the single-frame playback. • A saved image size varies depending on the zoom scale of step A . For 0.3 M, [ k YES] option appears in yellow. • I mage sizes • W hen % quality setting is selected, the image is trimmed to normal size (4:3 aspect ratio).
112 [PLAYBACK MENU] DPOF set f rame ([ PRINT ORDER (DPOF)]) You can specify th e imag e, number of prin ts, wit h or without date of printing with a DPO F-com patible p rinter. Selecting [WITH DATE E ], E appears on the screen and the date will be imprinted on your prints.
113 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO Canceli ng DPOF setting A Press MENU/OK to open [PLAYBACK MENU] and press n or o to select [ PRI NT ORDER (DPOF)]. B Press q . C Press n or o to select [WITH DATE E ] or [WITHOUT DATE] and press MENU/OK to display the print order screen.
114 [PLAYBACK MENU] Intellig ent Fac e Dete ction When DPOF settings are set to the images taking with the Intelligent Face Detection ( ➝ p.37) ( appe ars on the screen), press (Intelligent Face Detection), the frame appears around the detected face, and then the number of the detected faces is set to print number.
115 Advanced Features — Playback Z [ u PRINT ORDER (DPOF)] DPOF sta nds for Digital Print Or der For mat an d refers to a fo rmat t hat is u sed for recordi ng printi ng speci fication s for image s shot u sing a digital c amera on me dia such as a Memo ry Card .
116 r Recor ding Mo vies Use this mod e to recor d movies with sound. 1 Set the camera to r Movie mode. Set the Mode di al to r . MEMO While in standby, pressing the Dual IS button enables you to take stable and blur-free images even under difficult shooting conditions, such as telephoto shooting.
117 Advanced Features — Movie Z Zoomin g the ima ge You can zoo m with the zo om ring during recor ding. A djust the f ocus agai n afte r zoom ing. CHECK • Optical zoom focal length* With Dual Image Stabilizer function set to off: approx. 28 mm to 400 mm Max.
118 r Record ing Mov ies Chan gin g movi e siz e Press MENU/ OK when in the Mo vie mode to open [SHOOTING MENU]. Z Quality sett ings in Movie mod e % (640 × 480 p ixels): Fo r bett er qua lity $ (320.
119 Advanced Features — Movie w Playing Ba ck Mo vies Setting the camera to w Playback mode ( ➝ p.44) Z Playing back movies Continued Q A Press p or q to se lect the movie file.
120 w Playi ng Ba ck Mo vies MEMO If the subject of the shot is very bright, white vertical streaks or black horizontal streaks may appear in the image during playback. This is normal. CAUTIO N • You may not be able to playback some movie files recorded on other cameras.
121 Settings [ U SET-UP] Using the [SET-UP] menu 1 Open the [SET- UP] menu. 2 Change the page . 3 Change th e setting. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select [ U SET -UP ]. C Press q . A Press p or q to select th e pag e. B Press o to move to m enu item.
122 [ U SET-UP] [SET-UP] menu opti on Setting Display Factory default Explanation Page [ IMAGE DISP.] [CONTINUOUS]/[3 SEC]/[1.5 SEC]/ [ZOOM (CONTINUOUS)] [1.5 SEC] Sets th e way fo r disp layin g the chec k imag e scre en (photo grap h result ) aft er takin g a pictur e.
123 Settings [ DATE/TIME] – – Corrects the date or time. 27 [ OPERATION VOL.] / / /[ OFF] Sets the volume of the tone emitted whe n the camera controls are used. – [ SHUTTER VOLUME] / / /[ OFF] Sets the volume of the sound emitted wh en the shutter operates.
124 [ U SET-UP] [ VIDEO SYSTEM] [NTSC]/[PAL] – Specifies whether video output is set to [NTSC] or [PAL]. – [ RESET] – – Resets all the camera settings (other than the [DATE/TIME], [TIME DIFFERENCE], [BACKGROUND COLOR], and [VIDEO SYSTEM]) to the factory default values set at shipment.
125 Settings Use this sett ing to s pecify th e way for d isplaying the check image screen (ph otogra ph result) after taking a picture. CAUTIO N • The color tones in images displayed when [3 SEC] or [1.5 SEC] is selected may differ slightly from those in the images actually recorded.
126 [ U SET-UP] Intelligent Face D etection Images taken with the Intelligent Face Detection ( ➝ p.37). Press (Intelligent Face Detection) to alternate between the displayed faces. Press n or o to zoo m in or out the selected face. Press p or q for the next or previous image, and press n , o , p or q to display another part of the image.
127 Settings Use this funct ion to se lect the Dual IS mo de. Setting [ CCD-RAW] to [ ON] disables the sig nal processi ng functi ons (reco nstituti ng the da ta rece ived from the CCD as an image) perfo rmed on the cam era. Conseq uently, t his task m ust be per formed on th e PC.
128 [ U SET-UP] Use this function to adjust volume while playin g back movi e and v oic e memo. This ca mera has a buil t-in sen sor to detect t he vert ical and hori zontal com posit ion of the camera when im ages are shot.
129 Settings Ini tiali ze ( forma t) t he Me mory Card o r in terna l me mory for use with the cam era. CAUTIO N • The Format function erases all the frames (files), including protected frames (files). Back up important frames (files) onto your PC or another media.
130 [ U SET-UP] Use this f uncti on when travelin g to desti nation s in different t ime zon es. This fun ction sets a time differen ce relative to the date and time cur rently se t. When this setting is enabled, the specified time difference is applied when pi ctures are taken.
131 Settings CHECK Available time setting –23:45 to +23:45 (in 15-minute increments) MEMO CHECK Upon returning from a trip, always change the time difference setting back to [ N HOME] and then check the date and time again. 12/31/2050 11:00 AM 12/31/2050 11:00 AM F2.
132 Conn ecti ng to a TV When conne cting to a TV, im ages ca n be dis played o n wider screen. Using sli de show fun ction ( ➝ p.102 ) to gethe r, yo u ca n have fun wi th fol ks. Plug the A /V cable (incl uded) i nto the A/V OUT (Aud io/Visual output) so cket of the cam era.
133 Camera Connection Using the AC po wer adapter ( sold separa tely) Check that the came ra is off. Plug the AC power adapte r connec tor into the DC IN 8 V socket a nd the n plug t he AC power adapter i nto t he powe r outle t. CAU TION • O nly connect and disconnect the AC power adapter when the camera is off.
134 Connecting Came ra Directly to Printer — P ictBridge Function Connecting to a printer A Connect the camer a to yo ur prin ter usin g the USB cable. MEMO Use the AC-84V (sold separately) when FinePix S100FS is connected to a printer. B Connec t the camera to a printer and turn the printer on.
135 Camera Connection Specifyi ng images for printin g ([PRINT WITH DATE] / [PRINT WITHOUT DATE]) MEMO Even if M ENU/OK is p ressed with total number of i mages se t at 0 (ze ro), the sc reen pri nting once app ears on the screen . Press MENU/ OK again and printin g starts.
136 Connecting Camera Directly to P rinter — P ictBridge Fu nction Printing with DP OF setting [ u PRINT DPOF] CHECK To select [ u PRINT DPOF], the DPOF settings must be specified on FinePix S100FS beforehand ( ➝ p.112). CAU TION Even when [WITH DATE E ] is specified in the DPOF settings ( ➝ p.
137 Camera Connection MEMO Press DISP/BACK to cancel the printing. Depending on the printer, the printing may not be canceled immediately or printing may stop midway through. When printing stops midway, briefly turn the camera off and then on again. Discon nect ing the printe r A Check that [PRI NTING] is n ot displayed on the camera’s scr een.
138 Insta llati on on a Wind ows PC Pre-installation che cklist Z Hard w are (so ftware) requ iremen ts and reco mmended syste m To run t his software, you must ha ve the hardware and sof twa re descr ibed be low. Check you r system before yo u begin the installation.
139 Software Installation Do not conne ct the came ra to your PC until th e software in stallatio n is com plet ed. 1 Install FinePixViewer as instructed b y the on-screen instructions. Laun ching the inst aller ma nuall y A Double-click the [My Computer] icon.
140 Install ation on a Mac OS X Pre-installation che cklist Z Hardwa re and sof tware req uirement s To run t his software, you must ha ve the hardware and sof twa re descr ibed be low.
141 Software Installation 1 Turn your Macintosh on and start up Mac OS X. Do not la unch any other applicat ions. 2 When the bundled CD-ROM is l oaded in to the CD-ROM drive, the [FinePix] icon appears. Double-click the [FinePix] icon to open the [Fine Pix] volu me window.
142 Inst al lati on on a Mac O S X 7 The [Fin ePixViewer i nstallation completed ] message dialog appears. Then click exit button and c lose it. CAUTIO N When Safari is used as the Web browser, a message may be displayed and the CD-ROM may not be removed.
143 Software Installation Conn ecti ng to a PC By conne cting the cam era to a PC, you r system ca n be expanded to fill a wid e range of uses. Using “Fin ePi xViewe r” p erfor ms im ages s aving , br owsin g and fil e mana gemen t etc .
144 Connec ting to a PC CAUTIO N • FinePix S100FS is compatible with PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol)/MTP (Media Transfer Protocol). A PTP/MTP-compatible camera is a camera that can recognize the PC and printer automatically when connected. • Do not disconnect the USB cable (included) when the camera is communicating with a PC.
145 Software Installation The fol lowing steps differ depending on the PC’s operating system (Wi ndows XP/Vista and Mac OS X case) When yo ur PC rec ognizes t he cam era au tomatica lly, FinePixV iewer a utomat ically st arts up and the S ave Image W izard win dow (S ave Image dial og box) ap pears.
146 Connec ting to a PC Using FinePixViewer For al l inform ation on FineP ixViewe r funct ions, refer to [How to U se FinePixV iewer] in the Help m enu for d etails. • What is e xplain ed in [ How to Use FinePi xViewer ]... [How to U se FineP ixVie wer] cove rs a rang e of top ics, inc ludin g bat ch pr oces sing an d or deri ng pri nts.
147 Appendices System Ex pansion Option By using F ineP ix S100FS t ogethe r with ot her option al FUJIF ILM produ cts, your system can be exp anded to fill a wid e range of uses. Accessory availability may vary by country. Please check with your local Fujifilm r epresentat ive to confirm product availabilit y.
148 Acce ssories Guid e Visit the F UJIFILM web site for the latest informa tion on cam era ac cessories. http://w ww.fujif roducts /digital_ca mera s/index.h tml Accessory availability may vary by country. Please check with your local Fujifilm r epresentat ive to confirm product availabilit y.
149 Appendices • CompactFlash™ Card Adapter DPC-CF Loadin g an xD-Pic ture Car d into th is ad apter all ows you to use the card as a Compac tFla sh car d (Type s ).
150 Using Your Camera Correctly Read thi s inform ation a nd the “S afety N otes” ( ➝ “Notes and Ca utions” (included )), to make s ure you use your camera corr ectly.
151 Appendices Notes on t he xD-Pict ure C ard ™, t he SD Me mory Card and the In ternal Memory Z Handl ing Memory Card • When inse rting the Memory Ca rd into th e camera, hol d the Me mor y Card s trai ght as y ou pus h it in .
152 Warnin g Displays The tabl e bel ow lists the warning s that a re displa yed on the scr een. Warning Displayed Explanation Remedy (Lit red) V (Blinking red) The battery is low or completely out of charge. Load new or fully charged ba ttery. There is a strong likelihood of camera shake because the shutter speed is slow.
153 Appendices [CARD ERROR] • The Memory Card contact area is soiled. • The Memory Card format is incorrect. • Wipe the contact area on the Memory Card with a soft, dry cloth. It may be necessary to format the Memory Card ( ➝ p.129) . If the message still appears, replace the Memory Card.
154 Warning Displays [READ ERROR] [ READ ERROR] • The playe d back file was not recorded correctly. • The Memory Card contact area is soiled. • Camera fau lt. • An attempt was made to play back th e image or the movie that was not recorded on this camera.
155 Appendices [CAN NOT SET DPOF] [ ~ CAN NOT SET DPOF] [ r CAN NOT SET DPOF] An attempt was made to specify DPOF setting s for a movie or an image that is not supported by DPOF.
156 Warning Displays [CANNOT BE PRINTED] Displayed for PictBrid ge. • Refer to the user manual for the printer being used and check whether the printer supports the JFIF- JPEG or Exif-JPEG image format. If not, the printer cannot print the images. • Movies and CCD-RAW cann ot be printed.
157 Troubleshooting Trou bleshoo ting Z Getting read y Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Battery and power supply Nothing happens when setting the Power switch to ON. The battery has run out. Load new or fully charged battery. 18, 19 The battery is loaded backward.
158 Troubl eshoo ting Z Setti ng menu etc. Z Shoo ting Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page LCD monitor display Screens are not displayed in English. A language other than English is selected in the [ ] setting in the [SET-UP] menu. Select [ENGLISH].
159 Troubleshooting Intelligent Face Detection Cannot set Intelligent Face Detection. Shooting mode is set to , , , , , . , or . Change Shooting mode. 55 Macro Cannot set the camera to Macro (close-up) mode. Shooting mode is set to anything other than B , , , , N , M , < , or > .
160 Troubl eshoo ting Photographed images The image is blurred. The lens is dirty. Clean the lens. 150 AF frame (lit red) and { appeared when taking pictures. Check the focus on the subject and take pictures. 34, 40, 152 appeared when taking pictures.
161 Troubleshooting Z Playing back Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Playing back movie / voice memo The camera does not emit any sound. The camera volume is set too low. Adjust the volume. 110, 120, 123, 128 The microphone was blocked during shooting/recording.
162 Troubl eshoo ting Z Connecting Z Others Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Connecting to TV There is no image or sound on the TV. The camera is not connected to the TV correctly. Connect the camera and TV correctly. 132 The included A/V cable was connected during movie playback.
163 Specific atio ns System Model Digital camera FinePix S100FS Effective pixels 11.1 million pixels CCD 2/3-inch Super CCD HR Storage media Internal memory (approx. 25 MB)/ xD-Picture Card (16/32/64/128/256/512 MB/1 GB/2 GB)/ SD/SDHC Memory Card (FUJIFILM recommendation ( ➝ p.
164 Speci fications Sensitivity [AUTO]/[AUTO(400)]/[AUTO(800)]/[AUTO(1600)]/Equivalent to ISO [100]/[200]/[4 00]/[800]/[1600]/ [3200]/[6400] (max.number of recorded pixels: 5 )/[10000] (max.
165 AE bracketing ± 1/3 EV, ± 2/3 EV, ± 1 EV Focus Mode: Single AF, Continuous AF, Manual focus AF system: TTL contrast-type, AF-assist illuminator AF frame selection: [CENTER], [MULTI], [AREA] Whi.
166 Speci fications Input/Output Terminal A/V OUT (Audio/Visual output) NTSC/PAL-type (with monaural sound) Digital input/output USB 2.0 Hi-Speed, PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol)/MTP (Media Transfer P.
167 Continued Q Battery NP-140 Nominal voltage DC 7 .2V Nominal capacity 1150 mAh Operating temperature 0°C to +40°C (+32°F to +104°F) Dimensions 35.5 mm × 56.0 mm × 13.3 mm (1.4 in. × 2.2 in. × 0.5 in.)(W × H × D) Mass (Weight) Ap prox. 47 g (1.
168 Speci fications Z Standa rd num ber of avail able f rames/r ecor ding time p er xD-Picture Card , SD Me mory Card a nd intern al memor y The num ber of availabl e fra mes and r ecordin g time i s app roxima te. Actual numbe r of fr ames an d reco rding t ime varie s dependi ng on the types of Memo ry Card or shooti ng cond ition.
169 If you shoot using the xD-Picture Card s with model numbers containing “M” such as DPC-M1GB, movie recording time may be reduced if you repeatedly record and erase (frame erase) image files. In such a case, erase all frames or format the xD-Picture Card before use.
170 Explan ation of Terms Deacti vated b atter ies Leaving an Ni-M H batte ry unused in storag e for a long p eriod m ay cause a rise i n the le vel of su bstances th at inhi bit cur rent flow inside the batte ry and res ult in a d ormant ba ttery. A bat tery in th is state is refer red to as d eactivate d.
171 White Balance Whateve r the kin d of the l ight, t he human eye ad apts to it so tha t a white object st ill looks white. On the ot her ha nd, devi ces such as digital ca meras see a wh ite subjec t as whi te by fi rst adju sting the color b alance t o suit th e color of the amb ient l igh t around t he subj ect.
172 FUJI FILM Digita l Came ra Wo rldw ide N etwork If you have techn ical questions or if you need r epair service, ask the following loca l distributor. Please presen t the warranty car d and your purch ase receipt whe n you ask for repai rs. Refer to the war ranty card for co nditions of the warra nty.
173 Paraguay Errece S.R.L. Technical suppo rt & Repair service Edificio Unitas 1 5 de Agosto 103 5, Asunción TEL +595 21 4 44256 FAX +595 21 4446 51 jmarbulo@fuj Peru Procesos de Color S.A. Technical suppo rt & Repair service Pablo Berm udez 111 Apartado 3794 - Esq.
174 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network Germany F UJIFILM Electr onic Imaging Euro pe GmbH Technical suppo rt & Repair service Benzstrasse 2, 4 7533 Kleve, Germ any Internation al call TEL +49 21 1 50890 F AX +49 211 50896 68 service@f ujifilm.
175 Russia ZAO “Fujifilm RU” Technical suppo rt Bld. 1, 10, Rozano va str., Mosco w, 123007, Russia TEL +7-495- 956-98-5 8 FAX +7-4 95-230-62-17 info@fuji film.
176 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network MIDDLE EAST Iran Teh ran Fuka Co . Technical suppo rt & Repair service 229,“Fu ji” Bldg., Mirdam ad Blvd., Tehr an 19189, Iran TEL (+98-21 )2254810-19 F AX (+98-2 1)2221002 fuka@ Israel Shimone Grou p L td.
177 New Zealan d Fujifilm NZ L td Technical suppo rt & Repair service Cnr William Pickering & Bush Road Albany, Auckland TEL +64-9-4 140400 FAX + 64-9-4140410 glenn.beau .nz Papua New Gui nea Oceania PNG Limi ted Technical suppo rt Section 15, Allotme nt 1, Reke St, Bo roko NCD.
178 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network Vietnam Inte rnational Min h Viet Co., Ltd. Technical suppo rt & Repair service 99-107 Bach Van street, Ward 5, District 5, Ho chi m inh city TEL +84-8-836 6807 ext.122 FAX +84-8-8380621 diep .phanthithan h@imv.
179 Memo.
7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 107-0052, JAPAN Printed in China.
7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 107-0052, JAPAN digital_cameras/index.html BL006 4 7 - 1 0 1 1 AG6P1 P3773-- Not e s and Cautions Read Instr uctions: All t he safet y a nd op erating i nstr ucti ons s ho uld be read before the appliance is operat ed.
Be s u r e t o r ea d t hi s n o te s b e f or e u s in g Safety Notes Ma ke sure th at yo u use yo ur ca me ra cor rect ly. Read t hes e Safet y N ote s and yo ur O wne r’s Ma nua l care full y befo re use . Af ter rea ding t hes e Safe ty N ote s, sto re the m in a safe p lace .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il FujiFilm S100 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del FujiFilm S100 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso FujiFilm S100 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul FujiFilm S100 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il FujiFilm S100, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del FujiFilm S100.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il FujiFilm S100. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo FujiFilm S100 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.