Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 9033348-02 del fabbricante Enterasys Networks
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Outdoor Antenna Site P reparation and Installation Guide P/N 9033348-02 ENJ O Y THE FREEDOM OF WIRELESS NETWORKING ENTERASYS.COM ™.
i Notice Notice Enterasys Netwo rks reserves th e right to make changes in specificatio ns and oth er informatio n containe d in this docu ment without prio r notice. The reader sho uld in all cases consult En terasys Networks to determin e whet her a ny su ch ch anges have been made .
Notice ii Regulatory Informa tion Canada The produ cts included with the RoamAbou t Outdoo r Kit for outdoo r antenna insta llation s comply with GL-3 6 of Industr y and Scien ce Canada. USA - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) The devic es included with this outdo or kit comply with Part 15 of FCC Rules.
iii Notice • Enterasy s Network s is not respons ibl e for any r adio or tel evisi on inte rfere nc e caused b y unauth orized modifica tio n o f the devic es inclu de d with the Roa m Abo ut Outdo or Kit, or the sub stitu tion or a tta chm ent of connecti ng cables an d equipm ent other than t hat specifi ed by Enterasys Netw o rks.
v Contents Preface Associated Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Con tents vi 3 Antenna Installation Installation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Verify Compo nent Connector Polarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii Preface This guide describes the requ irements that are n eeded for the successful in stallation of the RoamAbout outdoor an tennas used in a RoamAbout wireless network.
Preface viii Associ ated D ocume nts The documentatio n, drivers, and utilities can also be download ed from the RoamAbout Wireless web site. Check th e RoamAbout Wireless web s ite regu larly fo r product up grades.
ix Prefac e Getting Help For additional supp ort related to this device or documen t, con tact En terasys Networks using one of th e follo wing meth ods: Before calling En terasys Networks, please hav.
Preface x Document Conventio ns The following ico ns are used in this docum ent: Icon Meaning ELECTRI CAL HAZARD: W arns against an action that could r esult in personal injury or death. W ARNING: W arns against an action that could result in pers onal in jury or deat h.
Site Prepar ation 1 -1 Chapter 1 Site Preparation This chapter describes the site requir ements that are needed for the successful installation of the RoamAbout outdo or antennas.
Det ermi nin g the A nten na Lo c ati ons 1-2 Site P reparati on Determi nin g the An tenn a Loca ti ons The locations where the antennas can be placed relative to on e another and the distance between them are based o n the following factors: • Type of antennas.
Site Prepar ation 1 -3 Determin ing th e Antenna L ocations Table 1-1: Distances a nd Line of Si ght Clearance (FCC) Table 1-2: Distances a nd Line of Si ght Clearance ETSI 1 The Ya gi a ntenna m u st be co nne cted to a n Access Poi nt con figure d wit h th e Hi-Gain m at c hed Roa m Abou t PC Card.
Det ermi nin g the A nten na Lo c ati ons 1-4 Site P reparati on RoamAbout PC Card Variations There are two var iations of the RoamAbout PC Card: standar d and Hi-Gain matched.
Site Prepar ation 1 -5 Determin ing th e Antenna L ocations Figure 1-1: Fresnel Zone a nd Line of Sight Clearance If a significant part o f the Fresnel Zone is obstr ucted, a portion o f radio energy is lost, resulting in reduced p erformance.
Det ermi nin g the A nten na Lo c ati ons 1-6 Site P reparati on Figure 1-2: Potential Obs tacles to Line of Si ght (not to scal e) Power lines blocking line of sight Building blocking line of sight T.
Site Prepar ation 1 -7 Determin ing th e Antenna L ocations Other Factors That Can Reduce Antenna Rang e Large reflecting surf aces that are parallel or partly perpen dicular to the radio signal ca use reflections of the rad io signal (see Figure 1-3 ).
Det ermi nin g the A nten na Lo c ati ons 1-8 Site P reparati on Other Requirements The following d escribes othe r req u irements to m eet before installin g the RoamAbo ut outdoo r ante nnas. • Lightning P rotection A lightning rod must be placed close to the anten na mast or wall bracket.
Site Prepar ation 1 -9 Antenna Options Antenna Opt ions The follo wing sectio ns descri be the Ro amAbout out door anten nas. Appendix A contains the specifications for each antenna. RoamAbout 5 dBi Vehicle-Mount Antenna The RoamAbout veh icle-mount antenna ( Fig ure 1- 4 ) is a broadband antenna fo r the 2.
Antenna O ptions 1-10 Site Preparat ion RoamAbout 14 dBi Directional Antenna The directional antenna is a totally en closed 16-element Yag i designed for point-to-p oint communications. The an tenna is normally mounted on a mast and vertically polarized.
Site Prepara tion 1-11 Antenna Options Figure 1-5: Example Outdoor Yagi Antenna Configuration Low-Loss Cable (2) Lightning Protector (6) Pigtail Connection (3) www.
Antenna O ptions 1-12 Site Preparat ion RoamAbout 7 dBi Omni-Directional Antenna The RoamAbou t omni-direct ional antenn a is a broadban d antenna for the 2. 4 GHz frequenc y band feat uring an omn i-directi onal patt ern with a nominal gain of 7 dBi .
Site Prepara tion 1-13 Antenna Options Figure 1-6: Example Omni-Directional Antenna Configuration 1 2 MAC ADD SN TUV S2 S1 T o Power Outlet Insert Ethernet Cable from Networ.
Contactin g an An tenna Inst allati on Company 1-14 Site Preparat ion Contact i ng an An te nna In stallati on Company Have an antenna installation professional install the outdoor antennas. The antenna installer provides the expertise to pr oper ly install, secure, and ground y our antenna.
Site Prepara tion 1-15 Contactin g an An tenna Insta llation Company Installation Requirement s √ Determine the best location for th e Access P oint. √ Determine the length of cable required from the antenna to the Access Poin t. √ Ensure the lo cation has an accessible Ethernet conn ection.
Acces s Point Pla cement and Configur ation 2-1 Chapter 2 Access Poi nt Plac ement and Configuration This chapter is for the antenna installer and ne twork man ager to deter mine where to place the RoamAbout Access Point and Lightning Protector. This chapter also pro vides an overview of cabling and co nfiguring the Access Point.
Over view o f Conne cting Cables to th e Acce ss Poin t 2-2 Acc ess Point Placemen t and Config uration Overvi ew of Co nnec ting C ab les t o the Ac cess Poi nt Before cabling the Access Point, yo u should install the Access Point to a wall or ceiling.
Access P oint Placeme nt and Confi guratio n 2-3 Overvi ew of Co nnecting Cables to the Acce ss Poin t 2. Remove the plastic cap from the PC Card and conn ect the pigtail cable. After the Lightning Protector has been install ed and grou nded, connect t he other end of the pigtai l cab le to the Ligh tni ng Prot ector .
Overvie w of the Ac cess P oint Co nfiguration 2-4 Acc ess Point Placemen t and Config uration Overvi ew of t he Acc ess Po in t Conf igur at ion The following provides an o verview of configuring the Access Point with the Access Point Manager. For detailed proced ures, see the RoamAbo ut 802.
Access P oint Placeme nt and Confi guratio n 2-5 Overvi ew of th e Access Point Confi guratio n Figure 2-2: RoamAbout Access Point Manager 10. If this is a Point-to-Multipoint co nfiguration and the selected Access Point is the designated central Access Point, perfo rm the following: a) Select LAN-to-LAN Mul tipoint in the Bridge M ode fi el d.
Overvie w of the Ac cess P oint Co nfiguration 2-6 Acc ess Point Placemen t and Config uration d) Enter the wireless MAC addresses of the other Access Points. Click OK when done. Then click OK in the Wireles s Param eters d ialog box. 11. For all other Access Points, select LAN-to-LAN En dpoint in the Bridg e Mode fi el d.
Ante nna Inst alla tion 3-1 Chapter 3 Antenna Instal lation This chapter provides the inf ormation necessary for a pro fessional antenna installer to install the Roam Ab out antennas.
Installa tion O vervi ew 3-2 Anten na Instal lation Instal latio n Ov ervie w The installation process is summa rized in the following steps. The following sections in this chapter provide add itional details. 1. Make sure the Access Points are mounted and configured as specified in Chapter 2 .
Ante nna Inst alla tion 3-3 Verify Co mponent Con nector Pol arity Figure 3-1: Selecting the Corre ct N-Type Connector The term Male or Female does not refer to the con nector thread, but to its cen ter pin.
Ground ing Sys tem 3-4 Anten na Instal lation Grounding Sys tem Direct earth groun ding of the antenn a and the Lightning Protector is necessary to protect the installation from lightning and the build-up of stat ic electricity.
Ante nna Inst alla tion 3-5 Ligh tnin g Pro tecto r In stall ation To install the RoamAb out Lightning Protector, perform the followin g steps: 1. Determine a suitab le lo cation for the Lightnin g Protector as described in Chapter 2 . 2. As sh own in Fi gure 3-2 , secure bracket (A) to the wall using two screws (F).
Mounting t he Ante nna 3-6 Anten na Instal lation Moun ting th e Ant enna This section includes requirements and m ounting guidelines for the R oamAbout outdoor antennas.
Ante nna Inst alla tion 3-7 Mounting the An tenna Antenna Polarization With Ro amAbout outd oor antenn a product s, it does not matte r what type of polar ization you choose, as long as the antenna at one en d of the communications link is mounted in the same plane as the antenna at the other end.
Mounting t he Ante nna 3-8 Anten na Instal lation Mounting the Directional Antenna You can moun t the RoamAbout 14 dBi direction al antenna on a mast or a flat vertical surface such as a wall.
Ante nna Inst alla tion 3-9 Mounting the An tenna Figur e 3- 3: Mounting the 14 dB i Antenn a to a Ma st Figur e 3- 4: Mounting the 14 dB i Antenn a to a W all Side View T op V iew Clamp Backing Plate Antenna Mounting Base Flatwasher Always place flatwashers between nuts and the Antenna Mounting Base.
Mounting t he Ante nna 3-10 Antenna Insta llation Mounting the Omni-Directional Antenna To avoid s ignal reflecti on, you sh ould not i nstall t he antenna to t he side of a b uilding. The RoamAbout 7 d Bi omni-directional antenna kit includes a me tal backing plate, two hose clamps, and a nut and lockwasher .
Antenna Ins tallation 3-11 Mounting the An tenna Figure 3-5: Moun ting the Omn i- Directional Antenna to a Ma st D C B J G A H E F I H.
Mounting t he Ante nna 3-12 Antenna Insta llation Mounting the Vehicle-Mount Antenna The vehicle-mount antenn a is typically connected to a client in a wireless infrastructure network. The an tenna is mounted to a mo ving vehicle, such as a fo rk-lift.
Antenna Ins tallation 3-13 Connecti ng the Ante nna Cabl es Connect ing the A nt enna Cables To connect your RoamAbout Access Point to an outdoo r antenna install ation, y ou need th e follo wing comp.
Connectin g the A ntenna Cabl es 3-14 Antenna Insta llation Connecting the Cables Once the antenna is properly installed, you can connect the antenna to the RoamAbout Access Point via the RoamAbout Lightning Protector. 1. Verify that the low-loss antenna cable is properly connected to the antenna cable.
Antenna Ins tallation 3-15 Optim izing Roa mAbout O utdoor A ntenna Pla cement Optimizing Roam About O utdoo r Ante nna Placemen t If an Access Point is conn ected to an outdoo r directional antenna, the antenn a must be pointed directly at the antenna for the other Access Point.
Routine Maint enance 3-16 Antenna Insta llation Routine Maint enance Routine maintenan ce is required for each RoamAbo ut Lightning Protector in you r outdoor antenna installation. Maintenance involv es replacing the Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) at some interval depen ding on the lightn ing/transient d isch a rge activ ity in your area.
Specifi cations A-1 Append ix A Spe cifi cati ons This appendi x lists the speci fications of the va rious RoamAbou t outdoor antenna product s. RoamAbout 14 dBi Direct iona l Antenna The directional antenna is a totally en closed 16-element Yag i des igned for point-to-point communications.
Specifica tio ns A-2 RoamAbou t 14 dBi Direct ional An tenna Electrical Contin ued • V ertical (E-plane °) 30.8 Deg rees • Horizontal (H-plane °) 31.
RoamAb out 7 dBi Omni -Direc tional An tenna A-3 Speci fications RoamAb out 7 dBi Om ni-Dir ec tiona l Antenn a The RoamAbou t omni-direct ional antenn a is a broadban d antenna for the 2. 4 GHz frequenc y band feat uring an omn i-directi onal patt ern with a nominal gain of 7 dBi .
Specifica tio ns A-4 Vehicl e- Mo unt An tenn a Vehicle-Mount Antenna The RoamAbout veh icle-mount antenna can be mounted on vehicles, such as fork-lift trucks, that need co ntinuous access to networked d ata whether inside or outside of the building.
RoamAbout Pigta il Connec tion A-5 Speci fications RoamAbout Pigt ail Connection The RoamAbout Pigtail Connection is a proprietary cable used to connect the RoamAbout PC Card to a RoamAbout o utdoor antenna system. One end of the cable has a proprietary connector which is connected to the RoamAbout PC Card.
Specifica tio ns A-6 Low-Loss Antenna Ca ble Low-Los s Ante nna Cabl e The RoamAbout low-loss cab le is available in the foll owing standard leng ths: • 6 meters (20 feet) - see Table A-5 • 15 met.
Low-Los s Antenna Cable A-7 Speci fications Table A-6: Cable Specif ications for the 15 Meter (50 Foot ) Antenna Table A-7: Cable Specif ications for the 22 Meter (75 Foot ) Antenna Mechanica l Specificatio ns Leng th 15 me ter ( 50 ft ) Diameter 10 mm (0.
Specifica tio ns A-8 RoamAbou t Lightn ing Protec tor RoamAb out Lightn in g Protec tor The RoamAbout Lightning Protector is a surge arrestor that protects your sensitiv e RoamAbout equipmen t from high-voltage cur rents caused by disch arge and transients at the antennas.
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Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Enterasys Networks 9033348-02. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Enterasys Networks 9033348-02 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.