Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto GP-12K del fabbricante A&D
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GP S ERIES GP-12K/GP-20K / GP-30K/GP-32K G P-40K/GP-60K/GP-61K G P-100K/GP-102K GP-30KS/GP-32KS G P-60KS/ G P-61KS/GP-100KS Precision Balance INSTRUCTION M ANUAL WM+PD4000273D.
© 2006 A&D Company Lt d. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduc ed, transmitted, transcr ibed, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of A&D Company Lt d.
1 CONTENTS Basic operation 1. INTROD UCTION ................................................................................................................ ............ 3 1-1 About Th is Manual ........................................................
2 9-8 Data Form at Examples ....................................................................................................... .............. 46 9-9 Clock and Ca lendar Function ....................................................................
3 1. INTRODUCTION This manual describes how the GP series balance works and how to get the most out o f it in terms of performance. Read this manual thoroughly befor e us ing the balance and keep it at hand for future reference. 1-1 About This Manual This manual consists of the following five p arts: Basic operation .
4 Hold Function, provided for weighing a moving object such as an animal. Multiple Weighing Units, with most of the common units used around the world. Density Mode, for calculat ing the density of a solid. Accumulation Function, adding the we ight values and outputting the sum.
5 1-3 Compliance Compliance with FCC Rules Please note that this equi pment generates, uses and can radi ate radio frequency energy . This equipment has been tested and has been found to comply with the limits of a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules.
7 2. UNPACKING THE BALANCE 2-1 Unpacking The balance is a precision instrument. Unpack the balance carefully . Keep the packing material to be used for transporting the balance in the future. The packing contents depend on t he balance model. See the illust rations to confirm that everything is contained.
8 Sep arate display type: GP -30KS/32KS/60KS /61KS/100KS Note Please confirm that the AC adapter type is correct for your local volt age and recept acle type. 2-2 Installing the Balance Install the balance as follows: 1. Refer to “3. PRECAUTIONS” for installing the balance.
9 3. PRECAUTIONS T o get the optimum performance from the balance and acqu ire accurate weighing data, note the following: 3-1 Before Use Install the balance in an environment where the temperature and humidity are not excessive. The best operating temperature is about 20°C / 68°F at about 50% relative humidity .
10 This balance uses a str ong magnet as pa rt of the balance assembly , so please use caution when weighing magnetic materials such as iron. If there is a problem, use the underhook on the bottom of the balance to suspend the material away from the influence of the magnet.
11 3-5 Display Symbols and Key Operation Key operation Key operation affects ho w the balance func tions. The basic ke y operations are: “Press and release the key immediately” or “Pres s th.
12 3-6 Smart Range Function The GP-32K, GP-32KS and GP-102K are equipped wi th tw o ranges. The precision range has a higher resolution. The sta ndard range has normal resolution. The range is switched automatically , depending on the value displayed.
13 4. WEIGHING UNITS 4-1 Units With the GP series balance, the follow ing wei ghing units and weighing modes are available : A unit or mode can be sele cted and stored in the fun ction tab le as described in “ 4-2 Changing the Unit s”.
14 The tables below indicate the weighing cap aci ty and the minimum display for each unit, depending on the balance model. GP-12K GP-20K GP-30K GP-30KS GP-61K GP-61KS GP-40K Unit Capacity Minimum display Capac ity Minimum display G r am 12000.0 21000.
15 GP-32K/ GP-32KS Standard range Precision range Unit Capacity Mi n i m u m d i s p l a y Capacit y M i n i m u m d i s p l a y G r am 31000 1 6100.0 0.1 K i lo g r a m 31.000 0.001 6.1000 0.0001 O u n c e ( A v oi r ) 1093.50 0.05 215.170 0.005 P o un d 68.
16 4-2 Changing the Units The units or modes can be selected and stored in the function table. The sequence of displaying the units or modes can be arranged so as to fi t the frequency of use in the function table.
17 5. WEIGHING 5-1 Basic Operation (Kilogram Mode) 1 Place a container on the wei ghing pan, if necessary. Press the RE-ZERO key to c ancel the weight (tare). The balance displays 0. 0000 kg . (The decimal point position depends on the balance model.) 2 Place a sample on the pan or in the container.
18 5-2 Counting Mode (PCS) This is the mode to determine t he number of objects in a sample based on the standard sample unit mass. Unit mass means the mass of one sample. The smaller the variables in each sample unit mass is, the more accurate the counting will be.
19 Counting operation 7 Place the samples to be counted on the pan. Note Up to 50 unit masses can be stored in memory fo r the multiple sample. For details, refer to “11.
20 5-3 Percent Mode (%) This is the mode to display t he weight value in percentage compared to a 100% reference mass and is used for target weighing or checking the sample variable. Selecting the percent mode 1 Press the MODE key to select % (percent mode).
21 5-5 Accumulation Function The accumulation function adds the weighi ng data and displays the total value. T o use the accumulation function, set the “Accumulation function ( add )” parameter of the function table as described below . Note While the accumulation function is in use, the data memory function is not available.
22 Using the accumulation function Use the keys below to operat e the accumulation function. MODE key: Displays the weighing data and the tota l value alternately each time it is pressed. Will not change the unit while the a ccumulation function is in use.
23 6. RESPONSE ADJUSTMENT / SELF CHECK FUNCTION This function detects the influence on weighing that is caused by drafts and/or vibrat ion at the place where the balance is installed and sets the response characteristic automatica lly . When this function is selected, the balance self-checks th e performance at the same time.
24 Notes If improper performance is found in the self check, the balance displays CH no . Contact the local A&D dealer for repair. If the automatic response adjustment fails, the balance displays CH ng . Check the ambient conditions such as breeze and vibration, al so check the weigning pan.
25 7. CALIBRATION 7-1 Calibration Group The GP series balance has the follo wing modes as a calibration group. Calibration Automatic self calibration (calibra tion due to changes in temperature) �.
26 Display This indicator means “the balanc e is measuring calibration data”. Do not allow vibration or drafts to affe ct the balance while this indicator is displayed.
27 7-3 Calibration Using the Internal mass (One-Touch Calibration) This function calibrates the balance using the internal mass. The only operation required is to press the CAL key . Operation 1 Plug in the AC adapte r and warm up the balan ce for at least 30 minut es with nothing on the weighing pan.
28 7-4 Calibration Using an External Weight This function calibrates the balanc e using an external weight. Operation 1 Plug in the AC adapter and warm up the balance for at least 30 minutes with nothing on the pan. 2 Press and hold the CAL key until Calout is displayed, then release the key.
29 5 Confirm that there is nothing on the pan and press the PRINT key. The balanc e measures the zero point. Do not allow vibration or drafts to affect the balance. The balance displays the calibration weight value. 6 Place the displayed calibration weight on the pan and press the PRINT key.
30 7-5 Calibration Test Using an External Weight This function tests the balance weighing accura cy using an external mass and outputs the result. This is available only when the “GLP output ( info )” parameter is set to “ 1 ” or “ 2 ”. (Calibration test does not perform calibration.
31 5 Confirm that there is not hing on the pan a nd press the PRINT key. The balance meas ures the zero poi nt and displays the measured value. Do not allow vibration or drafts to affect the balance. The balance displays the target weight value. 6 Place the displayed target weight on the pan and press the PRINT key.
32 7-6 Correcting the Internal Mass Value The GP series balance can correct the internal mass value within the range shown below . This function corrects the internal mass value to confor m to an external weight. The corrected mass value is maintained in non-volatile memory even if the AC adapter is removed.
33 Operation 1 Calibrate the balance using the internal mass. (one-touch calibration) Then, place an external weight and confirm the value to be corrected. In the example, the value is to be corrected b y 0.6 gram in 20 kilograms. 2 Press the ON:OFF key to turn off the display.
34 8. FUNCTION SWITCH AND INITIALIZATION 8-1 Permit or Inhibit The balance stores parameters t hat must not be changed unintenti onally (e.g. Calibration data for accurate weighing, Data for adapting to the oper ating environment, Control data for the RS-232C interface).
35 8-2 Initializing the Balance This function returns the following parameters to fa ctory settings. Calibration data Function table The sample unit mass value (counting mode) , 100 % refe.
36 9. FUNCTION TABLE The function table reads or rewrites the parameters that are stored in the balance. These p arameters are maintained in non-volatile memory , even if the AC adapter is removed. 9-1 Structure and Sequence of the Function Table The function table menu cons ists of two layers.
37 9-3 Details of the Function Table P.
39 Caution The balance may not transmit the data complete ly at the specified refresh rate, depending on the baud rate or data added to the weighi ng data such as time, date and ID number .
40 9-4 Description of the Class “Environment, Display” Condition ( Cond ) Cond 0 This parameter is for sensitive response to the fluctuation of a weight value . Used for powder target weighing, weighing a very light sample or when quick response weighing is required.
41 Zero tracking ( trc ) This function tracks zero point drift caused by changes in the env ironment and stabilizes the zero point. When the weighing data is only a few digits , turn the function of f for accurate weighing. Note Digit, when used for the GP series balance , in dicates the smallest display able weighing value.
42 9-5 Description of the Item “Data output mode” The parameter setting of “Data outp ut mode ( prt )” applies to the performance when the “Data memory ( data )” parameter is set to “ 2 ” (to store the weighing data) and when the data is transmitted using the RS-232C interface.
43 Interval memory mode The weighing data is periodically stored in memory . Required setting dout prt 3 Interval memory mode dout data 2 Data memory function is used. S tores weighing data. dout int Interval time Optional setting dout 5-td1 , 2 , or 3 Adds the time and date.
44 KF format 5if type 2 This is the Karl-Fischer moisture meter format and is used when the perip heral equipment can onl y communicate using this format. This format consists of fourteen characters excluding the terminator . This format has no header characters.
45 9-7 Description of the Data Format Added to the Weighing Data ID number dout 5-id 1 The number to identify a specific balance. This format consists of seven characters excluding the terminator . Dat a number dout d-no 1 This format outputs the da ta number just before t he data is transmitted using the RS-232C interface.
46 9-8 Data Format Examples.
47 Note When “Pound Ounce” is selected, the data is output with the unit of ounce (oz)..
48 9-9 Clock and Calendar Function The balance is equipped with a clock and ca lendar function. When the “GLP output ( info )” parameter is set to “ 1 ” or “ 2 ” and the “T ime/Date output ( 5-td )” parameter is set to “ 1 ”, “ 2 ” or “ 3 ”, the time and date are added to the output data.
49 Confirming the date 6 The current date is displayed with all the digits blinking. To change the display order of year ( y ), month ( n ) and day ( d ), press the MODE key. The date is output in the order as specified. When the date is correct and the operation is to be finished, press the CAL key and proceed to step 8.
50 9-10 Comparator Function The results of the comp arison are indicated by HI OK LO on the display . Operating conditions: No comparison Comparison when the weighing data is st able or overl .
51 Weighing input mode Press the RE-ZERO key. The balan ce displays 0. 0 g . Place a sample, with a mass that corresponds to the upper limit va lue, on the pan. Press the PRINT key to store the upper limit value. Remove the sample. The balance displays Cp lo .
52 9 With Cp lnt displayed, press the PRINT key. The current setting of the tolerance value is displayed with all the digits blinking. When the current setting is not to be changed, pr ess the PRINT or CAL key to proceed to step10. When the current setting is to be changed, pr ess the RE-ZERO key.
53 Setting the function t able 2 Press and hold the SAMPLE key until ba5fnc of th e function table is displ ayed, then release th e key. 3 Press the SAMPLE key seve ral times to display Cp fnc . 4 Press the PRINT key. 5 Press the SAMPLE key seve ral times to display Cp-b 0 .
54 10. ID NUMBER AND GLP REPORT The ID number is used to ident ify the balance when Good Labor atory Practice (GLP) is used. The ID number is maintained in non-volatile memory even if the AC adapter is removed.
55 10-2 GLP Report Set the following parameters to output the report. T o print the report, set the “GLP output ( info )” parameter to “ 1 ” and use MODE 3 of the AD-8121B. For details on using the printer , refer to “15-1 Connection to the AD-8121B Printer”.
56 Calibration report using an external weight When the setting is “ info 1 ”: When the setting is “ info 2 ”: Calibration test report using an external weight (Calibration test does not perform calibration.
57 Title block and end block When weight values are recorded as GLP data, a “T itle block” is inserted at the beginning and an “End block” is inserted at the end of a gr oup of weight values in the GLP report. Note To output the report to an AD-8121B , use MODE 3 of the AD-8121B.
58 11. DATA MEMORY Data memory is a function to store weighing data, calibration data and unit mass in memory . Of the data in memory , the bala nce can only display the weighing data. The weighing data and calibration data in memory are available for outputting at one time to a printer or personal computer .
59 11-2 Memory for Weighing Data The data memory function can store 200 sets of weighing data (100 set if time and date are added). Even if the AC adapter is removed, the data is maint ained in non-volatile memory .
60 The following commands can not be used during d ata storage. Q Query command for weighing data. S Query command for stable weighing dat a. SI Query command for weighing data.
61 Recalling the memory dat a Confirm that the “Data memory ( data )” p arameter is set to “ 2 ”. 1 Press and hold the PRINT key until reCall is displayed, then release the key.
62 11-3 Memory for Calibration and Calibration Test Data Calibration d ata (when an d how it is performed) and calibra tion test dat a can b e stored in memory . All the data in memory is available to be output at one time to a printer or personal computer .
63 11-4 Memory for Unit Mass in the Counting Mode The data memory function can store 50 sets of unit mass for the counting mode. Even if the AC adapter is removed, the data is maintai ned in non-volatile memory . Among the 50 set s, “ p01 ” is the memory function fo r the standard counting mode.
64 Weighing input mode In the weighing input mode, the s pecified number of samples is pl aced on the pan to store the unit mass. Re-storing the unit mass or performing Auto matic Counting Accuracy Improvement (ACAI) on the re-stored unit mass is possibl e.
65 11-5 Memory for Comparator Settings The data memory function can store 20 sets of upper and lower limit values for the comparator mode. The reference value or tolerance value for t he comparator mode can not be stored in memory . The upper and lower limit values in memory can be recalled easily using the MODE key and used for weighing.
66 Digit al input mode In the digital input mode, the upper and lower limit values are entered digitally using the keys. The display in the digital input mode is shown below . Use the following keys to store upper and lowe r limit values in digital input mode.
67 Recalling the upper and lower limit values (Quick selection mode) The procedure below describes an ea sy way to re call the upper and lo wer limit values to be used for weighing. When the recalled upper and lowe r limit values are to be changed, refer to “S toring the upper and lower limit values”.
68 Storing the t are value T o store a new tare value: Recall the stored tare value to be changed (“ t01 ” to “ t20 ”). Then, change the recalled tare value using the digital input mo de or the weighing inp ut mode, and store the new value.
69 Weighing input mode In the weighing input mode, a sample tare cont ainer is placed on the pan to store the tare value. Notes Pressing the CAL key will interrupt the operation a nd the balance will return to the tare value confirmation mode (step 3 in “Storing the tare value”).
70 Recalling the t are value (Quick selection mode) The procedure below describes an easy way to recall the tare value to be used for weighing. When the recalled tare value is to be changed, refer to “S toring the tare value”. 1 Set the “Data memory ( data )” parameter to “ 5 ”.
71 11-7 Data Memory: Quick Selection Mode The data memory has a quick selection mode, to recall dat a in memory quickly . Using the quick selection mode, the comparator settings or the ta re value, whichever is selected in the function table, can be re called, by a simple operation, using the MODE key .
72 11-8 Data Memory: Confirmation and Storage Mode The confirmation and storage mode can change and store the recalled data. Of the three types of memory data listed below , one may be selected in the function table, and is available for changes using this mode.
73 12. PROGRAMMABLE-UNIT This is a programmable unit conv ersion function. It multiplies the weighing data in kilograms by an arbitrary coefficient set in the func tion table and displays the result. The coefficien t must be within the range between the minimum and maximum shown below .
74 13. DENSITY MEASUREMENT The GP series balance is equipped wi th a density mode. It calculates the density of a solid using the weight of a sample in air and the weight in liquid. The density mode was not select ed for use when the balance was sh ipped from the factory .
75 (2) Selecting a parameter to set. 1 Press the SAMPLE key to select a parameter to set. Each pressing of th e key switches the parameter. 2 Press the RE-ZERO key to enter the i nputting mode of the param eter selected. (3) Setting the parameter . A.
76 C. Entering the density of a liquid. Two ways to set the density of a liquid are available in the function table, Liquid density input ( ldin ): by entering the water temperature or by entering the density directly.
77 14. I/O UNIT SPECIFICATIONS (Standard) 14-1 RS-232C//External Contact Input D-Sub 25 pin numbers D-Sub 25 pin assignment s Pin No. Signal name Interface type Direction Description 1 FG - Frame grou.
78 External cont act input By connecting pin 18 to pin 7, or pin 19 to pin 7, for more than 100 ms, the same operation as performed by pressing the RE-ZERO key or the PRINT key, will be performed. Use of example The external input connector (AX-HDB-25P/CTF) and the foot switch (AX-SW128) are sold separately.
79 15. CONNECTION TO PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT 15-1 Connection to the AD-8121B Printer Set the following parameters to use the AD-8121B printer . Function setting Description dout prt 0-3 Selects a print mode. dout ap-p 0-2 Selects the p olarity for the auto print mode.
80 15-3 Using Windows Communication Tools (WinCT) When Windows is used as an oper ating system in a personal computer , the provi ded WinCT software can be used to transmit the we ighing data to the personal computer . The WinCT sof tware has two communication methods: “RsCom” and “RsKey”.
81 16. COMMANDS 16-1 Command List Note A command has a terminator adde d, that is specified using “ 5if Crlf ” of the function table, and is sent to the balance. Commands to query weighing data C Cancels the S or SIR command. Q Requests the weighing data immediately .
82 16-2 Acknowledge Code and Error Codes When the “Serial interface function ( 5if )” parameter is set to “ erCd 1 ”, the balance outputs <AK> code or error code to each command as follows: <AK> (06h) Acknowledge in ASCII code.
83 17. MAINTENANCE Do not disassemble the balance. C ontact the local A&D dealer if the balance needs service or repair . Use the original packing material for transportation. Do not use organic solvents to clean the balance. Clean the balance with a lint free cloth that is moistened with warm water and a mild detergent.
84 Sample and cont ainer Has the sample absorbe d or lost moisture due to the ambient conditions such as temperature and humidity? Has the temperature of the container been a llowed to equalize to the ambient temper ature? Refer to “3-2 During Use”.
85 Display Error code Description Weighing p an Error The weight value is too light. Confirm that the weighing pan is properly installed and calibrate the balance. Sample mass error The balance can not store the sample for the counting mode or for the percent mode because it is too light.
86 Display Error code Description Memory type error T ype of memory set in the function table and type of data stored are different. For details, refer to “1 1. DA T A MEMOR Y”. EC, E00 Communications error A protocol error occurred in communications.
87 19. SPECIFICATIONS GP-12K GP-20K GP-30K GP-30KS GP-32K GP-32KS GP-40K Weighing cap acity 12 kg 21 kg 31 kg 31 kg 41 kg Maximum display (See bottom for the description of ∗ ) 12.0084 kg 21.0084 kg 31.0084 kg 31.008 kg 6.1009 kg ∗ 41.0080 kg Minimum weighing value (1 digit) 0.
88 GP-60K GP-60KS GP-61K GP-61KS GP-100K GP-100KS GP-102K Weighing cap acity 61 kg 61 kg 101 kg 101 kg Maximum display (See bot tom for ∗ ) 61.084 kg 61.0084 kg 101.084 kg 101.08kg 61.009 kg ∗ Minimum weighing value (1 digit) 1 g 0.1 g 1 g 10 g/1 g Repeatability (S tandard deviati on) 0.
89 20. EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS St andard T ype: GP-12K/20K/3 0K/32K/40K/60K/61K/100K/102K Note The size in parentheses is for the GP-100K/102K Unit: mm.
90 Sep arate Display T ype: GP-30KS/32KS/60KS/61KS/100KS Note The size in parentheses is for GP-100KS Unit: mm.
91 21. OPTIONS AD-8121B Printer Compact dot-matrix printer S tatistical function, clock and calendar function, interval print function, graphic print function, dump print mode 5 x 7 dots, .
92 22. TERMS/INDEX T erms St able value The stable weight data, indicated by the illuminated stabilization indicator . Environment Ambient conditions such as vibration, draf ts, temperature, static electricity and magnetic fields which affect the weighing operation.
93 Index Keys and symbols ON/OFF key .................................................. 1 1 SAMPL E key ...........................................1 1, 12 MODE key ............................................... 1 1, 13 CAL key .......................
94 Gross indi cator ........................................................ 41 Grounding term inal ................................................ 7, 8 - H - Hold .......................................................... 37, 40 Hold func tion .....
95 MEMO.
96 MEMO.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il A&D GP-12K è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del A&D GP-12K - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso A&D GP-12K imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul A&D GP-12K ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il A&D GP-12K, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del A&D GP-12K.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il A&D GP-12K. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo A&D GP-12K insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.