Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto FinePix A220 del fabbricante Fujifilm
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Befo re You Begin Firs t Steps Basic Photograph y and P layback More on Photography More on Pl ayback Movies Connections Menus T ech nical No tes T roubleshooting Appendix For information on relat ed produc t s, visit our website a t http:/ /www.fujifilm.
ii Camer a Q & A Find it ems by ta sk. Camera S etu p Camera Setup Que st io n Question Key phr as e Key phrase See p ag e See page How do I set the camera clo ck? Date and time 1 0 Can I set the .
iii Camera Q & A Que st io n Question Key phr as e Key phrase See p ag e See page How do I keep the f lash from fir ing ? Flash mode 22 How do I stop my subject s’ eyes glowing red when I use th.
iv Cam era Q & A ..................................................................................... ii Cam era S etup ............................................................................... ii T a ki ng Pic tu res ......................
v T able o f Contents Me nus Menus The Shooting Menu ...................................................................... 54 Using t he Sho oti ng Me nu ......................................................... 54 Sho otin g Men u Opti ons .........
vi About This Manual This man ual is for u se with the following camera s: the DIGIT AL CAMERA A 1 60, A 1 70, A 1 80, A220, A230 and A235 . All operations are iden tical; save wher e otherw ise not ed, the illustrations in th is manu al show the A230.
1 Before Y ou Begin Introduct ion Sym bols a nd Con ventions Sy mbols a nd Con ventions The following symbols are u sed in this manu al: C Caution : This inform ation shou ld be read before u se to en sur e correct operation. A Note : Poi nts to not e when using the camera.
2 Introduction Parts of t he Camera Part s of the Camera For more i nforma tion, refe r to the page li sted to the righ t of each it em. 12 3 4 5 6 11 78 13 12 14 15 10 9 17 16 18 19 Selector button MENU/OK button (pg. 1 0) Move cur sor left L (macro) button (pg.
3 Before Y ou Begin Introduction The Mon itor The Monitor The following ind icat ors may appea r in the monit or during shooti ng and playback: ■ ■ Shoo ting Shooting 10 : 00 AM 10 : 00 AM 2 2 3 3 - 1 - 1 ISO 100 ISO 100 N N 9 9 12 / 31 / 2050 12 / 31 / 2050 13 12 14 16 15 17 18 19 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 9 11 10 Fo cus fr ame .
First Steps 4 Inserting t he Batteries The camera takes two AA alkaline (LR6 ) bat teries ( supplied) or two AA rechar geable Ni-MH bat teries (sold sepa rat ely) . Inser t the batteries in the camera a s described b elow . 1 Open the bat ter y- chamber cover .
First Steps 5 Inserting a Memor y Card Although the camera ca n store pictures in in te rnal memor y , SD memory cards ( sold separat ely) can be used to store add itional pic tures. When no memor y card is inserted , d a ppears in the monit or and int ernal memor y is used for r ecord ing and pla yback .
6 Inser ting a Memo r y Card ■ ■ Inse rt ing a Me mor y Card Inse rti ng a Memo ry Card 1 Open the bat ter y- chamber cover . 2 Insert the memor y card. Holding the memory card in the orientat ion shown below , slide it all the way i n. CLICK Be sure card is in c orrec t orientation ; do not insert at an angle or use forc e.
First Steps 7 Inser ting a Memo r y Card Removing M emor y Cards Be sure the camera is of f before opening the bat ter y- chamber cover . Press the card in and then release it slowly . The c ard can now be removed by hand. C Cautions • The memor y card may spring out if you remove your finger immediately af ter pushing the card in.
8 Inser ting a Memo r y Card C Cautions • Fo rmat memor y cards before firs t use, and be sure t o reformat all memor y cards af ter using them in a comput er or other device. F or more information on form at ting memor y cards, see page 73. • Memor y c ards are small and can be swallowed; keep out of reach of children.
First Steps 9 T urning the Camera on and Of f Shooti ng Mode Shooting Mode Press the n button t o turn the camera on. The lens will ex tend a nd the lens cov er will open. Press n again to turn the camera of f. B Tip: Switc hi ng to Pl ayb ack M ode Press the D button to star t p layback .
10 Basic Setup A language-selec tion dialog is di splay ed the firs t time the camera is tu rned on. Set up the camera as described below (for inf ormation on r eset ting the clock or cha nging langu ages, see page 69) . 1 Choose a language. SET SET NO NO ST ART ST ART MENU MENU / LANG.
First Steps 11 Basic Setup A Note Go t o the setup menu if you tr y to set the language, date or bat ter y t yp e again (pg. 69). B Tip: The Camera Clock If the bat teries are removed for an ex tended perio d, the camer a clock and b atter y t y pe will b e reset when the camera is turned on.
12 Ba sic P hot og rap hy an d Pla yba ck T aking Pictures in k (Au to) M o de This section describes how to take pictures in k mode. 1 T urn the camera on.
13 Ba sic P hot og rap hy an d Pla yba ck T ak ing Pictures in k (Au to) Mo de 3 Frame the picture. Pos ition the main subject in the focus area and use the z oom but tons t o frame the picture in the monit or . Zoom in u sing optical zoom, or use d igital zoom (pg.
14 T ak ing Pictures in k (Au to) Mo de Framing Guideline The images change as shown b elow if you press the DISP /BACK but ton. Indicators displayed Indicators hidden Best framing T o use the be st fr aming, position the main subjec t at the int erse c tion of two lines or align one of the horizontal lines with the horiz on.
15 Ba sic P hot og rap hy an d Pla yba ck T ak ing Pictures in k (Au to) Mo de 5 Shoot. Smoothly press the s hut ter but ton the r est of the way down to tak e the pic ture .
16 Viewing Pi c tures Pictures can be viewed in the mon itor . When taking impor tant phot ographs, tak e a test shot a nd check the res ults. 1 Press the D but ton. The most recent picture will be di splay ed in the monit or . ISO 100 ISO 100 100-0001 100-0001 12 / 31 / 2050 12 / 31 / 2050 10 : 00 AM 1 0:0 0 AM N N 250 250 F 3.
17 More on P hotography Intelligent F ace Detec tion Int elligent F ace Detec tion allows the camera to a utoma tically detect human faces and set focus and exposure f or a face anywhere in the frame for shots tha t emphas ize por trait subject s. Choose for grou p por traits to pr event the camera from f ocusing on the backg round.
18 Intelligen t Fac e Detection 3 Focus. Pres s the shutter button halfway to set f ocus and exp osur e for the subject in the green border . C Cautions • If no face is detected when the shut ter but ton is pressed half way (pg. 80), the camera will focus on the subjec t at the cen ter of the monitor .
19 More on P hotography Foc u s Lo c k T o compose pho tographs with off- cen ter s ubjec ts: 1 Position the subject in the focus f rame. 2 Focus. Pres s the shutter button halfway to set focus and exposure . Focus and exposure will r emain locked whi le the shutter button is pr essed half way (AF / AE lock).
20 Focus Lo ck Autofocus Although the camera bo ast s a high- precision autofocus sys tem, it may be unable to focus on the subjec ts listed below. If the camera is unable to focus using autofocus, use focus lock (pg. 1 9) t o focus on another subjec t at the same distance and then recompose the photograph.
21 More on P hotography L Macro mode ( Close- ups ) T o selec t macro mode, pr ess the selec tor lef t ( L ). L icon appears in monitor when camer a is in macro mode When macro mode is in effec t, the camer a focuses on subjects near the cen ter of the monit or .
22 K Using the F lash Use the flash when ligh ting is poor , for example when shooting a t night or indoors under low l ight. T o choose a f lash mode, pr ess the selec tor righ t ( K ). The f lash mode changes e ach time the selec tor is pr essed; in modes other th an AUT O, the curren t mode is indicat e d by an ic on in the monitor .
23 More on P hotography ( Silent Mode In situations in which camera sounds or light from the f lash may be unwelcome , press the DISP /BACK but ton until ( is dis played in the monitor . The c amera speaker , shooting indic ator , f lash, and indicator and self-timer lamps turn off.
24 J Using the Self- Timer The camera of fers a ten-second timer th at allows pho tographers t o appear in their o wn photograph s, and a two -second timer tha t can be used to av oid blur cau sed by the camera moving when the shutter button is pr essed.
25 More on P hotography The self-timer lam p on the front of the camera wil l blink immedia tely before the picture i s taken. If the two -second timer i s selec ted, the self -timer lamp wil l blink as the timer c ounts down.
26 a Shooting Mode Choose a shooting mode ac cor ding to the sc ene or t ype of subjec t. Selecti ng a Shooti ng Mode Selecti ng a Shooti ng Mode 1 Press MENU/OK to d ispla y the shooting menu. SHOOTING MODE FACE DETECTION SHOOTING MENU QUALITY ISO CONTINUOUS AUTO OFF N 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or down t o highlight a SHOOTING MODE .
27 More on P hotography Shooti ng Modes Shooting Modes M M MANUAL MANU AL Choose this mode for c omplete c ontr ol of shooting settings, includ ing exp osur e com pensation (pg.
28 k k AUTO AUT O Choose for cri sp, cle ar sna pshots (pg. 1 2) . This mode is recom mended in most situations. p p BAB Y MO DE BABY MODE Choose for na tural skin tones when ta king por traits of infants.
29 More on P hotography 4 Press MENU/OK . An edge of the pic ture you h ave just tak en will be dis played at one side of the frame. 2 2 3 3 1 1 SELECT FRAME 99 99 5 F rame the nex t shot to o verlap with the previous picture .
30 B B NA TUR AL LIG HT NA TUR AL LIG HT Captur e natural l ight i ndoors, under low ligh t, or where the flash can not be used. The f lash turns of f and sensitivity is rai sed to reduc e blur . G G BEACH BEA CH Choose for cri sp, cle ar shots tha t captur e the brightnes s of sunlit beaches.
31 More on P layback Single - F rame Pla yback T o view the most recen t pic ture in the monit or , press the D button. 12 / 31 / 2050 12 / 31 / 2050 10:00 AM 10:00 AM ISO 100 ISO 100 100 100 - 0001 0001 ISO 100 100-0001 12 / 31 / 2050 10:00 AM 250 250 F4.
32 Single-Frame Playback Playback Zoom Playback Zoom Press T to zoom in on im ages dis played in single-frame playback; press W t o zoom out. Press W to zoom out Press T to zoom in Zoom indic ator When the picture is zoomed in, the selec tor can be used t o view are as of the image not cu rrently vi sible in the display .
33 More on P layback Multi- F rame P layba ck T o change the nu mber of images displa yed, press W when a picture is shown full-frame in the monit or .
34 Sort by Date 1 In sing le -frame playback, press DISP / BACK un til the sor t-by-dat e screen is displaye d. The pic ture di splayed in the sing le -frame playback rem ains selected. 1/13 1/13 2050 2050 12/31 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or down t o selec t a dat e.
35 More on P layback A Deleting Pictures The ER ASE option in the pl ayback menu can be used to delet e s till pictures and movies, incr eas ing the amoun t of space a vailable on the memory card or in int ernal memor y (for inf ormation on deleting pictures in sing le -frame playback, see page 1 6) .
36 ■ ■ FRAM E FR AM E : Dele tin g Selec ted I mage s : Deleti ng Selec ted Image s Selecting FR A M E displays th e dialog shown at ri ght. YES CANCEL ERASE OK? Pr ess the selec tor lef t or righ.
37 Movies A Recording Movies Shoot short movies at 30 frames per second. Sound i s recor ded via the built - in micr ophone; do not co ver the micr ophone during rec ording. 1 Press MENU/OK to d isplay the s hooting menu and selec t A MOVIE for a SHOOTING MODE (pg.
38 3 Pr ess the shutter button all the way down t o star t recordi ng. REC 12 s 12 s REC and time remaining are displayed in monit or A Notes • Focus is set when recording begins; exp osure and white balance are adju sted automatically throughout recor ding.
39 Movies D Viewing Mo vies During pla yback (pg. 3 1 ), movies ar e displa yed in the monit or as shown a t right. The following operat ions can be per formed while a movie is displaye d: PLAY 100-00.
40 Connections Viewing Pi c tures on T V Connect the camera to a T V and tune the televi sion t o the video channel t o show pictures to a g roup. Connect an A / V cable ( optional) , as shown below . Connect yellow plug to video-in jack Connect white plug to audio-in jack Insert an optional A / V cable into the U SB multi-connector of the camer a.
41 Connections Prin ting Pictures via USB If the print er suppor t s PictBridge, the camera can be c onnec ted dir ec tly to the prin ter and pictures can be print ed without firs t being copied t o a comput er . Not e that depending on the print er , not all the functions describe d below may be supported.
42 Printing Pictures via USB B Tip: Pri nti ng th e Date o f Reco rd ing To print the dat e of recording on pictures, press DISP /BACK in steps 1 – 2 to display the P ic tBridge menu (see “Printing the DPOF Print Order” on p age 4 2) .
43 Connections Printing Pictures via USB 4 Press MENU/OK to star t printing. During Printing The mess age shown at right is displayed during prin ting. Press DISP /BACK to cancel before all pictures are printed (depending on the printer , printing may end before the current picture has printed).
44 Printing Pictures via USB The C C PRINT OR DER (DPO F) option in the playback me nu can be used to cr eat e a digital “pri nt orde r ” for PictBridge- compa tible print ers (pg.
45 Connections Printing Pictures via USB 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or down t o choose the number of c opies ( up to 99) . T o remove a picture from the order , press the selec tor down un til the number of c opies is 0.
46 Printing Pictures via USB ■ ■ RESE T ALL RESE T ALL T o cancel the curr ent prin t order , selec t RESE T ALL in the C PRINT OR DER (DP OF ) menu. The confirmation s hown at righ t will be displa yed; pres s MENU/OK to remov e all pictures from the order .
47 Connections Viewing Pi c tures on a Computer The supplied FineP ixViewer sof t ware can be used to c opy pictures to a c omputer , where they can be stored, viewed, or ganiz ed, and print ed. Before proceeding, in stall FinePixViewer as descri be d below .
48 Viewing Pictures on a Computer C Caution Oth e r versions of Windows are no t suppor ted. Operation is not guaranteed on home- built computers or computers that have been upgra ded f rom earlier versions of Windows. 2 S tar t the comput er . Log in to a n acc ount with adm inistrat or privileges before pr oceeding.
49 Connections Viewing Pictures on a Computer 4 If prom pted to i nstall Windows Media Pl ayer or Dir ec t X, follow the on-screen i nstruc tions to com pl e te i ns t al lat i on . 5 When prom pted, re move the installer CD fr om the CD -R OM drive and cl ick Restart to restart the comput er.
50 Viewing Pictures on a Computer Inst alli ng FinePi xViewer : Mac intosh Installing FinePixViewer: Macintosh 1 Confirm that the computer meet s the following sys tem requirements: CPU CPU PowerPC or Intel OS OS Preins tall ed ver sions of M ac OS X 1 0.
51 Connections Viewing Pictures on a Computer 4 Remove the i nstaller CD from the CD- ROM drive. Not e that you may be un able to re move the CD if Safari is runn ing; if neces sar y , quit Safari before r emoving the CD . Stor e the installer CD in a d r y location out of dir ec t sunlig ht in case y ou need to re-install the sof t ware .
52 Viewing Pictures on a Computer 1 If the pictures you wis h to c opy are stor ed on a memor y card, i nsert the card int o the camera (pg. 5) . If no card is inserted, pic tures will be c opied f rom in tern al memor y . C Caution Loss of power during transfer could result in loss of data or damage t o internal memory or the memor y card.
53 Connections Viewing Pictures on a Computer C Cautions • Us e only memor y cards that have been format ted in the camera and contain pictures taken with the camera. If a memor y card con taining a large number of images is inser ted, there may be a delay before FinePixV iewer star ts and FinePixV iewer may be unable to impor t or s ave images.
54 Menus The Shooting Menu The shooting menu is u sed to adju st set tings for a wide range of shooting c onditions. Using t he Shooti ng Menu Using the Shooti ng Menu 1 Press MENU/OK to d ispla y the shooting menu.
55 Menus The Shooting Menu Shooti ng Menu Opt ions Sho otin g Me nu Op tion s Men u ite m Menu item Des cr ip ti on Description Opt io ns Options Def au lt Default a SHOOTING MODE Choose a sho oting mode accor ding to the t ype of subjec t (pg.
56 The Shooting Menu g g ISO ISO Con trol the camera ’s sen sitivity to ligh t with M . Higher values can be u sed to reduc e blur when ligh ting is poor; note , however , that mottling may a ppear in pictures taken a t high sensitivities.
57 Menus The Shooting Menu Choose the siz e and quality at which still pictures are r ecorded. Large pictures can be prin ted at large s izes with no dr op in quality; small pictures require less memor y , allowing m ore pic tures to be r eco rd ed.
58 The Shooting Menu d d EXP . COMPE NSA TIO N EXP . C OMPENS A TION Use exposur e compensation when phot ographing very bright, ve r y dark , or high- cont ra s t su bj ec t s .
59 Menus The Shooting Menu e e WHITE BAL ANCE WHITE BALANCE For na tural colors, choose a setting that ma tc hes the ligh t sourc e (f or an explanation of “wh ite balanc e,” see the Glossary on page 88) . Opt io n Option Des cr ip ti on Description AUT O W hite balance adjusted automa tically.
60 The Shooting Menu c c CONTIN UOUS (Continuou s shoo tin g) CONTINUOUS (Continuous shoot ing) Select m TOP 3 to captu re motion in a series of pictures. The camera takes up t o three pic tures while the sh ut ter -release button is pr essed. A Notes • Frame rate varies with shutter spe ed.
61 Menus The Pla yback Menu The playback menu i s used to man age the pic tures in i nte rnal memor y or on the memor y card. Using t he Playback Menu Using the Playback Menu 1 Press D to en ter pl ayback mode (pg. 3 1 ). 2 Press MENU/OK to d ispla y the playbac k menu.
62 The Playbac k Menu Playback Menu Opt ions Playback Menu O ptions The following options are available: Opt io n Option Des cr ip ti on Description A ERA SE Delete all or selec ted pic tures (pg. 35 ). B SLIDE SHOW View pic tures in a slide show (p g.
63 Menus The Playbac k Menu B B SLID E SHOW SLIDE SHO W View pic tures in an aut omated slide s how . Choose the t ype of show and pr ess MENU/OK to star t.
64 The Playbac k Menu E E PROTECT PROTEC T Pr otect pic tures from acc idental deletion. The following options are a vailable. ■ ■ FRAM E FR AM E Pr otect selected pictur es. 1 Pr ess the selec tor lef t or right t o dis play the desir ed pic ture.
65 Menus The Playbac k Menu F COPY COPY Copy pictures between int ernal memory and a memor y card. 1 Pr ess the selec tor up or down t o highlight d INTERNA L MEMOR Y g x CARD (c opy pic tures from int ernal memor y to the memory card) or x CARD g d INTERNAL MEMOR Y (c opy pictures from a memor y card t o int ernal memor y) .
66 The Playbac k Menu ■ ■ FRAM E FR AM E Copy selected frames . 100-0001 100-0001 COPY OK? YES CANCEL 1 Pr ess the selec tor lef t or right t o dis play the desir ed pic ture. 2 Press MENU/OK to c opy the pic ture. 3 Repea t steps 1 – 2 to copy add itional images.
67 Menus The Playbac k Menu D D IMAGE ROT A TE IMA GE RO T A TE By default, pic tures tak en in tall orienta tion are di splay ed in wide orienta tion. Use thi s option to d ispla y pic tures in the corr ec t orientation in the monit or . It has no ef fec t on pic tures di splay ed on a comput er or other device.
68 The Playbac k Menu H TRI MMI NG TRIMMING T o crea te a cr oppe d copy of a picture , play the picture back and select H TRIMMING in the playback menu (pg.
69 Menus The Setup Menu Using t he Setup Me nu Using the Setup Menu 1 Display the setup menu. 1.1 Pres s MENU/OK to di splay the menu for the curr ent mode. 1. 2 Pr ess the selec tor up or down to highlight j SET - UP . 1. 3 Pr ess the selec tor righ t to dis play the setup menu.
70 The Setup Menu Setup Me nu Opt ions Setup Menu Opt ions Men u ite m Menu item Des cr ip ti on Description Opt io ns Options Def au lt Default A A a IMAGE DISP . Choose how long pic tures are displayed af ter shooting (pg. 7 1 ). 3 SEC / 1 . 5 SEC / OFF 1 .
71 Menus The Setup Menu a a IMAGE DI SP . IMA GE DISP . Choose an option other than OFF t o display pic tures in the mon itor af ter shooting. P ic tures can be dis played for 1 .5 seconds ( 1.5 SEC ) or 3 second s ( 3 SEC ). b b FRA ME NO. FRAM E NO.
72 The Setup Menu c c DIG IT AL ZOO M DIG IT AL ZOOM If ON is selected, press ing T at the maxim um optical zoom position wil l trigger digital zoom, fur ther magn if ying the im age. T o cancel digital zoom, z oom out to the mini mum digital z oom position and press W .
73 Menus The Setup Menu m FORMA T FORMA T Forma t int ernal memor y or a memor y card. If a memory card i s inserted in the camera, x will be dis played in the dialog shown a t right and this op tion will forma t the memor y card. If no memor y card i s inserted, d will be di splay ed and thi s option will forma t int ernal memory.
74 The Setup Menu p p TIM E DIFFE R ENC E TIME D IFFE RE NC E When traveling, u se this option t o switch the camera clock instan tly from your home time zone t o the local time at your destina tion. 1 Specif y the dif ference bet ween local time and your home time zone.
75 Menus The Setup Menu k k BA T TERY T YPE BA T TERY T YPE Af ter re placing the batteries with batteries of a dif ferent typ e, select the bat ter y t yp e to ens ure that the ba t ter y level is d ispla yed correctly and the camera does not turn off une xpec tedly .
76 T echnical Notes Optional Accessories The camera suppor ts a wide range of acc essories from FU JIFILM and other m anufac turers. ■ ■ Printing Printing PictBridge-compatible prin ter (av ailabl.
77 T echnical Notes Optional Acc essories Accessories from Fujif ilm Accessor ies from Fujifilm The following optional access ories wer e available from FU JIFILM. For the la test information on the acc essories available in your region, check with your local Fu jifilm represen tative or vis it h ttp :/ /www .
78 T roubleshooti ng T roubleshooting Power an d Bat t er y Pro b le m Problem Poss i bl e ca us e Possible cause So lu tio n Solution Pag e Page Power supply The camera does not turn on. The b at teries are e xhauste d. Inser t f resh or fu lly- charge d spare b atteri es.
79 T roubleshooti ng Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Menus and Displays Pro b le m Problem Poss i bl e ca us e Possible cause So lu tio n Solution Pag e Page Menus and disp lays are not in English. English is not se lec te d for the n w option in the s etup menu.
80 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro b le m Problem Poss i bl e ca us e Possible cause So lu tio n Solution Pag e Page Intelligent Fac e Detection Face dete c t io n not available. The c amer a is in a sho oting mo de whi ch makes Intelligent F ace Detec tio n unavailable.
81 T roubleshooti ng Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro b le m Problem Poss i bl e ca us e Possible cause So lu tio n Solution Pag e Page Flash The f lash doe s not fi re. The f lash is charging. Wait for the f lash to charge. 1 5 The c amer a is in a shootin g mod e in which the f lash d oes n ot fire.
82 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Playbac k Pro b le m Problem Poss i bl e ca us e Possible cause So lu tio n Solution Pag e Page Pict ures Pic tures are grainy . The p ic tures were taken w ith a dif ferent make or model of camera. —— Playb ack zo om unavailable.
83 T roubleshooti ng Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro b le m Problem Poss i bl e ca us e Possible cause So lu tio n Solution Pag e Page Computer The comp uter does not recogni ze the camera. The c amera is n ot proper ly connec te d. Connec t the c amera corre c tly.
84 W arning Messages and Displa ys The following warn ings ar e displ ayed in the monit or : Warn in g War n in g Des c ri pt io n Description So lu tio n Solution O (red) Bat teries are low. Inser t f resh or fully - charged sp are bat teries . N (blink s re d) Bat teries are e xhaus ted.
85 T roubleshooti ng Warning Messages and Displa ys Warn in g War n in g Des c ri pt io n Description So lu tio n Solution CAR D E RRO R The m emor y card is not fo rmat ted fo r use in the cam era . Format t he mem or y c ard (p g. 73). The m emor y card contac t s require cleanin g or the memory card i s damaged.
86 Warning Messages and Displa ys Warn in g War n in g Des c ri pt io n Description So lu tio n Solution FRA ME NO. FULL The c amer a has run out o f fr ame number s ( curren t frame n umber i s 999-9999) . Format th e memo r y ca rd and sel ec t RENEW for the b FRA ME N O.
87 T roubleshooti ng Warning Messages and Displa ys Warn in g War n in g Des c ri pt io n Description So lu tio n Solution PRINTER ERR OR Printer out of p aper o r ink , or other pr inter error . Check p rinter (see printer manual for d etails). T o resume printin g, turn the p rinter of f and th en turn it back on.
88 Appendix Glos sary Digital zoom : Unlike optical zoom, digital zoom do es not increase the amount of vis ible detail. Ins tead, details visible using optical zoom are simply enlarged, producing a slightly “ grainy” image.
89 Appendix Internal Memory /Memor y Card Capacity The following table shows the recor ding time or number of pic tures available at dif ferent image qualities. All figu res are a pproxim ate ; file size varies with the sc ene recor ded, producing wide varia tions in the num ber of f iles that ca n be s tor ed.
90 Internal Memor y/Memor y Card Capacity ■ ■ DIGIT AL C AMERA A22 0 / A23 0 / A2 35 DIGIT AL CAMERA A220 / A2 30 / A23 5 y y F F y y N N ! ! 3:2 3: 2 0 0 n n m m p p t t s s Ima ge si ze (p ixe l.
91 Appendix Sys te m Model D IGI T AL CAMER A A 160 / A 1 70 / A 1 80 DI GI T AL CAM ERA A220 / A 230 / A2 35 Effec tive pixels 1 0. 2 million 1 2. 2 million CCD ½ .3 - in., s quare -pi xel CCD with primar y colo r filter Stor ag e med ia • Int ernal memory (a pprox.
92 Specif icatio ns Sys te m Shu t ter s p eed ¼ s– 1 / 1, 4 0 0 s (AUTO mode); 8 s– 1 / 1, 4 0 0 s (other modes); combined me chanical and ele c tronic shut ter Continuous Up to three f rames at.
93 Appendix Specif icatio ns Input/output terminals A / V OU T (a udio/video output) N TSC o r P AL w ith monaur al soun d Digital input/ output USB 2.
94 Specif icatio ns Color T elevision S ystems NTSC ( N ational T elevision S yst em C ommit tee) i s a color television t elecas ting specif ication adopted mainly in the U.S. A ., Canada, an d Japan. P AL ( P hase A lternation by L ine ) is a color television system adopted mainly in Eur op ean countries and China.
95 Appendix Caring for the Camera T o ensur e cont inued enjoyment of the pr oduc t, obser ve the following precautions. Storage and Us e Storage and Use If the camera will no t be used for an ex tended period, remov e the bat teries and memory card.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Fujifilm FinePix A220 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Fujifilm FinePix A220 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Fujifilm FinePix A220 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Fujifilm FinePix A220 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Fujifilm FinePix A220, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Fujifilm FinePix A220.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Fujifilm FinePix A220. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Fujifilm FinePix A220 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.