Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Language Master Colour del fabbricante Franklin
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1 BDS-7100 User’ s Guide ™.
2 1. Getting Started 4 1.1 Charging the Battery 4 1.2 Switching On and O 6 1.3 Setting the Message Language 6 1.4 Using the Main Menu 7 1.5 Key Guide 8 1.6 Browsing in the Device 10 1.7 Product Registration 11 2. Quick Guide to Product Featur es 12 2.
3 6.3 Using the Clock 69 6.4 Using the Alarm 70 6.5 Using Memo 71 6.6 Using V oice Memo 72 6.7 Metric Converter 73 6.8 Currency Converter 74 6.9 Using Countdown Timer 75 6.10 Organizer P assword 76 7. ENTERT AINMENT Menu 77 7.1 Music Player 77 7.2 Video Player 79 7.
4 1. Getting Star ted 1.1 Charg ing the Battery Y our device is pow ered by a built-in r echargeable lithium polymer battery. T o charge the battery , 1. Connect the small end of a USB cable to the Mini-USB port on the device and the wide end to the USB port of your comput er .
5 1.1 Charging the Batter y Battery Precautions • Ifthedeviceisnotusedforalongperiodoftime,thebatterymay lose its charge. Please r echarge the battery following the steps described above in order t o use your device .
6 1.2 Swit ching On and O Press to switch on or o the device . 1.3 Setting the Message Language The rst time you use this device (or f ollowing a product reset), y ou will be promoted to set the message language used f or on-screen prompts and menu items.
7 1.4 Using the Main Menu Press menü to access the main menu at any scr eens to quickly take you to dier ent books and exer cises in your device . The main menu contains six tabs: Books , Learn , Ex ercises , Organizer , Enter tainment and Settings .
8 1.5 Key Guide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 19 21 22 1. T urns on or o. 2. Displays help instructions. 3. Reset button 4. Soft keys – Press F1 to F6 that corresponds t o the functional label at the bottom of the screen. 5. Microphone 6.
9 1.5 K ey Guide 16. T ypes a space. 17. Direction keys – Moves up ( ), down ( ), left ( ) or right ( ). 18. Scrolls up or down one screen at a time . 19. At a wor d entry screen, types a “?” to stand f or an unknown letter in a word. 20. Enters a wor d, selects an item, submits a response or begins selection mode in an entr y .
10 1.6 Bro w sing in the Device Brow sing in a List Brow sing in an Entr y Press / to scroll up or down one screen at a time. In a screen, press / to highlight an option and press eingabe to select the highlighted option.
11 Reverting Back • Atanyscreen,press menü t o go back to the main menu. • Press esc to cancel the curren t operation and rev ert back to the last working prompt, screen or menu. 1.7 Pr oduc t R egistra tion Visit anklin.
12 2. Quick Guide to Pr oduc t F eatures 2.1 Dic tionaries and Searching The table shows the possible wa ys for sear ching with each dictionar y in the device. F or details, refer to the sections in this user’ s guide indicated in the table (for example , 3.
13 Other D ictionar y F eatures Fea tures Sections Spelling corrections 3.4 Looking up inections or conjugations 3.6 Looking up words in a dictionary entr y 3.9 Viewing confusables of a w ord 3.7 Viewing usage examples of a w ord 3.8 Saving words f or further study or review 3.
14 2.3 O ther Useful F eatur es Fea tures Sections Creating your o wn dictionaries 4.8 Finding tr anslations of useful phrases 4.3 Making references to g rammar guides 4.4 Improving your knowledge in business English and learning the business customs in various countries 4.
15 3. BOOKS Menu 3.1 Using Global Search Global Search allows searching f or all words saved in the dictionaries. Y ou can use multiple wor ds for searching . 1. T o access Global Search, pr ess / / / to select Global Search in the Books menu and then press eingabe .
16 D-S PONS German-Spanish Dic tionar y E-D PONS English-German Dic tionar y Oxt Oxford Learner ’ s Thesaurus Oxd Oxford A dvanced Learner’ s Dictionar y F-D PONS Fr ench-German Dic tionary I-D PO.
17 3.2 Using the Dictionaries The following instructions apply to the dictionaries in the Books menu. Note: The functions described below may not be a vailable to all dictionaries or at all times. F or instructions on using the visual dictionar y , see 3.
18 Using Soft Keys Soft key func tions are repr esented by the labels display ed along the bottom of the screen. These labels change to reect the various functions available in dierent f eatures of the devic e. P ress F1 to F6 that correspond to the labels .
19 RANGE Renes searches by multiple words . Pr ess / to select an option from the menu and then press eingabe . All = Look f or entries with the search wor ds, whenever they appear . Items following specied order = L ook for entries with the search wor ds, in the order as y ou typed.
20 3.3 Searching Idioms , Usage Examples and C ollocations Y ou may rene y our searches to sho w only entries containing idioms, usage examples or collocations in Global Search and dictionaries. 1. In Global Search or dictionaries, press FN + / (or press F5/ F6) to select ‘Idiom’ , ‘Example’ or ‘ Collocation ’ (if available).
21 3.4 M isspelling W ords If the letters you type do not nd a match in the list, your w ord is misspelled or not in the dictionaries. A list of possible spelling corrections is displayed. P ress / to select the entr y you want and then press eingabe .
22 3.6 Inec tions/Conjuga tions Inec ted F orm S earching The device is equipped with a smart system to retrieve r esults from an inected word. F or example, when you type “ ate” , the device will retriev e results from the w ord “ eat ” .
23 3.7 Confusable W ords Confusables are homon yms, homophones and spelling variants that are easy to confuse . When the word you looked up has confusables, the function label CONF appears . Press C ONF to view the confusables. 3.8 Usage Examples Many entries in the dictionaries contain also usage examples.
24 3.9 Highlighting W ords Another way to look up w ords in the dictionaries is by highlighting them in an entry. Note: this f eature ma y not be available on all screens . 1. At a te xt screen supporting word selection, press eingabe . • Iftherstwordonthescreenishighlight ed,thisfea tureis supported.
25 3.10 Adding W ords to My W ord List As you explor e new words , save them in My Word List f or further study or review . 1. In a dictionar y , t ype a word y ou want to look up and add to the word list . 2. Press LIST . • Apop-upmenuappears.
26 3.11 Using PONS Das g roße Bildwörterbuch Use the PONS große Bildw örterbuch to search words and their translations from color images in English, F rench, German, I talian and Spanish. 1. T o access PONS Das gr oße Bildwörterbuch, press / / / to select PONS Das große Bildwörterbuch in the Books menu and then press eingabe .
27 • T oenteranumber ,press FN + a number key . • If necessar y , press Z OOM repeatedly to zoom in or out the diagram. In an enlarged diagram, press the dir ection keys, if necessary, t o move around . • Press or to hear the entr y pronounced in the source or target language, r espectively .
28 Ex ercises The PONS Das große Bildw örterbuch contains also exercises . Y ou may select matching words or pronuncia tions with the images. 1. In a dictionar y entry , press EXER. 2. Press / to selec t a game and then press eingabe . • Y ouseeorhearawor daccordingtothegameselected .
29 3.12 Hints on Inputting W ords The following instructions apply to all entry screens where w ord input is allowed. N ote: Some entry screens may allow only certain types of character inputs. Inputs Methods Capital letters (e.g . A, E) Hold and press a letter key .
30 3.13 V iewing Downloaded Dic tionaries Y our device is not limited to the dictionaries it comes with. Additional dictionaries can be downloaded from Fr anklin’ s website and installed in the device. Select this option in the Books menu to access the downloaded dictionaries.
31 4. LEARN Menu 4.1 PONS Business Englisch The guide contains a large c ollection of essential English guides for business. It is divided into two sections: Businessprachführer Englisch and Überlebenswortschatz und Business Knigge. Ac cessing the Guide 1.
32 Using Businesspr achführer Englisch 1. In Businessprachführer Englisch, press / to selec t a main topic and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to select a sub -topic. • T oreturntothelistofmaintopics ,press CA TEGOR Y .
33 Using Überlebensw or tschatz und Business Knigge 1. In Überlebenswortschatz und Business Knigge, press / to select a country and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to selec t a topic. • Press C OUNTRY to return to the list of c ountries. • Press PREV or NEXT to view the list of topics in the pr evious or next country.
34 Using Business Englisch W ör terbuch 1. In the W örterbuch, press / to select a word. • Alternatively ,typeinthesearchboxtolookforaw ord. 2. Press DICT to view denition of the selected word. • T ochangethelanguageoftheheadwords ,press T OGGLE .
35 4.2 PONS Sprach trainig PONS Sprachtraining contains list ening comprehension traninings f or English, Fr ench, Italian and Spanish learners. 1. In the Learn menu, press / to select PONS Sprachtraining and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to selec t a book you want and then pr ess eingabe .
36 4.3 Phrasebook 1. In the Learn menu, press / to select Phrasebook and then press eingabe . • Thephrasesareg roupedintosev eralcategoriesinyourselected message language. 2. Press / to selec t a category . • Thephrasesinyourselectedcategoryshowontherightofthe screen.
37 Searching for a Phr ase Instead of browsing thr ough the phrases, you can dir ectly type a keyword to start searching and to yield phrase(s) with the keyword . If your search r eturns no matches, try other forms of the word , including the root wor d, if you ha ve typed the inected form.
38 4.4 Grammar Guides Y our device includes essential gr ammar lessons with quizzes. 1. In the Learn menu, press / to selec t Grammar Guide and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to select a version and then press eingabe . 3. Press / to select the topic you want to study and then pr ess eingabe .
39 4.5 About E uro T alk Euro T alk is a language -learning program which contains three modules: T alk More, T alk the T alk and T alk Business. All modules support 5 languages (English, Fr ench, German, Italian and Spanish) and up to 10 users with their own history and records.
40 4.6 Studying with Eur o T alk The below instructions apply to all modules of Euro T alk: T alk More , T alk the T alk and T alk Business. Crea ting User Names 1. In the Learn menu, press / to select T alk More , T alk the T alk or T alk Business and then press eingabe .
41 Selec ting Chapters 1. In the selected Euro T alk module ( T alk More, T alk the T alk or T alk Business), press / to selec t a user name and then press ENTER or eingabe . 2. Press / to selec t a chapter and then press eingabe . 3. In the selected chapter , press / / / to select an option and then press eingabe .
42 • Phrases- Pr actice / Dialog. Practise : Pr ess / to selec t a phrase or a dialog on the right of the screen and then press eingabe to play . In the screen, use the following keys f or contr ol: FN + 1 : Starts playback of the selected phrase or dialog.
43 FN + 8 : Plays y our recorded pr onunciation and compare with the native. Note : The recor dings will be erased after quitting the exer cise. Using the Quiz Section 1.
44 • Redo : R edo the whole selected exercise or only the questions with wrong answers . Note : The history section can also be accessed by pressing HIST ORY at the chapter selection screen. Using Retry This featur e is a shortcut to access all questions with wrong answers so that you can do them again.
45 4.7 My W ord List As you explor e new words , save them in My Word List f or further study or review . Adding W ords to My W ord List 1. In the Learn menu, press / to selec t My W ord List and then press eingabe . 2. Press ADD . • Y ouarepr omotedtoGlobalSearchofthedevice .
46 Grouping Entries In My W ord List, you can add words t o selected groups for ecien t look- up or study . 1. In My W ord List, press / to select an entry. 2. Press GROUP . 3. Press / to selec t ‘ Add xxx t o Group ’ and then press eingabe . ‘xxx’ stands for the current wor d.
47 • T ocanceltheselection,press SELECT again . • T oselectallwords,pr ess SEL ALL . T o deselec t all words, pr ess SEL ALL again. 7. Press C ONFIRM when done. • Orpress CANCEL to cancel adding wor ds to the group .
48 4. Press DELETE. • Y ouareaskedtoc onrmthedeletion,press / to select ‘Y es’ to do so or ‘No ’ to cancel. T o remo ve all groups: 1. In My W ord List, press GROUP . 2. Press / to selec t ‘ Jump to Group’ and then press eingabe .
49 4.8 P ersonal Dic tionar y Use the P ersonal Dictionar y to create y our own dictionaries on the device. Y ou can copy them to y our PC for further editing. Crea ting Dic tionaries on the Device 1. In the Learn menu, press / to select Personal Dictionar y and then press eingabe .
50 V iewing P ersonal Dic tionaries 1. In the Learn menu, press / to select Personal Dictionar y and then press eingabe . 2. Press / in the dic tionary selec tion screen to select the one you wan t and then press eingabe . 3. Press / to selec t the entry you want to view and pr ess eingabe .
51 4.9 Search Histor y The device stor es the most recently br owsed entries in the dictionaries. V iewing History 1. In the Learn menu, press / to select Histor y and then press eingabe . • Or ,press FN + f or direct access. 2. Press / to selec t an entry and then press eingabe .
52 5. EXERCISES Menu 5.1 Crea ting User Names A user name must be created bef ore starting the exercises . Maximum 10 user names can be created . The user names are common for use in all exer cises. 1. In the Exercises menu, pr ess / to select an exercise (e .
53 5.2 A udio Dic tation In Audio Dictation, a word is read out in the language y ou have selected. Y ou have to spell the wor d. 1. In Audio Dictation, press / to selec t a user name and then press eingabe . • See 5.1 Creating User Names. • F or a new user to the exer cise, see Changing the Settings at the end of this section.
54 Changing the Settings T o change the settings of the exer cise, press SETTING . F or a new user to the exer cise, the settings menu will show aut omatically befor e the exer cise starts. 1. In the setting menu, press / to selec t an option and then press .
55 5.3 Phrase Builder In Phrase Builder , you have to arrange the w ords of a sentence in the correct order . 1. In Phrase Builder , press / to selec t a user name and then press eingabe . • See 5.1 Creating User Names. • F or a new user to the exer cise, see Changing the Settings at the end of this section.
56 DET AILS to show the sentenc es. Pr ess SC ORE to return to the sc ore sheet. • Press EXIT t o quit the exer cise. Changing the Settings T o change the setting of the exer cise, press SETTING . F or a new user to the exer cise, the settings menu will show aut omatically befor e the exer cise starts.
57 5.4 Picture C ard Game In Picture Card Game, y ou match wor ds with pictures. 1. In Picture Card Game, pr ess / to select a user name and then press eingabe . • See 5.1 Creating User Names. • F or a new user to the exer cise, see Changing the Settings at the end of this section.
58 Changing the Settings T o change the setting of the exer cise, press SETTING . F or a new user to the exer cise, the settings menu will show aut omatically befor e the exer cise starts. 1. In the setting menu, press / to select an option and then press .
59 5.5 Pronuncia tion T rainer In Pronunciation T rainer , you learn rules in English pronunciations and practise your own skills by comparing with native voic es. There are ve modules: • Sounds of English : Learn basic pronunciation rules . • Stress and Rhythm : L earn rules in stress and rhythm.
60 Using Let’ s T alk! 1. In Pronunciation T rainer , press / to select Let’ s T alk! and then press eingabe . 2. In Let’ s T alk!, press / to select a user name and then press eingabe . • See 5.1 Creating User Names. • F or a new user to the exer cise, see Changing the Settings at the end of this section.
61 Using P ronuncia tion Pr actice 1. In Pronunciation T rainer , press / to select Pronunciation Practice and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to selec t a word f or practice. • Alternatively ,typetolookforawordinthew ordlist.
62 5.6 Reading Compr ehension In Reading Comprehension, you ll in the missing wor ds while reading an English passage. 1. In Reading Comprehension, pr ess / to select a user name and then press eingabe . • See 5.1 Creating User Names. • F or a new user to the exer cise, see Changing the Settings at the end of this section.
63 Changing the Settings T o change the setting of the exer cise, press SETTING . F or a new user to the exer cise, the settings menu will show aut omatically befor e the exer cise starts. 1. In the setting menu, press / to selec t an option and then press .
64 5.7 Ex ercise Revie w In Exercise Review , you can check the latest scores and curren t skill levels in all ex ercises. 1. In the Exer cises menu, press / to selec t Exercise Re view and then press eingabe . 2. Press USER to select a user and review his/her sc ores and skill levels .
65 6. ORGANIZER Menu 6.1 Using the C alendar The Calendar lets you check mon ths and days and use as a scheduler . V iewing the Calendar 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select Calendar and then press eingabe . 2. T o change day within a mon th, use the direction key s.
66 Adding Schedules from the Schedule List 1. In the Calendar , press LIST . 2. Press NEW in the schedule list. 3. Input appropriate inf ormation in the available elds . • Press / to shift between elds. • Press when r equired to open a pop-up menu.
67 Editing Schedules Use the following soft keys . T o execute the soft keys, press the corresponding F1 to F6 keys on the top r ow of the keyboard. • DELETE : Deletes the selected schedule. • DELALL : Erases all schedules. In either case, you are asked t o conrm your selection, press / to select ‘ Y es’ to do so.
68 6.2 Using the C alculat or 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to selec t Calculator and then press eingabe . 2. T ype a number . • Y oucantypeupto14digits. T otypeadecimal,press G (.) . T o change the sign of a number , press Y (+/-) .
69 6.3 Using the Clock 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select Clock and then press eingabe . • Theclockshowsthetimesanddat esofbothlocalandworldcities. Setting the Clock 1. In the Clock, press SET TIME. 2.
70 6.4 Using the A larm Y ou can have v e alarm settings. Setting the alarm 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select Alarm and then press eingabe . • Thecurrentalarmsettings(Alarm1-5)sho wonthescreen. 2. Press / to selec t one of the settings and then press eingabe or S E T.
71 6.5 Using Memo Adding En tries 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select Memo and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to selec t a category and then press eingabe . • Thememosaregr oupedintocategories .F ourdefaultcategoriesare available.
72 6.6 Using V oice Memo Making R ecordings 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select V oice Memo and then press eingabe . 2. Press REC ORD to star t recording . • T opauserecor ding,press P A USE . Press GO ON to resume . 3. Press ST OP when done.
73 6.7 Metric Con ver ter 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select Conv ersions and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to selec t Metric Con verter and then press eingabe . 3. Press / to selec t a con version category and then press eingabe . 4. In the selected category, pr ess / to select a measurement unit.
74 6.8 C urrency Con ver ter 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select Conv ersions and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to selec t Curr ency Conv erter and then press eingabe . 3. Press / to selec t a currency . 4. Input numbers for con version. • Press G (.
75 6.9 Using C ountdown Timer 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select Countdown Timer and then press eingabe . 2. Input values with the number key s. • Press / to shift between elds. 3. Press SOUND . • Y ouarepr omptedtoselectasoundleasthealarmtone.
76 6.10 Organizer P asswor d The password is applicable t o Calendar and Voice Memo to pr event unauthorized access. Crea ting a passwor d 1. In the Organizer menu, press / to select Organizer Passwor d and then press eingabe . • Y ouareaskedtopr oceedtopasswor dsetting.
77 7. ENTERT AINMENT Menu 7.1 Music Play er This device can play mp3 les stor ed in the device or on a microSD car d (if inserted). I t is recommended to sav e the mp3 les in the music sub- folder in the entertainments folder of the device . Progr ess bar Volume lev el Playlist Adding F iles to the Playlist 1.
78 • Press Z ( ) / T ( ) to scan back ward or forward within a le. P ress Q ( ) to resume normal playback. 3. Press W ( ) to stop the playback. Editing Playlist • Press F1 (+) t o add new les to the playlist. See Adding F iles to the Playlist .
79 7.2 V ideo Play er This device can play a vi and mp4 les stored in the device or on a microSD card (if inserted). It is recommended to save those les in the video sub-folder in the entertainments folder of the device. Note: Recommended image resolution: 320 x 240.
80 • Press F1 ( ) / F4 ( ) to skip to the previous or next le. • Press F5 ( ) to watch the video in full scr een. • Infullscreen,press / to scan backward or forward within a le. Press F2 ( ) or eingabe to resume normal playback.
81 7.3 Photo A lbum This device can play bmp , jpg and gif les stored in the device or on a microSD card (if inserted). It is recommended to save those les in the album sub-folder in the entertainments folder of the device. Note: Recommended image resolution: 480 x 272.
82 Photo Slidesho w Settings 1. In the Photo Album, press SET . 2. Press / to selec t a setting and then / to select an option. • Order mode : Selects to play photos randomly or sequentially . • Special eect : Enables or disables special eects during transition of photos.
83 Editing the Playlist 1. In the Photo Album, press DELETE. 2. In the pop-up menu, press / to select an option. • Delete the picture : Deletes the current photo . • Delete all pictures in the list : Deletes all photos in the playlist. 3. Press / to selec t ‘Y es’ and then press eingabe .
84 7.4 eBooks This device can play txt les stored in the devic e or on a microSD card (if inserted). I t is recommended to sav e the les in the eBooks sub-folder in the entertainments folder of the device. Adding F iles to the Playlist 1. In the Entertainment menu, press / to selec t eBooks and then press eingabe .
85 Using Bookmarks 1. While reading , press BOOKMARK to add a bookmark to the current screen. 2. T o recall a bookmark, press L OC A TE. • Apop-upmenuwillshowwiththecreatedbookmarks. 3. Press / to selec t a bookmark. 4.
86 8. SET TINGS M enu 8.1 Display Settings 1. In the Settings menu, press / to selec t Display Settings and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to shift b etween settings. • Theme : Selects an image as the wallpaper of the device. • Fon t size : Determines the size of screen type .
87 8.4 P ower Management 1. In the Settings menu, press / to selec t Pow er Management and then press eingabe . 2. Press / to adjust the time and then press eingabe when done. • Shuto : Determines how long your devic e stays on if no key is pressed.
88 8.6 Host Information This menu shows the host ID , program version and data v ersion. 1. In the Settings menu, press / to selec t Host Information and then press eingabe . 2. Press esc to exit. 8.7 Default Settings This menu lets you perform soft or hard reset of the device.
89 9. General C ontrols 9.1 Headphone Jack The headphone jack is located on the left of the device for 3.5 mm, 35 ohm impedance stereo headphones . Caution: Monophonic headphones will not work with this unit. 9.2 USB P or t The USB port is located on the right of the device for a mini-USB 2.
90 9.4 Adjusting Sound V olume Press FN + / to show the volume control menu . Press FN + / to adjust the volume . When done, pr ess / to select ‘OK’ and then press eingabe . V olume 6 OK Cancel 9.5 Changing Siz e of Screen T ype Press repeatedly to change the size of the scr een type.
91 10. PC C onnections 10.1 C onnecting to a PC Y our device has a built-in USB port and can be connected to your desktop or laptop PC* with a USB cable. 1. T urn on your device . 2. Connect the wide end of a USB cable to a USB port on your PC and the smaller end to the USB port on your device .
92 10.2 Using W ordBytes 2.0 The WordBytes 2.0 software (pro vided) lets you use certain features of this device on your PC. With the software installed and the device connected, your PC can be used f.
93 10.3 C opying F iles to Y our Device Y ou can transfer da ta to the device from y our PC or save c opies of your data to another location on your PC t o backup important information. 1. Make sure y our device is c onnected to your PC. • See 10.
94 10.4 About Y our Devic e F olders When you connect your device t o your PC, you can see an assortment of folders for st oring various types of data. Remember , ‘Personal Dictionary ’ is always the location t o save an y .txt formatted personal dictionaries so they appear on your device .
95 11. A dditional Informa tion 11.1 Specications Model: BDS-7100 Language Master TM Colour Battery: Built-in rechargeable lithium polymer • V oltage:3.7 V • Capacity:1250mAh • T ype:Li-ionPolymer Size: 140 x 85 x 18 mm W eight: 202 g ISBN: 978-1-59074-684-4 ©2011 Fr anklin Electronic Publishers, Inc.
96 11.2 Pr oduc t Care Y our device is designed to be ligh t, compact, and durable. How ever , it is an electronic device and must be treated car efully . Putting unnecessar y pressure on it or striking the device against other objects can cause damage.
97 11.3 Rec ycling and Disposal Device Disposal This device should be disposed through y our local electronic product recycling system - do not thro w in the trash bin. P ackaging Disposal Please save this U ser ’ s Guide and all packing materials, as they contain important information.
98 11.4 FC C Notice (U .S. only) This device complies with P ar t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two c onditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept an y interference rec eived, including interference that may cause undesir ed operation.
100 12. W arr anty Information 12.1 Disclaimer of W arran ties Except as specically pr ovided herein, F rank lin makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied , with respect to this product.
101 If you return a Fr anklin product, please include your name, address, telephone number , a brief description of the defect and a copy of your sales receipt as pr oof of your original date of purchase.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Franklin Language Master Colour è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Franklin Language Master Colour - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Franklin Language Master Colour imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Franklin Language Master Colour ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Franklin Language Master Colour, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Franklin Language Master Colour.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Franklin Language Master Colour. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Franklin Language Master Colour insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.