Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 3808 del fabbricante Emerson Process Management
Vai alla pagina of 182 Instruction Manual CI-ControlWave Express Feb., 2009 Bristol Control Wave Ex p ress Bristol ControlWave Express (Remote Terminal Unit) Remo te Au toma tio n So lution s C.
IMPORTANT! READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE STARTING! Be sure that these instruction s are carefully read and und erstood before any operation is attempted. Improper use of this device in some ap plications may result in damage or injury. The user is urged to keep this book filed in a convenient location for futu re refe rence.
WARRANTY A. Remote Automation Solutions (RAS) warrants th at goods described herein and manufactured by RAS a re free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date of shipm ent unless otherwise agreed to by RAS in writing.
How to return material for Repair or Exchange Before a product can be returned to Remote Automation So lutions (RAS) for repa ir, upgrade, exchange, or to verify proper operation, Form (GBU 13.01) must be co mpleted in order to obtain a RA (Return Authorization ) number and thus ensure an optimal lead time.
Remote Automation Solutions (RAS) Repair Authorization Form (on-line completion) ( Providing this information will permit Bristol, also doi ng business as Remote Auto mation Solutions (RAS) to effectively and efficiently process y our return. Completion is required to receiv e optimal lead time.
Emerson Process Management Training GET THE MOST FROM YOUR EMERSON INSTRUMENT OR SYSTEM • Avoid Delays and problems in getting your system on-line • Minimize installation, start-up and maintenance costs. • Make the most effective use of our hardware and software.
CI-ControlW ave Express - Installation Forward CI-ControlWave Express Control Wave Express Remote Terminal Unit INSTALLATION FORWARD NOTE for all Control Wave Express Installers: READ THIS SECTION FIR.
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CI-ControlWave Express Contents / 0 - 1 CI-ControlWave Express Control Wave Express Remote Terminal Unit TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE # Section 1 - Control Wave Express INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .....................................
0 - 2 / Contents CI-ControlWave Express CI-ControlWave Express Control Wave Express Remote Terminal Unit TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE # Section 2 - ControlWave Express INSTALLATION & OPERATION (Continued) Communication Ports ......
CI-ControlWave Express Contents / 0 - 3 CI-ControlWave Express Control Wave Express Remote Terminal Unit TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE # Section 3 - ControlWave Express SERVICE 3.1 SERVICE INTRODUCTION ..........................................
0 - 4 / Contents CI-ControlWave Express CI-ControlWave Express Control Wave Express Remote Terminal Unit TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE # APPENDICES/SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION (Continued) Sources for Obtaining Material Sa fety Data Sheets ........
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-1 Section 1 Control Wave Express INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ControlWave Express remote terminal units (R TU) have been designed to perform as the ideal platform for remote site automation, measurement and data management in process control and manufacturing.
1-2 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express microprocessor with 32-bit ARM9TDMI Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) is the core of the CPU/System Controller Board.
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-3 1.2 ControlWave PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT The ControlWave programming environment uses industry-standard tools and protocols to provide a flexible, adaptable approach for vari ous process control applications in the water treatment, wastewater treatment, and industrial automation business.
1-4 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express • ControlWave Designer programming package offers se veral different methods for generating and debugging con trol strategy programs including function blocks, ladder logic, structured languages, etc. The result ing programs are fully compatible with IEC 61131-3 standards.
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-5 will remain on. When interfaced to a keypad, the operator may activate the display at any time by pressing the appropriate front panel button.
1-6 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express S1 1 2 34 12 3 4 56 7 8 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 RJ-45 RJ-45 W3: 1-2 = Battery Enabled 2-3 = Battery Disabled W2: 1-2 = COM2 CTS from Port W5: 1-2 = 12/24V P ower Supp.
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-7 A supervisory circuit is used to switch to batte ry power when VCC falls out of specification. For maximum shelf life, the battery may be is olated from the circuit by removing the Backup Battery Jumper W3 from position 1 to 2 and then storing it in position 2 to 3.
1-8 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express Table 1-1 - CPU/System Controller Board Connector Summary (Continued) Ref. # Pins Function Notes TB1 6-pin Solar Panel, Battery/Power Supply & Aux Out, Main Power Connector See Section 2.3.9 TB2 2-pin Secondary battery input TB3 8-pin Term.
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-9 • TB1-4 - Ground (GND) • TB1-5 - Auxiliary Power Out+: for an external radio/modem * • TB1-6 - Ground (GND) • TB2-1 - Secondary battery input • TB2-2 - Ground (GND) Note: * = Not available on units equipped with an Ethernet Port.
1-10 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express CPU/System Controller Board Configuration Jumpers ControlWave Express CPU/System Contro ller Board are provided with 12 User Configuration Jumpers th.
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-11 • W17 - Input Power Selection (Controls Sola r Power Shunt Reg.) N/A for +24Vdc CPUs 1 to 2 = 6V Power 2 to 3 = 12V Power • W18 - COM1 Connector Selection 1 to 2 = Connector J4 (D connector) is active 2 to 3 = Alternate connector J11 is active 1.
1-12 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express Table 1-4 - CPU/System Controller Bd. Switch SW3 Assignments RS-485 Loopback & Termination Control (COM3) Switch RS-485 Function Switch ON Setting SW3-1 .
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-13 • Two Non-Isolated Internally-Sourced High Speed Counter Inputs (or DI operation supported) • Three Non-Isolated Single-Ended 1-5V or 4 to 20mA Analog Inputs (Optional) • One Non-Isolated Externally-Powered 1-5V or 4 to 20mA Analog Output (Optional) 1.
1-14 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express Figure 1-4 - ControlWave Express Process I/O Board Click here to return to Table of Contents.
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-15 Process I/O Board Connectors Process I/O Boards are equipped with up to si x (6) I/O interface connectors that function as follows (see Table 1-5): Table 1-5 - Process I/O Board Connector Summary Ref.
1-16 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express power is applied to the field device (controlle d via jumper JP4) and can be supplied by the system battery or an external power source. Ea ch AI channel can be individually configured for 4 to 20mA or 1-5V operation (via JP5 for AI1, JP6 for AI2 and JP7 for AI3).
CI-ControlWave Express Introduction / 1-17 • Uses pre-configured web pages for user re adings, configuration and maintenance. Web pages can be modified and new pages configur ed to work with a modif.
1-18 / Introduction CI-ControlWave Express RS-232 or RS-485 operation. Any serial comm unication port can be configured for local communications, i.e., connected to a PC load ed with ControlWave Designer and OpenBSI software.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-1 Section 2 Control Wave Express INSTALLATION & OPERATION 2.1 INSTALLATION IN HAZARDOUS AREAS Each ControlWave Express RTU is furnished in a.
2-2 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Chassis. Two Thumb Screws can be loosened to facilitate removal of the Card Edge Cover, and thus accommodating all instrument fi eld wiring. Information on mounting the ControlWave Express assembly is provided in Section 2.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-3 5. Install I/O wiring to the Process I/O Boar d and to the CPU/System Controller Board if Pulse Inputs are present (see Section 2.3.4). Install a communications cable to a Model 3808 Transmitter if required (see Section 2.
2-4 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Detailed information on the Flash Configurat ion Utility, and LocalView is included in Chapter 5 of the Open BSI Utilities Manual (document # D5081). NetView is described in Chapter 6 of that same manual.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-5 You can use whichever HTML creation package yo u want to create the pages, however, all ControlWave Express related web pages (whether standard or user-created) must be viewed within Microsoft® Internet Explorer.
2-6 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Figure 2-2 - ControlWave Express Dimensions - Power wiring should not be installed until the unit has been mounted and grounded at a designated work site. - I/O wiring, external power wiring, local comm.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-7 2.3.2 Process I/O Board Configuration I/O Board jumpers and Switch SW1 must be se t to configure field I/O (see Figure 2-3).
2-8 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express 2.3.3 CPU/System Controller Board Configuration To configure the CPU/System Controller Board, Jumpers must be set (see Figure 2-4), DIP- Switches must be set (see Section and Communication Ports must be wired (see Sections 2.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-9 S1 1 2 3 4 12 34 56 7 8 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 RJ-45 RJ-45 W3: 1-2 = Ba ttery Enabled 2-3 = Battery Disabled W2: 1-2 = COM2 CTS from Port W5: 1-2 = 1.
2-10 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express SW2-5 set OFF forces the ControlWave Ex p r e s s to reinitialize SRAM when the unit recovers from a low power or power outage condition. When set ON, the contents of SRAM will be retained and utilized when the system restarts.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-11 Figure 2-5 - Communication Ports – CPU Board RS-232 Cable Wiring Diagram Click here to return to Table of Contents.
2-12 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Diagrams of RS-232/485 interfaces and connectors are shown in Figures 2-4 and 2-5 Hardware connector pin wiring assignments ar e provided in Tables 2-3A through 2-3C. RS-232 & RS-485 Interfaces ControlWave Express RS-232 & RS-485 communi cation schemes are discussed herein.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-13 Table 2-3B - RS-232 Port (COM1) Alternate Connector (COM1 Connector J11) Pin # Signal RS-232 Description: RS-232 Signals 1 GND Power Ground 2 RXD Receive Data Input 3 TXD Transmit Data Output NOTE: Choice of COM1 connectors (J4 or J11) det ermined by jum per W18.
2-14 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Table 2-4 - RS-485 Network Connections (see Table 2-3C ControlWave Express RS-485 Port Pin # Assignments) From Master To 1st Slave To nth Sla.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-15 18 Looking into recept acle Figure 2-6 - RJ-45 Connector (Ethernet Port) J1 on CPU/System Controller Board Figure 2-7 - Point-to-Point 10/100.
2-16 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express 2.3.4 I/O Wiring ControlWave Express RTUs are provided with ca rd edge terminal blocks that accommodate field wiring. Wiring is routed into the encl osure/chassis through a slot in the removable card edge cover.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-17 Figure 2-9 – Process I/O Board Field I/O Wiring Diagrams Click here to return to Table of Contents.
2-18 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Dedicated Non-isolated Digital Outputs Process I/O Board Terminal Bl ock connector TB3 provides in terface to 2 dedicated non- isolated Digital Outputs (DOs) and two se lectable DI/Os.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-19 Note: Cable shields associated with AI wiring shou ld be connected to the ControlWave Express Chassis Ground.
2-20 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Non-isolated High Speed Counter/Digital Inputs Process I/O Board Terminal Block connector TB4 provides the interface to two internally- sourced single-ended High Speed Counter/Digit al Inputs (HSC/DIs).
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-21 2.3.5 RTD Wiring A 3-wire RTD may be provided with the Co ntrolWave Express (equipped with a 14MHz CPU/System Controller Board). Connector TB6 on the CPU/System Controller Board accommodates a removable three-wire Terminal Block (TB6).
2-22 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express 2.3.6 Connection to a Model 3808 Transmitter A Model 3808 Transmitter (Digital) can be interf aced to a ControlWave Ex p re ss via an RS- 232 or an RS-485 communication scheme. Communication schemes and cable lengths determine the type of communication port ut ilized.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-23 Figure 2-15 - ControlWave Express to 3808s - RS-485 Network Diagram Figures 2-13 and 2-14 detail the RS-232 and RS-485 wiring connections required between the ControlWave Express and the Model 3808 Transmitter.
2-24 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express • TB1-1 - Solar Power In + (TB1-2 = GND ) (GND = − ) • TB1-5 - Auxiliary Power Out + - for Exte rnal Radio/Modem (TB1-6 = GND) (GND = .
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-25 Power Wiring One Bulk DC supply can be connected to the ControlWave E xp r es s CPU/System Controller Board.
2-26 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express 2.3.8 Operation of the Lithium Backup Coin-cell Battery CPU/System Controller Boards are equippe d with a Coin-cell Socket (S1) that accommodates a 3.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-27 familiar with the various programming tools. Th e following software user documentation is referenced: Getting Started with ControlWave Desig.
2-28 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express purpose must be set to run at 115.2 Kbaud . ControlWave Express CPU Switch SW1, position, 3 must be set ON. Start LocalView, Choose FLASH, Enter A Name, Click on [Create] Start LocalView by clicking on: Start Æ Programs Æ OpenBSI Tools Æ LocalView .
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-29 Step 3 - Flash Data Setup Complete the following fields in the Flash Data Setup Wizard: "Please enter the name of the binary file to Flash" To upgrade system firmware, you must specify the path and name of a binary (*.
2-30 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Figure 2-19 - Flash RTU Setup Menu Click here to return to Table of Contents.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-31 Figure 2-20 - Flash Data Setup Menu (Note: Substitute e1s xxxx bin or e3s xxxx for cwe04...) Figure 2-21 - Local View Downloading System Firm.
2-32 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Using HyperTerminal to Upgrade ControlWave Express Firmware A half-duplex null modem cable (see Figure 2- 5) must be connected to COM1 of the ControlWave Express and to any RS-232 port on the associated PC.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-33 5. When the FLASH is ready for download the letter C will be displayed on the screen. In the HyperTerminal command bar click on Tr ansfer and then Send File (see Figure 2- 23).
2-34 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Figure 2-25 - HyperTerminal FLASH Download (Download in Process) (Note: Substitute e1s xxxx bin or e3s xxxx .
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-35 Figure 2-27 - CPU/System Controller LED Board - LED Hexadecimal Codes (See Table 2-12 for Definitions) Table 2-12 - System Status Codes on LCD Display & LEDs on CPU/System Controller Board’s LED Display Board.
2-36 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Remote Upgrade of ControlWave Express Firmware It is possible to download system firmwa re into an unattended remote ControlWave Express.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-37 WINDIAG program, it must not otherwise be in use. Note: CPU Switch SW2-8 must be set OFF to run the WINDIAG program.
2-38 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Figure 2-28 - LCD Display (Only) Assembly Installation Drawing Operation of the Dual-button Display/Keypad Assembly The Display will have a timeout of 20 minutes. If there has been no keypad activity for this time the display will “logout,” i.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-39 Figure 2-29 - Dual-button Display/Keypad Assembly Installation Drawing Displays are organized into screens as follows: Opening Screen: User d.
2-40 / Installation & Operation CI-ControlWave Express Figure 2-30 - 25-Button Display/Keypad Assembly Installation Drawing Display Element Screen: <Blank Line> <Blank Line> Variable Name Variable Name The Display Element screen is entered from th e list selection screen by pressing the right arrow.
CI-ControlWave Express Installation & Operation / 2-41 Automatic Mode In Automatic mode a set of screens (based on the application) are displayed. The application programmer provides strings for the opening screen. From there the firmware is responsible for displaying the screens and resp onding to key presses.
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CI-ControlWave Express Service / 3-1 Section 3 Control Wav e Express SERVICE 3.1 SERVICE INTRODUCTION This section provides general, diagnostic and test information for the ControlWave Express. The service procedures described herein will require the following equipment: 1.
3-2 / Service CI-ControlWave Express 3.2.2 Removal/Replacement of the CPU/System Controller Board & the Process I/O Board 1. Loosen the two Thumb Screws and remo ve the Removable Card Edge Cover.
CI-ControlWave Express Service / 3-3 Bulk supply voltages can be checked at TB1 using a voltmeter or multimeter. CPU/System Controller Board Assemblies are factory configur ed for use with a nominal 6Vdc or 12Vdc bulk power supply.
3-4 / Service CI-ControlWave Express Figure 3-1 - CPU/System Controller LED Board – Status LED Hexadecimal Codes (See Table 3-1 for Definitions) Table 3-1 - System Status Codes on LCD Display & LEDs on CPU/System Controller Board’s LED Display Board.
CI-ControlWave Express Service / 3-5 1 1 0 0 0 0 30 NO APP No Application Loaded 1 1 1 0 0 0 38 BREAKP Running with Break Points 1 1 1 0 1 1 3B POWERD Waiting for Power-down (after NMI) 1 1 1 1 1 0 3E UPDUMP Waiting for Updump to be Performed 1 1 1 1 1 1 3F NOTRUN Unit Crashed (Watchdog Disabled) * = Flashed at startup 3.
3-6 / Service CI-ControlWave Express S1 1 2 3 4 12 34 56 7 8 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 RJ-45 RJ-45 W3: 1-2 = Ba ttery Enabled 2-3 = Battery Disabled W2: 1-2 = COM2 CTS from Port W5: 1-2 = 12/24V Power Supply Sh.
CI-ControlWave Express Service / 3-7 Figure 3-3 - Process I/O Board Component Identification Diagram Click here to return to Table of Contents.
3-8 / Service CI-ControlWave Express Figure 3-4 - Process I/O Board Field I/O Wiring Diagram Click here to return to Table of Contents.
CI-ControlWave Express Service / 3-9 Figure 3-5 - CPU/System Controller Board Field I/O Wiring Diagram 3.4.2 Disconnecting RAM Battery The ControlWave Express RTU Lithium RAM batte ry cannot be replaced while power is on.
3-10 / Service CI-ControlWave Express • CPU/System Controller Board Switch SW 2-8 must be OFF to run the WINDIAG program. Setting SW2-8 OFF will prevent the ‘Boot Project’ from running and will place the unit into diagnostic mode.
CI-ControlWave Express Service / 3-11 Figure 3-6 – NetView - Example with Multiple Networks Figure 3-7 - WINDIAG Main Diagnostics Screen Click here to return to Table of Contents.
3-12 / Service CI-ControlWave Express 4. Select the module to be tested. Enter any pr ompted parameters (slot #, etc.). WINDIAG will perform the diagnostics and display pass/fail results. 5. After all diagnostic testing has been perfor med, exit WINDIAG program and then exit the NetView.
CI-ControlWave Express Service / 3-13 Figure 3-8 - COM1 & COM2 RS-232 Loop-back Plug/Wires Figure 3-9 - COM3 RS-232 & RS-485 Loop-back Wires Note: RS-485 Loopback can be achieved via CPU Switches SW3-1 & SW3-2 set ON 3.
3-14 / Service CI-ControlWave Express Figure 3-10 - WINDIAG’s Communications Diagnostic Menu 3.6 CORE UPDUMP In some cases a copy of the contents of S RAM and SDRAM can be uploaded to a PC for evaluation by Emerson Remote Automation Solu tions division engineers.
CI-ControlWave Express Service / 3-15 1. Set CPU/System Controller Board Switch SW2-1 OFF (Disable Watchdog Timer). If Switch SW2-4 is ON, set it to OFF (Enable Core Updump).
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CI-ControlWave Express Specifications / 4- 1 Section 4 Control Wave Express SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 CPU, MEMORY & PROGRAM INTERFACE Processor: Sharp’s LH7A400 32-bit System-on-Chip with 32-bit ARM9TD.
4-2 / Specifications CI-ControlWave Express 4.2.2 Power Supply Sequencer Specs. Signals Monitored: Input Power Sequencer Switchpoints: +3.3V Ma x. ON Switchpoint = +3.15V +3.3V Min. OFF Switchpoint = +3.00V +1.8V Max. ON Switchpoint = +1.72V +1.8V Min.
CI-ControlWave Express Specifications / 4- 3 Table 4-2 - RS-232 Ports (COM1 & 2) Connector Pin Assignments (J4 - COM1 & TB3 COM2) Located on CPU/System Controller Bd.
4-4 / Specifications CI-ControlWave Express Table 4-3 - RS-232/485 Port (COM3) Connector TB4 Pin Assignments Pin # Signal RS-232 Description: RS-232 Signals Signal RS-485 Description: RS-485 Signals 1.
CI-ControlWave Express Specifications / 4- 5 Max. Input Frequency: 10 kHz Signal conditioning: 20 microsecond Filtering. Figure 4-5 - 4-Position Pulse In put Interface Terminal Block TB5 RTD Input Note: Only Available on 14MHz CPUs RTD Type: 100-ohm platinum bulb (using the DIN 43760 curve).
4-6 / Specifications CI-ControlWave Express Figure 4-7 - Process I/O Board Edge View (Connector Identification) Click here to return to Table of Contents.
CI-ControlWave Express Specifications / 4- 7 4.3.2 Non-isolated Digital Input/Output Circuitry Specs. Non-isolated Digital Inputs Number of Inputs: 4 Fixed, 2 Selectable DI - Internally Sourced (Dry C.
4-8 / Specifications CI-ControlWave Express Input Impedance: 1 Meg ohm for 1-5V inputs 250 ohm for 4-20mA inputs Settling Time: 600 msec to within 0.1% of input signal Conversion Time: 20 usec Non-iso.
CI-ControlWave Express Specifications / 4- 9 Input Frequency: Individually switch-s electable high (10kHz Max), or low (300 Hz). SW1-1 (HSC1), SW1-2 (HSC2). Input filtering: 20 microseconds on high speed (HS) and 1 millisecond on low speed (LS). Signal Conditioning: Bandwidth limiting ON State Voltage: below 1.
4-10 / Specifications CI-ControlWave Express Figure 4-8 - Control Wave Express Dimensions Click here to return to Table of Contents.
Control Wave Express Special Instructions for Class I, Division 2 Hazardous Locations 04/24/2006 Appendix A, Document CI-ControlWave Express Page 1 of 2 1.
Control Wave Express Special Instructions for Class I, Division 2 Hazardous Locations 04/24/2006 Appendix A, Document CI-ControlWave Express Page 2 of 2 Table A1 -Module/Board Connector Customer Wiring Connectors (Continued) Module/Item Connector Wiring Notes Process I/O Board TB2: 6-pin Term.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-1 Appendix C HARDWARE INSTALLATION GUIDE Hardware Configuration There are seven (7) main steps required to conf igure a ControlWave Express. This appendix provides an overview of these steps with an em phasis on the installation and configuration of the hardware.
C-2 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express S1 1 2 34 12 3 4 56 7 8 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 RJ-45 RJ-45 W3: 1-2 = Batt ery Enabled 2-3 = Battery Disabled W2: 1-2 = COM2 CTS from Por .
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-3 Figure C-3 – Process I/O Board Component Identification Diagram Click here to return to Table of Contents.
C-4 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express Step 1. Hardware Configuration (Continued) 2. Remove the Process I/O Board and the CPU/ System Controller Board (as one assembly).
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-5 Step 1. Hardware Configuration (Continued) 3. Make sure that the Lithium Backup Batte ry has been enabled, i.e., Backup Battery Jumper W3 on the CPU/System Controller Assembly should be installed on jumper posts 1-2).
C-6 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express COM6 of a ControlWaveEXP, the cable of Figure C-4D must be used along with the one of Figure C-4A or C-4B.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-7 Step 1. Hardware Configuration (Continued) Tables C-4A through C-4C provide the co nnector pin assignments for the Comm.
C-8 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express Step 1. Hardware Configuration (Continued) RS-485 Ports ControlWave Express RTUs can use an RS-485 communication port for local network communications to multiple nodes up to 4000 feet away.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-9 a one-to-one wiring configuration as show n in Figure C-7. Table C-6 provides the assignments and definitions of the 8-pin 10/100Base-T connector. It is possible to connect two nodes in a point- to-point configuration without the use of a Hub.
C-10 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express Step 1. Hardware Configuration (Continued) 5. Install I/O wiring to the Process I/O Board and CPU/System Controller Board (see Figures C-11 and C-12 and Section 2.3.4 if required).
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-11 Step 1. Hardware Configuration (Continued) Up to two (2) Model 3808 Transmitters can be connected to a ControlWave Express via a half duplex RS-485 Network. An illustration of this network is provided in Figure C- 10.
C-12 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express Figure C-12 – Process I/O Board Field I/O Wiring Diagrams Click here to return to Table of Contents.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-13 Step 1. Hardware Configuration (Continued) 6. Install a ground wire between the Enclos ure/Chassis and a known good Earth Ground. ControlWave Express Enclosures are not prov ided with a Ground Lug.
C-14 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express subsequently start ControlWave Designer, it will operate only in ‘DEMO’ mode, and will limit the available system resources. IMPORTANT: When you start ControlWave Designer, you will be reminded to register the software.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-15 On the variables declaration page(s) in Con trolWave Designer, you will need to mark any variable you want to make accessible to exter nal programs, such as Open BSI’s DataView utility, as “PDD” .
C-16 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express the ControlWave Express is reset, or if there has been a failure of the backup battery, the control strategy can be restarted from th e beginning, i.e. from the BOOT project in FLASH memory.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide / C-17 IDLE (Red) - the CPU has free time at the end of its execution cycle and may be overloaded TX1, TX2, TX3 (Red) - transmit activit.
C-18 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide CI-ControlWave Express (See Table C-7 for Definitions) Table C-7 - System Status Codes on LCD Display & LEDs on CPU/System Controller Board’s LED Board. LED 6 STA6 LED 5 STA5 LED 4 STA4 LED 3 STA3 LED 2 STA2 LED 1 STA1 Status In Hex LCD Disp. Instruction Manual CI-ControlWave Express Oct., 2006 Control Wave Ex p ress ControlWave Express DISPLAY/KEYPAD ASSEMBLY - GUIDE Appendix E Click here to return to Table .
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix E – Display/Keypad Contents / 0 - 1 APPENDIX E Control Wave Express Display/Keypad Assembly Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE # E1.1 OVERVIEW ..................................................................
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix E - Display/Keypad / E - 1 Appendix E DISPLAY/KEYPAD ASSEMBLY GUIDE E1.1 OVERVIEW Bristol Display/Keypad assemblies provide a built-in, local, user interface for the Co.
E - 2 / Appendix E - Display/5x5Keypad CI-ControlWave Express Display/Keypad Assemblies are supported by Automatic Mode and Manual Mode . Automatic Mode In Automatic Mode a set of screens (based on the application load) are displayed. The application programmer provides strings for the opening screen.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix E - Display/Keypad / E - 3 Figure 2 - ACCOL3 DISPLAY Function Block Parameters E3.1 PREPARING THE ControlWave PROJECT In order for the keypad and display to oper ate, the ControlWave Designer project must include a properly configured Display Function Block.
E - 4 / Appendix E - Display/5x5Keypad CI-ControlWave Express Figure 3 - Creating the Identifier Message Step 2: Defining a Scroll List Once the Keypad is operating properly, yo u can automatically scroll through a list of variables created via DISPLAY Functi on Block Parameters iiList2Scroll and iiListMode .
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix E - Display/Keypad / E - 5 Note 1 : If your display shows something else, press the [F4] key until you see the words Login and Scroll on the bottom line.
E - 6 / Appendix E - Display/5x5Keypad CI-ControlWave Express formation will appear on the screen and remain there for 1 to 30 seconds (default = 2). The variable name appears on the first line. The variable value appears on the second line and status information appears on the third line.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix E - Display/Keypad / E - 7 If your password is not recognized, the asterisks will be erased after you press [ENTER]. Check your password and try again. Figure 7 - Logging On Once the correct password has been entered, the display will look like Figure 7C.
E - 8 / Appendix E - Display/5x5Keypad CI-ControlWave Express The current time is shown in the form of hours:minutes:seconds. Figure 8 - Clock Display E4.1.3.1 Changing the Time From the display shown in Figure 8, press Time [F2]. Colons (:) will appear on the third line.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix E - Display/Keypad / E - 9 E4.1.4 Choosing a Variable List from the List Menu The List Menu is another area where variable information can be seen. As explained earlier in this section, your first opportunity to read variable information is by choosing the SCROLL function from the Initial Display.
E - 10 / Appendix E - Display/5x5Keypad CI-ControlWave Express time, you must first log-off and then lo g-on using the correct password. See your Systems Engineer for the correct password. Before making any changes, first check the sig nal inhibit status field (See Figure 12).
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix E - Display/Keypad / E - 11 Notes for Figure 12 1. Variable Name (Example 1: @GV.FLOW_ RATE) (Example 2: @GV.TOTAL_FLOW_RATE) 2. Value - analog value, string value, or logical value. Values which cannot fit in this field will be shown as asterisks.
E - 12 / Appendix E - Display/5x5Keypad CI-ControlWave Express 1) String SITE_NAME WEST SUNBURY PUMP STATION CE ME 2) Analog TOTAL_FLOW_RATE 1260.578 CE MI 3) Logical FLOW_ALARM OFF CE MI AE NA E4.1.7 Signing-Off Once you have logged-on, use the [INIT] key at any time to log-off.
CI-ControlWave Express Appendix E - Display/Keypad / E - 13 E5.1 KEYPAD IDENTIFICATION & INSTALLATION INFO. Figure 14 - 25-Button Display/Keyp ad Assembly Installation Drawing Click here to return.
E - 14 / Appendix E - Display/5x5Keypad CI-ControlWave Express Figure 15 - 25 Button Keypad Table 1 - 25 Button Keypad Keys KEY FUNCTION F1, F2, F3, F4 Function keys will take on a variety of different functions depending on the situation. The function of these keys is lis ted on the legend line (bottom line) of the display.
02/4/09 Appendix Z - CI-ControlWave Express MSDS Sources for Obtaining Material Safety Data Sheets This device includes certain components or materials which may be hazardous if misused. For details on these hazards, please contact the manufacturer for the most recent material safety data sheet.
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SITE CONSIDERA TIONS For EQUIPMENT INST ALLA TION, GROUNDING & WIRING Bristol Babcock Supplement Guide - S1400CW Issue: 04/05 A Guide for the Protection of Site Equipment & P ersonnel In the I.
NOTICE Copyright Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to supply complete and accurate inform ation. However, Bristol Babcock assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
Supplement S1400CW Page 0-2 Table Of Co ntents Supplement Guide S1400CW SITE CONSIDERATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION, GROUNDING & WIRING TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE # S e ct i o n 5 - W IRING T ECHNIQUES (C o n t i nue d ) 5.2.2 U se of Tw isted Shielded Pair Wi ring (with Over all Insulation).
Section 1 - O verview Page 1-1 S1400CW Section 1 - Overview 1.1 INTRODUCTION This document provides inf ormation pertaining to the instal lation of Control Wave systems; mor e specifically, information co vering rea sons, theory and techniques fo r protecting your personnel and equipment fr om electr ical da mage.
Section 2 - Pro tectio n Page 2-1 S1400CW Section 2 - Protection 2.1 PROTECTING IN STRUMEN T SYSTEMS Electrical in stru mentation is susce ptible to damage from a variety o f natural and man made phenomena.
S1400CW Page 2-2 Section 2 - Protec tion 2.2.1 Consideration s For T he Protection of Personnel Always evaluate the si te environm ent as if yo ur li fe depended on it. Mak e sure that you understand the physi cal nature of the location where you will be working .
Section 2 - Pro tectio n Page 2-3 S1400CW Table 2-2 - Equipment Protect ion Site Safety Evaluation G uide (Continu ed) # Guide Reference Section 6 Is there an antenna i n the immediat e area? See S ection 4. 1.2 7 How close is other eq uipment? Can someone sa fely touch this equipment a nd a Control Wave simu ltaneou sly? See Secti on 2.
Section 3 - Grounding & Isola tion Page 3-1 S1400CW Section 3 - Grounding & Isolation 3.1 POWER & GROUND SYSTEMS Control Waves utilize DC power systems.
S1400CW Page 3-2 Section 3 - Grounding & I solation not be suitable for a complex system of sophis ticated electronic equipment. Conditions such as soil type, composition and moisture will all have a bearing on ground reliabilit y.
Section 3 - Grounding & Isola tion Page 3-3 S1400CW ground has been established, it should be tested on a regular basis to preser ve system integrity. Figure 3-2 - Basic Ground Bed Soil Test Setup Figure 3-3 - Basic Ground Bed Soil Test Setup with Additional Ground Rods Figure 3-2 shows the test setup for ‘Good Soil’ conditions.
S1400CW Page 3-4 Section 3 - Grounding & I solation Megger reads more than 10 ohms, the ground is considered ‘poor.’ If a poor ground is indicated, one or more additional ground ro ds connecte.
Section 3 - Grounding & Isola tion Page 3-5 S1400CW Figure 3-5 - Poor Soil Ground Bed Construction Diagram 3.3.2 Ground Wire Considerations Control Wave, Cont rol Wave MICRO , Control Wave EFM/ GF.
S1400CW Page 3-6 Section 3 - Grounding & I solation Ground, it is recommended that the unit’s Chassis Ground Terminal be connected to a conductive mounting panel or plate, a user su pplied Ground Lug or a user supplied Ground Bus. The panel, lug or bus in turn must be connected to a known good Earth Ground via a #4 AWG wire.
Section 3 - Grounding & Isola tion Page 3-7 S1400CW For applications employing equipment that co mmunicates over telephone lines, a lightning arrester Must B e provided. For indoor equipment the lig htning arrester must be installed at the point where the communication line enters the building as shown in Figure 3-6.
S1400CW Page 3-8 Section 3 - Grounding & I solation grounded to the pipeline. If any pressure tr ansmitters or pulse transducers are remotely mounted, connect their chassis grounds to the pipeline or earth ground. Figure 3-8 - Control Wave EFM (Installation is similar to GFC/XFC) Remote Installation without Cathodic Protection 3.
Section 3 - Grounding & Isola tion Page 3-9 S1400CW • all conductive tubing that runs between the pipeline and mounting valve manifold and/or the units multivariable pressure transducer • all .
S1400CW Page 3-10 Section 3 - G rounding & Isolation See BBI Specification Summary F1670SS-0a for information on PGI Direct Mount Systems and Manifolds.
Section 4 - Lightning & Surge Page 4-1 S1400CW Section 4 - Lightning Arresters & Surge Protectors 4.1 STROKES & STRIKES Lightning takes the form of a pulse that typically has a 2 µS rise and a 10 µS to 40 µS decay to a 50% level. The IEEE standard is an 8 µS by 20 µS waveform.
S1400CW Page 4-2 Section 4 - Lightning & Surge Thunderstorms are cloud formations that produce lightning strikes (or strokes). Across the United States there is an average of 30 thund erstorm days per year. Any given storm may produce from one to several strokes.
Section 4 - Lightning & Surge Page 4-3 S1400CW modem has been interfaced to a Control Wav e, Control Wave MICRO , Control Wave EFM/GFC/XFC , Cont rol Wave LP , or Control Wave EXP the possibility of damage due to a lightning strike on power or telephone lines or to a radio antenna or the antenna’s tower must be considered.
S1400CW Page 4-4 Section 4 - Lightning & Surge Figure 4-2 - Radio Antenna Field In stallation Site Grounding Diagram For all systems it is best to have all communi cation equipment input/output grounds tied together.
Section 4 - Lightning & Surge Page 4-5 S1400CW communication equipment lightning arresters and surge suppressors should be tied to the same system ground. System ground consists of the tower leg grounds utility ground and bulkhead-equipment ground-stakes that ar e tied together via bare copper wire.
S1400CW Page 4-6 Section 4 - Lightning & Surge i Watch out for dissimilar metals connections and coat acco rdingly. i Use bare wire radials together where possibl e with ground sta kes to reduce ground system impedance. i Use I/O protectors (Phone line, Radio) with a low inductance pat h to the ground system.
Section 5 - Wiring Techniques Page 5-1 S1400CW Section 5 - Wiring Techniques 5.1 OVERVIEW This section provides information pertaining to good wiring practices. Installation of Power and “Measurement & Control” wiring is di scussed. Information on obscure problems, circulating ground and power loops, bad relays , etc.
S1400CW Page 5-2 Section 5 - Wiring Techniques Figure 5-1 - Field Wired Circuits With & Without A Common Return 5.2.2 Use of Twisted Shielded Pair Wiring (with Overall Insulation) For all field I/O wiring the use of twisted shielded pairs with overall insulation is highly recommended.
Section 5 - Wiring Techniques Page 5-3 S1400CW 5.2.3 Grounding of Cable Shields DO NOT connect the cable shield to more than on e ground point; it should only be grounded at one end.
S1400CW Page 5-4 Section 5 - Wiring Techniques Remember loose connections, bad connections, intermittent connections, corroded connec- tions, etc., are hard to find, waste time, create system problems and confusion in addition to being costly.
Section 5 - Wiring Techniques Page 5-5 S1400CW Discharge Units should be placed on the base of the antenna and at the point where the antenna lead (typically coax) enters the site equipment building. When a modem is used, a lightning arrester should be placed at the point where the phone line enters the site equipment building.
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U.S.A. Locations: Northern Region Bristol Babcock Inc. 1100 Buckingham Street Watertown, CT 06795 Phone: +1 (860) 945-2381 Fax: +1 (860) 945-2525 Gulf Coast Region Bristol Babcock Inc. 2000 Governor's Circle Suite F Houston, TX 77092-8731 Phone: +1 (713) 685-6200 Fax: +1 (713) 681-7331 SouthwestUS@bristolbabcock.
ESDS Ma n ual S14006 4/15/92 CARE AND HANDLING OF PC B O ARDS AND E SD-SENSITIVE COMPONENTS BRISTOL BABCOCK Click here to return to Table of Contents.
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1 ESDS Manual S14006 4/15/92 T ABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TOOLS AND MATERIALS REQUIRED 1 ESD-SENSITIVE COMPONENT HANDLING PROCEDURE 2 1. Introduction 2 2. General Rules 3 3. Protecting ESD-Sensitive Components 5 4. Static-Safe Field Procedure 6 5. Cleaning and Lubricating 8 6.
2 ESDS Manual #S14006 4/15/92 2. Materials ● ● ● ● ● Inhibitor (Texwipe Gold Mist ; Chemtronics Gold Guard, or equivalent) ● ● ● ● ● Cleaner (Chemtronics Electro-Wash; Freon TF, or equivalent) ● ● ● ● ● Wiping cloth (Kimberly-Clark Kim Wipes, or equivalent) ESD-SENSITIVE COMPONENT HANDLING PROCEDURE 1.
3 ESDS Manual S14006 4/15/92 Table 1 Typical Electrostatic Voltages Electrostatic Voltages Means of Static 10-20 Percent 65-90 Percent Generation Relative Humidity Relative Humidity Walking across car.
4 ESDS Manual #S14006 4/15/92 (6) It is important to note when inserting EPROMS/PROMS, that the index notch on the PROM must be matched with the index notch on the socket. Before pushing the chip into the socket, make sure all the pins are aligned with the respective socket-holes.
5 ESDS Manual S14006 4/15/92 CA UTION Don't place ESD-sensitive components and paperwork in the same bag. The static caused by sliding the paper into the bag could develop a charge and damage the component(s). (9) Include a note, which describes the malfunction, in a separate bag along with each component being shipped.
6 ESDS Manual #S14006 4/15/92 Note : If a system checker is not available, use an ohmmeter connected to the cable ends to measure its resistance. The ohmmeter reading should be 1 megohm +/- 15% . Be sure that the calibration date of the ohmmeter has not expired.
7 ESDS Manual S14006 4/15/92 (7) The components can now be handled following the general rules as described in the instruction manual for the component.
8 ESDS Manual #S14006 4/15/92 (9) If a component is to undergo on-site testing, it may be safely placed on the grounded work surface for that purpose. (10) After all component work is accomplished, remove the wrist straps and ground wire and place in the pouch of the work surface for future use.
9 ESDS Manual S14006 4/15/92 (2) Clean PC board connectors as follows: a. Review the static-safe field procedure detailed earlier. b. Following the ESD-sensitive component handling procedures, remove the connectors from the boards and remove the PC boards from their holders.
10 ESDS Manual #S14006 4/15/92 d. Spray the connector liberally to flush out any contaminants. e. Remove any excess spray by shaking the connector or wiping with either a toothbrush, or a lint-free wiping cloth. 6. Completion (1) Replace any parts that were removed.
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Customer Instruction Manual CI-ControlWave Express February, 2009 Bristol ControlWave Express (Remote Terminal Unit) NOTICE “Remote Automation Solutions (“RAS”), division of Emerson Process Management shall not be liabl e for technical or editorial errors in this manual or omissions from this manual.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Emerson Process Management 3808 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Emerson Process Management 3808 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Emerson Process Management 3808 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Emerson Process Management 3808 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Emerson Process Management 3808, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Emerson Process Management 3808.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Emerson Process Management 3808. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Emerson Process Management 3808 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.