Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 1743 del fabbricante Fluke
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® 1744/1743 Power Quality Logger Users Manual PN 2560353 April 2006 Rev.1, 6/06 © 2006 Fluke Corp oration, All ri ghts reserved. Pr inted in USA All product nam es are trademarks of their respecti ve companies. 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176 Fax 781-665-0780 TestEquipmentDepot.
i Table of Contents Title Page Introducti on .......................................................................................... 1 Information and PC S oftware CD ..................................................... 1 Logger Power Supply .....
1744/1743 Users Manual ii Min/Max Valu es ........................................................................... 30 Voltage Interru ptions.................................................................... 31 Voltage Dips an d Swells ...........
Contents (continued) iii Timeplot di agram.......................................................................... 60 UNIPEDE D ISDIP Table.............................................................. 61 Cumulative Frequenc y – Harmonics ........
1744/1743 Users Manual iv.
v List of Tables Table Title Page 1. Symbols.............................................................................................. 4 2. Standard E quipment ........................................................................... 7 3. Optional Access ories .
1744/1743 Users Manual vi.
vii List of Figures Figure Title Page 1. 1743 and 1744 Power Qualit y Lo ggers .............................................. 3 2. 1744/1743 Power Quality L ogger - Front View ................................. 8 3. Supplying Operating Po wer to the Logger .
1744/1743 Users Manual viii.
1 1744/1743 Power Quality Logger Introduction The Fluke 1744 and 1743 Power Quality Log gers are sophisticated, robust, easy-to-use electrical po wer-recording devices for the electrician or power- quality specialist. Note This manual also refers to the 17 44 or 1743 Power Qu ality Logger simply as “the Logger .
1744/1743 Users Manual 2 Logger Power Supply The Logger does not include a power switch, but turns on auto matically whenever its power sup ply leads are connected to a voltage in its allowed range.
Power Quality Logger Introduction to the Logging Functio ns 3 • Energy, total energy • Flicker (Pst, Plt) • Voltage THD • Current THD • Current CF • Voltage ha rmonics to the 50 th (not in.
1744/1743 Users Manual 4 Symbols Table 1 lists t he symbol s used on the i nstrument and i n this m anual. Table 1. Symbols Symbol Description W Important information. See the manual. X Hazardous voltage. J Earth ground. T Double insulation. F Direct current (DC).
Power Quality Logger Safety Instructions 5 W X Warnings • To avoid electrical shock, do not connect a ny par t of the Logger to systems that have higher voltag es to ground (earth) than are marked on the Logger. • Areas between the po we r company meter and the source of the distribution system are charac teri zed as CAT IV areas.
1744/1743 Users Manual 6 • Connect clip-on current transformer s and/or Flexi Set to insulated live conductors only. • If measuring sensors are to be connected to non- insulated live conductors, additional personal protective measures must be taken as required by local government agencies.
Power Quality Logger Safety Instructions 7 Table 2. Standard Equipment Equipment Model/Part Number Power Quality Logger 1744/1743 International IEC Power Plug Adapter Set 2441372 RS232 Cable, Red, Nul.
1744/1743 Users Manual 8 Inspect the con tents of the s hipping box for compl eteness and dam age. Report any damage to the shipper. Features This section introduces the Logger’s co ntrols, indicators, a nd other featu res. Refer to Fi gure 2 an d Table 4.
Power Quality Logger Safety Instructions 9 Table 4. 1744/1743 Power Quality Lo gger - Controls and Indicators Item Name Description A Power supply leads and 3-phase plus neutral voltage test leads Power supply voltage range: 88-660 V ac or 100-350 VDC, 50 Hz / 60 Hz, 600 V CAT III.
1744/1743 Users Manual 10 Power Network Configurations You can set u p the Logge r to work with seve ral power network confi gurations: • Single-phase volta ge • Single-phase voltage, curre nt, po.
Power Quality Logger Using the Logger 11 Using the Logger This section explain s how to operate the 1744/1743 Power Quality Logg er. A typical logging session includes four steps: 1. Preparing t he Logger fo r use with the P Q Log software . 2. Installing the Logger at the log ging site.
1744/1743 Users Manual 12 Preparing the Logger for Use Prepare the 17 44/1743 L ogger for use with the P Q Log soft ware as follo ws (see Figure 3): 1. Connect the Logger to line power. Use th e power supply cables to connect to an outlet, or to the test leads phase and neutral for Wye configurations, or any two-phase leads for delta.
Power Quality Logger Using the Logger 13 V oltage T est Leads POWER LOGGER 1743 STAR T STOP POWER 2 3 2 S R I N I 3 I 2 I 1 V 3 V 2 V 1 CURRENT INPUT 10V RMS MAX L 1 /A L 2 /B L 3 /C N 5VA 45- 65 Hz M.
1744/1743 Users Manual 14 3. Run the PQ Log software as described i n the PQ L og Users Ma nual. 4. Set up the Logging job and transfer the settings to the Logger. Test Leads – Markings The 1744/1743 Logger includes built-in , labeled test leads for voltage terminals L1 or A, L2 or B, L3 or C, and N, as well as two for the internal power supply .
Power Quality Logger Using the Logger 15 Logging with Voltage Converters The 1744/1743 Logger includes an adju stable converter ratio that enables it to be used with voltage conv erters (potential tran sformers, or PTs).
1744/1743 Users Manual 16 • Use only the current probes spe cifie d in this manual. If you use flexible current probes, wear suitable protective gloves or work on de-ener gized conductors.
Power Quality Logger Using the Logger 17 Connect the Logg er as follows: Note ∆ (Delta) or Υ (Wye) measurements The 1744/1743 Logger is prepa red for logging in 3-pha se 4-wire (Wye) systems (P-N), or 3-phase 3-wi re ( Delta) systems (P-P). Please note the different types of conn ection and configura tion in the PQ Log software.
1744/1743 Users Manual 18 Connections in 3-Phase 4-Wire (Wye) Systems The following figure shows the connections fo r logging 3-p hase 4-wire (W ye) systems: L1 L2 L3 N POWER LOGGER 1743 STAR T STOP P.
Power Quality Logger Using the Logger 19 Connections in 3-Phase 3-Wire (Delta) Systems Figure 5 sh ows the connectio ns for loggi ng 3-phase 3-wire (Delta) sy stems.
1744/1743 Users Manual 20 Connections for Single-Phase Logging Figure 6 sh ows the connecti ons for l ogging singl e-phase system s. L1 N POWER LOGGER 1743 STAR T STOP POWER 2 3 2 S R I N I 3 I 2 I 1 .
Power Quality Logger Using the Logger 21 Connections for Medium-Voltage Networks In a 3-phase 3-wire (Delta) system with three separate voltage converters and three current transformers, the Logger can measure pha se -phase (P-P, D elta) or phase-N (P -N, Wye).
1744/1743 Users Manual 22 Phase-Phase Delta Logging Figure 7 shows th e connections for phase-phase Delta logging . 1. Connect the voltage test leads to the outpu ts of the voltage transformers (V Ts). 2. In PQ Log, select the m easurin g range with the m atching nominal voltage an d P-P loggi ng.
Power Quality Logger Using the Logger 23 Phase-Ground, Wye-Logging Figure 7 shows th e Phase-Ground , Wye-Logging. Figure 9 shows typical PQ Log settings for using potential tran sfor mers (PTs) and current transformers (CTs) with a 16 kV net work. egb010.
1744/1743 Users Manual 24 1. Connect the voltage test leads to the outpu ts of the voltage transformers (V Ts). 2. In PQ Log, select the m easur ing rang e with P-N logging and matching n o minal volt age. 3. Enter the correct co nver ter/tran sformer ratio for current and voltage.
Power Quality Logger Using the Logger 25 1. Connect the voltage test leads L2 or B and N to th e common ground point. 2. In PQ Log, select the m easuring range with P-P log ging and m atching nominal volt age. 3. Enter the correct c onver ter/tran sformer ratio for current and voltage.
1744/1743 Users Manual 26 • Time-activate d job: The Logger starts logging as soon as the preprogrammed start time is reached, a nd stops at the defined e n d time. • Immediate job: The Logger starts logging as soon as power is on. Note the following about logging jobs: • The connection ca n be verified using t he logging cha nnel LEDs.
Power Quality Logger Methods of Logging 27 Evaluating the Logged Data You’ll use PQ Log to evaluate the logged data. Data ca n be read out during logging as well as at the end. 1. Connect the Logger to line power. 2. Connect the RS232 in terface cable to y o ur PC’s serial port, then to the Logger.
1744/1743 Users Manual 28 egb015.bmp Figure 12. Selecting Voltage I nput Ranges During Job Processing Note For P-P loggi ng, the P-P voltage must be entered as the nominal voltage (e.
Power Quality Logger Methods of Logging 29 Technical Specifications” on page 46. Voltage Variations The interval value of the voltage is defined as the m ean value of the RMS values over the in terval length defined in PQ Log.
1744/1743 Users Manual 30 Min/Max Values Logging detect s the highest and lowest vol tage RMS values and the highest current RMS value during th e test interval, using a minimum resolution of 10 ms. The response time can be set in PQ Log to the following: • 0.
Power Quality Logger Methods of Logging 31 Voltage Interruptions The Logger records two types of interrup tions: • All measured RMS values of input voltag es that are < 1% of the nominal volt age. (Thi s threshol d can be ad justed in P Q Log.) • Interruptions > 10 ms (0.
1744/1743 Users Manual 32 Voltage Dips and Swells If the voltage passes the upper limit (V N + 10%) or lower limit (V N – 10%), the event is registered as a voltage swe ll or dip, respectiv ely (thresholds are adjustable in PQ Log). The duration, time, and extreme valu e of the dip or swell is also recorded.
Power Quality Logger Methods of Logging 33 Current Harmonics Current harm onics are defined as curre nt components that have a freque ncy that is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency of the line power current.
1744/1743 Users Manual 34 THDV – In Function A Function A: 1 50 2 2 V V V THD n n ∑ = = V n : RMS val ue of harm onic frequency #n. V 1 : RMS value of the fundamen tal frequency. THDV: total contents of harmoni cs of the line p ower voltage as a percentage of the fundamental.
Power Quality Logger Methods of Logging 35 Calculation of THD in Measuring Function P THD – Measuring Function P Function P doe s not measure harm onic values. Voltages: 1 2 1 2 V V V THDV RMS − = V RMS : RMS value of total signal V 1 : RMS value of the fundamen tal Currents: 1 2 1 2 I I I THDI RMS − = I RMS : RMS value of the total signal.
1744/1743 Users Manual 36 Formula for Plt Function 3 12 1 3 12 ∑ = = i Pst Plt Ti me Fl i c ker [ %] In te r v a l le ng t h => 1 P st 12 x i nte r va l le ng t h = > 1 f li ck er val ue P l t egb020.
Power Quality Logger Methods of Logging 37 Current Logging The maxim um values of the currents (L 1 or A, L2 or B, L3 or C , and N) a r e measured, and the interval value of th e current is calculated using the mean value over the RMS values of the in terval defined in PQ Log.
1744/1743 Users Manual 38 Logger Parameters with Function P The following are the parameters of the 1744/1743 Logger with function P. RMS value of voltage and current.
Power Quality Logger Logger Parameters with Functio n P 39 P k : Active power of the ph ase k: Phase (k = 1, 2, 3) Absolute value of the a ctive power per interval per phase.
1744/1743 Users Manual 40 Tangent φ total on al l three phases total total total P Q = ϕ tan Active energy per phase and total Active power accumulated on each logging interval Note The sign of the .
Power Quality Logger Logger Parameters with Functio n A 41 Logger Parameters with Function A The following are the parameters of the 1744/1743 Logger with function A. TRMS value of voltage and current. Basi c values on 200 ms per phase. ∑ = = N i i bas V N V 1 2 .
1744/1743 Users Manual 42 Active power of logging interval per phase ∑ = ⋅ = M j j bas P M P 1 1 P bas j to 200 ms value M: Number of 200 ms intervals per logg ing interval Total active pow er on .
Power Quality Logger Logger Parameters with Functio n A 43 Distortion power. Basic value on 200 ms per phase 2 2 2 bas bas bas bas Q P S D − − = Distortion power per interval per phase ∑ = ⋅ =.
1744/1743 Users Manual 44 Total active pow er of the fundamental for three phases ∑ = ⋅ = 3 1 1 1 k k total Ph Ph Apparent power of the fundamental per phase.
Power Quality Logger Maintenance 45 Maintenance W Caution Maintenance work on the Logger can be done only by trained and qualified personnel at a company-approved service center within the warranty period. For locations o f Fluke Service Centers worldwide an d conta ct information, see the Fluke website: www.
1744/1743 Users Manual 46 Technical Specifications Logging Parameters – Overview The following table g ives an overview of the logging parameters. Table 7.
Power Quality Logger Technical Specifications 47 Maximum Number of Inte rvals for Logging Function P The maximum recording period can be calculated b y multiplying the interval time defined in PQ Log with the maximum number of intervals in the following table.
1744/1743 Users Manual 48 Environmental Specifications Working temperature range –10 °C to +55 °C Operating temperature range 0 °C to +35 °C Storage temperature range –20 °C to +60 °C Refere.
Power Quality Logger Technical Specifications 49 Power Supply Functional range 88 to 660 V RMS ac absolute, 50 Hz / 60 Hz Safety EN 61010-1 600 V CAT III, 300 V CAT IV, pollution degree 2, double insulation Fuse Power supply fuse can be replaced only in service facility.
1744/1743 Users Manual 50 Input Voltage Input range V I P-N: 69, 115, 230, or 480 V ac Input range V I P-P 120, 200, 400, or 830 V ac Max overload voltage 1.2 V I Input range selection By job programming Connections P-P or P-N, 1- or 3-phase Nominal voltage V N ≤ 999 kV (using PTs and ratios) Input resistance Approx.
Power Quality Logger Technical Specifications 51 Current Input for Clamp Input signal: 0.5 V ac nominal (for I I ) 1.4 V peak Intrinsic uncertainty < 0.
1744/1743 Users Manual 52 General Specifications RMS Logging Slow Voltage Variations Logging values: Mean value RMS values averaged over interval length Min, Max values Averaging with selectable aver aging time from 0.
Power Quality Logger Technical Specifications 53 Power (Logging Functions A, P only) P, S, |P| Active power P As per EN 61036, class 2 Distorting power D As per EN 61268, class 2 (A-version only) Max value Highest value per interval Min value Smallest value per in terval Phase uncertaint y < 0.
1744/1743 Users Manual 54 Logging Function P Logging Values Voltage L1 or A, L2 or B, L3 or C: ph ase-phase or phase-neutral: • Voltage (m ean, min, and max value s) • THDV (mean, and max values) .
Power Quality Logger Technical Specifications 55 Logging Function A – “All” parameters Logging Values All parameters for voltage quality per EN 50160: Voltage L1 or A, L2 or B, L3 or C: ph ase-p.
1744/1743 Users Manual 56 Total power: • Total power P, |P|, D, S • 3-wattmeter method • 2-wattmeter method (Aron circuitry) • 2 ½ wattm eter method Applications Power quality: • Voltage qu.
Power Quality Logger PQ Log PC Application Software 57 PQ Log PC Application Software PQ Log soft ware for Windows ® PCs is the application for use with the 1744/1743 Power Quality Logg er.
1744/1743 Users Manual 58 Online Test The following f igure shows the on line test display. egb024.bmp Figure 18. Online Test.
Power Quality Logger PQ Log PC Application Software 59 ASCII Export The following figure illu strates the ASCII export display: egb025.bmp Figure 19. ASCII Export For special cases, addition al evalua.
1744/1743 Users Manual 60 Timeplot diagram The following fig ure shows a typical Timeplot diagram: egb026.bmp Figure 20. Timeplot Diagram.
Power Quality Logger PQ Log PC Application Software 61 UNIPEDE DISDIP Table The following figure shows a typical UNIPEDE DISDIP table: egb027.bmp Figure 21.
1744/1743 Users Manual 62 Cumulative Frequency – Harmonics The following figure shows a typ ical display of cumulative frequencies for current and voltage harmonics : egb028.
63 Index —A— Anti aliasing filter, 28 Apparent Power, 37 —C— Completing the Logging, 26 Connecting the clip on probes, 14 Connection modes, 27 Connections for Medium Voltage Networks, 21 Crest.
1744/1743 Users Manual 64 Voltage Harmonics, 32 Voltage interruptions, 31 Voltage variations, 28 Test Equipment Depot - 800.517.8 431 - 99 Washington Street Mel r ose, MA 02176 FAX 781.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Fluke 1743 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Fluke 1743 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Fluke 1743 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Fluke 1743 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Fluke 1743, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Fluke 1743.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Fluke 1743. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Fluke 1743 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.